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International Education Studies; Vol. 8, No.

11; 2015
ISSN 1913-9020 E-ISSN 1913-9039
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education

The Relationship between Organizational Trust and Organizational

Silence with Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of the
Employees of University
Parastoo Gashtasebi Fard1 & Fariba Karimi2
Department of Educational Sciences, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Correspondence: Fariba Karimi, Department of Educational Sciences, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic
Azad University, Isfahan, Iran. E-mail: [email protected]

Received: July 15, 2015 Accepted: August 16, 2015 Online Published: October 28, 2015
doi:10.5539/ies.v8n11p219 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ies.v8n11p219

This study aimed to investigate the structural model between organizational trust and organizational silence with
job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the employees of Islamic Azad University of Isfahan,
(Khorasgan) branch. The study method is descriptive-correlation. The study population is the employees of
Islamic Azad University of Isfahan branch (Khorasgan) as 340. 180 employees are selected by simple random
method and sampling Table (Krejcie & Morgan, 1970). The questionnaires of organizational trust (Ellonen et al.,
2008) and organizational silence questionnaires, job satisfaction and organizational commitment (Bouradas &
Vakola, 2005). For analysis of study findings, Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equations modeling
are applied. The results of study showed that organizational trust had inverse and significant relation with
organizational silence and had positive and significant relationship with job satisfaction and organizational
commitment. Also, there was an inverse and significant relationship between organizational silence and job
satisfaction and organizational commitment. The results of structural equations modeling showed that
organizational trust had direct impact on organizational silence (-64) organizational commitment (0.45) and job
satisfaction (0.39) and has indirect impact via organizational silence on organizational commitment (0.29) and
job satisfaction (0.29). Also, organizational silence had direct impact on organizational commitment and job
satisfaction (-45). The model has good conditions in terms of fitness indices and fitness data.
Keywords: organizational trust, organizational silence, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, employees
of Islamic Azad University
1. Introduction
The management based on trust is a new expression of old thoughts and its position in observed well in current
relations and using its mechanisms can be effective on achieving good individual and organizational results. The
authorities believe that trust can lead to collaboration among people, groups and organizations. Today,
organizations attempt to search new solutions to improve participation among people, groups and use their
effects (Jones & George, 1998). All organizational relations are established based on trust. It is important that
organization managers and employees consider importance of trust, promotion and their role in trust (Fitzroy,
2007). Organizational trust is raised as basic need for organization, society integration and creating democracy in
organizations. Today, trust is created as an important structure in wide range of management (Horn-Nord et al.,
2014). Organizational trust refers to the positive expectations of people and the expectations of organization
members about competence, reliability and benevolence including Interpersonal trust and Institutional Trust
(Mayer et al., 1995). Interpersonal trust is divided into Lateral Trust and Vertical Trust. Lateral Trust is defined
the trust of employees with each other and vertical trust is the trust between the employees and managers in
organization (Ellonene et al., 2008). Institutional Trust refers to one’s belief regarding the position of
institutional structures to fulfill the successful attitude and future of a person (Mcknight et al., 1998).
Thus, the process of organizational trust creation in public organizations is the responsibility of qualified
managers and leaders. The role of managers and leaders in reforms in organization is of great importance. For
successful feedback and observation of advanced organizational behavior, we need high level of interpersonal
trust among the co-workers in organization (Bakiev, 2013). In new era, responding the basic needs of employees

