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Culvert - Helcor Corrugated Steel Pipe (Armtec)

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Drainage Solutions in Steel

Hel-Cor Lock-Seam Corrugated Steel Pipe

Armtec first introduced Hel-Cor pipe thin-walled structure.
to the construction industry in 1970. Vertical live and dead-loads are
Since then, Hel-Cor has proven its transferred to the surrounding soil,
effectiveness and durability in thus creating a composite steel/soil
countless installations, under diverse interaction, effectively distributing
conditions. the load around the entire circumfer-
The inherent strength of these ence. Unit pressure on the top and
helically-corrugated, light-weight bottom of the pipe can be as little as
steel sections, in conjunction with one third of that encountered with Flexible Ring Compression
the diversity of sizes, couplings, rigid pipe under identical conditions.
fittings, and finishes, combine to Economy of Installation
make Hel-Cor one of the most Depending upon the installation, cost
versatile, cost-effective systems for savings in excess of 25% over other
applications such as: systems are not uncommon.
• Culverts The long, light-weight sections of
• Sewers Hel-Cor pipe lend themselves to fast,
• Stream Enclosures easy handling and installation with
light equipment and simple tools.
• Underpasses
Shapes: The full-round pipe is used
• Intakes for most typical, general-purpose
• Outfalls applications.
• Water transmission lines Pipe-arch is used where headroom is
limited. The low, wide pipe-arch shape Rigid Ring Compression
The annular corrugated pipe ends, provides the required hydraulic
when fitted with Hugger bands capacity at lower depths of flow. For
and O-ring gaskets, provide fast, unrestricted run-off at low water
conduits with very low rates of levels, the pipe-arch is very effective.
infiltration and exfiltration.
Selection guides for full round and
Hel-Cor is available in diameters pipe-arch are shown in Tables 6 to 14.
ranging from 150 to 3600 mm, in
two shapes (full-round and pipe- Corrugations: Hel-Cor lock-seam
arch); two corrugations; five wall pipe is supplied in three corrugations:
thicknesses; and three factory- 38 x 6.5 mm, 68 x 13 mm, and 125 x
applied finishes. The material and 26 mm. The latter provides additional
fabrication of Hel-Cor Lock Seam stiffness, which is especially impor-
Pipe conforms to CSA Standard tant with larger pipes to minimize
CAN/CSA G401. deflection during backfilling. Refer to
pages 6 and 7 for the section proper-
Flexibility and High ties of the three corrugations.
Compressive Strength Table 1 - Corrugation Profiles (mm) & Diameters
The helical corrugations and Nominal
continuous lock-seam provide Pitch Depth Inside Diameter (mm)
high ring compression strength
in a relatively light-weight, 38 6.5 150, 200, 250
68 13 300 - 2000
125 26 1200 - 3600

Durability Considerations – sides of the steel sheet. This When used with O-ring gaskets, the
Three Finishes product combines the strength of Hugger Band provides an extremely
To accommodate a variety of steel with the durability of high tight joint with low infiltration and
durability and hydraulic design density polymer. exfiltration rates.
considerations, three factory-applied
finishes are available. These are
Galvanized Steel, Aluminized Steel
Type 2 and Polymer Coated Steel.
Galvanized Steel: This standard
general-purpose finish is a
continuous galvanized coating
applied using stringent quality
control procedures to ensure
excellent bonding of the coating to
the steel. These installations have
proven their durability in many years
of field application.
Generally, most culvert and storm
sewer sites in Canada experience
relatively neutral conditions. The Annular Corrugated Ends:
heavy zinc coating of the standard Couplers and Fittings
galvanized finish provides sufficient
Hel-Cor pipe features universal
protection in most installations.
annular corrugated ends, so a variety
Aluminized Steel Type 2: For more of couplings may be used for the
corrosive environments, Armtec pipe and pipe-arch.
recommends the use of Aluminized
Three types of couplers are
Steel Type 2. The aluminum coating
has superior corrosion resistance
than zinc galvanizing and displays • Hugger Band
better abrasion resistance. Most • Annular corrugated standard bolt
agencies use a service life estimate and angle coupler
that is significantly greater than that
of plain galvanized steel. • Dimpled coupling band
Polymer Coated CSP: In Hugger Band: Armtec offers a
particularly aggressive environments highly effective Hugger Band joint.
consideration should be given to the These 500 mm wide bands are
use of polymer coated corrugated recommended for storm sewers and
steel pipe. Polymer coated CSP other installations where low leakage
utilizes galvanized steel protected by rates and resistance to longitudinal
a mechanically and chemically disjointing are prime requirements.
laminated polymer film on both

Standard Annular Corrugated
Coupler: The standard annular
corrugated coupler, fitted with bolt
and angle attachments, seats
snugly onto the pipe-end
corrugations, and is suitable for
most general-purpose applications.

