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Chapter 1 – Fluids and their Properties

June – 15

June – 16

June – 17

May – 18
Nov – 16

Nov – 17

Dec – 18
Jan – 16

1. Explain the following terms 7 2 3 3 3
1. Relative Density 2. Kinematic Viscosity
3. Cavitation 4. Vapour Pressure
5. Continuum 6. Compressibility
7. Capillary Effect 8. Newton’s law of Viscosity
9. Viscosity 10. Specific Gravity
11. Surface Tension 12. Density
2. State Newton’s law of viscosity and give an example. 4
3. Define gauge pressure, absolute pressure and atmospheric pressure. 3 1
4. Explain surface tension and derive its equation for liquid droplet. 4
1. Calculate the shear stress developed in oil of viscosity 1.2 poise, used for 7
lubricating the clearance between a shaft of diameter 12 cm and its journal
bearing. The shaft rotates at 180 rpm and clearance is 1.4 mm.
3. Two large plane surfaces are 2.4 cm apart. The space between the surfaces is 7
filled with glycerin. What force is required to drag a very thin plate of surface
area 0.5 m2 between two large plane surfaces at a speed of 0.6 m/s, if (i) The thin
plate is in the middle of the two plane surfaces and, (ii) The thin plate is at a
distance of 0.8 cm from one of the plane surface. Take the dynamic viscosity of
glycerin= 8.10 x 10-1 Ns/m2.
2. A 150 mm diameter vertical cylinder rotates concentrically inside cylinder of 5
diameter 151 mm. both the cylinders are 250 mm high. The space between the
cylinders is filled with a liquid whose viscosity is unknown. If a torque of 12 Nm
is required to rotate the inner cylinder at 100 rpm, determine the viscosity of
the liquid.

Fluid Mechanics (2141906)

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
4. A flat plate 40 cm x 30 cm slides on oil (μ = 0.7 N-s/m2) over a large plane surface. 4
What is the force required to drag the plate at 3 m/s if separating oil film is 0.5
mm thick ?

Fluid Mechanics (2141906)

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Chapter 2 – Pressures and Head

June – 15

June – 16

June – 17

May – 18
Nov – 16

Nov – 17

Dec – 18
Jan – 16

1. State and derive Pascal’s law with usual notations. States its applications. 4 4 7 4 7
State and prove Pascal’s law with usual notations.
2. Enlist the various Mechanical gauges for pressure measurement and describe 9 7 4
their working with suitable diagram. +
OR 7
Explain with neat diagram construction and working of bellow and diaphragm
pressure gauge.
Explain with neat diagram construction and working of bourdon tube pressure
3. State advantages and limitation of manometer 3 3
What are the advantages and disadvantages of manometers as pressure
measuring instrument?
4. Define and derive hydrostatic law. 4
5. Differentiate between (i) simple and differential manometer (ii) piezometer and 2
pressure gauge

Fluid Mechanics (2141906)

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

1. Find out the differential reading “h” of an inverted U- 7
tube manometer containing oil of 0.7 as the
manometric fluid, when connected across pipes A and
B as shown in figure.1, conveying liquid of
and 1.0 and immiscible with manometer fluid. Pipes A
and B are located at the same level and assume the
pressure at A and B to be equal.

2. A U-tube manometer is used to measure the pressure of water in a pipe line, This 4
is in excess of atmospheric pressure. The right limb of the manometer Contains
mercury and is open to atmosphere. The contact between water and mercury is
in the left limb. Determine the pressure of water in the main line, if the difference
in level of mercury in the limbs of U-tube is 15 cm and the free surface of mercury
is in level with the center of the pipe.
Find the depth of point below sea water surface where the pressure intensity is 3
404.8 kN/m2. The specific gravity of sea water is 1.03.

Fluid Mechanics (2141906)

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Chapter 3 – Static Forces on Surface and Buoyancy

June – 15

June – 16

June – 17

May – 18
Nov – 16

Nov – 17

Dec – 18
Jan – 16

1. Derive expressions for total pressure and centre of pressure for vertically 7 7 4 7 7
immersed surface.
Define total pressure and centre of pressure. Derive expression of total pressure
force and center of pressure for vertical plane surface remains submerged in
2. Explain the conditions of stability for a submerged and floating body with neat 7 4 3 3
Discuss stability of submerged and floating bodies.
Describe stability condition of floating bodies.
3. Derive equation of total pressure and center of pressure for inclined submerged 7 7
Explain pressure diagram for inclined and submerge surface.
4. Show that the distance between the meta-centre and centre of buoyancy is given 7 7
by BM  .