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in each organization is on priority and one of the most important needs of employees in organization is
establishing trust among them and organization. High level of trust in organization creates low costs of
evaluation and other control mechanisms (Khanifar et al., 2009). Trust in organization refers to the relationship
established among the employees and organization based on messages regarding organizational expectations and
perception of employees of the measurements of organization managers.
Organizational trust is of great importance in success of organizations. Trust is an important issue for most
organizations as it can have great advantages for organization. Organizational trust is defined as psychological
state providing a feedback of how employees perceive the problems in the situations in which the organization is
endangered (Vakola & Bouradas, 2011). The organization managers should perceive complexity and
multidimensional nature of trust and its impact on Organizational Commitment, job satisfaction and dynamics of
the relations between these three variables (Sheik-Mohamed et al., 2012). Today, due to increasing competition,
high expectations of customers and quality, the organizations expect the employees to be involved in
responsibility acceptance and innovation. In such era, for their survival, the organizations need the people
reacting well for environmental challenges and don’t fear sharing knowledge and information and attempt for
their beliefs and beliefs of their teams. Although, these items emphasis on empowerment and open
communication channels, most of employees report that their organizations don’t support communication,
knowledge sharing and information and these items are the reasons of failure of change management plans. One
of the major barriers of change plans is the lack of information, trust namely the new items as called
organizational silence by Morrison and Milliken (2000). However, employees silence includes organizations and
there are a few scientific investigations about employees’ silence. Morrison & Milliken believe that silence is
turned into a strong force in organizations but serious studies are not performed in this regard. Morrison &
Milliken have shown that organizational silence is social phenomenon created in an organizational level and is
affected by most of organizational features as decision making processes, management, culture and perceptions
of employees. Although theorists state organizational commitment, job satisfaction or lack of job satisfaction as
predictors or opinion and silence factors, Morrison & Milliken emphasis on these variables as outcomes of
organizational silence. Morrison & Milliken show that silence leads to cognitive in coordination among other
variables and they have low motivation, job satisfaction and commitment. Job satisfaction is one’s general
attitude to his job. When employees join an organization have set of desires, needs and past experiences and
create job expectations. One of these needs is tendency to achieve training, learning and scientific progress,
suitable benefits, tendency to job promotion, security and suitable work conditions and their satisfaction in
organization leads to job satisfaction of employees (Maleknia et al., 2011).
Some managers emphasize on this fact that employees satisfaction can be increased via reward and motivation to
work. Although mostly employees focus on work economic aspects, they are interested in doing the valuable
tasks and high job independence in their work. If these employees are encountered with some barriers in their job
expectations, it leads to silence and low job satisfaction (Zareematin et al., 2011). The trust in organization and
control of organizational silence lead to job satisfaction of employees and organizational commitment. Job
satisfaction is formed after entering the organization but organizational commitment is developed slowly. Job
satisfaction is the pre-requirement of organizational commitment. Organizational commitment is described
widely in management and literature of organizational behavior as key factor in relations between people and
organizations. Organizational commitment can lead to useful outcomes as increasing the effectiveness, efficiency
and productivity and reduction of trading volume and absence in individual and organizational levels (Kaneshiro,
2008). In most conditions, the important point is that employees don’t have required experience for perception of
important issues and they don’t have power, they are not good team actors and their behavior creates problems
and negative feeling of their participation. Managers believe that employees encourage themselves to speak
clearly but they apply formal methods to cope up with opposite views of employees. Indeed, organizational
silence components, Top management attitudes to silence, Supervisor’s attitudes to silence, Communication
opportunities and Employees silence behavior explain the condition of this organizational phenomenon among
the employees (Vakola & Bouradas, 2011). Organizational silence is associated with limitation of effectiveness
of or organizational decision making and change processes. The problem of organizations is that most
organizations are sad regarding the very low opinion of employees. In such condition, decision making quality
and changes in organization are reduced. Also, organizational silence avoids organizational development and
changes by avoiding negative feedback and the organization cannot correct the errors. Thus, without negative
feedbacks, the errors are increased and as corrective activities are not performed as necessary, organizational
silence and its eliminating methods are of great importance in organizational issues and require serious
consideration of organization managers (Panahi & Danaeifard, 2010). The far of management of negative
feedbacks from employees is due to endangering the benefits of their situation and perception of employees of

