NSQFElectricianTP3rdSem PDF
NSQFElectricianTP3rdSem PDF
NSQFElectricianTP3rdSem PDF
3rd Semester
SECTOR: Electrical
Post Box No. 3142, CTI Campus, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032
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Sector : Electrical
Duration : 2 - Years
Trade : Electrician 3rd Semester - Trade Practical - NSQF (LEVEL - 5)
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The Government of India has set an ambitious target of imparting skills to 30 crores people, one out of
every four Indians, by 2020 to help them secure jobs as part of the National Skills Development Policy.
Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) play a vital role in this process especially in terms of providing skilled
manpower. Keeping this in mind, and for providing the current industry relevant skill training to Trainees,
ITI syllabus has been recently updated with the help of Mentor Councils comprising of various stakeholder's
viz. Industries, Entrepreneurs, Academicians and representatives from ITIs.
National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI), Chennai has come up with instructional material to suit the
revised curriculum for Electrician 3rd Semester Trade Practical NSQF (LEVEL - 5) in Electrical sector
under Semester Pattern required for ITIs and related institutions imparting skill development. The
NSQF (LEVEL- 5) will help the trainees to get an international equivalency standard where their skill
proficiency and competency will be duly recognized across the globe and this will also increase the
scope of recognition of prior learning. NSQF (LEVEL - 5) trainees will also get the opportunities to promote
life long learning and skill development. I have no doubt that with NSQF (LEVEL - 5) the trainers and
trainees of ITIs, and all stakeholders will derive maximum benefits from these IMPs and that NIMI's effort
will go a long way in improving the quality of Vocational training in the country.
The Executive Director & Staff of NIMI and members of Media Development Committee deserve appreciation
for their contribution in bringing out this publication.
Jai Hind
Director General / Addl. Secretary,
Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship,
Government of India.
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The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) was established in 1986 at Chennai by then Directorate
General of Employment and Training (D.G.E & T), Ministry of Labour and Employment, (now under Ministry
of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship) Government of India, with technical assistance from the Govt.
of the Federal Republic of Germany. The prime objective of this institute is to develop and provide instructional
materials for various trades as per the prescribed syllabi (NSQF) under the Craftsman and Apprenticeship
Training Schemes.
The instructional materials are created keeping in mind, the main objective of Vocational Training under
NCVT/NAC in India, which is to help an individual to master skills to do a job. The instructional materials
are generated in the form of Instructional Media Packages (IMPs). An IMP consists of Theory book,
Practical book, Test and Assignment book, Instructor Guide, Audio Visual Aid (Wall charts and
Transparencies) and other support materials.
The trade practical book consists of series of exercises to be completed by the trainees in the workshop.
These exercises are designed to ensure that all the skills in the prescribed syllabus are covered. The trade
theory book provides related theoretical knowledge required to enable the trainee to do a job. The test and
assignments will enable the instructor to give assignments for the evaluation of the performance of a
trainee. The wall charts and transparencies are unique, as they not only help the instructor to effectively
present a topic but also help him to assess the trainee's understanding. The instructor guide enables the
instructor to plan his schedule of instruction, plan the raw material requirements, day to day lessons and
IMPs also deals with the complex skills required to be developed for effective team work. Necessary care
has also been taken to include important skill areas of allied trades as prescribed in the syllabus.
The availability of a complete Instructional Media Package in an institute helps both the trainer and
management to impart effective training.
The IMPs are the outcome of collective efforts of the staff members of NIMI and the members of the Media
Development Committees specially drawn from Public and Private sector industries, various training institutes
under the Directorate General of Training (DGT), Government and Private ITIs.
NIMI would like to take this opportunity to convey sincere thanks to the Directors of Employment &
Training of various State Governments, Training Departments of Industries both in the Public and Private
sectors, Officers of DGT and DGT field institutes, proof readers, individual media developers and coordinators,
but for whose active support NIMI would not have been able to bring out this materials.
Chennai - 600 032 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
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National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) sincerely acknowledges with thanks for the co-operation and
contribution extended by the following Media Developers and their sponsoring organisations to bring out this
Instructional Material (Trade Practical) for the trade of Electrician NSQF (LEVEL - 5) under Electrical Sector
for ITIs.
NIMI records its appreciation for the Data Entry, CAD, DTP operators for their excellent and devoted services in
the process of development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI also acknowledges with thanks the invaluable efforts rendered by all other NIMI staff who have contributed
towards the development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI is also grateful to everyone who has directly or indirectly helped in developing this Instructional Material.
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This manual for trade practical is intended for use in the ITI workshop. It consists of a series of practical exercises
that are to be completed by the trainees during the first semester of course is the Electrician trade under
Electrical Sector. It is National Skills Qualifications Framework NSQF (LEVEL- 5), supplemented and
supported by instructions/information to assist the trainees in performing the exercise. The exercises are designed
to ensure that all the skills prescribed in the syllabus are covered including the allied trades.The syllabus for the
3rd Semester Electrician Trade under Electrical Sector Trade Practical is divided into Six Modules.The allocation
of time for the various modules is given below:
The syllabus and the content in the modules are interlinked. As the number of workstations available in the
electrical section is limited by the machinery and equipment, it is necessary to interpolate the exercises in the
modules to form a proper teaching and learning sequence. The sequence of instruction is given in the schedule
of instruction which is incorporated in the Instructor's Guide. With 25 practical hours a week of 5 working days
100 hours of practical per month is available.
The procedure for working through the 45 exercises for the 3rd semester with the specific objectives as the learning
out comes at the end of each exercise is given is this book.
The skill objectives and tools/instruments, equipment/machines and materials required to perform the exercise
are given in the beginning of each exercise.Skill training in the shop floor is planned through a series of practical
exercises/experiments to support the related theory to make the trainees get hands on trainning in the Electrician
trade along with the relevant cognitive skills appropriate for the level. A minimum number of projects have been
included to make the training more effective and develop attitude to work in a team. Pictorial, schematic, wiring
and circuit diagrams have been included in the exercises, wherever necessary, to assist the trainees broaden their
views. The symbols used in the diagrams comply with the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) specifications.
Illustrations in this manual, help trainess visual perspective of the ideas and concepts.The procedures to be
followed for completing the exercises is also given. Different forms of intermediate test questions have been
included in the exercises, to enhance the trainee to trainee and trainee to instructor interactions.
Skill Information
Skill areas which are repetitive in nature are given as separate skill information sheets. Skills which are to be
developed in specific areas are included in the exercises itself. Some subexercises are developed to fulfill the
sequence of exercises in keeping with the syllabus.
This manual on trade practical forms part of the Written Instructional Material (WIM). Which includes manual on
trade theory and assignment/test.
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Module 1 : DC Generator
3.1.117 Determine build up voltage of DC shunt generator with varying field excitation
and performance analysis on load 9
3.1.120 Perform no load and load test and determine characterstics of series and shunt
generators 18
3.1.121 Perform no load and load test and determine characterstics of compound
generators (cumulative and differential) 23
Module 2 : DC Motor
3.2.125 Dismantle and identify parts of three point and four point - DC motor starters 35
3.2.126 Assemble, service and repair three point and four point DC motor starters 37
3.2.127 Practice maintenance of carbon brushes, brush holders, commutator and sliprings 40
3.2.119 Start, run and reverse direction of rotation of DC series, shunt and
compound motors 45
3.2.128 Perform speed control of DC motors by field and armature control method 50
3.3.132 Make an internal connection of automatic star-delta starter with three contactors 69
3.3.133 Connect, start and run three phase induction motor by using DOL, star-delta
and auto transformer starters 74
3.3.134 Connect, start, run and reverse direction of rotation of slip-ring motor through rotor
resistance starter and determine performance characteristic 81
3.3.135 Determine the efficiency of squirrel cage induction motor by brake test 86
3.3.136 Determine the efficiency of 3 Phase squirrel cage induction motor by no-load test
and blocked rotor test 88
3.3.137 Measure slip and power factor to draw speed torque (slip/ torque) characteristics 91
3.3.138 Test for continuity and insulation resistance of three phase Induction motors 93
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3.3.139 Perform speed control of 3-phase induction motors by various methods like
rheostatic control, auto transformer etc. 96
3.3.140 Perform winding of three phase AC motor by developing connection diagram, test
and assemble 98
3.4.142 Identify parts and terminals of different types of single phase AC motors 114
3.4.143 Install connect and determine performance of single phase AC motor 121
3.4.144 Start run and reverse the direction of rotation of single phase AC motors 123
3.4.146 Compare starting and running winding currents of a capacitor run motor at various
loads and measure the speed 130
3.4.147 Carry out maintenance service and repair of AC single phase motors 131
3.4.148 Practice on single /double layer and concentric winding for AC motors, testing and
assembling 134
3.4.149 Connect, start, run and reverse the direction of rotation of universal motor 138
Module 5 : Alternator
3.5.153 Connect, start and run an alternator and build up the voltage 148
3.5.154 Determine the load performance and voltage regulation of a 3-phase alternator 150
3.6.156 Install a synchronous motor, identify its parts and terminals 158
3.6.157 Connect start and plot V-curves for synchronous motor under different excitation
and load conditions 161
3.6.159 Start, and load a MG set with 3 phase induction motor coupled to
DC shunt generator 165
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76 - 77 Revision
78 Examination
Tools/Instruments Materials
• Insulated combination pliers 200mm - 1 No. • P.V.C. Insulated cable 3/20 of
• Screwdriver 150mm - 1 No. 660 V grade -5m
• D.E. spanner set 5mm to 20mm - 1 No. • Kit-kat fuse unit 250V, 16A - 1 Set
(For a group of seven) • Pendent lamp-holder 240V, 6A - 1 No.
• S.P.T. switch 240V, 6A - 1 No.
• B.C. lamp 25/40 watt, 240V - 1 No.
• DC compound machine 220V - 1 No. • Fuse wire 5A - as reqd.
or 440V rating • Cleaning cloth - as reqd.
• Dismantled DC machine - 1 No.
TASK 1: Read and interpret the name plate details and identify the terminals of a DC compound machine
1 Read the name-plate details of the given DC compound
machine and record them in Table 1.
Table 1
Name-plate details
Type, model
Type of current
Function. generator/motor
Serial number
Type of connection sep/shunt/series/compound
Rated voltage volts Rated current amps
Rated power k.w. Rated speed .r.p.m.
Rated exc.voltage volts Rated Exc.current amps
Rating class. Direction of rotation
Insulation class Protection class
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TASK 2: Test and identify the pairs of terminals of a DC compound machine
1 1 and 2
2 1 and 3
3 1 and 4
4 1 and 5
Identify one of the cables as the phase cable and
connect it to the test lamp through the switch and fuse. 5 1 and 6
6 3 and 4
Care should be taken to avoid any part of your
body coming in contact with the bare portion of 7 3 and 5
the prods since 240V AC voltage is dangerous, 8 3 and 6
and may cause shock hazards. 9 5 and 6
Keep the switch in the 'off' position when the 10 Brush to -- 2
test lamp is not in use. 11 Brush to -- 3
3 Check the condition of the lamp. 5 Check the other two left out terminals, to ascertain
whether they belong to the same pairs of terminals.
If the lamp lights (Fig 3b) while touching any
one of the other terminals, then the terminal The pairs of terminals in which the lamp either
connected to Prod 1 and Prod 2 form pairs of burns dim or the prod contact point gives spark
the same circuit. Record the observations in as shown in Fig 4a form the shunt field terminals.
Table 2.
TASK 3: Identify the armature terminals pair out of 2 pairs of low resistive terminals
1 Connect prod 1 to any one of the identified low resistive 3 If the test lamp burns, then that pair belongs to the
(where lamp was burning bright) pairs. (Fig 4b) armature terminals. If not, try the other pairs. Mark the
terminals as A1 and A2 in (Fig 1b) and also enter in
2 Touch prod 2 to any one of the brushes. (Fig 4b)
Table 2.
Take care that the prod does not touch the 4 The remaining two terminals will be of series field
body/frame of the machine or any other metal terminals. Mark them as D1 and D2 in (Fig 1b) and also
part except the brush. enter in Table 2.
5 Show the results to your instructor.
1 Read and interpret the name plate details of the DC 3 Put the label on each parts with numbers.(Fig 5)
4 Record the name of the parts and draw the sketches of
2 Identify the parts of the DC machine. each parts in table 3.
Table 3
Sl.No. Label No Name of the parts Draw the sketches of the parts
1 2
2 3
3 1
4 5
5 9
6 8
7 7
8 4
9 10
10 6
Tools/Instruments Equipment/Machines
• Screwdriver 150 mm - 1 No. • Car battery 24V, 100 AH - 1 No.
• Insulated combination pliers 150 mm - 1 No. • Rheostat 250 ohms, 1 ampere - 1 No.
• D.E. spanner set 5mm to 18mm - 1 Set • DC compound machine 220V/ 3KW - 1 No.
• M.C. voltmeter 0 to 25V - 1 No. • Rheostat 10 ohm 5 A - 1 No.
• M.C. ammeter 0 to 100 milliamperes - 1 No.
• Series/ shunt type ohmmeter
0-50 ohms - 1 No. • PVC Insulated copper cable 1.5 sq mm -5m
• M.C. ammeter 0 to 5A - 1 No. • Crocodile clips 16A - 4 Nos.
• M.C. voltmeter 0 to 500V - 1 No. • Test lamp - 1 No.
Table 1
Name-plate details
Type, model
Type of current
Function. generator/motor
Fabrication or serial number.
Type of connection sep/shunt/series/compound
Rated voltage volts Rated current. amps
Rated power k.w. Rated speed .r.p.m.
Rated exc.voltage. volts Rated Exc.current.. amps
Rating class. Direction of rotation.
Insulation class Protection class
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TASK 2: Measure the shunt field resistance by the voltmeter and ammeter method
1 Connect the circuit as per Fig 1 and get the approval of 4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 for 40, 60, 80 and 100 mA current
the instructor. ratings.
5 Switch off the circuit and complete the tabular columns.
6 Calculate the average value of the field resistance and
show it to the instructor.
7 Disconnect the circuit after getting the approval by the
If the specified range of meters or supply is not
available, it can be carried out, as shown in
Fig 2, by using suitable meters and 220V DC.
2 Switch ‘on’ the circuit and adjust the rheostat to get
20 mA.
3 Read and record the voltmeter and milli-ammeter
readings in Table 2.
Table 2
1 20
2 40
3 60
4 80
5 100
1 Take a series type ohmmeter or multimeter; select a 2 Connect the meter leads to the shunt field terminals of
proper ohmic range and set its value to zero by the machine as per the Fig 3.
shorting the prods.
3 Read, and record the value of the shunt field resistance
Use a series type ohmmeter to measure high below. The value of the shunt field resistance is
value resistance. _______________ ohms.
1 Connect the armature terminals to the ammeter, 4 Read and record the volt and ammeter readings in
voltmeter, fuses, rheostat Rh1 and the battery. (Fig 4) Table 3.
Table 3
3 Adjust the reading of the ammeter to 0.5 amperes by 7 Complete the remaining columns of the table, find the
adjusting Rh1. average value of the armature resistance and show the
results to the instructor.
Move the armature to different positions by
hand and see that the reading remains constant. 8 Disconnect the circuit after getting by the approval of
the instructor.
1 Adjust ohms ‘Zero’ and ohms ‘Infinity’ of the ohmmeter. 3 Note down the meter reading and record it below.
Use a shunt type ohmmeter to measure the low Armature resistance value is________ ohms.
value resistance of the armature.
4 Replace the terminal cover and keep all tools, equipment
2 Connect the ohmmeter across the armature terminals and meters at their places.
(Fig 5) and measure the resistance.
5 Compare the readings of Task 1 & 2. If there is any
Move the armature to different positions by
difference, find the reasons for that and write your
hand and see that the reading remains constant.
conclusions in the space below.
Tools/Instruments Equipment/Machines
• Combination pliers 200mm - 1 No. • DC shunt generator 2 or 4 KW 220V - 1 No.
• Screwdriver 150mm - 1 No. • Rheostat 296 ohms 2.8 Amps - 1 No.
• Electrician's knife 100mm - 1 No. • Knife switch D.P.S.T. 16A - 1 No.
• Revolution counter 4 digits - 1 No. • Knife switch S.P.S.T. 16A - 1 No.
• Stopwatch - 1 No. • Lamp load 220v/5kw - 1 No.
• Ammeter MC 0-1A - 1 No. Materials
• Voltmeter MC 0-300V - 1 No.
• M.C ammeter o-20A - 1 No. • P.V.C. Insulated cable 2.5 sq.mm -5m
• Fuse wire 10 A - 0.2 m
• P.V C Insulated flexible cable 14/0.2 -2m
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9 Close the field circuit switch and gradually increase the Increase the field current only till the induced
field current to 0.1 ampere by reducing the resistance voltage reaches just above 125% of the rated
of the field rheostat. value. Check the speed of the generator at
If the generator is not able to build up voltage intervals. If necessary, adjust it to the rated
even though it is running in the marked value.
direction, switch off the prime mover and then 11 Switch ‘OFF’ the DC generator and the prime mover.
interchange the field terminals of the generator.
While varying the field rheostat/regulator it 12 Draw the graph keeping the induced voltage in the ‘Y’
should be done positively and slowly in the axis and the field current in the X axis.
forward direction. Reverse movement should The graph shows the magnetisation / no-load
be avoided. characteristic of the DC shunt generator.
10 Increase the field current slowly in steps of 0.1 ampere, 13 Show your readings and graph to your instructor.
and for each step, note down the field current and the
corressponding induced voltage. Record them in
Table 1.
Table 1
Skill Sequence
A hand tachometer (Fig 1) is a portable instrument and is To use a hand tachometer (Fig 2)
used for measuring the speed of the rotating machinery.
= d NT r.p.m.
