Am Modulator Project
Am Modulator Project
Am Modulator Project
AM Modulator and
Ultrasonic Transceiver
In this lab you will construct a circuit to produce a 40kHz amplitude-modulated (AM) carrier,
which is the final circuit block needed to complete our ultrasonic transceiver system. We will
combine this modulator with the microphone circuit from am earlier lab and an ultrasonic
transducer to make an AM transmitter. We will then add a similar transducer to the AM
demodulator from the previous lab, and combine with your audio amplifier to make the
receiver. Your power supply from ECE2B will be used to power the receiver circuit.
By studying this document and experimenting with the components and circuits in the lab,
try to understand the following:
As you construct the circuits, try to understand the role of each component, and how the
choice of component value may influence the operation of the circuit.
In-Lab Procedure............................................................................................................................. 5
5.1 Relaxation Oscillator.......................................................................................................... 5
5.2 AM Modulator.................................................................................................................... 6
5.3 Hardwire the Transmitter Circuit .................................................................................... 7
5.4 Ultrasonic Transducers...................................................................................................... 7
5.5 Putting It Together............................................................................................................. 8
5.6 Adding the Amplifier and Microphone Stage .................................................................. 9
5.7 Possible Improvements .................................................................................................... 11
Pre-lab Preparation
Before Coming to the Lab
Read through the lab experiment to familiarize yourself with the components and assembly
sequence. Before coming to the lab, each group should obtain a parts kit from the ECE Shop.
Bring your solderless breadboard, tools, wire jumpers, audio-amplifier and power supply.
Optional: simulate the demodulator using MultiSim or Circuit Maker™ (circuit files
available on the course web site).
You have two weeks to complete this lab.
Parts List
R8 R1
1k 20k 50%
1V 10k 68%
+12V C1
C2 0.001uF
.0022uF 1/2 R5
+ LF353 10k
AM Modulator and Ultrasonic Transceiver
In-Lab Procedure 5
In-Lab Procedure
1V 10k 68%
+12V C1
C2 0.001uF
.0022uF 1/2 R5
+ LF353 10k
R3 +12V
R4 -12V 22k 1/2
10k + LF353
Figure 5-3 – Oscillator with integrating buffer (bypass capacitors not shown).
□ Now add the integrating filter as shown in Figure 5-3. The purpose of this circuit is
simply to smooth out the sharp edges of the square-wave that might lead to a ringing
response when driving the ultrasonic transducer, a resonant piezoelectric device. We also
use this stage to reduce the output amplitude to approximately 5 V peak. Record the
output waveform in your lab record.
5.2 AM Modulator
In the last lab we started discussing the basics of AM modulation, and built a circuit to
demodulate the signal. Now we need to build a circuit to generate an AM modulated signal.
If our information-bearing signal is represented as v(t ) , and the carrier signal is represented
as cos ω c t , then the AM signal is given by
f AM (t ) = (1 + m v(t ) ) cos ωc t (5.2)
where m is the so-called modulation index, 0 < m ≤ 1 . Figure 5-4 shows an AM modulated
signal with v(t ) = sin(ω c t / 20) and m = 0.5 .
With reference to (5.2), we see that
generating an AM signal involves
multiplying the carrier sinusoid by the
modulating signal. Multiplication of two
signals is a common requirement in
electronics, and dedicated multiplier
circuits have been developed for this
purpose. We will use a particularly
simple and low-cost chip from Analog Figure 5-4 – Amplitude modulated sine wave
Devices, the AD633 4-Quadrant (sinusoidal modulation) with m = 0.5 .
multiplier. At this time it would be
appropriate to review the data sheet for this device, if you haven’t done so already.
Figure 5-5 – AD633 pin diagram and hookup for a linear AM modulator (from data sheet).
Figure 5-5 shows the pin diagram and AM modulator configuration for the AD633. The
chip is designed to implement the following analog function:
( X 1 − X 2 )(Y1 − Y2 )
W= +Z (5.3)
where the variables correspond to voltages on various pins of the device, and all are in units
of Volts. If we ground X 2 and Y2 and connect pins 6 and 3 so that Y1 = Z , then
W = Y1 (1 + X 1 /10) (5.4)
Comparing this with our desired result, we can see that our AM signal can be obtained by
making Y1 the carrier and X 1 the modulating signal.
□ Complete the full AM modulator circuit as shown in the master schematic of Figure 5-1,
with the AD633 configured as an AM modulator as in Figure 5-5. Remember to add bias
decoupling capacitors as shown. The 20k trimpot (R1) is part of an inverting amplifier
that controls the gain of the modulating signal and hence the modulation index.
