ManganesePAN DOC316.53.01057 PDF
ManganesePAN DOC316.53.01057 PDF
ManganesePAN DOC316.53.01057 PDF
Test preparation
Before starting
Install the instrument cap on the DR 900 cell holder before ZERO or READ is pushed.
The sample must be digested with heat and acid to make sure that all forms of the metal are measured. Use the mild or
vigorous digestion. Refer to the Water Analysis Guide for more information.
Rinse all glassware with a 1:1 nitric acid solution. Rinse again with deionized water.
Review the Safety Data Sheets (MSDS/SDS) for the chemicals that are used and use any recommended personal protective
The alkaline cyanide solution contains cyanide. Make sure to read the Safety Data Sheets and obey the safety precautions.
Dispose of reacted solutions according to local, state and federal regulations. Use the Safety Data Sheets for disposal
information for unused reagents. Consult the environmental, health and safety staff for your facility and/or local regulatory
agencies for further disposal information.
Items to collect
Description Quantity
Items to collect (continued)
Description Quantity
1. Start Program 2. Prepare the blank: Fill 3. Prepare the sample: Fill 4. Add the contents of one
290 Manganese, LR PAN. the sample cell with 10 mL a second sample cell with Ascorbic Acid Powder Pillow
For information about of deionized water. 10 mL of sample. to each sample cell.
sample cells, adapters or
light shields, refer to
Instrument specific
information on page 1.
Note: Although the program
name may vary between
instruments, the program
number does not change.
9. Swirl to mix. 10. Start the instrument 11. When the timer expires, 12. Insert the blank into the
The sample will show an timer. A 2-minute reaction clean the blank. cell holder.
orange color if manganese time starts.
is present.
Zero Read
13. Push ZERO. The 14. Clean the prepared 15. Insert the prepared 16. Push READ. Results
display shows 0.000 mg/L sample. sample into the cell holder. show in mg/L Mn.
Interfering substance Interference level
Aluminum 20 mg/L
Cadmium 10 mg/L
Calcium 1000 mg/L as CaCO3
Cobalt 20 mg/L
Copper 50 mg/L
Hardness For samples that contain more than 300 mg/L hardness as CaCO3, add 4 drops of Rochelle Salt
Solution to the sample after the Ascorbic Acid Powder Pillow is added.
Iron 25 mg/L (if the sample contains more than 5 mg/L iron, increase the reaction period to 10 minutes.)
Accuracy check
Standard additions method (sample spike)
Use the standard additions method (for applicable instruments) to validate the test
procedure, reagents and instrument and to find if there is an interference in the sample.
Items to collect:
• Manganese PourRite Ampule Standard, 10 mg/L Mn
• Ampule breaker
• Pipet, TenSette®, 0.1–1.0 mL and tips
1. Use the test procedure to measure the concentration of the sample, then keep the
(unspiked) sample in the instrument.
2. Go to the Standard Additions option in the instrument menu.
3. Select the values for standard concentration, sample volume and spike volumes.
4. Open the standard solution.
5. Prepare three spiked samples: use the TenSette pipet to add 0.1 mL, 0.2 mL and
0.3 mL of the standard solution, respectively, to three 10-mL portions of fresh sample.
Mix well.
6. Use the test procedure to measure the concentration of each of the spiked samples.
Start with the smallest sample spike. Measure each of the spiked samples in the
7. Select Graph to compare the expected results to the actual results.
Note: If the actual results are significantly different from the expected results, make sure that
the sample volumes and sample spikes are measured accurately. The sample volumes and
sample spikes that are used should agree with the selections in the standard additions menu. If
the results are not within acceptable limits, the sample may contain an interference.
Summary of method
The PAN method is a highly sensitive and rapid procedure to measure low levels of
manganese. An ascorbic acid reagent is used initially to reduce all oxidized forms of
manganese to Mn2+. An alkaline-cyanide reagent is added to mask potential
interferences. PAN Indicator is then added to combine with the Mn2+ to form an orange-
colored complex. The measurement wavelength is 560 nm.
Consumables and replacement items
Required reagents
© Hach Company/Hach Lange GmbH, 1989–2013. All rights reserved. 04/2013, Edition 8