Table 2
2 Armature resis-
tance = ohms
8 Determine open circuit voltage V = E – Ia . Ra Therefore, at no load, the terminal voltage comes to
where E is the induced emf V = E –- (0 + Ish) . Ra.
Ia is the armature current
Ra is the armature resistance. 10 Close the load switch and gradually load the generator
by switching `ON' a few lamps.
9 Determine the armature current Ia = IL + Ish 11 Read the corresponding terminal voltage, shunt field
where IL is the load current current, load current, and record them in Table 2.
Ish is the field urrent. Check the speed of the generator at intervals,
and adjust it to the rated value.
In the case of no load IL = 0
12 Increase the load current up to 125% of its rated
hence Ia= Ish. value in 6 or 8 equal steps.
Tools/Instruments Equipment/Machines
• Insulated cutting pliers 150 mm - 1 No. • DC compound machine of any rating - 1 No.
• Megger 500V - 1 No. Materials
• Screwdriver 150 mm - 1 No.
• D/E spanner set 5 to 18mm - 1 Set • PVC Insulated flexible copper cable
24/0.2 mm -4m
• Crocodile clips 16 amps - 2 Nos.
TASK 1: Test a DC machine for continuity
1 Switch off the designated main switch of the DC 6 Test the continuity of the shunt field terminals E1 and E2
machine and remove the fuse-carriers. (Fig 1c) using a Megger.
2 Note the name-plate details in Table 1. (As given in Continuity between the terminals of the same
exercise 3.1.115) winding is a must. In case of no continuity,
3 Identify the pairs of the terminals from the marking. inform the instructor immediately. You can
proceed for insulation test, only when there is
4 Test the continuity of the armature terminals A1 and A2. continuity between the terminals of the same
(Fig 1a) winding. However, at certain times, the
5 Test the continuity of the series field terminals D1 and continuity test will not reveal internal short
D2 (Fig 1b) using a Megger. circuits. The best method is to measure the
resistance of the winding, and compare it with
the previous reading to check the correctness.
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TASK 2: Test a DC machine for insulation resistance between windings
1 Fill up the columns 1 to 4 in Table 1. 5 Connect the Megger ( Fig 2c) to measure the insulation
resistance between the armature and series field.
2 Connect the Megger between armature and shunt field
terminals. (Fig 2a) 6 Repeat step 3.
3 Rotate the Megger at its rated speed, and note down the The measured value should not be less than 1
reading in Table 1. megohm.
4 Repeat step 3 for testing the insulation between the
shunt field and series field after connecting the Megger
terminals. (Fig 2b)
Table 1
Insulation resistance test between windings of a DC machine
Armature and
shunt field
Shunt and
series field
Series field
and armature
TASK 3: Test a DC machine for insulation resistance between armature/winding and body
1 Fill up the columns 1 to 4 in Table 2. If any reading is zero ohms, it shows a short
2 Connect the Megger between the armature and body circuit of that winding to the body.
(Fig 3a) and repeat step 3 of Task 2, and note down the If the reading is less than one megohm, it
reading in Table 2. shows that the insulation is weak. If the value
3 Connect the Megger between the series winding and is less than one megohm, inform your
body (Fig 3b) and repeat step 3 of Task 2, and note down instructor immediately so that the necessary
the reading in Table 2. remedial steps could be taken to improve the
insulation resistance.
4 Connect the Megger between the shunt winding and
body (Fig 3c) and repeat step 3 of Task 2, and note down 5 Show the results to your instructor and get his approval.
the reading in Table 2.
Armature and
the body
Series field
and the body
Shunt field
and the body
Start, run and reverse direction of rotation of DC series, shunt and compound
Note : Exercise 3.1.119 is related to DC Motor and thus placed after the Exercise 3.2.127
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Electrical Exercise 3.1.120
Electrician - DC Generator
Perform no load and load test and determine characterstics of series and
shunt generators
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• test and identify the terminals of DC series generator
• conduct no load test of a DC series generator
• conduct load test and charactersistics of a series generator
• conduct no load test of a DC shunt generator
• perform load test and characterstic of the shunt generator.
Tools/Instruments Equipment/Machines
• Combination pliers 200mm - 1 No. • DC series generator 2 or 4 KW 220V - 1 No.
• Screw driver 150 mm - 1 No. • DC shunt generator 2 or 4KW 220V - 1 No.
• Electricians knife 100mm - 1 No. • Rheostat 480Ω 1A - 1 No.
• Revolution counter 4 digits - 1 No. • Knife switch DPST 20A/250V - 1 No.
• Stop watch - 1 No. • Knife switch SPST 16A/250V - 1 No.
• M.C ammeter 0 to 5A 250V - 1 No. • Lamp load 220V/5KW - 1 No.
• M.C voltmeter 0-300V - 1 No.
• M.C ammeter 15A 250V - 1 No
• P.V.C. Insulated cable 2.5 sq.mm -6m
• Fuse wire 16A - 0.5m
• P.V.C Insulated flexible cable 14/0.2 -2m
1 Place all the materials and tools on the work bench. 6 Measure the speed of the generator with the help of the
2 Read and interpret the name plate details of the given revolution counter and stop watch.
generator. 7 Adjust the prime mover speed such that the generator
3 Identify the terminals of the given DC series generator. runs at its rated speed.
8 Measure the voltage induced across the armature and
note down the measured value in Table 1.
9 Increase the field current slowly in steps of 0.1 ampers
and for each step note down the field current and the
corrersponding induced voltage and record them in
Table 1.
10 Switch off the DC generator and the prime mover.
11 Draw the graph keeping the induced voltage in the ‘Y’
axis and the field current in the x axis.
4 Connect the circuit as per Fig 1.
12 Show your readings and graph to your Instructor.
5 Start the generator and note down readings.
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Table 1
Table 3
Table 4
Armature resis-
tance = ohms
Remember 10 Close the load switch and gradually load the generator
by switching `ON' a few lamps.
Open circuit voltage V = E – Ia . Ra 11 Read the corresponding terminal voltage, shunt field
where E is the induced emf current, load current, and record them in Table 4.
Ia is the armature current
Ra is the armature resistance. Check the speed of the generator at intervals,
and adjust it to the rated value.
The armature current Ia = IL + Ish 12 Increase the load current up to 125% of its rated value
where IL is the load current in 6 or 8 equal steps.
Ish is the field current. 13 Note down the corresponding terminal voltage and field
current for each step of load current in Table 4.
In the case of no load IL = 0 14 Gradually reduce the load current to zero and switch
hence Ia= Ish. 'OFF' the load circuit and the prime mover.
Therefore, at no load, the terminal voltage comes to
V = E –- (0 + Ish) . Ra.
Tools/Instruments Equipment/Machines
• Combination pliers 200mm - 1 No. • DC compound generator 220V 4KW - 1 No.
• M.C. voltmeter 0-250V - 1 No. • Lamp load/resistance load/water load
• Screwdriver 150mm - 1 No. of capacity 220V 5KW - 1 No.
• M.C. ammeter 0-20A - 1 No.
• Electrician's knife - 1 No.
• Rheostat 296 ohms 2.8 amp - 1 No. • PVC Insulated copper cable 4 sq mm -5m
• DPST knife switch 16A 240V - 1 No.
TASK 1: Conncect, build up and determine the load performance characteristic of a DC long shunt compound
generator : (a) cumulative (b) differential.
1 Read and interpret the name-plate details of the To check whether the compound generator is
given DC compound generator and record them in connected for cumulatively compound or
Table 1.(As given in exercise 3.1.116) differentially compound which will not be easy
2 Select meters, rheostat and cables according to the at this stage. But this could be determined after
rating of the available DC compound generator. loading.
Rating of meters, rheostat and cables given in 5 Provide a suitable fuse according to the rating of the DC
this exercise, are for 4kW 220V DC compound compound generator.
generator. If any other rating machine is given, Keep the load switch and all the load sub-circuit
you have to select meters of appropriate ranges switches open.
and cables of proper ratings.
Keep the field rheostat sliding arm in such a
3 Identify the terminals of the DC compound generator position that the maximum value of resistance
either from the marking or by testing. is included in the field circuit.
4 Connect the machine as per the connection diagram. 6 Start the prime mover coupled to the DC compound
(Fig 1) generator, and build up the voltage of the DC
compound generator to its rated value.
7 Switch `ON' the load.
8 Increase the load step by step, note the values of the
terminal voltage and load current for each step, and
enter them in Table 1.
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Table 1 To change the generator from one type to the
Long shunt compound generator other, either the shunt or the series field terminals
have to be changed. Fig 2 shows the connection
I EXERCISE II EXERCISE diagram of the compound machine after
changing the series field terminals whereas the
Sl.No Load current TPD Sl.No Load current TPD initial connection is shown in Fig 1.
10 Open the load switch and stop the prime mover.
11 Interchange the connections of the series field. (Fig 2)
TASK 2: Determine the load performance of DC short shunt compound generator : a) Cumulative b) Differential
1 Check connections (Figs 1 & 2) are for a long shunt 2 Repeat the experiment for the short shunt cumulative
compound generator. and differential compound generators following steps 5
to 13 of Task 1, and enter the values in Table 2.
Complete the connection diagrams shown in
Figs 3a and 3b for the short shunt cumulative, 3 Draw the external characteristic curves on a separate
and differential compound generator, and get graph sheet in the same scale as in the earlier graphs,
it approved by the instructor. and compare with them.
Table 2
Short shunt compound generator
Note : Exercise 3.1.122 is related to DC Motor and thus placed after the Exercise 3.2.128.
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Electrical Exercise 3.1.123
Electrician - DC Generator
Tools/Instruments Materials
• Pulley puller 6" - 1 No. • Kerosene - 1 litre
• Hammer 500 gms - 1 No. • Cotton cloth - 1/4 sq. m.
• Cutting pliers 200mm - 1 No. • Carbon tetrachloride - 100 ml.
• Centre punch 100mm. length - 1 No. • Round brush for cleaning 2cm - 1 No.
• Spanner set 5mm to 20mm - 1 set • Petrol - 200 mil.
• Screwdriver, heavy duty - 200 mm • Sandpaper No.1 - 1 sheet
• Tray 300 x 300 mm - 1 No. • Hacksaw blade 300 mm - 3 Nos.
• Mallet, hardwood 60mm dia. - 1 No. • Sandpaper `oo' smooth - 1 sheet
• "Man on line" board - 1 No. • Mobile oil S.A 40 - 1/2 litre
• Electric blower 240V 50HZ - 1 No. • Cotton waste - 100 gms
• Shell alvania 3 grease or equivalent - 100 gms
• Hardwood 3cm sq. 20cm long - 2 pieces
• DC compound generator - 1 No.
TASK 1: Dismantle, inspect and reassemble DC compound generator
1 Read the manufacturer's instruction booklet, and
particularly take into account any special instructions
regarding dismantling procedures.
2 Remove the fuse-carriers from the main switch,
disconnect the DC machine from the supply and display
the "Man-on-line board" on the main switch.
3 Remove the foundation bolts of the machine and shift
the machine to the workbench.
4 Conduct a visual inspection.
5 Clean the outside surface of the motor. Remove all dirt
and grease with a dry cloth soaked in petrol/kerosene.
Do not use water.
6 Make punch marks on both the end plates and yoke.
(Fig 1)
7 Mark the rocker arm position with respect to the end
8 Remove the brushes from the brush-holder. (Fig 2)
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9 Check pulley tight and adjust. (Fig 3). 13 Remove the bearings using a bearing puller (Fig 6).
2 End-play
4 Bearing fits
5 Lubrication, grease,
nipples oil supply
6 Temperature bearings
• Prony brake system complete - 1 No.
• Insulated cutting pliers 150mm - 1 No.
• DC shunt motor 220V 2/3 HP - 1 No.
• Screwdriver 150mm - 1 No.
• 220V 4 - point starter - 1 No.
• D.E. spanner set 5mm to 20mm - 1 No.
• Rheostat 100 ohms 2 amps - 1 No.
• 500V Megger - 1 No.
• Brake test arrangement with
• Multimeter/ohmmeter 0 to 2 K ohms - 1 No.
two spring balances of 25 and
• M.C.ammeter 0-15A - 1 No.
50 kg rating - 1 Set
• M.C. volmeter 0-300V - 1 No.
• 220V DC compound motor 2 or 3
• Tachometer 300-3000 r.p.m - 1 No.
with prony brake loading arrangment - 1 Set
Equipment/Machines Materials
• D.C. series motor 220V 3 H.P - 1 No.
• 2.5 sqmm PVC insulated multi-strand
• ICDP switch 250V 16A - 1 No.
copper cable - 6 m.
• 2- Point starter - 1 No.
• Fuse wire 5A &10A. - as reqd.
• Dial type spring balance
• Test lamp - 1 No.
25kg capacity - 1 No.
TASK 1: Conduct the load performance test on a DC series motor
1 Note down the name-plate details.
2 Identify the terminals of the given DC series motor and
test for insulation and ground.
3 Select and collect the required equipment, apparatus
and cables, and connect the motor as per the circuit
diagram. (Fig 1)
The DC series motor should not be started or
made to run without load.
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4 Start the DC series motor slowly by moving the starter 10 Measure the radius of the pulley and calculate the
handle to the ‘ON’ position. torque, horsepower and efficiency.
5 Check the speed, load current and input voltage. Adjust 11 Draw the following characteristic curves.
the load current to 1/4th of the F.L. value by adjusting
- Speed versus load
the load.
- Torque versus load
6 Measure the speed, load current, voltage and read the
spring balance and record in Table 1. - Speed versus torque
7 Slowly increase the load in steps up to full load. Record 12 Write your conclusion about the relationship between
the measurement for 1/2, 3/4 and full load. speed and load, torque and load, speed and torque and
efficiency and load.
8 Tabulate all the readings in the tabular columns provided
in Table 1. CONCLUSION
9 Stop the motor by switching it off after taking all the
Table 1
Sl. Applied Line Spring Radius T1 Torque T Torque N Speed OP = (2πNT) Efficiency =
No. voltage current balance of pulley in in N.M in 60 (OP x 100)
(volts) (amps) W1 W2 (metre) Kilogram NM= r.p.m. (where N is IP
kg kg metre 1 kg mx9.81 the speed in r.p.m.
& T is the torque
in newton metre)
1 Read and interpret the name-plate details and record it. 6 Connect the DC shunt motor as per the circuit
diagram.(Fig 2) Keep the shunt regulator rheostat in the
2 Switch `OFF' the mains and remove the fuses.
cut out position, and the mechanical load applied
3 Determine the terminals of the DC shunt motor. through the brake to zero value.
4 Test the shunt motor for continuity, short circuit and
insulation resistance between
• the windings
• the windings and the earth.
5 Select a proper rating of I.C.D.P. switch, cables, fuse
wire and 4-point starter according to the rating of the
given DC shunt motor.
1 Switch on and move the 4-point starter handle, gradually 10 Write the conclusion by highlighting the relation between
up to `ON' position.
• speed and load
2 Measure the speed, and if necessary, adjust the speed
to the rated value by adjusting the shunt regulator • torque and load
rheostat and note down the reading in Table 2. • torque and speed.
3 Increase the load step by step by tightening the
4 Measure the speed each step read the meters and the
spring balances and record them in Table 2. Load the
motor up to its full load value.
5 Reduce the load gradually and switch `OFF' the motor. 11 Calculate the efficiency of the given DC shunt motor by
6 Measure the radius of the pulley in metres and calculate applying the following formula and record it in Table 2.
the torque in kg. metres.
2π NT
Output = newton metres/sec. or watts
Torque in kg.m = (W1 – W2)kg x radius of pulley 60
in meters where W1 is the reading of the tight
where N is the speed in r.p.m.
side spring balance and W2 is the reading of the
slack side of the spring balance in kilograms. T is the torque in newton metres.
7 Draw the speed load characteristic curve, keeping the (To convert the torque in Kg metre to newton metre
load (line) current in the X-axis and the speed in the multiply Kg M by 9.81.)
Y-axis. Input = VI
8 Draw the torque-load characteristic in the same graph
where V is the applied voltage, I is the line current.
sheet, keeping the load (line) current in the X-axis and
torque in the Y-axis.
9 Draw the torque-speed characteristic in the same graph Hence efficiency = x100
sheet, keeping the torque in the X-axis and the speed
in the Y-axis.
2πNT × 100
Use different colours for each curve. = percentage.
60 × VI
Table 2
Sl. No. Applied Line Spring Radius T1 Torque T Torque N Speed OP = (2πNT ) Efficiency =
voltage current balance of pulley in in N.M in 60 (OP x 100)
(volts) (amps) W1 W2 (metre) Kilogram NM= r.p.m. (where N is IP
(kg) (kg) metre 1 kg mx9.81 the speed in r.p.m.
& T is the torque
in newton metre)
Sl. No. Applied Line Spring Radius T1 Torque T Torque NSpeed OP= (2πNT) Efficiency =
voltage current balance of pulley in in N.M in 60 (OP x 100) / IP
(volts) (amps) W1 W2 (metre) Kilogram NM= r.p.m. (where N is
(kg) (kg) metre 1 kg mx9.81 the speed in r.p.m.
& T is the torque
in newton metre)
Table 4
Sl.No. Applied Line Spring Radius T1 Torque T Torque N Speed OP= (2π NT) Efficiency =
voltage current balance of pulley in in N.M in 60 (OP x 100) / IP
(volts) (amps) W1 W2 (metre) Kilogram NM= r.p.m. (where N is
(kg) (kg) metre 1 kg mx9.81 the speed in r.p.m.
& T is the torque
in newton metre)
Table 5
Sl.No. Applied Line Spring Radius T1 Torque T Torque N Speed OP= (2π NT) Efficiency =
voltage current balance of pulley in in N.M in 60 (OP x 100) / IP
(volts) (amps) W1 W2 (metre) Kilogram NM= r.p.m. (where N is
(kg) (kg) metre 1 kg mx9.81 the speed in r.p.m.
