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1, RSVELATION 428 Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lora, Holy {s the Lord Ged Almighty, 7 accent too . Who was, and is, ani is to ome, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord, Joos, Jesus, Josus is tho Lord, Jesus’ is the’ Lori God Almighty, (repeat 2s above) _ * 2 RAISE THE cROss Raise the Cross sign of victory, Raise the Cross sign of love, 7 For Cod cano to corth in person, Showing the power of love, “> He know the world ond its heartaches, He knev the evil nen do, He knew the Cross ard he suffered; Dying his love won through, Raise the Gross sign of victexy, se the Cross sign of love, For Jesus our Lord is risen, Showing the paver of love. Raise the Cross sign of vibtory Raise the Cross sign of love, fo God be the power ond glory Praise to the God of Love Praise to the God of Love, > 3+ Ald, OVER THS WORLD ee rete 41 over the world, \ As the prophet said would be, 401 over the world, There's a glorious revelation Of the glory of the Lord, 4a the waters cover the sea. 4, Yrotory an sasus Victory in Jesus, My saviour forever, Co eS He loved me ere I knew Him, due Him, Re ptemged ucts stcteeys Beneath the crimson flood, 5. EVE Gor SOMETHING I've got something that the world can't fra H8Yord con't take it aways Tlye got sanothing that the world cantt give And it keepe me night and days I've got sonothing worth talldng, cboat It makes me sing and it makes mo. shout, I've got sonething that the world can't sive na the world can't take 1¢ away, Jesus is the one that the world can't give 4nd the world can't take Him aways Jesus is the one that the world can't give And He keops me night ant day, Jesus 4s the one worth talicdng about Ho makes me sing ond Ho makes mo shout Jesus is the one that the world can't give And the world can't take Him away, 6. JESUS MAKE US, US We "can! (we Moan") Hae" Babe (Sou 32e"") We "al." See, ma") Te we "will" (1f we ‘wian") delve, kaow wo eta Jesus, moke us, us Not us thom, om her, him, Jesus, make us, us today. 200K We "are" ...etc (repeat as above) We "do" cto (repeat as above) HORUS: We “imow" ,..Zte (repeat as above) Tie "can" ...0te (repeat as above) CHORUS: 74 PAI 51+1-5 ' In thoe, 0 Lora, do I put my trust, Tot ue fever be’ ashanel, Deliver ne in thy righteousness, Bow down thine car to met Deliv: daly, Be thou my” Strong Fook, For a house of defence to save mes over ‘ ; ‘ \ 7 i ] | Za For thou art my rock ond uy fortress, Thonofore for eile 3 sake, Lead ne, Bo tho’ ay stfong rock, For 0 house of defence to save mo. ‘222. COND ‘THERE'S A LOT OF GOOD THES: Thery!f alot of good things in this world ‘around, and aroun, AY SOU aN tts atte round yorié, There's a lot of good things in this world all around, $12 around and around, For the broad on tho table and the wine in the cup, Wo thank the Lord and wo offer it up, Te'e the Lora's my of saying That he'd give the earth far the love of all around, EWP aR Ta ca” rttlo round world, $0 open your window and look all around, AMI around uni around You can travel by sea, You can travel by air, ‘You can transport anything anywhere You can sec that your brother gota your foir share, Of the good things all arcund, 9. PSALM 135% Praise, the Lard, for the Lerd 19 good (repeat tirice) Sing praises unto his nanos For it is pleasant, it is pleasant To praise His wonderful Nane (repeat last two lines) Praise the Lord for the Lord is good (repeat twice) Sing proises unto His name. 2 20, PAI S323 Thy loving Kindness is better than life repeat) Wy Lips shall el thee, Thus will I bless thee: Twill 1ift up my hands in thy name. Yes, I Lies up my hands in thy name ’ “ea P ie ae a I will 1ift up my hans in thy nam, # 1, PROVERBS 325-6 Trust in the Lerd, With oll thine heart, And lean not unto thine own understandir In all thy waye acknowledge Hin, And He shall direct thy paths, 12, HB THAT ovEROORS: He that overcones will st and (will stand) He that overcomes will stand Stard before the hoav'nly He that overcones will stand (will stand) He that overcones will sing (will sing) He that overeohes will sing Sing a song of joy and praise (same a3 above) He that overcones will shine (will, pune) He that overcomes will shine Shine around the heav'nly throne (same as above) He that overcomes will live (will live) He that overcones will live Live eternal life above (cane as above) He thet overcones will rise (will rise) He that overcomes will rise Rise to mect Him in the sky (eene as above) He thet overcones will stant (will stand) He that overcones will stam Stand before the Hoav'nly King He that overcomes will stant He will stand.13. 1 I LOOKED FOR LOVE c I looked for love in the red rose so small I looked for love in the green tree so tall, But the red rose had its thorns dnd the green tree was a ercas dnd ay searching for love was a total loss. I looked for love in a friendly face so true. I looked for love in a creed I once knew. Well my friend just called co friond And he said “Zen searching too” And the creed only told me what I couldn't do. Then one day I heard the story of love like I'd never Imown, Hew God gave His Son to save me and wanted me for His own, His own, His very own. And now I know vhat it means to belong Not lost in a crowd swept along vy the throng But to Him who geve Mis life Every longing to fulfill And I know that He loves ue and He always will. HE'S EVEMYTHING 70 ME Be In the stare fio handiwork I cco, On the wind He speaks with majesty, ‘Though He ruleth over land and sea, What is that to ae? I will celebrate Nativity, For it has a place in history, Sure, He cane to set His people froe, What is that to ne? Till by faith I net Him face to face, And I felt the wonder of His grace, ‘Then I knew that He was more than just a God who @idn't care, that lived away out there, And now He walks beside ne day by day, Ever watching o'er me lest I stray, Helping me to find that narrow way, He's ev'rything to me.15. 16. PSALM 4G F Great is the Lord, And greatly to be praised In the city of our God, In the mountain of His holiness Beautiful for situation The joy of the whole earth Is Mount Zion on tho sides of the north, The city of the great King. LORD JESUS CHRIST LIVING LORD Lord Jesus Christ, You heve coue to us, You are one with us, Mary's Son. Gleansing our souls fron all their sin, Pouring your love and goodness in, Jeaus, cur love for you we sing, Living Lord. Lord Jeeus Chrict, Now and every day Teach us how to pray, Son of God, You heve commanded us to do This, in remenbrenco, Lord, of you Into our lives your power breaks through, Living Lord. Lord Jesus Christ, You have cone to us, Born as one of us, Mary's Son. Led out to die on Calvary, Rigen from death to act us free, Living Lord Jesus, heip us see You are Lora, Lord Jesus Christ, I would come to you, Live ny life for you, Son of God. ALL your connands I know are true, 19 Your neny gifts will make me new, Into ny life your power breaks through, Living Lord. 18, 17. MAN MORE THAN MAN 4 Man nore than many Completely fulfilled, Unique in his love And yet he was killed. Hung on the cress Of envy and pride, And scorned by the crowds So lonely he died. ; ato i We erucify still, 4 And drive in the naile i Of apathy's will. Ai But ke arose, - Shattering the dark, ad Brilliantly lighting ¥ The depths of men's hearts. 