Minotaur PDF
Minotaur PDF
Minotaur PDF
User's Guide
March 2002
Release 1.0
This Minotaur User's Guide is intended to familiarize potential space launch vehicle users with the
Minotaur launch system, its capabilities and its associated services. The launch services described
herein are available for US Government sponsored missions via the United States Air Force (USAF)
Space and Missile Systems Center, Detachment 12, Rocket Systems Launch Program (RSLP).
Readers desiring further information on Minotaur should contact the USAF OSP Program Office:
Additional copies of this User's Guide and Technical information may also be requested from
Orbital at:
Business Development
Orbital Sciences Corporation
Launch Systems Group
3380 S. Price Road
Chandler, AZ 85248
1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1-1
Figure 5-1 Payload Fairing Dynamic Envelope with 38 in (97 cm) Diameter
Payload Interface ............................................................................................ 5-2
Figure 5-2 Payload Fairing Access Door Placement Zone ................................................. 5-3
Figure 5-3 Non-Separable Payload Mechanical Interface .................................................. 5-4
Figure 5-4 38 in (97 cm) Separable Payload Interface ...................................................... 5-6
Figure 5-5 23 in (59 cm) Separable Payload Interface ...................................................... 5-7
Figure 5-6 17 in (43 cm) Separable Payload Interface ...................................................... 5-8
Figure 5-7 Payload Separation Velocities Using the Standard
Separation System ............................................................................................ 5-9
Figure 5-8 Vehicle/Spacecraft Electrical Connectors and Associated
Electrical Harnesses ......................................................................................... 5-9
Figure 5-9 Payload Mass Properties Measurement Tolerance .......................................... 5-10
Figure 6-1 OSP Management Structure .............................................................................. 6-1
Figure 6-2 Typical Minotaur Mission Integration Schedule ................................................ 6-3
Figure 8-1 Softride for Small Satellites (SRSS) Payload Isolation System ............................. 8-1
Figure 8-2 Optional 61 in. Diameter Fairing ..................................................................... 8-2
Figure 9-1 Typical Load Bearing Spacecraft Configuration .............................................. 9-1
Figure 9-2 JAWSAT Multiple Payload Adapter Load Bearing Spacecraft ......................... 9-2
Figure 9-3 Five Bay Multiple Payload Adapter Concept .................................................. 9-2
Figure 9-4 Dual Payload Attach Fitting Configuration ...................................................... 9-3
Figure B-1 Typical Minotaur Payload Electrical Interface Block Diagram ....................... B-2
OSP Orbital Suborbital Program SMC Space and Missile Systems Center
STA Station
TLV Target Launch Vehicle
TML Total Mass Loss
TVC Thrust Vector Control
UDS Universal Documentation System
UFS Ultimate Factory of Safety
USAF United States Air Force
V/M Volts per Meter
VAB Vehicle Assembly Building
VAFB Vandenberg Air Force Base
W Watt
WFF Wallops Flight Facility
WP Work Package
YFS Yield Factor of Safety
through the combined efforts of the USAF and Minotaur mission integration process completely
Orbital, along with associate contractors including identifies, documents, and verifies all spacecraft
TRW and Commercial Spaceports. The primary and mission requirements. This provides a solid
customer interface will be with the USAF Space basis for initiating and streamlining the integration
and Missile Systems Center, Detachment 12, process for future Minotaur customers.
Rocket Systems Launch Program (RSLP),
designated SMC Det 12/RP. Orbital is the launch 2.3. Minotaur Launch Vehicle
vehicle provider. For brevity, this integrated The Minotaur vehicle, shown in expanded
team effort will be referred to as “OSP”. Where view in Figure 2-2, is a four stage, inertially
interfaces are directed toward a particular member guided, all solid propellant ground launched
of the team, they will be referred to directly (i.e. vehicle. Conservative design margins, state-of-
“Orbital” or “SMC Det 12/RP”). the-art structural systems, a modular avionics
architecture, and simplified integration and test
OSP provides all of the necessary capability, yield a robust, highly reliable launch
hardware, software and services to integrate, test vehicle design. In addition, Minotaur payload
and launch a satellite into its prescribed orbit. In accommodations and interfaces have been
addition, OSP will complete all the required designed to satisfy a wide range of potential
agreements, licenses and documentation to payload requirements.
successfully conduct Minotaur operations. All
Minotaur production and integration processes 2.3.1. Lower Stack Assembly
and procedures have been demonstrated and are The Lower Stack Assembly (LSA) consists
in place for future Minotaur missions. The of the refurbished Government Furnished
Equipment (GFE) Minuteman Stages 1 and 2. subsystems, the LSE, and the payload, if required,
Only minor modifications are made to the utilizing standard RS-422 serial links and discrete
boosters, including harness interface changes. I/O. The Minotaur design incorporates Orbital’s
Modular Avionics Control Hardware (MACH) to
The first stage consists of the Minuteman provide power transfer, data acquisition,
II M55A1 solid propellant motor, Nozzle Control Minuteman booster interfaces, and ordnance
Units (NCU), Stage 1 Ignition Safe/Arm, S1/S2 initiation. MACH has exhibited 100% reliability
Interstage and Stage 1 FTS. Four gimbaled nozzles on OSP SLV and Target Launch Vehicle (TLV)
provide three axis control during first stage burn. flights and several of Orbital’s suborbital launch
The Second stage consists of a refurbished vehicles. In addition, the Minotaur telemetry
Minuteman II SR19 motor, Liquid Injection Thrust system has been upgraded to provide up to 2
Vector Control subsystem (LITVC), S2 ignition Mbps of real-time vehicle data with dedicated
safe/arm device, a Roll Control System (RCS), and bandwidth and channels reserved for payload
the Stage 2 FTS components. Attitude control use.
during second stage burn is provided by the
operational LITVC and hot gas roll control. A Attitude Control Systems –– The Minotaur
Rate Gyro Unit (RGU) is installed on the outer Attitude Control System (ACS) provides three-
skin of the SR19 to enhance the vehicle control axis attitude control throughout boosted flight
and increase launch availability. and coast phases. Stages 1 and 2 utilize the
Minuteman Thrust Vector Control (TVC) systems.
2.3.2. Upper Stack Assembly The Stage 1 TVC is a four-nozzle hydraulic system,
The Minotaur Upper Stack is composed while the Stage 2 system combines liquid
of Stages 3 and 4 which are the Alliant injection for pitch and yaw control with hot gas
TechSystems Orion 50XL and 38 SRMs, roll control. Stages 3 and 4 utilize the same TVC
respectively. These motors were originally systems as Pegasus and Taurus. They combine
developed for Orbital’s Pegasus program and single-nozzle electromechanical TVC for pitch
have been adapted for use on the ground- and yaw control with a three-axis cold-gas
launched Minotaur vehicle. Common design attitude control system resident in the avionics
features, materials and production techniques section providing roll control.
are applied to both motors to maximize reliability
and production efficiency. The motors are fully Attitude control is achieved using a three-
flight qualified based on their heritage, design axis autopilot that employs Proportional-Integral-
conservatism, ground static fires and over thirty
successful flights. Processing of the Minotaur
Upper Stack is conducted at the same processing
facility as Pegasus, directly applying the
integration and testing experience of Pegasus to
the Minotaur system (Figure 2-3).