& T is the torque
in newton metre)
Sl.No. Applied Line Spring Radius T1 Torque T Torque N Speed OP= (2π NT) Efficiency =
voltage current balance of pulley in in N.M in 60 (OP x 100) / IP
(volts) (amps) W1 W2 (metre) Kilogram NM= r.p.m. (where N is
(kg) (kg) metre 1 kg mx9.81 the speed in r.p.m.
& T is the torque
in newton metre)
Dismantle and identify parts of three point and four point - DC motor starters
Objectives : At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• dismantle the 3 points & 4 point starter
• identify the parts of three point starter
• identify the parts of four point starter.
Tools/Instruments Materials
TASK 1: Identify the parts and terminals of 3 point starter
1 Write down the name plate details of the given DC 3 point other terminals of the starter. Keep checking the other
in Table 1. terminals with the second lead till the lamp glows.
Table 1 When the lamp glows brightly with any one of the
terminals, that shows terminal is 'L' (Fig 1).
DC starter ________________3 point
4 Connect one lead of the series testing board with any
Volts ________________ stud of the resistance and another one with remaining
Amps ________________ two terminals respectively. The terminal on which the
lamp glows dim is terminal 'F'. Connect the remaining
Serial No. ________________ third terminal and check lamp glow bright. (Fig 2)
Make ________________
2 Identify the different parts of the starter and draw the Testing should be done carefully.
starter diagram and label the parts in your record.
While identifying terminals, power supply
3 Connect one lead of series testing board with the should not be switched ON in the starter.
'handle' of the starter and connect second lead with the
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TASK 2 : Identify the parts and terminals of 4 point starter
1 Write down the name plate details of given DC 4 point
starter in Table 2.
Table 2
Assemble, service and repair three point and four point DC motor starters
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the parts of the DC starters
• trace and draw the schematic diagram of the starters
• check and clean the contact studs and the starter resistance
• measure the resistance of the no volt coil
• set the over load relay.
Tools/Instruments Materials
• Combination pliers 200 mm - 1 No. • DPST main switch 250 V 32 A - 1 No.
• Screw driver 200 mm - 1 No. • PVC Insulated stranded copper cable - 10 m
• Multimeter - 1 No. 4 sq mm.
• Flat file Bastard 150 mm - 1 No. • Insulation tape - 0.2 m
• Flat file smooth 150 mm - 1 No. • Fuse wire of required amps rating - as reqd.
• Ammeter DC 0-30A - 1 No. • Carbon tetra chloride - 50 ml.
• Voltmeter DC 0 - 300 V - 1 No. • Sandal paper No. 1 - as reqd.
• Megger 500 V - 1 No. • Petrolium jelly - as reqd.
• 3 point starter 3 HP 250 V DC - 1 No.
• 4 point starter 3 HP 250 V DC - 1 No.
• DC compound motor 230 V 3HP 10 A - 1 No.
General maintenance and servicing
1 Write down the Name-plate details of the given DC 2 Identify the different parts of the starter and draw the
motor starter in Table 1. starter diagram and label the parts in your record.
Table 1 3 Trace the internal connections of the starter and draw
the schematic diagrams. Fig 1 and 2 are given for your
DC starter
DC starter 3 point / 4 point 4 Check the contact studs (movable in handle and
Amps Volts stationary in face plate of starters) and the starter
Make Serial No. resistance. Follow the procedure given in chart 1 to
rectify the defects.
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5 Visually inspect the colour and condition of the no volt 11 Start the DC motor and load it to the rated current.
coil and enter the details in Table 2.
The starter should not trip at this settings. If it
6 Measure the resistance value of the holding (no-volt) trips, increase the current setting of the
coil as well as that of protective resistance and note the overload relay to the next higher value by a
readings in the Table 2. small increment. In case the overload relay
current setting is much higher, then also starter
7 Measure the insulation resistance of the coil with
will not trip.
respect to the core. Enter the value in Table 2.
To find the correct setting reduce the current
If there is any change in the present condition
setting till the starter trips and then slightly
with respect to values obtained at the time of
increase the current setting till the starter
installation, discuss with your instructor. If
holds. Accordingly recalibrate the overload
necessary replace the NVC with a new one
current rating. Normal setting of the overload
having same specification.
relay will be 1.5 times the rated current of the
8 Set the overload relay for the same current rating as of motor.
the motor.
12 Check the starter operation in load condition. In case
9 Connect the DC motor with the starter. of any trouble follow the trouble shooting chart and
10 Make necessary loading arrangement for the DC motor. rectify the defect.
Chart 1
General maintenance procedure for DC starters
1 Check the stationary and movable a) Loosely fitted studs a) Tighten the nuts in the rear of the
contact studs for burns and contact studs
b) Over load b) Reduce the load.
2 Check the starter resistance for a) open resistance are due to a) Do not keep the starter handle in
open or shorts excessive heating resulted from: starting position for a long time.
i) wrong starting method i) Reduce the over load.
ii) excessive load ii) Replace the opened resistance
with the equivalent material size
and length.
b) Shorted resistance due to:
i) excessive vibration of the panel i) Reduce the vibration of the panel
ii) loose mounting of the by proper mounting.
resistance ii) Properly mount the resistance.
Chart 2
Trouble shooting chart for DC Starters
1 Intermittent current flow in the 1 Loose connections. 1 Tighten all terminals / connections.
motor through starter. 2 Stud may not be firm. 2 Tighten the studs.
3 Insufficient pressure of the handle 3 Adjust the pressure
4 Formation of dirt. 4 Clean the studs with contact
2 Handle is not coming to off 1 Insufficient spring tension. 1 Replace the spring with a good
position when NVC is demagnetised one.
2 Gummy material sticking to the 2 Clean the magnet faces.
faces of the magnet.
4 Failure to pick up handle in ‘on’ 1 Low voltage for no volt coil. 1 Check the supply voltage and
position. rectify.
2 Coil open or short . 2 Replace the coil.
3 Mechanical obstructions. 3 Clean and check up contacts.
4 Soft iron piece on the handle 4 Fix the soft iron piece on the
missing. handle properly such that it is
attracted firmly on the magnetic
pole face of the no volt coil.
5 Starter is tripping often 1 Incorrect setting of overload relay. 1 Set the overload relay properly.
2 Sustained overload. 2 Reduce the load.
Tools/Instruments Equipment/Machines
• Electrician tool kit - 1 No. • Faulty DC machine 220 V, 3 HP - 1 No.
• Bearing puller - 1 No. • Arbor press - 1 No.
• DE spanner set 2 mm to 20 mm - 1 Set • Dial test indicator - 1 No.
• MC ammeter 0-500 mA - 1 No. Materials
• MC voltmeter 0-500 mV - 1 No.
• MC voltmeter 0-250V - 1 No. • PVC Insulated copper wire - as reqd.
• Growler external with ammeter - 1 No. 2.5 sq mm, 250V grade
• Megger 0-50 meg ohms, 500 V - 1 No. • Cleaning brush 3 cm dia - 1 No.
• Multimeter - 1 No. • Carbon tetra chloride (CTC) - 5 0 ml.
• Wooden mallet 8 cm dia - 1 No. • Grease type and quantity - as reqd.
• Electric air blower 240 V, 50 Hz - 1 No. • Kerosene - 1 litre
• Under cutting tool - 1 No. • Lurbication oil type and quantity - as reqd.
• Soldering iron 60W 240V - 1 No. • Cotton cloth - as reqd.
• Sand paper/sand cloth-grade
and quantity - as reqd.
• Solder 60/40 - as reqd.
• Soldering flux - as reqd.
2 Visually inspect the machine and enter your findings in SI. Description Noticed as/at
Table 2. No. (strike out items
not applicable)
3 Conduct the continuity test, resistance measurement
and insulation test and enter the results in Table 3. 1 Rotation of the Free / Slightly tight
shaft Not rotating
4 Obtain the above test values at the time of installation
from the section in-charge and enter the values in 2 Symptom of Armature / Field /
Table 3. burn Commutator / Brush /
Terminal block /
5 Dismantle the DC machine.
No. plate
6 Clean each part with the help of a brush and a blower.
3 Burning smell Armature / Field /
A careful study of the test results and the result Commutator / Brush /
values compared between earlier and present Terminal block /
conditions will indicate clearly how the No plate
machine behaves. Discuss the results with 4 Damaged parts
your co-trainees and with the instructor.
5 Loose connection
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Table 3
Test results
Sl.No. Description of the test Test result at the Test result Test result
time of installation before servicing after servicing
1 Continuity between
i) Series field terminals ....................... ....................... .......................
ii) Shunt field terminals ....................... ....................... .......................
iii) Armature terminals ....................... ....................... .......................
2 Resistance value between
i) Series field terminals ....................... ....................... .......................
ii) Shunt field terminals ....................... ....................... .......................
iii) Armature terminals ....................... ....................... .......................
3 Insulation resistance value between
i) Series field and the frame ....................... ....................... .......................
ii) Shunt field and the frame ....................... ....................... .......................
iii) Armature and the frame ....................... ....................... .......................
iv) Series field and shunt field ....................... ....................... .......................
v) Series field and armature ....................... ....................... .......................
vi) Shunt field and armature ....................... ....................... .......................
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As the commutator is also a part of the armature
winding a short or open shown by the above
tests involves commutation. Hence check the
commutator as explained here before
suspecting a coil defect.
Alternatively the armature can be tested for
short, open or grounded coils by a growler.
In case a single open or short or ground coil is
detected in the above tests, the coil could be
replaced with a similar coil; on the other hand
if a number of coils are found to be defective,
the armature needs to be rewound.
6 Test the armature/commutator for earth fault by 7 Check the commutator for raised mica insulation. If
connecting one lead of the Megger to the shaft and the found, under cut the mica. (Fig 6)
other lead of the Megger to the commutator bar. (Fig 5)
Enter the defect and the action taken to rectify the
defect in Table 4 in the appropriate place.
Table 4
Fault and rectification record
Attended by: Date:
3 Faults in commutator
a) Raised mica
b) Pittings in commutator surface
c) Burn at commutator segments
d) Ridges on commutator
e) High bars on commutator
f) Defective solder on raisers
g) Short between segments
4 Defects in brush
a) Worn out
b) Loose fitting
c) Bad bedding
d) Defective spring tension
5 Defects in bearing
a) Worn out
b) Damaged
c) Dry
11 Clean by using the sandpaper/sand cloth to give fine Badly damaged commutator needs to be
finish to the commutator surface. (Fig 11) Enter the replaced by a new one having the same
defect and the action taken to rectify the defect, in specification.
Table 3 in the appropriate place.
13 Clean away the dust, dirt and carbon deposits from the
brush holder and assembly using Carbon Tetra Chloride.
14 Check the length of the brushes using scale.
16 Insert the new brush and shape the end of the curve of
the commutator, using glass-paper wrapped around the
commutator and light pressure in the brush. (Fig 14)
Start, run and reverse direction of rotation of DC series, shunt and compound
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• connect a 2 point starter and start the motor
• reverse the direction of rotation of a DC series motor
- by changing the armature terminals.
- by changing the field terminals.
• connect a 3 point starter to a DC shunt motor, start and run the motor
• reverse the direction of rotation of a DC shunt motor
- by changing the armature terminals
- by changing the field terminals
• connect, start and run a DC compound motor through a 4 point starter
• reverse the direction of rotation of a DC compound motor
- by changing the armature connections (method 1)
- by changing the shunt field and series field connections (method 2)
• measure the speed of the motor by using a revolution counter and stop watch.
• Insulated cutting pliers 150mm - 1 No. • Loading arrangement or
• Megger 500 V - 1 No. complete brake test arrangement - 1 Set
• Screwdriver 150mm - 1 No. • D.C shunt motor 220V 3HP - 1 No.
• D.E. spanner set 5mm to 20mm - 1 Set • ICDP switch 250V/16A - 1 No.
• Shunt type ohmmeter 0-2K • 3 Point starter suitable for - 1 No.
or multi meter - 1 No. 220V 3HP D.C shunt motor - 1 No.
• Test lamp with 220V 25W lamp - 1 No. • Motor compound DC 220Volts
• Revolution couter cyclometer 4 digits - 1 No. and 2 to 3HP - 1 No.
• Stop watch 30 minutes - 1 No. • 4 Point starter 220V 16A - 1 No.
Equipments/Machines Materials
• DC series motor 220V 3 H.P - 1 No. • 2.5sq mm P.V.C. copper
• 2-point starter for 220V 3 multi-strand cable - 18 m
H.P. DC series motor - 1 No. • Fuse wire 15 amps - as reqd.
2 Select a proper rating of the I.C.D.P. switch, cables, 5 Switch `ON' the I.C.D.P.and move the 2-point starter
fuse wire and 2-point starter, according to the rating of gradually in the clockwise direction, till the `ON' position
the given DC series motor. is reached and observe the direction of rotation.
6 Record the direction of rotation in Table 1.
The rating of the switch, fuse, cable and 2-point
starter given here is for a 220 V 3 HP DC series 7 Measure the speed with a tachometer and enter the
motor. value in Table 1.
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8 Stop the motor by switching off the I.C.D.P. and wait till
the starter handle comes to the `OFF' position. Remove
the fuse.
Table 1
1 Fig 1
2 Fig 2
3 Fig 3
4 Fig 4
Table 3
Sl.No Description Direction of rotation
1 Normal connection as in Fig 5
2 By changing armature terminals as in Fig 6
3 By changing shunt field terminals as in Fig 7
a Necessity of starter
Table 4
2 Switch `ON' and start the motor by the starter; observe 3 Switch off the supply. Write your observation regarding
the direction of rotation. The direction of rotation of the the method of changing the direction of rotation of the
motor is ________________. DC compound motor in the space given below.
Tools/Instruments Equipment/Machines
• Insulated cutting pliers 200mm - 1 No. • DC shunt motor 220V 3HP - 1 No.
• Screwdriver 200mm - 1 No. • Rheostat 220 ohms 1 amp - 1 No.
• Electrician's knife (100 mm) - 1 No. • 4-point starter 15A 220V - 1 No.
• M.C. ammeter 0-1A - 1 No. • Rheostat 20 ohms 15 amps - 1 No.
• M.C. voltmeter 0-300V - 1 No. • 3 point starter 15A 220V - 1 No.
• Tachometer 300-3000 r.p.m. - 1 No.
• Megger - 500V - 1 No.
• Test lamp - 1 No. • P.V.C. Insulated multi-strand
• M.C. ammeter 0 to 15A - 1 No. copper cable 2.5 sq mm 600V grade -10 m
• Fuse wire 15 Amps - as reqd.
TASK 1: Control the speed of a DC shunt motor by the field control method
1 Note the name-plate details of the given DC shunt motor The rheostat position must be in the cut out
and record it in table 1 as in exercise no 3.1.115 postion at the time of starting to have a low
2 Identify the terminals of the given DC shunt motor and starting speed.
test for insulation and ground. 6 Apply the rated supply voltage through the switch and
3 Select a suitable range of rheostat, ammeter, voltmeter, start the motor by the 4-point starter.
switch and fuse according to the specification of the 7 Measure the speed, field current, voltage and enter
given DC shunt motor. them in Table No 2.
4 Make the connections as per the circuit diagram. 8 Decrease the field current by increasing the field control
(Fig 1) . resistance in steps.
Calculate 130% of the speed value from the
name-plate details. The speed should not be
more than 30% of the rated value.
9 Measure the speed, field current,and the applied voltage
for each step and enter these values in Table 2.
10 Switch OFF the supply of motor.
11 Draw the speed versus field current curve in a graph
sheet, keeping the field current in the X-axis and the
speed in the Y-axis.
12 Write your observation highlighting the relation between
5 Keep the field rheostat in the cut out position to have
speed, field current and field flux.
minimum resistance in the shunt field circuit.
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Table 2
Sl.No. Voltage Line current (IL) Field current (ISL) Speed rpm
TASK 2: Control the speed of a DC shunt motor by the armature resistance method
1 Note the name-plate details of the given shunt motor 8 Increase the armature circuit resistance gradually and
and record it. check the speed and corressponding armature current
and voltage across the armature.
2 Identify the terminals of the given DC shunt motor and
test for insulation and ground. 9 Repeat step No 7 for each variation .
3 Select the 3-point starter, rheostat, ammeter and 10 Switch `OFF' the supply to the motor.
voltmeter according to the rating of the given DC shunt
11 Draw the speed and armature voltage characteristic
curve in the graph sheet, keeping voltage in the X-axis
4 Make the connections as per the circuit diagram. and speed in the Y-axis.
(Fig 2)
12 Write your conclusion highlighting the relationship
5 Keep the armature circuit rheostat in the cut out between the voltage across the armature and speed.
Note: Back emf =
6 Apply the rated voltage and start the motor by using the
Eb= Applied voltage – Total armature circuit voltage drop
3- point starter.
= E – IaRT
7 Measure the speed, armature current & voltage across
the armature and enter them in Table 3. = E – Ia (Ra + Rar)
Eb = Applied voltage – (Internal armature resistance drop
+ External armature rheostat drop)
Assuming the internal armature resistance drop is
negligible, we can also assume voltage across the
armature = back emf Eb.
Tools/Instruments Materials
• Pulley puller 6" - 1 No. • Kerosene - 1 litre
• Hammer 500 gms - 1 No. • Cotton cloth - 1/4 sq.m.
• Cutting pliers 200mm - 1 No. • Carbon tetrachloride - 100 ml.
• Centre punch 100mm. length - 1 No. • Round brush for cleaning 2cm - 1 No.
• Spanner set 5mm to 20mm - 1 Set. • Petrol - 200 mil.