Bench Function
Pow er Supply Generator
+/-12 V
AM Oscillo-
Modulator scope
□ Test your circuit using the setup shown in Figure 5-6. Use a 1kHz sinusoid from the
bench function generator to provide a modulating signal. Adjust the function generator
amplitude and/or R1 to obtain nearly 100% modulation index, and record the waveform
on the lab record. This is just for testing purposes, we will use a smaller modulation
index in our transceiver.
□ Now connect the microphone circuit from Lab #2 and test that you can AM modulate the
carrier with your voice.
audio speakers which are based on magnetic forces, many ultrasonic devices utilize
piezoelectric materials that prdouce a mechanical vibration when driven by an electrical
signal. Consequently they can be quite small and efficient, with a larger input impedance.
□ Locate the transducers in your parts kit. They resemble the condenser microphones that
we used earlier. One is marked with a “T” to identify it as the transmitter. You will need
to solder some wire leads to each as shown in Figure 5-7. Use 18-24” of wire so that the
transmitter and receiver can be well separated during operation.
Function Bench
Generator Oscilloscope
Transmitter Receiver
Figure 5-8 – Testing the ultrasonic transducers.
□ Perform a simple test of the transducers as shown in Figure 5-8. Drive the transmitter
with a 10V (peak) sinusoid at 40kHz using the function generator, and observe the
received signal on the oscilloscope. Experiment with varying separations and transducer
orientations and observe the effect on the link loss.
□ Let’s first test our ability to transmit and receive an AM modulated signal and
demodulate it. Connect your AM modulator and demodulator circuit blocks as shown
below. The function generator will be used as the modulating signal, and we will observe
the output on the oscilloscope.
Function AM AM Bench
Generator Modulator Demodulator Oscilloscope
□ Power up the circuit and test it with a 1kHz input signal as before. If everything is
working properly, the received and demodulated signal should be a close replica of the
transmitted signal. Answer questions in the lab record, and demonstrate this working link
to the TA. Congratulations on your first working “wireless” transceiver system!
□ For large separations between transducers, you may need some extra gain in your
receiver just prior to the rectifier stage. There are several places in your circuit where
you can adjust resistors to increase the gain as needed.
□ Estimate the 3dB bandwidth of the link by sweeping the input signal frequency and
observing the output signal strength. You may need to make some slight adjustments in
the carrier frequency and modulation index (via the appropriate trimpots) in order to
maximize the bandwidth and/or flatten the frequency response. When you have fine-
tuned your system, record the 3 dB bandwidth in the lab record.
Note: the last step is crucial to the ultimate performance of the circuit in the next steps. You
may need to continue tinkering with the carrier frequency and modulation index in the steps
that follow to optimize the performance. In most cases a relatively small modulation index
(10-20%) will work best, but this will require additional amplification at the receiver end.
□ First, add the audio amplifier as shown in Figure 5-10. Use your power supply from
ECE2B to provide power to the receiver circuit. (In my prototype design, using separate
supplies for the transmitter and receiver proved to be essential in order to minimize
parasitic feedback coupling to the high-gain microphone preamplifier through the bias
lines). Test your circuit by sweeping the input frequency over the audio spectrum and
listening to the output. Demonstrate this working link to the TA.
Function AM AM Audio
Generator Modulator Demodulator Amplifier
□ Finally, add the microphone preamplifier stage as shown in Figure 5-11. This is the most
problematic stage, since it introduces regenerative feedback due to pickup from the audio
speaker. Try to separate the speaker from the microphone, and orient them so they face
away from each other. Also be sure to remove the capacitor C2 from your microphone
circuit. This is no longer necessary because of the limited bandwidth of the ultrasonic
Microphone AM AM Audio
Preamplifier Modulator Demodulator Amplifier
□ Start with the audio amplifier volume turned down and monitor the output of the AM
modulator on the oscilloscope. Adjust the preamplifier gain (20k trimpot) so that a
normal speaking voice yields a desired modulation index. If you find that you have too
much gain in your circuit (or not enough), adjust some of the resistor values accordingly.
□ Next, slowly increase the audio amplifier volume until an audible signal is received.
Depending on the separation of the transducers and the orientation of your microphone
and speaker, you may encounter feedback oscillations. Adjust your components as
needed to maximize the audio output while maintaining oscillation-free operation.
Demonstrate your working circuit to the TA.
You have now completed Lab 5
Lab 5 Record
Relaxation Oscillator
Record the unbuffered 40kHz output waveform:
What is the slew rate on the leading and trailing edges: ____________ V/µs
AM Modulator
Record the output waveform of the AM modulator with a 1kHz modulating signal and 100%
modulation index:
Putting it together
Record the input and output waveforms of the link for a 1kHz sinusoidal input signal.
Record the input and output waveforms of the link for a 1kHz square-wave input signal.
TA Certification: