data driven
Who we are
easyJet makes travel easy, enjoyable
and affordable for customers, whether
it is for leisure or business.
We use our cost advantage and leading
positions in primary airports to deliver
low fares and operational efficiency,
seamlessly connecting Europe with
the warmest welcome in the sky.
Our well-established business model
provides a strong foundation to drive
profitable growth and long-term
shareholder returns.
We are proud to have been awarded
Best Low-Cost Airline in Europe at the
Skytrax World Airlines Awards 2019.
2 At a glance
creation 3 Chairman’s letter
framework 10
Business model
Market review
The foundation 15 Stakeholder engagement
for who we are 16 Chief Executive’s review
and what we do and Our Strategy
26 Key performance indicators
28 Financial review
35 Viability statement
36 Summary statistics
37 Risk
our PAGE 48
Key highlights 66 Chairman’s statement
on corporate governance
of the year’s 68 Board of Directors
performance 72 Airline Management Board
75 Corporate governance report
96 Directors’ remuneration report
116 Directors’ report
120 Statement of Directors’
to the members of easyJet plc
The strategic plan which 128 Consolidated accounts
we announced last year 133 Notes to the accounts
is now fully embedded 174 Company accounts
across easyJet 176 Notes to the Company accounts
179 Five-year summary
180 Glossary
181 Shareholder information
our commitment
Sustainability is a key part
of Our Promise
www.easyJet.com 1
Our purpose defines who
we are and guides our WELCOME IN THE SKY
actions and decisions. easyJet makes travel easy, enjoyable and affordable, whether it is
for leisure or business
We have a set of values On our
which support and Safe and Always Forward
customers’ In it together
guide Our Strategy. responsible efficient thinking
focused on
Last year easyJet identified a significant opportunity to develop
a financially meaningful holidays business, to better serve the
easyJet generation. Around 20 million customers per year fly with
easyJet to Europe’s largest leisure destinations, but only 0.5 million
Non-Executive Chairman
book accommodation with us. We will launch in the UK before
Christmas, selling holidays for winter 2019 and summer 2020.
easyJet’s Board has been further strengthened this year by the
appointment of two new Independent Non-Executive Directors.
Dr Anastassia Lauterbach and Nick Leeder were both appointed
www.easyJet.com 3
As we were planning for summer 2019, we faced
increasing airport and airspace congestion, with
Eurocontrol predicting 15% more air traffic delays
year on year.
The skies are busier than ever, and our own fleet
capacity is growing, so we took action to evolve the
way we planned for and managed disruption on the
day, and recover faster when disruptive events occur.
This involved a co-ordinated, airline-wide effort to
identify improvements across the business, including:
• Re-designing our flying schedules and rosters,
making over 50,000 updates to the schedule to
help us avoid disruption where possible and to be
better positioned to manage where we cannot
• Increasing investment in standby aircraft
• Optimising our maintenance planning
• Communicating with and supporting our
customers during disruption
• Using data and analytics to make the best
network-wide decisions
24% 25%
www.easyJet.com 5
Our growth is targeted in the areas where we see long
term returns, within our core business as a low-cost
European point-to-point airline.
• Our network strategy of focusing our capacity on
slot-constrained primary airports is improving
resilience through the cycle and driving revenue per
seat and profitability, as we take market share from
legacy carriers.
• Our new Holidays initiative is focusing initially on the
19.5 million leisure customers who flew easyJet last
year but booked accommodation elsewhere. The
Holidays team is targeting the needs of the easyJet
generation with an all-new offering and website.
We have identified that this represents a significant
growth opportunity with low capital requirements.
• Our late yield initiative has enabled us to optimise
pricing for super late bookings, in instances where
we saw a wide pricing gap relative to our
competitors, whilst still maintaining our
commitment to offer great value.
MARKET” 19.5m Customers
Garry Wilson, Chief Executive Officer LEISURE BUT BOOKED
www.easyJet.com 7
data driven
At easyJet, we put data to work for the benefit
of our customers and employees.
We have designed prediction models which allow our operations
team to intervene early when crew duty hour limits are likely to
disrupt our schedule, enabling us to create highly resilient rosters and
schedules. This is critical to crew wellbeing, reducing out-of-hours
travel to cover duties while also enabling greater roster stability and
minimising customer disruption.
We are equipping all of our aircraft with ‘big data’ servers, which allows
us to capture, store and interrogate the aircraft data after every flight.
Looking for patterns in this data enables us to intervene early, before
an aircraft potentially develops a technical fault and impacts upon
our operation.
Data from our maintenance systems is also being used to predict
when we are most likely to find faults and need extended maintenance
downtimes. This allows us to ensure we have the right spare parts and
personnel available, and have standby aircraft ready if necessary.
Congestion in European airspace has had a huge impact on our
operations, especially during summer 2018 and 2019. We have
developed data tools allowing us to predict which flights are most likely
to experience delays and impact upon our flying programme. These
data tools recommend where to intervene to reduce these delays and
help to shape how we build our future schedules in a more resilient way.
The use of data has been fundamental to our success in reducing the
impact of disruption. These are early successes in building a data driven
operation and we have a full pipeline of data projects for the future.
631 21
Our performance
2018: 92.9%
2018: 95.2M
2018: 58.6p
2018: 51
15% £(326)m
2018: 396M
2018: £107m
www.easyJet.com 11
easyJet partners with key suppliers to deliver many of its 85%
operational and commercial activities. Our partners are carefully SUPPLIER
selected and significant emphasis is placed on managing these PAYMENTS ON TIME
relationships, with the aim of extracting incremental innovation
and performance. Currently, our top 300 suppliers are 2018: 87%
responsible for around 97% of our spend.
159 1,051
point-to-point airline. We use
our cost advantage, operational
efficiency and leading positions
in primary airports to deliver low
fares, seamlessly connecting
Europe with the warmest
2018: 156 2018: 979
welcome in the sky. INCREASING NO 1 POSITIONS
easyJet is the seventh1 ACROSS THE NETWORK
largest airline in the world,
with 331 aircraft and 96 million 2019 27
customers across 34 countries
and 159 airports. 2018 25
In time for the 2020 summer 2017 18
season we are launching a new
easyJet Holidays business, in
2016 17
order to capture additional 2015 17
revenues from the 97% of our
leisure customers who book
accommodation elsewhere.
• Our leading position at
slot-constrained airports
with high customer demand
allows us to deliver profitable
growth and resilient returns Destinations
over the long term
• We continually evaluate
opportunities to extend
our network profitably
• Our cost efficiency is
achieved through long-term
strategic partnerships with
key airports and ground
handling operators
• easyJet has a focus on
providing services which
our customers value
• The new easyJet Holidays
offering has been tailored
to the needs of the easyJet
www.easyJet.com 13
Market dynamics
The key factors which influence easyJet and all operators
within the European airline industry
our stakeholders
and how we engage with them are set out below.
• Our crew interact with customers on a daily basis,
providing the warmest welcome in the sky.
We flew 96 million passengers in 2019. They
include individuals who book flight-only trips • When customers need extra support, our customer
with us for leisure or business, as well as those services teams help with special assistance requests
who also book holidays. or arrangements when their travel is disrupted.
• We also regularly survey our customers to find out
about their experiences.
REGULATORS AND GOVERNMENTS • Our regulatory affairs team engages with regulators on
a regular basis. We also engage with governments in all markets
Our three pan-European airlines are regulated by
where we have bases, at both a national and regional level.
Austrocontrol (Austria), the Civil Aviation Authority
(UK) and the Federal Office of Civil Aviation • Our operations team engage with Air Traffic Control
(Switzerland). operators and airline associations. We also work with
business and tourism bodies across our network.
We engage with governments, policy makers,
Air Traffic Control operators, airline associations
and tourism bodies.
www.easyJet.com 15
JOHan lundgren
Chief Executive Officer
1. Capacity represents the number of earned seats flown. Earned seats include seats which are flown whether or not the passenger turns up, as easyJet is a
no-refund airline and once a flight has departed, a no-show customer is generally not entitled to change flights or seek a refund. Earned seats also include
seats provided for promotional purposes and to staff for business travel.
2. Constant currency is calculated by comparing performance for the 2019 financial year, translated at the effective exchange rate for the 2018 financial
year, with the 2018 financial year reported performance, excluding foreign exchange gains and losses on balance sheet revaluations.
• £4 million charge for ongoing organisational and legal The agreement also allows the fleet to meet the planned fleet
costs associated with easyJet’s Brexit-mitigation size for 2021 and is a key demonstration of easyJet’s fleet
programme (2018: £7 million) flexibility which means the airline is able to either increase or
decrease the fleet growth programme as well as increase or
• £1 million credit related to fair value adjustments
decrease deployed capital.
(2018: £1 million charge)
www.easyJet.com 17
BALANCE SHEET which allow for suspension of rights to attend and vote at shareholder
meetings and/or sale of shares by non-qualifying nationals to
easyJet’s business model and strategy are underpinned by
qualifying nationals. Similar powers exist in the articles of association
sector-leading balance sheet strength. easyJet is committed to its
of other airlines, as well as in the articles of companies in other
investment grade rating, with a BBB+ (stable) rating from
sectors which have national share ownership requirements. Whilst
Standard & Poor’s and a Baa1 (stable) rating from Moody’s.
easyJet has no current intention of exercising these powers, the
Of easyJet’s 331 aircraft on the balance sheet at 30 September position will be kept under review pending the outcome of Brexit
2019, the 232 owned aircraft are unencumbered, representing negotiations between the UK and the EU, along with other options.
70% of the total fleet (unchanged year-on-year).
easyJet continues to closely monitor demand on all of our routes,
Over the next four years easyJet’s gross capital expenditure, in the event that political events may affect our customers’
including the impact of new IFRS accounting standards is propensity to travel.
expected to be as follows:
Having started our Brexit preparations early and with contingency
Year 2020 2021 2022 2023 plans in place, we are confident that easyJet will keep flying and
Gross capital expenditure (£ million) 1,350 950 1,200 1,100 that our operations will not be materially affected, whatever the
outcome of the current political situation.
easyJet’s funding position is strong with net debt at 30 September
2019 of £326 million, which comprised cash and money market OUTLOOK
deposits of £1,576 million (2018: £1,373 million) and borrowings of
easyJet continues to see the current market environment as
£1,902 million (2018: £977 million).
an opportunity to build and strengthen its network, operational
Borrowings as at 30 September 2019 include £578 million of resilience and customer experience for the long term.
lease liabilities, with the majority added as a result of the
For the 2020 financial year easyJet plans to grow capacity at
adoption of IFRS 16.
the lower end of our medium-term 3-8% guidance. Scheduled
After allowing for the impact of aircraft operating leases, as capacity growth in Q1 is currently around 2% and is expected to
previously adjusted (seven times operating lease costs incurred be less than 2% for the first half.
in the 12 months ending 30 September 2018), adjusted net debt as
Forward bookings for the first half of the 2020 financial year are
at 30 September 2018 was £738 million.
reassuring. Bookings are slightly ahead of last year (recognising
Liquidity per 100 seats was £3.6 million (2018: £3.9m), which represents that the second quarter is a weak comparative).
comfortable headroom compared to our target of a liquidity buffer
Revenue per seat for the first half of the 2020 financial year
of £2.6 million per 100 seats, defined as cash plus undrawn
is expected to be up low to mid single digits year-on-year.
revolving credit facilities and business interruption insurance.
This excludes the incremental revenues associated with
Headline return on capital employed (ROCE) fell to 11.4% (2018: easyJet Holidays.
14.6%), driven by the weaker performance in Q2. Total ROCE fell
Disruption costs are expected to continue improving next year,
to 11.4% (2018: 11.7%). On a like-for-like accounting basis, total
driven by our Operational Resilience programme. A lower rate
ROCE decreased to 10.0%.
of capacity growth will make it more challenging to deliver lower
BREXIT costs per seat on an underlying basis. Headline cost per seat
excluding fuel at constant currency for the 2020 financial year is
easyJet is well prepared for the UK’s departure from the European
expected to increase by low single digits, assuming normal levels
Union and has been operating in a ‘No-Deal Brexit’ environment
of disruption. This guidance excludes the incremental costs
since March 2019.
associated with easyJet Holidays, which is expected to be at least
Since March easyJet has been structured as a pan-European airline breakeven for the financial year ending 30 September 2020.
group with three airlines based in Austria, Switzerland and the UK.
Capital expenditure for the 2020 financial year is expected to be
This ensures that easyJet will continue to be able to operate flights
c.£1.35 billion (including the effect of new IFRS accounting standards).
both across the EU and domestically within EU countries after the
UK has left the EU, regardless of the Brexit outcome. Based on today’s fuel prices, unit fuel costs1 for the year to 30
September 2020 are expected to result in a headwind of between
easyJet has made good progress in meeting the European
£70 million and £140 million, due to easyJet’s advantaged hedging
ownership requirements and our equity capital is currently around
position. Total fuel bill is expected to be around £1.62 billion
the 50% threshold of qualifying nationals (EU member states plus
(includes £10 million of the headline foreign exchange impact) and
Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, but excluding the UK).
this figure includes c.£25 million investment in carbon offsetting.
In the event that the UK were to leave the EU without a deal and if
the European ownership of easyJet were to fall below 50% then The total expected headline foreign exchange impact2 for the year
easyJet could invoke the provisions within its Articles of Association to 30 September 2020 is expected to be a positive movement of
around £40 million.
Details of hedging arrangements as at 30 September 2019 are set out below:
Fuel requirement US Dollar requirement Euro surplus CHF Surplus
Six months to 31 March 2020
Percentage of anticipated requirement hedged 74% 70% 68% 76%
Average rate $632 / metric tonne $1.36 €1.11 CHF 1.27
Full year ending 30 September 2020
Percentage of anticipated requirement hedged 68% 66% 67% 73%
Average rate $655 / metric tonne $1.36 €1.11 CHF 1.27
Full year ending 30 September 2021
Percentage of anticipated requirement hedged 45% 46% 52% 52%
Average rate $643 / metric tonne $1.31 €1.10 CHF 1.23
1. Unit fuel calculated as the difference between latest estimate of 2020 fuel costs less 2019 fuel cost per seat multiplied by 2020 seat capacity
2. Based on rates as at 30 September 2019 of US$ to £ Sterling 1.28, Euro to £ Sterling 1.15. Currency, capital expenditure and fuel increases are shown
net of hedging impact
18 easyJet plc Annual Report and Accounts 2019
our plan
Customers do not Customers have We continue to drive People are at the Our team has
just want a great increasing choice a number of cost heart of everything identified a rich
deal on price – they and their and efficiency which easyJet does. pipeline of data
want to fly from the expectations programmes in order Our customer-facing projects. The early
airports which work are rising. to mitigate the employees are the results have been
best for them. effects of inflation very best in the extremely positive,
We will give
and to build further industry and provide improving
We will continue to customers reasons
resilience into our the warmest scheduling, seat
target being the to choose to spend
business model. welcome in the sky. band pricing, late
market share leader more with us,
The positive yield pricing and
at our primary including growing Our improved
experience which operational
airports, offering the our end-to-end operational resilience
they provide for resilience.
most compelling holiday offer, procedures and
customers leads to
network of expanding efficient new aircraft
increased loyalty and
destinations and our business travel not only reduce cost
repeat business.
driving greater and offering a but also reduce the
returns and compelling customer impact on the
frequencies from loyalty programme. environment.
these markets.
www.easyJet.com 19
Number one or 99% of easyJet’s seat capacity touches these key, primary
airports, positioning the airline strongly against its competitors.
During the year easyJet established a number one position at
2018: 25
Thomas Cook’s slots at Gatwick Airport (12 summer slot pairs and
8 winter slot pairs) and Bristol Airport (6 summer slot pairs and
one winter slot pair) for £36 million. We are in the process of
finalising the schedules and will be flying these routes as early
as February 2020.
since 2012
20 easyJet plc Annual Report and Accounts 2019
Winning our easyJet will offset carbon emissions from the fuel used for every
customers’ from the atmosphere. easyJet will compensate for every tonne
of CO2 emitted from fuel used for its flights, by ensuring there is
2017: 66%
new organisation from the ground up to replace the previously
outsourced commission-based model, so we can directly sell to
customers and grow our business quickly and at scale.
Around 20 million customers per year fly with easyJet to
Europe’s largest leisure destinations, but only 0.5 million book
accommodation with us. These 19.5 million leisure customers are
our initial target market. The total European package holidays
CUSTOMER SATISFACTION market is worth around £61 billion per year. The UK alone is a
£13 billion market and has grown by 6% annually.
easyJet Holidays has built an entire organisation focused on
technology, digital and data, working alongside our experienced
local hotel sourcing team and supported by our commercial,
marketing, finance, HR, legal and customer functions. Our people
2018: 75% are a mix of industry and tech specialists and easyJet talent.
www.easyJet.com 21
easyJet is proud that it has been voted UK Business Airline of
the Year at the Business Travel Awards (UK).
easyJet has a well-established and attractive business passenger
offer, based on its network of primary airports, its slot portfolio
and high frequency on Europe’s major commercial routes. easyJet
has built its business customer base from 10 million in 2012 to
almost 17 million in 2019. The increase in business passengers
during 2019 was 11.0% and has been driven by a B2B sales focus
on promoting a new Flexi Fare proposition and Inclusive products easyJet has built a sustainable
on our UK, French and German domestic routes, which saw a 13%
increase in business passenger numbers. Overall penetration of
cost advantage based on ongoing
business rose by 0.5 percentage points to 17.5%. The business efficiency and cost control. We
pricing premium decreased by 4% reflecting tougher market continue to drive a number of cost
conditions, however continued investment in its business offer will
help easyJet reach a higher market share of European short-haul and efficiency programmes in order
business travellers. We now proactively work with 40% of the to mitigate the effects of inflation
FTSE 100 and our dedicated business travel team is actively
engaged with a high proportion of DAX30 and CAC40 companies.
and to build further resilience into
our business model.
easyJet has a great offer and a great brand which continue to
drive customer loyalty. Loyal customers are much more valuable
to us, with returning customers buying twice as many flights per
year as first timers.
Brand affinity is at an all-time high across our major markets, with
both affinity and preference increasing to our highest ever levels
compared to 2018 in the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands
and Switzerland.
The easyJet brand is considered of equal status to many of our
full-service competitors.
In the 2019 financial year, 68% of easyJet seats were booked by
customers who had made a booking in the preceding two years,
representing 65 million passengers. This is a 7 million increase
compared to 2018.
Membership of easyJet’s invitation-only loyalty programme,
Flight Club (for those who fly more than 20 times a year with FEWER CANCELLATIONS
easyJet) also grew strongly, with Flight Club members increasing
by 24% in 2019 and accounting for 9% of all bookings made.
easyJet Plus membership rose by 17% over the 2019 financial year.
easyJet’s ambition is to drive customer loyalty further whilst
proving that expensive and complex structures are not needed in
order to be innovative. Whilst our internal resources have been
focused on the easyJet Holidays launch during 2019, easyJet will
continue to evolve its loyalty offering during 2020 to grow the
total value per passenger through a customer-centric loyalty COST SAVINGS
programme that enhances the end-to-end travel experience,
driving loyalty through personalised benefits which offer fair value
and relevancy.
22 easyJet plc Annual Report and Accounts 2019
easyJet is committed to maintaining its structural cost advantage • Customer management – reduced unnecessary or duplicative
• airport deals: easyJet continues to benefit from economies Our Operational Resilience programme has yielded tangible
of scale and delivering passenger growth to its network of airports positive results (2019 compared to 2018) including:
• ground handling costs • 30% reduction in total events
• disruption cost savings • 46% reduction in cancellations
• 24% reduction in 3 hour delays
easyJet expects to deliver at least £80 million incremental savings
in the 2020 financial year. In mitigating the impact of ATC delays our pre-flight tactical
planning team avoided over 550 hours of forecast delay and the
DISRUPTION flight planning team is re-routing on the day to avoid a further
In addition to our structural cost programme initiatives to leverage 20,000 minutes of delay per week.
our scale, easyJet sees opportunities to address the difficult
Overall we have managed to keep net total minutes of delay per
aviation operating environment and the associated cost of
flight broadly flat this year, in extremely challenging conditions.
disruption. This in turn will drive better On Time Performance
For the first time in the last four years easyJet has seen a
(OTP) and customer satisfaction, as well as reduce costs.
reduction in disruption costs year-on-year.
The Air Traffic Control (ATC) environment in Europe remains
challenging, experiencing 24.5 million delay minutes in 2019, ON-TIME PERFORMANCE
compared to 14.1 million in 2015, as reported by Eurocontrol. In the year to 30 September 2019, OTP was flat year on year
During the financial year easyJet has made significant at 75%. This reflects our renewed focus on operational resilience
progress in its Operational Resilience (OR) programme, using in order to counteract the effects of operating at scale in
data and resource from across the company to plan for this increasingly congested airspace. This is despite OTP in the
difficult environment. fourth quarter being significantly affected by the impact of
lightning storms across Europe.
The OR Programme has resulted in improvements in several
• Schedule design – for the summer 2019 schedule easyJet Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Full year
has improved automation and increased the number of 2019 Network 79% 82% 74% 66% 75%
parameters used in the planning process, including factoring 2018 Network 81% 82% 73% 68% 75%
in longer turn times for bigger aircraft such as the A320s and
A321s and buffers for congested airspace or curfew-constrained 1. On-time performance is defined as the percentage of flights which arrive
within 15 minutes of the scheduled arrival time and is measured by
airports. As easyJet operates more slots at constrained airports internal easyJet systems
than any other airline in the world this is a key development
which will continue to be enhanced in the future
• Crew cost and resilience – standby has been increasingly
shifted to afternoon/evening duties, and around 900
prioritised pairings have been proactively split
• Aircraft planning – increased standby aircraft to 13 aircraft
• First wave and turn – re-timed first wave processes and
introduced new hot turn/hot arrival processes
• Operations Control Centre (OCC) resilience – new operating
model rolled-out including specialist ‘pods’ or sub teams to
manage each cluster of bases
www.easyJet.com 23
Employee turnover remains at very low rates, at 5% for cabin
crew, 6% for pilots and 6% in total over the year.
Our employees tell us that they value our friendly, positive and
upfront atmosphere, our famous ‘orange spirit’ and our
competitive remuneration policies.
easyJet is investing significant resources to improve schedule
and rostering efficiency, which will improve crew productivity
People are at the heart of everything and create a more stable working environment.
easyJet does. Our customer-facing
employees are the very best in the easyJet’s Amy Johnson Flying Initiative continues to address the
industry and provide the warmest significant gender imbalance in the worldwide pilot community.
welcome in the sky. The positive This programme promotes and supports female recruits and has
seen considerable success. Activity this year has included over
experience which they provide for 180 visits to schools and youth organisations, sponsorship of an
customers leads to increased loyalty Aviation Badge for Brownies (a division of Girlguiding in the UK)
and highlighting female easyJet pilots in the media. From just 5%
and repeat business. of our pilot intake in 2015, the proportion of new entrant pilots
who were female continues to rise and is on track to meet our
20% target in 2020. We will continue to work to influence the
issue of diversity on the flight deck in the coming years.
24 easyJet plc Annual Report and Accounts 2019
INNOVATING Over the 2019 financial year our teams have been working in a
• analysis of onboard purchasing decisions to assess whether
changes should be made to our offering
• continual innovation in our offer such as the new Bag Sizer
on the easyJet app and the roll-out of Auto Bag Drop,
which is now offered in 19 airports
SUMMER SCHEDULE This exciting pipeline of projects for the coming year will
UPDATES continue to drive cost efficiency and operational excellence
in 2020 and beyond.
www.easyJet.com 25
www.easyJet.com 27
andrew findlay
Chief Financial Officer
In the 2019 financial year, easyJet flew 96.1 million passengers (2018: 88.5 million) and delivered a headline profit before tax for the year
of £427 million (2018: £578 million) or £4.07 per seat (2018: £6.07 per seat). Total reported profit before tax for the year was £430 million
(2018: £445 million) or £4.10 per seat (2018: £4.68 per seat).
IFRS 9, 15 and 16 have been adopted with effect from 1 October 2018, applying the standard prospectively for IFRS 9 and using the
cumulative catch-up (‘modified’) transition method for IFRS 15 and 16. This means that the prior year comparatives have not been
restated. The impact on the 2019 financial results of the adoption has been disclosed in the income statement to allow comparability
with the 2018 financial year.
Amounts presented at constant currency are an alternative performance measure and not determined in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards but provide relevant and comparative reporting for users.
2019 2018
Amounts without
£m (reported) adoption of new IFRSs Impact of new IFRSs As reported As reported
Revenue 6,408 (23) 6,385 5,898
Headline costs excluding fuel (4,568) 26 (4,542) (4,136)
Fuel (1,416) – (1,416) (1,184)
Headline profit before tax 424 3 427 578
Headline tax charge (78) – (78) (112)
Headline profit after tax 346 3 349 466
Non-headline items 18 (15) 3 (133)
Non-headline tax (charge)/credit (3) – (3) 25
Total profit/(loss) after tax 361 (12) 349 358
2019 2018
Amounts without
£ per seat (reported) adoption of new IFRSs Impact of new IFRSs As reported As reported
Revenue 61.03 (0.22) 60.81 61.94
Headline costs excluding fuel (43.51) 0.25 (43.26) (43.43)
Fuel (13.48) – (13.48) (12.44)
Headline profit before tax 4.04 0.03 4.07 6.07
Headline tax charge (0.75) – (0.75) (1.18)
Headline profit after tax 3.29 0.03 3.32 4.89
Non-headline items 0.17 (0.14) 0.03 (1.39)
Non-headline tax (charge)/credit (0.02) – (0.02) 0.26
Total profit/(loss) after tax 3.44 (0.11) 3.33 3.76
2018: 5,898m
2018: 578m
2018: 358m
28 easyJet plc Annual Report and Accounts 2019
Total revenue increased by 8.3% to £6,385 million (2018: £5,898 million), and increased by 7.3% at constant currency. Excluding the
Basic headline earnings per share decreased to 88.7 pence (2018: 118.3 pence) and basic total earnings per share decreased to 88.6
pence (2018: 90.9 pence).
In line with the stated dividend policy of a pay-out ratio of 50% of headline profit after tax, the Board is recommending an ordinary
dividend of £174 million or 43.9 pence per share which is subject to shareholder approval at the Company’s Annual General Meeting on
6 February 2020. This will be paid on 20 March 2020 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 28 February 2020.
www.easyJet.com 29
Headline ROCE for the period was 11.4%, a decline of 3.2 percentage points on the prior year, driven by the decrease in profit for the
period, partially offset by a decrease in the average adjusted capital employed due to the adoption of IFRS 16. Total ROCE for the
period was 11.4%, a decline of 0.3 percentage points from last year.
For 2018, the ROCE calculation includes an adjustment for the capital implicit in aircraft operating lease arrangements. This adjustment is
calculated by multiplying the annual charge for aircraft dry leasing by a factor of seven. Upon adoption of IFRS 16 in 2019, the recognition
of newly-capitalised lease liabilities results in this lease adjustment no longer being required.
Headline ROCE without adopting IFRS 9, 15 and 16 would be lower at 9.9%, due to the adverse impact of the lease adjustment
described above.
The proportion of revenue and costs denominated in currencies other than Sterling remained broadly consistent year on year:
Revenue Costs
2019 2018 2019 2018
Sterling 43% 45% 30% 29%
Euro 46% 44% 38% 39%
US dollar 1% 1% 26% 26%
Other (principally Swiss franc) 10% 10% 6% 6%
Foreign exchange rate movements arise as easyJet’s foreign currency risk management policy is to hedge between 65% and 85% of
the next 12 months’ forecast surplus cash flows on a rolling basis, and hence a portion of cash flows remains unhedged. Additionally
the Group’s foreign currency risk management policy is aimed at reducing the impact of a fluctuation in exchange rates on future cash
flows, however the timing of cash flows can be different to the timing of recognition within the income statement resulting in foreign
exchange movements.
Non-headline total 3 1 – 2 6
There was an £8 million adverse (2018: £1 million adverse) impact on total profit due to the year-on-year changes in exchange rates.
A £14 million adverse (2018: £8 million favourable) impact on headline profit was partially offset by a £6 million favourable
(2018: £9 million adverse) impact on the non-headline items. The adverse impact of the Sterling/US dollar exchange rate movement
on fuel costs was offset by a favourable impact on revenue mainly driven by the continued weakening of Sterling against the Euro.
Total revenue increased by 8.3% to £6,385 million (2018: £5,898 million), and increased by 7.3% at constant currency. Excluding the
impact of IFRS 15, total revenue would have been £6,408 million. The number of passengers increased by 8.6% to 96.1 million (2018: 88.5
million) driven by a growth in capacity of 10.3% to reach 105.0 million seats (2018: 95.2 million). Load factor decreased by 1.4 percentage
points to 91.5% (2018: 92.9%).
Revenue per seat (RPS) decreased by 1.8% to £60.81 (2018: £61.94), with a decrease of 2.7% at constant currency. Excluding the
impact of IFRS 15, total revenue per seat would have fallen 1.5% to £61.03, or 2.3% at constant currency.
Despite Brexit-related market uncertainty coupled with a wider macroeconomic slowdown in Europe, there has been strength in
underlying trading, with easyJet’s brand recognition supporting demand, as well as the success of a number of self-help initiatives
including a focus on late yields. This helped to partially offset a number of other adverse contributors such as the impact of IFRS 15,
the dilutive impact of a full period of Tegel flying, as well as the non-repeat of one-off benefits in 2018 such as the bankruptcies of
Monarch and Air Berlin.
The increase in ancillary revenue of 13.7% has been mainly driven by the capacity growth. On a per seat basis, ancillary revenue has
increased by 3.1%, with product and pricing initiatives and improved conversion rates offsetting lower load factor.
Headline airports and ground handling cost per seat increased by 1.5%, and by 1.1% at constant currency. Airport charges were
adversely impacted by the change in airport mix, which is driven by the annualisation of Tegel flying and continued inflationary
increases at regulated airports. This was partially offset by cost savings obtained by our continued focus on airport procurement
activity and cost initiatives.
Headline crew cost per seat increased by 3.3% to £8.18, and by 2.9% at constant currency. This was driven by agreed inflationary
increases in crew and pilot pay, low attrition rates and investment in operational resilience over the summer peak period.
Headline navigation cost per seat decreased by 7.5% to £3.89, and decreased by 7.6% at constant currency, resulting from
lower Eurocontrol rates from January 2019.
www.easyJet.com 31
Headline maintenance cost per seat decreased by 12.3% to £2.88, and decreased by 13.2% at constant currency. Underlying increases
in maintenance costs from inflationary price rises and unanticipated heavy maintenance findings were offset by the impact of the
introduction of IFRS 16, which reclassifies maintenance provision charges out of the maintenance line into depreciation expense.
Headline other costs per seat decreased by 17.9% to £4.36 per seat, and by 18.6% at constant currency. There has been a significant
decrease in disruption costs as a result of our investment in operational resilience, which resulted in a lower number of disruption events
and cost in 2019 and a small reclassification of disruption costs to revenue from the introduction of IFRS 15. In addition, there was a
reduction in wet leasing charges, due to the high level of Tegel wet lease flying in 2018 whilst our own fleet was being introduced and
lower staff incentive payments.
Headline other income is an additional line item in the income statement that separately recognises income not originating from
customers, which includes items such as insurance receipts, compensation (including Airbus delay compensation) and dividends
received, which have been reclassified in both 2018 and 2019.
Ownership cost per seat has been significantly impacted by the adoption of IFRS 16. Under IFRS 16, all aircraft and properties previously
held under operating leases have been capitalised. Annual operating lease and maintenance costs, which would have been recognised
under the existing leases accounting standard, are replaced by similar aggregated levels of depreciation and interest expense.
Dry lease costs have decreased from £152 million in 2018 to only £5 million in 2019. Only those leases which are exempt under IFRS 16,
due to their short duration or low value, are now recognised within this line item.
Depreciation costs have increased from £199 million in 2018 to £484 million in 2019. Excluding the impact of the adoption of IFRS 16,
depreciation increased to £240 million, being driven by the additional depreciation charged as a result of the annualisation of the 28
aircraft delivered in 2018, and 22 new aircraft delivered in 2019.
Net finance charges have increased by £22 million to £39 million in 2019. Excluding the impact on interest expense from the adoption
of IFRS 16, the net charge decreased by £2 million from 2018. This was mainly due to income from higher yield deposits, partially offset
by an increase in interest payable as a result of the issuance of a €500m bond in June 2019.
2019 2018
£ million £ per seat £ million £ per seat
Fuel 1,416 13.48 1,184 12.44
Total fuel cost for the year was £1,416 million (2018: £1,184 million). Fuel cost per seat of £13.48 increased by 8.4% and by 4.3% at
constant currency.
The operation of easyJet’s fuel and US dollar hedging policy meant that the average effective fuel price movement saw an increase of
5.5% to an actual cost of £458 per tonne from £434 per tonne in the previous year.
The increase in fuel costs also reflects increased fuel fees and an increase in the price of ETS (Emission Trading System) permits.
Non-headline items are non-recurring items or items which are not considered to be reflective of the trading performance of the business.
2019 2018
£ million £ per seat £ million £ per seat
Commercial IT platform credit/(charge) 2 0.02 (65) (0.68)
Tegel integration – – (40) (0.42)
Sale and leaseback gain/(loss) 2 0.02 (19) (0.20)
Brexit-related costs (4) (0.04) (7) (0.07)
Organisational review – – (1) (0.01)
Fair value adjustment 1 0.01 (1) (0.01)
Balance sheet foreign exchange gain 2 0.02 – –
Non-headline profit/(charge) before tax 3 0.03 (133) (1.39)
Net debt as at 30 September 2019 was £326 million (30 September 2018: net cash £396 million) and comprised cash and money market
deposits of £1,576 million (30 September 2018: £1,373 million) and borrowings of £1,902 million (30 September 2018: £977 million).
Borrowings as at 30 September 2019 include £578 million of lease liabilities as a result of the adoption of IFRS 16. On 1 October 2018,
£531 million of lease liabilities were recognised, and £98 million of existing finance lease obligations within borrowings in the financial
statements were reclassified as lease liabilities.
After allowing for the impact of aircraft operating leases (calculated as seven times operating lease costs incurred in the year), adjusted
net debt as at 30 September 2018 was £738 million, with no operating lease adjustment required to the £326 million net debt balance as
at 30 September 2019 due to the recognition of lease liabilities upon adoption of IFRS 16.
The movement in net working capital has decreased by £328 million, driven by a decrease in trade and other payables as a result of
timing of invoices, movement in short-term derivative financial instruments and provisions.
Net capital expenditure includes final delivery payments for the acquisition of 22 aircraft (2018: 28 aircraft), the purchase of life-limited
parts used in engine restoration, and pre-delivery payments relating to aircraft purchases. The number of aircraft in the fleet increased
from 315 as at 30 September 2018 to 331 as at 30 September 2019. The sale and leaseback of 10 aircraft in 2019 resulted in a net cash
inflow of £121 million (2018: £106 million).
easyJet made corporation tax payments totalling £58 million during the period (2018: £74 million).
The depreciation and amortisation charge of £499 million includes £244 million depreciation arising from adoption of IFRS 16 whereby
operating lease and maintenance costs, which would have been recognised under the existing leases accounting standard, are replaced
by similar aggregated levels of depreciation and interest expense.
Since 30 September 2018 net assets have decreased by £248 million. This reflects payment of the 2018 ordinary dividend and the
unfavourable mark-to-market movement in jet fuel forward contracts, partially offset by retained earnings in the period, and the
recognition of the equity investment in The Airline Group required under IFRS 9.
The net book value of property, plant and equipment excluding right of use assets, recognised due to adoption of IFRS 16, has
increased by £521 million as a result of the acquisition of 22 aircraft and pre-delivery payments relating to future aircraft purchases,
offset by depreciation.
Upon adoption of IFRS 16, all operating leases have been capitalised on the balance sheet with a £497 million opening right of use
asset adjustment being recognised, with a corresponding lease liability of £531 million representing easyJet’s obligation to make lease
payments. Previously recognised finance leases of £73 million were reclassified to right of use assets as at 1 October 2018.
At 30 September 2019, right of use assets amounted to £502 million. Lease liabilities amounted to £578 million which includes additions
during the year as a result of aircraft sale and leasebacks, as well as the impact of lease payments and extensions.
Net derivative financial instruments have decreased by £301 million. This movement is largely due to mark-to-market losses on jet fuel
contracts and cross currency interest rate swaps, partially offset by mark-to-market gains in US dollar contracts.
The equity investment of £48 million represents a 13.2% shareholding in a non-listed entity, The Airline Group Limited, which has a
shareholding of 41.9% in NATS Holdings Limited – the provider of air traffic control services for the UK. This investment has been held at
cost by easyJet since 2001. With the adoption of IFRS 9, this asset is now required to be recognised at fair value.
Unearned revenue increased by £192 million. This is due to the increase in capacity and the adoption of IFRS 15 which changes the timing
of the recognition of certain fees from the time of booking to being recognised at the time of flying.
Other liabilities include a £47 million post-employment benefit obligation in relation to a Swiss retirement benefit scheme (2018: £29
million). In the current year, easyJet has assessed options to extend the pension scheme insurance it holds. It has been identified as part
of this work that, despite the scheme being fully insured, it meets requirements to be accounted for as a defined benefit plan under
IAS 19, primarily due to the legal obligation to accrue interest on the pension accounts and the payment of lifetime pension benefits.
Actuarial valuations have been performed to calculate the valuation of the scheme assets and liabilities under IAS 19. The scheme was
recognised with effect from 1 October 2017 and the impact on the 30 September 2018 statement of financial position was recognition of
a net defined benefit obligation with a corresponding reduction in retained earnings of £26 million. Refer to note 1 in the Annual Report
and Accounts for further details.
Debt has increased by £347 million in the period, primarily due to the issuance of a €500 million bond in June 2019.
easyJet’s business activities, together with factors likely to affect The business is exposed to fluctuations in fuel prices and US
its future development and performance, are described in the dollar and euro exchange rates. The Group’s policy is to hedge
Strategic report on pages 2 to 48. Principal risks and between 65% and 85% of estimated exposures 12 months in
uncertainties are described on pages 37 to 47. Note 24 to the advance, and between 45% and 65% of estimated exposures
accounts sets out the Group’s objectives, policies and from 13 up to 24 months in advance. Specific decisions may
procedures for managing its capital and gives details of the risks require consideration of a longer term approach. Treasury
related to financial instruments held by the Group. strategies and actions will be driven by the need to meet
treasury, financial and corporate objectives. The Group was
At 30 September 2019, the Group held cash and cash
compliant with this policy at the date of this Annual report and
equivalents of £1,285 million and money market deposits of £291
million. Total debt including lease liabilities of £1,902 million is
free from financial covenants, with £219 million due for After making enquiries, the Directors have a reasonable
repayment in the year to 30 September 2020. expectation that the Company and the Group will be able to
operate within the level of available facilities and cash and
Net current liabilities at 30 September 2019 were £549 million
deposits for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, they continue
and included unearned revenue (payments made by customers
to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the Annual
for flights scheduled post year end) of £1,069 million.
Report and Accounts.
The corporate risk management framework facilitates the identification, analysis, and response to plausible risks, including emerging
risks as our business grows and evolves in an increasingly volatile environment. Through cross-functional risk governance groups a
robust assessment of the principal risks facing the organisation has been performed (see pages 37 to 47 in the strategic report)
along with the controls and mitigations.
Risk theme Potential impact on viability
Asset efficiency and effectiveness Unavailability of slots or fleet
Environment and sustainability Weather pattern disruption
Expectations of customers and employees
Environmental legislation
Legislative and regulatory landscape Licence impact
Reputational damage
Macroeconomic and geopolitical Fuel price fluctuations
Exchange rate fluctuations
Restrictions in Europe following Brexit
Supply/demand imbalance
People Industrial action
Safety, security, and operations Major safety or security incident
Technology and cyber Cyber attacks on critical technologies
Data breaches
As part of the assessment of viability the potential financial and operational impact of the risks has been considered through severe but
plausible scenarios. easyJet maintains a liquidity buffer including cash, insurance and an unutilised revolving credit facility which means
easyJet could withstand a grounding of the entire fleet for at least one month at peak times, or at least two months at less busy times.
Based on this assessment, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the company and the Group will be able to continue in
operation and meet all liabilities as they fall due up to September 2022. In making this statement, the directors have made the following
key assumptions:
• Refinancing risk is minimal due to easyJet having access to a wide variety of funding options including capital markets, bank debt
or aircraft financing. It is also assumed that funds will be available for capital projects as required in all plausible market conditions.
• In the event that one or more risks occur, all available actions to mitigate the impact to the Group would be taken on a timely basis.
easyJet has appropriate processes in place to identify potential risks and implement mitigating actions, as outlined in the risk section
on pages 37 to 47.
• Implausible scenarios, either through multiple risks occurring at the same time or risks which are not able to be mitigated by
management actions to the extent expected, do not occur.
• There will not be a prolonged grounding of a substantial portion of the fleet.
• The terms on which the United Kingdom leaves the European Union are such that easyJet will be able to continue to operate over
broadly the same network as at present and there will be no material and sustained economic downturn following the United
Kingdom’s exit from the European Union.
www.easyJet.com 35
Summary statistics
2019 2018 (decrease)
Seats flown (millions) 105.0 95.2 10.3%
Passengers (millions) 96.1 88.5 8.6%
Load factor 91.5% 92.9% (1.4ppt)
Available seat kilometres (ASK) (millions) 116,056 104,800 10.7%
Revenue passenger kilometres (RPK) (millions) 107,741 98,522 9.4%
Average sector length (kilometres) 1,105 1,101 0.4%
Sectors 605,899 559,857 8.2%
Block hours (‘000) 1,184 1,088 8.8%
Number of aircraft owned/leased at end of year 331 315 5.1%
Average number of aircraft owned/leased during year 321.5 295.1 8.9%
Number of aircraft operated at end of year 317 305 3.9%
Average number of aircraft operated during year 297.0 269.0 10.4%
Average operated aircraft utilisation (hours per day) 10.9 11.1 (1.8%)
Number of routes operated at end of year 1,051 979 7.4%
Number of airports served at end of year 159 156 1.9%
2019 2018 (decrease)
Total return on capital employed (2018 restated) 11.4% 11.7% (0.3ppt)
Headline return on capital employed (2018 restated) 11.4% 14.6% (3.2ppt)
Liquidity per 100 seats (£m) 3.6 3.9 (7.7%)
Total profit before tax per seat (£) 4.10 4.68 (12.4%)
Headline profit before tax per seat (£) 4.07 6.07 (32.9%)
Total profit before tax per ASK (pence) 0.37 0.42 (12.8%)
Headline profit before tax per ASK (pence) 0.37 0.55 (33.2%)
Revenue per seat (£) 60.81 61.94 (1.8%)
Revenue per seat at constant currency (£) 60.28 61.94 (2.7%)
Revenue per ASK (pence) 5.50 5.63 (2.2%)
Revenue per ASK at constant currency (pence) 5.45 5.63 (3.1%)
Revenue per passenger (£) 66.47 66.67 (0.3%)
Revenue per passenger at constant currency (£) 65.90 66.67 (1.2%)
Per seat measures
Headline cost per seat (£) 56.74 55.87 1.5%
Non-headline cost per seat (£) (0.03) 1.39 (102.0%)
Total cost per seat (£) 56.71 57.26 (1.0%)
Headline cost per seat excluding fuel (£) 43.26 43.43 (0.4%)
Headline cost per seat excluding fuel at constant currency (£) 43.11 43.43 (0.8%)
Total cost per seat excluding fuel (£) 43.23 44.82 (3.6%)
Total cost per seat excluding fuel at constant currency (£) 43.15 44.82 (3.7%)
Per ASK measures
Headline cost per ASK (pence) 5.13 5.08 1.1%
Non-headline cost per ASK (pence) – 0.13 (100.0%)
Total cost per ASK (pence) 5.13 5.21 (1.4%)
Headline cost per ASK excluding fuel (pence) 3.91 3.95 (0.8%)
Headline cost per ASK excluding fuel at constant currency (pence) 3.90 3.95 (1.2%)
Total cost per ASK excluding fuel (pence) 3.91 4.08 (4.2%)
Total cost per ASK excluding fuel at constant currency (pence) 3.90 4.08 (4.4%)
www.easyJet.com 37
B D • Ineffective slot
development of appropriate capacity increases in
a cost efficient and timely manner.
• Managing aircraft gauge to improve our ability
to grow.
CONTINUITY OF • Failure of critical IT • System • The four key areas of business resilience (IT and
SERVICES system unavailability for processes, people, premises, and suppliers) all form
• Significant external customers and/or part of easyJet’s functional business and airport
easyJet is dependent on
incident (terrorism, staff Business Continuity Plans.
a mixture of critical IT
systems and processes, weather, activism) • Inability to access • Critical IT systems are identified with ongoing efforts
employees, buildings/ • Failure of third key buildings/ to match the business needs with recovery capabilities.
facilities and third-party party facilities The risk of system unavailability is now mitigated
suppliers. A loss of one or • Unavailability of further, thanks to the adoption of the cloud, in
• Industrial action
more of the above critical staff addition to easyJet’s two data-centres.
components could lead • Reliance on • Incident Management and Resilience teams are in
to significant disruption to inadequate place and ready to respond to any IT related incident.
operations and could supplier recovery • Time-critical staff have been identified via Business
have an adverse plans Impact Assessments and Business Continuity Plans,
reputational, financial or • Operational with regularly tested recovery desks allocated at
legal impact. disruption alternate locations, should the usual place of work be
unavailable. An increased provision of laptops and
Links to Our Plan tablets also enables greater mobility and remote
ways of working.
2 3 5 • Enhanced procurement processes include risk
assessments aligned with business objectives.
On our Forward
2 Loyalty 5 Efficiency b customers’ side e thinking
No change
www.easyJet.com 39
NON-DELIVERY • Resource • Business benefits • Complex, large-scale programmes have been initiated,
OF STRATEGIC dedicated to not realised prioritised and are managed through the Project
INITIATIVES change delivery • Financial Management Office.
and oversight underperformance • A project management framework, which sets out
The business continues to
undertake a number of • Changes in • Inefficient use of approval processes, governance requirements, and
initiatives to support its organisation’s resource key ongoing processes and controls, is followed by all
strategy. priorities (may be projects and programmes, and reviews are undertaken
driven by internal to ensure continuous improvement in this approach.
or external factors) • Each strategic initiative has an executive sponsor from
Links to Our Plan
• Scope change/ the AMB and its own steering group which provides
SINGLE FLEET • Delays in the • Schedule • There are approximately 8,500 A320 family (A319,
SUPPLIER delivery of new reductions/ A320, A321) aircraft operating, with a proven track
aircraft cancellations record for safety and reliability.
easyJet is dependent on
Airbus as its sole supplier • Technical/ • Grounding of all/ • Introduction of the A320neo in part mitigates this
for aircraft. The Board mechanical issues part of the fleet single fleet supplier risk as the aircraft is equipped
considers that the • Fluctuating second • Loss of customer with a different engine type.
efficiencies achieved by hand market confidence • easyJet continues to work closely with Airbus to
operating a single fleet • Financial impact ensure full visibility of the delivery schedule for new
type outweigh the risks when aircraft leave aircraft. In the event that there are material delays,
associated with easyJet’s the fleet appropriate mitigation is put in place; for example
single fleet strategy. short-term wet lease arrangements are used to
minimise any operational impact.
Links to Our Plan • easyJet operates a rigorous established aircraft
maintenance programme. Maintenance schedules
3 5 are approved by the relevant regulatory body.