Define metacenter and metacentric height. Derive expression to find
metacentric height using analytical method for floating body.
5. Derive an expression for calculating time period of oscillation of floating body. 7
6. Write the practical significance of metacentric height. 4
7. Determine the metacentric height of a floating vessel if the angle of tilt ϴ 4
caused by moving load P placed over the center of the floating body.
Fluid Mechanics (2141906)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
8. Explain Archimedes Principle. 3
1. A circular plate 1.5 m diameter is submerged in water, with its greatest and least 7
depths below the surface being 2 m and 0.75 m respectively. Determine: (i) Total
pressure on one of the face of the plate (ii) The position of centre of pressure.
2. A rectangular plane surface 2 m wide and 3 m high immerged in water, it plan is 7
making an angle 45° with the free surface of water. The upper edge of
rectangular plate is 1.5 m below the free surface. Calculate the position of center
of pressure.
3. A rectangular gate that is 2 m wide is located in the vertical 4
wall of a tank containing water as shown in figure.2. It is
desired to have the gate open automatically when the
depth of water above the top of the gate reaches 10 m.
(a) At what distance “d” should the frictionless horizontal
shaft be located?
(b) What is the magnitude of the force on the gate when it

4. A rectangular pontoon 8 m long, 6 m wide and 2 m deep, floats in sea water (sp. 7
weight = 10000 N/m3). It carries an empty boiler on its upper dock of 4 m
diameter. The weight of pontoon and boiler are 600 kN and 200 kN respectively.
The center of gravity of each unit coincides with geometric centre of the
arrangement and lie on same vertical line. Find the metacentric height of
arrangement and check the stability.
5. A block of wood has a horizontal cross section 500 mm X 500 mm and height h. 7
It floats vertically in water. If the specific gravity of wood is 0.6, find the
maximum height of block so that it can remain in stable equilibrium.
6. A barge in the shape of a rectangular block 8 m wide, 12.8 m long and 3 m deep 7
floats in water with a draft of 1.8 m. the centre of gravity of the barge is 0.3 m
above the water surface. State whether the barge is in stable equilibrium.
Calculate the righting moment when the barge heels by 10°.

Fluid Mechanics (2141906)

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
7. A solid cylinder 2 m in diameter and 2 m high is floating in water with its axis 7
vertical. If the specific gravity of the material of cylinder is 0.65 find its
metacentric height. State whether the equilibrium is stable or unstable.
8. A solid cylinder of diameter 4 meters has a height 3 meters. Find the meta centric 7
height of the cylinder when it is floating in water with its axis vertical. The
specific gravity of the cylinder is 0.6.
9. A rectangular pontoon 9 m long, 8 m wide and 3 m deep, floats in sea water (sp. 7
weight = 10000 N/m3). It carries an empty boiler on its upper dock of 5 m
diameter. The weight of pontoon and boiler are 600 kN and 300 kN respectively.
The center of gravity of each unit coincides with geometric center of the
arrangement and lie on same vertical line. Find the metacentric height of
arrangement and check the stability.
10. A body of dimensions 2m x 2m x 1m, weights 1970 N in water. Find its weight in 4
air. Find its mass.

Fluid Mechanics (2141906)

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Chapter 4 & 6 – Fluid Kinematics

June – 15

June – 16

June – 17

May – 18
Nov – 16

Nov – 17

Dec – 18
Jan – 16

1. Explain clearly: Stream line; Path line, Streak line, Uniform flow, Steady flow. 7 3 3 3 3 3
2. Explain different types of fluid flows. 7 7 4 3
Classify fluid flows.
Distinguish clearly between:
1. Rotational and Irrotational flow
2. Laminar and Turbulent flow
3. Derive an equation for continuity equation for 3D flow and reduce it for steady, 7 7 7 7 7
incompressible 2D flow.
Derive an equation of continuity for three dimensional Cartesian coordinate
4. Distinguish between free vortex flow and forced vortex flow. 4 4
5. Define vortex flow. Derive an expression of stream function and velocity 7
potential function for vortex flow.
6. Explain terms Rotation and Vorticity. 3 3
7. Explain Eulerian frame of reference. 4
8. What do you understand by stream function, velocity potential function and 3
flownet. Give the relation between stream function and velocity potential
Define velocity potential function and stream function. Derive relation between

Fluid Mechanics (2141906)