• Screwdriver, heavy duty - 200 mm • Sand paper No.1 - 1 Sheet
• Tray 300 x 300 mm x 50 mm - 1 No. • Hacksaw blade 300 mm - 3 Nos.
• Mallet, hardwood 60mm dia. - 1 No. • Sand paper `oo' smooth - 1 Sheet
• "Man on line" board - 1 No. • Mobile oil S.A 40 - 1/2 litre
• Electric blower - 250V 50HZ - 1 No. • Cotton waste - 100 gms
• Shell alvania 3 grease or equivalent - 100 gms
• Hardwood 3cm sq. 20cm long - 2 Pieces
• DC Shunt motor - 1 No.
1 Read the manufacturer's instruction booklet, and
particularly take into account any special instructions
regarding dismantling procedures.
2 Remove the fuse-carriers from the main switch,
disconnect the DC machine from the supply and display
the "Man-on-line board" on the main switch.
3 Remove the foundation bolts of the machine, shift the
machine to the workbench and note the name-plate
details in Table 1 as shown is Exercise 3.1.115 8 Remove the brushes from the brush-holder. (Fig 2)
4 Conduct a visual inspection.
5 Clean the outside surface of the motor. Remove all dirt
and grease with a dry cloth soaked in petrol/kerosene.
Do not use water.
6 Make punch marks on both the end plates and yoke.
(Fig 1)
7 Mark the rocker arm position with respect to the end
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9 Check pulley tightness and adjust. Remove pulley it 13 Remove the bearings using a bearing puller. (Fig 6)
with a pulley puller if the pulley is found tightly fitted.
(Fig 3)
1 Noise
2 End-play
4 Bearing fits
Tools/Instruments Equipment/Machines
• Pulley puller 6" - 1 No. • DC machine - 1 No.
• Hammer 500 gms - 1 No.
• Cutting pliers 200mm - 1 No.
• Centre punch 100mm length - 1 No. • Kerosene - 1 litre.
• Spanner set 5mm to 20mm - 1 set • Cotton cloth - 1/4 sq. m.
• Screwdriver, heavy duty - 200 mm • Carbon tetrachloride - 100 ml.
• Tray 300 x 300 mm - 1 No. • Round brush for cleaning 2cm - 1 No.
• Midget screwdriver - 25 mm • Petrol - 200 mil.
• Megger 500 volts - 1 No. • Sand paper No.1 - 1 sheet.
• Blowlamp 1/2 pint - 1 No. • Hacksaw blade 300 mm - 3 Nos.
• External growler - 1 No. • Sand paper `oo' smooth - 1 sheet
• Mallet, hardwood 60mm dia. - 1 No. • Mobile oil S.A 40 - 1/2 litre
• "Man on line" board - 1 No. • Cotton waste - 100 gms
• Multimeter - 1 No. • Shell alvania 3 grease or equivalent - 100 gms
• Hardwood 3cm sq. 20cm long - 2 pieces
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Table 3
9 Remove the grease cup stud and open the grease cup.
(Fig 4) 13 Remove the bearings using a bearing puller. (Fig 6)
14 Clean the bearings. (Fig 7)
Replace the bearings, if found defective.
15 Grease the bearings and cover with plastic paper.
(Fig 7)
1 Noise
2 End-play
4 Bearing fits
5 Lubrication, grease,
nipples oil supply
6 Temperature bearings
Tools/Instruments Materials
• Electrician tool kit - 1 Set • 7 Mill millinex paper - as reqd.
• Insulated cutting pliers 200mm - 1 No. • 30 SWG super-enamelled copper wire - 300 g
• Scissors 150 mm - 1 No. • Empire sleeve 1mm, 2mm - 1 m each
• Mallet hardwood 0.5kg - 1 No. • Cotton tape 20mm -1m
• Soldering iron 25W, 125W, 240 V - 1 No. • Binding/hemp thread - 1 roll
• Tray 200 mm x 200 mm x 50 mm - 1 No. • Hylam/fibre wedge 2mm thick - as reqd.
• Scale with weights 1 to 450 g - 1 No. • 10 milli triplex paper - as reqd.
• Outside micrometer 0-25mm - 1 No. • V-32 insulation varnish - 1/2 litre
• Tweezer 100mm - 1 No. • Thinner - 1/2 litre
• Stand winder for armature - 1 No. • Resin core solder 60/40 - 20 g
• Power hack saw blade used - 1 No. • Resin flux (power type) - 10 g
• Centre punch 150mm - 1 No. • Air dry varnish - 1/2 litre
Equipment/Machines • Used hack saw blade - 1 No.
• Soldering paste - 10 g
• Growler external with hacksaw blade - 1 No.
• Burnt out armature - 1 No.
• Rotor balancing machine for small - 1 No.
• Multimeter 0 1000 ohm 2.5 to 500V - 1 No.
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Table 1
Data Sheet
Make ............... Type....................
Rotor Size of No. of Coil Coils/Slot Wt. of Wt. of the No. of No. of Remarks
wire Turns Pitch one coil winding slots commutator
Centre of slots.
Centre of bars
Centre of mica
Lap Wave
6 Remove the top cover screw which is fitted in the inner 11 Remove the carbon brushes.
side of the body of the mixer.
12 Mark the position of the bottom cover and the body for
7 Remove the top cover of the mixer. the mixer with the help of a centre punch.
8 Remove the coupling pulley 13 Loose the through machine screw and remove the
bottom cover.
9 Disconnect the main supply lead and inner leads from
the speed selector swich terminals. 14 Remove the fan blade from the armature shaft.
10 Remove the motor from the plastic cover assembly. 15 Remove the armature out of the stator
11 Remove the fibre/Hylam wedges from the armature 15 Practice the exercise for three or four times with
slots (Fig 8). different armature assemblies.
12 Count the coil pitch and record it in Table. 1 16 Keep all the parts safely for using at the next exercise.
Tools/Instruments Equipments/Machinery
• Insulated combination plier 200mm - 1 No. • AC 3 phase squirrel cage induction
• Insulated screw driver 200mm with motor - 5HP, 3-Phase, 415V, 50Hz - 1 No.
4mm blade - 1 No. • AC 3 phase slip ring induction motor -
• DE spanner set 5 mm to 20mm - 1 Set 5HP, 3-Phase, 415V, 50Hz - 1 No.
• MI volt meter 0-300 V - 1 No.
• MI volt meter 0-500 V - 1 No.
• Test lamp 240V, 60 Watts - 2 Nos. • PVC Insulated copper cable 1.5 sq mm -4m
• Pendent lamp-holder 240V 6A - 2 No.
Instructor may arrange the AC 3 phase squirrel cage induction motor and slip ring induction motor in
dismantled condition on the work bench. Explain the name of the parts and label them with numbers.
Then ask the trainees to write the name of the parts for the labelled number parts. (or)
If the dismantled motors are not available provide the exploded view chart of the motor and hide the
parts name, and explain and ask them to write their names.
2 Identify the parts of the AC squirrel cage induction motor 4 Write the name of the parts of each labelled number
from the real objects or from the exploded view chart tag in Table 2
(Fig 1)
5 Get it checked with your instructor.
3 Label the each identified parts with number tags.
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Table 2
S. No. Label Name of the parts of squirrel
Number cage induction motor
2 Test for continuity with the help of a test lamp and find
the 3 pairs out of six terminals of the induction motor.
(Fig 4)
2 Test for continuity with the help of a test lamp and find
out rotor’s three terminals out of nine terminals of the
slip ring induction motor
3 Connect prob - 1 to any one of the 3 slip rings or brush
4 Touch prob - 2 to terminals of motor one by one.
5 Check the test lamp burns then that teminals are rotor
6 Put name them as KLM and remaining six terminals
are stator terminals.
The above test will not be valid until and unless
the following conditions are observed.
Condition 1: Check and ensure that the earth continuity
conductor (E.C.C) connected to them main earth
electrode is in perfect continuity, having a resistance of
less than 1 Ohm.
Tools/Instruments Materials
• Connector /Screw driver 100 mm - 1 No. • PVC insulated copper wire - as reqd.
• Spanner Set (6mm -25mm ) - 1 Set 2.5 sq mm, 250V grade
• Multimeter - 1 No. • Cleaning brush 3 cm dia - 1 No.
Equipment/Machines • Carbon tetra chloride (CTC) - 5 0 ml.
• Grease type and quantity - as reqd.
• Semi automatic star-delta starter • Kerosene - 1 litre
10A 415v,50Hz - 1 No. • Lurbication oil type and quantity - as reqd.
• Automatic star-delta starter • Cotton cloth - as reqd.
10 A 415v to 50 Hz - 1 No. • Sand paper/sand cloth-grade
• 3 Phase 415V 3 Hp/5 Hp squirrel cage and quantity - as reqd.
induction motor with 6 terminals - 1 No. • Solder 60/40 - as reqd.
• Soldering flux - as reqd.
TASK 1: Make the internal connection of the semi-automatic star-delta starter with three contactors
1 Collect the various components of a semi-automatic 1 ........
star-delta starter from the instructor (i.e Contactors,
2 ........
overload relay, start-stop-push-button etc.)
3 ........
2 Name the external parts indicated by numbers. ( Fig 1)
4 ........
3 Draw and complete the connections in Fig 2 for the
power circuit only confirming to Fig 5 (i.e connection
between supply, contactors, overload relay and motor
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4 Read the control circuit diagram. (Fig 2) and draw the 5 Open the cover of the semi-automatic star-delta starter.
diagram (Fig 3) for semi automatic star-delta starter. Read the circuit diagram given with it. (Fig 4 LT LK
starter). Identify the major parts of semi-automatic
star delta starter.
TASK 2 : Make internal connections of automatic star-delta starter with three contactors
9 Mount the contactors, overload relay, stop and start The turning of the set screw increases or
push-buttons on the T.W board. decreases the gap between normal strip of
timer relay causing more or less time to actuate
10 Wireup the control circuit with the help of connecting contact mechanism.
20 Press the start-button again and check. There should
Use single strand conductors only. Make proper not be any effect in the motor running.
21 Disconnect the motor from the supply after opening the
ICTP isolating switch.
Connect, start and run three phase induction motor by using DOL, star-delta
and auto transformer starters
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify and collect the parts of a DOL starter
• assemble the DOL starter and make control circuit connection
• connect ICTP switch and DOL starter with 3 phase motor
• set the overload relay and replace correct capacity fuse
• start and stop the 3 phase motor through DOL starter
• Identity the parts of a manual star-delta starter and trace the connection
• connect the manual star delta starter with 3 phase squirrel cage motor
• adjust the over load relay according to the motor current rating
• start and stop the motor through the star delta starter
• reverse the direction of rotation of the motor
• connect a 3 phase induction motor with an auto transformer and contactor as starter
• start and run a 3 phae induction motor using auto transformer and contactor.
• Combination pliers 200 mm -1 No. • Delay time relay, 24V AC operatiing
• Screw driver 200 mm, 300 mm - 2 Nos. coil with 1 or 2 normally open contacts - 3 No.
• Connector screw driver 100 mm - 1 No. • 3-phase Squirrel cage motor
• Wire stripper 150 mm - 1 No. 415V, 50 Hz, 3HP, 5 HP - 2 Nos.
• MI Ammeter 20A, 10A - 2 Nos. • DOL starter 10 Amp 415V - 1 No.
• MI Volt meter 0-500V - 1 No. • Manual star-delta starter 16A,415V - 1 No.
• Tachometer 0-3000rpm - 1 No. • TPIC switch 16A 415V - 1 No.
Equipment/Machines Materials
TASK 1: Identify the parts of a DOL starter connect, start and run the 3 phase induction motor
1 Note down the name-plate details of the given AC 3- 2 Collect the contactor unit, overload relay unit, start/
phase squirrel cage induction motor in Table 1. stop push-button unit, the necessary fixing screws,
hookup cables, I.C.T.P switch and D.O.L starter base
and cover.
Table 1
Name plate details
Manufacturer, Trade Mark...................................... Rated frequency...........................................
Type, model ........................................................ Rated power............. .........................k.w/HP
Serial number....................................................... Rated current ......................................amps
Insulation class..................................................... Rated speed ................................................
Rated voltage......... ......................................volts Protection class............................................
Rated voltage................................................ volts
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3 List the items you received from your instructor in Fig 2 shows Push-buttons only.
Table 2.
Table 2
List of items
1 ______________________________
2 ______________________________
3 ______________________________
4 ______________________________
5 ______________________________
6 ______________________________
7 ______________________________ Fig 3 shows Overload relay package with push-button
8 ______________________________ strips in the foreground which will get actuated when the
push-buttons are pushed.
9 ______________________________
10 ______________________________
16 Identify the holes in the starter base box for mounting 22 Provide a backup fuse as recommended by the
the starter on the wall/frame. manufacturer of the starter considering the horse-
power rating of the motor.
17 Mount the starter vertically on the wall/frame.
For your guidance the backup fuse rating for a
The position of the starter should be such that specified horsepower/kw rating.
the no-volt coil mechanism works properly,
taking advantage of the gravitational pull while Preferably check for the backup fuse rating in
disengaging. the pamphlet supplied alongwith your starter.
Use a plumb bob or spirit level to check the 23 Get the main connections, earth connections, overload
verticality. setting and the backup fuse rating approved by your
18 Connect the main supply to the starter incoming
terminals through the I.C.T.P switch. (Fig 5) 24 Switch on the ICTP.
25 Start the motor by the start (S3) button of the starter.
26 Read the ammeter for the starting current at the time
of starting.
27 Read the voltmeter and ammeter values when the
motor shows normal runnings.
28 Measure the actual speed of the rotor with the help of
a tachometer.
29 Switch OFF the motor using stop (S2) button of the
30 Switch OFF the mains, remove the fuses and disconnect
the connections.
31 Determine the synchronous speed and enter the value
in Table 3.
Table 3
S No Starting Volt Running Actual Syn
Current meter Current Speed Speed
• Insulated cutting pliers 200mm - 1 No. • Rotor resistance starter, complete
• Connector screwdriver 100mm - 1 No. set, suitable for 5HP 415V 3-phase
• Electrician’s knife 100mm - 1 No. slip-ring induction motor - 1 Set
• Screwdriver 200mm - 1 No. • Mechanical loading arrangement
• MI Voltmeter0-500V - 1 No. complete set - 1 Set
• Tachometer 300 r.p.m to 3000 r.p.m - 1 No. Materials
• MI Ammeter 0-20A, 0-10A - 1 each
• Megger 500V - 1 No. • PVC insulated, stranded
• MI Ammeter centre zero 5-0-5A -1 No. aluminium cable 2.5 sq.mm -15 m
• PVC insulated, flexible cable
Equipment/Machines 14/0.2mm -2m
• AC 3-phase, slip-ring induction motor • Black insulation tape - 0.2m
415V, 5HP, 50Hz - 1 No. • G.I. wire 8 SWG - 10 m
TASK 1: Connect start, run and reverse the slip- ring induction motor through rotor resistance starter
1 Record the name-plate details of the given motor and
the starter, and enter them in Tables 1 and 2
2 Identify the terminals of the 3-phase, slip-ring induction
Slip-ring terminals can be identified by
checking the continuity from terminals to the
3 Open, identify and trace the internal connections of the
rotor resistance starter, draw the diagram and get it
approved by the instructor.
Fig 1 gives the layout, Fig 2 gives the power
circuit connection diagram, Fig 3 gives the
control circuit diagram, and Fig 4 gives the
generalised circuit diagram of a rotor resistance
starter. Compare it with the traced-out diagram.
4 Select the ICTP switch, cables and fuse-wire according
to the rotating of the motor.
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Table 1
Name-plate details of Motor
Manufacturer, Trade Mark : .............................. Rated frequency : ...........................Hz.........
Type, model : ............................... Rated power : ............................Hp.......
Serial number : .............................. Insulation class : ........................................
Rated current : ............................... Rated speed : .......................................
Rated voltage : ............................... Rated current : ........................................
Table 2
Name-plate details of starter
Manufacturer : ______________________
Voltage : _________________ Volts No of Phase : ____________________
Current : _________________ Amp HP/kW : ____________________
Rotor resistance/phase : ______________________ No.of steps : ____________________
Serial No. : ______________________ Max. current : _____________________
Starting current : ______________________ Type of starter : _____________________
rotor frequency fr
Use the diagram shown in Fig 8 if the motor Slip = supply (stator) frequency f
starter is drum type one.
3 Check the supply voltage for the rated value and switch
on the ICTP switch.
Tools/Instruments Equipment/Machines
• Tachometer: multi-range • 3-phase squirrel cage induction motor
300 to 3000 r.p.m - 1 No. 415V, 3 HP 50Hz - 1 No.
• MI Voltmeter (0 - 500V) - 1 No. • Brake loading arrangement DOL
• MIAmmeter (0 - 10A) - 1 No. starter 415V AC 3-phase,50Hz, 10A - 1 No.
• Wattmeter dynamometer type • Connecting cables - as reqd.
500V, 10A, 3000W - 2 Nos. • ICTP switch 16A, 415V - 1 No.
• Spring balance 10 kg - 1 No • Graph sheet (A4 Size) - 1 No.
1 Note the name-plate details of the squirrel cage 3 Fix the brake drum’s rope or belt with the spring
induction motor in Table 1. balances in slack condition.
2 Select the voltmeter, ammeter and wattmeter range 4 Switch ‘ON’ ICTP switch ‘S’ and start the motor at no-
suitable to the specification given in name-plate details. load.
Make connection as per circuit diagram. (Fig 1)
5 Measure the speed and record in Table 2.
Check the mounting of the motor to the base is
6 Tighten the belt to apply brake action on the brake
firm. Check the brake drum is properly keyed
drum, until the motor takes 1/4 full load current.
to the shaft.
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Apply and regulate the required amount of Torque, T = (ST - SS) x (R + t) Kg m
cooling water to the brake drum. where (R + t) is in metre, (ST - SS) is in Kg.
