DLL - Science 5 - Q4 - W5
DLL - Science 5 - Q4 - W5
DLL - Science 5 - Q4 - W5
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: File created by Ma’am EDNALYN D. MACARAIG Learning Area: SCIENCE
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: FEBRUARY 17 – 21, 2020 (WEEK 5) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER
A. Reviewing previous lesson Review
or presenting the new changes in the
lesson weather before, during and after
a typhoon;
B. Establishing a purpose for the A.Engagement: Day 3: Day 4:
lesson 1.Let the pupils tell about their nice A.Engagement: A.Engagement:
and not so nice experiences during 1.Show pictures of places What are the most important
rainy days, windy days, and sunny affected with typhoon. things to prepare in case there is a
days. 2.Ask: typhoon?
2.Ask: What do you think was the
What happen if there were storm signal raised in this
storm/typhoon on our community place?
What do you think is the
extent of damage in this
C. Presentingexamples/instances Day 1: (Film viewing about
of the new lesson typhoons)
D. Discussing new concepts and B.Exploration: Day 2: B.Exploration: C.Explanation:
practicing new skills #1 Say: D.Elaboration: 1.Group the pupils into four. Let the pupils explain the usage of
1.Class everybody let us watch 1.Ask: 2.Refer to LM Activity – Role all things they they’ve got from
these videos. What are/ describe the effects of Playing the box.
2.Answer the activity sheet No.1 typhoon on the community base
page¬____ on what you are viewed
2.Discuss further.
3.The pupils do the Activity No. 2
on the LM, Group Activity, page
E. Discussing new concepts and C.Explanation: Background Information for C.Explanation: D.Elaboration/Extension:
practicing new skills #2 Group presentation and discussion. Teachers: Let the groups present their The teacher discuss further the
Effects of Typhoons: play. usage and importance of each
1.People’s lives are in extreme D.Elaboration/Extension: thing in the emergency kit.
danger during typhoons. In many The teacher discuss further Background Information for
newspaper reports, one reads about the effects of typhoon Teachers:
about several deaths due to on the community. Emergency Kits
flooding or serious injury from Original File Submitted and In an emergency, you will need
being hit by heavy objects. Formatted by DepEd Club some basic supplies. You may
2.Infrastructures like houses and Member - visit need to get by without power or
buildings in seriously affected depedclub.com for more tap water. Be prepared to be self-
areas may be damaged beyond sufficient for at least 72 hours.
repair. You may have some of the items
3.Fruit trees are uprooted and already, such as food, water and a
other garden plants are damaged. battery operated or wind-up
4.Many crops are destroyed, thus, flashlight. The key is to make sure
there is very few harvest. they are organized and easy to
5.Farm animals are left homeless. find. Would you be able to find
6.Classes are suspended to keep your flashlight in the dark? Make
students safe in their homes. sure your kit is easy to carry and
7.Rain water can soften the soil everyone in the household knows
and cause landslide which can bury where it is. Keep it in a backpack,
lives and properties. duffle bag or suitcase with wheels,
Science Toolbox in an easy-to-reach, accessible
Some weather instruments used place, such as your front-hall
by weathermen are: closet. If you have many people in
a.Barometer – for measuring air your household, your emergency
pressure kit could get heavy.
b.Pilot balloons – used in observing It's a good idea to separate some
conditions in the upper of these supplies in backpacks.
atmosphere That way, your kit will be more
c.Thermometer – for measuring air portable and each person can
temperature personalize his or her own grab-
d.Weather radar and radiosonde – and-go emergency kit.
for observing atmospheric in the Basic Emergency Kit
upper atmosphere You may have some of these basic
emergency kit items already, such
as a flashlight, battery-operated
radio, food, water and blankets.
The key is to make sure they are
organized, easy to find and easy to
carry (in a suitcase with wheels or
in a backpack) in case you need to
evacuate your home. Whatever
you do, don't wait for a disaster to
Refer to LM.
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
G. Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily
H. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson
I. Evaluating learning E.Evaluation: Day 5
Recite atleast three(3) effects of E.Evaluation:
typhoon in the people and in the A.Write five(5) effects of
environment on the community. typhoon on the community.