• easyJet regularly reviews the second hand market and
CARBON TRADING • Political change • Closure of existing • easyJet influences future and existing policy and
SCHEMES • Uncertainty driven scheme regulations which affect the airline industry through
by Brexit • Loss of free a number of different channels, including working
Adverse changes to
allocations, leading with relevant industry bodies to assist in this;
carbon trading schemes, • International
including the existence alignment to significant cost • easyJet look to optimise fuel usage to reduce
and/or cost of the impact emissions and therefore reduce the potential impact
• External pressure
scheme. • Introduction of of those schemes, for example ensuring optimal
new schemes routings as well as using climb, descent and landing
techniques to improve efficiency; and
Links to Our Plan • Inability to hedge
in line with fuel • easyJet has an appropriate hedging strategy
2 3 policy (to the extent possible).
a b d e
CLIMATE CHANGE • Increased CO2 • Adverse customer • easyJet continues to bring Airbus neo aircraft into its
emissions experience fleet which are significantly more fuel efficient than
Weather patterns
• Injury to customers the standard variant;
including, but not limited
to, winds, storms, • Operational • easyJet aircraft use only one engine when taxiing on
extreme temperatures, disruption the ground;
are becoming increasingly (including airspace • easyJet operates flights with a high load factor, and
difficult to predict. and runway is a short-haul operator, which has a lower carbon
closures) impact per passenger kilometre than airlines whose
Links to Our Plan • Aircraft damage operations include a significant amount of long-haul
flight; and
2 5 3 • Disruption management measures include advanced
winter planning, standby crews and aircraft, as well as
ECO-TAXES • Political change • Significant increase • By engaging with key stakeholders, easyJet seeks to
• External pressure in cost of existing reach a common understanding on the drive to
Future policy measures
groups aviation taxes/ impose policy measures and regulation to address
and regulation to tackle
levies the impact of aviation on climate change;
the impact of aviation on • Customer demand
climate change could • Future expansion • easyJet continues to explain it’s environmental
impact easyJet’s business of taxes/levies performance, and the further action it is taking, to it’s
if they impose limitations • Policies to customers and other stakeholders. For example, this
and cost on how easyJet constrain growth/ has included highlighting the introduction of the
operates and the services capacity A320neo and A321neo aircraft and their reduced
it can provide. emissions compared to previous generation aircraft,
• Increasing noise
and work with partners in regards to new technologies
to radically reduce the carbon footprint of flying;
Links to Our Plan • Pressure on
• easyJet is able to operate flexible routings in the
2 4 event of constraints being brought in; and
• The new generation Airbus A320neo and A321neo
www.easyJet.com 41
The airline industry is heavily regulated and there is a continual need to keep well informed and adapt (as required) to any legislative or
regulatory changes across the jurisdictions in which easyJet operates.
Potential causes Potential consequences Controls and mitigations
LEGAL/ • New or changes to • Sustained adverse • Compliance framework including, but not limited to,
REGULATORY existing legislation/ media coverage policies, procedures, and mandatory training
NON-COMPLIANCE regulation • Fines/regulatory programmes;
Failure to comply with • Employee/agent sanctions • easyJet has an in-house team of Legal experts to
legislation and regulation, ignorance • Reduction in future advise on legal issues and developments, and to assist
such as local consumer • Rogue employee/ revenue the business in interpreting any formal regulatory
laws, new case law or agent behaviour requirements. Where appropriate, this expertise is
• Operational
policy changes in supplemented with specialist external support relevant
relation to customer to a specific discipline or jurisdiction;
• Loss of operating
compensation, • Panel of external legal advisers, both in the UK and
environmental or airport in key easyJet markets, are briefed to keep easyJet
• Significant spike in informed of any changes or new legislation and to
regulation, in the
costs assist easyJet in developing appropriate responses
jurisdictions in which
easyJet operates, could • Share price to such legislation;
have an adverse movement • easyJet influences future and existing policy and
reputational and financial • Loss of colleague/ regulations which affect the airline industry through a
impact. customer trust number of different channels, including working with
relevant industry bodies to assist in this; and
Links to Our Plan • easyJet adapts to new legislation and regulation,
where possible adapting existing compliance
2 3 4 frameworks (for example mandatory training
programmes and clear policies and associated
a b guidance).
b d
VOLATILITY IN • Market price risk: • Insufficient cash to • The Finance Committee (a committee of the plc
FINANCIAL volatility in jet fuel meet financial Board) oversees the Group’s treasury and funding
MARKETS prices, foreign obligations as they policies and activities. See page 94 for further details.
exchange rates, fall due and/or the • Treasury policy sets out plc Board approved strategies
easyJet is exposed to a
carbon prices, inability to fund the for market price risk management, counter-party
variety of financial
inflation rates or business when credit risk management and liquidity risk management.
markets, volatility in which
interest rates needed leading to Monthly reporting on all treasury activity including
could give rise to adverse
• Counter-party risk: insolvency reporting on compliance with treasury policy.
pressure on the cash
flows of the group. default of counter • Significant increase • Maintaining a liquidity buffer supported by cash, a
parties used for in costs revolving credit facility (provided by a group of
depositing surplus relationship banks) and a business interruption
Links to Our Plan cash and hedging insurance policy.
1 3 5 • Liquidity risk:
inability to raise
• Ability to access diverse sources of funding to
support liquidity requirements.
funds when
d required
• Rolling hedging programmes on jet fuel and foreign
exchange market price exposure.
www.easyJet.com 43
Having the right people is a key part of Our Plan. In today’s environment, we need to create an inclusive and energising environment that
attracts the right people and inspires everyone to learn and grow.
Potential causes Potential consequences Controls and mitigations
INDUSTRIAL • Adverse employee • Sustained adverse • easyJet seeks to maintain positive working
ACTION experience media coverage relationships with all trade unions and other
• Changes to terms • Operational representative bodies and has a framework in place
easyJet, and the aviation
and conditions disruption for consulting and engaging with trade unions and
industry in general, has a
consultative bodies.
significant number of • Political unrest • Significant spike
employees who are in costs • In the event of industrial action or expected disruption,
members of trade unions. easyJet has processes to mitigate the impact to our
• Reduction in future
operations. The Operations department also has
Each of the European revenue
specific procedures to deal with such events.
countries in which easyJet • Share price
operates has localised movement
employment terms and • Loss of colleague/
conditions. As such its customer trust
pilots and crew are
members of 22 trade
unions across eight
countries. There are
also an additional 11
consultative bodies
including five Works
Councils and a European
Works Council that
operate under EU
legislative guidance.
Links to Our Plan
2 4
a b c
TALENT • Uncompetitive • Sustained inability • Benchmarking of reward packages.
ACQUISITION AND remuneration to deliver key • Quarterly employee listing tool with action plans to
RETENTION packages strategic initiatives address issues raised.
In today’s shifting • Lack of career • Increased costs • Talent mapping of senior employees to ensure
environment, we need to progression continued investment and development of top talent.
place even more focus on • Outdated ways of • Succession planning of key roles.
recruiting the right people working
• Diversity and inclusion strategy.
and building the right
• Strategic programme to enhance ways of working
for head office staff.
3 4
SIGNIFICANT • Flight safety • Significant injury/ • Functional Safety Action Groups from across the
SAFETY OR incident loss of life airline are chaired by the appropriate senior manager
SECURITY EVENT • Health and safety • Sustained adverse and are responsible for the identification, evaluation
incident media coverage and control of safety-related risks.
• easyJet’s number one
priority is the safety • Major security • Reduction in future • The easyJet Safety Board meets monthly to review
and security of its threat revenue safety, security and compliance performance across all
customers, colleagues, Air Operator Certificates (AOC) chaired by the CEO,
• Fines/regulatory
and contractors. attended by the three AOC accountable managers
and periodically by AOC regulators.
• The Safety Committee • Operational
(a committee of the • Safety Review Boards are held locally and are open for
Board) provides the local regulator to attend.
• Significant spike
oversight of the • A Safety Policy is published that promotes the incident
in costs
management of reporting process and supports this safety culture;
• Share price
easyJet’s safety • easyJet operates a Safety Management System using
processes and systems. leading software systems to:
See pages 85-86 for • report incidents and identify events;
further details.
• identify hazards and threats and take appropriate
• The easyJet Safety risk-mitigating actions;
Board, chaired by the
• collect and analyse safety data (enabling potential
Chief Executive and
areas of risk to be projected); and
including the Chief
Operating Officer and • enable learning from easyJet and industry events/
AOC Accountable incidents to be captured and embedded into future
Managers, is responsible risk mitigations.
for directing overall • Timely, credible and reliable information upon which to
safety and security base operational decisions.
policy and governance. • easyJet has an emergency response process and
The Safety Board performs crisis management exercises.
meets every month • Hull (all risks) and liabilities insurance (including spares)
to review safety is held.
performance and any
• Security cleared specialists continually review geopolitical
emerging security
developments across the easyJet network in particular
those countries deemed to be higher risk and report
back to the Board any areas of concern.
Links to Our Plan • easyJet maintains an inspection regime of all our
airports to ensure the security elements are being
2 4 effectively managed.
www.easyJet.com 45
2 3 5
b d e
DATA BREACH • Cyber attack • Sustained adverse • A data and cyber risk governance structure exists to
• Third party media coverage regularly review the data and cyber risk landscape and
A data breach involves the
incident • Fines/regulatory determine required action to take place in order to
unauthorised access to
sanctions manage risk effectively.
customer or employee • User error
data. Protecting that data • Third party liability/ • Dedicated Information Security team who proactively
• Misconfigured
and its privacy remains a class actions monitor threats and respond to incidents.
priority for easyJet. • Reduction in future • Employee education and awareness programme
revenue including a network of champions, online training
Links to Our Plan and awareness campaigns.
• Operational
disruption • Security logging and monitoring.
2 5 • Significant spike in • Vulnerability scanning and penetration testing.
costs • Ongoing General Data Protection Regulation
a b d • Share price (GDPR) programme to ensure compliance with
GDPR regulations in support of the Data
Protection Officer (DPO).
• Loss of colleague/
customer trust
FAILURE OF • Cyber attack • Sustained adverse • Monitoring and alerting of availability of critical
CRITICAL • Hardware failure media coverage technologies and their inter-dependencies.
TECHNOLOGY • Aged • Reduction in future • Security logging and monitoring.
easyJet relies on a infrastructure revenue • Vulnerability scanning and penetration testing.
number of critical • Data Centre • Fines/regulatory • Business Interruption Insurance in place.
technologies that are key Outage sanctions
• IT Change Management Process embedded to assess
to the delivery of essential • Third Party Outage • Operational risk of all changes to technology including changes
business processes. disruption made by third party providers.
• Technological
These include, but are not • Significant spike
Dependency • Critical technologies are either cloud hosted, hosted
limited to, operational, in costs
Failure across two data centres or at third party provider
commercial and financial
• IT change • Share price locations with necessary failover protocols and
systems. A critical
movement security perimeters in place.
technology failure
includes any technical • IT Major Incident Management team is in place to
failure which is sufficient respond rapidly to any unforeseen critical technology
enough to interrupt incidents including those of a security nature.
critical business • IT Supplier Relationship Management process to
operations (which may ensure that third party services and associated risks
include one or more are regularly reviewed and assessed.
systems). This includes • easyJet are progressing the delivery of a hosting and
system unavailability or a network programme that will further improve the
failure which results in the resiliency of core infrastructure and cloud connectivity
loss or corruption of data. capabilities.
2 3
a b d e
www.easyJet.com 47
at easyjet
JOHan lundgren
Chief Executive Officer
Our Promise is to be a safe and responsible airline. This is what We are doing this by offsetting the carbon emissions from the fuel
guides our approach to sustainability. used for all of our flights through schemes accredited by two of the
highest verification standards, Gold Standard and Verified Carbon
As an airline, we recognise that our most significant impact and
Standard (VCS).
sustainability challenge is climate change. This is an issue which
we all have to tackle – including us at easyJet. We recognise that offsetting is only an interim measure, but at the
moment we believe it’s the best way we have to remove carbon
In the past year we have seen increased debate about climate
from the atmosphere. At the same time, we will continue to support
change and the urgency in which action is needed. It is clear that
the development of new technologies to decarbonise aviation for
all companies will need a clear vision and plan to address this.
the longer term.
People have a choice in how they travel and many more people are
We are focused on working with others across the industry on
now thinking about the potential carbon impact of different types
hybrid and electric aircraft and on the technologies which will be
of transport. If people choose to fly, we want to be one of the best
needed to make these happen. This is why we are supporting
choices they can make for themselves and for the planet.
Wright Electric who are aiming to produce an all-electric plane
We have continued to focus on being as efficient as we can; which could be used for short haul flights and have recently
transitioning our fleet to more modern, fuel efficient aircraft; flying established a partnership with Airbus to jointly research the
them in ways which avoid noise and flying them full of passengers. opportunities and challenges of introducing hybrid and electric
All these things help to reduce carbon emissions for each aircraft for short haul flying in Europe.
passenger we fly.
Sustainability for easyJet is of course much wider than climate
This financial year our carbon emissions per passenger kilometre change and we have commitments on many important issues,
were 77.07 grams, down from 78.46 grams last year. We have such as health and safety, diversity, employee engagement and
reduced this by over one-third since 2000 and our aim is to customer satisfaction. In the pages that follow we have highlighted
bring this down further. our progress on all these issues.
But in the long term this will not be enough. Aviation will have to To better understand which sustainability issues are most important
reinvent itself and in our view move to electric and hybrid aircraft to our business and our stakeholders, we have this year carried out
powered by renewable energy, along with other carbon reduction a materiality assessment. We set out the results in this section.
technologies. However, these are some years away and we
We have been using the materiality assessment to continue to
decided at the beginning of the new 2020 financial year to take
develop our sustainability strategy, so that it has a clear focus on
action on our carbon emissions.
our carbon emissions. We look forward to sharing more information
We announced that we would become the world’s first major airline on this in our 2020 financial year.
to operate net-zero carbon flights across our whole network.
SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE Specific sustainability issues are also managed and overseen by
issue-specific committees and these are detailed in this section.
Our management of sustainability, including climate change
related issues, is overseen by our sustainability lead, who is a REPORTING FOR 2019 FINANCIAL YEAR
member of the Airline Management Board (Executive
Committee) and reports to the Chief Executive. At easyJet we recognise the need for structured and transparent
sustainability reporting. As part of our work to increase and
Our target on carbon emissions per passenger kilometre is the improve our reporting, we have taken some initial, additional
responsibility of our Operations function and will be overseen actions in this financial year:
by the new Chief Operating Officer, who is a member of the
Airline Management Board. In the interim, while we have not • Carried out our first full materiality assessment – this is
had a Chief Operating Officer, this has been the responsibility detailed in this chapter.
of our Head of Operations. • Participated in the CDP climate change programme – for the
first time since 2016
Climate change related risks are also included in our Risk
Management Framework, which is overseen by the PLC Board. We plan to build on these reporting improvements in future
More information is p41. years, to ensure we continue to meet legal reporting
In addition to the existing oversight of the Airline Management requirements but also provide our stakeholders with information
Board of sustainability issues, the PLC Board regularly discuss that helps show our progress with our material issues.
sustainability issues and intends to continue to monitor progress All references to ‘this year’ in this chapter refer to the easyJet
in the coming year. 2019 financial year (1 October 2018 to 30 September 2019),
unless otherwise stated.
Health and Safety CLIMATE CHANGE
(including carbon
Employees Climate
change emissions, climate
Security Waste and plastics change adaptation, fuel
reduction efficiency and types)
Diversity and Customer
satisfaction (including decent
Data protection work and labour
Training and
Local air quality Economic development relations, employee
Customer performance
accessibility Ethical supply chain Wellbeing engagement)
management Human Aircraft noise
rights and WASTE & PLASTIC
Tax practices human
trafficking REDUCTION
Corruption Over-tourism
contribution Charitable giving and community programmes
OUR MATERIALITY PROCESS • Customer and employee surveys – which sought to identify and
rank the most important issues for these groups.
We undertook our first formal materiality assessment from April to
June 2019. The assessment was carried out by an independent The final result is a materiality matrix that plots stakeholder
sustainability firm in consultation with easyJet. prioritisation against business impact for each topic. Topics in the
The process was carried out in line with the Global Reporting top right of the matrix are the most material to easyJet’s business.
Initiative approach on materiality and involved: The material topics identified by the assessment were used as a
focus for the reporting in this section and are being used as a
• A desktop review of internal and external information sources to
guide to further develop our approach to sustainability.
produce a long list of potential sustainability issues
• In-depth interviews with key stakeholders – who were asked EASYJET HOLIDAYS MATERIALITY ASSESSMENT
to rank a list of topics and identify those they felt were most Sustainability has been a founding principle of the easyJet
important. Interviews were carried out by the consultancy and Holidays business. To inform the development of the easyJet
views were shared with easyJet without attribution. Those Holidays sustainability strategy, a materiality assessment was
interviewed were based across Europe and included: carried out in the latter part of the 2019 financial year. The
results of this materiality assessment and more information on
• PLC Board members
the business’ sustainability strategy will be included in next
• Investors year’s Annual Report.
• Suppliers This sustainability chapter covers issues for the easyJet
• Regulators airline business, as easyJet Holidays was not launched in
• Corporate customers this financial year.
• Employee representative groups and trade unions MORE INFORMATION ON THE EASYJET HOLIDAYS BUSINESS
• NGOs
www.easyJet.com 49
Prioritise • Safety management and oversight
• Employee Health • Employee health and safety
and Safety • Preventing and addressing disruptive
Actively monitoring behaviour on flights
• Security • Security management
• Emergency preparedness • Providing a whistleblowing process
• Preparing to respond to emergencies and
significant events
Actively monitor • Reducing disruption through operational
• Customer satisfaction resilience
• Human rights and human trafficking • Supporting customers during disruption
• Data protection • Supporting customers who need special
Prioritise • Employing people locally
• Employees • Engaging with our employees
• Strong work and labour relations • Working collaboratively with trade unions
• Employee engagement • Supporting employees’ health and wellbeing
Prioritise • Investing in efficient aircraft
• Climate change • Using operational efficiency measures
• Carbon emissions • Flying aircraft with the majority of seats
• Climate change adaption occupied by passengers
• Over-tourism
• Wildlife conservation
Track • Raising funds for our charity partner Unicef
• Charitable giving and • Making donations to charities nominated by
community programmes employees
• Tax practices • Complying with the tax laws in the countries in
• The Safety Committee regularly reviews the • Our aircraft are equipped with defibrillators and we are
effectiveness of the safety management processes. introducing inhalers and auto-injectors for breathlessness
• The Audit Committee oversees our Whistleblowing and allergic reactions.
process. In addition, the new Business Integrity Committee • We are removing all food products containing nuts from
is a management forum on Whistleblowing. It receives our inflight retail range.
summaries of all reported concerns; it monitors any
ongoing concerns and ensures that the proposed
outcomes of investigations are fair, transparent and robust,
with root causes identified and remedial actions agreed.
• Customer satisfaction this year was 74%, broadly flat from • We have created new training materials for all our cabin
75% last year. and ground crew on how to identify and report possible
• Customer satisfaction amongst our customers who human trafficking.
need special assistance was 82.3% this year. This is • We established a Business Integrity Committee ethics
higher than the average for all customers for the sixth policies and management.
consecutive year.
• We appointed our first Special Assistance Manager, to lead
our work on supporting customers with accessibility needs.
• 85% of supplier invoices were paid on time in the year to
30 September 2019 (2018: 87%).
• We updated our due diligence questionnaire on modern
slavery for suppliers this year.
• We employ people on local contracts in eight countries • Employees held interests in shares with a value of over
across Europe, complying with national laws. £215 million, representing 5% of the total share value of the
• We work in partnership with 20 trade unions across company (based on share price at 30 September 2019).
eight countries. • 80 apprentices are currently learning with easyJet.
• Employee engagement, measured using our Peakon • We appointed our first Special Assistance Manager, to lead
survey, was 7.9 out of 10 this year. our work on supporting customers with accessibility needs.
• We are on track to achieve our target that 20% of the new
entrant co-pilots we attract should be female by 2020.
• Over 75% of our front-line people managers have received
mental health awareness training. We expect all these
managers to have been trained by the end of 2019.
• Employee turnover was 5.1% across easyJet this year,
down from 6.5% last year.
• This year carbon emissions were 77.07 grams per • Over half of all our aircraft are also now fitted with
passenger kilometre, down from 78.46 grams last year. ‘Sharklet’ wingtips, which can reduce fuel usage and
This is a reduction of over one-third since 2000. carbon emissions by up to 4%.
• Our current target is a reduction in carbon emissions per • We participated in the CDP Climate Change
passenger kilometre by 2022 from our 2016 financial programme for the first time since 2016.
year performance. Since 2016, this figure has now reduced • We have started to remove plastic items from our inflight
by 3.64%. retail food and drinks range and now offer a discount for
• Our A320neo and A321neo aircraft, which are 15% more customers who use their own reusable cup.
fuel efficient and 50% quieter during takeoff and landing
than their equivalent previous generation aircraft, now
make up 11% of our overall fleet.
www.easyJet.com 51
Our Plan includes our promise to be a safe and responsible airline.
We have mature safety management processes and procedures,
to ensure safe journeys for our customers and a safe working
Our safety processes have risk management at the heart of
their approach. There are a number of functional safety action
groups responsible for identifying, evaluating and controlling
WHY IS THIS MATERIAL? safety-related risks, chaired by the appropriate senior managers.
Safety is easyJet’s highest priority The safety management system uses leading software systems
(SafetyNet and RiskNet).
and the issue was also seen as highly
The easyJet fleet is continually updated with new safety features,
important by our stakeholders. Our to supplement our operating procedures and training, as aircraft
customers and employees trust are replaced. A320neo and A321neo aircraft are fitted with an
Autopilot Traffic Collision Avoidance System (APTCAS) and a
easyJet to keep them safe while Runway Overrun Prevention System (ROPS), which alerts pilots to
travelling or working. avoid high-energy approaches that may lead to runway overruns.
Our security team work to protect customers and employees
against security threats, including working with the relevant
government and regulatory agencies. The team carries out
security risk assessments, tailored for each country and each
airport to which we fly. These assessments are also updated to
MATERIAL ISSUES reflect the latest geopolitical developments. Security efforts
also include business and personal data – see page 45 for
EMPLOYEE HEALTH & SAFETY further detail.
www.easyJet.com 53
We want to provide our customers with the warmest welcome
in the sky.
Honest and
An important measure of our relationship with our customers is
customer satisfaction. This is based on surveys of customers after
they have travelled with easyJet. Overall customer satisfaction
score this year was 74%, compared to 75% last year. There is
has on our customers. More information on this is on page 4.
We also recognise that we have additional responsibilities to
provide support for certain customers, including provision of
accessible travel for people with additional needs and customers
This year we appointed a dedicated Accessibility and Assistance
Manager, who works with our existing easyJet Special Assistance
Advisory Group (ESAAG), and across the Company on accessible
travel. There is also a dedicated customer management team for
accessibility-related complaints and support during disruption.
The easyJet website Help pages have information on the
assistance provided and encourage Customers to give notification
of their requirements in advance. We aim to comply with Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 guidelines.
ESAAG was established in 2012; it includes members from key
easyJet markets with experience of special assistance issues. It is
chaired by former UK cabinet minister Lord David Blunkett. It
gives feedback and guidance that has led to measures such as
onboard wheelchairs and more accessible toilets on aircraft.
ESAAG has improved services in key airports and is continuing to
look at support for customers with hidden disabilities. Our cabin
crew are also trained to recognise hidden disability lanyards and
badges. This year, ESAAG has had input into the easyJet response
to the UK Government’s Aviation 2050 strategy consultation,
WHY IS THIS MATERIAL? which considers accessible travel policy.
Winning customers’ loyalty is one of Customer satisfaction amongst special assistance customers was
82.3%, compared to 74% for all customers. This is the sixth
the priorities in Our Plan. We believe successive year that satisfaction is higher among customers who
that by making it easy, affordable, need special assistance than the average across all customers.
enjoyable and sustainable for our DISRUPTION SUPPORT
customers to travel with us, easyJet When disruption does happen, we also want to support
will be a more successful and resilient customers. Updates are provided by text message, email and live
updates in our app, which includes the reason for the disruption
business. We also aim to build strong, and what customers should do next.
lasting relationships with all our In the case of delays, we will provide support and overnight
suppliers and partners, as they are an accommodation as needed. If disruption is due to an airline issue,
integral part of easyJet’s success. we make compensation payments in line with EU Regulation
261/2004. Customers can find claim forms online, with payments
made by bank transfer. We are also a member of an alternative
dispute resolution body approved by the UK Civil Aviation
Authority (CAA).
To help prevent modern slavery, this year we reviewed our
modern slavery risk assessment in easyJet and our supply chain.
This work was focused on identifying the areas of our business
and the third-party suppliers that are higher risk for occurrences
of modern slavery. An updated due diligence questionnaire was
also introduced this year to strengthen the process.
More information is available in our latest Modern Slavery Act
statement at corporate.easyjet.com.