Derivative (PID) control. Stages 1 and 2 fly a pre- With the addition of a structural adapter,
programmed attitude profile based on trajectory either fairing can accommodate multiple
design and optimization. Stage 3 uses a set of pre- payloads. This feature, described in more detail
programmed orbital parameters to place the vehicle in Section 9.0 of this User’s Guide, permits two or
on a trajectory toward the intended insertion apse. more smaller payloads to share the cost of a
The extended coast between Stages 3 and 4 is used Minotaur launch, resulting in a lower launch cost
to orient the vehicle to the appropriate attitude for for each as compared to other launch options.
Stage 4 ignition based upon a set of pre-programmed
2.4. Launch Support Equipment
orbital parameters and the measured performance
The Minotaur LSE is designed to be
of the first three stages. Stage 4 utilizes energy readily adaptable to varying launch site
management to place the vehicle into the proper configurations with minimal unique
orbit. After the final boost phase, the three-axis cold- infrastructure required. The EGSE consists of
gas attitude control system is used to orient the readily transportable consoles that can be
vehicle for spacecraft separation, contamination housed in various facility configurations
and collision avoidance and downrange downlink depending on the launch site infrastructure. The
maneuvers. The autopilot design is modular, so EGSE is composed of two primary functional
additional payload requirements such as rate control elements: Launch Control and Vehicle Interface
or celestial pointing can be accommodated with (Figure 2-4). The Launch Control consoles are
minimal additional development. located in a LCR, depending on available launch
site accommodations. The Vehicle Interface
Telemetry Subsystem –– The Minotaur EGSE is located in structures near the pad,
typically called a Support Equipment Building
telemetry subsystem provides real-time health
(SEB). Fiber optic connections from the Launch
and status data of the vehicle avionics system, as
Control to the Vehicle Interface consoles are
well as key information regarding the position, used for efficient, high bandwidth
performance and environment of the Minotaur communications and to minimize the amount of
vehicle. This data may be used by Orbital and the cabling required. The Vehicle Interface racks
range safety personnel to evaluate system provide the junction from fiber optic cables to
performance. The minimum data rate is 750 kbps, the copper cabling interfacing with the vehicle.
but the system is capable of data rates up to 2 Mbps.
The LCR serves as the control center
Payload Fairings –– The baseline Minotaur during the launch countdown. The number of
fairing is identical to the Pegasus fairing design. personnel that can be accommodated are
However, due to differences in vehicle loads and dependent on the launch site facilities. At a
environments, the Minotaur implementation minimum, the LCR will accommodate Orbital
allows a larger payload envelope. The Minotaur personnel controlling the vehicle, two Range
payload fairing consists of two composite shell Safety representatives (ground and flight safety),
halves, a nose cap integral to a shell half, and a and the Air Force Mission Manager. A typical
layout is shown in Figure 2-5. Mission-unique,
separation system. Each shell half is composed of
customer-supplied payload consoles and
a cylinder and ogive sections.
equipment can be supported in the LCR and
SEB, within the constraints of the launch site
Options for payload access doors and facilities or temporary structure facilities.
enhanced cleanliness are available. A larger 61 Interface to the payload through the Minotaur
inch diameter (OD) fairing is also in development payload umbilicals and land lines provides the
and is available for future missions. Further details capability for direct monitoring of payload
on the baseline fairing are included in Section 5.1 functions. Payload personnel accommodations
and for the larger fairing in Section 8.1. will be handled on a mission-specific basis.
Monitor Console
Data Reduction
Support Equipment Building
Limit Checking
Flight Computer
Console Power
Power Control
Console Arming/
Data Display
Payload I/F
FTS Control
Kodiak Island, AK CENTER
Wallops Island, VA
• Commercial Launch Sites
at NASA's Wallops Flight
Vandenberg AFB, CA
Patrick AFB, FL
• Government Launch Sites
• Government Launch Sites
• California Spaceport SSI CLF
• Spaceport Florida
Circular Orbit
1000 Elliptical Orbit (Perigee = 100NM)
Apogee Altitude (NM)
99 90 80 72
200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Payload (lbm) TM14025_062a
Circular Orbit
1000 Elliptical Orbit (Perigee = 100NM)
Apogee Altitude (NM)
80 75 70 65
200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Payload (lbm) TM14025_063a
Circular Orbit
1000 Elliptical Orbit (Perigee = 100NM)
Apogee Altitude (NM)
35 28. 5
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400
Payload (lbm) TM14025_064a
Circular Orbit
1000 Elliptical Orbit (Perigee = 100NM)
Apogee Altitude (NM)
100 50 45 38
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400
Payload (lbm) TM14025_065a
Stage 1
Latitude (deg)
Stage 2
Stage 3
180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100
Longitude (deg) TM14025_066
Figure 3-7. Stage Impact Points for Typical Sun-Synchronous Launch From VAFB
Supersonic/ Balance of S2 S2 S3 S3 S4
Item Liftoff Transonic Max Q S1 Burn Ignition Burn Ignition Burn Burn
Typical Flight 3 sec 17 sec 30 sec 10 sec N/A 70 sec N/A 70 sec 70 sec
Steady State Loads Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
Transient Loads Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No
Acoustics Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No
Random Vibration Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
Figure 4-1. Phasing of Dynamic Loading Events
During powered flight, the maximum liminary design purposes, Orbital can provide
steady state accelerations are dependent on the preliminary Center-of-Gravity (CG) netloads
payload mass. The maximum level can po- given a payload’s mass properties, CG loca-
tentially occur in either Stage 3 or 4 burn. Fig- tion and bending frequencies.
ure 4-3 depicts the axial acceleration at burn-
out for each stage as a function of payload
4.1.1. Optional Payload Isolation System
OSP offers a flight-proven payload load
isolation system as a non-standard service.
During upper stage burnout, prior to
This mechanical isolation system has demon-
staging, the transient loads are relatively be-
strated the capability to significantly alleviate
nign. There are significant transient loads that
the transient dynamic loads that occur during
occur at both Stage 2 and Stage 3 ignition.
flight. The isolation system can provide relief
During the transient portion of these ignition
to both the overall payload center of gravity
events, the steady state axial loads are rela-
loads and component or subsystem responses.
tively nonexistent.
Typically the system will reduce transient loads
to approximately 50% of the level they would
As dynamic response is largely governed
be without the system. In addition, the system
by payload characteristics, a mission specific
generally reduces shock and vibration levels
Coupled Loads Analysis (CLA) will be per-
transmitted between the vehicle and space-
formed, with customer provided finite element
craft. The exact results can be expected to vary
models of the payload, in order to provide more
for each particular spacecraft and with loca-
precise load predictions. Results will be refer-
tion on the spacecraft. The isolation system
enced in the mission specific ICD. For pre-
3-Sigma High Maximum Axial Acceleration (G's)
7.0 S4
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 kg
Figure 4-3. Minotaur 3-Sigma High Maximum Acceleration as a Function of Payload Weight
SRS (G's)
The in-flight random vibration curve
shown in Figure 4-4 encompasses all flight vi- 200
bration environments. 100 (100, 55)
1e-1 50
(100, 51) Separating Shock
Breakpoints Non-Separating Shock
Frequency PSD 20
(Hz) (g2/Hz)
20 0.002 100 200 300 500 1K 2K 3K 5K 10K
60 0.004
300 0.004 Frequency (Hz) TM14025_052
PSD (g2/Hz)
800 0.012
1000 0.012
1e-2 2000 0.002 Figure 4-5. Maximum Shock Environment -
3.5344 gRMS
60 Sec Duration Launch Vehicle to Payload
10 100 1000 10000
Frequency (Hz) TM14025_069 1e+3
PSD (g2/Hz)
on-orbit load, including all uncertainties.
b. Design Yield Load — The Design Limit
Load multiplied by the recommended
Yield Factor of Safety (YFS) indicated in
Figure 4-8. The payload structure must
have sufficient strength to withstand simul-
taneously the yield loads, applied tem-
perature, and other accompanying envi-
ronmental phenomena for each design
condition without experiencing detrimen-
tal yielding or permanent deformation.
