Cheesedog K
Cheesedog K
Cheesedog K
The immersion is the one course requirement for graduates. In that case the senior high school
is required to undergo to the work immersion so that the students become familiarize and exposed with the
work related environment, workplace, duties, obligations and responsibilities especially to enhance their
competence. Grade 12 students will be having the work immersion in the different types of companies.
The researchers have come up with this topic because it is based in our respondents which are the
Grade 12 students in St. Catherine College Of Valenzuela. Since the researchers are Grade 11 students, the
researchers want to know how the work immersion affects the productivity, skills managing their time and the
competence of the graduates.
Academic institutions are faced with different challenges particularly on the skills they produced which
do not match the needs of the industry. A significant number of graduates today are unable to fill the job
openings due to job-skill mismatch. In addition to that these same skills can also be reinforce through on the
job training programs, which is requires to graduating students to apply the different theories principles and
ideas learned in the academic under suspension.
A study conducted by the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) in 2006,
emphasize the importance of an effective on the job training program. An achievement of the OJT programs
objectives ensures the possibility of good performer graduates. One of the goals of the K-12 basic education
program is to develop in learners the competencies, work ethic and values relevant to pursuing further
education and on/or joined the field of work.
The work immersion is the key feature in the senior high school curriculum; their work immersion
consists of 80 hours of hands on experience or work simulation, which Grade 12 students will undergo to
express them to the actual work setting and to let them enrich the competencies provided by the school.
Students will gain new skill sets and improve their existing capabilities. They would discover themselves and
jumpstart their professional growth.
Conceptual Framework
The system approach (Input- Process- Output System) was used in describing conceptual framework
of the study. As shown in Figure 1, the input consist the profile of the respondents in term of age, sex, grade
level and strand. Based on the theory that the researcher's have for the basis of the study Gary Stanley
Becker's OJT Model assumes that the new employees will receive early training which helps their skills
develop and raise their productivity in all aspects.
Theoretical Framework
Most of the theories have been considered and reviewed to serve as the foundation to establish the
study. The theory included in the study was on the Job Training Model advocated by American Gary Stanley
The OJT Model is the most widely accepted explanation for this association it assume that new employees
will receive their early training in their tenure which increases their productivity both in and outside of the firm.
The employers were forced by competition to pay the employees who have completed this training at least as
much as they are worth outside the firm. Job that offers such training for employees is more attractive than
other jobs that do not, so the entry wage of jobs that provides training will force down by competition below the
entry wage of job that offers no training during the training period.
The workers aid the supervisors leaving the other activities and lend their time to help the new
employee to learn about the job. Also the new employee will spend their time in learning activities instead the
production activities. In order to offer training the employer must be compensated for the result of their sacrifice
in current output.
Lowering the entry wage is the only way to provide a compensation There are two forces to rise the
wage of the new employees increasing the productivity of the employee and the deadline of training
experiences. Salop and Salop(1976) have proposed that a rising wage profile may be a strategy for attracting
workers with low quit propensities to a firm.
Medoff and Abraham have observed that experience-earnings differential has no one ever provided evidence
in which demonstrate the performance rating and experience in fact it explained by experience - productivity
differentials. Medoff and Abraham found that while within a grade level there is a positive
association between wage rate and experience, there is a negative association between performance rating
and experience. They concluded that "under the assumption that rated performance is a valid indicator of
relative productivity, our results imply that a substantial fraction of the return to experience among the groups
we are studying is unrelated to productivity"
Actually, there are several implicit sub-hypotheses which also need to be examined:
1. an increase in tenure leads to an increase in OJT;
2. an increase in OJT leads to an increase in productivity; and
3. an increase in productivity leads to an increase in wage rates.
Prior studies have lacked data to test these relationships, but this study is significant in having a national
sample of individual data on wage rates, reported productivity, tenure and time spent.
The main purpose of the study is to determine the importance and effect of immersion of the Grade 12
students in St. Catherine Collage of Valenzuela Inc.
1. What is the modal profile of the respondents in terms of the following variables:
1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.3 Grade level and
1.4 Strand
3. What is the level of work immersion satisfaction of the students in their respective workplace?
This research focuses on the effect of work immersion in the productivity of the Grade 12 students of
St. Catherine College Of Valenzuela Inc. located at Mapulang Lupa Valenzuela City. The respondents are the
grade 12 students of the present year S.Y 2019-2020.
The respondents in this research constitute of one forty hundred (140) Grade 12 students, that will be
having a work immersion in the different types of companies. In that case the Grade 12 students required to
undergo to the work immersion. The Grade 12 students should focus of the objectives of work immersion to
prepare them for the curriculum exits. This research will let use (researcher) freely interact with the technical
support students who have the ability to answer all the problems related to work immersion.
Through work immersion, expose the students to prepare themselves once they already graduated
from secondary education. It's focus about the effect to the grade 12 student to have immersion and how they
take a readiness to themselves once they already graduated in senior high school.
For Students
Students are able to express their self and express their knowledge and talents during the actual
immersion. It will also give them experiences that they can use not just in their everyday living but also as
students in school.
For Teacher
The immersion will give their students an actual possibilities on how their students can cope up and
knowledge and talents.
For Researcher
For the researcher this study will provide guidance and assistance in the future. This study will help for
adding more information about work immersion to those researchers that are being conducted the researcher
want to be educators or what to be in the school system.
Definition of Terms
For the purpose of clarification, the important terms used in this study have been defined.
Work immersion. Immersions prepare students for the real world by training them how to work in a company
and eventually excel in a specific career. The school needs to ensure that its students gain various
competencies that would have these future professionals ready for employment.
Job training model. A method of preparing an employee to perform a task by providing them with
information about the task, a demonstration of its performance, an opportunity for the employee to imitate the
demonstration and subsequent feedback.
On the Job Training (OJT). Employee training at the place of work while he or she is doing the actual
job. Usually a professional trainer (or sometimes an experienced employee) serves as the course instructor
using hands-on training often supported by formal classroom training.
Productivity. the state or quality of producing something, especially crops. "the long-term productivity of
land" the effectiveness of productive effort, especially in industry, as measured in terms of the rate of output
per unit of input.