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2020 02 07 Al Ilbiris Poem Ebook PDF

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The Poem of

On Leading a Purposeful Life
The Poem of

On Leading a Purposeful Life
ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
�‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ‬
ِ �
ّ ْ َ � َ ‫أ‬
‫ق‬ �
‫� ِب� ي� ِإ�سْـحَـــــــا� ِإ‬
� ‫ال�ل� �بـــــــ ي� ِر ِي‬
arabic – english

Translated by
Moustafa Elqabbany

Fluent Arabic Publications

Fluent Arabic Publications is an independent publisher which focuses on the
translation of unique and often overlooked Arabic titles.
Typeset by Mohammad Khalid Hussain.

© Fluent Arabic Publications ah 1441 / 2020 ce.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed,

or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior
written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted
by copyright law.
For permission requests, write to [email protected].

First Edition.
Transliteration Table

‫ء‬ ʾ ‫د‬d ‫ط‬ ṭ ‫م‬m

‫ا‬ ā ‫ذ‬ ḏ ‫ظ‬ ẓ ‫ن‬n

‫ب‬b ‫ر‬r ‫ع‬ ʿ ‫ه‬h

‫ت‬t ‫ز‬z ‫غ‬ ḡ ‫ و‬w/u/ū

‫ث‬ ṯ ‫س‬s ‫ف‬f ‫ ي‬y/i/ī

‫ج‬j ‫ش‬š ‫ق‬q

‫ح‬ ḥ ‫ص‬ ṣ ‫ك‬ k

‫خ‬ ḵ ‫ض‬ ḍ ‫ل‬l

• Transliteration is based on Hans Wehr’s. Transliterated phrases do not have

mid-sentence capitalisation as there are no capital letters in Arabic. Proper
names such as al-Ilbīrī and Abū Bakr, however, are exempted; these are not
italicised either.
• Hamza (‫ )ء‬is represented as ʾ in the middle and at the end of a word. It is not
represented at the beginning of a word. Alif maqṣūra (‫ )ى‬is represented as ā.
• The tāʾ marbūṭa (‫ )ة‬is normally not represented, and words ending in it simply
have a final -a. It is, however, represented with a t when it is the ending of the
first noun of an iḍāfa and with an h when it appears after a long ā.
• Wāw and yāʾ are represented as u and i after fatḥa: ʿain “eye”, yaum “day.”
• Definite article: The Arabic definite article (‫ )الـــ‬is represented as al- except
where assimilation occurs: al- + šams is transliterated aš-šams. The a in al- is
omitted after a final a (as in lamma šamla l-qatīʿ “to round up the herd”) or
changed to i after a feminine third person singular perfect verb form (as in
kašafat il-ḥarbu ʿan sāqin “war flared up”).
• The transliteration table and associated rules were sourced from Wikipedia
(CC-BY-SA 3.0, Hans Wehr transliteration) and the Hans Wehr dictionary with
slight modifications.

It is fascinating how some works remain unaffected by the

passage of time. They do not lose their charm, beauty and most
importantly, relevance. The tāʾīya of al-Ilbīrī is one such work. It
contains advice for the student of knowledge that is of the high-
est value. A reminder that should be written in letters of gold.

Fluent Arabic Publications is delighted to present this work in

English, along with the original Arabic text which is intended
to provide Arabic learners deeper insight into the poem. Short
explanations are also provided in the footnotes where required.

Irrespective of what stage of life you are in, this is a poem worth
reading, understanding, and reflecting on. I hope this book will
provide you with gems that will remain for a lifetime.

Abdul Aleem
Founder, Fluent Arabic Publications
Kerala, India
10 Jumādā l-ūlā 1441 / 4 January 2020

Translator’s Introduction

Abū Isḥāq al-Ilbīrī al-Tujībī (d. ah 459 / 1067 ce) was a poet and
scholar of Islam from Granada, Andalusia. His lineage traces
back to the Yemeni tribe of Banī Tujīb.

While most of his poetry is didactic—concerning itself with

aphorisms related to asceticism and seeking sacred knowledge—
al-Ilbīrī was not blind to the political problems of Andalusia at
the time. He wrote a poem addressed to the Sanhaja Berbers of
Granada that led to the execution of the city’s Jewish vizier after
the poet’s exile to Elviria (Ilbīra), a Mediterranean coastal town
whose name he bears.