All airlines and transport providers are at risk that their services I have been very pleased in the last year
could be used by human traffickers. We have created new training to see the progress made and the
materials for all our cabin and ground crew on how to identify and willingness to listen and adapt by key
report possible human trafficking. Our security team also work staff at easyJet. The advisory group are
with authorities across our network on prevention activities and very clear that this is an ongoing task,
investigations. not only in key aspects such as
updating training and improving
BUSINESS ETHICS technology and communication but
We have in place ethical and compliance policies, covering topics also addressing new challenges,
that include bribery and corruption, gift giving, fraud, human rights including hidden disabilities and the
and modern slavery. These policies and our commitment to growing elder population, including
Human Rights statement are available to employees on the those with the onset of dementia.
easyJet intranet. This means that the work of the group
All new entrants to easyJet receive mandatory ethics training is critical in spotting where things
during the onboarding process. All employees are also required require attention, need urgently
to complete annual online refresher training on ethics, anti-bribery resolving and the emergence of
and corruption. problems on an ongoing basis, but
above all thinking ahead and working
This year a Business Integrity Committee was established as a on prevention. The decision to appoint
management forum for ethics policies and management. The a dedicated Accessibility and
committee receives reports of suspected unethical behaviour, Assistance Manager is another
identifies Group-wide trends, and monitors follow up. The indication of the seriousness with which
committee’s remit includes disciplinary issues or grievances easyJet take its responsibilities to all
raised with HR, environmental concerns and suspected fraud. travellers and their wellbeing.
www.easyJet.com 55
At easyJet we want to attract, retain and develop the right people
as they are fundamental to our success. We seek to treat all
employees fairly, uphold their rights and reward them
A responsible competitively.
At 30 September 2019, we employed over 15,000 people in eight
countries across Europe.
and Responsive We employ people on local contracts and comply with the
relevant national laws. Our approach is to ensure that working for
easyJet is an attractive option for local workers. This also helps to
build and maintain our good relationships with local stakeholders.
We maintain regular communications with our employees and
encourage them to share feedback. Regular updates are provided
to employees on key issues for the business, including our financial
performance. This includes a regularly updated intranet, a monthly
CEO update, a weekly all-staff newsletter, separate newsletters for
pilots and cabin crew, staff events and inviting feedback and
discussion on Workplace, our internal collaboration platform.
This year we introduced the employee engagement platform
Peakon, which seeks views and feedback on working at easyJet,
following a successful trial last year. Last year we also introduced
Workplace by Facebook to encourage employees to collaborate
and communicate within and between teams. More information
on both platforms is in the case study on page 57.
This year our overall employee engagement score was 7.9 out of
10 (average score for 2019 financial year). This is based on asking
employees the question “How likely is it you would recommend
easyJet as a place to work?” through our Peakon surveys. This
remains closely in line with the Peakon trial data from last year
(8.0 out of 10 based on 30% of employees) and demonstrates
that engagement with our people remains strong in a challenging
WHY IS THIS MATERIAL? operating environment. Our engagement score is above the
majority of companies who use Peakon.
We are a large European employer
and rely on our people to provide the
This year the PLC Board appointed Moya Green DBE as the
warmest welcome to our customers Employee Representative Director. This role is intended to further
and deliver our business priorities. bring the voice of easyJet employees, and consideration of how
business decisions may affect them, into Board discussions.
Good employee relations, employee Further details on this new role are on p79.
We are committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of As part of our work on Diversity & Inclusion, we are continuing to
our employees. improve the ratio of male to female employees in management
and leadership positions. We believe that a good gender mix
An important aspect of this is the wellbeing of our pilots and
improves decision making and better reflects our customer base.
cabin crew. We carry out analysis of the working environment,
ways of working, and the experience of crew during their As at 30 September 2019:
rostered duties, as well as how operational disruption affects
the lives of our crew and other employees.
70% (7) 30% (3)
We introduced an Operational Resilience programme this year
(see case study on page 4), which aimed to reduce disruption
which affects working days for crew. 54% (6) 46% (5)
People managers have also started to receive mental health ALL EMPLOYEES
awareness training and as at 30 September 2019 over 75% of 54% (8,399) 46% (7,119)
our front-line people managers, including those who manage
cabin crew and pilots, have received this training. We expect to MALE FEMALE
www.easyJet.com 57
This year we introduced a new Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) • A development programme for women – this year 40
strategy focusing on four pillars of activity: high-performing middle managers took a residential course,
Shine@easyJet, focusing on ‘Self’ and ‘Purpose’.
• Firm Foundations: embedding D&I into policies and
processes • The establishment of a Trailblazer community of volunteers
from around the business, who support all D&I initiatives and
• Increase the Mix: ensuring the employee mix reflects our
make suggestions on future activity.
customer base
• Training and Development: upskilling leaders to support Over the next year we intend to:
cultural change and maintain a welcoming employee
• Engage employees with a voluntary D&I survey to better
understand their needs
• Partnerships: sourcing expert input and support to help
• Review the return to work processes after long-term
guide activities
absence (for parental leave and ill health)
The strategy is the result of an in-depth review across all • Embed D&I training into all people management training
teams, which established that efforts should focus on learning • Embed the Trailblazer community, who have been recruited
and development, communication and behaviour. as D&I champions, across the business
A Head of Diversity & Inclusion and team have been appointed, • Improve our Peakon engagement scores on D&I measures
who work across all functions to deliver the strategy. The
• Continue to develop our pipeline for female talent
strategy has also been endorsed by the Airline Management
Board. • Review and develop recruitment tools and processes
• Create a D&I charter to use with our suppliers and partners
Activity that has already taken place this year includes:
• The introduction of management courses on recognising
and valuing difference and how to model inclusive behaviour.
This is the pay gap data published in our 2018 gender pay report,
the latest published in March 2019. All data is for UK employees as
specified by UK reporting requirements.
Our full gender pay report is available at corporate.easyjet.com.
We offer a competitive reward package, focused on cash and
variable pay rather than fixed benefits. All easyJet employees, with
a minimum amount of service, have the opportunity to become
shareholders in easyJet.
As at 30 September 2019 our employees held interests in shares
with a value of over £215 million, representing 5% of the total
share value of the company.
www.easyJet.com 59
At easyJet we are aware that our operations can have a range of
impacts on the environment.
A guardian
We work to minimise that potential impact, complying with or
exceeding the relevant regulations and continually looking for
ways to improve performance and reduce the use of resources.
for future
On 19 November 2019, we announced that we will offset the
carbon emissions from the fuel used for all of our flights, to
become the first major airline to operate net-zero carbon flights
generations across its whole network. We are doing this through schemes
which meet either the Gold Standard or Verified Carbon Standard
(VCS) accreditation, which are globally recognised and respected
for their standards of offsetting.
As this change took place in our 2020 financial year, it is not
covered in detail in this sustainability report. Further information
is available on corporate.easyjet.com and we will report on the
scheme in our 2020 Annual Report.
carbon emissions produced from our In the long term, we are preparing for a move to electric and
hybrid aircraft powered by renewable energy. We support Wright
flights. In the materiality assessment, Electric in its work to develop an all-electric aircraft for short-haul
all stakeholders believed climate flights and we are also working with Airbus, Derwent Engineering
and Safran on the development of new technologies.
change was a very important issue for
climate change adaptation, fuel
efficiency and types. CARBON EMISSIONS TARGET
As part of our goal to reduce carbon emissions, we have set a
The assessment also highlighted that public target based on the carbon dioxide emissions produced
stakeholders, particularly our for each kilometre travelled by our passengers.
customers and crew, were also Carbon dioxide emissions per passenger kilometre is a useful
measure, as it allows potential customers to understand the
interested in other environmental difference in carbon impact between different airlines flying on
issues, particularly the use of plastic the same route. It is the way we express our emissions in a way
which relates to our activities as an airline.
and waste management.
The current target is to achieve a 10% reduction in carbon
dioxide emissions per passenger kilometre from our flights by
2022, compared to our 2016 figures. This would equate to
72 grams (g) per passenger kilometre in 2022.
CLIMATE CHANGE WASTE AND PLASTICS In the 2019 financial year our carbon dioxide emissions per
REDUCTION passenger kilometre were 77.07g. This is a reduction from
AIRCRAFT NOISE 78.46g in 2018.
Since 2000, we have reduced our carbon emissions per passenger
kilometre by over one-third. If we meet our target for 2022, we will
– FUEL EFFICIENCY have reduced our carbon emissions by 38% since 2000.
ANNUAL CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS Over half (57%) of all our aircraft are also now fitted with
‘Sharklet wingtips, which can reduce fuel usage and carbon
easyJet’s annual carbon dioxide emissions in the 2019 financial emissions by up to 4%.
year was 8.2 million tonnes, compared to 7.6 million tonnes in the
2018 financial year. Our methodology for the calculation of NUMBER OF AIRCRAFT BY TYPE
emissions is based on fuel burn measurement, which complies Percentage
with the EU’s Emissions Trading System requirements. Aircraft type Number of fleet
The increase in emissions is due to the continued expansion of A319 125 38%
easyJet’s operations. In this financial year passenger numbers A320 169 51%
increased by 8.6% from the 2018 financial year. A320neo 31 9%
A321neo 6 2%
Our non-aircraft operations, such as energy usage in the small EFFICIENT OPERATIONS
number of buildings we operate, also create carbon dioxide and
Our business model is based on filling most seats on each
other greenhouse gas emissions
flight. This also means we make good use of each flight and its
However, we do not believe these emissions are material when associated carbon emissions. This year our ‘load factor’, which
compared to the emissions from our aircraft operations. is the percentage of seats used by passengers, was 91.5%
As part of our continued improvements to our sustainability (2018: 92.9%).
reporting, we will be doing further work over the next financial We continue to operate our aircraft as efficiently as possible, within
year on carbon emissions from energy usage at our facilities and the constraints of the operational environment. This includes:
emissions from our non-aircraft operations. This will include
• The optimisation of flight plans to ensure the most efficient
complying with the new UK Streamlined Energy and Carbon
routings and flight levels are selected by use of the latest
Reporting (SERC) framework which will apply from our 2020
flight plan and weather information.
financial year.
• The use of single engine taxi on arrival and departure.
EFFICIENT AIRCRAFT • The optimisation of climb and descent profiles for flights.
We operate a fleet of modern, efficient Airbus A320 family aircraft. • The optimisation of the use of ground power by our aircraft
In 2017 we started to operate our first Airbus A320neo (New at airports.
Engine Option) aircraft, equipped with LEAP-1A engines. Last year
Reducing weight on each aircraft also helps to reduce fuel usage.
we also started operating the larger Airbus A321neo aircraft.
This is why we have been introducing lightweight Recaro
The Airbus neo aircraft (A320 and A321) are 15% more fuel passenger seats and our pilots use electronic devices rather
efficient and 50% quieter during takeoff and landing than their than paper documents on the flight deck.
equivalent previous generation aircraft (A320ceo and A321ceo –
Over the next year we will also introduce electronic tablet devices
current engine option).
for our cabin crew. In addition to providing them with more useful
The A321neo aircraft, which have a larger capacity than the information, we estimate that the change will avoid printing
A320neo (235 seats compared to 186), also helps to maximise the 30,000 pieces of paper every day.
CO2 emissions – grams per passenger kilometre
3.2% 5.3%
105 8.0%
17.6% 17.8%
85 24.9%
27.4% 27.2% 27.9%
80 29.4%
30.2% 31.2%
32.3% 32.5%
75 33.7%
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Percentage reduction since 2000 Financial year
www.easyJet.com 61
CDP CLIMATE CHANGE PROGRAMME These are the first changes made and we are continuing to work
with our retail partner, Gate Gourmet, to introduce more ways to
This year we participated in the CDP Climate Change programme
reduce the amount of plastic used.
for the first time since 2016.
The CDP Climate Change programme (CDP) is an international WASTE MANAGEMENT
not-for-profit organisation that provides a global system for Our cabin crew collect waste in two bags, separating out
companies and cities to measure, share and disclose recyclable materials.
environmental information.
As waste management was rated highly in our sustainability
We have decided to begin participating again as we recognise materiality assessment, we intend to do further work over the
that CDP is a widely-used measure of environmental management. next year with our aircraft cleaning, ground handling and
As part of the participation process this year, we have identified a airport partners on the management of waste.
number of areas where we can make improvements to our
environmental management and reporting for future years. AIRCRAFT NOISE
We recognise that our operations can affect those who live near
IATA INTERNATIONAL TARGET airports or under flight paths. We work with individual airports and
In addition to our own action, we are part of industry-wide efforts. air traffic control teams to implement noise mitigation activities
This includes the International Air Transport Association (IATA) that best fit each location. Our pilots also use flying techniques
target for a 1.5% improvement in fuel efficiency each year to that reduce the impact of aircraft noise, such as continuous
2020, a cap on net emissions from 2020 onwards, and a 50% descent approaches.
net reduction in emissions by 2050, compared to 2005 levels.
The new generation Airbus A320neo and A321neo aircraft are
INTERNATIONAL SCHEMES 50% quieter during takeoff and landing than the equivalent
previous generation aircraft.
All easyJet flights within the European Economic Area, which
make up the large majority of all our flights, are covered by the We have also carried out a retrofit programme to address a
EU Emissions Trading System scheme. particular sound, associated with A320 family aircraft of all
airlines, due to the airflow under the wing. This involved fitting
PLASTICS REDUCTION aircraft with vortex generators.
To help reduce the amount of single use plastics used on our
flights, this year we have focused on changes to our inflight food SUSTAINABLE TOURISM
and drink products and service. The tourists that easyJet, other airlines and travel operators bring
to destinations make a very significant contribution to local
We have prioritised our actions using the following principles:
economies. However tourism also needs to have a sustainable
• Reduce the amount of plastic items that are used. impact on the local environment and community.
• Replace plastic items with non-plastic alternatives. Sustainability has been a founding principle of the easyJet holidays
• Reduce the amount of plastics used in items. business and we will provide further information on the business’
sustainability strategy in next year’s Annual Report.
The initial changes have been to the ‘dry store’ items which are
used to serve food and drink products. This has included: WILDLIFE CONSERVATION
• Replacing a plastics drinks stirrer with a wooden alternative. Wildlife conservation was rated as a lower level materiality issue
• Introducing a new hot drinks cup which are now made of for easyJet and we have not carried out any significant work in
sustainably-sourced cardboard, except for a plant-based this area. However we will continue to keep this under review as
plastic lining, and that is compostable. we continue to develop the sustainability strategies for the airline
and easyJet holidays.
• Offering a 50 pence / 50 cent discount on hot drinks
for customers who bring their own reusable cup.
Efficient aircraft
Our A320 neo and A321 neo aircraft are 15% more fuel efficient and 50% quieter during takeoff and landing than their equivalent
previous generation aircraft.
Our Charity Committee makes donations to support charities
nominated by easyJet employees. This is to ensure that the
causes we support help the communities in which we operate,
and have personal meaning to easyJet employees.
Any employee can submit a nomination for an award for a
charity of their choice. Nominations are considered anonymously
and 12 charities are selected each month for a flight voucher for
two people, or a financial donation of £250 / Euro 300.
This year the Committee has made 144 awards of flight vouchers
or financial donations.
We have a pan-European charity partnership, Change for Good,
with Unicef, the world’s leading children’s organisation. Our cabin
crew make onboard appeals for customers to donate spare
change and unwanted foreign coins at certain times each spring,
summer and winter. Since 2012 the partnership has raised over
£14.0 million. This includes over £2.0 million raised in the 2019
financial year.
Collections during December and January support vaccination
WHY IS THIS MATERIAL? programmes as part of the global initiative to eradicate polio,
We operate across Europe and want which has been running since 1985. Since it began, the initiative
has contributed to polio cases decreasing by 99%, with the
to have a strong reputation and disease now found in only two countries: Afghanistan and
relationships in our core markets. Pakistan. 2019 marks three years since any cases have been
reported in Nigeria, meaning that the whole African region is
This means we need to make a now on the way to being certified polio free.
positive contribution to these areas To date, the partnership has helped vaccinate 5.3 million
and society in general, as well as mothers and babies against deadly diseases and protect more
minimise our negative impacts. than 30 million children against polio, as well as helped with the
procurement and distribution of 2,600 cold boxes, 6,000 vaccine
carriers and 22,280 ice packs, and the installation of 44 solar
While charitable giving and community refrigerators to improve vaccine storage capacity.
programmes were rated at a lower Since summer 2018, the one-month spring holiday and three-
level by stakeholders in the materiality month summer collection periods support Unicef’s Education in
assessment, we believe it is still right Emergencies work, providing education for children in emergency
situations all over the world. easyJet funds are distributed to
that we support charitable organisations where they are needed most. The money raised so far for
in our network and more widely. Education in Emergencies could provide over 14,500 School’s in
a Box, with the potential to bring education to one million
children in emergencies.
In 2019 we also supported Unicef’s UK Soccer Aid campaign by
collecting funds on inbound and outbound UK flights throughout
June. Employees also took part in fundraising activities such as
bake sales, quiz nights and raffles.
This year the partnership won the Third Sector Business Charity
Awards prize for best Charity Partnership, Sport, Travel & Leisure.
www.easyJet.com 63
In 2019 easyJet was one of the official partners of The Soccer Aid campaign culminated in a TV-broadcast
Unicef Soccer Aid in the UK. celebrity football match at Chelsea Football Club’s Stamford
Bridge. During the match half time, easyJet crew
Unicef Soccer Aid’s aim is to make sure that more than 80,000
representatives presented a cheque on behalf of easyJet’s
children in Sierra Leone and Zambia can have a childhood full
customers to Soccer Aid.
of play. Where poverty and malnutrition unsettle childhoods,
Unicef works to support its partners in caring for mums and easyJet’s support for Soccer Aid in 2019 raised £200,000.
new babies. Unicef helps provide vaccinations so children can These funds were allocated to Unicef’s unrestricted fund, so
spend their time in the playground. In Zambia Unicef provides will be sent where the need is greatest and could be used as
preschools in a box for stimulating playtimes. part of any of Unicef’s core funding areas.
• As we are continuing to develop our • Materiality assessment, p49
sustainability strategy, a new Environmental • Chief Executive’s introduction, p16
ENVIRONMENTAL Policy will follow on from this work • Climate change risks, p60
MATTERS • Carbon emissions, p60
• Aircraft efficiency, p61
• Plastics reduction, p62
• Waste management, p62
• Aircraft noise, p62
• easyJet and Unicef charity partnership • Customers who need special assistance, p54
• Charity Committee • Customers affected by disruption, p54
SOCIAL MATTERS • Charity partnership with UNICEF, p63
• Local charity donations, p64
• Aircraft noise, p62
www.easyJet.com 65
effective corporate
john barton
Non-Executive Chairman
board stakeholder The role and effectiveness of the Board and the culture it
promotes are essential to a successfully run company; the
changes engagement way in which we discharge our duties is set out on the
following pages. A summary of Board activity during the
Dr Anastassia Lauterbach The Board continued to year can be found on page 78.
and Nick Leeder joined the focus on understanding
Board during the year, the views of its CHANGES TO THE BOARD
bringing a depth of stakeholders. Moya
The Board keeps its balance of skills, knowledge, experience,
knowledge and experience Greene was appointed
independence and diversity under regular review. As a result
in technology and data, Employee Representative
there have been a number of Board changes since the last
adding to the diversity of Director in January 2019,
Annual Report. Appointments have been subject to a
skills amongst Board enhancing the employee
formal, rigorous and transparent procedure, led by the
members. voice in Board discussions.
Nominations Committee.
We welcomed Dr Anastassia Lauterbach as an Independent
PAGE PAGE Non-Executive Director and member of the Audit Committee,
81 79
and Nick Leeder as an Independent Non-Executive Director
and member of the Safety Committee, on 1 January 2019. With
easyJet having an increased focus on digital and the use of
data as a source of competitive advantage, we were very
pleased to welcome both Anastassia and Nick to the Board.
They bring different perspectives on technology and artificial
intelligence, with a depth of knowledge across a range of
board activity in 2019 businesses. Both are international in outlook and experience and
further strengthen the diverse mix of approach and skills on the
The Board has an annual programme of activity
which is designed to balance the need to
PAGE Board. More detailed information on Anastassia and Nick’s
induction can be found on page 82.
provide effective oversight of the Group’s
activities and the setting of strategic priorities Adèle Anderson stepped down from the easyJet Board at the
for the future. conclusion of the AGM on 7 February 2019. On behalf of the
Board, I would like to reiterate my thanks to Adèle for her
important contribution to the easyJet Board and specifically
in her role as Audit Committee Chair until 1 January 2019.
We also announced that after eight years Charles Gurassa is to
step down as Chair of the Remuneration Committee, but remain
a member of the Committee, with effect from 21 October 2019.
I would like to thank Charles for his wise and effective leadership
of the Committee during his tenure. Moya Greene has replaced
Charles as Chair with effect from the same date.
easyJet’s purpose is also clearly defined as part of ‘Our Plan’ BOARD EVALUATION
and set out on page 2. As a Board, our purpose, values and Following the externally facilitated Board evaluation conducted
behaviours are always top of mind. We aim to lead by example last year, our Nominations Committee oversaw an internally
by ensuring that the values are integrated into decision making facilitated review of the composition, diversity and effectiveness
and that the policies and procedures we put in place maintain the of the Board this year. A full report on the activities of the
open and collaborative culture we have at easyJet. This includes Nominations Committee and the outcomes of the evaluation
the Safety Committee monitoring the nature and frequency of can be found on pages 87 to 88.
safety incidents to determine whether there are any counter-
cultural trends; the Board reviewing whistleblowing cases to UK CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CODE
understand the matters being reported; and the Nominations I am pleased to report that we were in full compliance with
Committee reviewing company-wide progress on culture, diversity the requirements of the 2016 UK Corporate Governance Code
and inclusion initiatives. (the ‘2016 Code’) during the year.
UNDERSTANDING OUR STAKEHOLDERS We welcomed the publication by the FRC of the revised UK
The Board continues to take account of the impact of its decisions Corporate Governance Code in July 2018 (the ‘2018 Code’) and its
on all of our stakeholders, who include customers, suppliers, focus on the themes of corporate and Board culture, stakeholder
shareholders, regulators and governments, including as set out in engagement and sustainability, which are critical factors for us as
section 172 of the Companies Act 2006. The Board believes that we partner with our stakeholders to build a successful and
part of that responsibility includes understanding the views of those enduring business. While the 2018 Code will not apply until our
stakeholders and building constructive relationships with them. financial year beginning on 1 October 2019, we have chosen to
adopt some of its elements early and further details are
Last year we reported that we had begun to consider ways in included in this report.
which a stronger and more meaningful engagement could take
place between the Board and the workforce. I am pleased to The following pages set out details of the composition of our
report that Moya Greene took up the position of Employee Board, its corporate governance arrangements, processes
Representative Director with effect from 1 January 2019 to better and activities during the year, and reports from each of the
reflect the employee voice in the boardroom. Further details on Board’s Committees.
Moya’s activities are set out on page 79.
The Board’s visit to Austria also allowed us to engage with
stakeholders including Austrocontrol and local airport
management. More information can be found on page 77.
During the year the Board received presentations from relevant JOHN BARTON
parts of the business focusing on the customer, shareholders Non-Executive Chairman
and regulators. Further details of all our stakeholders and how
we have engaged with them are set out on page 15.
As clearly articulated by Johan Lundgren on page 48, sustainability
has been a key focus of the Board this year and will continue to
be over the coming year. It is important to the Board that we
operate a safe and responsible business and sustainability plays
an important part in this.
The Board continued to closely oversee the implementation
of easyJet’s planning for Brexit. This has involved regular
management updates on both the design and implementation of
easyJet’s response to Brexit negotiations, and the likely impact on CONTENTS OF THE CORPORATE
the European airline industry. We are confident that easyJet’s GOVERNANCE REPORT
operating model and network are unaffected by Brexit and that
flying rights between the EU and the UK will be maintained. 68 Board and Airline Management Board (‘AMB’) profiles
This year the Board’s annual visit to our European operations took 75 Our governance framework
place in Vienna, which provided an opportunity to see at first hand 78 Board activity in 2019
the operation of the easyJet Europe airline, established in 2017 as 85 Board Committee overview and activities during the year
part of the Company’s Brexit preparations.
116 Directors’ report
www.easyJet.com 67
An experienced
and balanced Board
andrew findlay (50) Dr Andreas Bierwirth (48) MOYA GREENE DBE (65)
Chief Financial Officer Independent Non-Executive Director Independent Non-Executive Director &
Employee Representative Director
www.easyJet.com 69
www.easyJet.com 71
www.easyJet.com 73
Responsible for the leadership of the easyJet plc Board (the ‘Board’) and for ensuring
that it operates effectively through productive debate and challenge.
The Board is responsible for providing leadership to the airline. It does this by setting strategic priorities and overseeing their delivery in a way that is
aligned with easyJet’s culture and enables sustainable long-term growth, whilst maintaining a balanced approach to risk within a framework of effective
controls and taking into account the interests of a diverse range of stakeholders. There are certain matters which are reserved for the Board’s decision.
The terms of reference of each Committee are documented and agreed by the Board. The Committees’ terms of reference
are reviewed annually and are available in the Governance section of easyJet’s corporate website at corporate.easyjet.com.
The key responsibilities of each Committee are set out below.
ON PAGES 85 TO 86 ON PAGES 87 TO 88 ON PAGES 89 TO 93 ON PAGES 94 TO 95 ON PAGES 96 TO 115
Responsible for the day-to-day running of the Group’s business and performance,
and the development and implementation of strategy.
www.easyJet.com 75
An understanding of, and connection with, easyJet’s business is The Board found the visit informative and welcomed the
fundamental for our Non-Executive Directors to enable them opportunity to meet and discuss the progress of the business
to maximise their contribution to Board discussions and with local management and better understand the views of
understand our stakeholders. With this in mind, the Board visits local external stakeholders.
one of our European operations at least once a year. These
visits provide our Non-Executive Directors with a valuable
opportunity to engage with local management and crew and
gain insight into how the culture and values of the business are
translated into day-to-day operations.
In June 2019, all of the Board members visited our operations in
Vienna, Austria. This is also home to the ‘easyJet Europe’ airline, Our visit to Vienna
which was established in 2017 as part of the Company’s Brexit
preparations to allow easyJet to continue to operate flights allowed us to meet
both across Europe and domestically within European countries
after the UK has left the EU.
with key stakeholders
The Board toured the Vienna facilities and local management and see the easyJET
provided an overview of the local operating model, the
establishment of the new airline, and various activities across
CULTURE in action
the business including safety, training, ground and flight
operations, security and compliance. The Board were also able
to see how easyJet’s values and culture are brought to life on
the ground in Austria.
The Board had the opportunity to hear first-hand from external
stakeholders by receiving a presentation from Austrocontrol,
the air navigation services provider that controls Austrian
airspace, and hosting a dinner with local management, the
Managing Directors of Austrocontrol and the Managing
Director of Vienna Airport.
www.easyJet.com 77
At easyJet we have a dedicated and hardworking workforce In addition to meeting the EWC and MACG, I have access to
of over 15,000, including pilots and crew, and having the right easyJet’s employee feedback and listening platform, Peakon,
people is one of the Company’s strategic priorities. The Board and the ‘Workplace’ internal communications platform, which
has always considered employees when making strategic allows me to understand what matters are of importance to
decisions, but understanding their views and bringing them into our colleagues.
the boardroom has never been more important. This was also
It is important to note that our employees continue to be able
recognised by the 2018 Code, which recommends that Boards
to raise any concerns confidentially, should they wish to do so,
have a specific method for engaging with the workforce.
using easyJet’s whistleblowing arrangements.
During the year the Board addressed this by appointing me
as the Employee Representative Director from 1 January 2019. I report to the Board at least twice a year on my activities, and
bring the employee voice into conversations in the boardroom
In this role I chair an Employee Liaison Committee and engage
whenever possible. This can be as simple as ensuring that the
with the two main employee engagement bodies that are
potential impact on the workforce is part of the conversation
already well established at easyJet, the European Works
when the Board discusses strategic matters, which is
Council (‘EWC’) and Management & Administration
something I have sought to do during the year.
Consultative Group (‘MACG’). The intention is that I meet with
both groups regularly and report any concerns that arise to While the role remains relatively new, I am looking forward to
the relevant service head or corporate function, if necessary. engaging further with employees during the coming year and
exploring ways to bring their views back to our discussions at
Since my appointment I have met with each of the EWC and
the Board.
MACG to introduce myself and seek their feedback on a wide
range of matters. When the Board conducted its visit to Vienna I am grateful to all those I have met with so far for their
I took the opportunity to meet separately with a group of openness and insights.
Austrian employees to explain my Employee Representative
Director role and understand their questions and concerns.
www.easyJet.com 79
The Directors’ attendance at the Board and Committee meetings held during the year are shown in the table below. The core activities
of the Board and its Committees are covered in scheduled meetings held during the year. Additional ad hoc meetings are also held to
consider and decide matters outside scheduled meetings. Non-Executive Directors are encouraged to communicate directly with each
other and senior management between Board meetings.
If a Director is unable to attend a meeting because of exceptional circumstances, they still receive the papers in advance of the meeting
and have the opportunity to discuss with the relevant Chair or the Company Secretary any matters on the agenda which they wish to
raise. Feedback is provided to the Director on the decisions taken at the meeting.
All Directors holding office at the time attended the Annual General Meeting held on 7 February 2019.
For further information regarding when Board members joined or stepped down from Committees during and after the 2019 financial
year, please refer to the ‘Committee changes’ sections in the relevant Committee reports (pages 85 to 115).
Following the Board evaluation process, detailed further below,
the Board has considered the individual directors attendance, their
contribution, and their external appointments and is satisfied that
each of the Directors is able to allocate sufficient time to the
Group to discharge his or her responsibilities effectively.
Contracts and letters of appointment with Directors are made
available at the Annual General Meeting or upon request.
The standard terms and conditions of the appointment of
Non-Executive Directors are also available in the Governance
section of easyJet’s corporate website at corporate.easyjet.com.
Executive Directors and the AMB are permitted to take up
non-executive positions on the board of a listed company so long
as this is not deemed to interfere with the business of the Group.
www.easyJet.com 81
www.easyJet.com 83
Board committees
Safety is easyJet’s response, and that of the whole aviation industry, has
received significant focus from the Committee. We also undertook
FUNDAMENTAL TO an in-depth review of aircraft cyber security, crew health and
wellbeing, and the compliance framework relating to compliance
EVERYTHING WE DO with global safety regulations. The Committee also discussed the
AT EASYJET. the strong safety culture at easyJet, and we look forward to exploring
how this can be maintained and improved in the future.
Committee’s role is
to oversee the
effectiveness of
Chair of the Safety Committee
• Dr Andreas Bierwirth (Chair)
• Adèle Anderson (until 7 February 2019)
• Moya Greene DBE
• Nick Leeder (from 1 January 2019)
• Julie Southern
www.easyJet.com 85
The Committee met four times during the year. The Director of Areas of focus
Safety, Security and Compliance has attended all Safety
Committee meetings during the year. Other key invitees include OCCUPATIONAL Received an update on health and
the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Operating Officer, the HEALTH AND wellbeing in support of the right
interim Head of Operations and the Head of Safety. Nominated WELLBEING people priority in Our Plan.
persons for Flight Operations, Engineering and other functions Discussed fatigue risk
have attended as relevant. management and the focus on
mental health and physical
Meeting attendance can be found in the table on page 80. The wellbeing amongst employees
Committee’s terms of reference can be found on the Company’s
website at corporate.easyjet.com. FLIGHT DATA Reviewed the core function of the
MONITORING Flight Data Monitoring (FDM)
KEY ACTIVITIES DURING THE YEAR team, FDM safety performance
The Safety Committee continues to ensure that safety receives indicators and the reports received
the highest level of Board attention. The Director of Safety, as part of FDM Assurance
Security and Compliance reports to the Chief Executive Officer programme
and also has the right of direct access to Dr Andreas Bierwirth as
Committee Chair and to the Board Chairman, which reinforces the SECURITY Received an overview of the cyber
independence of safety oversight. As Committee Chair, security arrangements in relation
Andreas reports to the Board with his own assessment of safety to aircraft, and discussed easyJet’s
management within the airline throughout the year. response to the drone incident at
London Gatwick in December 2018
The Committee continued to monitor the progress of the annual
safety plan, including reviewing the safety performance indicators OPERATIONS Received an update on the
for the financial year. Standing items at each meeting included contractual relationships
progress against the 2019 safety plan, employee health and implemented between the three
wellbeing, notable incidents and actions, and a report on different AOCs, the decision-
compliance from the Head of Safety. making framework and discussed
the development of the RMF to
The Committee also conducted deep dives into the Group’s
ensure safety and security
business areas, crew health and wellbeing, aircraft cyber security
compliance across AOCs
and the scope and design of the Regulatory Management
Framework (the ‘RMF’). The RMF is designed to achieve
COMPLIANCE Reviewed the Compliance strategy
compliance with aviation, safety, security, occupational safety
MONITORING and audit plan, which covered the
and occupational health regulations across the three Air Operation approach to compliance
Certificates (AOCs), integrating separate regulatory environments monitoring and the methods of
into a single framework which enables synergies and improves developing and agreeing the
compliance overall. The RMF also establishes and maintains a compliance monitoring
process for monitoring, measurement, analysis and performance programme
The Committee received regular reports from the Director of LOOKING FORWARD
Safety, Security and Compliance to ensure the safety team had
Over the next year, the Committee will continue to monitor and
adequate resources and appropriate information to perform its
review the structure, content and operation of the Group’s safety,
function effectively and in accordance with the relevant
security and compliance activities. More generally, we will continue
professional standards.
to provide support to management on embedding the strong
The easyJet Safety Board (ESB), which reports to the Airline safety culture to ensure high standards of safety continue to
Management Board, supported the role of the Committee in be delivered across the Group.
ensuring the safety risks and issues are identified and prioritised
and action plans are in place to mitigate any risks.
The Committee With the Board’s succession plans underway, the Committee has
also focused on succession planning for the Airline Management
monitors and Board and Executive Leadership Team during the year. This
included receiving presentations from the Chief Executive Officer
maintains an and Group People Director on candidates identified and any
the Board
John Barton
Chair of the Nominations Committee
www.easyJet.com 87
The Committee met five times in the year. Meeting attendance RE-ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
can be found in the table on page 80. The Committee’s terms of
The effectiveness and commitment of each of the Non-Executive
reference can be found on the Company’s website at
Directors is reviewed annually as part of the Board evaluation.
The Committee has satisfied itself as to the individual skills,
KEY ACTIVITIES DURING THE YEAR relevant experience, contributions and time commitment of all
the Non-Executive Directors, taking into account their other
The Committee had previously identified the need for a number The Board is recommending the re-election to office of all the
of non-executive appointments as part of its succession plans, other Directors at this year’s AGM. Details of the service
and during the year it oversaw the process which led to the agreements for the Executive Directors and letters of
recommendation that Dr Anastassia Lauterbach and Nick Leeder appointment for the Non-Executive Directors, and their
be appointed as additional Non-Executive Directors. availability for inspection, are set out in the Directors’
Having identified the desired skills and experience sought in the remuneration report on page 114.
new Directors, the Committee engaged Russell Reynolds, after a
selection process, to act as easyJet’s search consultants for the
roles. The Committee considered a list of potential candidates The Committee and Board are committed to ensuring that
provided by Russell Reynolds, and took into account the balance together the Directors possess the correct diversity of skills,
of skills, knowledge, independence, diversity and experience of experience, knowledge and perspectives to support the long-term
the Board together with an assessment of the time success of the Company. In this regard, the role of diversity in
commitment expected. promoting balanced and considered decision-making which aligns
with the Group’s purpose, values and strategy is fully recognised.
Following an interview process, a shortlist of candidates was All Board appointments are made on an objective and shared
discussed by the Committee and Nick and Anastassia’s understanding of merit, in line with required competencies
appointments were recommended to the Board. They bring an relevant to the Company as identified by the Committee, and
interest in technology and depth of knowledge across a range of consistent with the Company’s Board Inclusion and Diversity
businesses. Their experience and international outlook further Policy, which further requires processes to be employed such
strengthen the diverse mix of skills and experience on the Board. that a diverse pool of candidates can be identified and considered.
The Committee oversaw the induction programmes for Anastassia This Policy was reviewed during the period to ensure that it
and Nick, further details of which are set out on page 82. remains appropriate and reflects recognised societal and
stakeholder expectations.
Following the annual review of the Board, the Committee
To ensure that the Board Committees retain the correct discussed the makeup of the Board and agreed annual
balance of skills and experience, the Committee monitors objectives on diversity for proposal to the Board, taking into
overall composition and membership. As a result of the changes account the recommendations set out in the Hampton-Alexander
to the Board during the year, a number of changes to the Review (which recommends that at least 33% of Board and
membership of Board Committees were recommended and executive committee members should be female), the McGregor-
approved by the Board: Smith Review and the Parker Review (which recommends at least
• Adèle Anderson stepped down as the Chair of the Audit one director of colour by 2021). At the year end, the Board had a
Committee and Julie Southern was appointed in her place 30% female representation, close to the 33% recommended by
with effect from 1 January 2019. the Hampton-Alexander Review. The AMB has 45% female
• Dr. Anastassia Lauterbach was appointed a member of the representation. Further details on Diversity can be found
Audit Committee on appointment to the Board. on pages 57 to 59.
• Nick Leeder was appointed a member of the Safety The Nominations Committee also oversees the development
Committee on appointment to the Board. of a diverse pipeline for future succession to Board and senior
management appointments, including the gender balance
• After eight years as Chair of the Remuneration Committee,
of senior management and its direct reports. Where there
Charles Gurassa decided to step down but remain a member
is a known requirement to improve the diversity at a certain
of the Remuneration Committee. Moya Greene replaced Charles
level or in a certain function in the organisation, the recruiting
as Chair with effect from 21 October 2019.
team will ask to see a higher proportion of candidates fitting
the diversity criteria. However, the final selection will always be
During the year the Committee recommended to the Board that
easyJet’s People team monitors the Group’s diversity on at least
Moya Greene be appointed to the newly created role of Employee
an annual basis and highlights any areas of concern to the AMB.
Representative Director with effect from 1 January 2019. Further
The sustainability section of the Annual Report on pages 57 to 59
details of the role and Moya’s activities are set out on page 79.
reports in further detail on the approach being taken to diversity
SUCCESSION PLANNING and inclusion, and the implementation of the policy across the
The Board continues to be satisfied that plans are in place for
orderly succession for appointments to the Board so that the right BOARD EVALUATION
balance of appropriate skills and experience is represented,
During the year an evaluation of the Board, its Committees and
building on the work previously undertaken. During the year, the
the Chairman was undertaken in line with the Committee’s terms
Committee reviewed the balance of skill and experience and
of reference. The evaluation process was internally facilitated by
independence of the Board members to ensure appropriate
the Company Secretary, details of which can be found on page 83.
succession plans were in place. The Committee also received a
report from the Group People Director on succession plans and ADVISERS
leadership development plans for the members of the AMB and
ELT, satisfying themselves that significant progress had been During the year, Russell Reynolds were engaged to identify
made and that further initiatives in this area were planned. candidates for additional Non-Executive Director roles. Russell
Reynolds do not have any other connection with the Group.
the Committee business model and strategy. The Committee also assessed the
viability of the Group over a three-year period.
continued to play a There were four meetings during the year and after each
key role in assisting Committee meeting I provided an update to the Board on the key
issues discussed during our meetings. I have also met separately
the Board in with the external audit partner and key management on a number
of occasions during the year.
fulfilling its This report sets out details of the role of the Committee and how
oversight it has discharged its duties and responsibilities during the year.
Chair of the Audit Committee
www.easyJet.com 89
Adèle Anderson stepped down as Chair of the Committee on 1 KEY ACTIVITIES DURING THE YEAR
January 2019 and Julie Southern was appointed Chair from the
The main areas of Committee activity during the 2019 financial
same date. Dr Anastassia Lauterbach was appointed to the
year included the planning, monitoring, reviewing and approval of
Committee on her appointment to the Board on 1 January 2019.
the following:
Charles Gurassa stepped down as a temporary member of the
Committee on 1 January 2019. The Company Secretary acts as FINANCIAL REPORTING
Secretary to the Committee.
• The integrity of the 2018 full year and 2019 half year financial
The Committee met four times during the year with members of statements relating to the financial performance and
senior management required to attend as and when required. governance of the Group
The Committee also met with the internal and external auditor • The material areas in which significant judgements were applied
and Head of Risk and Assurance separately after each meeting. based on reports from both the Group’s management and the
In addition, the Committee Chair holds regular private sessions external auditor. Further information is provided in the
with the Chief Financial Officer, Group Finance Director, the Head significant judgements section on page 92
of Risk and Assurance and the external audit team to ensure that
open and informal lines of communication exist should they wish • The information, underlying assumptions and stress-test analysis
to raise any concerns outside formal meetings. presented in support of the Viability Statement and going
concern status
Meeting attendance can be found in the table on page 80.
• The consistency and appropriateness of the financial control
ROLE OF THE COMMITTEE and reporting environment
The responsibilities of the Committee are set out in its terms of • The impact of new accounting standards IFRS 9 (Financial
reference, and include, but are not limited to: Instruments), IFRS 15 (Revenue from Contracts with Customers)
and IFRS 16 (Leases)
FINANCIAL • monitor the integrity of the • The availability of distributable reserves to fund the dividend
REPORTING financial statements of the policy and make dividend payments
Company and the Group, • The fair, balanced and understandable assessment of the
preliminary results and Annual Report and Accounts for the 2018 financial year and the
announcements 2019 half year statement
• review the appropriateness and
consistency of significant • The five-year plan for the business.
accounting policies
• review and report to the Board INTERNAL FINANCIAL CONTROLS AND RISK
on significant financial issues and MANAGEMENT
judgements • The adequacy and effectiveness of the Group’s ongoing risk
management systems and control processes, through an
INTERNAL • carry out a robust assessment of evaluation of: the risk and assurance plans; Internal Audit
CONTROL the Company’s emerging and review reports; risk assessments; information and cyber
AND RISK principal risks on an annual basis security threats; and business continuity and control themes
MANAGEMENT • review the effectiveness of the
• The Group’s risk environment, including its significant and
Company’s risk management
emerging risks register
system annually and the
assurance reports from • The Group’s fraud detection, bribery prevention and
management on the internal whistleblowing measures
control and risk management • The updated delegated authority policy
• Regular updates and assurance in relation to IT strategy,
including external assurance in relation to the progress of our
COMPLIANCE, • review the adequacy and security
commercial IT platform development
WHISTLEBLOWING of the Company’s arrangements
AND FRAUD for the employees to raise • The financial controls relating to jet fuel supplier contracts.
concerns about possible
wrongdoing in financial reporting INTERNAL AUDIT EFFECTIVENESS AND REVIEW
or other matters OF ACTIVITIES
• An assessment of the effectiveness and independence of the
INTERNAL AND • review and approve the role and
Internal Audit function, including consideration of:
EXTERNAL AUDIT mandate of Internal Audit, monitor
and review the effectiveness of its • key Internal Audit reports
work and carry out a periodic
assessment of the effectiveness • stakeholder feedback on the quality of Internal Audit activity
of the Internal Audit function • Internal Audit’s compliance with prevailing professional
• consider and make standards
recommendations to the Board, • the implementation of Internal Audit recommendations.
to be put to shareholders for
approval at the AGM, in relation to
the appointment, reappointment
and removal of the Company’s
external auditor
• oversee the relationship with the
external auditor
www.easyJet.com 91
TREASURY OPERATIONS INCLUDING DERIVATIVE The Group is committed to the highest standards of quality,
honesty, openness and accountability. The Group and all operating
companies have whistleblowing policies in place. Employees are
The Committee considered the approach taken to determine encouraged to raise genuine concerns under the policy and any
the fair value of derivative financial instruments under IFRS 13 concerns raised are investigated carefully and thoroughly to
Fair Value Measurement. The Committee also considered the assess what action, if any, should be taken. Any matters of
approach taken to the revised accounting and disclosure significance are reported to the Audit Committee, along with a
requirements following the introduction of IFRS 9 Financial comprehensive full year report. The Board supports the objectives
Instruments. of the Bribery Act 2010 and procedures have been established to
ensure that compliance is achieved. These set out what is
expected from our colleagues and stakeholders to ensure that
they protect themselves as well as the Group’s reputation and
assets. Training has been provided to the Board, senior
management and all employees and is refreshed on a regular
basis. Any breach of the Bribery Act will be regarded as serious
misconduct, potentially justifying immediate dismissal.
The Committee this year asked PwC to reiterate the steps taken
to ensure the quality of its listed audits. PwC confirmed that the
audit partner and audit team are not the subject of any PwC,
Institute, FRC or other regulatory investigation.
The Committee was satisfied that the external audit had provided
appropriate focus to those areas identified as the key risk areas to
be considered by the Audit Committee. It had also continued to
address the areas of significant accounting estimates. On this
basis, and considering the views of senior management, the
Committee concurred that the external audit had been effective.
www.easyJet.com 93
and funding
associated risks • Andy Martin (Chair)
• Andreas Bierwirth
• Charles Gurassa
The Committee also considered aircraft financing, monitoring the EMTN Reviewed and approved the
number of aircraft in the fleet that are owned or leased and PROGRAMME annual update to the EMTN
approving sale and leasebacks where appropriate to manage programme and approved a
residual value risk and maintain flexibility. €500 million bond issuance
under the programme
The Committee continued to provide effective oversight of the
Group’s treasury and funding policies, ensuring that treasury FINANCIAL Received an update on the
activities undertaken do not subject the Group to undesired levels
REGULATION financial regulatory developments
of risk, and that these activities are appropriately aligned with the of relevance to the Company
Group’s strategy and financial performance. During the year the
Committee reviewed compliance with the Group’s policies and
approved changes in relation to counterparty credit risk and
IFRS 16 risk management.
The Committee also approved the creation of a new risk policy to
reduce income statement volatility introduced from the
recognition of an IFRS 16 lease liability.
The Committee approved the annual update to the Euro Medium
Term Note (EMTN) programme, and approved a €500 million
bond issuance under the programme during the year which
completed in June 2019. On completion of the bond issuance,
the £250 million revolving credit facility was cancelled.
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Annual statement by the Chair of the
Remuneration Committee
On behalf of the Board, we are pleased to present the Directors’
remuneration report for the year ended 30 September 2019
(the ‘Report’). The Report sets out details of the remuneration
policy for Executive and Non-Executive Directors, describes how
the remuneration policy is implemented and discloses the
amounts paid relating to the year ended 30 September 2019, and
explains how it will be implemented for the 2020 financial year.
Annual bonus payments are based 70% on financial performance
and 30% on strategic goals including a minority element based on
personal objectives.
Operational performance over the year remained resilient with
cost per seat, On-Time Performance and Customer Satisfaction
measures all performing between the threshold and target levels
set by the Committee. However, despite a strong recovery in the
second half of the year, profit before tax for the full year fell below
the threshold level set. The Committee also assessed the
Executive Directors’ performance against their individual objectives
and was pleased with their strong personal performance and
leadership during the year. Based on all the above, a bonus of 16%
and 17% of the maximum was payable to the CEO and CFO
Charles Gurassa respectively for 2019. The Committee was satisfied that this
Chair of the Remuneration Committee (until outcome was appropriate with no further discretionary
October 2019) adjustments considered necessary. One-third of the bonuses
earned is subject to compulsory deferral into shares for three
years (see page 109 to 110 for full details).
Awards were made to the Chief Financial Officer and other
members of senior management under the LTIP in December 2016
with vesting based on three-year performance to 30 September
2019. The ROCE target (70% of the award) was met in full, while
TSR performance (30% of the award) was below the threshold
level. The Committee considered this outcome and determined
that it was a fair reflection of the long-term performance of the
Company as a whole in the context of the challenging business
environment and the targets set by the Committee at the time of
the award. 70% of the award will therefore vest in December 2019
(see page 111 for full details).
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Remuneration at a glance
The Remuneration Committee’s primary objective is to design a remuneration framework which promotes the long-term success of
the Group. For some time we have been guided by the following reward principles:
Principle Application in remuneration framework
Simple & cost-effective To establish a simple and cost-effective reward package in line with our low-cost and efficient business
model. For example, our Executive Directors do not receive the level of benefits that can be found in the
majority of listed companies and instead are aligned with those in the wider employee population.
Aligned with business To support the achievement of our business strategy of growth and returns, performance is assessed
strategy against a range of financial, operational, and longer-term targets. This ensures that value is delivered to
shareholders and that Executive Directors are rewarded for the successful and sustained delivery of the
key strategic objectives of the Group.
Pay for performance Total remuneration closely reflects performance and is therefore more heavily weighted towards variable
pay than fixed pay. This ensures that there is a clear link between the value created for shareholders and
the amount paid to our Executive Directors.
Long-term Normal maximum awards of 250% of salary Award to the Chief Executive of 250% of salary and award to
incentive plan (Chief Executive) and 200% of salary (Chief the Chief Financial Officer of 200% of salary.
Financial Officer). Up to 300% of salary in
The performance targets for the 2020 awards will be disclosed
exceptional circumstances.
in full at the date of grant and in the Annual Report.
Three-year performance period plus two-year
post-vesting holding period.
Based on financial and relative TSR targets.
Withholding and recovery provisions apply.
Share ownership 200% of salary (Chief Executive) and 175% of 200% of salary for the Chief Executive and 175% of salary for
guidelines salary (Chief Financial Officer). the Chief Financial Officer: in line with policy.
Requirement to retain 50% of post-tax LTIP
vesting and 100% of post-tax deferred bonus
shares until guideline is met (and maintained).
www.easyJet.com 99
This part of the Directors’ remuneration report sets out easyJet’s In setting remuneration for the Executive Directors, the
Directors’ remuneration policy. This policy was approved by Committee takes note of the overall approach to reward for
shareholders in a binding vote at the AGM on 8 February 2018, employees in the Group. Salary increases will ordinarily be
and became effective on that date. The Committee’s current (in percentage of salary terms) no higher than those of the wider
intention is that the current policy will operate for the three-year workforce. The Committee does not formally consult directly
period to the AGM in 2021. with employees on executive pay but does receive periodic
updates from the Group People Director.
A copy of the Directors’ remuneration policy can be found
online, within the Annual Report and Accounts, at The Committee also considers developments in institutional
http://corporate.easyjet.com/. investors’ best practice expectations and the views expressed
by shareholders during any dialogue.
The Remuneration Committee has responsibility for determining CONSIDERING THE VIEWS OF SHAREHOLDERS
remuneration for the Executive Directors and the Chairman of the WHEN DETERMINING THE REMUNERATION
Board. The Committee also reviews the remuneration of the POLICY
Group’s most senior executives in consultation with the Chief easyJet remains committed to shareholder dialogue and takes an
Executive. The Committee takes into account the need to recruit active interest in voting outcomes. We consult extensively with our
and retain executives and ensure that they are properly motivated major shareholders when setting our remuneration policy or when
to perform in the long-term interests of the Company and its considering any significant changes to our remuneration
shareholders, while paying no more than is necessary. arrangements. The Committee also considers shareholder
feedback received in relation to the Directors’ remuneration report
CONSIDERATIONS WHEN DETERMINING THE each year following the AGM. This, plus any additional feedback
REMUNERATION POLICY received from time to time, is then considered as part of the
The primary objective of the Group’s remuneration policy is to Committee’s annual review of remuneration policy and its
promote the long-term success of the business through the implementation.
operation of competitive pay arrangements which are structured
so as to be in the best interests of shareholders. When setting the
policy for Executive Directors’ remuneration, the Committee takes
into account total remuneration levels operating in companies of a
similar size and complexity, the responsibilities of each individual
role, individual performance and an individual’s experience. Our
overall policy, having given due regard to the factors noted, is to
weight remuneration towards variable pay. This is typically
achieved through setting base pay at a competitive level,
offering very modest pension and benefits, and giving the
potential to earn above-market variable pay subject to the
achievement of demanding performance targets linked to the
Group’s strategic objectives.
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1. Were easyJet’s share price to increase by 50%, Johan Lundgren’s total remuneration would increase to £5,042,000 under an ‘exceeds target’ scenario
– driven by the increased value of the LTIP awards
2. Were easyJet’s share price to increase by 50%, Andrew Findlay’s total remuneration would increase to £3,198,000 under an ‘exceeds target’ scenario
– driven by the increased value of the LTIP awards
The scenarios do not include any dividend assumptions. It should be noted that since the analysis above shows what could be earned by
the Executive Directors based on the remuneration policy described above (ignoring the potential impact of share price growth), these
numbers will differ to values included in the table on page 109 detailing actual earnings by Executive Directors.
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Element Purpose and link to strategy Operation (including maximum levels where applicable)
Fees To attract and retain a high The Chairman is paid an all-inclusive fee for all Board responsibilities.
calibre Chairman, Deputy
The other Non-Executive Directors receive a basic Board fee, with supplementary fees
Chairman and Non-Executive
payable for additional Board Committee responsibilities.
Directors by offering
market-competitive fee levels The Chairman and Non-Executive Directors do not participate in any of the Group’s
incentive arrangements.
Fee levels are reviewed on a regular basis, and may be increased, taking into account
factors such as the time commitment of the role and market levels in companies of
comparable size and complexity.
Flexibility is retained to exceed current fee levels if it is necessary to do so in order to
appoint a new Chairman or Non-Executive Director of an appropriate calibre.
In exceptional circumstances, if there is a temporary yet material increase in the time
commitments for Non-Executive Directors, the Board may pay extra fees to recognise
the additional workload.
Necessary expenses incurred undertaking Group business will be reimbursed so that
the Chairman and Non-Executive Directors are not worse off, on a net of tax basis, as
a result of fulfilling Company duties.
No other benefits or remuneration are provided to the Chairman or Non-Executive
www.easyJet.com 107
BASE SALARY Bonus payments may now be withheld or recovered if, within a
period of three years from the date of payment, there is: a case
As noted on page 97 Andrew Findlay will increase his
of serious personal misconduct; a misstatement of accounts; an
responsibilities by taking on the corporate strategy function in
error in calculation of results; an instance of corporate failure; or
addition to fleet planning. The Committee, therefore, agreed an
material damage to the Company’s reputation as a result of a
increase in Andrew’s current salary from £510,000 to £550,000.
safety event.
The current and proposed salaries of the Executive Directors are:
1 January 1 January Change vs LTIP AWARDS IN RELATION TO THE 2020
2020 salary 2019 salary 1 January 2019
We intend to make awards to the Chief Executive of 250% of
Lundgren £740,000 £720,120 2.8%
salary and to the Chief Financial Officer of 200% of salary in
Andrew £550,000 £510,000 7.8% respect of the 2020 financial year.
Awards made for the 2020 financial year will be subject to a
For comparison, the typical rate of salary increase to be awarded combination of headline ROCE, headline EPS and TSR
to our wider UK workforce will be 3%. performance measures, reflecting a balance between growth
and returns, and aligning with the Group’s strategic priorities
ANNUAL BONUS IN RESPECT OF PERFORMANCE over the medium term described on page 19.
Finalised targets will be disclosed at the date of grant and in the
The maximum bonus opportunity remains at 200% of salary for next Annual Report.
the Chief Executive and at 175% for the Chief Financial Officer.
The measures have been selected to reflect a range of financial A post-vesting holding period requiring the Executive Directors to
and operational goals that support the key strategic objectives retain the post-tax value of any shares for two years from the
of the Group. vesting date will continue to apply to the 2020 and future awards.
The performance measures and weightings will be as follows: LTIP payments may be withheld or recovered if, within a period of
three years from the date of vesting, there is: a case of serious
As a percentage of
maximum bonus opportunity personal misconduct; a misstatement of accounts; an error in
Measure CEO CFO calculation of results; an instance of corporate failure; or material
Headline profit before tax at damage to the Company’s reputation as a result of a safety event.
budgeted constant currency 60% 60% NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FEES
Headline cost per seat ex fuel at
The fees for the Chairman and Non-Executive Directors from 1
budgeted constant currency 10% 10%
January 2020 will be:
Total financial measures 70% 70%
Chairman £314,568
Customer 10% 10%
Basic fee for other Non-Executive Directors £62,914
Employees 5% 4%
Fees for Deputy Chairman and
Environment 5% 4%
Senior Independent Director role1 £25,000
Other strategic goals 10% 12%
Chair of the Audit, Safety and
Total strategic measures 30% 30% Remuneration Committees1 £15,000
The proposed target levels for the 2020 financial year have been Chair of the Finance Committee1 £10,000
set to be challenging relative to the business plan and the current Chair of the Employee Engagement Committee1 £10,000
economic environment.
1. Supplementary fees
The Committee is comfortable that the bonus targets for both Fees payable to the Non-Executive Directors are reviewed
Executive Directors are appropriately demanding in light of their annually. Accordingly, a basic fee increase of 2.8% will apply
respective bonus opportunities. from 1 January 2020, which is slightly below the typical increase
The targets themselves, as they relate to the 2020 financial year, for the wider UK workforce.
are commercially sensitive. However, retrospective disclosure of
the targets and performance against them will be provided in next
year’s remuneration report unless they remain commercially
sensitive at that time. The safety of our customers and people
underpins all of the operational activities of the Group and the
bonus plan includes a provision that enables the Remuneration
Committee to scale back (including to zero) the bonus awarded in
the event that a safety event has occurred, which it considers
warrants the use of such discretion. One-third of the pre-tax
bonus earned will be deferred into shares for a period of three
years and will be subject to continued employment.
A sliding scale of financial and operational bonus targets was set at the start of the 2019 financial year. 10% of each element is payable
for achieving the threshold target, increasing to 50% for on-target performance and 100% for achieving maximum performance.
Achievements between these points are calculated on a straight-line basis.
Measure CEO & CFO Threshold On-Target Maximum Actual Payout
Headline profit before tax(1) 60% £479m £532m £612m £455m 0%
Customer satisfaction targets(2) 10% 73.8% 76.3% 78.8% 73.9% 12%
On-time performance(3) 10% 72.9% 74.9% 76.9% 74.6% 44%
Headline cost per seat (ex. fuel)(1) 10% £43.02 £42.59 £42.16 £42.94 17%
Personal and departmental objectives(4) 10% n/a n/a n/a Note 4 Note 4
1. At budgeted constant currency
2. Customer satisfaction measures the percentage of our passengers that are ‘Quite satisfied’, ‘Very satisfied’ or ‘Completely satisfied’ at last contact
3. On-time performance measures the percentage of arrivals within 15 minutes of scheduled time, subject to flying 99.5% of programme (excluding
cancellations made 14 days in advance which do not attract EU compensation and those which affect the whole airline sector e.g. terrorist disruption, or
major airport incidents)
4. Personal performance targets described over the page
www.easyJet.com 109
The personal performance element of the bonus was subject to the achievement of a set of individual performance targets agreed by
the Committee, as follows:
Objective Weighting Commitments Achievements
Strategic Initiatives 30% Progress on launch of new Holidays, Loyalty, Data and All four strategic initiatives are on
Business initiatives track to launch within the agreed
timeframes and milestones agreed
by the Committee
Creative and energising 30% Embedding a creative and energising environment that Employee engagement survey
environment attracts the right people and inspires everyone to learn participation rates and overall
and grow scores were all maintained above
the agreed levels
Cost control 25% Progress on Operational Resilience Programme and Overall disruption costs were
Disruption Costs materially reduced versus FY18 as a
direct outcome of the Operational
Resilience programme
Tegel acquisition 15% Progress on successful integration of the new Tegel Progress against Tegel integration
operation into the wider network targets were behind plan
Overall The Committee agreed that 85% of the maximum was
Objective Weighting Commitments Achievements
Cost & Balance Sheet 25% Cost and Balance Sheet initiatives delivered or on track Multiple initiatives were all
Management as per plan without impacting speed of plan delivery delivered as planned without
impacting the speed of delivery of
the long-term strategic plan
IT and Data Leadership 25% Successfully lead IT and Data teams on an interim basis IT and Data team restructure and
ensuring smooth transition to the new Chief Data and strategic initiatives were completed
Information Officer as planned along with smooth
transition to the new Chief Data
and Information Officer over FY19
Strategic Initiatives 25% Progress on launch of new Holidays, Loyalty, Data and All four strategic initiatives are on
Business initiatives track to launch within the agreed
time frames and milestones defined
by the Committee
Creative and energising 25% Creating an inclusive and energising environment that Employee engagement survey
environment attracts the right people and inspires everyone to learn participation rates and overall
and grow scores were all maintained above
the agreed levels
Overall The Committee agreed that 100% of the maximum was
Accordingly, bonuses of 15.8% and 17.3% of the maximum were payable, resulting in bonus pay outs of £226,442 and £153,773 for Johan
Lundgren and Andrew Findlay, respectively. One-third of the bonus is compulsorily deferred into shares for three years and subject to
continued employment. The Committee is satisfied with the overall payments in light of the level of performance achieved.
Three-year average headline ROCE performance exceeded the maximum target, while our TSR performance was below median. As
previously disclosed, the Committee took the decision in 2017 to exclude the impact of the Air Berlin transaction from the 2015 and 2016
LTIP cycles. As a result, 70% of the award became eligible to vest. The Committee considered this outcome and determined that it was a
fair reflection of the performance of the Company as a whole in the context of the challenging business environment. 70% of Andrew
Findlay’s award (62,080 shares) will therefore vest in December 2019, together with a dividend equivalent award of 8,275 shares.
Details of share options and share awards outstanding at the financial year end are shown in the following tables:
No. of shares/ Shares/ Shares/ Shares/ No. of shares/ price on
options at 30 options options options options at 30 Exercise exercise Date
September granted lapsed exercised September price date from which
Scheme 2018(1) in year in year in year 2019(1) Date of grant (£) (£) exercisable Expiry Date
A 134,350 – – – 134,350 19 Dec 20174 – – 19 Dec 2020 19 Dec 2027
A – 167,003 – – 167,003 19 Dec 20186 – – 19 Dec 2021 19 Dec 2028
B – 26,871 – – 26,871 19 Dec 2018 – – 19 Dec 2021 19 Dec 2028
C – 283 – – 283 5 Apr 2019 – – 5 Apr 2022 n/a
E – 1,571 – – 1,571 14 Jun 2019 – – 1 Aug 2022 1 Feb 2023
No. of shares/ Shares/ Shares/ Shares/ No. of shares/ price on
options at 30 options options options options at 30 Exercise exercise Date
September granted lapsed exercised September price date from which
Scheme 2018(1) in year in year in year 2019(1) Date of grant (£) (£) exercisable Expiry Date
A 49,620 – (49,620) – – 17 Dec 20152 – – 17 Dec 2018 17 Dec 2025
A 88,686 – – – 88,686 19 Dec 20163 – – 19 Dec 2019 19 Dec 2026
A 72,621 – – – 72,621 19 Dec 20174 – – 19 Dec 2020 17 Dec 2027
A 14,585 – – – 14,585 4 Jun 20185 – – 4 Jun 2021 4 Jun 2028
A – 94,619 – – 94,619 19 Dec 20186 – – 19 Dec 2021 19 Dec 2028
B 4,985 – – – 4,985 19 Dec 2016 – – 19 Dec 2019 19 Dec 2026
B 12,789 – – – 12,789 19 Dec 2017 – – 19 Dec 2020 19 Dec 2027
B – 20,086 – – 20,086 19 Dec 2018 – – 19 Dec 2021 19 Dec 2028
C 182 – – – 182 5 Apr 2018 – – 5 Apr 2021 n/a
C – 283 – – 283 5 Apr 2019 – – 5 Apr 2022 n/a
D 324 138 – – 462 – – Note 7 – n/a
E 1,051 – (1,051) – – 10 Jun 2016 11.98 – 1 Aug 2019 1 Feb 2020
E 557 – – – 557 15 Jun 2017 9.69 – 1 Aug 2020 1 Feb 2021
The closing share price of the Company’s ordinary shares at 30 September 2019 was £11.50 and the closing price range during the year
ended 30 September 2019 was £8.55 to £13.48.
A Long Term Incentive Plan – Performance Shares
B Deferred Share Bonus Plan
C Share Incentive Plan – Performance (Free) Shares
D Share Incentive Plan – Matching Shares
E Save As You Earn Awards (SAYE)
www.easyJet.com 111
Three-year average ROCE (including lease adjustments) was 13.8%, and the Company did not meet the threshold TSR performance
target. These awards therefore lapsed in full in December 2018.
The face value of the awards granted was £1,850,000 (250% of salary) to Johan Lundgren and £1,000,000 (200% of salary) to Andrew Findlay.
www.easyJet.com 113
Executive Directors are deemed to be interested in the unvested shares held by the easyJet Share Incentive Plan and the easyJet plc
Employee Benefit Trust. At 30 September 2019, ordinary shares held in the Trusts were as follows:
Number of
ordinary shares
easyJet Share Incentive Plan Trust 2,230,577
easyJet plc Employee Benefit Trust 85,537
Total 2,316,114
John Barton 1 May 2013 3 May 2016 Letters of appointment for the
Charles Gurassa 27 June 2011 19 June 2017 Non-Executive Directors do
not contain fixed term periods;
Johan Lundgren 1 December 2017 10 November 2017
however, they are appointed
Andrew Findlay 2 October 2015 10 April 2015 in the expectation that they
Dr Andreas Bierwirth 22 July 2014 19 July 2017 will serve for a maximum of
Moya Greene DBE 19 July 2017 18 July 2017 nine years, subject to
Dr Anastassia Lauterbach 1 January 2019 14 December 2018 satisfactory performance and
re-election at AGMs.
Nicholas Leeder 1 January 2019 14 December 2018
Andy Martin 1 September 2011 19 July 2017
Julie Southern 1 August 2018 7 June 2018
30 Sep 2009 30 Sep 2010 30 Sep 2011 30 Sep 2012 30 Sep 2013 30 Sep 2014 30 Sep 2015 30 Sep 2016 30 Sep 2017 30 Sep 2018 30 Sep 2019
This graph shows the value, by 30 September 2019, of £100 invested in easyJet on 30 September 2009, compared with the value of
£100 invested in the FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 Indices or a comparator group of airlines on the same date.
The other points plotted are the values at intervening financial year ends. Overseas companies have been tracked in their local currency,
i.e. ignoring exchange rate movements since 30 September 2009.
1. British Airways, Lufthansa, Ryanair, Air France-KLM and Iberia have all been included in the comparative European airlines group. British Airways and Iberia
have been tracked forward from 2011 onwards as IAG
The table below shows the year-on-year percentage change in salary, benefits and annual bonus earned between the year ended 30
September 2019 and the year ended 30 September 2018 for the Chief Executive, compared to the average earnings of all other easyJet
UK employees.
Salary Benefits(3) Annual bonus(4)
Chief Executive(1) 0.6% n/a (74)%
Average pay based on all easyJet’s UK employees(2) 3.0% 0% (81)%
1. Chief Executive figures present actual FY2019 earnings compared against annualised figures for FY2018 (his start date was 1 December 2017).
2. UK employees are presented as the comparator as their salaries and benefits represent the most appropriate comparison. Note that UK employees
comprise over 50% of total employees.
3. Chief Executive benefits include an award under the all-employee Performance share plan in April 2019 and reimbursements for business-related travel
expenses in respect of domestic car travel. Prior year benefits solely comprised health benefits not of material cost to the Company. UK employee
benefits remained unchanged versus the prior year.
4. The reduction in bonus outcome, both for the Chief Executive and for UK employees, principally resulted from easyJet’s missing its profit target in 2019. In
2018, easyJet exceeded its profit stretch target such that both UK pilots and cabin crew received the maximum bonus outcome.
Andrew Findlay received fees of £67,500 in the year to 30 September 2019 for his role as Non-Executive Director of Rightmove plc.
www.easyJet.com 115
Directors’ report
The Directors present their Annual Report and Accounts together DIRECTORS’ INDEMNITIES
with the audited consolidated financial statements for the year
Directors’ and officers’ insurance cover has been established for all
ended 30 September 2019. This Directors’ report and the strategic
Directors to provide appropriate cover for their reasonable actions
report, which includes the trends and factors likely to affect the
on behalf of the Company. A deed was executed in 2007
future development, performance and position of the business
indemnifying each of the Directors of the Company and/or its
and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties of the
subsidiaries as a supplement to the Directors’ and officers’
Group (which can found on pages 2 to 65 and is incorporated
insurance cover. The indemnities, which constitute a qualifying
by reference), collectively comprise the management report as
third-party indemnity provision as defined by section 234 of the
required under the Disclosure and Transparency Rules (‘DTRs’).
Companies Act 2006, were in force during the 2019 financial year
RESULTS & DIVIDEND and remain in force for all current and past Directors of the
The total profit for the financial year after taxation amounts to
£349 million (last year £358 million). SHARES
The Company’s dividend policy is to pay shareholders 50% of SHARE CAPITAL AND RIGHTS ATTACHING
headline profit after tax, reflecting the Board’s confidence in TO SHARES
the long-term prospects of the business. The Directors are
recommending an ordinary dividend of 43.9 pence per share, The Company’s issued ordinary share capital as at 30 September
amounting to £174 million. 2019 comprised a single class of ordinary share. Further details of
the Company’s share capital during the year are disclosed in note
The ordinary dividend is subject to shareholder approval at 20 of the consolidated financial statement on page 159.
the Company’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on
6 February 2020 and will be payable on 20 March 2020 to All of the issued ordinary shares are fully paid and rank equally in
the shareholders on the register at the close of business on all respects. The rights and obligations attaching to the Company’s
28 February 2020. ordinary shares are set out in its Articles of Association. Holders of
ordinary shares are entitled, subject to any applicable law and the
BOARD Company’s Articles of Association, to:
BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND THEIR INTERESTS • have shareholder documents made available to them, including
notice of any general meeting;
Details of the Directors who held office at the end of the year
and their biographical details are set out on pages 68 to 71. • attend, speak and exercise voting rights at general meetings,
Changes to the Board in the year are set out on page 71. either in person or by proxy; and
The Directors’ interest in the ordinary shares and options of the • participate in any distribution of income or capital.
Company are disclosed within the Directors’ Remuneration
Subject to applicable law and the Company’s Articles of
The Directors may from time to time appoint one or more Association the Directors may exercise all powers of the
Directors. Any such Director shall hold office only until the next Company, including the power to authorise the issue and/or
AGM and shall then be eligible for appointment by the Company’s market purchase of the Company’s shares (subject to an
shareholders. It is the current intention that at the Company’s appropriate authority being given to the Directors by
2020 AGM all continuing Executive and Non-Executive Directors shareholders in a general meeting and any conditions
will retire and offer themselves for reappointment in compliance attaching to such authority).
with the 2018 Code.
At the 2019 AGM, the Directors were given the following authority:
DIRECTORS’ CONFLICTS OF INTEREST • to allot shares up to a nominal amount of £10,838,107,
Directors have a statutory duty to avoid situations in which they representing 10% of the Company’s then issued share capital;
have, or may have, interests that conflict with those of easyJet,
• authority to allot shares, without first offering them to existing
unless that conflict is first authorised by the Board. The Company
shareholders in proportion to their holdings, up to a maximum
has in place procedures for managing conflicts of interest. The
nominal value of £5,419,053, representing 5% of the Company’s
Company’s Articles of Association also contain provisions to allow
then issued share capital; and
the Directors to authorise potential conflicts of interest so that a
Director is not in breach of his or her duty under company law. • purchase in the market a maximum of 39,720,813 shares,
Should a Director become aware that he or she has an interest, representing up to 10% of the Company’s share capital.
directly or indirectly, in an existing or proposed transaction with
No shares were allotted or bought back under these authorities
easyJet, he or she should notify the Board in line with the
during the year ended 30 September 2019 and up to the date
Company’s Articles of Association. Directors have a continuing
of this report. These standard authorities will expire on 31 March
duty to update any changes to their conflicts of interest.
2020 or at the conclusion of the 2020 AGM, whichever is earlier.
The Directors will seek to renew the authorities at the AGM
in 2020.
www.easyJet.com 117
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Directors’ responsibilities
and statements
The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report, the Each of the Directors, whose names and functions are listed on
Directors’ remuneration report and the accounts in accordance pages 68 and 71, confirm that, to the best of their knowledge:
with applicable law and regulations.
• the Group and Company accounts, which have been prepared
Company law requires the Directors to prepare accounts for each in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the EU, give a true and
financial year. Under that law the Directors have prepared the fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit of
Group and Company accounts in accordance with International the Group and Company; and
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European • the strategic report, included in the Annual Report, includes a
Union (EU). Under company law the Directors must not approve fair review of the development and performance of the
the accounts unless they are satisfied that they give a true and business and the position of the Group, together with a
fair view of the state of affairs of the Group and the Company and description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces.
of the profit or loss of the Group and the Company for that period.
In accordance with section 418 of the Companies Act 2006, each
In preparing these accounts, the Directors are required to:
Director in office at the date the Directors’ report is approved,
• select suitable accounting policies and then apply them confirms that:
• so far as the Director is aware, there is no relevant audit
• make judgements and accounting estimates that are reasonable information of which the Company’s auditor is unaware; and
and prudent;
• he/she has taken all the steps that he/she ought to have taken
• state whether applicable IFRS as adopted by the EU have been as a Director in order to make himself/herself aware of any
followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and relevant audit information and to establish that the Company’s
explained in the accounts; and auditor is aware of that information.
• prepare the accounts on the going concern basis unless it is
inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in The Annual Report on pages 1 to 120 was approved by the Board
business. of Directors and authorised for issue on 18 November 2019 and
signed on its behalf by:
The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting
records that are sufficient to show and explain the Group’s and
the Company’s transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy
at any time the financial position of the Group and the Company.
This enables them to ensure that the accounts and the Directors’ JOHAN LUNDGREN
remuneration report comply with the Companies Act 2006 and, Chief Executive
as regards the Group accounts, Article 4 of the IAS Regulation.
They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Group
and the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the
prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.
The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of,
amongst other things, the financial and corporate governance ANDREW FINDLAY
information provided on the easyJet website (corporate.easyjet.com). Chief Financial Officer
Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and
dissemination of accounts may differ from legislation in other
The Directors consider that the Annual Report and Accounts,
taken as a whole, are fair, balanced and understandable and
provide the information necessary for shareholders to assess the
Group’s and the Company’s position and performance, business
model and strategy.
REPORT ON THE AUDIT OF THE FINANCIAL the year then ended; and the notes to the financial statements,
OPINION Our opinion is consistent with our reporting to the Audit Committee.
In our opinion, easyJet plc’s Group financial statements and BASIS FOR OPINION
Company financial statements (the “financial statements”): We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards
• give a true and fair view of the state of the Group’s and of the on Auditing (UK) (“ISAs (UK)”) and applicable law. Our responsibilities
Company’s affairs as at 30 September 2019 and of the Group’s under ISAs (UK) are further described in the Auditors’ responsibilities
profit and the Group’s and the Company’s cash flows for the for the audit of the financial statements section of our report. We
year then ended; believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and
• have been properly prepared in accordance with International appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the Independence
European Union and, as regards the Company’s financial We remained independent of the Group in accordance with
statements, as applied in accordance with the provisions of the the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the
Companies Act 2006; and financial statements in the UK, which includes the FRC’s Ethical
• have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Standard, as applicable to listed public interest entities, and we
Companies Act 2006 and, as regards the Group financial have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance
statements, Article 4 of the IAS Regulation. with these requirements.
We have audited the financial statements, included within the To the best of our knowledge and belief, we declare that
Annual Report and Accounts (the “Annual Report”), which non-audit services prohibited by the FRC’s Ethical Standard were
comprise: the Consolidated and Company statements of financial not provided to the Group or the Company.
position as at 30 September 2019; the Consolidated income Other than those disclosed in the Corporate Governance report
statement and Consolidated statement of comprehensive income, on page 93, we have provided no non-audit services to the Group
the Consolidated and Company statements of changes in equity, or the Company in the period from 1 October 2018 to
and the Consolidated and Company statements of cash flows for 30 September 2019.
THE SCOPE OF OUR AUDIT Rules. We evaluated management’s incentives and opportunities
for fraudulent manipulation of the financial statements (including
As part of designing our audit, we determined materiality and
the risk of override of controls), and determined that the principal
assessed the risks of material misstatement in the financial
risks were related to posting inappropriate journal entries, either in
the underlying books and records or as part of the consolidation
CAPABILITY OF THE AUDIT IN DETECTING process, and management bias in accounting estimates. The
IRREGULARITIES, INCLUDING FRAUD Group engagement team shared this risk assessment with the
component auditor so that they could include appropriate audit
Based on our understanding of the Group and industry, we
procedures in response to such risks in their work. Audit
identified that the principal risks of non-compliance with laws and
procedures performed by the Group engagement team and/or
regulations related to easyJet’s Air Travel Organiser’s Licence
component auditors included:
being revoked, breaches of the current EU Emissions Trading
System requirements or other environmental regulations, UK and • Discussions with management, internal audit and the Group’s
overseas tax legislation not being adhered to and non-compliance legal team, including consideration of known or suspected
with employment regulations in the UK and other jurisdictions in instances of non-compliance with laws and regulation and fraud;
which the Group operates, and we considered the extent to which • Reading key correspondence from the FRC;
non-compliance might have a material effect on the financial
• Challenging assumptions and judgements made by
statements. We also considered those laws and regulations that
management in it’s significant accounting estimates that
have a direct impact on the preparation of the financial
involved making assumptions and considering future events
statements such as the Companies Act 2006 and the Listing
www.easyJet.com 121
that are inherently uncertain. We focused on the valuation of fraud is higher than the risk of not detecting one resulting from
the maintenance provision, impairment of goodwill and landing error, as fraud may involve deliberate concealment by, for example,
rights, the valuation of pension scheme liabilities and the forgery or intentional misrepresentations, or through collusion.
valuation of the EU 261 provisions (see related key audit matters
• Consideration of recent correspondence with the Group’s legal Key audit matters are those matters that, in the auditors’
advisors to ensure that it aligned with the conclusions drawn on professional judgement, were of most significance in the audit of
obligations recognised in respect of uncertain legal matters; the financial statements of the current period and include the
most significant assessed risks of material misstatement (whether
• Identifying and testing journal entries, in particular any journal
or not due to fraud) identified by the auditors, including those
entries posted with unusual account combinations and crediting
which had the greatest effect on: the overall audit strategy; the
the income statement; and
allocation of resources in the audit; and directing the efforts of the
• Testing all material consolidation adjustments to ensure these engagement team. These matters, and any comments we make
were appropriate in nature and magnitude. on the results of our procedures thereon, were addressed in the
context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in
There are inherent limitations in the audit procedures described
forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate
above and the further removed non-compliance with laws and
opinion on these matters. This is not a complete list of all risks
regulations is from the events and transactions reflected in the
identified by our audit.
financial statements, the less likely we would become aware of it.
Also, the risk of not detecting a material misstatement due to
Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
The Group operates aircraft which are owned or held under We evaluated the maintenance provision model and tested
finance or operating lease arrangements and incurs liabilities for the calculations therein. This included assessing the process
maintenance costs in respect of aircraft leased under operating by which the variable factors within the provision are
leases during the term of the lease. These arise from legal and estimated, evaluating the reasonableness of the assumptions,
contractual obligations relating to the condition of the aircraft testing the input data and re-performing calculations. In
when it is returned to the lessor. Maintenance provisions of £526 particular, we challenged the key assumptions using the
million (2018: £392m) for aircraft maintenance costs in respect of Group’s internal data, such as business plans and maintenance
aircraft leased under operating leases were recorded in the contract terms and pricing. We also performed sensitivity
financial statements at 30 September 2019. At each balance analysis around the key drivers of the model. We found no
sheet date, the calculation of the maintenance provision includes material exceptions from these assessments and
a number of variable factors and assumptions including: likely comparisons.
utilisation of the aircraft; the expected cost of the heavy
Having ascertained the magnitude of movements in those key
maintenance check at the time it is expected to occur; the
assumptions, that either individually or collectively would be
condition of the aircraft; and the lifespan of life-limited parts. We
required for the provision to be misstated, we considered the
focused on this area because of an inherent level of management
likelihood of such movements arising and any impact on the
judgement required in calculating the amount of provision needed
overall level of aircraft maintenance provisions recorded in the
as a result of the complex and subjective elements around these
financial statements. Our assessment as to likelihood and
variable factors and assumptions.
magnitude did not identify any material exceptions.
Refer to the Accounting policies, judgements and estimates note
(note 1c.ii) and note 18, on page 156, for management’s disclosures
of the relevant judgements and estimates involved in assessing this
provision valuation. Refer to Audit Committee report on page 89.
www.easyJet.com 123
Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
A pension liability of £47 million has been recognised on the We obtained the IAS 19 actuarial valuations as at 30 September
balance sheet as at 30 September 2019 due to the obligations 2019, 30 September 2018 and 1 October 2017 prepared by
which arise due to minimum required rates of return under Swiss management’s experts and agreed the projected unit
law. The comparative period has also been restated in order to methodology used in all three valuations to be appropriate.
present the liability on consistent basis. An obligation of £29
In respect of each valuation we used our actuarial experts
million is therefore now recognised as at 30 September 2018. As a
from PwC Switzerland to assess the appropriateness of the
result of the quantum of this liability and the level of judgement
significant assumptions used in determining the pension
involved in calculating the opening and closing liability, there is an
liabilities including the discount rate, RPI and CPI inflation
increased risk of material misstatement. Whilst management
assumptions and mortality assumptions. Specifically, we
utilises the service of third party actuarial advisors to determine
ensured these fell within an acceptable range on benchmarking
the key assumptions, there is a risk that the discount rate, rate of
these against our accepted actuarial assumptions and noted no
inflation and mortality assumptions used in the calculation are
outliers. We also ensured that the valuation methodology used
at each relevant date was consistent.
Refer to the Accounting policies, judgements and estimates note
For each period impacted by the prior period adjustment, we
(note 1c.ii) and note 19, on pages 156 -158, for management’s
have tested the correction to retained earnings to ensure that it
disclosures of the relevant judgements and estimates involved in
has been calculated appropriately.
assessing the valuation of the pension obligation. Refer to Audit
Committee report on page 89. We assessed the appropriateness and adequacy of the
disclosures in respect of the pension liability in note 19 of the
financial statements and agree these to be satisfactory and
aligned to the requirements of IAS 19.
Based on the procedures we have performed we have
concluded that the accounting for the Swiss pension scheme
is appropriate
easyJet has implemented IFRS 9 and 15 in accordance with the We obtained management’s narrative impact assessment in
required adoption date, and has chosen to early adopt IFRS 16. The respect of each new accounting standard and their proposed
impact on the financial statements of the adoption of all three new accounting policies. We assessed the appropriateness of
standards is significant. these initial assessments to ensure the proposed treatments
were in line with the requirements of standards. This included
Refer to the Accounting policies, judgements and estimates note
a consideration of any exemptions or practical expedients to
(note 1b) for management’s disclosures of the relevant judgments
be exercised. Appropriate amendments to the methodology
and estimates involved in determining the impact of the adoption
and accounting policies to be applied were made by
of these three standards as well as for details of the relevant
management where required.
changes to the accounting policies applied for the year ended 30
September 2019 and going forward. This note can be found on Following the completion of the initial assessment we
pages 137 - 144. Refer to Audit Committee report on page 89. obtained management’s calculations for determining the
quantum impact of the adoption of these standards. We
tested the mathematical accuracy of the schedules obtained
and tested the accuracy of a sample of the input data used
to ensure this was appropriate.
We obtained the fair value assessment for equity investments
to be recognised under IFRS 9 which were prepared by
management’s experts. We utilised our internal valuations
team to assess the reasonableness of this valuation.
We also tested the appropriateness of the significant
assumptions used in determining the impact. For IFRS 15 this
included the assessment of what proportion of the
compensation costs incurred should be offset against
revenue. For IFRS 16 these included the discount rates and
assessment of lease extension options to be used in
calculating the value of the lease liabilities.
We assessed the appropriateness and adequacy of the
disclosures in respect of the adoption in note 1b of the
financial statements and concluded that these were aligned to
the requirements of IFRS 9, 15 and 16 respectively.
Based on the audit procedures performed we concluded that
the impact of adoption of new accounting standards has
been appropriate and the relevant judgements and estimates
have been disclosed in the financial statements.
The scope of our audit was influenced by our application of materiality. We set certain quantitative thresholds for materiality. These,
together with qualitative considerations, helped us to determine the scope of our audit and the nature, timing and extent of our audit
procedures on the individual financial statement line items and disclosures and in evaluating the effect of misstatements, both individually
and in aggregate on the financial statements as a whole.
Based on our professional judgement, we determined materiality for the financial statements as a whole as follows:
Group Financial Statements Company Financial Statements
Overall materiality £21.5m (2018: £28.8m). £21.3m (2018: £26.2m).
How we determined it 5% of profit before tax. 1% of total assets.
Rationale for benchmark applied We have applied this benchmark, a generally We have applied this benchmark of total
accepted auditing practice, in the absence of assets, a generally accepted auditing
indicators that an alternative benchmark would practice, in the absence of indicators that
be appropriate given that profitability is the an alternative benchmark would be
primary measure used by the shareholders in appropriate given that the Company does
assessing the underlying performance of the not generate revenues of its own.
Group. In the previous year a benchmark set at
5% of headline profit before tax was used to
determine overall materiality. This was due to
the significance of the non-headline items
which arose during the previous financial year.
For each component in the scope of our Group audit, we allocated a materiality that is less than our overall Group materiality. The range
of materiality allocated across components was between £1,650,000 and £21,330,000. Certain components were audited to a local
statutory audit materiality that was also less than our overall Group materiality.
We agreed with the Audit Committee that we would report misstatements identified during our audit above £1,075,000 (Group audit)
(2018: £1,400,000) and £1,065,000 (Company audit) (2018: £1,300,000) as well as misstatements below those amounts that, in our
view, warranted reporting for qualitative reasons.
In accordance with ISAs (UK) we report as follows:
Reporting obligation Outcome
We are required to report if we have anything material to add or We have nothing material to add or to draw attention to.
draw attention to in respect of the directors’ statement in the
However, because not all future events or conditions can be
financial statements about whether the directors considered it
predicted, this statement is not a guarantee as to the Group’s
appropriate to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in
and Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. For
preparing the financial statements and the directors’
example, the terms on which the United Kingdom may withdraw
identification of any material uncertainties to the Group’s and
from the European Union are not clear, and it is difficult to
the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern over a
evaluate all of the potential implications on the Group’s trade,
period of at least twelve months from the date of approval of
customers, suppliers and the wider economy.
the financial statements.
We are required to report if the directors’ statement relating to We have nothing to report.
going concern in accordance with Listing Rule 9.8.6R(3) is
materially inconsistent with our knowledge obtained in the audit.
www.easyJet.com 125
REPORTING ON OTHER INFORMATION The directors’ assessment of the prospects of the Group and of
the principal risks that would threaten the solvency or liquidity
The other information comprises all of the information in the
of the Group
Annual Report other than the financial statements and our
We have nothing material to add or draw attention to regarding:
auditors’ report thereon. The directors are responsible for the
other information. Our opinion on the financial statements does • The directors’ confirmation on page 37 of the Annual Report
not cover the other information and, accordingly, we do not that they have carried out a robust assessment of the principal
express an audit opinion or, except to the extent otherwise risks facing the Group, including those that would threaten its
explicitly stated in this report, any form of assurance thereon. business model, future performance, solvency or liquidity.
In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our • The disclosures in the Annual Report that describe those risks
responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, and explain how they are being managed or mitigated.
consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent • The directors’ explanation on page 35 of the Annual Report as
with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the to how they have assessed the prospects of the Group, over
audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If we what period they have done so and why they consider that
identify an apparent material inconsistency or material period to be appropriate, and their statement as to whether
misstatement, we are required to perform procedures to conclude they have a reasonable expectation that the Group will be able
whether there is a material misstatement of the financial to continue in operation and meet its liabilities as they fall due
statements or a material misstatement of the other information. over the period of their assessment, including any related
If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there disclosures drawing attention to any necessary qualifications or
is a material misstatement of this other information, we are assumptions.
required to report that fact. We have nothing to report based on
these responsibilities. We have nothing to report having performed a review of the
directors’ statement that they have carried out a robust
With respect to the Strategic Report, Directors’ report and
assessment of the principal risks facing the Group and statement
Corporate Governance Statement, we also considered whether
in relation to the longer-term viability of the Group. Our review was
the disclosures required by the UK Companies Act 2006 have
substantially less in scope than an audit and only consisted of
been included.
making inquiries and considering the directors’ process supporting
Based on the responsibilities described above and our work their statements; checking that the statements are in alignment
undertaken in the course of the audit, the Companies Act 2006 with the relevant provisions of the UK Corporate Governance
(CA06), ISAs (UK) and the Listing Rules of the Financial Conduct Code (the “Code”); and considering whether the statements are
Authority (FCA) require us also to report certain opinions and consistent with the knowledge and understanding of the Group
matters as described below (required by ISAs (UK) unless and Company and their environment obtained in the course of
otherwise stated). the audit. (Listing Rules)
www.easyJet.com 127
30 September 2019 30 September 2018
Headline Non-headline Total Headline Non-headline Total
Notes £ million £ million £ million £ million £ million £ million
Passenger revenue 5,009 – 5,009 4,688 – 4,688
Ancillary revenue 1,376 – 1,376 1,210 – 1,210
Total revenue 26 6,385 – 6,385 5,898 – 5,898
128 2019
easyJet plc Annual Report and Accounts 2019
Year ended
Year ended 30 September
www.easyJet.com 129
30 September
30 September 2018
2019 (restated)
Notes £ million £ million
Non-current assets
Goodwill 9 365 365
Other intangible assets 9 196 181
Property, plant and equipment 10 5,163 4,140
Derivative financial instruments 24 126 175
Equity investment 24 48 –
Restricted cash 13 4 11
Other non-current assets 11 142 122
6,044 4,994
Current assets
Trade and other receivables 12 372 406
Derivative financial instruments 24 147 220
Current tax assets 6 24 –
Money market deposits 13 291 348
Cash and cash equivalents 13 1,285 1,025
2,119 1,999
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 14 (1,050) (1,023)
Unearned revenue (1,069) (877)
Borrowings 15 – (9)
Lease liabilities 16 (219) –
Derivative financial instruments 24 (138) (24)
Current tax payable – (9)
Provisions for liabilities and charges 18 (192) (118)
(2,668) (2,060)
Non-current liabilities
Borrowings 15 (1,324) (968)
Lease liabilities 16 (359) –
Derivative financial instruments 24 (72) (7)
Non-current deferred income 17 (6) (18)
Post-employment benefit obligation 19 (47) (29)
Provisions for liabilities and charges 18 (397) (335)
Deferred tax 6 (305) (343)
(2,510) (1,700)
Shareholders' equity
Share capital 20 108 108
Share premium 659 659
Hedging reserve (4) 299
Cost of hedging reserve 8 –
Translation reserve (1) 1
Retained earnings 2,215 2,166
2,985 3,233
The accounts on pages 128 to 173 were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised for issue on 18 November 2019 and signed on
behalf of the Board.
130 2019
easyJet plc Annual Report and Accounts 2019
Cost of Retained
Share Share Hedging hedging Translation earnings Total
Cost of Retained
Share Share Hedging hedging Translation earnings Total
capital premium reserve reserve reserve (restated) (restated)
£ million £ million £ million £ million £ million £ million £ million
At 30 September 2017 108 659 38 – 1 1,996 2,802
Swiss pension scheme recognition – – – – – (24) (24)
At 1 October 2017 108 659 38 – – 1,972 2,778
Total comprehensive income – – 261 – – 356 617
Dividends paid (note 8) – – – – – (162) (162)
Share incentive schemes
Value of employee services – – – – – 17 17
Purchase of own shares – – – – – (17) (17)
At 30 September 2018 108 659 299 – 1 2,166 3,233
The hedging reserve comprises the effective portion of the cumulative net change in fair value of cash flow hedging instruments relating
to highly probable transactions that are forecast to occur after the year end. Within the hedging reserve, £1 million relates to a deferred
tax liability and £39 million gain to trades where hedge accounting has been discontinued. As the hedged item is still expected
to occur this amount has been deferred until the underlying cash flow impacts the income statement.
Further details of the adjustment made to the opening retained earnings as at 1 October 2018 due to the adjustment arising on the
adoption of IFRS 9, 15 and 16 can be found in note 1. Details of the prior period restatement in relation to defined benefit pensions
can also be found in note 1.
www.easyJet.com 131
Year ended Year ended
30 September 30 September
2019 2018
Notes £ million £ million
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations 22 1,098 1,215
Ordinary dividends paid 8 (233) (162)
Interest and other financing charges paid (58) (29)
Interest and other financing income received 12 11
Tax paid (58) (74)
Net cash generated from operating activities 761 961
132 2019
easyJet plc Annual Report and Accounts 2019
notes to the accounts
www.easyJet.com 133
Residual values, where applicable, are reviewed annually against prevailing market rates at the end of the reporting period for equivalently
aged assets and depreciation rates are adjusted accordingly on a prospective basis. The carrying value is reviewed for impairment if
events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may not be recoverable. For aircraft, easyJet is dependent on Airbus
as its sole supplier. This gives rise to a valuation risk which crystallises when aircraft exit the fleet, where easyJet is reliant on the future
demand for second-hand aircraft.
134 2019
easyJet plc Annual Report and Accounts 2019
An element of the cost of a new aircraft is attributed on acquisition to prepaid maintenance and is depreciated over a period ranging
Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the periods in which recovery of assets and settlement of
liabilities are expected to take place, based on tax rates or laws enacted or substantively enacted at the date of the statement of
financial position.
Deferred tax assets represent amounts recoverable in future periods in respect of deductible temporary differences, losses and tax
credits carried forwards. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that there will be suitable taxable profits
from which they can be deducted.
Deferred tax liabilities represent the amount of income taxes payable in future periods in respect of taxable temporary differences.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current tax
liabilities and it is the intention to settle these on a net basis.
Provisions are recognised when a present legal or constructive obligation arises as a result of a past event, it is probable that the Group
will be required to settle that obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. Amounts provided for
represent the best estimate of the consideration required to settle the present obligation at the balance sheet date, taking into
account all related risks and uncertainties.
Provision is made for passenger compensation claims when the Group has an obligation to recompense customers under Flight
Compensation Regulation 261/2004. Provisions are measured based on known eligible events, passengers impacted and historical
claim rates.
www.easyJet.com 135
136 2019
easyJet plc Annual Report and Accounts 2019
easyJet continues to report one operating segment, being its route network. The IFRS 15 criteria for revenue disaggregation has
been reviewed and it has been determined that no additional disaggregation is appropriate.
Unearned revenue is a contract liability as defined by IFRS 15. In the current year £87 million has been recognised in revenue which
was recorded in unearned revenue at the beginning of the year.
easyJet categorises total revenue earned on the face of the income statement between passenger and ancillary revenue. Passenger
revenue arises from the sale of flight seats and administration fees and is measured as the price paid by the customer. Passenger
revenue is recognised when the performance obligation has been completed. This is when the flight takes place. Amounts paid by
‘no-show’ customers are recognised as passenger revenue when the booked service is provided, as such customers are not generally
entitled to change flights or seek refunds once a flight has departed.
Ancillary revenue includes revenue from the provision of checked baggage, allocated seating and change fees, as well as revenue arising
from commissions earned from services sold on behalf of partners and inflight sales. It is measured as the price paid by the customer
for the service booked. Ancillary revenue is recognised when the performance obligation is complete, which is generally when the related
flight takes place, with the following exceptions:
• cancellation fees which are recognised when the cancellation is processed; and
• in the case of commission earned from travel insurance, revenue is recognised at the time of booking as easyJet acts solely
as appointed representative of the insurance company.
Unearned revenue from flights not yet flown is held in the statement of financial position until it is realised in the income statement
when the performance obligation is complete.
Some of the compensation payments made to customers (in respect of flight delays) are offset against revenues recognised up
to the amount of the flight, with the excess compensation being recorded within expenses.
IFRS 16 has been early adopted, bringing the timing of adoption in line with IFRS 9 and 15. The standard provides a single lessee
accounting model, specifying how leases are recognised, measured, presented and disclosed.
easyJet has applied the cumulative catch-up (‘modified’) transition method. The comparative information has not been restated,
and the retrospective cumulative impact of IFRS 16 has been recognised within the opening balance of retained earnings as at
1 October 2018. The financial statement impact of IFRS 16 is shown within this note. Refer also to note 10 property plant and
equipment and note 16 leases.
On initial adoption, easyJet has elected to use the following practical expedients proposed by the standard:
• the application of a single discount rate to a portfolio of leases with reasonably similar characteristics, for example aircraft with
similar lease term;
• the use of hindsight when determining the lease term if the contract contains options to extend or terminate the lease;
• the exclusion of initial direct costs from the measurement of the right of use asset; and
• lease payments for contracts with a duration of 12 months or less and contracts for which the underlying asset is of a low
value continue to be expensed to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the lease term.
Judgements made in applying IFRS 16 include assessing the lease term, identifying the discount rate to be used and assessing
maintenance obligations. Further details are given below.
www.easyJet.com 137
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Financial assets measured at amortised cost include refundable lease deposits and other refundable lease contributions, restricted
cash, trade and other receivables, money market deposits and cash and cash equivalents (excluding money market funds).
Restricted cash comprises cash deposits which have restrictions governing their use and is classified as a current or non-current
asset based on the estimated remaining length of the restriction.
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash held in bank accounts with no access restrictions, bank term deposits and tri-party repos
all being repayable on demand or maturing within three months of inception.
