Unit Plan - Social Studies
Unit Plan - Social Studies
Unit Plan - Social Studies
Inquiry Question: How have diverse figures in early Canadian history shaped the country?
Students will:
5.2.1- appreciate the complexity of identity in the Canadian context
5.S.1- Develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking
5.S.2- Develop skills of historical thinking
5.S.3- Develop skills of geographic thinking
5.S.4- Demonstrate skills of decision making and problem solving
5.S.7- Apply the research process
5.S.8- Demonstrate skills of oral, written, and visual literacy
Key Terms/Concepts
Aboriginal Inuit
Anthropology Metis
Archeology New France
Coureurs de Bois Reserve
Elder Seigneurial System
First Nations Treaties
Francophone Voyageurs
Fur Trade
Lesson Breakdown
Week 1 (January 6-10)- Intro to Unit- SLO 5.2.1
-School events: Ski trip January 7
-Focus Questions: What is history? (How do we study history, types/sources of history, what
do we associate with Canadian history, etc.) and What is identity?
-Activities: Class discussion of questions related to above focus questions, Completion of
KWL charts after discussion, Creating collages of Canadian identity/history on front of
-Assessment Formative: KWL Charts, observation of discussions, completed collages
Week 2 (January 13-17)- FNMI- SLO- 5.2.2
-Focus Questions: Who are the FNMI people of Canada? What makes FNMI culture unique?
What are some core FNMI beliefs?
-Activities: Students will plant beans after a discussion of the FNMI connection to the land
(specifically discuss Three Sisters), Class brainstorm and notes in flipbook about core
components of FNMI culture and beliefs
-Assessment Formative: Observation of lesson/discussion
Week 10 (March 9-13)- Settlers / Start Fur Trade and NWMP- SLO 5.2.8 and 5.2.4
-Focus Questions: What was the fur trade? How did different groups influence the fur trade?
-Activities: Settler Letters, Fur Trade Game
-Assessment Summative: Write a letter from the perspective of a settler to your family back
home, Formative: Observation of Fur Trade Game and Related Discussion