7 Read the spring balances (Tension side ST, slack side Record the torque and output in Table 3.
SS) and record in Table 2.
14 Calculate the output applying the formula,
8 Record the voltmeter, ammeter and wattmeter readings
in Table 2. Output = 1.027 NT watt
9 Measure the speed of the motor at this loaded condition where N - revolutions per minute, T - torque in Kg m
and record in Table 2. 15 Calculate the motor input and record in Table 3.
10 Repeat the steps 6 to 9 for different load currents, say Input = (W1 + W2) watt
about 1/4 , 1/2, 3/4 and full load.
16 Calculate the efficiency of the motor and record.
11 Measure the diameter of the brake drum and the
thickness of the rope/belt. (Efficiency = Output/Input)
12 Drum radius ‘R’ = _________m. 17 Plot the graph for the relationship - load in KW versus
efficiency in %.
Rope/belt thickness ‘t’ __________m
13 Calculate the torque
Efficiency of induction motor.
Table 1
Manufacturer’s name : ______________________
Voltage : ______________________ Phase : ____________________________
Current : ______________________ Speed : ____________________________
Power factor : ______________________ KW/HP : _____________________________
Connection : ______________________ Rating : _____________________________
Starting current : ______________________ Serial No. : _____________________________
Table 2
S No. Speed Reading of spring balance Volt meter Ammeter Wattmeter
in rpm tension reading reading reading
Table 3
S No. Speed Torque T Output Input (W1 + W2) Efficiency
Tools/Instruments Equipment/Machines
• MC Voltmeter (0-30V) - 1 No. • 3-phase induction motor 500V,
• MI Ammeter 0-2.5A - 1 No. AC, 50Hz, 3 HP - 1 No.
• MI Ammeter 0-2A - 1 No. • DOL starter 500V, AC, 50Hz, 3 HP - 1 No.
• MI Ammeter 0-10A - 1 No. • 3-phase auto-transformer input
• Wattmeter 500V, 1A/2.5A 415V, output 0-500V 3 KVA - 1 No.
low power factor - 2 Nos. • Lock bar/locking arrangement - 1 No.
• Wattmeter 125/250V, 10/15A
multi range - 2 Nos.
• Voltmeter MI 0-500V - 1 No. • Connecting cables - as reqd.
• Voltmeter MI 0-75, 150, 300V • ICTP switch 16A, 500V - 1 No.
multi range - 1 No.
2 Collect the instruments to form the circuit. (Fig 1) 3 Make the connections as per circuit diagram. (Fig 1)
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4 Check the supply for the rated value and switch ‘ON’ For star connection
the ICTP switch (S1) (If the value is not correct adjust
by auto transformer) V 1
Resistance per phase RP = ×
5 Start the motor without any load. I 2
6 Read and record the wattmeter, ammeter and voltmeter
readings in Table 2. Therefore RP =
7 Switch ‘OFF’ the supply and disconnect all connections For Delta connection
of the meters, and the motor.
Table 2
Resistance between two terminals R =
Input voltage Power input No-load
WO = current Let the resistance per phase = RP
(W1 + W2) IO
R = RP II 2RP (RP parallel to 2RP)
1 1 1
i.e R = 2R + R
Resistance measured = RP
Therefore Rp (resistance per phase of stator) is = R
8 Check the connections of the 3-phase supply leads to 3
the motor terminals. If six terminals are available
identify each phase winding. Calculations
9 Measure the resistance of the stator using DC low The no-load input: Wo = No load copper loss
voltage supply, ammeter and voltmeter. Record the = (I2ophRP) x 3
reading in Table 3.
(Ioph = no load phase current)
Table 3
For star connected motor IO = Ioph
DC supply Ammeter Resistance of
voltage reading stator (one phase) Ι0
For delta connected motor I2oph =
The losses at no load are
• I2 R loss in the stator winding
• Core losses in the stator and rotor
• friction and windage losses
Core losses and friction and windage losses
10 If the motor has only 3 terminals, and the internal practically remains constant in induction motor
connections are marked on the name plate, make
calculations as below. Constant losses = Wo - (Ioph)2 R.3)
Measure slip and power factor to draw speed torque (slip/ torque)
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• identify the terminals of a slip ring induction motor
• wire up and connect resistance starter
• start, run the slip ring induction motor
• plot the graph of speed torque characterisitc of slip ring induction motor.
• MI Ammeter 5/10A multirange - 1 No. • 3-phase slip ring induction motor,
• MI Voltmeter 250/500V multirange - 1 No. 3HP, 415V, 50 Hz with rotor resistance
• Tachometer multi-range 300, 1000, starter - 1 No.
3000 rpm - 1 No. Materials
Equipment/Machines • ICTP switch 16A 415V - 2 Nos.
• 3-phase auto-transformer input 415V • Connecting cables - as reqd.
star connected, output 0-500V, 3kVA - 1 No. • Graph sheet (A4 Size) - 1 No.
1 Read the name-plate details of slip ring induction motor 2 Make the connections as per circuit diagram (Fig 1)
and record in Table 1. and Set the output of three-phase auto-transformer to
Select the instruments of suitable range to form the
circuit as per diagram. (Fig 1) 3 Switch on ICTP ‘S1’ and adjust the output of the
3-phase variac to 40% of the rated input voltage of the
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Table 1
Manaufacturers’s name : ......................................... Phase : ................................................
Voltage : ......................................... Speed : ................................................
Current : ......................................... KW/HP : .................................................
Power factor : ......................................... Rating : ...............................................
Connection : ......................................... Serial No : ................................................
Rotor resistance/Phase: ..........................................
4 Check the load on the brake drum which is totally 6 Close the switch S2 and start the motor.
7 Measure the speed, current and record in Table 2
5 Set the rotor resistance starter not to include any
resistance in the rotor circuit (i.e rotor terminals are
shorted by the starter).
Table 2
Stator Stator Speed Slip ST SS Motor
input current output
voltage torque
Without extra resistance in
rotor circuit
With additional resistance
in rotorcircuit
8 Load the motor by adjusting the spring tension of the SS - spring balance reading and slack side of belt in
belt on the brake drum/pulley until the speed falls to a kg
very low value.
R - radius of Drum/pulley in metre
9 Check the speed, stator current, voltage for each
t - thickness of belt in millimetre
setting of a load and record inTable 2.
13 Record the calculated value of torque and slip in
10 Remove the load on the motor and allow it to run in no
Table 2.
load condition.
14 Plot the graph of speed/slip - torque for each rotor
11 Increase the resistance in the rotor circuit by adjusting
the rotor starter handle in two or three steps and repeat
steps 7 to 10. Conclusion
12 Apply the formula and calculate the torque. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Torque (T) = (ST - SS) (R + t) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
where __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
ST - spring balance reading on tension side in kg __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Test for continuity and insulation resistance of three phase induction motors
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• read and interpret the name-plate details of a 3-phase squirrel cage induction motor
• identify the terminals of the 3-phase induction motor
• perform insulation resistance test between phase windings
• perform insulation resistance test between winding and body
• test the effectiveness of earth connection.
• D.E spanner 5mm to 20m - 1 Set • M.I voltmeter 0-50V - 1 No.
• Cutting pliers 150mm - 1 No. • M.I voltmeter 0-25A - 1 No.
• Screwdriver 200mm - 1 No. Equipment/Machines
• Megger 500V - 1 No.
• Ohmmeter low range 0-10 Ohm - 1 No. • AC 3-phase, 415V / 3 H.P.
• Test lamp 240V, 60W - 1 No. squirrel cage induction motor - 1 No.
• Earth tester with spikes and Materials
connecting lead - 1 Set
• Hammer straight peen 1.5kg - 1 No. • Connecting cables 2.5 mm2 of
• M.C voltmeter 0-10V - 1 No. length 40m - 1 No.
• M.C ammeter 0-20A - 1 No. • Connecting cables 2.5 mm2 of
• Calibrated rheostat 0.1 ohm, 10 amp - 1 No. length 10m - 1 No.
• Battery 6V, 60 A - 1 No. • Testing prods - 1 Pair
Table 1
Manufacturer, Trade Mark :............................. .. Rated frequency:...................................Hz.....
Type, model number :........................................ Rated power : ......................................KW/HP
Type of Curent : ................................................. Rating class : ...............................................
Serial number : .................................................. Insulation class: ............................................
Type of connection :............................................ Rated current : ....................................amps
Rated voltage : .........................................Volts... Rated speed: ..................................... r.p.m
Protection class : ..........................................
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Table 2
Continuity test for 3 phase induction motor
1 U1 and U2
2 V1 and V2
3 W1 and W2
Table 3
Insulation resistance of 3-phase induction motor
1 U1 and V1
2 U1 and W1
3 V1 and W1
4 U1 and frame
5 V1 and frame
6 W1 and frame
3 Repeat the steps 1 and 2 by connecting the Megger En = rated phase-to-phase voltage
terminals between U1 and W1, and also between V1 and
P = Rated power in kW.
W1. Record the findings in Table 3.
If the resistance is measured at a temperature different
Recommended standard insulation resistance
from 25°C, the value shall be corrected to 25°C.
20 x Eη The equation given here is used to calculate
R1 = in megohm .
1000 + 2P the insulation resistance as a standard value.
However the accepted insulation value should
not be less than 1 megaohms.
R1 = insulation resistance in megohms at 250C.
TASK 3 : Measure the insulation resistance between each winding and body or frame
1 Connect the test leads of the Megger to the frame of
the motor and terminal U1. (Fig 3)
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2 Rotate the Megger at its rated speed and note down the 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the other two windings
readings in Table 4. (V1 and W1).
4 Compare the measured value with the standard value.
• Insulated cutting pliers 200mm - 1 No. • Rotor resistance starter complete
• Cconnector screw driver 100 mm - 1 No. set suitable for 3HP - 1 No.
• Elecrician’s knife 100 mm - 1 No. • AC 3 phase squirrel cage induction
• Screw driver 200mm - 1 No. motor 500V, 5 HP - 1 No.
• MI Voltmeter - 0-500 V - 1 No. • Auto - transformer starter complete
• Tachometer 300 rpm to 3000 rpm - 1 No. set suitable for 5 HP - 1 No.
• Megger 500V - 1 No.
• PVC Insulated flexible cable 2.5 sqmm - 20 m
• AC 3 Phase slipring induction motor • IC TP switch 10A 500V - 2 Nos.
415V 3HP - 1 No. • Test Lamp 40 W 250V - 1 No.
TASK 1 : Control the speed of a slipring Induction motor by a rotor resistance starter
1 Check the Insulation and continuity of the motor
2 Make the connection as per circuit diagram. (Fig 1)
3 Check the supply and provide proper rating fuses in the
main swich according to the motor rating.
4 Keep the rotor resistance starter handle in the starting
position (cut in) of the rotor resistance.
Cut in position of the rotor resistance is generally
indicated in the starter as starting position or
off postion.
5 Press the start button of the starter, while pressing the
start push button, slowly move the handle of the rotor
resistance from the starting position towards the running
position step by step till it settles down at run position.
6 Measure the speed at every step of rotor resistance
and record them in Table 1.
Table 1
Sl No. Rotor Resistance Speed
Handle position in RPM
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7 Release the pressure from the start push button. 8 Press the off button of the starter to stop the motor.
TASK 2 : Control the speed of 3-phase Induction motor by an auto transformer starter
1 Check the insulation and continuity of the motor 3 Switch on the main switch ‘S1’ and then press start
winding. push button. (keep auto-transformer for 100V output)
2 Make connections as per diagram. (Fig 2) 4 Start moving the auto transformer starter contacts
such that the induction motor will start getting more
voltage in stages upto full voltage.
5 Note the speed and voltage at every stage.
6 Reduce the applied voltage to the induction motor by
resetting the auto-transformer contacts.
7 Measure the rpm of the induction motor at every stage
and note in Table 2.
Table 2
Sl.No. Line voltage (V1) rpm
• Screwdriver 100, 150 and 200 mm - 1 No each • Electirc air blower - 1 No.
• DE spanner 5mm to 30 mm - 1 Set
• Ring spanner 5 mm to 30 mm - 1 Set Equipment/Machines
• Cold chisel 25 mm x 200 mm - 1 No. • Burnt out 3-phase motor with single
• Ball pein hammer 500 grams - 1 No. layer distributed winding of available
• Nylon mallet 75 mm x 100 mm - 1 No. capacity & double layer - 1 No.
• Pulley puller 200 mm with 3 jaws - 1 No. • Baking oven with temperature control - 1 No.
• Centre punch 10 mm x 150 mm - 1 No. • Coil winding machine - 1 No.
• Insulated cutting pliers 200 mm - 1 No. • Burnt out 3 phase motor with single
• Side cutter 150 mm - 1 No. layer concentric half coil winding - 1 No.
• Micrometer outside 0-25 mm - 1 No.
• Hacksaw frame 300 mm - 1 No.
• Steel rule 300 mm - 1 No. • Super-enamelled copper wire - as reqd.
• Scissors 200 mm - 1 No. • Milinex sheet or triplex paper - as reqd.
• Fibre or Hylam knife of assorted sizes - 4 Nos. • 20 or 25 mm cotton tape - 1 Roll
• Soldering iron 125 W, 250V - 1 No. • Fibre glass sleeves 1 mm, 2 mm,
• D.B.electrician knife 100 mm - 1 No. 4 mm, 6 mm - as reqd.
• Multimeter - 1 No. • Bamboo/fibre wedges - as reqd.
• Megger (insulation tester) 500V - 1 No. • 25 mm painting brush - 1 No.
• Ammeter (or multi-range) M.I. 0-10A - 1 No. • Soldering lead 60%, Tin 40%, - 100 g
• Voltmeter M.I.Multi-range - 1 No. • Resin flux - 25 g
0-300V-500V • Insulating varnish - 1 litre.
• Tachometer 0-500-5000 r.p.m. - 1 No. • Tray 600 mm x 600 mm x 100 mm - 1 No.
• Allen key - 1 Set • Thinner - 500 ml
• Readymade former universal size - 1 Set • Hemp thread - 1 Roll
• Awl of required length and thickness - 1 No. • Used power hacksaw blade - 2 Nos.
• Spatula - 1 No. • Leatheroid paper - as reqd.
• Magnetic compass 15 mm dia. - 1 No. • Empire sleeve - as reqd.
• Blow lamp - 1 No.
Instructor may select a motor having burnt out single layer distributed winding for this exercise.
TASK 1 : Dismantling of the motor, recording winding data and stripping the winding
1 Collect the name-plate details and record in Table 1. 2 Calculate the number of poles from the name-plate
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f - frequency in Hertz
120 × f
Using the formula P = N Ns - synchronous speed in r.p.m.
(little higher than the rotor speed noted in the name-plate).
where P - number of poles
3 Enter the number of poles in Table 2.
Table 1
Induction motor name-plate details
Make ................................ Frame No................................ Model .......................
Phase ................................ Kilo watt ................................ r.p.m ........................
Volts................................ Amperes ................................ Frequency .................
Rating ................................ Insulation ..................
Connection................................Star/Delta Class .......................
Table 2
Winding Data
No.of coils ................................ No.of slots.............................. Coil pitch ......................
No.of Poles ................................
Overhang projection a) connection end ................................mm
b) Non-connection end ................................mm
6 Make a centre punch alignment mark on the stator and 9 Keep the cold chisel tip between the stator and cover
the end shield cover. (Fig 3) and gently tap the chisel with a hammer and separate
the stator and the end shield cover. (Fig 5)
Electrical : Electrician (NSQF LEVEL - 5) - Exercise 3.3.140 99
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14 Identify whether the winding is a single layer distrib-
uted type.
In a single layer distributed type winding, the
number of coils is equal to half the number of
slots and the same size of coils are used
throughout the winding.
15 Record the number of coils, number of poles,
number of slots, pitch and record the overhand
projection at both ends of the stator in tabe 2 and
if required prepare templates by cardboard or similar
10 Pull off the end shield cover and rotor together, parallel materials for overhang projection. This will help to
to the motor shaft. (Fig 6) check the overhangs after rewinding.
16 Open the end binding of the end and lead connections
from the overhang.
17 Trace the group/lead connections and draw the
same for reference in your record.
The number of coil groups shall be equal to
the number of phase x number of poles in the
case of whole coil connection whereas in the
case of half coil connection the number of coil
groups shall be equal to the number of phases
11 Hold the shaft in one hand, rotate the end cover and tap x pair of poles. Hence ascertain the group and
it lightly with a nylon mallet to remove it from the rotor. connection.
(Fig 7)
18 Remove the wedges. The wedge can removed by
using a power hacksaw blade are shown in Fig 9 or by
a wedge remover.
Table 3
No. of circuits...... Turns/Coils...... Size of the wire.......
Wire multiple....... Wt.of scrap..... Wire insulation.........
Table 4
Coil shape: Diamond / Rectangular / Oval
A. Coil length ............................................ mm
B. Coil width ............................................ mm
6 Insert the 11th coil right coil side in slot 2 and then the 13 Measure the insulation resistance between the windings
12th coil right coil side in slot 4. (Fig 24) and the stator core with 500 V Megger and record it in
Table 7.
7 Insert the wedges in the slots so that the coil sides are
well packed in the slots. (Fig 25)
3 Dismantle the given motor. Record the details of the 9 Strip all the coils out from the stator except one
existing winding details before and after removing the complete group of coils.
coils from the stator in Table 13. 10 Use a thinner in the winding and remove carefully one
4 Identify the windings of the given motor - whether it is complete group of coils without damage.
single layer concentric winding. 11 Check the total coil weight and record it in Table 11.
Table 9 Table 11
Induction motor No. of circuits.........Turns/coil...........
Make ................Frame No. ...........Model ............ a) ..................
Phase ......Kilowatt/HP ...................r.p.m ............. b) ..................
c) ..................