Among his most famous poems is his tāʾīya (a poem rhyming

with the Arabic letter tāʾ [‫ )]ت‬in which he addresses a young
man by the name of Abū Bakr on the paltriness of this world
and the lofty rank of sacred knowledge in this world and the
next. Al-Ilbīrī’s poem is not a haughty, judgmental work: in it,
he admits that he is worse off than Abū Bakr and more in need
of counsel, but he reminds Abū Bakr that he is still young and
unstained by a life of heedlessness and sin.

May Allāh accept the author’s work and this translation and
make them a means to draw close unto Him. Amen.

Moustafa Mounir Elqabbany

Amman, Jordan
26 Ḏū l-ḥijja 1440 / 27 August 2019


َ‫َ تَ ن� تُ ْ � َ َّ َ تُ ن‬ � ‫أ‬ َ َ‫ؤ‬ ُّ‫ ت�� ف�َ� ت‬1
‫ا� � �حْ�ت�َـــــا‬ ‫و�� �ْ�ح� ِج�سمك الساع‬ ‫ُ� ف��ُــــ� َادك ال� يّ َ�ـ ُـام ف�َــ�تَّــــا‬

The passing of days1 crushes your heart into crumbs,

And hours carve away at your body.
ْ َ ‫أ َ ن� تَ أ ُ ُ أ‬
‫ْـ� � ِر��يـــد � ن��ت�َــــــا‬ �� ‫َـــــاح‬
‫ص‬ � ‫أَ�لَا ��َـا‬ ْ ُ‫الم ن�� ن‬
�ٍ‫ُو� ُد َع َاء ��صـــد ق‬
َ � ْ َ‫َ ت‬
� ‫ُوك‬ ‫و�دع‬2
ِ ‫ي‬
Death calls out to you in earnest,
“O friend! It is you I desire! You!”
َ‫أَ بَ َّ � َ ق� � أ‬ َ َ‫أ‬
ُ �‫ال� �كْ� ي‬
‫َـــاس ب��َـ�تَّـــــــا‬ ‫�� ت� طَلا�َــهَا‬
ْ َ‫ُّ ْ ً �ذَ تَ �غ‬
‫ا� د ٍر‬ ‫� َراك �ت�ُــ�� بح� �� عرسا‬3

I see that you care for a treacherous bride

Whom astute men have divorced irrevocably.
� َّ‫� َ تَّ �ذَ ت‬ � َ َّ ‫ تَ� ن�� َُام‬4
‫� نا� ت�ْـ� �بَـ� �َهْ�ت�َـــــــا‬�‫���بهَـــا ح� ٰى ِإ� ا م‬ ‫الد � ْهـ َـر َ �و ي�ــْح�َك ِ�ف ي� �غ َ� ��ط� ٍيط‬
Woe unto you! You sleep through life snoring,
[Thinking] of her until such time as you die and awaken!
َّ‫ت‬ � � � َ‫َ ت‬ َ‫م ت‬ َّ‫ف� � �ذَ أَ ْ َ َ خْ ُ ٌ ت‬
‫� ٰى لا � ْرع َِو ي� ع نَ� �ْــهَا َو َح�ى‬ ‫�ك ْم ا ��ن ت� م�دوع َو َح�ى‬5
O how deceived you are! Until when
Will you not hold back from her? Until [when]?!
ْ� � َ ّ
‫ِإ�لَى م ا �ف���يهِ �ح ظَـ�ُك لَوْ �ع قَ�َل�ت�َــــــا‬
‫ُ َ � أ‬ ْ �َ‫ أَ(� بَ�ا ب‬6
‫ك ٍر) َد �عَوْ ت�ك لَوْ � ََ�ج �ب� ت�ْ�َا‬

Abū Bakr!2 I’ve invited you—if only you’d take heed—

To your own best interest if only you understood—
1 Literally, “Days crush your heart…”
2 There are two opinions regarding Abū Bakr. He is either the author’s son,
or, more likely, he is a young man who mocked the author in a poem. The
genre of Arabic poetry used to mock others is known as hijāʾ (‫)هجــاء‬.