Money market deposits comprise of term deposits and tri-party repos maturing greater than three months from inception.
www.easyJet.com 139
140 2019
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Hedge Relationship
Non-current liabilities
Borrowings (968) – – 89 (879)
Lease liabilities – – – (477) (477)
Derivative financial instruments (7) – – – (7)
Non-current deferred income (18) – – 12 (6)
Post-employment benefit obligations (29) – – – (29)
Provisions for liabilities and charges (335) – – (18) (353)
Deferred tax (343) – 17 5 (321)
(1,700) – 17 (389) (2,072)
Net assets 3,233 54 (70) (36) 3,181
Shareholders' equity
Share capital 108 – – – 108
Share premium 659 – – – 659
Hedging reserve 299 (5) – (2) 292
Cost of hedging reserve – 4 – – 4
Translation reserve 1 – – – 1
Retained earnings 2,166 55 (70) (34) 2,117
3,233 54 (70) (36) 3,181
www.easyJet.com 141
Interest receivable and other financing income includes a £16 million hedging benefit as a result of management action
142 2019
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Non-current liabilities
Borrowings (1,324) – – (53) (1,377)
Lease liabilities (359) – – 359 –
Derivative financial instruments (72) – – – (72)
Non-current deferred income (6) – – – (6)
Post-employment benefit obligations (47) – – – (47)
Provisions for liabilities and charges (397) – – 15 (382)
Deferred tax (305) – – (5) (310)
(2,510) – – 316 (2,194)
Net assets 2,985 (48) 75 42 3,054
Shareholders' equity
Share capital 108 – – – 108
Share premium 659 – – – 659
Hedging reserve (4) 9 – 2 7
Cost of hedging reserve 8 (8) – – –
Translation reserve (1) – – – (1)
Retained earnings 2,215 (49) 75 40 2,281
2,985 (48) 75 42 3,054
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146 2019
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In the comparative period ended 30 September 2018 aircraft operating lease rentals of £154 million included only the operating dry
lease rental charges recognised in the period, as well as the impact of hedging the USD exposure on these lease rentals.
Wet leased aircraft rentals of £22 million (2018: £56 million) were recognised within other costs. Wet leases are fundamentally different
to regular, long-term lease commitments as they are short-term in nature (with terms of less than one year) and they relate to the
provision of aircraft, crew, maintenance and insurance (‘ACMI’).
During the year easyJet incurred fees payable for the audit of the Group and individual accounts from easyJet’s auditors and their
associates (including foreign partners) totalling £0.4 million (2018: £0.4 million). In addition, easyJet incurred fees in respect of audit
related non-audit services totalling £123,500 (2018: audit related fees of £122,600) from its auditors. This includes the fee in respect
of the half year review performed.
The average monthly number of people employed by easyJet was:
2019 2018
Number Number
Flight and ground operations 13,839 12,391
Sales, marketing and administration 912 713
14,751 13,104
Employee costs for easyJet were:
2019 2018
£ million £ million
Wages and salaries 743 669
Social security costs 95 86
Pension costs 87 75
Share-based payments 19 17
944 847
Key management compensation was:
2019 2018
£ million £ million
Short-term employee benefits 6 9
Share-based payments 3 2
Termination payments – 2
9 13
The Directors of easyJet plc and the other members of the Airline Management Board are easyJet's key management as they
have collective authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the business.
Share-based payment charges arising during the prior year in respect of grants to key management personnel were offset by credits
recognised on certain forfeitures arising from bad leavers and from downward revisions to some LTIP forecast vesting percentages.
Emoluments paid or payable to the Directors of easyJet plc was:
2019 2018
£ million £ million
Remuneration 3 4
3 4
Details of Directors' remuneration are disclosed in the Directors' remuneration report on pages 96 to 115.
www.easyJet.com 147
An analysis of the amounts presented as non-headline is given below:
Year ended Year ended
30 September 30 September
2019 2018
£ million £ million
Commercial IT platform (credit)/charge (2) 65
Tegel Integration – 40
Sale and leaseback (gain)/charge (2) 19
Brexit-related costs 4 7
Organisational review – 1
Recognised in operating profit – 132
Fair value adjustment (1) 1
Balance sheet foreign exchange gain (2) –
Total non-headline charge/(credit) before tax (3) 133
Tax on non-headline items 3 (25)
Total non-headline charge/(credit) after tax – 108
148 2019
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Accelerated Short-term employment
capital timing Fair value Share-based benefit
allowances differences gains/(losses) payments obligation Total
£ million £ million £ million £ million £ million £ million
At 1 October 2017 199 33 23 (6) (5) 244
Charged to income statement 60 (19) – (2) – 39
Credited to other comprehensive income – – 60 – – 60
At 30 September 2018 259 14 83 (8) (5) 343
It is estimated that deferred tax assets of approximately £6 million (2018: deferred tax assets of £6 million) will reverse during the next
financial year.
It is estimated that deferred tax liabilities of approximately £3 million (2018: deferred tax liabilities of £5 million) will reverse during the
next financial year.
Basic earnings per share has been calculated by dividing the total profit for the year by the weighted average number of shares in issue
during the year after adjusting for shares held in employee benefit trusts.
To calculate diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of
all dilutive potential shares. Share options granted to employees where the exercise price is less than the average market price of the
Company’s ordinary shares during the year are considered to be dilutive potential shares. Where share options are exercisable based
on performance criteria and those performance criteria have been met during the year, these options are included in the calculation
of dilutive potential shares.
Headline basic and diluted earnings per share are also presented, based on headline profit for the year.
Earnings per share is based on:
2019 2018
£ million £ million
Headline profit for the year 349 466
Total profit for the year 349 358
2019 2018
million million
Weighted average number of ordinary shares used to calculate basic earnings per share 393 394
Weighted average number of dilutive potential shares 4 3
Weighted average number of ordinary shares used to calculate diluted earnings per share 397 397
2019 2018
Earnings per share pence pence
Basic 88.6 90.9
Diluted 87.8 90.2
2019 2018
Headline earnings per share pence pence
Basic 88.7 118.3
Diluted 87.8 117.4
150 2019
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At 1 October 2018 – – 34 34
Charge for the year – – 15 15
Disposals – – (13) (13)
At 30 September 2019 – – 36 36
Net book value
At 30 September 2019 365 132 64 196
At 1 October 2018 365 129 52 181
At 1 October 2017 – – 30 30
Charge for the year – – 15 15
Disposals – – (11) (11)
At 30 September 2018 – – 34 34
Net book value
At 30 September 2018 365 129 52 181
At 1 October 2017 365 94 85 179
easyJet has one cash generating unit, being its route network. The recoverable amount of goodwill and other assets with indefinite
expected useful lives has been determined based on value in use calculations of the route network.
Pre-tax cash flow projections have been derived from the strategic plan presented to the Board for the period up to 2024, using
the following key assumptions:
Pre-tax discount rate (derived from weighted average cost of capital) 7.2%
Fuel price (US dollars per metric tonne) 650
Long-term economic growth rate 2.0%
Exchange rates:
US dollar 1.30
Euro 1.13
Swiss franc 1.30
www.easyJet.com 151
Aircraft and
spares Other Total
£ million £ million £ million
At 1 October 2017 4,345 60 4,405
Additions 919 12 931
Aircraft sold and leased back under operating leases (184) – (184)
Disposals (13) (5) (18)
At 30 September 2018 5,067 67 5,134
At 1 October 2017 861 19 880
Charge for the year 195 4 199
Aircraft sold and leased back under operating leases (67) – (67)
Disposals (13) (5) (18)
At 30 September 2018 976 18 994
Net book value
At 30 September 2018 4,091 49 4,140
At 1 October 2017 3,484 41 3,525
152 2019
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Information presented for the comparative period ended 30 September 2018, is presented in accordance with IAS 17. Information
www.easyJet.com 153
154 2019
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On 10 February 2015 easyJet signed a $500 million revolving credit facility with a minimum five-year term. The facility is due to mature
As at 1 October 2018
Reconciliation to prior year operating lease commitment £ million
Operating lease commitments as disclosed at 30 September 2018 601
Reconciling items:
Effect of discounting (at incremental borrowing rate as at 1 October 2018) (84)
Adjustment for options reasonably certain to be exercised 14
Finance lease liabilities recognised as at 30 September 2018 under IAS 17 98
Lease liabilities as at 1 October 2018 629
30 September 2019
Lease liabilities £ million
Maturity analysis – contractual undiscounted cash flows
Less than one year (230)
One to five years (343)
More than five years (64)
30 September 2019
Lease liabilities included in the statement of financial position £ million
Current (219)
Non-current (359)
Total (578)
30 September 2019
Amounts recognised in income statement £ million
Interest on lease liabilities adopted under IFRS 16 26
Expenses relating to short-term and low value leases (excluding wet leases) 11
Expenses relating to short-term wet leases 22
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2019 2018
Number of active participants 1,067 950
Average age of active insured members in years 38 38
Average time remaining before active employees reach final age in years 10 10
Average active life expectancy in years 55 55
Average years of service in years 8 8
The weighted average duration of the defined benefit obligation of the Swiss pension scheme is 16 years (2018: 15 years).
Expected benefit payments during financial year ending 30 September 2019 plus:
1 year 7
2 years 6
3 years 8
4 years 8
5 years 7
6 up to 10 years 38
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The fair value of grants under the Save As You Earn scheme are calculated by applying the Binomial Lattice option pricing model.
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Under IFRS 9 easyJet’s basis for classifying and measuring derivative financial instruments and other financial liabilities has remained
In accordance with IFRS 9 easyJet has performed an assessment on its non-derivative financial assets to ascertain the appropriate
accounting treatment. Under this assessment all such financial assets, with the exception of money market funds and other equity
instruments, have been assessed as being held under the ‘hold to collect’ business model, and the related cash flows have been
assessed as representing ‘solely payments of principal and interest’ (‘SPPI’). On this basis, this group of financial assets have continued
to be classified and measured at amortised cost on adoption of IFRS 9. Whilst there has been no change in the measurement
classification of these instruments, a measurement difference has arisen on adoption of IFRS 9, primarily due to the enhanced
impairment requirements of IFRS 9 versus IAS 39.
Under IFRS 9 money market funds have been classified and measured at fair value through profit or loss. easyJet’s assessment of the
instruments concluded that whilst these are also ‘hold to collect’ financial assets, they fail the SPPI test due to the fact the underlying
short-term debt investments within the funds can be sold at the funds discretion. On adoption of IFRS 9, money market funds have
therefore been reclassified out of the amortised cost classification and into the fair value through profit or loss classification. However,
due to the short-term, highly liquid nature of these instruments, their previous carrying values, under IAS 39, is considered to be materially
the same as their fair value. As such, no measurement difference has arisen on adoption of IFRS 9.
Other equity investments are non-derivative financial assets of unlisted investments, excluding interests in associates. On initial
recognition, these equity investments have been designated as measured at fair value through other comprehensive income.
These equity investments did not previously require recognition under IAS 39.
A summary of the changes to the classification and measurement bases of non-derivative financial assets under IFRS 9 is set out below:
Effect on
IAS 39 carrying IFRS 9 carrying retained
amount at 30 amount at earnings at
September 2018 Re-classifications Remeasurements 1 October 2018 1 October 2018
£ million £ million £ million £ million £ million
Amortised cost:
Other non-current assets 122 – – 122 –
Trade and other receivables 406 – – 406 –
Restricted cash 11 – – 11 –
Money market deposits 348 – – 348 –
Cash and cash equivalents 1,025 (665) – 360 –
Fair value:
Cash and cash equivalents – 665 – 665 –
Equity investments – – 54 54 54
The effect of adoption of IFRS 9 on the statement of financial position in the current period to 30 September 2019 is set out in note 1.
www.easyJet.com 163
Information presented for the comparative period ended 30 September 2018, is presented in accordance with IAS 39 and IFRS 7 Financial Instruments.
Disclosures, as applicable to IAS 39. Information presented for the current period ended 30 September 2019, is presented in accordance with IFRS 9
and IFRS 7, as modified by IFRS 9.
1. Amounts disclosed in the 'Other' column are items that do not meet the definition of a financial instrument. They are disclosed to facilitate reconciliation
of the carrying values of financial instruments to line items presented in the statement of financial position.
2. The equity investment of £48 million represents a 13.2% shareholding in a non‐listed entity, The Airline Group Limited. Valuation movements are
designated as being fair valued through other comprehensive income due to the nature of the investment being held for strategic purposes.
A dividend of £3 million (2018: £3 million) was received during the year.
3. For further information see Capital, Financing and Interest risk management section in note 27.
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The gains and losses that arose from these hedge transactions during the year were as follows:
• USD – £57 million gain
• EURO – £9 million loss
• CHF – £4 million gain
• ZAR – £2 million gain
170 2019
easyJet plc Annual Report and Accounts 2019
The weighted average interest GBP interest rate hedged for the three bonds was 2.55% with a weighted average GBP/EUR foreign
Currency rates
US dollar US dollar Euro Euro Interest rates Fuel price 10%
+10%1 -10%2 +10%1 -10%2 1% increase increase
At 30 September 2018 £ million £ million £ million £ million £ million £ million
Income statement impact: gain/(loss) 33 (27) 7 (6) 8 –
Impact on other comprehensive income:
increase/(decrease) 191 (156) 20 (16) – 134
1. GBP weakened.
2. GBP strengthened.
The market risk sensitivity analysis has been calculated on spot rates for the US dollar, Euro and jet fuel at close of business on 30 September each year.
www.easyJet.com 171
Hedge effectiveness testing on all relationships is performed at each reporting date. Whilst the critical terms matching of the Group’s
hedge relationships means that any ineffectiveness should be minimal it can be driven by factors such as material changes in credit risk,
changes in the timings or amounts of the hedged items. During the year fair value movements of £214 million held in a cash flow hedge
relationship was materially the same as movements in hedge instrument hypotheticals.
Hedge ineffectiveness of £1 million was recognised through the income statement in the period relating to cross-currency interest rate
swaps and timing differences on foreign exchange forward hedges. This was recognised within interest payable and other finance
charges, as a non-headline item.
172 2019
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www.easyJet.com 173
30 September
30 September 2018 1 October 2017
2019 (restated) (restated)
Notes £ million £ million £ million
Non-current assets
Investments in subsidiary undertakings c 945 927 910
Derivative financial instruments with subsidiary undertakings d 73 63 62
Deferred tax asset 1 – –
1,019 990 972
Current assets
Amounts due from subsidiary undertakings 1,854 1,626 1,582
Current tax asset – – 2
1,854 1,626 1,584
Current liabilities
Amounts due to subsidiary undertakings (3) (1) (2)
Current tax payable (2) (5) –
(5) (6) (2)
Non-current liabilities
Borrowings e (1,324) (879) (870)
Derivative financial instruments with subsidiary undertakings d (8) – (8)
(1,332) (879) (878)
Shareholders' equity
Share capital 108 108 108
Share premium 659 659 659
Hedging reserve (15) (1) (3)
Cost of hedging reserve 8 – –
Retained earnings 776 965 912
1,536 1,731 1,676
In accordance with Section 408 of the Companies Act 2006, the Company is exempt from the requirement to present its own income
statement and statement of comprehensive income. The Company’s profit for the year was £25 million (2018: £198 million). Included
in this amount are dividends received of £15 million (2018: £177 million), which are recognised when the right to receive payment is
established. The Company recognised no other income or expenses in either the current or prior year, other than the profit for each year.
The accounts on pages 174 to 178 were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised for issue on 18 November 2019 and signed
on behalf of the Board.
174 2019
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Share Share Hedging Cost of hedging Retained
www.easyJet.com 175
Notes to the company accounts
The significant accounting policies applied in the preparation of these Company accounts are the same as those set out in note
1 to the consolidated accounts with the addition of the following:
Investments in subsidiaries are stated at cost, less any provision for impairment. Where subsidiary undertakings incur charges for
share-based payments in respect of share options and awards granted by the Company, a capital contribution in the same amount
is recognised as an investment in subsidiary undertakings with a corresponding credit to shareholders’ equity.
A prior period adjustment has been made to the Derivative Financial Instruments with Subsidiary classification to align with the treatment
of these line items within the Group accounts within the statement of financial position. Previously these amounts were classified
as current assets on a net basis due to the amounts being related to inter-company cross currency interest rate swaps with a sole
subsidiary (easyJet Airline Company Limited). These cross currency interest rate swaps are used to manage foreign currency and
interest rate risks on Eurobond debt items and are held within hedge accounting relationships. The Eurobond items are non-current
in nature and the external interest rate swaps align and should be presented as non-current.
The impact of this restatement on the statement of financial position as at 30 September 2018 has resulted in £63 million being
reclassified from current assets to non-current assets. There was no impact on net assets or retained earnings.
In accordance with Section 408 of the Companies Act 2006, the Company is exempt from the requirement to present its own income
statement and statement of comprehensive income. The Company’s profit for the year was £25 million (2018: £198 million). Included
in this amount are dividends received of £15 million (2018: £177 million), which are recognised when the right to receive payment is
established. The Company recognised no other income or expenses in either the current or prior year, other than the profit for each year.
The Company has eight employees at 30 September 2019 (2018: seven). These employees are the Non-Executive Directors of easyJet
plc; their remuneration is paid by easyJet Airline Company Limited. The Executive Directors of easyJet plc are employed and paid by
easyJet Airline Company Limited. Details of Directors' remuneration are disclosed in note 4 to the consolidated accounts and in the
Directors' remuneration report on pages 96 to 115.
Investments in subsidiary undertakings were as follows:
2019 2018
£ million £ million
At 1 October 927 910
Capital contributions to subsidiaries 18 17
At 30 September 945 927
A full list of Group companies are detailed below.
Percentage of
Country of incorporation Principal activity shares held
easyJet Airline Company Limited2 England and Wales Airline operator 100
easyJet Switzerland S.A.3 Switzerland Airline operator 49
Dawn Licensing Holdings Limited4 Malta Holding company 100
Dawn Licensing Limited4 Malta Graphic design 100
easyJet Sterling Limited1, 5 Cayman Islands Aircraft trading and leasing 100
easyJet Leasing Limited1, 5 Cayman Islands Aircraft trading and leasing 100
easyJet UK Limited2 England and Wales Air transport 100
easyJet Holidays Holdings Limited2 England and Wales Holding company 100
easyJet Holidays Limited2 England and Wales Tour operator 100
easyJet Holidays Transport Limited2 England and Wales Air transport 100
easyJet Europe Airline GmbH6 Austria Airline operator 100
SALEM Beteiligungsverwaltungachtundachtzigste GmbH6 Austria Holding company 100
1. Although these companies are Cayman Islands incorporated they have always been, and continue to be, UK tax resident.
2. Hangar 89, London Luton Airport, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU2 9PF.
3. Route de l’Aeroport, Meyrin, CH-1215 Geneve 15, Switzerland.
4. Sterling Buildings, The Penthouse, Enrico Mizzi Street, Ta’ Xbiex, XBX 1453, Malta.
5. Governor’s Square, West Bay Road, Lime Tree Bay Road, UNIT # 2-105 , PO Box 1982, Grand Cayman KY1-1104, Cayman Islands.
6. Wagramer Straße 19, 11.Stock IZD Tower, 1220 Wien, Austria.
176 2019
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The Company has a 49% interest in easyJet Switzerland S.A. with an option to acquire the remaining 51%. The option is automatically
Non-current Total
£ million £ million
At 30 September 2018
Eurobond 879 879
On 1 August 2018 easyJet signed a £250 million revolving credit facility with a two-year term. The facility was cancelled in June 2019
following the bond issue.
For further details please see the disclosures shown in note 15 to the consolidated accounts.
2019 2018
£ million £ million
Profit for the year 25 198
Adjustments for:
Finance and other similar income (9) (12)
Unrealised foreign exchange differences (3) (11)
Tax charge 2 5
Dividends received (15) (177)
www.easyJet.com 177
178 2019
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Five-year summary
20181 20172 20162 20153
2019 (restated) (as reported) (restated) (as reported)
Basic total earnings per share – pence 88.6 90.9 77.4 110.9 139.1
Basic headline earnings per share – pence 88.7 118.3 82.5 108.4
Diluted total earnings per share – pence 87.8 90.2 76.8 110.1 138
Diluted headline earnings per share – pence 87.8 117.4 81.9 107.6
Ordinary dividend per share – pence 43.9 58.6 40.9 53.8 55.2
Net cash
Operating activities 761 961 663 387 609
Investing activities (863) (906) (515) (586) (532)
Financing activities (excluding movements in
borrowings and money market deposits) (9) (21) (10) (16) (70)
Loan issue costs 6 (1) 6 1 –
Fair value and foreign exchange gains/(losses) (86) 6 – (8) 6
Net increase/(decrease) in net cash (191) 39 144 (222) 13
www.easyJet.com 179
Adjusted capital employed Capital employed plus seven times operating lease costs incurred in the year.
Adjusted net cash/debt Net cash/debt less seven times operating lease costs incurred in the year.
Aircraft dry/wet leasing Payments to lessors under dry leasing arrangements relate solely to the provision of an aircraft.
Payments to lessors under wet leasing arrangements relate to the provision of aircraft, crew,
maintenance and insurance.
Aircraft owned/leased at end of year Number of aircraft owned or on lease arrangements of over one month’s duration at the end
of the period.
Ancillary Revenue Includes revenue from the provision of checked baggage, allocated seating, change fees and
AOC Air Operator Certificate.
Available seat kilometres (ASK) Seats flown multiplied by the number of kilometres flown.
Average adjusted capital employed The average of opening and closing capital employed.
Block hours Hours of service for aircraft, measured from the time that the aircraft leaves the terminal
at the departure airport to the time that it arrives at the terminal at the destination airport.
Capital employed Shareholders’ equity less net cash/debt.
Cost per ASK Revenue less profit before tax, divided by available seat kilometres.
Cost per seat Revenue less profit before tax, divided by seats flown.
Cost per seat, excluding fuel Revenue, less profit before tax, plus fuel costs, divided by seats flown.
Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Customer satisfaction index, based on results of a customer satisfaction survey which measures
how satisfied the customer was with their most recent flight.
EBITDAR Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortisation, aircraft dry leasing costs, and profit
or loss on disposal of aircraft held for sale.
Gearing Adjusted net cash/debt divided by the sum of shareholders’ equity and adjusted net cash/debt.
Headline A measure of underlying performance which is not impacted by material non-recurring items
or items which are not considered to be reflective of the trading performance of the business.
Load factor Number of passengers as a percentage of number of seats flown. The load factor is not
weighted for the effect of varying sector lengths.
Net cash/debt Total cash less borrowings. (Cash includes money market deposits but excludes
restricted cash).
Non-headline Material non-recurring items or items which are not considered to be reflective of the trading
performance of the business.
Normalised operating profit after tax Reported operating profit adjusted for one-third of operating lease costs incurred in the year,
less tax at the prevailing UK corporation tax rate at the end of the financial year.
On-time performance (OTP) Percentage of flights which arrive within 15 minutes of scheduled arrival time.
Operated aircraft utilisation Average number of block hours per day per aircraft operated.
Other costs Administrative and operational costs not reported elsewhere, including some employee costs,
compensation paid to passengers, exchange gains and losses and the profit or loss on the
disposal of property plant and equipment.
Other income Includes insurance receipts, compensation and dividends received.
Passengers Number of earned seats flown. Earned seats comprises seats sold to passengers (including no-
shows), seats provided for promotional purposes and seats provided to staff for business travel.
Profit before tax per seat Profit before tax divided by seats flown.
Revenue The sum of seat revenue and non-seat revenue.
Revenue passenger kilometres (RPK) Number of passengers multiplied by the number of kilometres those passengers were flown.
Revenue per ASK Revenue divided by available seat kilometres.
Revenue per seat Revenue divided by seats flown.
Return on capital employed (ROCE) Operating profit, less tax at the prevailing UK corporation tax rate at the end of the financial
year, divided by average capital employed.
ROCE (including lease adjustments) Normalised operating profit after tax divided by average adjusted capital employed. Applicable
to 2018 under IAS17.
Seats flown Seats available for passengers.
Sector A one-way revenue flight
180 2019
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shareholder information
www.easyJet.com 181
Thank you
We’d like to thank everyone who
has helped to produce this report:
Sruti Bajoria, Michael Barker, Ella Bennett, Meena Bhatia-Ahir, Mita Bhattacharjee, Lis Blair,
Matthew Callaghan, Louise Cardani, Robert Carey, Maaike de Bie, Rob Denham, Claire
Dickinson, Alex Field, Andrew Findlay, James Fisher, Jeremy Fletcher, Matt Garner, Holly
Grainger, Mike Hirst, Flic Howard-Allen, Sadie Holness, Emma Knowler, Matt Landsman,
Alex Larkin, Johan Lundgren, Ben Matthews, Tom Minion, Matthew Newman, Mark
Ramsden, Sarahjane Robertson, Zarina Sabir, Ryan Simmons, Ben Souter, Julie Southern,
Adrian Talbot, Mario Yiannopoulos and all of our employees across the network.
Hangar 89
London Luton Airport