Q5 Dean Delson 2020
Q5 Dean Delson 2020
Q5 Dean Delson 2020
1. Sale of industrial lots
True or False (explain) unless otherwise required 2. Sale of commercial buildings
3. Sale to Agricultural Tenants
4. Straight sale or sale not on installment
1-10 What are the most important features of the Maceda Law
and the Recto Law? Depending on when the buyer defaults, there are two (2) possible
scenarios: if the buyer paid at least two (2) years' installments and if
The Recto Law the buyer paid less than 2 years' installments.
The Recto Law comprises Articles 1484 to 1486 of the Civil Code. It If the buyer paid less than 2 years' installments and defaults, he is
was added to the Civil Code to prevent abuses in the foreclosure of given a grace period of sixty (60) days starting from the date of his
chattel mortgages, such as when mortgagee-creditors foreclosed last installment to resume paying. This period can be increased by
mortgaged property, bought them at a low price (on purpose,) then the seller. If after the grace period the buyer still can't pay, the seller
prosecuted the mortgagor-debtors to recover the deficiencies. must make a notarial demand to cancel the sale. The cancellation
becomes effective thirty (30) days after the buyer was notified. So it's
In the event a buyer of personal property defaults by failing to pay possible that the buyer could be notified two months after the 60-day
two or more of the agreed installments, the seller can do any of the period and then the 30-day period will begin.
1. Exact fulfillment of the obligation, should the vendee fail to If the buyer paid at least two years' installments, the buyer can pay
pay the unpaid balance without interest. The grace period is computed at
2. Cancel the sale, should the vendee’s failure to pay cover two one (1) month per year of installment payments. It also begins from
or more installments the time the buyer paid his last installment. The grace period can be
3. Foreclosure the chattel mortgage used only once every five (5) years of the sales contract's life
-including its extensions. So it's possible to have a grace period of a
The Recto Law also won't apply to a straight sale or a sale that is year if the buyer had been paying his installments faithfully for 12
partly cash and partly term years. Once the buyer chooses to use the grace period, he can't get
it again until another five years are over.
If the buyer refuses to surrender the items to the seller, he becomes
a perverse buyer-mortgagor. When that happens, the seller can If the seller wants to cancel the sale, he has to refund the buyer of
recover expenses and attorney's fees. 50% of the actual payments. If the buyer paid more than five years'
installments another 5% for every year is to be added to the refund,
The Recto Law also covers leases with the option to purchase. but only up to 90% of the total payments made. The payments
mentioned here include the downpayment, options and deposits. The
The Maceda Law refund is made in this way: if the buyer paid more 2 to 5 years'
installments, he can get back 50% of the cash surrender value. If he
The Maceda Law, RA 6552, is the real estate equivalent of the Recto paid for more than 5 years, he can get the 50% plus 5% per year up
Law. Like the Recto Law, it also covers financing of sales of real to 90%.
property (which is why mortgages also come in.)
The buyer is also allowed to make advanced payments, or even the 23. When the lessor repairs the thing leased but the lessee is
full price, without interest. He can also assign his rights to another not satisfied, the latter may suspend payment of rent.
person, making that person the new buyer, but he can only do that FALSE. Art 1658 – Lessee may suspend payment of rent in
with a notarial deed of sale assignment. case lessors fail to make necessary repairs or maintain lease
in a peaceful and adequate enjoyment of property leased
11. In a sale of goods, there is a possibility that the vendor may
demand to have complied with his prestation even if he does 24. If the lessee fails to comply with his obligations, the lessor
not deliver the goods. TRUE may file an action for rescission plus damages but not an
action for damages only. FALSE. He may file an action for
12-16 A,B,C,D and E are solidarily debtors of X for the amount of rescission w/ damages or damages only.
500K. When demanded payment from A, the latter refused to
pay because B is 15 years old; C’s share has already been 25. If the lessor sells the property leased to a third party in
condoned by X through a phone conversation; D is insolvent; violation of a right of first refusal given to a lessee, the
E was given an extension of 6 months without consent of the contract of sale is rescissible regardless of the good faith of
co-debtors. State the effect of each of the above defenses. the buyer. FALSE. Rescissible only in bad faith
FALSE - Instead of the original period, period of new lease
will be according to the character of property and mode of 39-41. (3) modes of terminating a lease
payment of rent. 1. By the expiration of the period (NCC, Art. 1673);
2. Total loss or destruction of the thing leased (NCC, Art.
31. The failure to pay rentals shall make the continued 1655);
possession unlawful. FALSE Unless coupled with a refusal 3. Rescission due to non-performance of the obligations of a
on part of lessor to pay after lawful demand. party;
4. Mutual agreement to terminate the lease contract;
32. A provision in a contract of lease that improvements 5. By action of the purchaser or transferee of the property
introduced by the lessee will accrue to the lessor upon leased in good faith against the lessee whose lease contract
termination of the lease shall be governed by the rules on is not duly recorded;
sale of property FALSE. Rules on Sales will NOT apply 6. In case the dwelling place or any other building is unfit for
human habitation and is dangerous to life or health (NCC,
33. The lessor in a lease of rural lands has a right to a reduction Art. 1660);
of rental on account of sterility of land the fruits due to 7. By resolution of the right of the lessor;
extraordinary and unforeseen event FALSE. Loss must be 8. By will of the purchaser or transferee of the thing
more than ½ .