Dimpled Coupling Band: This

coupler is used where helical and/or
annular corrugated pipe ends are to
be coupled. Dimpled couplers are
available with steel angles or with
wedge connectors as shown.
Angle Type: 300 to 1800 mm
Wedge Type: 300 to 1200 mm

Fittings Typical Fittings

Standard fittings such as: tees,
wyes, elbows, saddle branches,
and reducers are available for the
round pipe and pipe-arch.
Special fittings, such as manholes
and catchbasins can be
custom-fabricated to suit individual

Armtec supplies durable, lightweight
end-sections for improved hydraulic
efficiency and erosion control. These
sections help reduce scour at inlets
and undermining at outlets, while
providing an attractive, economical
means of blending the culvert ends
with the sloping embankment.
There are a variety of end finishes
available for corrugated steel pipe.
These options include skewed and
bevelled ends, steel and polymer end
sections and a variety of headwalls
and cut off walls.

Hel-Cor Pipe and
68 mm x 13 mm

Table 2 – Section Properties

Coated Design Area of Moment of Section Radius of Tangent Tangent Developed
Thickness Thickness Section Inertia Modulus Gyration Length Angle Width
(mm) (mm) (mm2/mm) (mm4/mm) (mm3/mm) (mm) (mm) (fo degrees) Factor*
1.6 1.40 1.512 28.367 4.024 4.332 19.578 26.734 1.080
2.0 1.82 1.966 37.108 5.111 4.345 19.304 26.867 1.080
2.8 2.64 2.852 54.565 7.114 4.374 18.765 27.136 1.080
3.5 3.35 3.621 70.159 8.743 4.402 18.269 27.381 1.081
4.2 4.08 4.411 86.706 10.334 4.433 17.755 27.643 1.081
* Developed width factor measures the increase in profile length due to corrugating.

Table 3 – Handling Weight and End Area

Pipe End Handling Weight - Galvanized (kg/m)
Diameter Area Wall Thickness (mm)
(mm) (m2) 1.3 1.6 2.0 2.8 3.5 4.2
150* 0.018 5.9 7.2
200* 0.031 7.7 9.5
250* 0.049 9.6 12
300 0.071 14 18
400 0.126 19 24
500 0.196 24 30
600 0.283 28 35 49
700 0.385 33 41 57
800 0.503 37 47 65
900 0.636 42 53 73 90
1000 0.785 58 81 100
1200 1.131 70 97 120
1400 1.539 113 140 168
1600 2.011 130 160 192
1800 2.545 179 215
2000 3.142 239

*38 x 6.4 corrugation profile

Hel-Cor Pipe Pitch = 125 mm

125 mm x 25 mm T
Corrugations Depth = 25 mm
Radius = 40 mm

Table 4 – Section Properties

Coated Design Area of Moment of Section Radius of Tangent Tangent Developed
Thickness Thickness Section Inertia Modulus Gyration Length Angle Width
(mm) (mm) (mm2/mm) (mm4/mm) (mm3/mm) (mm) (mm) (fo degrees) Factor*
1.6 1.40 1.549 133.300 9.730 9.277 18.568 35.564 1.106
2.0 1.82 2.014 173.720 12.489 9.287 17.970 35.811 1.107
2.8 2.64 2.923 253.237 17.684 9.308 16.742 36.330 1.107
3.5 3.35 3.711 322.743 21.993 9.326 15.600 36.826 1.108
* Developed width factor measures the increase in profile length due to corrugating.

Table 5 – Handling Weight and End Area

Pipe End Handling Weight - Galvanized (kg/m)

Diameter Area Wall Thickness (mm)
(mm) (m2) 1.6 2.0 2.8 3.5
1200 1.131 57 71 100 124
1400 1.539 83 116 144
1600 2.011 95 132 165
1800 2.545 106 148 185
2000 3.142 118 165 205
2200 3.801 129 181 225
2400 4.524 141 197 245
2700 5.726 159 222 276
3000 7.069 246 306
3300 8.553 270 336
3600 10.179 367