ّ ‫ال� ْل ��بــ ي�ر‬ ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
The Poem of al-Ilbīrī ‫� ىلاعت هللا همحر‬ ‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ� ِإ ِ ِي‬
ِ �

‫� َ ْ أ‬ � � ْ َ
‫م�ُطَاعًــا ِإ� نْ� ن� �َه �يَ� تْ� َِ�إو ن� �َم ْر�ت�َــــــا‬ ُ‫ن‬
‫كو� ِب�هِ ِإ�م ام ا‬ �َ‫ ِإ�لى ِعلم ت‬7
To knowledge that would make you an imām,
Obeyed whenever you command or prohibit—
ْ َ � َ‫َ � � َ َّ َ �ذ‬ َ � َ
‫الس ِب���يل ِإ� ا ض�َـلل�ت�َــــــا‬ ‫يو�َه ِْد ي�ك‬ َ � ‫���غ� َــ‬
‫اهــا‬ ‫ َ يو ج� ْ�لُو �مَــا � ���بع �ي َْ����نك م� نْ� � ش‬8

That clears up the film over your eyes

And shows you the way when you’re lost—
� َ‫َ �ذ‬ َ ً �َ‫ك ت‬َ َ‫َ تَ � ُ ن� ُ ف ن‬
‫�لـ� ��َمال ِإ� ا ا�غ ت�ْ� ََـربْ��ت�َــــــا‬
‫َ يَو�كْس� ُوك ا ج‬ ‫ا�ج ا‬ �‫و� ْح�م ل م��ْه ِ� ي� � ِاد ي‬9

By virtue of which you will bear a crown in your own circle,

That clothes you in beauty when you’re a stranger.
َ‫�ذ‬ َ َ ‫قَ ُ �خ‬ َ‫ك ن�� ف�َ�ْع ُ�ُه م ا ُدم ت‬َ ُ �‫َ ن‬
‫َ �يوَ ب��ْ�ى �ذ ُر ُه لك ِإ� نْ� �ه �بَ�ْ�ت�َــــــا‬ ‫� �حَـ ّي ًـ�ــا‬ ‫�ي �َال‬1 0

You will reap its benefits for as long as you are alive,
And its stores will remain after you’ve departed.
َ‫أ‬ َ � ْ � ُ ُ ُ ْ‫� وَ � ض‬
‫� ِب�هِ �م قَـ�َا���تـل م نْ� � َر ْد�ت�َـــــــا‬ُ‫�ت�ُص ي� ب‬
ِ ‫الم �ه نَّ�َد َل يْ� َس يَ� ن� ب��ُو‬ �‫ ُه ا�لعَ� ب‬1 1
It is a sharp sword of Indian steel3 that doesn’t miss
And strikes the Achilles’ heels4 of those you desire—
ُ ُ َ � � � ُ‫�خ� ف‬ َ ُ‫َ � نْ زٌ َ تَ خَ ف‬
‫ُو�ج د َح يْ� ث� ك ن��ُ� ت�ْ�َا‬ �‫َ���ف��ي� الحَم ِل ي‬ ً ّ ِ‫ا� � َعــل ي� ْ�ــه‬
‫��لصــا‬ �� ‫وكــ�� لا‬1 2
It is a treasure for which you fear no thieves,
A light burden that is found wherever you may be.

3 Swords made of Indian steel were coveted for their strength.

4 The Arabic word maqātil (‫ ) َم َق ِاتل‬means the fatal spots which, when struck,
kill the victim.

ّ ‫ال� ْل ��بــ ي�ر‬ ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
On Leading a Purposeful Life ‫� ىلاعت هللا همحر‬ ‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ� ِإ ِ ِي‬
ِ �

َ َ ّ� � � ‫� ثْرَ ة‬ ُ
‫ق�ُص ِإ� نْ� ِب�هِ ك فَ�ًـــا �ش د ْد�ت�َـــــــا‬
ُ �ْ��‫َ �يوَ ن‬ ‫ال� ن� فْ� ق َِا� م� ن�� ُْه‬
‫ ي� َِ�ز ي�د ِب�كــ� ِ� ِإ‬1 3
It increases the more you spend of it
And decreases if you hold on to it [stingily].
ْ ُّ � ّ‫َ آ ثَ ْ تَ ت‬
‫ال�َــعَـــل َم َو � جا� ت�ْــ� �َهَد�ت�َـــــــا‬ �‫ل��ر‬
� �
‫� م� نْ� َحلْوَ ُاه ط �َع ًْما‬َ‫ ف�� �لَوْ ق� ْد �ذُ ق� ت‬1 4