Volts ............Amperes ...............Frequeency........
Size of the wire..............Wire multiple.....................
In single layer winding, the number of coils is Total weight of scraped coils.......Wire insulation.......
equal to half the number of slots. In concentric
12 Clean the stator slots.
winding the pitch of coils in the group will be
different and will be in concentric form. 13 Using the complete set of coils, measure the s ize and
shape of the coils and record the details in Table 12.
5 Record the number of slots, number of coils and the
pitch of the coils in Table10 Table 12
Table 10 Shape of the coil......diamond/Rectangular/Oval
No. of slots ..... No. of coils .........Coil Pitch Outer coil Inner coil
No. of poles............ No. of coils/slot ................. A Coil length ............... mm ...................mm
End connections ........................(Half coil/whole coil) B Coil width .................... mm ................mm
C Coil thickness .............. m
6 Trace the group/lead connections and draw the same
for reference in the space given.
In case the full shape of a coil is not available,
In whole coil connected winding, the total use a single turn of 16 or 18 SWG copper wire
number of groups shall be equal to the number and measure the inner dimensions of the coils
of phases multiplied by the number of poles, of the coils of the set, one after the other. Insert
and in the case of half coil connected winding, it in the slots at the given pitches. Verify the
the total number of groups shall be equal to the length of overhang projection and clearance
number of phases multiplied by the number of etc. taking into account the thickness of the
pairs of poles. Hence ascertain the number of coils. If found satisfactory, use the same for
groups, and, thereby, the type of connection. recording the measurement.
The Procedure for 24 slots, 12 coils, 4 poles, In the concentric type of winding the insertion
single layer concentric winding (half coil) is of coils should start from the inner coil which
given below. You can adopt the same is having the shortest pitch.
procedure for the other stators of different
2 Check the connection side of the winding with respect
slots and poles with necessary modifications.
to the stator and hold the connection end of the coil in
The end connection and developed diagrams that side.
for the above stated winding are given in
3 Place a leatheroid paper of length equal to the width
Fig 26 and 27 for your guidance.
of the core in the right side of the core. (Fig 28).
Table 13
Data to be taken from the stator (before removing the coils)
No. of slots .............No. of coils .................... Coils per group .........................
Group connectors .......................... Wire insulation ......................
Coil throw .................... Type of winding .................Distribution/Concentric
Wedge material .......... Size ....................... Binding material ...................Size .........
Overhang dimension Outer dia. ..................mm Inner dia. ............mm
Length ..............mm Shape ........................ (make template).
Data to be taken (after removing the coils)
Size of wire ........mm No. of parallel wires ............. No. of turns ................
Size of coil length ........mm(inside) width .......mm(inside) Thickness ........mm
Type of sleeve ......... .........size ................ Type of lead ............... size ...........
Slot insulation .............. Type ............. Thickness .............. Dimension .............
Type of coil .................................Number of coils .......................
Weight of single coil ...................Weight of the total winding .........
Front end bearing number .............Rear end bearing number ...........
Size of connection lead .................................................................
Connection lead side with respect to terminal box ..........................
Carefully examine the developed diagram in 3 Insert likewise two more sets of ganged coils in slot
which the slot pitch is given as 1-6 and there numbers 3,4,5 and 6 like step 1 and 2. (Fig 33).
will be two coils in a group. The left coil side
of coil 1 is in slot 1 as bottom coil and the right
coil side of coil 1 is in slot 6 as top coil. In
double layer winding the coil sides should be
placed in adjacent slots. Modify the procedure
to suit the requirement of the given motor 4 Place a separator insulation over the bottom coils side
winding. of slot 6.
1 Insert the left coil sides of the first set of ganged coils 5 Insert the right coil side of the 1st coil in slot number
in slots 1 and 2. 6 as the top coil side.
2 Leave the right coil sides of the ganged coils over the
stator with a leatheroid insulation paper between the
coil sides and core.
Tools/Instruments Materials
• Combination pliers 200 mm - 1 No. • PVC insulated, standed aluminium
• Screw driver 200mm - 1 No. cable 2.5 sq. mm 650V grade - 25 m
• Multimeter - 1 No. • Fuse wire 10 amps - as reqd.
• Megger 500V - 1 No. • Black insulation tape - as reqd.
• ICDP switch 16A 500V - 1 No.
• TPIC switch 16A - 500V - 1 No.
• D.O.L Starter - 1 No. • Push button station - 1 No.
• Star Delta starter - 1 No. • Over load relay - 1 No.
• Rotor resistance starter - 1 No. • Contactor - 1 No.
• Auto transformer starter - 1 No. • Time delay relay - 1 No.
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Do not tighten the screws more than necessary
as too much tightening of screws will break the
PVC casing of the contactor and OL relay.
2 Failure to trip Wrong setting of O.L relay Check O.L relay ratings and set a
(causing motor Mechanical binding due to dirt, corrosion etc proper relay, Clean or replace.
burn out). Incorrect control wiring. Check the
circuit and correct it.
III Fuses
1 Constant blowing Short circuit or poor insulation Check the motor and the circuit for
of fuses winding / wiring insulation resistance.
2 Fuse not blowing Fuse rating too high Replace with suitable fuse.
under short circuit
3 Fuse blowing off Fuse rating too low. Replace with suitable fuse. Check for
frequently. Overloading of feeder. over-current, leakage and short circuit.
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Single phase capacitor start
• ohmmeter/ multimeter - 1 No. induction run motor 1HP,240V,50Hz - 1 No.
• Universal motor 240V, 50Hz,0.5HP - 1 No.
• Repulsion motor 240V,50Hz, 0.5HP - 1 No.
• Induction start induction run motor • Bipolar stepper motor 6W, 6V/1A
1/2 HP, 240V, 50Hz - 1 No. (Permanent magnet type) - 1 No.
TASK 1 : Identify the parts of single phase induction start motor / split phase motor
1. Read and interpret the name plate details of the single phase induction start induction run motor and note down in
Table 1.
Table 1
Name-plate details
Manufacturer, Trade mark ............................................ Rated frequency .............................................
Type, model or serial number ....................................... Rated power ..................................................
Type of current ........................................................... Rating class ..................................................
Function .................................................................... Insulation class .............................................
Rated current ...........................................amp
Rated speed ............................................r.p.m
Rated Voltage ...............................................Volts Protection class ..............................................
2 Identify the parts of single phase induction start 4 Write the name of the parts of each labelled numbers
induction run motor from the real objects or from the tag in Table -2.
exploded view chart. (Fig 1).
Table 2
Sl No. Label No. Name of the parts
3 Label the each identified parts with number tags. 8
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TASK 2 : Identify the parts of capacitor start induction run motor
1 Read and interpret the name details of the capacitor start, induction run motor and note down in Table 3.
Table 3
Name-plate details
Manufacturer, Trade mark .............................................. Rated frequency .............................................
Type, model or list number ............................................ Rated power ..................................................
Type of current ............................................................. Rating class ..................................................
Function ..................................................................... Insulation class .............................................
Fabrication or Serial number ......................................... Rated current ...........................................amp
Type of connection ..................... Rated speed ...........................................r.p.m
Rated Voltage .....................................................Volts Protection class .............................................
Table 4
Sl No. Label Number Name of the parts
2 Identify the parts of the universal motor from the real 4 Write the name of the parts of each labelled number
objects (or ) from the exploded view.(Fig 4) tags in Table 8.
Table 8
Sl No. Label No. Name of the parts
3 Label the each identified parts with number tags. 8
5 Get it checked with your instructor.
2 Identify the parts of the repulsion motor from the real Table 10
objects (or) from the exploded view ( Fig 5) and note
down each labelled number in Table 10. Sl No. Label No. Name of the parts
Push rods
Shorting ring attached to shafts
Flyweights 2
attached to shafts Commutator attached to shafts
Spring opposing flyweights 3
Brush holder attached
to push rods 4
Rotor coil
(One shown)
Foil coil
PARTS OF THE REPULSION START INDUCTION RUN MOTOR 3 Get it checked with your instructor.
TASK 7 : Identify 3 terminals of the pair of two windings of single-phase split phase induction motor
1 Remove the terminal cover. Make connection using a 4 Mark the terminals between which you get maximum
piece of cable and short circuit two terminals at a time reading as 1 and 3. Mark the unmarked terminal as 2.
to discharge the capacitor.
5 Record the resistance values in Table 13 according to
2 Remove the capacitor if any and test the capicator for your terminal marking made.
insulation and leakage.
The reading between the pair of terrminals
3 Measure the resistance in between pairs of terminals 1 & 2 and 1 & 3, whichever is greater is
by an ohmmeter. (Fig 7) considered as the terminals of starting
winding and the other is considered as
terminal of running winding.
Table 13
Resistance Resistance Resistance
between 1 & 2 between 2 & 3 between 1 & 3
TASK 8 : Identify 4 terminals of the pair of two windings of single phase split phase induction motor
1 Repeat the steps 1 and 2 of Task 7 , Fig 8.
2 Find out the pairs of terminals and number one pair of
terminals as 1 and 2. The other pair is numbered as
3 and 4 (Fig 9)
3 Measure the resistance between U1 and U2 and
Z1 and Z2..
1 Higher resistance is between ____________________
2 Lower resistance is between the terminals marked as
Tools/Instruments Equipments/Machines
• Masonry tools like travel spirit level etc- 1 Set • A.C Single phase motor 0.5 HP 240V - 1 No.
• Drilling machine Electric 12.7 mm
capacity with drills - 1 No.
• Measuring tape 3 meters - 1 No. • Connecting cables - as reqd.
• Electrician hand tool kit - 1 Set • Plywood 8 mm thick 40 x 30 cm - 1 No.
• Spanner set 5 mm to 30 mm - 1 Set • Nuts, grouting bolts - as reqd.
• Ball pein hammer 500 g - 1 No. • GI wire 14 SWG -6m
Start run and reverse the direction of rotation of single phase AC motors
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• start run and reverse the D.O.R of induction start, induction run motors through DOL starter
• start run and reverse the D.O.R of capacitor-start, induction run motors
• start run and reverse theD.O.R of capacitors start, capacitor - run motor
• start, run and reverse the D.O.R of repulsion motor
• start run and reverse the D.O.R of stepper motor.
• Trainee’s tool kit - 1 No. • Capacitor start, capacitor run
• Pulley puller 15 cm - 1 No. motor 250V, 0.5 HP, 50Hz - 1 No.
• MI Voltmeter 0-300V - 1 No. • Repulsion motor, 250v 50 hz,
• MI Ammeter0-10 A - 1 No. 0.25HP available capacity - 1 No.
• Megger 500 V - 1 No. • Bipolar stepper motor 6w,6v/1A
• Ohmmeter - 1 No. (permanent magnet type) - 1 No.
• Regulated power supply (0.30v) - 1 No.
• Single phase inducion start,
induction run motor 1/2HP, • GI wire 14 SWG -6m
250V, 50Hz - 1 No. • 2.5 sq. mm. PVC copper wire
• D.O.L starter for single-phase 250 V grade - as reqd.
motor 10A, 250V - 1 No. • I.C.D.P. switch 16 A,250V - 1 No.
• Capacitor start , induction run • Fuse wire 10A - 10 gm
motor 250v, 50Hz, 1Hp - 1 No.
TASK 1 : Start , run and reverse the D.O.R of Induction start induction run motor through D.O.L Starter
1 Draw the complete connection diagram of the given 2 Get the diagram approved by your instructor.
motor, starter and I.C.D.P. (Fig 1)
3 Connect the motor through the I.C.D.P. switch and
starter as per the approved diagram across the AC
rated voltage supply. Provide earth connection to the
motor, the starter and the switch.
4 Replace with a fuse of proper capacity according to the
motor rating and set the overload relay of the D.O.L.
starter to the current rating of the motor.
5 Switch on the I.C.D.P. switch and press the start-button
of the starter.
6 Check the direction of rotation and record it below. The
direction of rotation is .............................
7 Stop the motor by pressing the stop-button; switch `off'
the I.C.D.P and remove the fuses.
The I.C.D.P. switch must be switched off and
the fuses removed before any modification in
the circuit is carried out.
8 Change the connection of the starting winding
(Fig 2) and record it below. Direction of rotation is
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9 Stop the motor and interchange the connection of the
main field winding.
The D.O.R is ............................
10 Stop the motor and switch off the supply.
TASK 2 : Start run and reverse the D.O.R of single phase capacitor start induction run motor
1 Make the connection as per the circuit diagram. 2 Provide fuse-wire, according to the rating of the motor,
(Fig 3) Earthing the I.C.D.P. switch, starter and motor in the I.C.D.P. switch and set the overload relay
is most essential. ampere in the D.O.L. starter to the rated value of the
3 Switch `ON' the I.C.D.P.
4 Start the motor with the help of the starter and note the
starting current, normal running current and the direction
of rotation, and enter the details in Table 1.
Table 1
Sl.No. Reference Starting Running Direction of
circuit diagram current current rotation
For changing the direction of rotation
(Fig 5). Switch `ON' the motor. Check the effect on the
5 Stop the motor by the starter and switch `off' the direction of rotation and record the result in
I.C.D.P, and remove the fuse-carrier. Table 2.
6 Interchange either the starting winding or the running
winding terminals for changing the direction of rotation.
Fig 4 illustrates the changing of the starting winding.
7 Replace the fuse-carrier, and then switch on and start
the motor. Note down the direction of rotation in
Table 1.
Effect of changing the supply leads
8 Switch off the motor and reconnect the winding. (Fig 3)
Interchange the supply terminals as per circuit diagram.
Table 2
Sl.No. Reference Starting Running Direction of
circuit diagram current current rotation
TASK 3 : Start, run and reverse the direction of rotation of capacitor start capacitor run motors
1 Identify the starting and running condensers and check 2 Show the readings to your instructor and get his
their condition and data. Enter them in Table 3. approval.
Compare and analyse the data also relating to the
3 Check the condition of the centrifugal swtich, and
starting and running condensers.
ensure it is working.
Table 3
Sl.No. Component part Type Value in Voltage Duty Cycle Condition
micro-farad Working maximum
1 Running capacitor
2 Starting capacitor
4 Connect the motor to the 240V AC supply through the 6 Get the approval of your instructor for starting. Switch
switch and starter as per the circuit diagram. (Fig 6) on the I.C.D.P and start the motor by pressing the
start- button of the starter.
5 Insert a suitable size of fuse in the I.C.D.P switch and
set the overload relay according to the rating of the 7 Check the direction of rotation and record the D.O.R
motor. below. Direction of rotation - clockwise/anticlockwise.
Change the direction of rotation of an AC single -phase 8 Stop the motor, switch off the I.C.D.P. Remove the
capacitor, start capacitor-run motor. fuse and interchange the running winding terminals.
(Fig 7)
9 Repeat the steps 6 and 7 of task 3.
2 Before switching on, keep the brush-rocker handle Normally the rocker-arm position is indicated
away from the zero position neutral zone, depending on a graduated scale.
upon the desired direction of rotation. 5 Switch ‘OFF’ the motor. Shift the brush-axis in the
At the ‘0’ position of the rocker-arm, the motor opposite direction to the earlier position.
will not start though the windings are connected 6 Switch ‘ON’ start the motor, observe the direction of
to the supply, resulting in heating up of the rotation and speed, then enter the values in Table 1.
7 Shift the rocker-arm position slowly away from the
3 Switch ‘ON’ the ICDP and press the ‘ON’ button of the earlier position. Note down the speed at each step and
starter to start the motor. Measure the speed, direction enter in Table 4.
of rotation and enter in Table 4.
8 Switch ‘OFF’ the supply and disconnect the motor and
4 Slowly shift the rocker arm position away from the accessories. Draw your conclusion showing the
earlier position and note down the speed in each step relationship between brush position, speed and D.O.R.
and enter in Table 4.
• Electrician tool Kit - 1 No. • Rotary switch 6A, 250.4 position - 1 No.
• Voltmeter 0-300 V - 2 Nos. Materials
• Ammeter 0 - 5A - 1 No.
• Tachometer 3000 rpm - 1 No. • Connecting cable - as reqd.
• ICDP switch 16A 250V - 1 No.
Equipments/Machines • Wire wound enamel insulated
• AC series motor 240V 1/2 HP - 1 No. resistor 10 ohms 100 W - 2 Nos.
Table 1
Switch S2 Position Current V1 V2 Speed
V2 55
Resistance value = R = =
Calculated resistance= ______________ ohms.
c Can you find some approximate relation between V2
and fall in speed ? Nearest standard resistance value is
Tools/Instruments Materials
• MI Ammeter 0-5 A type - 3 Nos. • Single pole knife switches 16A - 3 Nos.
• Tachometer 3000 rpm - 1 No. • I.C.D.P. Switch 16 A 250V - 1 No.
• Connecting cable - as reqd.
• F.H.P. capacitor run motor 240V - 1 No.
• Brake load arrangement
TASK 1 : Connect, run and measure starting and running current, speed of AC single phase capacitor run motor
1 Identify the terminals of starting winding and running
2 Select the ammeter range suitable to the motor under
test. Connect the circuit (Fig 1) with brake load
3 Connect the single pole knife switches S2, S3 and S4.
(Fig 2)
4 Start the motor on no load and open the switch S2 after
the motor attains the rated speed.
5 Read and record ammeter readings in Table 1. Measure
the speed and record in Table 1.
6 Adjust load until A3 reads 1/2 full load current. Record
the currents in each winding in Table 1.
7 Repeat the above step for full load.
Table 1
Load Speed Ammeter reading
A1 A2 A3
No load
Half load
Full load
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Electrical Exercise 3.4.147
Electrician - AC Single Phase Motor
Tools/Instruments Materials
• Electrician kit - 1 No. • ICDP switch 16A 250V - 1 No.
• Set of D.E. spanners 8 to 22 mm - 1 Set • Test lamp - 1 No.
