Method 130-1 1971
Method 130-1 1971
Method 130-1 1971
gov 1971
Automated EDTA)
INSTRUMENTATION: Spectrophotometer
1.1 This automated method is applicable to drinking, surface, and saline waters.
The applicable range is 10 to 400 mg/L as CaCO3. Approximately 12 samples
per hour can be analyzed.
2.1 The magnesium EDTA exchanges magnesium on an equivalent basis for any
calcium and/or other cations to form a more stable EDTA chelate than
magnesium. The free magnesium reacts with calmagite at a pH of 10 to give a
red-violet complex. Thus, by measuring only magnesium concentration in the
final reaction stream, an accurate measurement of total hardness is possible.
4.0 Interferences
5.0 Apparatus
6.0 Reagents
6.1 Buffer: Dissolve 67.6 g NH4Cl in 572 mL of NH4 OH and dilute to 1 liter with
distilled water.
6.2 Calmagite Indicator: Dissolve 0.25 g in 500 mL of distilled water by stirring
approximately 30 minutes on a magnetic stirrer. Filter.
6.3 Monomagnesium ethylenediamine-tetraacetate (MgEDTA): Dissolve 0.2 g of
MgEDTA in 1 liter of distilled water.
6.4 Stock Solution: Weigh 1.000 g of calcium carbonate (pre-dried at 105°C) into
500 mL Erlenmeyer flask; add 1:1 HCl until all CaC03 has dissolved. Add 200
mL of distilled water and boil for a few minutes. Cool, add a few drops of
methyl red indicator, and adjust to the orange color with 3N NH4OH and
dilute to 1000 mL with distilled water. 1.0 mL = 1.0 mg CaCO 3.
6.4.1 Dilute each of the following volumes of stock solutions to 250 mL in a
volumetric flask for appropriate standards:
7.0 Procedure
7.1 Pretreatment
7.1.1 For drinking waters, surface waters, saline waters, and dilutions
thereof, no pretreatment steps are necessary. Proceed to 7.2.
7.1.2 For most wastewaters, and highly polluted waters, the sample must be
digested as given in the Atomic Absorption Methods section of this
manual, paragraphs 4.1.3 and 4.1.4. Following this digestion, proceed to
7.2 Neutralize 50.0 mL of sample with 1N ammonium hydroxide (6.5) and note
volume of NH4OH used.
7.3 Set up manifold as shown in Figure 1.
7.4 Allow both colorimeter and recorder to warm up for 30 minutes. Run a
baseline with all reagents, feeding distilled water through the sample line.
Adjust dark current and operative opening on colorimeter to obtain stable
7.5 Place distilled water wash tubes in alternate openings in Sampler and set
sample timing at 2.5 minutes.
7.6 Arrange working standards in Sampler in order of decreasing concentrations.
Complete loading of Sampler tray with unknown samples.
7.7 Switch sample line from distilled water to Sampler and begin analysis.
8.0 Calculation
8.1 Prepare standard curve by plotting peak heights of processed standards
against concentration values. Compute concentration of samples by comparing
sample peak heights with standard curve. Correct for amount of NH4OH used
in 7.2 as follows:
mg/L = (A/50) x B