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tacit beliefs of management about them. These tacit beliefs include some management thoughts as employees
only consider their personal benefits. Organization management understands that it knows the best and
difference of beliefs in nature are harmful issues for organizations. These issues are management beliefs and it is
possible that none of them are real in organization but create harmful emotions as fear, deception and anger in
organization employees and create employees silence (Slade, 2008). Due to increasing competition, high
expectations of customers, quality as the result of continuous change world, organizations expect their
employees to be involved in innovation and responsibility acceptance. In such era, for survival, organizations
need the people reacting well for environmental challenges and don’t fear of sharing knowledge and information
and attempt for their own beliefs and the beliefs of their teams. Although these items emphasize on
empowerment and open communication channels, most of employees report that their organizations don’t
support communication, knowledge and information sharing and these items are the reasons of failure of change
management plans (Vakola & Bouradas, 2011).
2. Literature Review
Callaway et al. (2007) in a study “relationship between organizational trust and job satisfaction (An analysis in
Federal organization of US) found that trust in organization led into job satisfaction of employees. Indeed, there
was relationship between organizational trust and job satisfaction. It means that the higher the organizational
trust, the highly improved the job satisfaction of employees.
Binikos (2010) in the study “Sounds of silence: Organizational trust and decisions to blow the whistle” found a
significant and negative relationship between ‘organizational trust’ and ‘keep quiet’. Indicating that as
organizational trust increases, the likelihood of keeping quiet decreases and decision making to cope up with
whistle blowing in organization leads to distrust among the employees of organization.
Panahi and Danaeifard (2010) in the study “analysis of job attitudes of employees of state organizations,
explaining organizational silence and organization silence behavior climate” found that in silence behavior
dimension, there was a negative and significant relationship with organization commitment. The higher the
silence behavior of employees in organization, the lower the organizational commitment of employees. Also,
there was a negative and significant relationship in management attitudes to silence, Supervisor’s attitudes to
silence and organizational commitment. The highly negative the attitude of management and supervisor to
silence, the lower the organizational commitment of employees. In their studies, they found that there was a
negative and significant relationship between organizational silence in silence behavior of employees and job
satisfaction. It means that the higher the silence behavior of organizations in organization, the lower the job
satisfaction of employees. Also, the results of findings showed that in top management attitude to silence and
supervisor attitude to silence, there was relationship with job satisfaction. It means that the highly negative the
attitudes of top management to employees, the lower the job satisfaction and the highly the negative attitudes of
supervisors to employees, the lower their job satisfaction.
Khorshid and Yazdani (2012) in a stud y “the investigation of the relationship between trust, contrast and
organizational belonging by considering the moderating impact of organizational commitment” found that trust
of employees to organization and contrast norms in organization had positive and significant impact on trust of
employees. In addition, among various dimensions of organizational commitment, emotional commitment of
employees to organization, the relations of trust of employees to organization with their organizational belonging
and duality norms in organization adjust organizational belonging of employees positively and significantly.
Bakiev (2013) in a study “the impact of interpersonal trust and organizational commitment on organizational
perception performance” found that there was a positive and significant relationship between interpersonal trust
and organizational commitment. The results of studies showed that interpersonal trust in employees and creating
trustful climate led into high level of commitment and performance improvement
Deniz et al. (2013) in a study “the relationship between silence of employees and organizational commitment in
a private health company” supported the negative and significant relationship between organizational silence and
organizational commitment. They found that organizational silence was effective on employees’ performance
and organizational commitment.
Lee et al. (2013) in the study “the impact of CSR on organizational trust, job satisfaction of employees and
customer orientation” found that CSR had positive and significant impact on organizational trust and this
organizational trust had positive and significant relationship with job satisfaction and this had positive impact on
customer orientation.
Partoniya (2014) in the study “the impact of trust on organizational silence and its challenges in Iran” found that

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there was an inverse andd significant reelationship bettween trust andd organizational silence. Orgganizational sillence
was a barrrier for organizational succeess and trust coould reduce thhe impact of thhis item. Trust was an impo ortant
factor to hhelp the organizzation manageement to reduce silence impaacts in organizaation.
3. The Research Hypottheses
The presennt study aimeed to determinne the model oof relations beetween organizzational trust and organizattional
silence wiith job satisfaaction and orgganizational ccommitment oof employees of Islamic A Azad Universitty of
Khorasgann branch (Isfahhan). The folloowing hypothesses are raised bbased on the sttudy purpose:
• Organnizational trusst is effective oon organizationnal silence.
• Organnizational trusst is effective oon job satisfacttion.
• Organnizational trusst is effective oon organizationnal commitmennt.
• Organnizational trusst is effective oon job satisfacttion via organiizational silencce.
• Organnizational trusst is effective oon organizationnal commitmennt via organizaational silence.
• Organnizational silennce is effectivee on job satisfa
• Organnizational silennce is effectivee on organizattional commitm
Based on tthe study hypootheses, the connceptual modeel of study is shhown in Figuree 1.

