Power World
Power World
Power World
This procedure describes how to create a simple power system model using PowerWorld Simulator. This
procedure was developed for use with version 13 and later of the package. If you have an earlier version, please
contact PowerWorld Corporation at info@powerworld.com for information on upgrading, or visit the website at
To begin, double-click on the PowerWorld Simulator icon. This starts Simulator. Simulator is used to
create new cases, modify existing cases, and (of course) simulate power systems. In this example, we will build a
new case from scratch. To create a case from an existing power flow case instead, please see Creating a Case
from an Existing Power Flow File.
To create a new case, select New Case from PowerWorld icon in the upper left corner of the program. The
screen background will turn white, the default background color for new PowerWorld oneline diagram. Oneline
diagrams are used in power system analysis to represent the actual threephase power system using a single line
to represent each three-phase device.
©2011 PowerWorld Corporation
Tutorial: Inserting a Bus Page 2 of 13
The most important component of the power system model is the . Buses are used to represent junction
points in the power system where a number of devices are connected together. In building a power system
model using Simulator, you will draw buses onto the oneline diagram, attach devices such as generators and
loads to the buses, and connect different buses together with transmission lines and transformers. To insert a
· Select Network > Bus from the Individual Insert ribbon group on the Draw ribbon tab. This prepares Simulator
to insert a new bus.
· Left-click on the oneline background at the location where you want to place the new bus. This invokes the
Bus Option Dialog (pictured below), which is used to specify the name, orientation, shape, size, width, area,
zone, and nominal voltage of the bus, as well as the load and shunt compensation connected to the bus .
eight characters. That limitation is no longer imposed in Simulator. Many users still choose to limit the bus
name to eight characters by convention and for ease in converting cases to other formats (such as .epc or
.raw). For this example, enter ‘One’.
· Next, check the field, which is located in the Bus Voltage portion of the Bus
Information Tab. The Slack Bus is a modeling construct that ensures that the power system has enough
generation to meet the load. In other words, the slack bus "picks up the slack" caused by system losses
or unbalanced generation and load.
· Click OK on the Bus Option Dialog to finish creating the bus and to close the dialog. After the dialog box closes,
the new bus appears on the oneline at the location you specified.
Next we are going to attach a generator to the bus. Generators may be inserted in a manner similar to inserting a
· Select Network > Generator from the Individual Insert ribbon group on the Draw ribbon tab.
· Left-click the bus on the oneline diagram to which you want to attach the generator (for this example, click on
the slack bus – bus .) The Generator Option Dialog (pictured below) will automatically open. The dialog
is used to specify the new generator’s unit identifier, display size, orientation, MW output and limits,
reactive power limits, set point voltage, and cost model.
generator will extend from the bus. The checkbox forces the generator to move with its specified bus
when repositioning the bus on the oneline.
· Click OK on the Generator Option Dialog to accept the default values for all other fields. After the dialog box
closes, the new generator will appear on the oneline attached to the previously selected bus. The oneline
diagram should resemble the image shown below.
Tutorial: Saving the Case Page 4 of 13
To save the work that we have done so far, select Save Case from the Application Button, or click on the
button. Before the case is saved, Simulator validates the case to make sure that it does
not contain any errors. Results from this validation are displayed in the Message Log display, usually shown in
the lower right-hand corner of the display. If the log is not visible, click the Log on the Log group under Tools.
Since we have not yet named the case, the Save As dialog is displayed. Enter a file name and select OK. By
default the case is saved using the PowerWorld Binary format (*.pwb). When saving the case in the future, you
will not have to reenter its name. Simulator also asks you to supply a name for saving the oneline diagram we
have been drawing. The oneline diagram files have a default extension of *.pwd, which identifies them as
PowerWorld Display files. Supply the same name as you gave to the case. Note that, because the case and the
oneline are stored in separate files, multiple onelines can be assigned to the same case, and the same oneline
can be used by many cases.
Tutorial: Entering a Second Bus with Load Page 5 of 13
· Select Network > Bus from the Individual Insert ribbon group on the Draw ribbon tab.
· Click on the oneline diagram somewhere to the right of the first bus. In the Bus Options Dialog
(pictured below) leave the bus number at the default value of 2, and enter the name ‘Two’ in the Name
· We will model a 200 MW, 100 Mvar load at the bus. Select the tab. Under the heading enter ‘200’ in the
field and ‘100’ in the
· Click OK to accept all other default values, close the Bus Options Dialog, and insert the bus.
At this point, the oneline diagram does not show the load at bus 2, even though it is represented in the
power system model (you can confirm this by right-clicking on bus 2, selecting from the resulting
local menu, and inspecting the fields again).
To draw the load on the oneline diagram:
· Select Network > Load from the Individual Insert ribbon group on the Draw ribbon tab.
· Left-click in the center of this bus. The Load Options Dialog box (pictured below) automatically
opens. The fields confirm that the load is 200 MW and 100 Mvar. In
addition to constant power loads, Simulator also allows the modeling of voltage dependent loads.
· Select Up in the field under the tab to make the load point up. Verify
that the anchored box is checked to force the load to move with the selected bus.
· Click OK to accept the default values for all remaining fields, close the Load Options dialog, and insert the
load. A circuit breaker symbol is automatically included with each load.
· Left-click on the desired object. Drag and drop the object to the new location by holding the left mouse
button down while moving the mouse. Note: you can also move all objects on the oneline
simultaneously by left-clicking on the diagram (not on a specific object) then dragging and dropping in
the desired location.
· To move bus 2, left click on bus 2 (not on the attached load). Drag the bus to a new location. Note that the
load moves with the bus because it is anchored. You can change the location of attached devices
connected to a bus, such as generators and loads, by the same procedure.
The oneline diagram should now resemble the image shown below.
Tutorial: Inserting a Transmission Line Page 6 of 13
Transmission lines are used to connect buses together. To insert a transmission line:
· Select Network > Transmission Line from the Individual Insert ribbon group on the Draw ribbon tab.
· Left-click at the point where you want the new line to originate. This point is usually located on one of the
proposed line’s terminal buses. For this example, originate the line at bus One.
· Transmission lines and transformers are drawn as a series of line segments. Without holding down the mouse
button, drag the mouse up. Notice that a line segment connected to the point of origin will follow your
mouse movements. To terminate a line segment, click the left mouse button. Each time you click the mouse
to terminate a line segment, a new vertex is defined for the line. To draw the next line segment, move the
mouse to the desired location of the next vertex. Note: the vertices may later be moved or deleted to
reshape the line. To create curved lines, hold the left mouse button down while dragging.
· To terminate the final line segment and conclude drawing the line, double click the left mouse button at the
desired termination point (bus Two for this example). The termination point is usually the transmission
line’s other terminal bus.
· The Branch Options dialog automatically appears (shown below). The dialog should already
contain a 1 in the field and a 2 in the Field. If not, you probably
did not have the cursor directly on the bus when you were drawing the line. If this is the case, simply
enter the correct bus numbers in the corresponding fields.
· Click OK to accept all remaining field default values, close the Transmission Line/Transformer Dialog,
and insert the new line.
By default, the transmission line is anchored to both terminal buses. If you try to move bus 2, the transmission
line should move with it.
When the line is drawn it automatically it has a line flow pie chart included. You can include additional line flow
pie charts by selecting Pies/Gauges > Line Flow Pie Chart from the Individual Insert ribbon group on the Draw
ribbon tab, and then clicking near a line. The Line/Transformer Flow Pie Chart dialog box appears (shown
below). Make sure that the From Bus and To Bus have the correct numbers, that the MVA rating is correct, and
that Anchored is checked. You may change the size of the pie chart by typing in a value or using the arrows.
Circuit breakers are used to control the status of the line. (If the line already has circuit breakers at each end,
then Simulator has been instructed to insert circuit breakers automatically. You can configure this option from
the Default Drawing Options Dialog).