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

1. The stream function of a two dimensional flow is given by ψ = 2xy + 25. Calculate 7
the velocity at the point (1, 2). Also find the velocity potential function Ø.
2. Velocity for a two dimensional flow field is given by V=(3+2xy+4t2)i+(xy2+3t)j 5
Find the velocity and acceleration at appoint (1,2) after 2 sec.
3. The velocity components in a two- dimensional flow are u  ( y3 / 3)  2 x  x2 y 4
and v  x2 y  2 y  ( x3 / 3) . Show that these functions represent a possible case of
an irrotational flow.
4. What is the irrotational velocity field associated with the potential ɸ = 3x2 -3x 4
+3y2 +16t2 +12zt. Does the flow field satisfy the incompressible continuity
5. The velocity potential function is given by Ø = 4(x2-y2). Calculate the velocity 4
components at the point (2, 3).
6. A stream function is given by ψ = 5x – 6y. Calculate magnitude and direction of 4
resultant velocity.
7. A fluid flow is given by V = 18x3i – 20x2yj. State the flow is rotational or 3

Fluid Mechanics (2141906)

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Chapter 5 – Fluid Dynamics

May – 18
Nov – 16

Nov – 17

Dec – 18
Jun – 15

Jun – 16

Jun – 17
Jan – 16

1. Derive the expressions for discharge over (i) Rectangular notch and (ii) 7 4 3 4 7
Triangular notch.
2. Derive Euler’s equation of motion for flow along a stream line. Obtain Bernoulli’s 7 3 7 4
from it. State assumptions clearly.
Derive the Euler’s equation for motion along a stream line.
3. Derive an expression for the discharge through a venturimeter and compare it 3 7 7
with orifice meter for measurement of flow through pipes.
4. Derive the expression for time required to emptying a tank through an orifice at 7
its bottom.
5. Derive the relation among different energies using Bernoulli’s theorem. 7
6. State the momentum correction factor and list the momentum correction factor 3
for different flow in pipes.
7. Compare rectangular and triangular notches. 3
1. A 300 mm X 150 mm Venturimeter is placed vertically with throat 250 mm
above the inlet section conveys kerosene of density 820 kg/m3. The flow rate is 7
140 liter/sec. Calculate the pressure difference between inlet and throat section.
Take Cd = 0.97.
2. A horizontal Venturimeter 20 cm x 10 cm is used to measure the flow rate of oil 7
having specific gravity 0.9. The discharge through the venturi meter is 3600
liters / minute. Find the reading of oil – mercury differential manometer. Take
Cd = 0.98.

Fluid Mechanics (2141906)

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
3. A rectangular air duct of 1.5 m2 cross sectional area at section 1 which is 7
gradually reduced to 0.75 m2 area at section 2. The velocity of flow at section 1
is 12m/s and pressure is 30 kN/m2. If the duct is bent by 45°, find the magnitude
and direction of the force required to hold the duct in position. Take density of
air is 1.15 kg/m3.
4. 200 liters/s of water is flowing in a pipe having a diameter of 250 mm through 7
which the water is flowing having pressure 38 N/cm2. If the pipe is bent by 125°
(that is change from initial to final direction 125°). Find the magnitude and
direction of the resultant force on the bend.
5. A horizontal venturimeter with inlet diameter 20 cm and throat diameter 10 cm 4
is used to measure the flow of water. The pressure at inlet is 17.658 N/cm2 and
the vacuum pressure at throat is 30 cm of mercury. Find the discharge of water
through venturimeter. Take Cd = 0.98.
6. A horizontal Venturimeter with inlet diameter 20cm and throat diameter 10cm 4
is used to measure the flow of oil of 0.8. The discharge of oil through
Venturimeter is 60 liters/Second. Find the reading of the oil mercury differential
manometer take Cd = 0.98.
7. A horizontal Venturimeter with inlet diameter 150 mm and throat diameter 75
mm is used to measure discharge. The differential manometer gives reading of 3
150 mm of mercury. Determine the rate of flow if Cd is 0.98.