Hel-Cor Pipe Height of Cover Limits
CL-625 (CAN CSA-S6-06) and AREMA Cooper E-80 Loadings
Table 6 – 68 mm x 13 mm Corrugations
Maximum Cover in Metres
Specified Thickness in Millimetres
Diameter Minimum Cover
(mm) CL-625 E-80 1.60 (mm) 2.00 (mm) 2.80 (mm) 3.50 (mm) 4.20 (mm)

300 300 300 70 91

400 300 300 53 68
500 300 300 42 54
600 300 300 35 45 66
700 300 300 30 39 57
800 300 300 26 34 50
900 300 300 23 30 44 56 70
1000 300 300 21 27 40 50 63
1200 300 300 23 33 42 52
1400 300 500 27 35 43
1600 300 500 22 28 35
1800 500 500 22 27
2000 500 500 22

Table 7 – 125 mm x 25 mm Corrugations

Maximum Cover in Metres
Specified Thickness in Millimetres
Diameter Minimum Cover
(mm) CL-625 E-80 1.60 (mm) 2.00 (mm) 2.80 (mm) 3.50 (mm)

1200 300 500 18 23 34

1400 300 500 15 20 29 35
1600 300 500 13 18 25 31
1800 300 500 12 16 22 28
2000 300 500 11 14 20 25
2200 300 700 10 12 18 23
2400 500 700 11 17 21
2700 500 700 15 18
3000 500 1000 13 16
3300 500 1000 14
3600* 700 1000 12*

* Flexibility limit exceeded – for specified use only.

1. Dead load is based on a unit weight of backfill of 19kN/m3.
2. Where Height of Cover exceeds the Diameter, a reduction load factor of 0.86 has been used.
3. Live Load includes impact.
4. Minimum cover is taken from top of pipe to profile grade or to the top of the finished granular base.
5. Special care must be taken with truck loads during construction.
6. Foundation investigation is recommended practice.
7. The above Height of Cover tables are industry standards, Local, Provincial or Federal standards may differ.

Hel-Cor Pipe-Arch Details

Table 8 – 68 mm x 13 mm Corrugations 125 mm x 25 mm Corrugations (where available)

Diameter of Span Rise B Waterway Diameter of Span Rise B Waterway
Pipe of Equal (mm) (mm) (mm) Area Pipe of Equal (mm) (mm) (mm) Area
Periphery (Square Periphery (Square
(mm) Metres) (mm) Metres)

400 450 340 130 .11 1600 1780 1360 635 1.93
500 560 420 165 .19 1800 2010 1530 650 2.44
600 680 500 190 .27 2000 2230 1700 660 2.97
700 800 580 220 .37 2200 2500 1830 750 3.44
800 910 660 255 .48 2400 2800 1950 805 4.27
900 1030 740 265 .61 2700 3300 2080 905 5.39
1000 1150 820 310 .74 3000 3650 2280 1005 6.60
1200 1390 970 375 1.06 3300 3890 2690 1090 8.29
1400 1630 1120 430 1.44 3600 4370 2890 1195 9.76
1600 1880 1260 500 1.87
1800 2130 1400 560 2.36 Note: The pipe-arch is available with the 125 x 25 corrugation.

For weights of pipe-arches with the 68 x 13 corrugation refer to the

weight of the circular pipe with the equivalent periphery.

Table 9 – Height-of-Cover Limits for

Corrugated Steel Pipe-Arch CL-625 Live Load
Maximum Height of Fill (m)
Span x Rise Minimum for the Following
(mm) Thickness Corner Bearing
Required (mm) Pressures
200 kPa 300 kPa 400kPa
450 340 1.6 6.0 8.9 11.9
560 420 1.6 5.9 8.9 11.8
680 500 1.6 5.9 8.8 11.7
800 580 1.6 5.8 8.7 11.7
910 660 1.6 5.8 8.7 11.6
1030 740 1.6 5.7 8.6 11.5
1150 820 2.0 5.7 8.5 11.3
1390 970 2.8 5.6 8.4 11.2
1630 1120 3.5 5.5 8.2 11.0
1880 1260 3.5 5.4 8.1 10.8
2130 1400 3.5 5.3 8.0 10.6

Min. cover from top of pipe-arch to subgrade = 300 mm

Corner bearing pressures govern, in all cases.