42- 45. Warranty against hidden vices of animals
34. A contract of sale entered into in violation of a right of first 1. Expert knowledge is not sufficient to discover
refusal is valid. TRUE. it may be rescinded or may be the 2. The veterinarian failed to discover or disclose through
subject of an action for specific performance ignorance or bad faith
3. The animal dies within 3 days after purchase and the
35. The lessee in a lease of rural lands has a right to a reduction disease which caused the death existed at the time of the
of rental on account of sterility of the land and for the loss of contract ( Beda Memaid)
the fruits due to extraordinary and unforeseen event. False.
Right to reduction of the loss for more than ½ of the fruits 46-52
lost through extraordinary and unforeseen events.
52-58. (7) persons specifically disqualified to buy
36. A provision in a contract of lease that all improvements 1. Husband and wife
introduced by the lessee will accure to the benefit of the 2. Guardian, with respect to the property of his ward
lessor without reimbursement is valid FALSE. Stipulation not 3. Agents, with respect to the property whose administration or
contrary to law etc is valid and binding sale may have been entrusted unless the consent of the
principal has been given
37. A contract of lease is consensual, nominate, bilateral, 4. Executor, administrator with respect to property of the estate
onerous, and commutative although exceptionally, it could under administration
be remuneratory. FALSE. Not remuneratory 5. Public Officers and employees with respect to the
government, its political subdivisions, or GOCC’s that are
38. A lease for a determinate time ceases upon the day fixed entrusted to them.
without the need of a demand TRUE 6. Judges, justices; prosecuting attorneys, clerks of courts with
respect to property in custodial egis
7. Other persons specifically disqualified by law
59-61. (3) exceptional cases when delivery does not transfer title
over the thing sold 71-75. (5) requisites of warranty against eviction
1. Pactum reservati dominiI (contractual reservation of title) 1. Vendee is deprived in whole or in part of the thing purchased
2. Impled reservation of ownership under Art 1503 2. Deprivation by final judgement
3. Sale on acceptance/trial/approval satisfaction 3. Judgment is based on a right prior to the sale or an act
4. Sale by non – owner imputable to the vendor
5. Contract to sell 4. Vendor is summoned in the suit for eviction at the instance of
the vendee
62-64. (3) instances when goods are no longer considered in transit a. To enable the seller to prove his claim
1. After delivery to the buyer or his agent in that behalf b. To avoid multiplicity of suits
2. If the buyer or his agent obtains delivery of the goods at the c. To satisfy due process
point before their arrival at the appointed destination 5. No waiver of warranty by the vendee
3. If after the arrival of the goods at the appointed destination
the carrier or the bailee acknowledges to hold the goods in 76. Explain tacita reconduccion?
behalf of the owner “Implied lease”
4. If the carrier or bailee wrongfully refuses to deliver the goods The right of the lessee to continue enjoying the material
to the buyer. or de facto possession w/n the period of the time fixed by
65-67. (3) implied warranties in a contract of sale Requisites
1. Warranty against eviction a. the term of the original contract of lease has expired;
2. Warranty that the seller has the right to sell b. the lessor has not given the lessee a notice to
3. Warranty against non- apparent burden of servitude vacate;
4. Warranty against hidden defects c. the lessee continued enjoying the thing leased for 15
5. Warranty of quality or fitness days with the acquiescence of the lessor.
68-70. (3) persons from whom redemption may be made 77-81. The lessee constructed a garage in the residential property
1. Co owner of a thing in case the shares of all the other co- leased. There is nothing in the contract of lease about the
owners or of any of them are sold to a 3rd person introduction of improvements on the property. What is the
2. Owners of adjoining lands when a piece of rural land does nature of the improvement made? Can the lessor retain the
not exceed 1 hectare is alienated unless the grantee does garage after the expiration of the lease?
not own any rural land
3. Persons, jointly and in the same contract should sell an
undivided immovable with a right to repurchase. None of
them may exercise this right for more than his respective
share. 82-86. (6) exceptions on the pari delicto non oritur action rule
4. When a credit or another incorporeal right in litigation is sold 1. breach of warranty cases
5. Sale of adjacent small urban lands brought merely for 2. simulated contracts
speculation. 3. when parties are not equally guilty
4. against the government
5. prohibited conveyances under the law
6. constitutional prohibition against alien landholding.
97-100. May a person donate or sale a thing that does not belong
87-96. State whether the following contracts are unenforceable, to him?
voidable, rescissible, void or valid.