Fluid Mechanics (2141906)

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Chapter 7 – Dimensional Analysis & Similarities

May – 18
Nov – 16

Nov – 17

Dec – 18
Jun – 15

Jun – 16

Jun – 17
Jan – 16

1. What are repeating variables? How are they selected for dimensional analysis? 5 3 4
2. State the dimensional homogeneity. Prove that the following equations are 7
homogeneous equation.
i. Q  AV ii. T  2 L / g iii. V  2 gH
3. Explain different types of hydraulic models. 4
4. Define dimensional analysis with an example. 3
5. Define following non dimensional numbers: 3
Reynold’s Number, Weber’s Number, Froude’s Number
1. The frictional torque T of a disc of diameter D rotating at a speed N in a fluid of 9
viscosity μ and density ρ in a turbulent flow is given by,
𝑇 = 𝐷5 𝑁 2 𝜌 𝜑 [ ]
Prove this by Buckingham’s π method.
2. Using Buckingham’s π- theorem show that the velocity through a circular orifice 7
is given by,
D  
V  2 gH   , 
 H VH 
Where H is head causing flow, D is the diameter of the orifice, μ is the coefficient
of viscosity, ρ is mass density and g is the acceleration due to gravity.
3. Derive on the basis of dimensional analysis suitable parameters to present the 7
thrust developed by propeller. Assume that thrust P depends upon the angular
Fluid Mechanics (2141906)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
velocity ω, speed of advance V, diameter D, dynamic viscosity μ, mass density ρ,
elasticity of the fluid medium which can be denoted by speed of the sound in the
medium C.
4. The pressure difference ΔP in a pipe of diameter D and length L due to turbulent 7
flow depends upon the velocity, density and roughness. Using Buckingham’s π
theorem obtain expression of ΔP.
5. Using Buckingham’s π- theorem, show the efficiency ɳ of a fan depends on 7
density ρ, dynamic viscosity μ of the fluid, angular velocity ω, diameter D of the
rotor and the discharge Q.

Fluid Mechanics (2141906)

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Chapter 8 – Viscous Flow

May – 18
Nov – 16

Nov – 17

Dec – 18
Jun – 15

Jun – 16

Jun – 17
Jan – 16

1. Derive the Hagen – Poiseuille equation for laminar flow in the circular pipe. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Derive an expression for Hagen-Poiseuille’s formula for viscous flow.
For viscous flow through pipe, derive equation of velocity distribution and prove
that ratio of maximum velocity to average velocity for this flow is 2.
Prove that the average velocity is half of the maximum velocity in circular pipe
with steady laminar flow.
Derive an expression for the velocity distribution for viscous flow through a
circular pipe. Also sketch the velocity distribution and shear stress distribution
across a section of the pipe.
2. List different methods of viscosity measurement. Explain any one of them. 4 3
Explain capillary tube viscometer.
1. A shaft of 100 mm diameter rotates at 60 rpm in a 200 mm long bearing. Taking 4
the two surfaces are uniformly separated by a distance of 0.5 m and taking linear
velocity distribution in the lubricating oil having dynamic viscosity of 4
centipoises, find the power absorbed in the bearing.

Fluid Mechanics (2141906)

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
2. A crude oil of viscosity 0.1Ns/m2 and relative density 0.9 is flowing through a 4
horizontal circular pipe of diameter 60 mm and length 200 m. calculate the
difference of pressure at the two ends of the pipe if flow rate through the pipe is
4 liters/s.
3. In a pipe of 200 mm diameter water is flowing, there is a shear stress of 0.12 3
kN/m2 at a point distant 30 mm from the pipe axis. If the coefficient of friction
between the pipe and fluid is 0.04, calculate the shear stress at the pipe wall.
4. Calculate (i) the pressure gradient along flow (ii) the average velocity and (iii) 3
the discharge for an oil of viscosity 0.02 Ns/m2 flowing between two stationary
parallel plates 1 m wide maintained 10 mm apart. The velocity midway between
the plates is 2 m/s.

Fluid Mechanics (2141906)

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Chapter 9 – Turbulent Flow

May – 18
Nov – 16

Nov – 17

Dec – 18
Jun – 15

Jun – 16

Jun – 17
Jan – 16

1. Derive an expression for the loss of head due to friction in pipes. 7 7 4 7 7 5 7
Obtain Darcy-Weisbach formula for head loss due to friction.
2. State the Karman-Prandtl equation for the velocity distribution near hydro 7
dynamically smooth boundaries.
1. An oil of specific gravity 0.9 and viscosity 0.06 poise is flowing through a pipe of 7
diameter 200 mm at the rate of 60 liters/s. Find the head lost due to friction for
a 500 mm length of pipe. Also find the power required to maintain the flow. Take
f = 0.079/(Re)1/4
2. Calculate the loss of head and power required to maintain the flow in a 4
horizontal circular pipe of 40 mm diameter and 750 m long when water flow at
a rate of 30 liters/minute. Take Darcy’s friction factor is 0.032.