• Pulley puller 100 mm and 150 mm - 1 No. • Test prods 500V - 1 Set
each • PVC insulated copper cable
• Nylon hammer 1/4 kg - 1 No. 2.5 sq mm 250 V grade - 10 m
• Ohmmeter 0 - 1 kilo ohms - 1 No. • Fuse wire 5 amps capacity - as reqd.
• Industrial, thermometer, metric, • PVC insulation tape 20 mm size - as reqd.
0 to 3000 - 1 No. • Bearing - Grease - 200 gms.
• Megger 0-500 V - 1 No. • Kerosene oil - 1 litre.
• Voltmeter M.I. type 0-300 V - 1 No. • Cotton waste - 100 gms
• Ammeter M.I. type 0-5 amps - 1 No. • Shellac varnish - 1/4 litre
• Sandpaper `O' - as reqd.
• Fraction horse power AC
single phase (split phase) motor - 1 No.
Type _______ HP _________ Volts __________ 9 Check the overload setting and if necessary, set it to
the rated current of the motor.
Amperes _______ Phase ______ Cycles ______
10 Check the contact points of the starter for pittings.
2 Switch 'OFF' the respective I.C.D.P. main switch. If the contact points are lightly pitted, use a
3 Remove the fuses and keep in safe custody. sandpaper to clean them. Badly pitted or
damaged contacts need to be replaced.
Remove the sub-circuit fuses which supplies
11 Clean the external surface of the single phase motor
power to the ICDP.
using brush, a piece of the cloth and a blower.
4 Clean the main switch with a brush. 12 Open the terminal cover.
5 Check the incoming and outgoing leads of the I.C.D.P. 13 Note the incoming, starting winding, running winding,
main switch for discolouring. capacitor and centrifugal switch connections and draw
a diagram in your record. Indicate the colour of cables
Discolouring normally indicates loose terminal
in the diagram.
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19 Check the insulation value of the windings with the help
Normally some letter markings are found in
of a Megger and enter the result in Table 4.
the terminal plate. Some manufacturers give
the schematic diagram on the back side of the 20 Dismantle the motor following the procedural steps.
cover. In case no diagram or marking were
21 Clean the stator and rotor with a brush and blower.
there wire clearly the colour of the cables
connected to the terminal plate. Fig 1 is the 22 Clean the bearings and grease cups with kerosene and
schematic diagram of a particular single phase check the bearing.
motor and Fig 2 shows the terminal connections
23 Identify the bearing which is found worn out replace it
with the simplified internal connections. These
with a similar type.
diagrams are given for your guidance. Draw
the required diagrams to show the connections 24 Check the internal connections and lead insulations.
of the motor for which maintenance is required. If necessary reinsulate the leads.
25 Check the rotor bars.
If any loose bar is found, it has to be brazed.
26 Check the rotor and stator surface for rubbing marks.
Rubbing marks indicate either worn out bearing
or wrong alignment in assembly. Correct them.
27 Check the centrifugal switch for its tension and perfect
contact between the points of contact.
If the switch is in a bad shape it should be
replaced with a similar switch. Dressing of
contact could be done with the help of
28 Identify the insulation resistance value measured earlier.
If found to be less than 1 megohm, dry the winding in
an oven or with incandescent lamps and varnish it.
29 Assemble the motor following procedural steps.
30 Perform the earlier test and enter the results in Tables
2 and 4.
14 Open the shorting loops and incoming connections. The test result should not vary too much.
Rather it should show improvement. Discuss
15 Check the continuity a) main winding b) starting winding with your instructor regarding the test results.
c) centrifugal switch.
31 Connect the shorting loops and incoming leads as per
16 Record the finding in Table 2 your diagram.
17 Measure the resistance value of the windings and 32 Replace the fuses of correct value in the fuse grip and
contact resistance value of the centrifugal switch with replace the carrier in the holder of the I.C.D.P. mains.
an ohmmeter and record it in Table 2.
33 Check the earth connections to the motor starter and
18 Check the capacitor and the centrifugal switch for its switch correct them if necessary.
condition with an ohmmeter and enter the result in
Table 3. 34 Start the motor and test run for about 30 minutes.
A capacitor when tested with a Megger or 35 Check the frame temperature of the motor and satisfy
multimeter, the meter needle will show short yourself that the temperature is within the reasonable
indicating the capacitor is charged. When the limits.
capacitor terminals are shorted by a cable, a 36 Check for any undue noise or vibrations.
spark will be noticed indicating the capacitor
37 Stop the motor and write your observations in the
is discharged and in good condition. However
maintenance card.
whether the capacity is charged or the capacitor
able to hold the charge for a specified time If any undue noise or vibrations is found stop
cannot be checked by this test. the motor and recheck the tightness of the end
plate bolts and frame bolts.
Table 3
Sl.No. Description Condition
1 Capacitor
2 Centrifugal switch
Table 4
Test result in megohms Remarks
Sl.No. Description of the test Before After
dismantling assembling
1 Between main winding and starting windings (auxiliary)
2 Between main winding and the body/frame
3 Between starting winding and the body/frame
4 Between centrifugal switch and the body/frame
5 Between centrifugal switch and the winding
(both the windings shorted)
Tools/Instruments Equipment/Machines
• Electrician tool kit - 1 Set. • AC split phase motor FHP 250V - 1 No.
• Scissors 250mm - 1 No.
• Nylon hammer 80 mm dia, Materials
120mm long head - 1 No. • Super-enamelled copper wire - as reqd.
• Soldering iron 125W, 240V - 1 No. • Millinex (or triplex paper) 10 Mili - as reqd.
• Scale and weight 1 to 450 gms - 1 Set. • Empire sleeve 1 mm, 2mm, 3mm,
• Cold Chisel 100mm dia, 200mm long - 1 No. 4mm & 5mm -1m.each
• Multimeter - 1 No. • Cotton tape 20mm roll of 25 m -1 Roll
• Centre punch 100mm - 1 No. • Bamboo wedge - as reqd.
• Steel rule 300mm - 1 No. • Resion Core solder 60:40 - as reqd.
• Wood rasp file, half round 200mm - 1 No. • Varnish (air dry) - as reqd.
• Tray 200mm x 200mm x 50mm - 1 No. • Brush 25 mm - 1 No.
• Megger 500 V - 1 No. • Fibre sheet - as reqd.
• DE spanner 5 to 22 mm - 1 Set • PVC insulated copper wire 21/0.2 mm -3m
• Outside Micro meter 0 - 25 mm - 1 No.
TASK 1: Rewind a single phase split phase motor (concentric coil winding)
Collection of data 3 Mark both the end covers with distinguished markings
with a centre punch, and correspondingly mark the
1 Collect and record the machine data in Table 1. body also.
2 Remove the pulley by using a pulley puller. Remove the
fan cover and then remove the cooling fan blade
Copyright @ NIMI Not to be Republished
Table 1
Name-plate details
Manufacturer’s Name .......................................... Serial Number....................................................
Output......................................................KW/HP. Voltage .................V Current ......................Amps
Frequency ......................................................Hz Speed ................. r.p.m. Cycle ..........................
Insulation ............................................................ Frame No. ................Startingcapacitor ......... Mfd
Table 2
Winding data
1 Terminal marking with colour of the lead cables .................................................................................
2 Connection end of the winding with respect to the terminal box ...........................................................
3 No. of slots ............................. No. of poles ................................ Type of winding .............................
4 Wedge material ................... size .................. Binding material .................. size ..........
5 Overhang dimension Non-connection end Connection end
Outer dia. .............. mm .............. mm
Inner dia. ............. mm .............. mm
Length from core ............. mm ............. mm
6 Slot insulation materials 1 ..................... Size .................... thickness
2 ..................... Size .................... thickness
7. Type of winding Kind of wire end No. of coils Coils/group
1 Running ........................ .................... ......................
2 Starting ........................ ..................... .....................
8 Shaft side rotation CW/ACW
9 Coil size from outer coil Starting winding Running winding Turns Pitch
Length ...........mm Length ............mm .......................
Breadth ..........mm Breadth ...........mm . .........................
10 Weight of running coils (Total) ....................... kg
11 Weight of starting coils (Total) ....................... kg
12 Lead wire : Type ........................................ Size ............................................
Front bearing No. ..................................
Rear bearing No. ..................................
13 Core length ......................................
14 Coil group connection diagram
15 Any other information
Example: Single phase capacitor motor
No. of poles - 4
No. of slots - 24
No. of coils - 20 (12 for main and 8 for starting winding).
4 Mark and remove the connection leads from the terminal 5 Loosen the screw bolt/tie rod on both the end shield
box. Enter the details in Table 2. covers, and also remove the centrifugal switch
Connect, start, run and reverse the direction of rotation of universal motor
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• connect a universal motor to the supply through a D.O.L. starter and start the motor
• reverse the direction of rotation of a universal motor.
Tools/Instruments Equipments/Machines
• Insulated cutting pliers 150 mm - 1 No. • Universal motor 250V, 50 Hz, 0.5 HP - 1 No.
• Screwdriver 150 mm - 1 No.
• D.E. spanner set 5mm to 20 mm - 1 Set
• Megger 500 V - 1 No.. • 2.5 mm multi-strand PVC
• Test lamp 100W/240V - 1 No. copper cable - 10 mts.
• Ohmmeter/multimeter - 1 No. • Bare copper wire 14 SWG - 05 mts.
• Tachometer 1500-15000 r.p.m. - 1 No. • 250 V 16A, I.C.D.P. switch - 1 No.
• D.O.L. starter 250V suitable for
0.5 HP single phase motor - 1 No.
1 Arrange and adjust a suitable load for the given universal 4 Connect the motor as per circuit diagram (Fig 1) with
motor. proper frame earth connections.
A universal motor has high starting torque. Check for the correct load arrangement before
Without load, the motor reaches a dangerously starting the motor.
high speed resulting in damage. Normally do
5 Switch on the I.C.D.P. and push the 'ON' button of the
not arrange loading through the flat belts
which may slip during running. Arrange direct
drives or 'V' belt drives as load. 6 Observe the D.O.R. and record it below.
2 Select the proper rating of I.C.D.P. switch, cables, fuse The D.O.R. is
and starter, according to the rating of the given universal 7 Measure the speed with a tachometer and record it
motor. below. The speed is r.p.m.
3 Open the starter cover, trace out the connection and
set the overload relay to the motor current rating.
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The speed of a universal motor depends upon In case reversing the direction of rotation of
the load. While setting the range of the the motor is necessary, change either field or
tachometer, first set at a high range and then armature terminas. While changing the
step down the range to a suitable measurable amature terminals of compensated universal
value. motor, change the compensating winding
terminals also.
8 Stop the motor by the stop-botton of the starter. Switch
off the I.C.D.P. and remove the fuse. 9 Discuss with your intructor the possibility of alternate
connections to the one. (Fig 2)
Change the direction of rotation
10 Change either the field or the armature terminals.
Generally the D.O.R of the universal motor is
designed in one direction by the manufacturer. 11 Follow the procedural steps 5 to 8 and record the
Changing the direction of rotation in such direction of rotation and speed in the space given
cases will resut in high sparking, increased below:
heating and failure of the machine.
The D.O.R. is_________________________
The speed is__________________________
Tools/Instruments Materials
• Electrician tool kit - 1 Set • Test lamp 60W 250V - 1 No.
• Philips screwdriver 200mm - 1 No. • Cotton waste - as reqd.
• Cold chisel 200 mm - 1 No. • Bearing grease quality and quantity - as reqd.
• Spanner set double ended set of • Sandpaper smooth sheet of
8 Nos. 6mm to 25 mm - 1 Set 300 mm square - as reqd.
• Mallet (wooden ) 7.5 cm dia - 1 No. • Kerosene oil - 1/2 litre.
• Bearing puller - 1 No. • Empire cloth 1 mm - as reqd.
• Megger 500 V - 1 No. • Carbon tetrachloride - as reqd.
• Ohmmeter 0 to 1 kilo ohm - 1 No. • Empire sleeves 3 mm to 6 mm - as reqd.
• External and internal growler - 1 Set • Carbon brushes of suitable
grade and size - 2 Nos.
• Lead and tin solder (Resin cored) -20 grams.
• Universal motor as available - 1 No.
Volts Ampere Phase Cycles 5 Mark the exact position of the end plates with yoke.
Serial No. 6 Dismantle the machine.
Suggestion/Complaint : 7 Clean the internal parts of the motor.
Signature of Section in-charge 8 Check the following.
2 Inspect the motor visually and record the defects in a) Test the shorting between commutator segments.
Table 2. (Fig 1)
3 Read the complaint card and ascertain the area of b) Clean the commutator with carbon tetra chloride.
trouble. c) Check the mica insulation; if found raised beyond
4 Conduct, continuity, open circuit and insulation the commutator surface undercut the mica.(Fig 2)
resistance tests and enter the values in Table 3.
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Table 3
Test results
Sl. No.
1 Field winding
2 Armature winding
Tools/Instruments Equipments/Machines
• Right spanner set 5 mm to 25 mm - 1 Set • Electric drilling machine - 1 No.
• DE spanner set 5mm to 25mm - 1 No. • 3 Phase Alternator 3KVA 500V
• Dial gauge - 1 No. 50 Hz coupled to suitable motor - 1 No.
• Feeler gauge - 1 No. • Ohm meter - 1 No.
• Ball pein hammer 1 Kg - 1 No. • Phase sequence meter - 1 No.
• Cold chisel 19mm dia 200mm long - 1 No.
• Round file bastard 200mm - 1 No.
• Flat file bastard 200 mm - 1 No. • PVC insulated copper cable
• Steel rule 300 mm - 1 No. 2.5 sq mm 600V grade - as reqd
• Crowbar 1800mm - 1 No. • Test lamp 250V - 1 No.
• Lead hammer 1 Kg - 1 No. • Bolts and nuts - as reqd
• Screwdriver 300mm with 6 mm blade - 1 No. • Cement - as reqd.
• Spirit level 200 mm - 1 No. • Sand - as reqd.
• Alignments pins (Fixture pin) - 1 Set • Earth wire GI 14 SWG -3m
Copyright @ NIMI Not to be Republished
12 Allow it to settle down for 8 to 12 hours, then remove the
13 Cure the cement mortar with water for a minimum of two
14 Finish the surface by plastering neatly.
15 Install the alternator set and fix with nuts.(Fig 4)
Table 3
Name-plate details
Manufacturer, Trade Mark : ..................................... Rated Speed: ................................................rpm.
Type model number : ............................................. Rated power ..............................................k.w/HP
Type of Current : .................................................... Rating class:.......................................................
Function ............................................................. Insulation class ...................................................
Serial number : ............................................Amps Rated current: :...........................................amp...
Type of connection: .............................................. Rated frequency................................................Hz
Rated voltage: .................................................volts Protection class: .................................................
3 Label the each part with number and write the name
of the parts in Table 4.
Table 4
S No. Label No. Name of the part
In a 3-phase, star-connected alternator three Only one pair will be independent with
windings are internally connected in the star marginally high resistance. This pair belongs
and four terminals are brought out to the to the field winding. The other four
terminal block. These four terminals consist of terminalswhich show continuity between them
three beginning ends of the 3-phase winding belong to the star-connected, main winding
and one neutral. terminals.
1 Check there is any marking on the terminals and note Out of the four terminals, three terminals will
it down also. If not, give your own marking as 1,2,3 etc give comparatively high resistancs between
as shown in Fig 4. them. These are the ends of the three coils
called UVW terminals. However, the left out
terminals out of the four will give half the value
of resistance when measured between any
one terminal of UVW and that terminal. This
terminal is the neutral and has to be marked as
‘N’. The marking of the 3-phase terminals as
UVW is tentative. The correct phase sequence
is to be checked with the help of a phase-
2 Identify the terminals which show the internal sequence meter, then only the terminals could
connection, following the procedure stated in the above be marked as UVW.
working steps and also as shown in Fig 6a. Measure
4 Mark the terminals accordingly.
the resistance in between them and record the readings
in Table 5. 5 Show your making to your instructor and get his
3 Identify the field winding from the terminal block
(Fig 6b) Table 5
Sl No. Between Resistance value Remarks
in ohms
1 1-2
2 2-3
3 3-4
4 1-3
5 1-4
6 2-4
7 5-6
Tools/Instruments Equipment/Machines
• Cutting pliers 200mm - 1 No. • Alternator, 3-phase, 3 KVA 415V - 1 No.
• Spanner set 5mm to 200mm - 1 Set
• Screwdriver 200mm - 1 No.
• Screwdriver 100mm - 1 No. • P.V.C. insulated copper wire
• Megger 500V - 1 No. 23/0.2 mm size -5m
• Insulation tape - 1 m.
• Test lamp 60W / 240V - 1 No.
Copyright @ NIMI Not to be Republished
3 Check the continuity between F 1 and F 2
(Fig 2) and enter the finding in Table 2.
TASK 4: Measure the insulation resistance between the windings and the body
1 Connect one of the prods of the Megger to any one
terminal, RYBN and the other prod to the body/frame
of the alternator. (Fig 4)
2 Rotate the Megger at its rated speed and measure the
insulation resistance. Record it in Table 4.
Table 4
Sl. No. Insulation resistance between Value in
winding and the body MΩ
1 Between armature winding
R/Y/B/N and the body
2 Between field winding
F1 & F2 and body
3 Connect the Megger prod to terminal F1 or F2 and the
other prod to the body. (Fig 5)
Rotate the Megger at its rated speed and measure the
insulation resistance value, and record it in Table 4.
• Insulated cutting pliers 200mm - 1 No. • Rheostat 480 ohms 2 amps - 2 Nos.
• Screwdriver 150mm - 1 No. • 4-point starter 30 amps 250V - 1 No.
• Screwdriver 100mm - 1 No.