· Click somewhere on the line near bus One then select Indication > Circuit Breaker from the Individual Insert
ribbon group on the Draw ribbon tab, then click on the line near bus One. You should immediately see the
Circuit Breaker Options dialog (shown below) with the From Bus and To Bus fields correctly set to ‘1’ and ‘2’.
If they are ‘0’, enter the correct value. Set the Size field to ‘1’ (you can either enter a 1, or use the spin arrows
in change the value). · Click OK to insert the circuit breaker.
In Simulator, the location of the circuit breaker does not matter, because changing the status of the circuit
breaker changes the status of the entire line. However, since most transmission lines have circuit breakers at
each end, we will also place a circuit breaker near bus 2. To accomplish this, repeat the above process near bus
Save your case. Your oneline should now look similar to the image below.
Tutorial: Inserting a Transformer Page 9 of 13
To insert a transformer we first need to insert a bus at a different voltage level. Insert a new bus in the bottom
of the oneline, named Three, and enter 69 KV for its nominal voltage in the Bus Options dialog box.
· Either go to Network > Transformer from the Individual Insert ribbon group on the Draw ribbon tab.
· Click on bus 2, and then draw a line to bus 3 as you did for a transmission line. The Branch Options dialog
automatically appears.
· Select the Transformer Control tab. Note that the Off-nominal Turns Ratio displays 1.000. The true
transformer turns ratio does not need to be specified as it is automatically determined by the ratio of
nominal voltages between the is used
to adjust the transformer tap setting on per-unit values of bus voltages as referenced to their respective
base values for per-unit calculation.
· Click OK to accept the default values, close the dialog and insert the transformer. ·
Repeat this procedure to add a transformer between buses 1 and 3.
· Right-click on bus 3 and select Bus Information Dialog. Select the Attached Devices tab. Click Add or Edit Bus
· Under enter 400 in the field. Enter 200 in field. Click OK. · Note that and display the respective
values. Click OK.
The load is now attached to the bus even though it is not displayed on the oneline. To display the load as an
object on the oneline, you can either use the Auto Insert feature or follow the procedure utilized earlier. To
Auto Insert the load:
· Select Auto Insert > Loads… from the Quick Insert ribbon group on the Draw ribbon tab. The
dialog opens automatically.
· Click OK to accept the default values and insert the load object on the oneline.
Note that Lines, Loads, Interfaces, Generators and Switched Shunts can all be inserted as objects on a oneline
using the Auto Insert tool if a record already exists for the device.
· Left-click and drag the load to the desired location on bus 3. Note: you can resize the bus object on the
oneline by left-clicking on the bus then dragging either end-point vertex to the desired bus size.
· Right-click on the load and select Load Information Dialog. You can change the load orientation
and verify all load parameters in this dialog. · Click OK.
· Select Network > Generator from the Individual Insert ribbon group on the Draw ribbon tab.
· Left-click on bus 3. The Generator Option Dialog opens.
· Select the tab. Enter ‘300’ in the Field.
· Click OK on the Generator Option Dialog to accept the default values for all other fields. After the dialog box
closes, the new generator appears on the oneline attached to bus 3.
Switched shunts usually consist of either capacitors to supply reactive power (in MVAR) to the system, or
reactors to absorb reactive power. The switched shunts are represented by a number of blocks of admittance
that can be switched in a number of discrete steps. If at least one block is in service, the shunt is said to be
online. The shunt’s corresponding circuit breaker is used to determine and / or toggle the switched shunt’s
· To insert a switched shunt at bus 3, select Network > Switched Shunt from the Individual Insert ribbon group
on the Draw ribbon tab.
· Click on or near bus 3. The dialog box appears (pictured below).
· Verify that the bus number is 3; if it is not, change it.
· Enter 10 for the .
· Click OK to accept the default values of the remaining fields, close the dialog, and insert the switched shunt.
Your oneline should now look similar to the image below.
Tutorial: Inserting Text, Bus and Line Fields Page 11 of 13
Informational fields can be entered directly on the oneline to allow for ease of monitoring when a case is
· Select Background > Text from the Individual Insert ribbon group on the Draw ribbon tab. Leftclick on the
oneline in the desired text location to bring up the . (For this example, left-click in the
top center of the oneline.)