Figure 1. Thhe conceptual model

4. Researcch Method
The studyy population iss employees oof Islamic Azzad Universityy of branch Issfahan (Khoraasgan) as 340. 180
Employeess are selectedd by Krejcie and Morgan (1970) table and simple random samppling method. The
demographhic features off study sample showed thatt among 180 ssamples, 55.5% % of participaants were men
n and
41.8% woomen. 24.4% hadh Diploma and associate,, 66.5% BA aand MA and 77.7% with PH HD degree. 39% of
employeess had experiennce of 5 to 100 years, 30.2%
% experience oof 11-20 yearss and 26.9% w with experienc
ce of
higher thann 20 years.
5. Instrum
The data ccollection meaasure is organizational trust bbased on laterral trust, verticcal trust and innstitutional tru
ust by
Ellonen ett al. (2008) with
w 48 items and 5-item Likert scale. Thhe reliability of this questioonnaire is 0.7 77 by
Cronbach’’s alpha. Vakoola and Bouraadas (2005) qquestionnaire of organizatioonal silence iss used to eva aluate
organizatioonal silence with
w 22 items and 5-item L Likert scale. TThis questionnnaire is basedd on organizational
silence commponents as (Top
( managemment attitudes tto silence, Suppervisor’s attittudes to silencce, Communication
opportunitties and Emplooyees silence bbehavior). Thee reliability of this questionnnaire is 0.80 byy Cronbach’s alpha.
To evaluatte job satisfacttion, Vakola annd Bouradas (22005) questionnnaire with 4 qquestions and 5-item Likert scale

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with reliabbility 0.82 bassed on Cronbach’s alpha cooefficient is uused. To evaluuate organizatiional commitm
Vakola annd Bouradas (22005) questionnnaire with 5 questions with 5-item Likkert scale and reliability 0.7 75 by
Cronbach’’s alpha are appplied.
6. Data An
The study is descriptive-correlation. T
The study is appplied based oon study naturee. Pearson corrrelation coeffiicient
is used foor analysis of study fin dinngs and structuural equationss modeling is used by SPS SS, version 19 9 and
LISREL 8.8 software.
7. Result

Table 1. M
Mean, standard deviation and internal correlation among rresearch variabble
Reesearch variabble Mean Staandard deviatioon 1 2 3 4
1 Orrganizational Trust
T 144.68 34.70 -
2 Orrganizational Silence
S 68.16 16.82 **-0.8077 -
3 Joob Satisfaction 11.75 3.86 **0.727 **-0.756 -
4 Orrganizational Commitment
C 15.46 3.68 **0.746 **-0.700 **0.743 -

The resultts of Table 1 show

s that there was an inveerse and signifficant relationsship between oorganizational trust
and organnizational silence (r=-0.8077). Also, therre is a positivve and signifficant relationnship between n job
satisfactionn (r=0.727) annd organizationnal commitmeent (r=0.746) w with organizatiional trust. Thhe results showw that
there is ann inverse and significant relattionship betweeen organizatioonal silence annd job satisfacttion (r=-0.756) and
organizatioonal commitm ment (r=-0.7000). To study thhe study hypootheses, structuural equationss model and Lisrel L
software aare used. The reesults of modeeling of structuural equations ffor final modeel of study are ppresented.

Fiigure 2. The orriginal model oof research

As shown in Figure 2, orrganizational ttrust has directt impact on orgganizational coommitment (0..45), organizattional
silence (-00.64) and jobb satisfaction (0.39). In thhis study, orgaanizational sillence variablee is considere ed as
moderatingg variable. Orrganizational trrust has indireect impact viaa organizationaal silence on joob satisfaction
n and
organizatioonal commitm ment (0.29). Orrganizational ssilence has dirrect impact onn organizationaal commitment and
job satisfaction (-0.45).

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Table 2. Results of structural equation modeling to final patterns research

Considered routes for the final model B β SE R2 X2/df p G.F.I A.G.F.I N.F.I RMSEA

Organizational Trust- Organizational

0.45 0.45 0.086 0.20

Organizational Trust-Organizational Silence -0.64 -0.64 0.077 0.41

Organizational Trust-Job Satisfaction 0.38 0.39 0.094 0.15 0.756 0.967 0.95 0.93 0.98 0.00