10 100 1000 10000
c. Design Ultimate Load — The Design Limit
Frequency (Hz) Load multiplied by the recommended Ul-
Breakpoints Breakpoints Cont'd timate Factor of Safety (UFS) indicated in
Natural Natural Figure 4-8. The payload structure must
Frequency SPL (dB- Frequency SPL (dB-
(Hz) re:2.9e-9psi) (Hz) re:2.9e-9psi)
have sufficient strength to withstand simul-
20 113 500 128.6 taneously the ultimate loads, applied tem-
25 118 630 128 perature, and other accompanying envi-
32 123 800 126.3
40 123.8 1000 124.7
ronmental phenomena without experienc-
50 124.7 1250 123 ing any fracture or other failure mode of
63 125.5 1600 121.3 the structure.
80 126.3 2000 119.7
100 127.2 2500 118
125 128 3150 116.3 Design Factor of Safety
160 128.8 4000 114.7 Design and on Limit Loads
200 129.7 5000 113 Test Options Yield Ultimate Level
250 130.5 6300 111.3 (YFS) (UFS)
315 129.9 8000 109.7
400 129.3 10,000 108 Dedicated Test Article 1.00 1.25 UFS
a. Structural Integrity — Static loads, sine The payload organization must provide
vibration, or other tests should be per- Orbital with a list of the tests and test levels to
formed that combine to encompass the which the payload was subjected prior to pay-
acceleration load environment pre- load arrival at the integration facility.
sented in Section 4.1.
b. Random Vibration — The flight level 4.6. Thermal and Humidity Environments
environment is defined in Figure 4-4. The thermal and humidity environment
Recommended test levels are defined to which the payload may be exposed during
in Figure 4-4. vehicle processing and pad operations are de-
c. Acoustics — Depending on the pay- fined in the sections that follow and listed in
load configuration, the payload or- Figure 4-10.
ganization may elect to perform
acoustic testing on the payload, or 4.6.1. Ground Operations
sub-sections of the payload, in addi- The payload environment will be main-
tion to, or in-lieu of, random vibra- tained by the Ground or Pad Air Conditioning
tion testing. The acoustic levels are Systems (GACS or PACS). The GACS provides
defined in Figure 4-7. conditioned air to the payload in the Vehicle
Assembly Building (VAB) after fairing integra-
Test tion. The PACS is used at the launch pad after
Test Type Purpose Test Level vehicle stacking operations. Air Conditioning
Random Vibration: the Qualification Flight Limit Level + 6dB (AC) is not provided during transport or lifting
Flight Limit Level Is
Acceptance Flight Limit Level
operations without the enhanced option that
Characterized in
Figure 4-4 Protoflight Flight Limit Level + 3dB
includes High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA)
filtration. The conditioned air enters the fairing
Figure 4-9. Recommended Payload Testing at a location forward of the payload, exits aft of
Requirements the payload and is provided up to 5 minutes prior
PACS (Ground) PLF Inlet PLF Inlet Filtered AC (Note 2) 100 K (M6.5)
13 - 29 55 - 85 Filtered AC
1. GSE AC Performance is Dependent Upon Ambient Conditions. Temperature Is Selectable and Controlled to Within ±4 ˚F
(±2 ˚C) of Set Point. Resultant Relative Humidity is Maintained to 45 ±15%.
2. PACS Performance is Dependent Upon Ambient Conditions (Dew Point). Temperature is Selectable and Controlled Within
±4 ˚F (±2 ˚C) of Set Point. Resultant Relative Humidity is Maintained to 45 ±15%.
3. Class 10K (M5.5) Can Be Provided Inside the VAB Clean Tent and at the Payload Fairing Air-Conditioning Inlet on a Mission
Specific Basis As a Non-Standard Service.
4. Temperature Control During Transport and Lifting Ops Available as a Non-Standard Service.
to launch. Baffles are provided at the air condi- of the payload. As a non-standard service, a low
tioning inlet to reduce impingement velocities emissivity coating can be applied to reduce
on the payload if required. emissivity to less than 0.1. Interior surfaces aft
of the payload interface will be maintained at
Fairing inlet conditions are selected by the less than 250 °F (121 °C). Figure 4-11 shows
customer, and are bounded as follows: the worst case transient temperature profile of
• Dry Bulb Temperature: 55-85 °F the inner fairing surface adjacent to the pay-
(13-29 °C) controllable to ±4 °F (±2 °C) load during powered flight.
of setpoint;
• Dew Point Temperature: 38-62 °F This temperature limit envelopes the
(3-17 °C) maximum temperature of any component inside
• Relative Humidity: determined by drybulb the payload fairing with a view factor to the
and dewpoint temperature selections and payload with the exception of the Stage 4 mo-
generally controlled to within ±15%. tor. The maximum Stage 4 motor surface tem-
Relative humidity is bound by the psy- perature exposed to the payload will not ex-
chrometric chart and will be controlled ceed 350 °F (177 °C), assuming no shielding be-
such that the dew point within the fairing tween the aft end of the payload and the for-
is never reached. ward dome of the motor assembly. Whether this
temperature is attained prior to payload separa-
4.6.2. Powered Flight tion is dependent upon mission timeline.
The maximum fairing inside wall tem-
perature will be maintained at less than 200 °F The fairing peak vent rate is typically less
(93 °C), with an emissivity of 0.92 in the region than 0.6 psi/sec. Fairing deployment will be
140 300
Temperature (˚C)
Temperature (˚F)
60 150
0 25 50 75 100 125 150
Flight Time (Sec)
• Data Analytically Derived (Using Flight-Verified Models)
• Worst Case Heating Profile (Hot Trajectory)
• Fairing Inner Surface Temperature in Payload Region TM14025_053a
initiated at a time in flight that the maximum load processing activities up to fairing encap-
dynamic pressure is less than 0.01 psf. sulation. The soft walled clean room and
anteroom(s) utilize HEPA filter units to filter the
4.6.3. Nitrogen Purge (non-standard service) air and hydrocarbon content is maintained at 15
If required for spot cooling of a payload ppm or less. The payload organization is respon-
component, Orbital will provide GN2 flow to sible for providing the necessary clean room gar-
localized regions in the fairing as a non-standard ments for payload staff as well as vehicle staff
service. The GN2 will meet Grade B specifica- that need to work inside the clean room.