· Type the string "First Case" in the field. Click OK.
· To format the text, ensure the text is selected on the one-line then select from the Formatting ribbon group
on the Draw ribbon tab. This displays the Font Tab of the Format Selection Dialog.
· Set the font size to 26 and the font color to blue.
· To change the text background color, select from the Formatting ribbon group on the Draw ribbon tab, which
summons the Line/Fill Options Tab . If the format menu is already open, click on the Line/Fill Options Tab of
the Format Selection Dialog. Check the box to give the text a white background, and
then click .
· Inserted text can be moved using the same method as any other object on the oneline
Fields can also display object-related quantities. By default, Simulator has inserted the bus names, generator
and load MW and MVAR, and switched shunt MVAR. For this example, we will add a Bus Voltage Magnitude field
to each bus and fields showing the power flow on the transmission line and the transformers. Note that object
fields can be formatted just like text fields by using the Format menu.
· This opens the Bus Field Options dialog (shown below); select the field Bus Voltage to add in the
selected position and click OK.
· The parameter and position are displayed as highlighted in the Insert New Fields dialog. Click
OK. Note that the specified bus field has been added to the oneline diagram.
· Repeat this procedure for the other two buses. If necessary, you may move fields manually with the mouse.
Fields can also be inserted using the Background > Field option from the Individual Insert ribbon group on the
Draw ribbon tab.
Next, we will insert fields showing the power flow at each end of the transmission line.
· Select Field > Transmission Line Field from the Individual Insert ribbon group on the Draw ribbon tab.
Line fields show information about transmission lines and transformers. For line fields, flow is always specified at
an end of the transmission line or transformer. The end is normally determined automatically by the insertion
· Left-click near both bus 1 and the transmission line between buses 1 and 2 in the location you want the
power flow text to appear. The dialog (shown below) opens automatically.
· The fields should show 1 and 2 respectively. If they do not, enter the correct values.
· Select MW Flow then click OK. The field is displayed on the oneline in the location you specified.
Note that the field can be moved and formatted as previously discussed.
· Select Field > Transmission Line Field from the Individual Insert ribbon group on the Draw ribbon tab.
· Left-click near both bus 2 and the transmission line between buses 1 and 2 in the location you want the
power flow text to appear. The dialog (shown below) opens automatically.
· Now the fields should show 2 and 1 respectively. If they do not, enter the correct
· Select MW Flow then click OK.
· Repeat the procedure to insert Mvar Flow fields for the two locations.
We also desire to monitor the MW and Mvar flows on the lines joining buses 1 and 3 and buses 2 and
3 via the transformers. The same commands are used as those used to insert fields for the transmission line.
· Repeat the above steps to insert MW (and Mvar) Flow fields on the lines joining buses 1 and 3 and buses
2 and 3 via the transformers.
· At this point, your first oneline diagram should resemble the one shown below.
· Click on Run Mode button in the Mode ribbon group. Note that if the case has validation errors a warning will
appear. You will need to rectify the problems before you can enter Run Mode. Some validation warning
may also appear in the message log.
· Press the Play button in the Power Flow Tools ribbon group on the Tools ribbon tab to begin the
simulation. Alternatively, to perform a single Power Flow Solution, click the Single Solution - Full Newton
button in the Power Flow Tools ribbon group on the Tools ribbon tab. Your case should look similar to the
case shown below. If it does, congratulations! You have completed building your first case.
Try clicking on the load circuit breaker to toggle the load’s status. A solid red circuit breaker indicates that it is
closed, a hollow green box indicates it is open. While the simulation is running, click on the circuit breakers and
note the nearly instantaneous change in system flows. If the Log window is visible, you will get a "backstage"
view of what Simulator is doing. Feel free to close the log. To reopen the log, click the Log button in the Log
ribbon group on the Tools ribbon tab.
With the load circuit breaker closed, open the circuit breaker between bus 3 and its connected generator. Now
open any of the transmission line or transformer circuit breakers.
Congratulations, you’ve just blacked-out your case!
experiment 1.
experiment 2.