Organizational Trust -Organizational Silence -

0.28 0.29 0.07 0.08
Job Satisfaction

Organizational Trust- Organizational

0.29 0.29 0.06 0.08
Silence-Organizational Commitment

Organizational Silence- Organizational

-0.44 -0.45 0.088 0.20

Organizational Silence- Job Satisfaction -0.45 -0.45 0.097 0.20

The fitness indices of model in Table 2 show that the model has good fitness, it means that Chi-square indicates
numerical value as 0.756. The standard value of P-Value should be higher than 0.05 that the model is supported
and this index is 0.967 in this model indicating suitability of model fitness. RMSEA index is deviation test in
degree of freedom and is 0.000 in the present model and it indicates good fitness. One the other indices in the
present model is GFI. This index has bigger fitness compared to other indices and it should be equal or bigger
than 0.9 to verify the model. This index in the present model is 0.95 and has good fitness. AGFI index is
corrected index of GFI and this index is 0.93 in this model. Relative index of NFI in the present mod el is 0.98
and has good fitness.

Table 3. Direct and indirect effects

Impact investigation t β Result of hypotheses

Organizational trust-organizational
5.18 0.45 Organizational trust is effective on organizational commitment

Organizational trust-organizational silence -8.26 -0.64 Organizational trust is effective on organizational silence

Organizational trust-job satisfaction 4.21 0.39 Organizational trust is effective on job satisfaction

Organizational trust-Silence Organizational trust is effective on job satisfaction via organizational

4.19 0.29
Organizational-job satisfaction silence

Organizational trust-Silence Organizational trust is effective on organizational commitment via

4.55 0.29
Organizational-organizational commitment organizational silence

Organizational Silence-Organizational
-5.12 -0.45 organizational silence is effective on organizational commitment

Organizational silence-Job satisfaction -4.46 -0.45 organizational silence is effective on job satisfaction

8. Discussion and Conclusions

The results of analysis of main model of study showed that organizational trust had direct effect on
organizational silence, organizational commitment and job satisfaction and via mediating variable of
organizational silence had indirect effect on two dependent variables, organizational commitment and job
satisfaction of present study. According to the results of final model of study, we can explain the relations
between main variables, organizational trust and organizational silence with job satisfaction and organizational
commitment. Based on the results, trust had direct effect on organizational salience (-0.64). Thus, first
hypothesis is supported. It means that the weaker the trust between employees and with top managers of
organization, this leads to fear of expression of views, lack of presenting recommendations to promote
organization goals and finally employees silence. Also, organizational trust has positive and direct effect on