tions, as defined in MIL-P-27401C and can be
regulated to at least 5 scfm. The GN2 is on/off The inner surface of the entire surface of
controllable in the launch equipment vault and the fairing and payload cone assemblies can
in the launch control room. be cleaned to cleanliness criteria which ensures
no particulate matter visible with normal vision
The system’s regulators are set to a desired when inspected from 6 to 18 inches under 100
flow rate during prelaunch processing. The sys- ft-candle incident light. The same will be true
tem cannot be adjusted after the launch pad has when the surface is illuminated using black light,
been cleared of personnel. 3200 to 3800 Angstroms (Visibly Clean Plus Ul-
traviolet). In addition, Orbital can ensure that
Payload purge requirements must be co- all materials used within the encapsulated vol-
ordinated with Orbital via the ICD to ensure that ume have outgassing characteristics of less than
the requirements can be achieved. 1.0% TML and less than 0.1% CVCM. Items
that don’t meet these levels can be masked to
4.7. Payload Contamination Control ensure they are encapsulated and will have no
The Minotaur vehicle, all payload integra- significant effect on the payload.
tion procedures, and Orbital’s contamination
control program have been designed to minimize With the enhanced contamination control
the payload’s exposure to contamination from option, Orbital provides an Environmental Con-
the time the payload arrives at the payload pro- trol System (ECS) from payload encapsulation
cessing facility through orbit insertion and sepa- through vehicle lift-off. The ECS continuously
ration. The Vehicle Assembly Building is main- purges the fairing volume with clean filtered air.
tained as a visibly clean, temperature and hu- Orbital’s ECS incorporates a HEPA filter unit to
midity controlled work area at all times. The provide FED-STD-209 Class M5.5 (10,000) air.
Minotaur assemblies that affect cleanliness within Orbital monitors the supply air for particulate
the encapsulated payload volume include the matter via a probe installed upstream of the fair-
fairing, and the payload cone assembly. These ing inlet duct prior to connecting the air source
assemblies are cleaned such that there is no par- to the payload fairing.
ticulate or non-particulate matter visible to the
normal unaided eye when inspected from 2 to 4 Minotaur contamination control is based
feet under 50 ft-candle incident light (Visibly on industry standard contamination reference
Clean Level II). If required, the payload can be documents, including the following:
provided with enhanced contamination control MIL-STD-1246C, “Product Cleanliness Levels
as a non-standard service. and Contamination Control Program”
FED-STD-209E, “Airborne Particulate Cleanliness
With enhanced contamination control, a Classes in Cleanrooms and Clean Zones.”
soft walled clean room can be provided to en-
sure a FED-STD-209 Class M6.5 (100,000) or 4.8. Payload Electromagnetic Environment
Class M5.5 (10,000) environment during all pay- The payload Electromagnetic Environment
(EME) results from two categories of emitters: 1) cific EME experienced by the payload during
Minotaur onboard antennas and 2) Range ra- ground processing at the VAB and the launch
dar. All power, control and signal lines inside site will depend somewhat on the specific
the payload fairing are shielded and properly facilities that are utilized as well as opera-
terminated to minimize the potential for Elec- tional details. However, typically the field
tromagnetic Interference (EMI). The Minotaur strengths experienced by the payload during
payload fairing is Radio Frequency (RF) ground processing with the fairing in place
opaque, which shields the payload from ex- are controlled procedurally and will be less
ternal RF signals while the payload is encap- than 2 V/m from continuous sources and less
sulated. Based on analysis and supported by than 10 V/m from pulse sources. The highest
test, the fairing provides 20 db attenuation be- EME during powered flight is created by the
tween 1 and 10000 MHz. C-Band transponder transmission which re-
sults in peak levels at the payload interface
Figure 4-12 lists the frequencies and plane of 28 V/m at 5765 MHz. Range trans-
maximum radiated signal levels from vehicle mitters are typically controlled to provide a
antennas that are located near the payload field strength of 10 V/m or less. This EME
during ground operations and powered flight. should be compared to the payload’s RF sus-
Antennas located inside the fairing are inac- ceptibility levels (MIL-STD-461, RS03) to de-
tive until after fairing deployment. The spe- fine margin.
SOURCE 1 2 3 4 5
Function Command Tracking Tracking Launch Instrumentation
Destruct Transponder Transponder Vehicle on Telemetry
Receive/Xmit Receive Transmit Receive Transmit Transmit
Band UHF C-Band C-Band S-Band S-Band
Frequency 416.5 or 5765 5690 2288.5 2269.5
(MHz) 425.0
Bandwidth N/A N/A
Power Output N/A 400 W (peak) N/A 10 W 10 W
Sensitivity -107 dB -70 dB
Modulation Tone Pulse Code Pulse Code PCM/FM PCM/FM
No part of the payload may extend aft of 5.2.1. Standard Non-Separating Mechanical In-
the payload interface plane without specific OSP terface
approval. These areas are considered stayout Figure 5-3 illustrates the standard, non-
zones for the payload and are shown in Figure separating payload mechanical interface. This
5-1. Incursions to these zones may be approved is for payloads that provide their own separation
on a case-by-case basis after additional verifica- system and payloads that will not separate. Di-
tion that the incursions do not cause any detri- rect attachment of the payload is made on the
mental effects. Vertices for payload deflection Avionics Structure with sixty #10 fasteners as
must be given with the Finite Element Model to shown in Figure 5-3.
0° Pyrotechnic Event
to Payload Stayout Zone
Clamp/Separation Payload
System Components Stayout Zones
Forward View
90° 270° Looking Aft
Payload Interface
78.7 Payload
φ 38 Inches (97 cm) Payload 31.0 Dynamic
Separation System Envelope
Stayout Zone
(1) Fairing Door Location Is
Flexible Within a Specific Fairing
Region. (Figure 5-2). R 270.5
(2) Payload Must Request Any 106.5
Envelope Aft of Payload
Interface Plane. Ogive Mate
(3) If Payload Falls within ACS Line
Controllability Dead Band
They Must Honor ACS
Stayout Zone.
(4) If the Payload Requires
Nitrogen Cooling, then the
Payload Envelope Will be
Locally Reduced by 1 Inch
Along the Cooling Tube
Routing. 110.0
Payload Interface Plane φ
for Payload Separation 10.0 47.0
ACS Stayout
System 4.0
Figure 5-1. Payload Fairing Dynamic Envelope With 38 in (97 cm) Diameter Payload Interface
38" Payload 23" Payload
Interface Place Interface Place Minotaur Coordinates
Minotaur Station X* Minotaur Station X*
(cm/in) (cm/in)
Separable 1661.4/654.1 1685.5/663.6
Non-Separable 1651.5/650.2 1677.9/660.6
(1) Entire Access Hole Must Be Within Specified Range. +Z
(2) One 8.5 in x 13.0 in (21.6 cm x 33.0 cm) Door per
Mission Is Standard.
(3) Edge of Door Cannot Be Within 5 in (13 cm) of
Fairing Joints.