B.Write five(5) things in the
emergency kit.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned
No. of learners who have above above 80% above above 80% above
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
require remediation additional activities for remediation additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for
remediation remediation remediation remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
worked well? Why did these ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught
work? the lesson the lesson up the lesson the lesson up the lesson
F. What difficulties did I encounter ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue
which my principal or require remediation require remediation to require remediation require remediation to require remediation
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work
materials did I use/discover ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive well: ___Metacognitive well:
which I wish to share with other Development: Examples: Self Development: Examples: Self ___Metacognitive Development: Examples: Self ___Metacognitive
teachers? assessments, note taking and assessments, note taking and Development: Examples: Self assessments, note taking and Development: Examples: Self
studying techniques, and studying techniques, and assessments, note taking and studying techniques, and assessments, note taking and
vocabulary assignments. vocabulary assignments. studying techniques, and vocabulary assignments. studying techniques, and
___Bridging: Examples: ___Bridging: Examples: vocabulary assignments. ___Bridging: Examples: vocabulary assignments.
Think-pair-share, quick-writes, and Think-pair-share, quick-writes, and ___Bridging: Think-pair-share, quick-writes, ___Bridging:
anticipatory charts. anticipatory charts. Examples: Think-pair-share, and anticipatory charts. Examples: Think-pair-share,
quick-writes, and anticipatory quick-writes, and anticipatory
___Schema-Building: ___Schema-Building: charts. ___Schema-Building: charts.
Examples: Compare and contrast, Examples: Compare and contrast, Examples: Compare and contrast,
jigsaw learning, peer teaching, and jigsaw learning, peer teaching, and ___Schema-Building: jigsaw learning, peer teaching, ___Schema-Building:
projects. projects. Examples: Compare and and projects. Examples: Compare and
contrast, jigsaw learning, peer contrast, jigsaw learning, peer
___Contextualization: ___Contextualization: teaching, and projects. ___Contextualization: teaching, and projects.
Examples: Examples: Examples:
Demonstrations, media, Demonstrations, media, ___Contextualizatio Demonstrations, media, ___Contextualization
manipulatives, repetition, and local manipulatives, repetition, and local n: manipulatives, repetition, and :
opportunities. opportunities. Examples: local opportunities. Examples:
Demonstrations, media, Demonstrations, media,
___Text Representation: ___Text Representation: manipulatives, repetition, and ___Text Representation: manipulatives, repetition, and
local opportunities. local opportunities.
Examples: Student created Examples: Student Examples: Student
___Text Representation:
drawings, videos, and games. created drawings, videos, and created drawings, videos, and
games. ___Text games. Examples: Student
___Modeling: Examples:
Representation: created drawings, videos, and
Speaking slowly and clearly, ___Modeling: Examples: ___Modeling: Examples:
Examples: Student games.
modeling the language you want Speaking slowly and clearly, Speaking slowly and clearly,
students to use, and providing modeling the language you want created drawings, videos, and modeling the language you want ___Modeling: Examp
samples of student work. students to use, and providing games. students to use, and providing les: Speaking slowly and
samples of student work. ___Modeling: Exam samples of student work. clearly, modeling the language
Other Techniques and Strategies ples: Speaking slowly and you want students to use, and
used: Other Techniques and Strategies clearly, modeling the Other Techniques and Strategies providing samples of student
___ Explicit Teaching used: language you want students used: work.
___ Group collaboration ___ Explicit Teaching to use, and providing samples ___ Explicit Teaching Other Techniques and
___Gamification/Learning throuh ___ Group collaboration of student work. ___ Group collaboration Strategies used:
play ___Gamification/Learning throuh ___Gamification/Learning throuh ___ Explicit Teaching
___ Answering preliminary play Other Techniques and play ___ Group collaboration
activities/exercises ___ Answering preliminary Strategies used: ___ Answering preliminary ___Gamification/Learning
___ Carousel activities/exercises ___ Explicit Teaching activities/exercises throuh play
___ Diads ___ Carousel ___ Group collaboration ___ Carousel ___ Answering preliminary
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Diads ___Gamification/Learning ___ Diads activities/exercises
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Differentiated Instruction throuh play ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Carousel
___ Discovery Method ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Answering preliminary ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Diads
___ Lecture Method ___ Discovery Method activities/exercises ___ Discovery Method ___ Differentiated Instruction
Why? ___ Lecture Method ___ Carousel ___ Lecture Method ___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method
___ Complete IMs Why? ___ Diads Why? ___ Lecture Method
___ Availability of Materials ___ Complete IMs ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Complete IMs Why?
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Availability of Materials ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Availability of Materials ___ Complete IMs
___ Group member’s ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Discovery Method ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Availability of Materials
collaboration/cooperation ___ Group member’s ___ Lecture Method ___ Group member’s ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
in doing their tasks collaboration/cooperation Why? collaboration/cooperation ___ Group member’s
___ Audio Visual Presentation in doing their tasks ___ Complete IMs in doing their tasks collaboration/cooperation
of the lesson ___ Audio Visual Presentation ___ Availability of Materials ___ Audio Visual Presentation in doing their tasks
of the lesson ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn of the lesson ___AudioVisual Presentation
___ Group member’s of the lesson
in doing their tasks
___ Audio Visual Presentation
of the lesson