Fluid Mechanics (2141906)

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Chapter 10 – Flow Through Pipes

June – 15

June – 16

June – 17

May – 18
Nov – 16

Nov – 17

Dec – 18
Jan – 16

1. Prove the friction head losses is equal to one third of total head at inlet for 7 7
maximum power transmission through pipe.
2. List out major and minor losses for flow through pipe and explain any one in 2 4
3. Derive an equation for loss of head due to sudden enlargement 4
4. Define or explain following terms 3
1. Water Hammer 2. Summit
3. Hydraulic Radius
5. What do you understand by frictional resistance offered by pipe? 3
6. Explain the phenomenon of water hammer. 3
1. A pipe AB branches into two pipes BC and BD. The pipe has diameter of 30 cm 7
at A, 20 cm at B, 15 cm at C and 10 cm at D. Determine the discharge at A if flow
velocity at A is 2.5 m/s. Also find the velocity at B and D, if the velocity at C is 4.2
2. A pipe of diameter 225 m is attached to a 150 mm diameter pipe in a straight 7
line by means of a flange. Water flows at the rate of 0.05 m3/s. the pressure loss
at transition as indicated by differential gauge length on a water-mercury
manometer connected between two pipes equals 35 mm. calculate the loss of
head due to contraction.
3. A syphon of diameter 200 mm connects two reservoirs having a difference in 4
elevation of 20 m. The length of the syphon is 500 m and the summit is 3.0 m
above the water level in the upper reservoir. The length of the pipe from upper
reservoir to the summit is 110 m. Determine the discharge through the syphon
and also pressure at the summit. Neglect minor losses. The co-efficient of friction
f= 0.005.
Fluid Mechanics (2141906)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
4. The rate of flow of water through a horizontal pipe is 0.25 m/s. The diameter of 4
the pipe which is 200 mm is suddenly enlarged to 400 mm. The pressure
intensity in the smaller pipe is 11.772 N/cm2. Determine (i) loss of head due to
sudden enlargement (ii) pressure intensity in large pipe.
5. Find the loss of head when a pipe of diameter 250 mm is suddenly enlarged to a 4
diameter of 500 mm. the rate of flow through the pipe is 300 liters/ s.
6. Determine the head lost due to friction in a pipe using Chezy’s formula. 3
Diameter and length of pipe = 300 mm and 50 m Velocity of water flowing in
pipe = 2.5 m/s Chezy’s constant = 60
7. Determine the head lost due to friction in a pipe using Chezy’s formula. 3
Diameter and length of pipe = 250 mm and 60 m
Velocity of water flowing in pipe = 2.5 m/s
Chezy’s constant = 60

Fluid Mechanics (2141906)

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

Chapter 11 – Compressible Flow

June – 15

June – 16

June – 17

May – 18
Nov – 16

Nov – 17

Dec – 18
Jan – 16

1. K 7 3 4 3 7
Prove that the velocity of sound wave in compressible fluid is given by C  .

Prove the velocity of a sound wave in a compressible fluid is given by C   RT .
Prove the velocity of a sound wave in a compressible fluid is given by C  .
Find the expression of velocity of sound in terms of Bulk Modulus.
2. Explain propagation of sound waves for Sub sonic and Sonic flow. 4
3. Derive Bernoulli’s equation for adiabatic process in compressible fluid flow. 4
4. Prove the compressibility is reciprocal of bulk modulus. Also derive relation 4
between bulk modulus and pressure for a gas for isothermal and adiabatic
5. Define Mach number. Classify compressible flow based on Mach number. 3
6. Define compressible and incompressible. 3
1. A supersonic aircraft flies at an altitude of 1.8 km where temperature is 4°C. 7
Determine the speed of the aircraft if its sound is heard 4 seconds after its passage
over the head of an observer. Take R = 287 J/kg K and γ = 1.4.
2. A projectile is travelling in air having pressure 0.1 N/mm2 and temperature -1℃. 4
If the Mach angle is 39°, find the velocity of projectile and Mach number. Take k
= 1.4 and R = 287 J/kgK

Fluid Mechanics (2141906)

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology
3. An aeroplane is flying at height of 15 km where the temperature is – 50°C. Speed 4
of the plane is corresponding to M = 2. Assuming k = 1.4 and R = 287 J/kg K, find
the speed of the plane.
4. A projectile is travelling in air having pressure 8.83 N/cm2 and temperature -2℃. 3
If the mach angle is 40°, find the velocity of projectile. Take k = 1.4 and R = 287

Fluid Mechanics (2141906)

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology

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