Station X
Door Zone
Station X
13 Arc
5 Length
Arc Length
Applies on Either
Side of Fairing Joints at
0° and 180°
Dimensions in
in TM14025_037
Payload Harness
Stage 4
45° Forward
Pyrotechnic Event
21.25 19.95
2X 2X Minotaur
90° 270° +Y
Fairing Dynamic Envelope
Payload Interface Connector
Forward View
cm Looking Aft
Dimensions in in TM14025_038
5.2.2. Separating Mechanical Interface trical interface supports battery charging, ex-
Three flight qualified optional separation ternal power, discrete commands, discrete te-
systems are available, depending on payload lemetry, analog telemetry, serial communica-
interface and size. The 38 in (97 cm) separable tion, payload separation indications, and up to
payload interface is shown in Figure 5-4; the four redundant ordnance events. If an optional
23 in (59 cm) separable payload interface is Orbital-provided separation system is utilized,
shown in Figure 5-5; the 17 in (43 cm) sepa- Orbital will provide all the wiring through the
rable payload interface is shown in Figure 5-6. separable interface plane, as illustrated in Fig-
Each of these three systems are based on a ure 5-8 and Figure B-1 of Appendix B. If the
Marmon band design.
option is not exercised the customer will be re-
sponsible to provide the wiring from the space-
The separation ring to which the payload
craft to the separation plane.
attaches is supplied with through holes and the
separation system is mated to the spacecraft dur-
ing processing at the VAB. The weight of hard- 5.3.1. Payload Umbilical Interfaces
ware separated with the payload is approxi- Orbital can provide a maximum of 60
mately 8.7 lbm (4.0 kg) for the 38 in (97 cm) wires from the ground to the spacecraft via a
system, 6.0 lbm (2.7 kg) for the 23 in (59 cm)
dedicated payload umbilical within the vehicle.
system, and 4.7 lbm (2.1 kg) for the 17 in (43
This internal umbilical is approximately 25 ft in
cm) system. Orbital-provided attachment bolts
length. This umbilical is a dedicated pass through
to this interface can be inserted from either the
launch vehicle or the payload side of the inter- harness, which allows the payload command,
face (NAS630xU, dash number based on pay- control, monitor, and power to be easily con-
load flange thickness). The weight of the bolts, figured for user requirements. The closest prox-
nuts, and washers connecting the separation imity for locating customer supplied payload
system to the payload is allocated to the sepa- GSE equipment is the LEV (Launch Equipment
ration system and included in the launch ve- Vault). The cabling from the LEV to the launch
hicle mass. vehicle is approximately 350 ft.
Coordinates Bolt Cutters (2)
+Z Payload Interface
Payload Pyro
90 ˚ 270˚
Forward View Looking Aft
Payload Separation
Clamp Band
Avionics Structure
Side View
Dimensions in
Payload Push-Off
Springs (4 Places)
Clamp Band
Bolt Cutters (2) Coordinates
90° 270°
Adpater Cone
Bolt Circle Consists of
0.25 in (32 0.64 cm)
Holes Equally Spaced,
180° Starting at 0°
Payload Umbilical
3.75 7.49
2.7 Kg (6.00 lbm) 1.48 2.95
Remains with Payload
φ 59.06 Bolt Circle
(Includes Harness) 23.25
Payload Attachment
Separation Plane
+X cm
Side View Dimensions in
90° 270°
Forward View Looking Aft
Payload Separation
Bolt Cutters (2)
Clamp Band
Adapter Cone
Side View from 0˚ Dimensions in
+Y in
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 kg
Figure 5-7. Payload Separation Velocities Using the Standard Separation System
Plug with S P
Pin Contacts
Receptacle with
Mate #1 Performed Can Be Supplied
Socket Contacts
at Orbital During to Payload
Note: Sep System and Pigtails Delivered Separation System
to VAB as a Unit Assembly
5.3.4. Pyrotechnic Initiation Signals centerline for the standard configuration (within
Orbital provides the capability to directly the accuracy listed in Figure 5-9). Payloads
initiate 16 separate pyrotechnic conductors whose c.g. extend beyond the 1.5 in. lateral
through two dedicated Ordnance Driver Mod- offset limit will require Orbital to verify the spe-
ules (ODM). The ODM provides a 10 A, 100 cific offsets that can be accommodated.
ms, current limited pulse into a 1 ±0.1 W initia-
tion device. Measurement Accuracy
Mass ±1 lbm (±0.5 kg)
5.3.5. Payload Telemetry
Standard Minotaur service provides a Principal Moments of Inertia ±5%
number of dedicated payload discrete (bi-level)
and analog telemetry monitors through dedi- Cross Products of Inertia ±0.5 sl - ft2(±0.7 kg - m2)
cated channels in the vehicle encoder. For dis-
Center of Gravity X, Y and Z Axes ±6.4 mm (±0.25 in)
crete monitors, the payload customer must pro-
vide the 5 Vdc source and the return path. The
current at the payload interface must be less Figure 5-9. Payload Mass Properties
than 10 mA. Separation breakwire monitors can Measurement Tolerance
be specified if required. The number of analog
channels available for payload telemetry moni- 5.4.2. Final Mass Properties Accuracy
toring is dependent on the frequency of the data. The final mass properties statement must
Payload telemetry requirements and signal specify payload weight to an accuracy of at
characteristics will be specified in the Payload least 1 lbm (0.5 kg), the center of gravity to an
ICD and should not change once the final te- accuracy of at least 0.25 in (6.4 mm) in each
lemetry format is released at approximately L- axis, and the products of inertia to an accuracy
6 months. of at least 0.5 slug-ft2 (0.7 kg-m2). In addition, if
the payload uses liquid propellant, the slosh fre-
5.3.6. Non Standard Electrical Interfaces quency must be provided to an accuracy of 0.2
Non-standard services such as serial Hz, along with a summary of the method used
command and telemetry interfaces can be ne- to determine slosh frequency.
gotiated between OSP and the payload contrac-
tor on a mission-by-mission basis. 5.4.3. Pre-Launch Electrical Constraints
Prior to launch, all payload electrical in-
5.3.7. Electrical Launch Support Equipment terface circuits are constrained to ensure there is
Orbital will provide space for a rack of no current flow greater than 10 mA across the
customer supplied EGSE in the LCR, or either of payload electrical interface plane. The primary
the on-pad equipment vaults. The equipment
support structure of the spacecraft shall be elec-
will interface with the launch vehicle/space-
trically conductive to establish a single point elec-
craft through either the dedicated payload um-
trical ground.
bilical interface or directly through the payload
access door. The payload customer is respon-
sible for providing cabling from the EGSE loca- 5.4.4. Payload EMI/EMC Constraints
tion to the launch vehicle/spacecraft. The Minotaur avionics share the payload
area inside the fairing such that radiated emis-
5.4. Payload Design Constraints sions compatibility is paramount. OSP places
The following sections provide design no firm radiated emissions limits on the payload
constraints to ensure payload compatibility with other than the prohibition against RF transmis-
the Minotaur system. sions within the payload fairing. Prior to launch,
Orbital requires review of the payload radiated
5.4.1. Payload Center of Mass Constraints emission levels (MIL-STD-461, RE02) to verify
Along the Y and Z axes, the payload c.g. overall launch vehicle EMI safety margin (emis-
must be within 1.5 in (3.8 cm) of the vehicle sion) in accordance with MIL-E-6051. Payload
RF transmissions are not permitted after fairing for Minotaur payloads. These are compliance
mate and prior to an ICD specified time after documents and must be strictly followed. It is
separation of the payload. An EMI/EMC analy- the responsibility of the customer to ensure that
sis may be required to ensure RF compatibility. the payload meets all OSP, Orbital, and range
imposed safety standards.