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commitment and job satisfaction as (0.45), (0.39). Thus, second and third hypotheses are supported. By
promoting trust in organization, satisfaction of employees of their job and to the organization they work is
improved and employees can be committed to the organization. Based on the main model of study,
organizational silence has direct effect on dependent variables of organizational commitment and job satisfaction
(-0.45). Thus, sixth and sevenths hypotheses are supported. Lack of these two variables is outcomes of
organizational silence in organizations. Indeed, distrust among employees and supervisors and top managers
based on main model relations had indirect effect via mediating variable of organizational silence on
commitment and job satisfaction, can lead to different silences as obedient silence as avoiding ideas, information
or views based on giving up and satisfaction to any conditions or defensive silence as fear in a person to present
negative outcomes and information or friendly silence as avoiding the ideas, information or relevant work views
with the aim of benefits of other people in organization. This phenomenon reduces motivation and job excitation
and work satisfaction among employees and finally commitment of people to organization, job, co-workers and
even top managers can be reduced. According to the results in Table 3, fourth and fifth hypotheses, the effect of
trust on satisfaction and organizational commitment via organizational silence are supported.
The results of data analysis showed that there was an inverse and significant relationship between organizational
trust and organizational silence. These findings are consistent with the results of stud y of Partonia (2014) and
Binikos (2010) regarding the significant and inverse relationship between organizational trust and its
components with organizational silence. One of the most important factors of integration is dynamics and
improvement of trust morale among the employees. The organization with trust among the employees is
successful in promoting its goals. As shown, trust plays important role in consistency among human being and
organizations and has special position. Trust enables the organization focusing on long-term activities and can be
a necessary element for effective change of organization. If organization managers attempt to increase employees
trust, they don’t observe the silence of employees and their passive behaviors to the changes occurred inside and
outside organization. The results of study showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between
organizational trust and job satisfaction and organizational commitment. These findings are consistent with the
results of study of Khorshid and Yazdani (2012), Kalvey (2007), Sheik-Mohammad et al., (2012), Bakiu (2013)
and Kili et al. (2013) regarding the significance of the relationship between organizational trust, job satisfaction
and organizational commitment. Indeed, organization trust is one of the components of improvement of
organizations performance and if managers have accurate perception of it, it leads to job satisfaction and
employees commitment. The systematic perception provides basic organizational trust for exact prediction of
dependent variables, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Organization life and its survival depend
upon strong relation between components and constituents. The distrust in job satisfaction has adverse impact on
collaboration morale. Also, the results of study showed that there was an inverse and significant relationship
between organizational silence with job satisfaction and organizational commitment. These results are consistent
with the study of Danayifard and Panahi (2010) and Denis et al. (2013). Organizational silence means the lack of
opinion of employees in organization due to some reasons as fear of punishment and rewards for ideas and the
lack of belief of manager in employees or the fear of endangering the job situation. Organizational silence is a
dangerous phenomenon as a barrier to innovation, organizational changes, continuous improvement, suitable
feedbacks, organizational knowledge management, improvement of organizational errors, internal satisfaction of
employees and correct decisions of employees and causes that organization get used to present methods and be
stagnated. There are various factors in organization referring to organizational silence. The most important
organizational factor is management style. Management style of organization and his tendency to dictatorship
styles and his attitude to human being is effective on organizational silence amount from this aspect that how
much they consider their employees as developed. Indeed, the more the organizational silence broken, the
employees can have high opportunities to present their own views and their job satisfaction and job motivations
are increased. There is a negative and significant relationship between organizational silence and job satisfaction.
The higher the organizational silence, the lower the job satisfaction. Organization silence is a phenomenon in
which organization employees avoid opinions regarding organization issues and are silent. Silence is a very
important sign, stress or fear in organization and the managers should eliminate the reason in the first opportunity.
Ignoring this issue can lead to adverse events, even organization death. The supervisor attitude to silence,
management attitude to silence and communicative opportunities as raised silence components are effective on
job satisfaction of employees. Human resources dedicate their major part of life to organizational environment.
The awareness to employees is of great importance. The investigation of job attitudes of employees in various
organizations due to considerable results on improvement of organizational behaviors have received much
attention by researchers and authorities of organizational behavior management and human resources
management and each organization always attempts to be aware of job attitudes of employees to lead into their

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job satisfaction in organization and establishing positive work conditions. Organizational silence is associated to
restricting effectiveness of organizational decisions and change processes. The important issue of organizations
is as most of organizations are sad about the silence of employees and in such conditions, quality of decision
making and creating innovation and achieving long-term and strategic goals of organization is reduced. Also,
organizational silence by avoiding negative feedback can avoid organizational development and changes and
satisfaction and job motivation. Thus, organization cannot correct the mistakes. Thus, based on the silence in
organizations, the organization employees are silent regarding the problems and job attitudes of employees as job
satisfaction can be decreased.
9. Limitations of the Study
The present study is performed on employees of Islamic Azad University of Khorasegan branch in Isfahan and
we should be careful to generalize the results to other Universities or other organizations.
10. Recommendations
Based on the results and analyses, we can present the following recommendations to increase organizational trust,
job satisfaction and organizational commitment and reduction of organization silence:
Planning for holding conferences and speech sessions with trust subject and holding educational courses for
managers with meritocracy subject in organization by board of directors and educational experts active in
Formulating suitable rewarding system for employees to creative beliefs and ideas based on their performance
and formulating the rules to support the views of employees and encouraging the employees to present creative
Investment of top managers of organization to implement new and applied ideas of organization employees and
making group decisions as permanent and giving importance to work groups and committees in organizations.
Identification of individual and personality features of people to delegate their responsibility and hearing the
beliefs of employees and using their proposed solutions in organization performance process.
Holding educational classes for managers and employees with communicative and management skills training
subject and training new techniques of management for managers and employees.
The design and publishing of brochure with organizational silence subject and coping methods and designing
open and friendly spatial design to establish positive relation among the employees, supervisors and top
My gratitude goes to my supervisor, Dr. Fariba Karimi who helped me in this study. Also, I am grateful of
participants of study and those who participated in data analysis and collection. Indeed, without their help, this
research was not complete. Finally, my gratitude goes to my Family who supported me.
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