• Voltmeter AC 0 to 500 volts - 1 No.
• Ammeter DC 0 to 5 amps - 1 No. • PVC insulated copper cable
• Tachometer 0 to 3000 r.p.m. - 1 No. 2.5 sq mm 600 V grade - 10 m.
• Single phase frequency meter • Insulation tape - 30 cm.
250V - 45 to 55 Hz. - 1 No. • Fuse wire 5A, 15A - as reqd.
• T.P.I.C. switch 16 amps 500V - 1 No.
• D.P.I.C. switch 32 amps 250V - 2 Nos.
• 3-phase alternator 3KVA 415V 50 Hz.
coupled to a suitable DC motor. - 1 Set
TASK 1: Connect, start, run, adjust the speed and frequency of an alternator
1 Read and interpret the name-plate details in Table 1.
You may have to change the ranges of the
2 Test and identify the terminals of the alternator. meters and rheostat according to the rating of
the available alternator with respect to Fig 1.
3 Test the alternator for insulation resistance between
the windings, the winding and the ground, and record 5 Make the connections as per the circuit diagram.
the values separately. (Fig 1)
The insulation resistance value should not be 6 Adjust the field rheostat of the prime mover to cut out
less than one megaohm position, and the field rheostat of the exciter in the
minimum voltage position.
4 Select a suitable range of rheostats, ammeters,
voltmeters, switches and cables according to the 7 Check the couplings.
specification of the available alternator.
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Table 1
Name plate details
Manufacturer, Trade Mark : ....................................
Type, model or list number : ....................................
Type of Current : .................................... Fabrication or serial number : ..............................
Function : .................................... Alternator : ..............................
Type of connection : .................................... P.F. : ..............................
Rated voltage : ............................Volts Rated current : ......................amps
Frequency : ...............................Hz Rated speed : .......................r.p.m.
Rated power : ............................ kVA Rated exc. current : ...................... amps
Rated exc. voltage : .......................... Volts Direction of rotation : ..............................
Rating class : ................................... Protection class : ..............................
Insulation class : ...................................
8 Switch `ON' the DC supply to the prime mover (DC 13 Increase the excitation current such that the alternator
motor) and start the prime mover through the 4-point line voltage is about 10% above the rated value.
14 Draw the curve IF versus VP taking IF on the `X' axis and
9 Adjust the speed of the prime mover through its field VP on the `Y'axis. The curve shows the O.C.C. or the
rheostat to the rated speed of the alternator. magnetisation characteristic of the alternator.
10 Switch `on' the DC supply to the exciting winding of the 15 Write your conclusion regarding the relation between
alternator. Note down the field current, line voltage and the field current and phase voltage as well as the line
phase voltage of the alternator in Table 2. voltage and phase voltage.
11 Note down the frequency (if possible, for the frequency Conclusion
meter may not read at a low voltage) in Table 2.
12 Increase the field current in 10 to 12 equal steps. For
each step measure the phase voltage, line voltage,
frequency and field current and enter the values in
Table 2 until the alternator output voltage reaches its
rated value.
The field current should be varied gradually in
equal steps in the ascending order. Otherwise
it will disturb the shape of the plotted curve.
Table 2
Sl.No. Field current Line voltage Phase voltage Frequency Remarks
Tools/Instruments Equipment/Machines
• Combination pliers 200mm - 1 No. • 3-phase alternator 500V 5/10 kW
• Round nose pliers 150mm - 1 No. coupled with DC shunt motor having
• Electrician's knife - 1 No. facility for speed control - 1 Set
• M.I. ammeter 0 to 20 amps - 3 Nos. • 3-phase lamp load 415/400V 5 KW - 1 No.
• M.I. voltmeter 0 to 500 volts - 1 No. • 3-phase squirrel cage motor 500V
• M.C. voltmeter 0-300V - 1 No. 50HZ, 3 HP with DOL starter and switch - 1 No.
• M.C. ammeter 0-5A - 1 No.
• Frequency meter 500V, 45 to 50 Hz. - 1 No.
• Power-factor meter 500V, • P.V.C. insulated stranded
+0.5 to -0.5 P.F. - 1 No. aluminium cable -10 m
• Tachometer 300 to 3000 r.p.m. - 1 No. • T.P.I.C. switch 32 amps 500v - 2 Nos.
Copyright @ NIMI Not to be Republished
2 Select proper sizes of cables, fuse wires, switches Check the voltage rating of the power factor
etc., as per the name-plate ratings (rated capacity) of and frequency meters whether they are for
the given 3-phase alternator. phase voltage or line voltage. Connect
3 Connect the exciter output terminals to the field of the accordingly. Do not forget to connect the star
alternator with the rheostat, ammeter and voltmeter. point of the lamp load to the neutral point of
(Fig 1 the alternator. The bulb wattage rating should
be equal in all lamps.
The exciter output voltage is shown in Fig 1 as
220V DC. Different manufacturers choose 5 Show the connection to your instructor and obtain his
different exciter voltages suitable for their permission to start the prime mover.
alternators. You may have to select the 6 Run the alternator at its rated speed. Measure and
voltmeter and ammeter ratings according to record the speed. Speed.............. r.p.m.
the voltage rating of the field of the available
alternator. 7 Build up its voltage by adjusting the field rheostat to the
rated voltage of the alternator. Read and record it.
4 Connect the alternator terminals RYB and N to the load Voltage .............volts.
as per the circuit diagram (Fig 1). Keep the load
switches and also all the lamp switches of the lamp
load in the `off' position.
Table 2
Sl. Load current Terminal Frequency Power Power = Remarks
No. equal in all the Voltage kept Factor 3 ELILcos Ø
three phases IL VL constant cos Ø
1 Close the T.P.I.C. switch of the motor load and start the 6 Calculate the voltage regulation for the above different
motor by the D.O.L starter. loads at 5 and 10 amperes by using the formula:
2 Close also the T.P.I.C. switch of the lamp load and Percentage voltage regulation (%VR)
increase IL up to the alternator's rated value in steps of
one ampere. Read and record the values of IL, VL & P.F. No.load voltage - Full load voltage
%VR = x 100
frequency in Table 4. Full load voltage
3 Reduce the load and switch off the alternator.
7 Based on steps 5 and 6 write your conclusion in the
4 Draw the three curves for the 3 sets of reading as space given below.
recorded in Tables 2, 3 and 4 in the same graph
Conclusion 1
showing the terminal voltage versus load current. Keep
the terminal voltage in the Y axis and load current in the
5 Compare the power delivered to the
• resistive Conclusion 2
• inductive (partially resistive)
• resistive/inductive loads
• with the corresponding line current and line voltage,
and P.F.- atleast three different line current values.
Table 4
Sl. Load current Terminal Frequency Power Power = Remarks
No. equal in all the Voltage kept Factor 3 ELILcos Ø
three phases IL VL constant cos Ø
• Trainees tool kit - 1 No. • Rheostat 150 ohms/1A - 1 No.
• MI Voltmeter 0-500V - 2 Nos.
• Frequency meter (45 - 50 - 55 Hz) - 1 No. Materials
• Phase sequence indicator - 1 No. • TPIC switch 16A, 500V - as reqd.
• Synchroscope - 1 No. • ICDP / Knife switch 16A, 250V - 1 No.
Equipments/Machinery • ICTP / Knife switches 16A, 500V - 2 Nos.
• 100W/250 V lamps - 6 Nos.
• 3 Phase alternators 5 kVA/500V • Connecting wires - as reqd.
50 Hz coupled with prime mover
(/adjustable speed control) - 2 Nos.
TASK 1 : Read and interpret the name plate details of the alternators
1 Read and interpret the name plate details of the 3 phase 2 Note down the details of alternators in Table 1.
Table 1
Name-plate details
Manufacturer, Trade Mar k...................................... Rated frequency ................................................
Type, model or list number .................................... Rated power ............................................kw/HP
Type of current ..................................................... Rating class ...................................................
Function .............................Alternator................... Insulation class ................................................
Fabrication or serial number .................................. Rated current..............................................amp
Type of connection ............................................... Rated speed .............................................r.p.m
Rated Exc.current ........................................amps Rated exc.Voltage...........................................V
Rated voltage ................................................ volts Protection class .................................................
Direction of rotation :......................................
The voltage rating of two alternators must be same. Rating of alternators (kVA), not necessary must be
same. The load can be shared according to the rating of alternators.
TASK 2 : Synchronise the two 3 phase alternator by dark lamp method and test it
For connecting two alternators in parallel they 2 Supply frequency of both alternators must
must fulfil the following conditions. be equal
1 Terminal voltage of both the alternators 3 Phase sequence of both the alternators
must be same must be ideal
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1 Check the phase sequence of the main bus bar line 4 Keep the main switch of alternator - 2 in opened position.
by using phase sequence indicator/meter
5 Start and run the first alternator and build up the rated
2 Connect and set the arrangement of incoming alternator voltage
and outgoing alternator with prime mover coupled, TPIC
6 Measure the line voltage between phases, then
main switch, voltmeters and frequency meters and
measure the frequency of an alternator-1 and note
lamp connection in series. (Fig 1).
down the readings of voltmeter and frequency meters
While connecting the alternators, care should in Table 2.
be taken, that corresponding phase lines must Table 2
be connected of both alternators. (i.e.) 1st
alternator is connected to L1, L2 and L3 then Alternator 1
the 2nd alternator must also be connected to S No. Voltage reading in Volt Frequencyin Hz
same L1, L2 and L3.
1 L1 - L2 L1 - L2
3 Keep the main switch of incoming alternator -1 in closed
2 L2 - L3 L2 - L3
position after ensuring the phase sequence are correct.
3 L3 - L1 L3 - L1
TASK 3 : Synchronise the two 3 phase alternators by dark and bright lamp method
1 Check the phase sequence of the main bus bar lines 5 Look at the condition of the lamps
by using phase sequence indicator
If the voltage and frequency are equal then
2 Connect and set up the arrangement of the alternator one pair of the lamp will be dark and other
- 1 and alternator - 2 with prime mover, TPIC switch, two pair will be bright
lamp connection. (2 pairs of lamp are connected across
two phases, In one phase, the pair of the lamps are in If the voltage and frequency of the both the
series with voltmeters and frequency meters. (Fig 2) alternators are not same, then the lamp will
flicker not giving standstill lighting
3 Repeat the working steps from 3 to 8, in Task - 2
6 Check the voltage and frequency are not equal repeat
4 Note down the readings in table - 4 & Table - 5 the steps from 10 to 12 of task 2and bring the same
Table 4 value of voltage and frequency as in alternator - 1
• Masonry tools like travel • DC source/rectifier suitable for
Spirit level etc. - 1 Set above motor - 1 No.
• Drilling machine electric 12.mm • TPIC switch 32A, 500V - 1 No.
capacity with drills - 1 No. • DPIC switch 16A 250V - 1 No.
• Measuring tape 3 meters - 1 No. • Suitable field Rheostat - 1 No.
• Electrician hand tool kit - 1 Set
• Connecting cables - as reqd.
• Synchronous motor 3 KVA, 500V. • Plywood 8mm thick 40 x 30 cm - 1 No.
3 phase 50Hz with suitable starter - 1 No. • Nuts grouting bolts - 4 Nos.
Copyright @ NIMI Not to be Republished
2 Make the necessry arrangement at the place where
the motor to be installed as per manufacture’s
Instruction, such as drilling holes, position of nuts and
bolts or and RCC foundation etc.
3 Determine the size of the connecting cable and fuse
from the rating of the motor.
4 Cut two straight pieces and two cross pieces of ply
wood (Fig 1) and mark the holes according to the size
of the holes of the base of the motor on the wooden
frame planks.
5 Select the size of the drill according to the size the
mounting bolt recommended by the manufacturer.
a) Fix the planks with a grouting bolt. Include vibration arresting devices as per the
manufacturer's instructions such as spring
b) Check for level using the spirit level. washers, etc.
c) Fill the space around the bolts with thin coarse 8 Install the motor and fix it with nuts (Fig 3)
cement mortar.
9 Make double earthing in accordance with I.E. regulations
In the training Institute use clay mortar instead and I.S. recommendation.
of cement to facilitate repetition easily by
every trainee in a batch. 10 Check the continuity of windings as shown in Fig 4.
Also check the effectiveness of grounding. (Fig 5)
d) Allow it to settle down for 8 to 12 hours, then remove
the template planks. 11 Connect the motor with the starter/switch and fuse to
the supply temporarily to check smooth running
e) Cure the cement mortar with water for a minimum without vibrations.
of 2 days.
Connect start and plot V-curves for synchronous motor under different
excitation and load conditions
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• connect the synchronous motor with its starter
• start and run the sychronous motor with its starter
• plot the ‘V’ curve.
• Trainees tool kit - 1 No. • DC source/retifier suitable for above
• MI Ammeter 0-10 A - 1 No. motor - 1 No.
• MC Ammeter 0-1 A - 1 No. • TPIC switch 32A, 500V - 1 No.
• MI Voltmeter 0-500 V - 1 No. • DPIC switch 16A 250V - 1 No.
• Frequency meter (45-50-55Hz) - 1 No. • Field rheostat suitable for
• Tachometer 0-10000 rpm - 1 No. above motor - 1 No.
Equipment/Machines Materials
• Synchronous motor 3 KVA, 500V • Connecting leads - as reqd.
3 phase 50Hz with suitable starter - 1 No.
4 Adjust the field current to its rated value as per name 8 Calculate the synchronous speed of the motor by using
plate detail. the formula.
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9 Compare the synchronous speed with the measured
120 f
NS = speed, and ensure measured speed is equal to
p synchronous speed.
Synchronous speed Ns =... rpm.
TASK 2 : Plot the V-Curve for synchronous motor under different excitation and load condition
1 Start and run the synchronous motor to its maximum 3 Note down the readings in Table 1 and plot the ‘V’
speed without load. curves for synchronous motor under different excitation
and load conditions in a separate graph sheet. The
2 Adjust the field current by adjusting the field rheostat
same Procedure has to be repeated for loaded condition.
(Fig 1) and take the readings of armature current (Ia) and
field current (If)
Table 1
Sl. No. Without Load With Load
Armature Current (Ia) Field Current (If) Armature Current (Ia) Field Current (If)
Tools/Instruments Materials
• Insulated combination pliers 200mm - 1 No. • PVC insulated cable 3/20 or
• Screw drivers 150 mm - 1 No. 660V grade -5m
• DE Spanner set 5 mm to 20 mm - 1 Set • Kit Kat fuse 250V 16A - 1 No.
• Pendent lamp holder 250V 6A - 1 No.
• SP switch 250V 6A - 1 No.
• 3φ Sq cage induction motor 5 HP • BC lamp 25/40V 250V - 1 No.
500V 50 Hz wih γ Δ Starter - 1 No. • Fuse Wire 5 Amp. - as reqd.
• DC shunt Generator 5 KW /220V
with field regulator - 1 No.
2 Identify the parts o AC squirrel cage induction motor 3 Label the each parts with number and write then name
from the real object or from the exploded view chart. of parts.
(Fig 1)
Table 2
S No. Label Sq. Cage Induction
Number motor parts.
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4 Identify the terminals of a 3-phase induction motor with
the help of two lamps in series. (Fig 2)
5 Observe the condition of the lamp and write the name
of terminals.
If the lamps glow bright as shown Fig 2a then
the linked ends are similar ends. For example
the linked end are U1 and V1.
If the lamps glows dim as shown in Fig 2b,
then the linked ends are dis-similar ends. For
example the linked end are U1 and V2.
Start, and load a MG set with 3 phase induction motor coupled to DC shunt
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• connect 3-phase motor with the starter
• connect a DC shunt generator, field regulator, ammeter and voltmeter
• start the 3-phase AC motor
• adjust the field regulator and build up DC voltage
• determine combined efficiency of the M.G set.
• Electrician Tool kit - 1 Set - DC shunt generator - 5 KW
• MI Voltmeter 0-500V - 1 No. 220V with field regulator - 1 No.
• MIAmmeter0-15A - 1 No. • Lamp bank of 5 KW - 250 V - 1 No.
• MC Ammeter 0 to 2.5A - 1 No. Materials
• MCAmmeter 0 to 15A - 1 No.
• MCVoltmeter 0 to 250 volt - 1 No. • ICTP switch 16A 500V - 1 No.
• Power factor meter 500V • Lamp holder pendent - 2 Nos.
15A 0.5 lag to 0.5 lead - 1 No. • Lamp 250V, 60 or 100 watts bulb - 2 Nos.
• Tachometer multi-range • Stranded PVC insulated wire
0-300/1000/3000 rpm - 1 No. 7/1.5 aluminium cable -4m
• D.P.S.T. Switch 16A, 250V - 1 No.
Equipment/Machines • PVC insulated connecting cable - as reqd.
• 3-phase squirrel cage induction • ICDP switch 16A 250V - 1 No.
motor 5 HP, 500V, 50 Hz with • Graph sheet - as reqd.
star-delta starter 500V, 16A - 1 No.
2 Start the AC motor. Measure the speed using a 4 Switch ‘ON’ the load switch S2.
5 Increase the load gradually by switching ‘on’ the lamps
3 Build up the DC generator terminal voltage to its rated in steps up to the rated capacity of MG set.
value and observe the voltmeter (V2) reading.
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6 Measure the speed of the generator for each load
condition and record in Table 1.
11 Calculate the total loss and the effiency at full load.
7 Record input current, voltage and power factor in
Table 1. Read and record the load current and terminal
voltage of generator in Table 1.
8 Switch ‘OFF’ the load in steps and open the load
switch S2. 12 Stop the prime mover of the M.G. set and isolate
9 Calculate the input power. supply.
Table 1
Load Terminal Speed LIne Line Power
current (I) voltage (V) in r.p.m current (IL) voltage (VL) factor
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Copyright @ NIMI Not to be Republished