Payload RF transmission frequencies must
be coordinated with Orbital and range officials Customers designing payloads that employ
to ensure non-interference with Minotaur and hazardous subsystems are advised to contact OSP
range transmissions. Additionally, the customer early in the design process to verify compliance
must schedule all RF tests at the integration site with system safety standards.
with Orbital in order to obtain proper range clear-
ances and protection.
sion Manager. The Mission Managers respon- d. Range interface, safety, and flight
sibilities include detailed mission planning, pay- operations activities, document ex-
load integration services, systems engineering, changes, meetings and reviews.
mission-peculiar design and analyses coordina-
tion, payload interface definition, launch range Figure 6-2 details the typical Mission Cycle
coordination, integrated scheduling, launch site for a specific launch and how this cycle folds
processing, and flight operations. into the Orbital vehicle production schedule with
typical payload activities and milestones. A typi-
6.2. Mission Planning and Development cal Mission Cycle is based on a 18 month inter-
OSP will assist the customer with mission val between mission authorization and launch.
planning and development associated with This interval reflects the OSP contractual sched-
Minotaur launch vehicle systems. These services
ule and has been shown to be an efficient sched-
include interface design and configuration con-
ule based on Orbital’s Taurus and Pegasus pro-
trol, development of integration processes,
gram experience. However, OSP is flexible to
launch vehicle analyses, facilities planning,
negotiate either accelerated cycles, which take
launch campaign planning to include range ser-
vices and special operations, and integrated advantage of the Minotaur/Pegasus multi-cus-
schedules. tomer production sets, or extended cycles re-
quired by unusual payload requirements, such
The procurement, analysis, integration and as extensive analysis or complex payload-launch
test activities required to place a customer’s pay- vehicle integrated designs or tests or funding limi-
load into orbit are typically conducted over a 20 tations.
month long standard sequence of events called
the Mission Cycle. This cycle normally begins 6.3. Mission Integration Process
18 months before launch, and extends to eight
weeks after launch.
6.3.1 Integration Meetings
Once contract authority to proceed is re- The core of the mission integration pro-
ceived, the Mission Cycle is initiated. The con- cess consists of a series of Mission Integration
tract option designates the payload, launch date, and Range Working Groups (MIWG and RWG,
and basic mission parameters. In response, the respectively). The MIWG has responsibility for
Minotaur Program Manager designates an Or- all physical interfaces between the payload and
bital Mission Manager who ensures that the the launch vehicle. As such, the MIWG creates
launch service is supplied efficiently, reliably, and implements the Payload-to-Minotaur ICD in
and on-schedule. addition to all mission-unique analyses, hard-
ware, software, and integrated procedures. The
The typical Mission Cycle interweaves the RWG is responsible for the areas of launch site
following activities: operations; range interfaces; safety review and
a. Mission management, document ex- approval; and flight design, trajectory, and guid-
changes, meetings, and formal re- ance. Documentation produced by the RWG
views required to coordinate and includes all required range and safety submit-
manage the launch service. tals.
b. Mission analyses and payload inte-
gration, document exchanges, and Working Group membership consists of
meetings. the Mission Manager and representatives from
c. Design, review, procurement, testing Minotaur engineering and operations organiza-
and integration of all mission-pecu- tions, as well as their counterparts from the cus-
liar hardware and software. tomer organization. While the number of meet-
ings, both formal and informal, required to de- which include—but are not limited to—the vari-
velop and implement the mission integration pro- ous Range support agencies and U.S. Govern-
cess will vary with the complexity of the space- ment agencies such as the U.S. Department of
craft, quarterly meetings are typical. Transportation and U.S. State Department. Cus-
tomer-provided documents represent the formal
communication of requirements, safety data, sys-
6.3.2. Mission Design Reviews (MDR) tem descriptions, and mission operations plan-
Two mission-specific design reviews will ning. The major products and submittal times
be held to determine the status and adequacy of associated with these organizations are divided
the launch vehicle mission preparations. They into two areas—those products that are provided
are designated MDR-1 and MDR-2 and are typi- by the customer, and those produced by Or-
cally held 6 months and 13 months, respectively, bital.
after authority to proceed. They are each analo-
gous to Preliminary Design Reviews (PDRs) and
Critical Design Reviews (CDRs), but focus pri- 6.4.1. Customer-Provided Documentation
marily on mission-specific elements of the launch Documentation produced by the cus-
vehicle effort. tomer is detailed in the following paragraphs.
defined intervals identified during the initial launches from other Ranges, a Range-specific
mission integration process. Typical timing of PRD will be created. This document describes
these deliveries is included in Figure 6-2. requirements needed to generally support the
Minotaur launch vehicle. For each launch, an
annex is submitted to specify the range support Payload Finite Element Model
needed to meet the mission’s requirements. This
A payload mathematical model is required
annex includes all payload requirements as well
for use in Orbital’s preliminary coupled loads
as any additional Minotaur requirements that may
analyses. Acceptable forms include either a
arise to support a particular mission. The cus-
Craig-Bampton model valid to 120 Hz or a
tomer completes all appropriate PRD forms for
NASTRAN finite element model. For the final
submittal to Orbital.
coupled loads analysis, a test verified mathemati-
cal model is desired. Launch Operations Requirements
(OR) Inputs Payload Thermal Model for Inte-
To obtain range support for the launch op-
grated Thermal Analysis
eration and associated rehearsals, an OR must
An integrated thermal analysis can be per-
be prepared. The customer must provide all pay-
formed for any payload as a non-standard ser-
load pre-launch and launch day requirements for
vice. A payload thermal model will be required
incorporation into the mission OR.
from the payload organization for use in Orbital’s
integrated thermal analysis if it is required. The
analysis is conducted for three mission phases: 6.5. Safety
a. Prelaunch ground operations;
b. Ascent from lift-off until fairing jetti-
6.5.1. System Safety Requirements
son; and
In the initial phases of the mission inte-
c. Fairing jettison through payload de-
gration effort, regulations and instructions that
apply to spacecraft design and processing are
reviewed. Not all safety regulations will apply to
Models must be provided in SINDA for-
a particular mission integration activity. Tailor-
mat. There is no limit on model size although
ing the range requirements to the mission unique
turn-around time may be increased for large mod-
activities will be the first step in establishing the
safety plan. OSP has three distinctly different
mission approaches affecting the establishment Payload Drawings
of the safety requirements:
Orbital prefers electronic versions of pay-
a. Baseline mission: Payload integration
load configuration drawings to be used in the
and launch operations are conducted
mission specific interface control drawing, if
possible. Orbital will work with the customer to
b. Campaign/VAFB Payload Integration
define the content and desired format for the
mission: Payload integration is con-
ducted at VAFB and launch opera-
tions are conducted from a non-VAFB Program Requirements Document launch location.
(PRD) Mission Specific Annex Inputs c. Campaign/Non-VAFB Payload Inte-
To obtain range support, a PRD must be gration mission: Payload integration
prepared. A Minotaur PRD has been submitted and launch operations are conducted
and approved by the Western Range. For at a site other than VAFB.