4 | 4 Living with us, He penetrates pain, Our death he defeat: And rises agein. one who is ris'n, joyously sing hope we are givin. 10 GOD BE THE GLORY To God be the Glory To God be the Glory . fo God be the Glory For the things He hath done With Hie blood He has saved ne, With His power He has raised te y To God be the Glory “ For the things He has done. PSALM 19:14 Let the words of my nouth And the teditation of ny heart : Be acceptable in thy sight 0 Lord, + 0 Lord ay strength, z 0 Lord my light. z20. MARY'S CHILD 236 Born in the night Mary's child A long way from your hone Coning in need Mary's child Born in a borrowed roon. Clear chining light, Mary's child Your fsce lights up our way; Light of the world, Mary's child Dawn on our darkened day. Truth of our life Mary's child You tell us God ic good; Prove it is true, Mary's child. Go to your cross of wood. Hope of the world Mary's child You're coming soon to reign; King of the earth Mary's child, Walk in our streets again. 21. PSALM 89:1 Eb I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever, I will sing, I will sing. I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever, I will sing of the mercies of the Lord. With ny mouth wil] I make known Thy faithfulness, Thy faithfulness, With my mouth will I make known Thy feithfulnose through all generations. (Repeat first 4 lines) 22. PSALM 50:23 6 Who so offereth praise glorifieth me (Repeat) And to him that ordoreth hic conversation aright, Will I show the calvation of God. JOHN 1436 A Tan the Way, the Truth, and : the Life, That's what Jesus said. Iam the Way, the Truth, and the Life, That's what Jesus said. Without the Way, there is no going, Without the Truth, there ie no knowing, Without the Life, there is no growing, Iam the Way, the Life, That's what Jesus said. the Truth and WE ARE ONE IN THE SPIRIT We are one in the Spirit, We are one in the Lord (Repeat) And we pray that our unity Will one day be restored. CHORUS: And they'll know we are Chrietiane by our love, By our love; Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our lov. We will walk with each other We will walk hand in hand (repeat) And together we'll spread the news That God is in our land, We will work with each other We will work eide by side (repeat) And we'll guard each man's dignity And save each man's pride. All praise to the Father from whom all things come, and all praise to Christ Jesus His only son, And oll praise to the Spirit | Who makes us one, i5. 26. LOVE 18 SURRENDER Talk about love how it nakes life complete You can talk ell you went, sake it sound good & sweet But the worde have an ecpty ring And they don't really mean a thing. CHORUS: Without Him love ie not to be found, not to be found For love is surrender Love ic currender to Kio will Love is surrender to His will Bing about leve and the otrongth it can give You can sing now you're ready to face life and live But you know eo the days go by That no matter how hard you try GuORUS : Shout about love and that wars will all end You can shout we're all brothers and even pretend * But you can't cover up the past Just pretending'll never last cHoRUS PASS IT oN It only takes a cpark to get a fire going And soon all those around can warn up in ite glowing That's how it is with God's love Once you've experienced it You spread His love to ev'ryone You want to pass it on What a wondrous tine is spring when all the trees are budding ‘The birés begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming Trat'e how it ie with god's love Once you've experienced it You want to sing it's fresh like spring You want to pase it one Iwich for you my friend this happiness that I've found You can depend on Him, it matters not where you're bound I'11 shout it fron the mountain top I want wy world to know The Lord of love has cone to mo, Twant to pass it on. I'11 shout it from the aountain top, I want ny world to know The Lord of love hac come to ney Twant to poss it on.$< av - FO Gob BE THE GLORY 27. Pace 7 To Goo se THE @LnAY, GREAT THINGS HE HATH DONE ooh -Go-4oveo He THE woRLO THAT He Gave US His Son = Wao YIELDEO HIS LIFE AN ATONEMENT FOR SIN AnD OPENED THE LIFE GATE THAT ALL MAY GO INe CHORUS: PRAISE THE LonDy PRaIse THE Lono Ler THE EARTH HEAR HIS VOICE Praise THE Lono, PRAISE THE LORD ‘ LeT THE PEOPLE REUOICE® On come To THe FATHER TMROUGH Jesus THE SON Ano Give Hi THE GLORY! GREAT THINGS He HATH DONEs O rerrect REDEMPTION, THE PURCHASE OF BLOOD! To eveay BELIEVER THE PROMISE OF G00} THE VILEST OFFENOER WHO TRULY BELIEVES, Thar MONENT FRoM JESUS A PAROON RECEIVES. GREAT THINGS HE HATH TAUGHT US, GREAT THINGS HE HATH Done, ANo GREAT OUR AEVCICING THROUGH JESUS THE SON} But pureA, AND HIGHER, AND GREATER WiLL BE QUR WONDER, OUR RAPTURE, WHEN - 000 28. AMAZING GRACE. AMAZING GRAcE! How swceT THE GoUND That SAVED A WRETOH LIKE ME | once was Lost BUT Now AM FOUND Was BLIND ouT wow | seey ‘TWAS GRACE THAT TAUGHT MY HEART TO FEAR AND GRAGE MY FEARS RELIEVED How precious 010 THAT GRACE APPEAR Twe moun | FIRST BELIEVED. THROUGH MANY DANGERS TOILS AND SNARES 1 WAVE ALREADY come ‘Tis GRACE HATH DROUGHT ME SAFE THUS FAR ANO GRACE WILL LEAO ME HOMES WHEN We've BEEN THERE TEN THOUSAND YEARS Brich SHINING AS THE SUN We'VE NO LESS DAYS TO SING Goo's RAISE THAN WHEN WE FIRST BEGUN. Jesus we SEE. 29, MINE EYES HAVE SEEN THE GLORY. Nine EVES HAVE SEEN THE GLORY OF THE ARMY OF THE LORD. I 16 FLOWING THROUGH THE CITIES AND THE WASTE WILL BE RESTORED, By THE LEADING oF THE SPIRIT ANo THEIR TRUSTING IN HIS WORDs His ARMY MARCHES OMe Guony, aLoay, HALLELUJAH! GLory, Glory, HALLELUsAHE GLonyy aLony, HALLELUJAM! His ARMY MARCHES ONs CHORUS: ARISE AND SHINE, MY PEOPLE, See THE GLoRY OF THE LORD. 5 As THE CHURCH WITH SIGHS AND WONDERS MARCHES ON IN ONE AcCORO® His seLolers 00 NoT FALTER As FOR HIM THEY WIELD THE SWORD, His ARMY MARONES ON« HORUS. On Jorm THIS MiGHTY ARMY, THERE'S A BATTLE TO BE WOns Ler Us Now PUT IN THE S/CKLE For THE WARVEST TIME HAS COMEs COUNTLESS MULTITUDES ARE WAITING Just To Kear or Goo's own SON. His KaMY NARCHES ONe30+ JOHN 22? Peace | Leave with Youy My peace | give UNTO You, Not 4s THE woRto GIVETH, GIVE | Ler mot Your NeanT BE TROUBLED NetTHeR LeT IT BE AFRAID unto You Peace | Leave wiTH You. -0e0o00- 31. MORE More THAN THE GREATEST LOVE THE WORLD HAS KNOWN, is THE Love Goo Gives To you His own. He sent His Son To O1e on CaLvany Twat We MIGHT KNOW His LOVE ETERWALLY. Mone THAN YOU'LL EVER KNOW, Goo wants you To Love Him soy Your Lire witt ge IN His KEEPING WALKING, SLEEPING, LAUGHING, WEEPING. Tas Lonoce THAN EVER 16 A LONG, LONG TIME But Goo HAS PROMISED THAT HE WILL BE MINES I've wever KNOWN THIS Love BEFORE AND MY HEART 1S VERY SURE Noone ELse COULD Love Me MORES -00000- 32. TURN YOUR EYES. Turn your eves uron Jesus Look FuLe IN His WONDERFUL Face AND THE THINGS OF EARTH WILL GROW STRANGELY 1M In THE LicHT oF His cLory ano Graces -o0000- PSALM 95:17, 18:16, EVENING ANC MORNING AND AT NOON YVLL | PRAY AND GRY ALOUD Ano He sWatL HEAR My VoIce He MATH DELIVERED MY SOUL IN PEACE FROM THE BATTLE THAT WAS AGAINST ME is ron me Melwiit cate ueon Goo “Ano THe Loro SHALL save ME (REPEAT) (Repeat Finst 3 Limes)« 33. oo 000- 8 GIVE ME_OL 34. Give Give Give Keer Me ME Ok IN MY LAMP lL IN My Lamp I pRaY OIL IN MY LAMP, KEEP ME BURNING BURNING TILL THE OREAK OF DAY KEEP ME OURNING CHORUS: Sino Sine HOSANNA, SING HOSANNA HosaNNA To THE KiNG OF Kines. HOSANNA, SING HOSANNA HosaNNa TO THE KiNG. SiNG Sine MaKe ME Make Me Make we SEEKING A FISHER OF MEN KEEP ME SEEKING A riser of MEN | PRAY. A FISHER OF MEN KEEP ME SEEKING SOULS TILL JESUS COMES AGAINs oo 000- 356 SURELY GOODNESS. SURELY GOODNESS AND MERGY SHALL FOLLOW Me ALL THE OAYS, ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE SURELY GOODNESS AND MERCY SHALL FOLLOW ue ALL THE DAYS, ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE. ANO | SHALL OWELL IN THE HOUSE OF THE Lore Forever Ano | SHALL FEAST AT THE TABLE PREPARES ror Me SuRELY GooDNESs AND MERCY SHALL FOLLOW ue THE DAYS OF MY LIFES ALL THE Davsy ALL -00000- 36. THANK YOU. THANK YoU FOR GIVING ME THE MORNING TwANk You FOR EVERYDAY THAT'S NEW THANK YOU THAT | GAN KNOW MY WORRIES CaN Be cast oN Your THANK YOU FOR ALL MY FRIENOS AND BROTHERS THANK YOU FOR ALL THE MEN THAT LIVE THANK You FOR EVEN GREATEST ENEMIES THAT | GAN FORGIVES Tuane THANK THANK THANK vou vou you you I wave uy occursTiOn FOR EVERY PLEASURE SMALL FOR MUSIC LIGHT, AND GLADNESS For THEM ALL. THANK YoU FOR MANY LITTLE SORROWS THANK’VOU FOR EVERY KINDLY HAND THANK YOU THAT EVERYWHERE YOUR GUIDENGE REACHES EVERY LANDe Jover36. (conte) Thankyou, | see your word HAS MEANING, Tnannyouy | xnow your SeintT HERE, THANKYOU BECAUSE YOU LOVE ALL PEOPLE THOSE BOTH FAR AND NEARe 37. BROTHER. Brothers Ler Me TAKE YouR HAND, Gomz ALONG BROTHERS Make You UNDERSTAND, Come ALONG BROTHER Now 1's TIME TO SHARE PUT IT THERE, Hene's MY HAND To prove | CARE. THESE ARE GREAT DAYS TO BE LIVING ty New ExetTWENT HANGING IN THE ALRy Like A HOME GAME THAT YOU GOTTA Wine EXPECTATIONS GROWING, RISING, FEEL Higher everywHency Come ALONG BROTHER, LeT ME TAKE YOUR HAND Dome ALONG BROTHER, Sake You UNDERSTAND, Gone ALONG BROTHER, 01 1beAas To sHaRe Put 17 THERE, SHAKE MY HAND TO PROVE (OU CARE™ Upovtien what You GONNA DC Cave sLONG BROTHER You aN goIN IN Too owe ALONG aROTHER Time you TOOK A DARE, PUT IT THERE SHAKE MY HANG To PROVE YoU CARES Vake Some TIMc OUT Gctter sTiek AROUND ‘VE DISCOVERED SOMETHING REALLY 2000, tris 4 GRAND NEW LIFE THAT | FOUND I!p LIKE To SING IT, show IT, Tay To sHage tt ar | ALONG OROTHER Viner vou GONNA D0? COME, ALONG BROTHER You ean Jorn IN Too Come ALONG OROTHER BUILDING, 1 MouNTING ave Au sWouT IT, Even Come eouLo. 37. (conts) Time You TooK A oAREY Swane my Hand Pur IT THERE, SHAKE MY HAND To PROVE YoU CAnEe 38, ‘THE GIET OF PEACE. GHorut His Peace He cives To Us, HIS PEACE HE LEAVES WITH US Not ror vs ALONE Qu THAT WE MIGHT GIVE ALL MENS Put it THERE IT AGAIN TO THE MAN WHO Looks FOR Goo IN THE DEPTHS OF HIS HEART WILL FINO A HIDUEN QUIET THAT NOTHING gHoRUs.. THe WAN WHO GEES HIS LIFE AS AN OPEN THROUGH WHIGH ALL MEN-MIGHT COME TO Love ANO GIVE AGAIN WILL KMow TRUE PERCES CHOR TRE WRN wHosc Joy IT ts To DISCOVER THE woRLO AND MEET THE EYES of Goo IN THE DEAuTY THAT Is # Witt SING OF PEACES HORUS Te MAN WHO KNOWS THAT GoD HAS PREPARED FOR HIM A HOME Fon al. ETERNITY TO REJOICE AND TO ne FREE WiLL Have Fraud PEACE 39. PHILIPRIANS 4:4 Revoier IN THE LOAD ALWAYS, ANo AGAIN | SAY REJOIZEs Reuo1ce IN THE LonD ALWAYS) AND AGAIN | SAY REVOIOES Revoice, REUOICE AND AGAIN REUOICE Revoicey AEVeICE Ano AGAIN | SAY REvoIee Revctce in THE Lox atways Ano aGatN | sa¥ REJOICE say= 10+ fo. Jorn 15:34 A wew commanowent I Give UNTO You Twat You LOVE ONE ANOTHER, AB HAVE Loven You TWaT YE LOVE ONE ANOTHER as Loves rou By THIS SNALL ALL MEN KNOW THAT YE ARE MY O1scIPLes IP YE WAVE Love ‘one T6 ANoTWER BY THIS SHALL ALL MEN KNOW THAT YE ARE MY o1sctrces IF YE WAVE LOVE oNE To ANoTMER. Mae Tate Tris nave PSALM 118:2h TS THE DAY 1s THE OAY, Twat tHe Lono HATH MADE, That THE Lono warw wace, We Witt REvOIGE, We WILL REJOICE Ana OE LAO IN tT AND OE GL4o IN IT. Fon THis 18 THE OAY THAT THE LoRo HATH MADE WE WILL REJOIoE Ano GE GLAo IN IT Tits 18 THE DAY, THIS 18 THE CAY Twat THe Lono HATH MAbES Ae. LUKE 4348 We is ADLEy HE 18 acte I kwow He ts ante, | kwow wy LoRD 1S ASLE TO GARRY ME THROUGHS He HEALe THE OROKEN HEARTED, HE SETS THE CAPTIVE FREE, HE WARES THE LAME TO WALK AGAIN, AND CAUSES THE aLIND To SEE. He 1s aove, HE 15 aaue, I know He ts aoLey, | kNow my Lomo 1s aDLe To CARRY ME THROUGH. 43. _wiGhtY Love Vwair to SING, T want To oANCEy I want to eLan wy HaNoo ANO cHoUTy For He's FILLED ME WITH THE HoLY Groot, ANO SET NE ON FIRE WITH Lovey wieHTy Love. | want To Lavo, | WANT To CRAY, I want to PRAISE wy Lono on HIGH, FoR E'S FILLED ME WITH THE HoLY Gost ANS SET NE ON FIRE WITH Loves 4h. ISALAK 59241 THEREFORE THE REDEEMED OF THE LoRO SHALL RETURN, ‘ Ano Come WITH SINGING UNTO Zion, ANO EVERLASTING JOY SHALL DE UPON THEIR KEaose (RereaT) THEY SHALL COTAIN GLAONESE AND Jovy AND SORROW AND MOURNING SHALL FLEE away TWEREFORE THE REOEEMED OF THE LonD SHALL RETURN, (Repeat First 3 vines), 45. PSALM 333, NY cLoay ANO THE LirTeR My Glory aNO THE LIFTER But Thou, © Lowa, ant a Mey My GLoRY AND | crieo unto 1 erieo unto | crteo unto Ano He Heao OF MY HEAD, OF MY HEAD, SMIELO FOR THE LIFTER OF tHe Lono miTH THe Loro with THE Logo wiTH ME OUT OF His Ny GLony aNo THE LIFTER oF MY HEAG, My GLORY AND THE LIFTER oF MY HEAD, Bur Tnouy 0 Loroy aRT A SHIELO FOR ue, MY Glory AND THE LIFTER ny My MEAD. voice, NY voroey, My votce, WOLY HILL OF NY HEAD, 46. LEAD ME, GUIDE ME Leas Wey GUIDE Mey ALONG THE WAY, For IF You Leao Ey | CANNOT oTRAYs * TEACH ME TO WALK EACH DAY WITH THe; Lea> me, © Loro, Leao uc. (* Secono Time THRouGH = "HeLe Me To. 47. PSALM 1251442 Tuey Twat TRusT IN THE Lono, Smack ce aS MouNT ZION, Waten CAaNNor DE REMOVED, BUT ASICETH ForevER. | As THE MOUNTAINS ARE ROUND ADOUT Jenusacem, So THe Lono 1s RcuNo Asour His PEOPLE FOREVER®1_BELIEVE GOO 1s REAL WERE TO TELL YOU WHAT SOME ONE ToLo ME MIGHT Miss A DETAIL oR Two Fon WHEN You DESCRIBE cONETHING, you o1oN'T see THEN You'me NEVER QuiTe SURE IF Ir!s TRUE tr I Wert BUT WHAT WE HAVE SEEN WITH THE eves oF OUR souL ANo WITH FINGERS OF FAITH We CAN FEEL WE CAN FECL WeLL You gusT WAVE TO LISTEN AND KNOW THAT IT'S TRUE Tuere's no povet | sctieve Goo ts REAL With ALL OF CREATION PERSUASIVE ENOUGH TO PROVE HIM GREATOR To 8c AND MAYBE IF SoMEWHERE 4 Goo Does Exist Way swouro He 8€ BOTHEREO WITH ue WELL WHAT WE WAVE SEEN WITH THE EYES OF oUm,souL ANO WITH FINGERS OF FAITH WE CAN FEEL We caw reev Maces 17 cLeaR THAT He's Living AND Loves US TovAY THERE'S NO DOUBT ME BELIEVE, Twerc's No pouaT we acLieve, THERE'S No DOUBT WE BELICVE Goo ts cab Yee He ts Rear, Yes Goo 1s REAL. 49. Wnatts Goo Likes Goo 16 Love, Goo is waxr Goo 15 FAITHFUL DAY AND NIGHT He ie ETERNAL, He NEVER ONANGES. Tuo! THE SEAS Rise UP TO SWALLOW MOUNTAIN RANGES. Goo 16 InTeRcsTED IN You AND ME WANTING US To 8€ THE BEST WE CAN 8G} Welke NoT PERFECT LIVING THE WAY WE 00) But He KNows syst wHaT we'ne 49.(cowre) "GOING THROUGH. Goo ts tove, Goo 16 LscuT 5 Goo 18 FAITHFUL DAY AND NIGHT, He 1s cTERWaLy He NEVER CHANGES, Two! THE SEAS RISE UP To cWALLOW MOUNTAIN RANGESS 50. CHECK HIM OUT. Goo 15 OIFFERENT THINGS TO DIFFER= ENT PEOPLE To some He's NOTMING MoRE THAN JUST AOMYTH To ornens He's AN EMPTY CHAIR AT YULETI OE To MANY HE'S A WORD FOR SWEARING WITHe le urls true Hels ReaLLy THAT INPoRT= ant AND THRU THE YEARS GREAT MEN HAVE WONDERED Tuo PERHAPS WE OUGHT To CHECK HIM OUT Mone GLOSELY We rink He's Goo aut wat 1s Goo To you? 51. CHRIST 1s THE WoRLO'S LIGHT, ME AND NONE OTHERS BORN IN OUR DARKNESS, HE BECAME OUR eROTHER. Ir WE WAVE SEEN -HIMy WE NAVE SEEN THE FATHER GLory To Gop ow HiGHs CuatsT 1s THE WoRLO'S PEACE, WE AND NONE OTHERS No MAN GAN SERVE HIM AND cESPIOE Ho BROTHER. WHO ELSE UNITES US, ONE IN GoD THE ratHen? Guory ro Gop on wich. = CuRier 19 THE woRLOTS Lire, WE AND NONE OTHERS SOLD ONGE FOR SILVER, MURDERED HEX our proTHeR= He, wHo ReOEEUS US, RELaNS WITH Goo THE FATHER Gtony To Goo on ions (Cont. oveaear)..514 (conte) Give Goo tHe cLony, Goo & nine orHeR; Give Goo tne ctonyy Srinity Son & FATHER} Give Goo THE cLoRY, Goo IN AN MY ROTHER; GLory To Goo on ions 526 SILVER & GOLD. Siuver Ano cove nave | None But suck as I Have cive | Thee IN THE NAME oF Jesus CHRIST OF NAZARETH, RISE UP AND WALKe WALKING AND LEAPING ANO PRAISING Goo WALKING AND LEAPING AN PRAISING Goo In THE NaMe oF Jesus Curist OF NAZARETH, RISE UP AND WALK 53. _RISE & SHINE. Rise & SWINE & Give Gop THE GLORY, ctoryy Rice & cnine & ative Goo THE cLonyy story, Rise & swine & aive Goo THE GLoRYy ctor, GHILOREN OF THE Lorde Goo sare to Noa, "Tweets 55. (cents) Se. FInateyy THE RAINy THE RAIN IT 010 storev, etopry (Ret) LANDED on A MOUNTAIN TORPY, “TOPPY Chtkonen oF THE Lonce 6. This 1s THE END OF, THE END oF THE story, story(ReT) s Ev'ayriine 19 HONKY-ooRYy DORY Cuttoren oF THe Lono. 5he exoous, TuIs LAND 16 MINE, Goo GAVE THIS LAND To ME Tuts oRAve & ANCIENT LaNo To ME AND WHEN THE MORNING SUN REVEALS HER HILLS & PLAINS Twen | GEE 4 LAND WHERE OHILOREN CAN RUN FREE So TAKE MY HAND & WALK THIS LAND WITH Me AND WALK THIS LOVELY LAND WITH MEs Twot | AM JUST A MANy WHEN You ARE oY My sto WITH THE HELP OF Goo I KNOW I CAN BE eTRoNa So TAKE WY HAND & WALK THIS LAN WITH we Two! | AM susT A MAN, WHEN You ARE oF My Ste WITH THE KELP OF Goo, I KNOW | CANOE STRONG GONNA BE A FLocOY, FLoooY (Rer)To MAKE THIS LAND oUR HOME, IF | MUST GET THOSE ANIMALS OUT CF THE Muooy, MUDD CHILOREN OF THE LoRD. Wett, NoaW, Ke BUILT Him, HE BUILT Him’ a AnKY, ARKY (RET) BUILT IT OUT oF MicKORY earn, aaaky CHILOREN OF THE LORD. TWE ANIMALS, THEY CAME In, THEY GAME IN 8Y TwoSY, TwoSY (Ret) Evepwants & kangaroosy, cosy CHILOREN oF THE Lond. Tue RAIN IT pouRED FoR FoRTY DaysYy oarsy (Ret) Amoer DROVE THOSE TRAVELLERS Gaqzy, CRAZY Chitonen oF THE Lonoy Fiant [Lt FIQWT To MAKE THIS LANO oUR OWN UnTIL | OLE THIS LaNo 1s MINE. 55- CLEANSE ME, SEARCH WE, O Goo AND KNOW MY HEART TODAY; TRY Mey 0 Savicus, KNOW My THOUGHTS | PRA’ SEE IF THERE SE SOME WICKED WAY IN Me. CLEANSE ME FROM EV'RY SINy AND SET ME FREE. I praise Thee, Lonpy FOR CLEANSING ME FROM SINS FULFILL THY Word ANO MAKE ME PURE WITHINS FILL ME WITH FIRE WHERE oNGE | OURNED WITH SHAME; GRANT MY DESIRE TO GLORIFY THY NAMEe Lond, TAKE MY LIFE AND MAKE IT WHOLLY THINe (conte o'Lear)nt am «a a a a 556 (conte) 57+ (conte) Fic wy poor weaat with Tay orear Let's Lock AT Love ANO FINO OUT WHERE t Love o1yINe. Ir cones FRow TAKE ALL MY WILL, MY PASSION, LeT!s Lock AT LIFE AND ALL THAT WE SELF AND PRICES HoLe BEAR I now suaRENoeR, Lono IN ME AnOE. Let's cueck IT wow BEFORE IT QUICKLY Passes 56. Let's Use TODAY DEFORE IT DISAPPEARSS MASTER DESIGNER. Gorton caNoy GLovgs 50 FLUFFY ANO © 5. PUT YOUR HAND IN THE HAND. waite Pur Youn WAND IN THE HAND OF THE MAN Who PUT YoU THERE IN 4 SKY oF WHo STILLGD ThE WATER cree oLue? PUT YOUR HAND IN THE HAND OF THE MAN On bo YoU JUST HAPPEN To FLOAT ALONG WHO CALMED THE SERe PRETTY AND WHITE IN THE SKY SO TeKE A LOOK AT YOURSELF AND You can sve? LOOK AT OTHERS DIFFERENTLY. So atu, eo a.uee By PUTTIN’ YOUR HAND IN THE MAND OF THE Fass Riven, WAN From GaLiLecs TALL MOUNTAIN) DEEP VALLEYy cook STREAM ‘ Ev'ay time | Look into THe HoLY Boon 1 SHOW GRANDEUR AND MAJESTY 1M Soe WANNA TREUOLES GREAT ScHEME® WHEW | READ ADOUT THE PART WHERE THE ALL oF Your woNERS THAT WE GEWOLO CARPENTER CLEARED THE TEMPLE, ARE ONLY A PART IT CANNOT GE ToLO Fox THE OUYERe ANO THE SELLERS WERE NO Be ToLoy DE Toto. DIFFRENT FELLAS THAN WHAT | PROFESS To Oey Masten DESIGNER WHOEVER You ARE AND IT CAUSES ME PAIN To KNOW I'M NOT } ALL oF THIS OEAUTY BOTH NEAR AND THE WAY THAT I SHOULO OEe Aran 4 Can't vusT Mave HAPPENED Chorus. 7 Tue opca are Too aRcaT THERE MUST BE A PLANS Maus TAUGHT ME How To PRAY ocroRE || We'ke NOT LEFT To FATE REACHED THE AGE OF SEVEN. To PATE, TO FATES ANc WHEN I" COWN ON MY KNEES THAT!S wien I" close To HEAVEN. ’ ALL OF THIS GEAUTY Is FAR Too DAacoY Liveo Wis LIFE WITH TWO KIDS 7 convinoina AND A WLFE = YOU 99 WHAT YOU MUST 00 MASTER DESLENER, Your wero must of BUT WE SHOWED WE ENOVON CF WHAT IT TRUE’ TAKES TO GET YOU THRUe Or ALL YOUR CREATIONS; MAN 19 THE ceAREsr, Cuonus. HELP we To SINPLY BELIEVE NOW IN Yous 59. LET US BREAK BREAD TOGETHER, In vou, tN You. Let uc OREAK OREAD TOGETHER ON GUA KNEESe (REPEAT) 52. TELL IT LIKE IT IS WHEN | FALL On MY KNEES WITH MY FACE To Let's TELL THE TRUTH ADOUT THE ThE RISING cUN H WoRLO We LIVE In Ow, LORD HAVE MERCY OM Me™ Let's ask aocuT THe Goo wHo FUT IT Were 2. LET Us DRINK WINEsse Let's TELL THE TRUTH ADCUT oUR 3. LeT US GOW ROUND THE ALTAR+«s FRIENOS AND NELaHDCURS 1, Ler us praise Goo ToaeTHE Rees Let's cheek THE CAUSE oF ALL oun HATE AND FEARS (conte) ee”ie 60. THE LORD'S PRAYER Our Fatneny WHO ART IN HEAVEN, HAaLLoweo of Tuy Kame, Tay Kingoom come, Tuy WiLL DE DONE ON EARTH AS IT 18 In Heaven. Que FATHER, who ART IN HEAVEN Hatcoweo of Tay Name Tay Kinaoow cone, Tuy With 9 GONE ON EARTH AS IT 18 tN Heaven. Give us THIs Day cuR vAILY OREAD, Foreive us cun tresrasccey AS WE FORGIVE THEM wo TRESPASS AGAINST Usy Forcive us cun TREePasces om owen, lor Veece Ow Lono LEAD Us Nor INTO TEMPTATION, BuT SAVE vs FROM EVIL, Ana THE Kinaoom, THE PoweR Ano THE Glory Forever witt oe Yours. Our FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN, HALLOWrD of Tuy NaMe, Thy KINGooM come, THY WILL DE DONE ON EARTH AD IT 18 IN HEAVENS ite 23no PSALM. THE Lono's iy SHEPHERD, Wun wor want, He MAKES NE DOWN Te LIE IN PASTURES GREEN HE LEADETH ME THE quiet WATERS ove Ny souL He OTH RESTORE AGAIN AND ME TO WALK DOTH MAKE WITHIN THE PATHE oF RIGHTEOUENESS E’EN FoR HIS OWN NAME'S SAKES YEA THOUGH I WALK THRU DEATHS DARK vue Yer witt | reas wo ae For THou ART WITH We ano THY ROD AND STAFFy ME COMFORT STILLe Ny TASLE THou Hast FuaNIsHeD IW pResence oF my FOES My Hea THOU dost WITH oft ANNOINT AND MY cuP OVERFLOWS. (conr.) Goooness aNo Mency ALL MY LiFe SHALL SURELY FOLLOW ME Anp IN Goo's House Forever Mone My OWELLING PLAGE SHALL oe. 62. OUT_OF WY DARKNESS. Out of My OARKNESG He CALLED ME, Out OF THE DEPTH OF MY NIGHT. Out oF THE sHacows oF soRROW, INTO THE LiFe cf His LicHT. Our oF My cARKNESS He CALLED Mey Out oF MY DouDT, MY DESPAIR, OUT CF THE WASTES OF MY WINTER, IuT0 THE SPRING OF His CARES Our oF My DARKNESS HE GALLED Mey Into Hic GUNSHINING DAY, Our oF MY GLoom To His GLoay, Want couro | 00 aut oveY. : Qu oF YouR DARKNESS He CALLS YoU, Out oF Youn DousTy YouR DESPAIRy Out oF THE WASTES OF YoUR WINTER INTO THE SPRING OF HIS CARE, Into THE SPRING OF His CARES 63. |_AN THE RESURRECTION. law THE REGURRECTION ANO THE LIFE, He THAT eLievern, He THAT DELICVETH IN Me, z THOUGH HE WERE DEAD YET SHALL HE LIVEy AND WHOSOEVER LIVETH ANO DELIEVETH IW Mc SHALL NEVER OIE, SHALL NEVER DIES | aM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFcy THOUGH HE WERE OFAC, YeT SMALL HE LIVE, G4. GOD GIVES HIS PEOPLE STRENGTH. Gov aives His PEOPLE STRENGTH: Ir wo ceLueve tN His waYy He's swirt To repay ALL THOSE WHO DEAR THE DURDEN oF THE Dav Goo Gives His peorLe staenaTH. Goo cives His reorte Hore! IF we OUT TRUST IN His worD, OUR PRAYERS ARE ALWAYS HEARD HE WARMLY WELCONES ANYONE WHO's ERREDS Goo Gives His PeoPLe wore. (conte)=o Gh. (conte) u 664 (conte) Goo cives His pcorte Love! 2. IF we BUT OPEN WIDE OUR HEART, He's sure To 00 His parT He's ALwave THE FinsT To MAKE A START? Goo ctves His reorLe Loves Gop cives His peopLe peace! WHEN SORROW FILLS US TO THE ORIM AND COURAGE GROWe DIM, HE LAYS To REST OUR RESTLESSNESS tN Hime * Goo aives His prope peace. 655 TAKE wy HAND Take WY HAND WALK IN THE SUN AND IN YOUR LOVE WETLL WALK TOGETHER AS ONE, WASH MY SINS AWAY IN YOUR TEARS, AND IN YOUR MERCY ORIVE AWAY ALL. My Feans LET YOUR Love CARRY ME oN, 1 FEEL YOUR LOVE MAKING ME STRONG, TAKE MY HAND LISTEN To ME HELP ME TO GROW AND BE WHAT 1 wUST ve LET Your Love canny ME ony I FEEL YOUR LOVE MAKING ME STRONG, TURN ME ROUND FACING THE SUN, AND IM YOUR Love Lordy I'LL Love EVERYONE, ANO IN YOUR LOVE LoRDy I'LL Love Eveavone. 66, WITH YOU. Warn You"T swaut ¢o THaoucH THE YEARS OF MY LIFE, ON THE HIGHWAYS WHIGH SPAN THE WoRLoe Witw You | SM4LL Go THROUGH THE YEARS OF MY LIFEy To MY BROTHERS ALL OVER THE WORLD. Ve AS YOUR HAND GENTLY ORAWS ALL MY steps over Yours, WiTH You, Lordy | WALL Go ON THE ROAD THAT YOU SHOMe With You I swALt Go ALL THE Years OF MY LIFE ON THE HIGHWAYS WHICH SPAN THE WoRLOe T With Go wHere You Leao ue To THOSE iWHO MAY NEED MEy © Lono | witt sine of THE yoy THAT You ORING. WITH You WILL | SERVE ALL THE YEARS OF MY tires ON THE HIGHWAYS WHICH SPAN THE WORLD. B/e Just Like You, Let we Give ate I waves Let Me Live FOR THE GROWTH O NY LORD, OF your KINGDOM ABROAD. With You I SHALL ao TILL THE END oF MY Lire ON THE HIGHWAYS WHICH SPAN THE WORLDe 4s AT THE GATE OF YOUR LAND, You WILL REACH OUT YOUR HANDS Tweny O Loroy I'LL ve sure To Be yours EveRMone. 626 OF uy wanos 1 OF wy anos 1 | aive to vou OF uy anos | OF _MY_HANDS. CTvE TO you, 0 Lords GIVE TO YOU. AS YoU GAVE To MES Give To You. ; 1 aive to You, 0 Lonos Give To You. AS YoU GAVE To MES GIVE To You. Or wy HeaRT 1 OF wy WeanT 1 I aive to you Or wy weant | You Leo us our oF OARKNESS WHEN WE KNEW NOT WHERE To @ce You ASKED US THEN To FoLLoM You, Ano we sai "Not, Orvwy Lire I oive to you, 0 Loros Or wy Lire | sive TO Yous | Give To You as You Gave To MES Or wy LiFe | Give TO You. Or wy seur | give To vou, 0 Lora. OF MY SELF I Give To You. | Give to You as You Gave To Mey Or uy sete I oive To You. (conte)=46°= 67. (conr.) 69. (cont.) YoU SUFFERED FOR THE SAKE OF MAN IT AINT GOT MUCH IN ITS FAVOUR THAT WE MIGHT LIVE WITH YOUs You CAN'T HAVE THAT FAULT AND OE THE O way We sHow ouR GRaTerULNESS SALT OF THE EARTH, IN WHAT WE SAY AND 00+ So Let Your LiGHT so SHINE BEFORE NEN Or wy HaNos | cive To you, O Loroy Ler Your LicHT co sHINE Or uy HANDS | GIVE To Yous © THAT THEY MIGHT KNOW SOME KINDNESS 1 cive To you as vou cave To we} AGAIN OF uy Manos | GIVE To Yous We ALL NEEO HELP To FEEL FINES 68. FILL MY HOUSE You ane THE -GsTY oF ann, FILL wy House UNTO THE FULLEST, You ane THE city oF Goo, EAT MY BREAD AND ORINK MY WINE, Bur IF THAT CITY'S ON A HILL Tue Love | ocan to HELO FROM NO~ONESIT!S KIND OF HARD TO WIDE IT WELLy You've got To STAY PRETTY IN THE CITY HORUS: OF GoD, Bic Town ano aun | ooy Taive to vou. So Let YOUR LIGHT So SHINE BEFORE NEN Ler Your LIGHT sc SHINE Take MY TIME UNTO THE FULLEST, O THAT THEY MIGHT KNOW SOME KINONESE Fiuo IN ME THe TRUST You SEEK, acain TAKE MY HANDS TO YOU OUTREACHING. WE ALL NEEO HELP TO FEEL FINES cHORUS . You ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, You ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, Curiet oun Lono wit Love ENcamous, BUT THE TALLEST CANDLE aTIcK AINT NUCH FRom THE cross His Lesson TAUGHT, Goon WITHOUT A wick Love att wen as I Mave Loveo rou. You've cot TO LIVE RIGHT To BE THE LIGHT chorus. 70, WALK _IN THE LIGHT. JoIN WITH ME Ac ONE IN CuRtor-Love, IF WE WALK IN THE LIGHT as He 18 IN THE WAY OUR HEARTS ALL BEAT AS ON! Lint, May we Ive ounseives comLercty, We HAVE FELLOWSHIP ONE WITH ANOTHERs AND THE BLOOD oF Jésus CHaIST CLEANSES CHORUS. EVERY WINy Ve we WAL IN THE Light 4s HE 18 IN THE Lichr. 69. LIGHT OF THE WORLD. You ane THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, m1. THE PEACE OF GoD You age THE LIGHT OF THE WoRLO, THE Pesce OF Goo THAT PASSES UNOERSTAND= BUT 1F THAT LIGHT'S UNDER A ING, puonet Be IN Youn HEART A WELL oF OVERFLOW~ It's Lost SoMETHING KIND OF caUCIAL ines YOU'VE GOTTA STAY BRIGHT To 9c THE LOVE TO YOUR FELLOWMANy Laut oF THE wonko« Goo's own creation, THe Peace or Goo DE WITH YoU EVERMORES You ARE THE SALT OF THE EARTH, You ARE THE SALT oF THE EARTH, BuT IF THAT SALT MAS LosT ITS FLavour2 is 72. BLESSED BE THE LORD GOD(Ps. 72) Buesseo ec THE Lon Goo, THE Goo oF Isaacty Btesseo ce THe Lon Goo, tHe Goo or Isracts WHO ONLY DOETH WoNCROUS THINGS, Wo oNLy OceTH wonDROUS THINGS AND SLEscED Bc Hic GLORIOUS NAME FOREVER. LET THE WHOLE EARTH SE FILLED with His aLory, AMEN, AMEN, AMEN ANO AMIENS Ano Te CALL UNTO ME. (Jeneus an 3323) CaLe unto ME AND I WILL ANSWER THEE, AND GHOW THEE GREAT AND MLOHTY THINGS Wntew THOU KNOWEST NoTs CALL UNTO ME AND I WILL ANGWER THEE, AND SHOW THEE GREAT ANO MIGHTY THINGS Waten tHou KNowesT Nor. Te His waMe 18 4 OINTMENT PoURED FORTH, Jests, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. His MAME 15 AS OINTMENT POURED FORTH, HIS MAME 15 AS OINTMENT POURED FORTH. HIS NAME i$ AS OINTMENT(Sou.1:3) 75. THEREFORE WITH JOY. (Iearau 12) THEREFOR WITH JOY SHALL YE DRAW WATER Quy OF THE WELLS OF SALVATION, ND IN THAT DAY SHALL YE SAY, Praise THE Lorot THEREFORE WITH JOY SHALL YE DRAW WATER OUT oF THE WELLS OF SALVATION, AND IN THAT O4Y SHALL YE Say, PRAISE THE Logol™ 76. Trou Trou Thou ant Trou ant Guory ano Honor ANo powla! For THOU HAST: CREATED, HAST ALL THOU ART WORTHY! (Rev. 4/11) ant ant woRTHY, wortHy, worTHY, © Lord; WORTHY TO RECEIVE GLoRY, —° THINGS CREATED, For Thou HAST CREATED ALL THINGS) ANO FoR THY PLEASURE THEY WERE oreareos Tnou ant-woarur, O Lonot 77+ IHIS 1S MY REST FOREVER. Paatm 132213-16) THis 19 MY REST FOREVER, Here wien 1 owen For rwe Loro Hath cuosew ZION, He HATH OESIREO IT FoR HIS MABITATIONS He WILL ABUNDANTLY BLESS HER PROVISION, ANO SATISFY HER POOR WITH BREADS Me WILL CLOTHE KER PRIESTS WITH SALVATION AND WER SAINTS SHALL SHOUT ALOUD FoR vort 78. THE LAW OF THE LORD.(Ps 19!1-10) THE Law oF THE LonD IS PERFECT comm VERTING THE SOUL THE TESTIMONY OF THE LoRD 15 SURE NAK= ING WISE THE SIMPLES HORUS: More To 8 DESineo ane THEY THAN GOL YEA MUCH FINE CoLOS SWEETER ALGO THAN HONEY AND THE HOnEY= coma, THE STATUTES OF THE LoRD ARE RIGHT REYOICING THE HEARTS THE commanowent oF THe Lono Is PURE ENLIGHT'NING THE EYESs CHORUS ° THe rear or THe Lor ING FOREVER. THE JUOGEMENTS OF THE LORD ARE TRUE AND RIGHTEOUS ALL TOGETHER. to CLEAN, cNoURH CHORUS 79. OR THOU ART GREAT. (PS. 86:10~12) For THou ART GREAT AND DOEST WONDROUS HINES THou aRT Goo ALONE TEACH ME THY way O Loro. Towite wate om Tky TRuTw UNITE MY HEART. TO FEAR THY NAMES > (cont.- 1B 79. (conte) Iwate praise THee Ox Loro uy Goo WITH ALL. MY HEART amo f witt enontry Tuy NAME Forever wore. 80, GOD _1S NOT A MAN. (NUM 23:19-20) Goo IS NOT 4-MAN, THAT He sMouLD bres NEITHER THE GON OF MAM, THAT HE SHOULD REPENT? Hath He saloy AND SHALL He Nor po ar? OR HATH HE SPOKEN, SHALL He Nor MAKE 17 GoD? Bewoto | HAVE RECETVED COMMANOMENT To BLESS} AND He HATH BLESSEDS ano | CANNOT REVERSE IT. For, Gop 18 NOT A MANy THAT HE swouLo Lie; NEITHER THE SON OF MAN, THAT HE SHOULD REPENTs a. GLORIA. GLoniay etorta, cLory vo coo IN THE wignesT Loro Goo Heaventy Kina, ALMraHTy Goo ano Fatuer Guorta, GLORIA, GLORY To Goo IN THE NignesT We WORSHIP You, WE GtVc You THANKS, WE PRAISE YOU FOR YOUR GLORY LORD JESUS CHRIST ONLY SON OF THE FATHER LoD GoD Lama oF GoD GLORIA) GLORIA, GLORY To Goo IN THE Nianest ® YOU TAKE AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD, HAVE MERCY ON US You TAKE AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLO RECEIVE OUR PRAYER GLORIA, GLOREAy GLORY To Goo Hionest. YOU ALONE ARE THE HOLY ONE, YOU LALONE ARE THE LoRo You ALONE ARE THE MOST HIGH, JESUS CHRIST, JESUS CHRIST GLORIA) GLORIA, GLORY TO 000 Kionest WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE GLORY oF G00 THE FATHER AMEN, AMEN. IN THE 82. MORNING HAS BROKEN, MORNING HAS BROKEN LIKE THE FIRST MORNING. BLAcKBIaD HAS SPOKEN LIKE THE FIRST B1R0 PRAISE FOR THE SINGING, PRAISE FOR THE MORNING, PRAISE FOR THEM SPRINGING FRESH FROM THE WORLD® SWEET THE RAIN'S NEW FALLy SUNLIT FROM MEAVENy Like THE FIRST DEWFALL ON THE FIRST Grass. PRAtee FoR THE GWEETNESS OF THE WET” GARDEN, SPRUNG IN COMPLETENESS WHERE NGe FEET PASS Mine 1s THe sunuionTy Mine te THE MORNING, BORN OF THE ONE LIGHT, Eden saw PLayy Praise with ELATION, PRAISE EV'RY MORNING, Goo'e RECREATION OF THE NEW DAY. 83. YESUS, THE SON OF NAN. 4+ Do Nor Be woRRIEO, Don'T B€ UPSET HE SAID, Ny FATHER WAITS, To Him | mest ao, MY FATHER WAITS, To Him | must a0, 2. | KNOW MY GOING MAY SEEW LIKE THE END, Wa1t FoR THE SPIRIT, AM, METLL BE YOUR FRIENDS Walt FOR THE SPIRIT) AM, WETLL BE YouR FRIEND. Be THEN ALL THAT SUFFI RING, Ow, ALL THAT PAIN, Lond, WAS iT WORTH IT To Go ALL THE WAY? Jesus THE Son oF Maw OLED TO BEGINy A TIVE WHEN ALL MEN COULD KNOW FORGIVENESS OF SINy A TIME WHEN ALL MEN COULD KNOW FORGIVENESS OF SIN, OF SINe-19- Bh, AS A RIVER RUNS INTO THE SEA AN LOSES ITS IDENTITY Tnatle How 17 15 WITH YoU AND MEy tn Curisr AS THE MOUNTAINS TALL, RISE INTO THE oKY So Goo was cated For you ano | To RISE To GREATER HEIGHTS, To PLACES NEW, IN CHRisTe AS THE MOUNTAINS TALL AND THE RIVERS veer WS WILL MOVE IN Goo we WILL nor steee UNTIL THE DAY WE WEAR HIM SAY Ny Glory 16 witH rou To sTats AS A RIVER RUNS INTO THE sca Ano Loses its toentiTy That's How iT 16 WITH YoU AND MEy IN CHRIST. 85. PSALM 8 O Lon, oun Luno, Wow EXCELLENT 15 THY NAME IN ALL THE EARTH. When | consiocr THY Heavens THE WORKS OF THY FinceRD, THE MOON AND STARS, WHIOM THOU Hast ORDAINED; WHAT 15 MAN, THAT THOU ART MINDFUL oF MIM ANO THE Sot OF WAN THAT THOU VISIT= est win? © Lono, our Lorry ROW EXCELLENT 15 THY NAME IN ALL THE EARTH. 86. RCMANS 5:1,5,8 THEREFORE BEING JUSTIFIED AY FAITH We wave Peace with Goo Twroven ova Loro Jesus Cratsr BECAUSE THE LOVE oF Goo ts seo ApRoao Iu our HEARts, oy THe HoLy Guost WHtCH 18 GIVEN, WHICH Is Given Unto Us, To Us; TO Use Gop HATH CoMENDED HIG Love TOWARD vs In THAT WHILE WE WeRe SINNERS Guatst oteo' Fon us. 86. (cont.) Because THe Love oF Goo 1s SHED : ABROAD IN oUR HEARTS BY THE HoLY Guest WleH 18 GIVEN, WHICH 18 GIVEN Unto us, To us, To Use 87. PROVERBS 18 THe Nawe, THE NAME OF THE Lono is A STRONG ToweR THe RIGHTEOUS RUNNETH INTO 17 THE ataHTEOUS RUNNETH INTO 17 THE RIGHTEOUS RUNNETH INTO IT AND wa--== THEY ARE SAVED. 88, PERFECT PEACE THou WILT KEEP HIM IN PERFECT PEACE THou WILT KEEP IM IN PERFECT PEACE Thou WILT KEEP HIM IN PERFECT PEACE WHOSE MIND 18 STAYED ON THEE. Marvew or | say UNTO You You MUST DE DORN AGAIN, Twouen YouR SINS AS SCARLET 9c THEY SHALL DE WHITE AS GNOWs Ir tHe Son smatu ser you FREE You SHALL se FREE INDEED. 89. THIS DAY THERE NEVER WAS A OAY LIKE THIS DAY To ME THERE Never Was A vAY Lime THIs Day I sce THERE NEVER WAS A LIGHT THAT SHINETH So ORIGHT AS THIS DAY, THIS GLORIOUS DAYS THere Neven was a CHRIST 48 THIS CuRIsT To ME THe CHRIST 15 REVEALING HimseLr to wee THIS CuRisT Has opeNED Ny eves ano I sce Twat THIe OAY 15 A GLORIOUS DAY. THERE NEVER WAS A DAY LIKE THI¢ DAY To ME JOEL'S ARMY Is MancHING THE WHOLE WORLO WILL SEE. THERE NEVER WAS AN HOUR OF Goo's Spirit & power (contr)89. (cont.) As IN THIs Day Tuts cLontcus ay. THERE NEVER WAS A oAY LIKE THIS oAY To ME THERE NEVER WAS A OAY LiKe THis cay | see Goo's Woro is, accomine Such a REALITY IN THIG GAY, THIS choRtous oats 90. LIKE A MELOY Maxe Uy Lire To be Like 4 meLooy Even SOUNDING OUT THE MESSAGE OF THE crosses Saviour, LeT we oe Like & Mevoor, EVER SOUNDING oUT IN DAYS oF aaty oR Loss Witt Jesus IN My MEART NO DISCORD CAN ARISE, HE CAN MAKE THE SADDEST HEART TO HARMONISE; Saviour, ter ue oc Like & NELooY, EVER souNDING out THE wEssaGe oF THE cRoss. 91. REVELATION 1924 ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA ALLELUIA, ALLELUIAS 2s My REDEEMERe + Be Jesus 18 Loro. > 92, LOVE, JOY AND PEACE But the PAUIT oF THE SprAiT Is Love yov AND PEACE But THE FauiT oF THE SPIRIT I Love, yor ano peace KINONESS AND GOOONESS, FAITHFULLNESS AND MECKNESS But THE FaUIT oF THE SPIRIT Is Lovey yor ano Peace 93. SING PRAISES Sina Paatses TO Goo SING PRAtsesy SING PRAISES To Gop SING PRAISES For He 1s THE KING OF ALL THE EARTH Sine Paatses To His Names Gh. THINE © Loro Twine on Lond 18 THE GREATNESS ANO Power AND THE GLORY ANo THE VICTORY AND THE MAJESTY FOR ALL THAT I$ IN THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH Ano THE EARTH I6 THINGS 95+ BELOVED LET US Love. BeLoVec Let us LOVE ONE ANOTHER FoR Love 1s FROM Goo . AND EVERYONE WHo LOVES 15 DORN oF Goo AND WE KNows Goo THE ONE WHO D0€8 NOT Love Does NoT KNOW Goo For Goo 1s Love BeLoveo LeT us Love ONE ANOTHER FOR LOVE 16 FROM Goow 96+ 90D 15 Love God 1 Love AMO THE OWE WHO LIVES IN Love Lives 1m Goo ano Goo Lives tw wis Goo ie Love ano THe one wHO Lives IN Love Lives 1% Goo ano Goo LIVES IN Hite AND WE MAVE Cole To KNOW AND HAVE BeLieveo THE LOVE witon Goo HAS FOR Use Goo {6 Love ANo THE OME wHO LIVES IN Love Lives tm Goo ano God LIVES IN Wide 97. THE ONE WHO LOVES GoD. Tne oNE wHo Loves Goo SHOULD Love Hie OROTHER THE ONE WHO Loves Goo SNOULO LOVE HIS OROTHER BY THIS We KNow THAT WE Love THE CHILOREN OF Goo WHEN WE Love Gov AND OEY HIS COMMANDS. If We Sav we Love Goo AND Love Not UR DROTHER THEN WE DECEIVE OURSELVES AND oDEY NOT HIS CoMMANOS. (Repeat Lines 5 & 6 MARKED THUS * )229 98. BREAD FOR THE WORLD Praise ANC THANKSGIVING, FATHER, WE OFFER, FOR ALL THINGS LIVING THOU MADEST 8090} HARVEST OF SOWN FIELOS, FRUITS OF THE ORCHARD, HAY FROM THE MoWN FIELODy BLOSSOM AND WOOD. Biess THou THE LaDouR WE BRING To SERVE THEE, THAT WITH OUR NEIGHBOUR WE MAY BC FED, Sowina of TILING, WE WOULD WORK WITH THEE; HARVESTING, MILLING, FOR DAILY BREAD, FaTHer, PROVIDING FOOD FOR THY CHILOREN, THY wIso0M GUIDING TEACHES US SHAaE ONE WITH ANOTHER, 50 THAT REJOICING WITH Us, OUR BROTHER MAY KNOW THY CARES THEN WILL THY oLESsING REACH EVERY PEOPLES ALL MEN CONFESSING THY GRactous HAND. WHERE THY WILL REIGNETH NO WAN WILL MUNGERS THY Love cuSTAINETHS FAUITFUL THE LAND, 99. PEACE. The PEACE THAT PASSES ALL UNDERSTAND we WILL RULE IN YouR HEART ToDAY, The PEACE THAT PASSES ALL UNDERSTWAD= tne WILL RULE IN YOUR HEART TooAY ALL You Wave To 00 19 ytELO AND GIVE YoUR LIFE AWAY, THE PEACE THAT PASSES ALL UNDERSTAND= 1 ane WILL RULE IN’ VouR NEART TODAY. 1 Tne Lono 1s STANDING WITH ARMS ourstRereneD CALLING You To His SIDE (conT.) 99. (cowt.) WanTING To GIVE You LiFe ETERNAL IF IN MIM You WILL ABIOE, IF YOU WILK ONLY ASK HIM TO COME INSIDE YUST OPEN UP YOUR HEART TO HIM AND-TAKE DOWN THE WALL OF PRIDE. THE WASTER 18 CALLING oUT TO YoU TO WALK WITH MIM IN THE LIGHT, DESIRING TO EASE YOU OF ALL YOUR ounsens AND MAKE ALL YOUR WROWGS ARIGHT, Just askING You To REST IN THE FATHER'S STRENGTH & MIGHT, JESUS YOKE 15 VERY EASY ANO HIS BURDEN ON YoU 1s LIGHT. 700. BELONGING. AS THE BRIDEGROOM To HIS CHOSEN, AS THE KING UNTO HIS REALIE AS THE KEEP UNTO THE CASTLE, AS THE PILOT To THE HELM, 50, LORD, ART THOU TO ME. AG THE FOUNTAIN IN THE GARDEN, AS THE CANDLE IN THE DARK, 4S THE TREASURE IN THE GOFFERy AS THE MANNA IN THE ARK, 80, LORD, ART THOU TO Mee as THe THE muste AT TRE BANQUET, STANP UNTO THE SEAL, 4S THE MEDIGINE TO THE FAINTING, AS THE WINESCUP XT THE MEAL, $0, LORD ART THOU To ME. as as vy 504 THE THE aueY IN THE SETTING, WONEY IN THE COMB THE LIGHT WITHIN THE LANTERN, THE FATHER LN THE HOME, LORD, ART THOU TO MEe as 4s THe THE SUNGHINE IN THE HEAVENS IMAGE IN THE GLASS, AS THE FRUIT UNTO THE FLO=TREE, AS THE OW UNTO THE GRAS! 50 LORD, ART THOU TO MEe101. AMEN PRAISE THE LORD. Aucay PRAISE THE LOonOs AWEN, PRAISE THE Lona GLORY HALLELUJAH, PRaise THE Lono ‘MGONNA JUMP OWN TURN AROUND Toueh THE GRouND & PRAISE MY Lone 1 Be 103 1 On He Ju He An AN 1 | aw THE WAY, THE TRUTH ano THE Lire. aw THE way, THE TRUTH anc. THE LiFe No Mk COMETH UNTO THE FATHER BUT BY NE I"m cons yume coWN TURN AROUND ToucH THE @nouND AND PRAISE UY LonD, Marvew Nor ve must oc eoRN AGAIN Manven Nor Ye musT BE BORN AGAIN MARVEL NoT YE MUST BE BoAN AGAIN UM Gonna sump ooWN TURN AROUND ToUCH THE GROUND & Praise uy Lonpe SUFFER YE THE LITTLE cHILoReN To COME UNTO ME Surrea ve THE LITTLE cHILOREN To COME UNTO ME ANo FORBID THEM NOT For oF suck 16 THE KINGOOM oF HEAVEN I'm Gowns yump oowN TURN AROUND. Touen TWE aRouNc & PRAISE MY Loro. 2+ BEHOLD 1 STAND AT THE 000R. KNOW A SAVIOUR IN JESUS + 1T!s rave, ves it's trues MADE A GOLDEN PRowise ST FOR MEy vUST FOR Yous SAID, "BEHOLD | eTAND ar THE Door & KNOCK 0 IF ANY MAN HEAR MY VOICE 0 OPEN THE DOOR WILL GoME IN TO MIM & SUP wiTH Him SMe WITH ME WILL COME IN To KIM & sup with Him & WE WITH WE (REPEAT FRO *) 1034 FOR FROM HIM Fon RoW Wim ANO THROUGH MIM AND TO HIM ARE ALL THINGS 70 GOD BE THE GLORY FOREVER ANENs (Repeat ae 3 Lines) 104. ISAIAH 936 For UNTO US A CHILD 1s BoRW UNTO US 4 SON 15 GIVEN ANO THE GOVERNMENT GHALL 8€ UPON HIS SHOULDER ANO HIS NAME SHALL BE CALLED WONDER= FUL, CouNceLLon, THE MIGHTY GoD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER, THE PRINCE OF PEACE 1 105. FOR HIS NANE 1S EXALTED, For WIS NAME 18 EXALTED HIa GLORY ABOVE HEAVEN AND EARTH Hoty 1s THE Lone cco ALMIoHTY WHO WAS AND WHO IS AND WHO 1s To comes For Wis NAME Is EXALTED H19 GLORY ABOVE HEAVEN AND EARTH Hoty 1s the Loo coo aLwiguTY WHO SITTETH ON THE THRONE & wo Lives FOR EVER MORES 106, REVELATION 19: 6 & - Mitre ate oe 7 ALMIGHTY REIGNS HALLELUJAH FOR THE Loo OUR GoD THE ALMIGHTY RELONS. Ler us sevotce aNo GE GLAD AND GIVE THE aLoRY uNTo Him HALLELUJAM FoR THE LoRD ouR Gop THE ALMIGHTY REIGNS. 107. CHRONICLES 29:10,71 BLesstd BE THOU LoRD GOD oF ISRAEL OUR FATHER FoR EVER AND cveR THINE © LORO 1S THE GREATNESS, THE POWER, THE GLORY, THE VICTORY AND THE MavesTY Fok ALL THAT 1S IN THE HEAVENS AND. IN THE EARTH Is THINE THINE 18 THE KINGOON 0 LoRO AND. THOU ART BXALTED AS HEAD ABOVE ALL (conte)107+ (cont) THINE Is THE KINGDOM 0 LoRo THINE O:LORO 18 THE GREATNESS, THE POWER, THE CLORY, THE VICTORY AND THE MAJESTY Now THEREFORE oun Goo we THANK THEE AND PRAISE THY GLORIOUS NAME. 108, BE STILL AND KNOW, Be STIL ano KNOW THAT 1 AM GoD Be sTILt AND KNOW THAT 1 AM CoD BE STILL AND KNOW THAT 1 AM GoD. [aM THe Lord THAT MEALETH THEE IAM THE LORD THAT HEALETH THEE I aM THE LoRD THAT HEALETH THEES IN THEE 0 LORD 90 1 PUT UY TRUST Im THEE © Loko 90 1 PUT MY TaUST In THEE © LonD 00 4 PUT MY TRUSTS 109. PSALM. © SING UNTO THE LORD A NEW SONG FoR HE HAS DONE MARVELOUS THINGS His R1eHT HANO AND HIG HOLY ARM HATH GOTTEN Hiw THE vicToRY THE LCRO HAS MADE KNOWN HIS. SAL= VATION HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS HAS HE OPENLY SshoweO. IN THE SIGHT OF THE HEATHEN 9 SING UNTO THE LORD A NEW SONG HE HAS REMEMBEREO HIS MERCY AND HIS TRUTH TO ALL THE KeUSE OF ISRAEL ALL THE ENDS OF THE EARTH HATH SEEN THE SALVATICN oF cUR 6006 110. PSALM 40:8 I peutent To 90 THY WiLL © LonD 1 DELIGHT To 00 THY WILL AND TO WALK WITH THEE 18 NCT GRIEVOUS UNTO ME FOR | DELIGHT To 00 THY witts 1146 PSALM 10411433434 I wittsine UNTO THe LoRo WHILE 1 Live * I WIL sina PRAlse TO MY Gop WHILE WAVE LIFE IN ME, My MEDITATION OF HIM SHALL BE sweet I Wilt Be GLao IN THE LorO BLESS THOU THE LORD O MY SOULS © Lono NY GoD THOU ART VERY GREAT AND THOU ART CLOTHED WITH NAJESTY MY MEDITATION OF HIM SHALL GE SWEET WILL BE GLAD IN THE Lon BLESS THOU THE LORD O MY SOUL. 112. MY BELOVED IS MIN My BELOVED 18 WINE AND | AM HIS MIS BANNER OVER ME 18 Love MY BELOVED 15 MINE ANO | AM HIS MIS CANNER OVER ME 1S Love MY BELOVED 15 MINE AND 1 AM HIS. MIS BANNER OVER NE IS Love His BANNER OVER NE 15 LovE WE BROUGHT ME TO HIS SANQUETING TABLE AND WIS BANNER OVER ME 1s LOVE NE BROUGHT ME To HIS BANQUETING TABLE AND HIS DANNER OVER ME IS LovE HE DROUGHT ME TO HIS OANQUETING TABLE AND WIS BANNER OVER ME Is Love HIS BANNER OVER ME IS Loves HE LIFTED ME UP INTO HEAVENLY PLaces AND KIS BANNER OVER UE Is Love HE LIFTED ME UP INTO HEAVENLY Places AND His BANNER OVER UE Is Love HE LIFTEO ME UP INTO HEAVENLY PLaces AND KIS SANNER OVER ME Is Love MIS EANNER OVER ME 1S LOVEs 113. HEBREWS 2:9 But we see Jesus Made & LITTLE Lower WADE A LITTLE LOWER THAN THE ANGELS FOR THE SUFFERING OF DEATH DUT WE SEE Jesus CROWNED WITH GLORY AND MONCUR THAT HE BY THE GRACE oF GoD sKoULO TASTE OEATH FOR EVERY MAN,
Wor RIGHT UP TO You Ano iF | Were an ocropus I! THANK YoU, LORD, FOR MY FINE Looks, Bur | yust THANK You, FATHER, FOR MAKING ME MEy Ir | were a wicoty worm I'p THANK You, Loro, THaT | coute squinw Ano if I WERE A CROCODILE, Ito THANK vou, Lonoy FoR NY BIG ouite Ano if | WERE 4 FUZZY wuZZY BEAR Ip Thank You, Lon, FoR MY Fuzzy woz2y HAIR Bur | JUST THANK YOU, FATHER, FOR MAKING VE ME® 930. JUDE 24425 Now unto Him WHO 1S ABLE TO KEEP AgLe To KEEP vou FROM FALLING AND PRESENT YoU FAULTLESS BEFORE THE PRESeNce oF His GLORY Ceonte) 130. (conte) WITH EXCEEDING Joy y To THE ONLY WISE God, OUR SAVIOUR — Be GLORY AND MavesTY j Dominion ano power BoTH Now AND FOREVER Avene 431. FROM THE SLAVE PENS OF i HE DELTA’ Veow THE SLAVE PENS OF ME DELTA, | FROM THE GHETTOES ON THE Nitey LeT MY PEOPLE SECK THEIR FREEDOM Ih THE WILDERNESS AWHILE's s0 GOD SPAKE FROM OUT OF SimAI 20 NE SPAKE AND IT WAS BONE AND WIS PECPLE CROSSED THE WATERS TOWARD THE RISING SUNG ‘FROM THE AGING SHRINES AND STRUCTURES FROM THE CLOLSTER ANO THE AISLE LET MY PEOPLE SEEK THEIR FREEDOM IN THE WILDERNESS AWHILE! so THE Son oF Goo HAS SPOKEN ANO THE STORM=CLOUDS ARE UNFURLEDy, FOR HIS PEOPLE MUST BE SCATTERED To BE SERVANTS IN THE WORLOs WHEN We MURMUR ON THE MOUNTAING Fon THE oL0 EGYPTIAN PLAINS, WHEN WE MISS OUR ANCIENT BONDAGE AMO THE HOPE, THE PROMISE, WANES TWEN THE ROCK SHALL YIELD ITS WATER AND THE MANNA FALL BY NIGHTS AND WITH VISIONS OF 4 FUTURE SHALL WE MARCH TOWARO THE LIGHTe | | ; } j j j j Iu THE MAELSTROM OF THE NATIONS, IN THE JOURNEYING INTO SPACE, In THE CLASH OF GENERATIONS; IN THE HUNGERING FOR GRACE, IN MAN'S AGONY AND GLORY We ARE CALLED To NEWER WAYS ay THE Load oF cUR ToMoRROWS AND THE Goo oF EARTH'S TODAYSs133. (cont.) 4 this is the God we adore From many creams ¢ feithfuls unchengeeble Friend; you feshion a. unity - Jove is as great as His pover, @ people of God Ind neither knous measure nor ende created to*serve bringing te mon te 3 the first end the lest, the witness of love ose Spirit shell guide us home; Lord of our days 11 praise Him for ell thet is pest, you people we arc, ‘And trust Hime for all that's to cone, 134, FATHER WELCOMES. 153+ LOW OF OUR DAYS « CHORUS: Father woleones 011 His (CHORUS: Lord of cur days. children a Lord of yesterday, to His family through His — Lordy our Lord forever, Son your people we Fetner giving His salvation Lord of our deys, Life forever hes been won. Lord of yesterday. Lord, our Lord forever, Little children come to ma for my kingdom is of these, Life and love I have to give, morey for your sin. In the water, in the Word, in His promise, be assured = he who is beptised and believes shell be born again. Let us daily die to sin Lot us daily rise yith Hin. Welk in love as Christ our Lord. Live in peace with Gods a 495. DESUS IS THE MAN FOR OTHERS, Jesus is the mon for others, Jesus is the man for net 3esus calle mankind to be his bro! gives tho vorld his unity, ‘ braves oll cengers, loves all str tends the helpless refugee: Jesus is the man for met Jesus is the man for Liberation, Jesus is the mon for me, brings release to every generetion, chollenges all tyranny, bears aggression, breaks oppression, gives the eleve his 1! § Jesus is the man for metf 135 (conr.) JESUS 15 THE MAN FOR CELEBRATION, eave 19 THE Man FoR wey BRINGS THE coseEL's voYFUL EXULTATION PURGES LIFE oF MISERY, PARDON GRANTED, PEACE IMPLANTED, CONSCIENCE NEW ANE CLEAN ANC FACE JESUS IS THE MAN FOR ME! JESUS Is THE WAN FoR RESURRECTION, vESUS 18 THE MAN FOR MEL Crucirico He surFERED MAN'S REVECTION VET ME LIVES ETERNALLY, DEATH TRANSCENDED, FATE 15 ENDED, NOW HE NAKES MAN'S DESTINY? Jeeus 1s THE wan ror uel 1364 CAN | SHOW YOU. CaN 1 swow vou Twat I Love you MORE THAN WORDS COULOVZVER. SAY Can | TELL You yust Your eves WILL MAKE ME ORY AND MAKE ME PRAY Can | sive To vou THE GIFT tHat He's so raeeLy civen we? CaN | SOMEHOW wake YoU UNDERSTAND TODAY BEGINS ETERNITY Oem, Ir i rovcur THe stccesr ciant BO YOU THINK THAT You'o BELIEVE? fr | FeLLeo THe HIGHEST WALL HOW MUCH MORE WOULD YoU RECEIVE? Ir 1 woveo THe aREATcoT MOUNTAIN WITH THE WAVING OF A HEAD tf | Leo you ruroucn THe wiLoeRNess WOULD You GEE THE PROMISED LANo? Can 1 stow you THat | Love You MORE THAN WORDS COULO cVER SAY Can | TELL You ust Your Eves i WILL MAKE ME ORY ANO MAKE ME PRAY Can I ative To vou THE otFT THAT HE'S SO FREELY GIVEN MET Can | someHow MAKE YoU UNDERSTAND TOOAY BCGINS ETERNITY Cone HERE ANYTHING THAT I AT ALL TO MAKE YoU SEE? CouLD | ore OF BROKEN HEART wounds ean 00 (cont. 136 (conr.) ON & LONELY CaLvary? Don't you see THar rou'ne THE SLANT You're THE MOUNTAIN You're THE Lost? But His Love nas FeuLeo Your sout's watts HE ALONE HAS PAID THE COSTs Can 1 show you THar | Love you More THAN WORDS COULD EVER SAY Caw I TELL You vusT Your eves WILL MAKE ME CRY AND MAKE ME PRAY Can I Give To You THE GIFT THAT He's 50 FREELY GIVEN ME? Can | Souckow MAKE You UNDERSTAND TODAY BEGINS ETERNITY TooAY BEGINS ETERNITY OoWeeee 137+ FOR THOSE TEARS 1 DIED You Sato You'o COME AND SHARE ALL MY SORROWS: you Gato you'o OG THERE FOR ALL N'Y ‘ToMoRRowS I cake so close To seNoina vou Away Ber Just LIke You PROKISED You CAME THERE TO STAY | auet Hao To pray Ano Jesus saipy "Come tu THE WATER STAND BY MY SIDE | kwow you age THIRSTY You Won't se DENIED i reLr ev'ry TEAR oROr WHEN IN OARKKESS You cKieED Ano | strove To REMI You THAT FOR THOSE TeaRS | 1e0 cHoRUS: Your coooness so cReay | cantr UNDERSTAND An vear Loro | WAS PLANNED 1 know yeu'Re WERE NOW AND ALWAYS Loe Your Love Looseo my CHAINS AND IW you I'M FREE But Jesus way we? KNOW THAT ALL THIS. (conte)Bete 137 (conte) Jesus | ive vou my HEART AND MY souL I kwow tHat without Goo |'o Never Be WHOLE SAVIOUR, YOU OPENED ALL THE RIGHT boars Ano | THANK YoU ANO-PRAISE YoU FROM EARTH'S HUMBLE SHORES Tawe wey I'm vourse 138. FREELY, FREELY. Goo ronoave wy 91No IN Jesus! NaME I"ve ofeN BORN AcaIN IN Jesus! NAME AND in Jesus wane | come To You To shane Hic Love AB HE TOLD ME To. CHORUS + HE Sato, MEREELY, FREELY YoU HAVE RECEIVED FREELY, FREELY GIVE Go IN MY NAME ANC BECAUSE YoU setieve Orens Witt Kow THAT I LIVE™ Act pow'r 1s civ'n in Jesus’ NAME IN EARTH ANO MEAV'N IN Jesus’ NAME Ano in Jesust waue | coe to you To sHaRe His Love as He TOLD ME To. 759. TAKE OUR BREAD GHORUS: Take our eneaD we ask vou TAKE OUR HEARTS WE LOVE You TAKE OUR Lives O FaTHER WE ARE YouRs, WE ARE Yours. YouRS 8 WE STAND AT THE TABLE You eet YOURS AS WE EAT THE SREAD OUR HEARTS can'T FoRaeT We Ame THE SIGN OF YouR LIFE WITH Us ver WE ARE YOURS, WE ARE YOURS. You HOLY PEOPLE STANDING WasKED IN Your eLooo Spiait Fitteo YET HUNGRY We AWAIT your Fooo We ARE Poor our we've BROUGHT OURH scives (conte) 1394 (conte) Tue acer we couLos We ARE YOURS, WE ARE YOURSe 140. WONDERFUL _1S_YOUR_HANDIWORK .. Psau 8, CHORUS: Wien | LooK at THE woRK OF YOUR HANOS WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL 19 YOUR HANDIWORKs Loroy oun Loroy ctorious 1s Your NAME BLAZONED THROUGH ALL THE EARTH. EVEN THE INFANTS YOUR POWER PROCLAIN AND GABES OF NEW OIATH. Wwen | LOOK AT THE HEAVENS ABOVE ~ THE NOON AND THE STARS YOU HAVE SETs WHAT IS MAN THAT YOU SHOW HIM LOVE AND NEVER FORGET? Your DOMINION You LeT HIM SHARE OF CREATURES OF FIELD AND STALLs Fisk oF THE SEA AND BIRDS OF THE AIR FOR WIM YOU MADE ALLs v44, WITH Joy. CHORUS: You CAN LIVE WHILE You'RE ovint Laven warte voutre cavint = SMILE THRU YoUR SORROW, Look ror Tomorrow SeevTHE LIGHT IN THE DARKH ness Gooo Times ANo procacess WITH Joy, wiTK Jovy WITH sore Ler Your Senses exeLore THE woNDERS OF GREATIONy YOUR MIND FEEL THE PRESENCE OF TODAY. YOUR SOUL BEAT IN RHYTHM TO THE 20Na oF CELEORATION LeT Love 6& THE music THAT YOU PLAYe ver Ler AND. Cuoruse. ee
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