Perforated Hel-Cor® Pipe
For Ground Water Control
First introduced by Armtec in 1925, any increase in pipe diameter is Pipe Outlets
perforated corrugated steel pipe required. Where extremely pervious Perforated pipe’s cantilever strength
provides a lasting system to drain material is being drained or where makes it ideal for use as a projecting
ground water under paved surfaces springs are encountered, larger sizes pipe outlet.
such as roadways, parking lots, may be required. Free outlets are important, and the
airport runways, recreational areas as failure of subdrains to properly
well as areas adjacent to buildings, Placing of Perforations
Armtec recommends that the pipe be function can often be attributed to
bridge abutments and retaining plugged, damaged or improper
walls. It offers exceptional perform- placed with the perforations down.
This hinders solids from entering the outlets. Outlet pipes should be
ance for ground water drainage in protected from damage by
low lying areas like parklands, farms pipe and keeps the water table lower.
maintenance equipment. A suitable
and agricultural areas. Recommended Backfill barrier such as a hinged rodent trap
Perforated Hel-Cor is widely accepted The trench should be excavated with should be used to keep out wildlife
as a practical, durable, economical approximately 100 mm of clearance whose nests could cause clogging.
means of controlling unwanted at the sides of the pipe so that
ground water. This solution is effi- pervious backfill can surround the
pipe. For the filter backfill, concrete
Spacing of Laterals
cient and costs less than repeated Draining large, comparatively flat
surface repairs and virtually elimi- sand or other commonly available
areas usually requires a parallel or
nates maintenance concerns. coarse sand-gravel mixtures perform
herringbone system of drainage pipe.
satisfactorily for perforated pipe in
Perforated pipe is available in plain table No. 10 may be used as a gener-
most soils.
galvanized for most applications. In al guide in laying out the system. The
particularly aggressive environments, Geotextile spacing used on highways and rail-
it is strongly recommended that con- Geotextile is widely used in ways is controlled by the location of
sideration be given to using either perforated pipe applications, the water-bearing strata.
Aluminized Steel Type II. particularly where graded filter
material is not available. Armtec can
Pipe Size Selection
provide a low-cost knitted polyester
For normal subdrainage, the
sock to encase the pipe. More critical
infiltration of ground water is very
installations call for a high quality
slow. Therefore, approximately 150
non-woven geotextile such as
metres of 150 mm diameter pipe
Armtec 140 to separate the trenchfill
may be used as an interceptor before
from the native material.

Standard Perforations
Table 10 - Dimensions, Thicknesses and Spacing of Perforations*
Nominal Minimal No. Minimum Width Normal
Internal of Rows of Unperforated Thickness
Diameter Perforations Segment Specified
150 mm 6 110 mm 1.3 mm
200 mm 6 150 mm 1.3 mm
250 mm 6 185 mm 1.6 mm
300 mm 6 230 mm 1.6 mm
400 mm 6 305 mm 1.6 mm
* Random hole spacing around the circumference is available on request.
*All perforations nominal 10 mm diameter

Hel-Cor Installation: Bedding and Backfilling
Well graded, drainable backfill is
recommended for good compaction.
The designer should refer to the
gradation and backfill specifications
of the appropriate provincial highway
standard. Stumps, rocks, frozen lumps
and other debris should be removed
from the bedding site.
Round pipe can be built on a flat
sand cushion with rodding and tamp-
ing of the backfill around the
haunches. Alternatively, the pipe
can be installed on a pre-shaped
granular base.
The pipe-arch bottom arc must
be erected on a pre-shaped sand
cushion. The support under the
bottom arc should be relatively
yielding but under the corner
haunches the supporting ground
must be highly stable. Special
attention should be given to
compacting the backfill around the
corner arcs where the highest soil
pressures develop.
Backfill should be spread in 150 mm
layers alternating from one side of
the pipe to the other, and should
extend above the pipe to a minimum
height of 300 mm or one sixth the
span, whichever is greater.
Compaction using suitable
mechanical equipment should be
carried out to achieve the specified
backfill density.
Care must be taken to ensure that the
pipe or pipe-arch is not damaged by
heavy equipment traffic during con-

Other uses for Hel-Cor Corrugated Steel Pipe
Wind Farms Pole Cribs

Stormwater Detention Tanks Temporary Smoke Stacks Relines

• Void Tubes • Firewater Tanks

• Hickenbottom Drains • Utilidors

Head Office: 370 Speedvale Ave. W., P.O. Box 3000, Guelph, ON N1H 6P2
Sales Offices: Nanaimo, Prince George, Langley, Edmonton, Calgary, Lethbridge,
Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, Sudbury, Guelph, Peterborough, Chesterville,
Forest, Orangeville, Comber, Montreal, Quebec City, St. Clet, Sackville, Truro,
Sleeman Park, Bishop’s Falls and St. John’s.
in Steel

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