For the baseline and VAFB Payload Inte- radioactive materials, propellants, pressurized
gration missions, spacecraft prelaunch operations systems, toxic materials, cryogenics, and RF ra-
are conducted at Orbital’s VAB, Building 1555, diation. Procedures relating to these systems as
VAFB. For campaign style missions, the space- well as any procedures relating to lifting opera-
craft prelaunch operations are performed at the tions or battery operations should be prepared
desired launch site. for safety review submittal. OSP will provide this
information to the appropriate safety offices for
Before a spacecraft arrives at the process- approval.
ing site, the payload organization must provide
the cognizant range safety office with certifica-
tion that the system has been designed and tested
in accordance with applicable safety require-
ments (e.g. EWR 127-1 Range Safety Require-
ments for baseline and VAFB Payload Integra-
tion missions). Spacecraft that integrate and/or
launch at a site different than the processing site
must also comply with the specific launch site’s
safety requirements. Orbital will provide the cus-
tomer coordination and guidance regarding ap-
plicable safety requirements.
7. GROUND AND LAUNCH OPERATIONS Vehicle Integration and Test Activi-
7.1. Minotaur/Payload Integration Overview The major vehicle components and sub-
The processing of the Minotaur upper assemblies that comprise the Minotaur Upper
stack utilizes many of the same proven tech- Stack Assembly, including the Stage 3 and Stage
niques developed for the Pegasus and Taurus 4 Orion motors, are delivered to Orbital’s VAB
launch vehicles. This minimizes the handling located at VAFB, CA. There, the vehicle is hori-
complexity for both vehicle and payload. Hori- zontally integrated prior to the arrival of the pay-
zontal integration of the Minotaur vehicle upper load. Integration is performed at a convenient
stages simplifies integration procedures, increases working height, which allows relatively easy ac-
safety and provides excellent access for the inte- cess for component installation, inspection and
gration team. In addition, simple mechanical and test.
electrical interfaces reduce vehicle/payload inte-
gration times, increase system reliability and mini- The integration and test process ensures
mize vehicle demands on payload availability. that all vehicle components and subsystems are
thoroughly tested. Since the Minuteman motors
7.2. Ground And Launch Operations are not available at the VAB, a high fidelity simu-
Ground and launch operations are con-
lator consisting of actual Minuteman components
ducted in three major phases:
is used.
a. Launch Vehicle Integration — As-
sembly and test of the Minotaur ve-
hicle Flight Simulation Tests
b. Payload Processing/Integration — Flight Simulation Tests use the actual flight
Receipt and checkout of the satellite software and simulate a “fly to orbit” scenario
payload, followed by integration with using simulated Inertial Navigation System (INS)
Minotaur and verification of inter- data. The Flight Simulation is repeated after each
faces major change in vehicle configuration (i.e., Flight
c. Launch Operations — Includes trans- Simulation #2 after stage mate, Flight Simulation
port of the upper stack to the launch #3 with payload electrically connected (if re-
pad, final integration, checkout, arm- quired) and Flight Simulation #4 after the pay-
ing and launch. load is mechanically integrated). After each test,
a complete review of the data is undertaken prior
7.2.1. Launch Vehicle Integration to proceeding. The payload nominally partici-
pates in Flight Simulation #3 and #4.
fairing until launch. Any payload specific haz- Final Processing and Fairing Closeout
ardous procedures should be coordinated After successful completion of Flight Simu-
through Orbital to the launch range no later than lation #4, all consumables are topped off and
120 days prior to first use (draft) and 30 days prior ordnance is connected. Similar payload opera-
to first use (final). tions may occur at this time. Once consumables
are topped off, final vehicle / payload closeout is Payload to Minotaur Integration performed and the fairing is installed. The pay-
The integrated launch processing activi- load will coordinate with OSP access to the pay-
ties are designed to simplify final launch pro- load from payload mate until final closeout be-
cessing while providing a comprehensive veri- fore launch.
fication of the payload interface. The systems
integration and test sequence is engineered to Payload Propellant Loading
ensure all interfaces are verified. Payloads utilizing integral propulsion sys-
tems with propellants such as hydrazine can be Pre-Mate Interface Testing loaded and secured through coordinated Orbital
If required, the electrical interface be- and contractor arrangements for use of the pro-
tween Minotaur and the payload is verified pellant loading facilities in the VAB. This is a
using a mission unique Interface Verification non-standard service.
Test (IVT) to jointly verify that the proper func-
tion of the electrical connections and com- Final Vehicle Integration and Test
mands. These tests, customized for each mis- Due to operational constraints, the Lower
sion, typically check bonding, electrical com- Stack Assembly, consisting of the Minuteman mo-
patibility, communications, discrete com- tors, is processed by the Air Force at a separate
mands and any off nominal modes of the pay- facility. After testing by Orbital, it is delivered
load. After completing the IVT, a Flight Simu- directly to the launch pad to await the arrival of
lation (Flight Sim #3) is performed with the the upper stack. After the vehicle is fully stacked
payload electrically - but not mechanically - at the pad, final tests are completed to verify ve-
connected to Minotaur to demonstrate the full hicle integrity and all interfaces to the range are
sequence of events in a simulated flight sce- exercised.
nario. Once Flight Sim #3 is successfully com-
pleted, the payload is mechanically mated to 7.3 Launch Operations
the launch vehicle. For payloads with simpli-
fied or no electrical interfaces to Minotaur, it 7.3.1. Launch Control Organization
may be acceptable to proceed to payload mate The Launch Control Organization is split
immediately after the IVT. For pre-mate veri- into two groups: the Management group and the
fication of the mechanical interface, the sepa- Technical group. The Management group con-
ration system can also be made available be- sists of senior range personnel and Mission Di-
fore final payload preparations. rectors/Managers for the launch vehicle and pay-
load. The Technical Group consists of the per- Payload Mating and Verification sonnel responsible for the execution of the launch
Following the completion of Flight Sim #3, operation and data review/assessment for the
the jumpers between the payload and Minotaur Payload, the Launch Vehicle and the Range. The
are removed. Once the payload aft end close- Payload’s members of the technical group are
outs are completed, the payload will be both me- engineers who provide technical representation
chanically and electrically mated to the Minotaur. in the control center. The Launch Vehicle’s
Following mate, the flight vehicle is ready for the members of the technical group are engineers
final integrated systems test, Flight Simulation #4. who prepare the Minotaur for flight, review and
The system’s regulators are set to a de- characteristics of less than 1.0% TML and less
sired flow rate during prelaunch processing. than 0.1% CVCM. Items that don’t meet these
The system cannot be adjusted after the launch levels can be masked to ensure they are encap-
pad has been cleared of personnel. sulated and will have no significant effect on the
Payload purge requirements must be co-
ordinated with Orbital via the ICD to ensure that High Cleanliness Fairing Environment
the requirements can be achieved. With the enhanced contamination control
option, Orbital provides an ECS from payload
encapsulation until just prior to vehicle lift-off.
8.3.3. Enhanced Contamination Control
The ECS continuously purges the fairing volume
Understanding that some payloads have
with clean filtered air. Orbital’s ECS incorpo-
requirements for enhanced cleanliness, OSP of-
rates a HEPA filter unit to provide FED-STD-209
fers a contamination control option, which is
Class M5.5 (10,000) air. Orbital monitors the
composed of the elements in the following sec-
supply air for particulate matter via a probe in-
tions (which is also discussed in Section 4.7).
stalled upstream of the fairing inlet duct prior to
Minotaur customers can also coordinate combi-
connecting the air source to the payload fairing.
nations of the elements listed below to meet the
unique needs of their payloads.
8.4. Enhanced Telemetry Options High Cleanliness Integration Environ- OSP can provide mission specific instru-
ment (Class 10K or 100K) mentation and telemetry components to support
With enhanced contamination control, a additional payload or experiment data acquisi-
soft walled clean room can be provided to en- tion requirements. Telemetry options include ad-
sure a FED-STD-209 Class M6.5 (100,000) or ditional payload-dedicated bandwidth and GPS-
Class M5.5 (10,000) environment during all pay- based precision navigation data.
load processing activities up to fairing encapsu-
lation. The soft walled clean room and 8.4.1. Enhanced Telemetry Bandwidth
anteroom(s) utilize HEPA filter units to filter the A second telemetry data stream capable
air and hydrocarbon content is maintained at 15 of up to 2 Mbps data rate can be provided. Maxi-
ppm or less. The payload organization is respon- mum data rates depend on the mission cover-
sible for providing the necessary clean room gar- age required and the launch range receiver
ments for payload staff as well as vehicle staff characteristics and configuration. This capa-
that need to work inside the clean room. bility was successfully demonstrated on the in-
augural Minotaur mission. Fairing Surface Cleanliness Options
The inner surface of the fairing and pay-
load cone assemblies can be cleaned to cleanli- 8.4.2. Enhanced Telemetry Instrumentation
ness criteria which ensures no particulate matter To support the higher data rate capability
visible with normal vision when inspected from in Section 8.4.1, enhanced telemetry instrumen-
6 to 18 inches under 100 ft-candle incident light. tation can be provided. The instrumentation can
The same will be true when the surface is illumi- include strain gauges, temperature sensors, ac-
nated using black light, 3200 to 3800 Angstroms celerometers, analog data, and digital data con-
(Visibly Clean Plus Ultraviolet). In addition, Or- figured to mission-specific requirements. This
bital can ensure that all materials used within capability was successfully demonstrated on the
the encapsulated volume have outgassing inaugural Minotaur mission.
Non Load-Bearing Spacecraft — aft Figure 9-1. Typical Load Bearing Spacecraft
spacecraft whose design cannot provide Configuration
the necessary structural load path for the
forward payload are those involving mechanical and electrical
compatibility with the forward payload. Struc-
9.1. Load-Bearing Spacecraft tural loads from the forward payload during all
Providing a load-bearing aft payload maxi- flight events must be transmitted through the aft
mizes use of available volume and mass. The payload to the Minotaur. Orbital will provide
available mass for the aft payload is determined minimum structural interface design criteria for
by the Minotaur performance capability to orbit shear, bending moment, axial and lateral loads,
less the forward payload and attach hardware and stiffness.
mass. All remaining mission performance, ex-
cluding a stack margin, is available to the aft The second approach involves the use of
payload. The load-bearing spacecraft interfaces an Orbital design using the MicroStar bus, suc-
directly to the avionics assembly interface and cessfully developed and flown for ORBCOMM
the forward payload via pre-determined inter- spacecraft. The MicroStar bus features a circular
faces. These interfaces include standard Orbital design with an innovative, low-shock separation
separation systems and pass-through electrical system. The spacecraft bus is designed to allow
connectors to service the forward payload. Fig- stacking of co-manifested payloads in “slices”
ure 9-1 illustrates this approach. within the fairing. The bus design is compact and
provides exceptional lateral stiffness.
Two approaches may be taken for load-
bearing spacecraft. The first approach is to use a A variation on the load bearing spacecraft
design developed by other spacecraft suppliers, approach was flown on the JAWSAT inaugural
which must satisfy Minotaur and forward pay- mission, in which the primary payload (JAWSAT)
load structural design criteria. The principal re- was a Multiple Payload Adapter (MPA) from
quirements levied upon load-bearing spacecraft which four small satellites were separated (Fig-
φ 114.3
Primary φ 66.0 45.0
φ 76.0 Secondary Dynamic
Payload Payload 26.0
29.9 Envelope
Volume Volume
101.6 55.9
+Y 40.0 22.0 Minotaur Avionics
+X Beginning of Ogive Adapter Cone Separation Plane
Appendix A
Payload Questionnaire
± deg ± deg
Right Ascension of Ascending Node (RAAN):
Describe any appendages/antennas/etc which extend beyond the basic satellite envelope:
If available, provide dimensioned drawings for both stowed and on-orbit configurations.
Mass: q lb q kg
Xcg: q in q cm Iyy:
Ycg: q in q cm Ixy:
Zcg: q in q cm Ixz:
POST-SEPARATION Inertia units: q lb -in q kg-m
2 2
(non-separating Mass: q lb q kg
adapter remaining with
launch vehicle)
Xcg: q in q cm Iyy:
Ycg: q in q cm Ixy:
Zcg: q in q cm Ixz:
* Stowed configuration, spacecraft coordinate frame
q N/m
(Standard Service: 0.01 lbf /ft2) q 2
q N/m
(Standard Service: 0.3 psia) P
Maximum Pressure Decay During Ascent: q lb /in /sec2
q N/m /sec
(Standard Service: 0.6 psia) 3
Thermal Maneuvers During Coast Periods:
(Standard Service: none)
THERMAL Spacecraft Thermal Dissipation, Pre-Launch Encapsulated: Watts
Approximate Location of Heat Source:
Bonding Requirements:
If Yes, describe:
Time After Separation Until RF Devices Are Activated:
(Note: Typically, no spacecraft radiation is allowed from encapsulation until 30 minutes after liftoff.)
DIAMETER Describe Diameter of Interface (e.g. Bolt Circle, etc):
SURFACE Flatness Requirements for Sep System or Mating Surface of Launch Vehicle:
Axial Hz Lateral Hz
SEB Describe (in the table below) Satellite EGSE to be located in the SEB.
[Note: Space limitations exist in the SEB, 350 ft umbilical cable length to spacecraft typical]
Equipment Name / Type Approximate Size (LxWxH) Power Requirements
Minotaur Payload User's Guide Appendix B
Electrical Interface Connectors
There are two electrical interface connectors on the payload separation plane. The first connector is
specifically designed for ordnance. Its part number is MS27474T14F-18SN. The second connector
is designed for power, payload battery charging, discrete commands, discrete telemetry, separation
indicators, analog telemetry, and serial communication. Its part number is MS27474T16F-42SN.
Typical circuits passing through the payload-to-launch vehicle electrical connections are shown in
Figure B-1.
Discrete Commands 5
Discrete Telemetry
Monitors (5 Hz) 5
Separation Indicator 3
Analog Telemetry
20 mVpp to 10 Vpp
±50 V
60 Conductors
GSE Pass-Through Wiring
(Various AWG/Shielding Available)
Note: Channels Can be Reallocated Based on Customer Requirements TM14025_080