Had you just tasted of its sweetness,

You would have preferred learning and applied yourself,
ْ ُ ُ �‫َولَا ُد نْ��ي�َــــــا ���بـ�زُ �خ‬ َ ْ �‫َ � ْ َ ش� �غ‬
‫ْـــر ��� �فـهَـــــــا ف�� ن��ت��ت�َـــــــا‬ ٌ �ُ�‫ك �ع ن�َ� ُْه �ه ًَوى م‬
‫طاع‬ ‫ولَم �ي�ْ َل‬1 5

And your heeded obsession wouldn’t have preoccupied you,

Nor would you have been tempted by this world’s ornaments,
�‫ف‬ ْ ََ ُ َ‫أ‬ َ � َ‫َ أ‬
‫َ��ل�ْ�ت�َــــــا‬ َ �‫���خــد ٌر ��� َبــر� ب‬
‫ْــــر ���بـهِ ك‬ ‫ولا‬ �‫ َولا �ل �ْهَاك �ع ن�َ� ُْه � ِن�� ق�ي� َر ْو ٍض‬1 6

Nor would elegant meadows have distracted you from it,

Nor would you have fallen for a herd of antelope5 in a virgin’s
َ ْ َ ‫َ � ْ َ أ َ نْ � � َ أ‬ � ‫الروح أَ� ْر َو ُاح‬ ُ‫ف� ق� ت‬
‫َ��عم ت� وَ� ن� ش� ِربْ��ت�َـــــا‬ ‫ولَ ي�س ِب��� ط‬ �‫الم �ع َِا�ن ي‬ ِ
ُّ �‫ُو‬ �َ�1 7

For the soul’s nourishment is the souls of meanings,

And not that you’ve eaten and drunk.
� ْ َ � َ ‫ف نْ أ‬ ّ � ْ‫�ذ‬ �‫ف‬
‫� � �عْطَـــاك ُه ال َُّله نا� ت�� فَ� �َعْـ�ت�َــــــا‬ �‫� ِإ‬ ِ‫ َ�ــوَ ا��� ظـــ �بـ�ْـ ُـه وَ�خ�ُــــ ��ب�ــالْــ ��ـ�جــ ِـد �ف���يـــه‬1 8
So persist in it6 and pursue it diligently,
And when Allāh grants it to you, you will benefit.
5 Women are often compared to antelopes. The Arabic term for antelope is
baqaru l-waḥš ( ‫ــش‬ ْ ‫ ) َب َق ُــر ْال َو‬which is often mistranslated as “wild cows.”
ِ ‫ح‬
6 i.e. in seeking knowledge.

ّ ‫ال� ْل ��بــ ي�ر‬ ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
The Poem of al-Ilbīrī ‫� ىلاعت هللا همحر‬ ‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ� ِإ ِ ِي‬
ِ �

ْ ‫َ ق� َ نّ ُ َّ َ ق‬
‫َـاس ِإ� ن�ك �د َع ِل �مْ�ت�َـــــا‬ �‫و�َـال ال‬
َ �
‫� ��ف�ــ� ْ�يه َطـ ِـو� ي�ــل ب� َ�ـ ٍـاع‬َ‫ َ�إو نْ� أُ� ِتو�� ت‬1 9
‫ي‬ ِ
If you are given a generous portion of it,
And people say, “You have certainly acquired knowledge,”
ْ َ ْ � َ‫ت� خ � � ت‬
‫� ف� �َــهَـل ع ِمل�ت�َــــــا‬‫ِب�� َِو�ب ��ي� َعـ��لـم‬ ‫الله �ع ن�َ�ْـ ُـه‬
َ َ‫ؤ‬
ِ ‫� س�ُـــ�ال‬ْ‫ ف� َ�ــلَا ت��َـ أـ�ْم ن‬2 0
Then do not feel safe from Allāh asking you about it
Rebukingly, “You knew, but did you act?”
َ‫� َ � � ْ أ‬ َ‫أ‬ � ّ �� ْ ْ‫ف� أ‬
‫َو َل يْ� َس ِب�� نْ� ي� ق�ُـ�َال ل قَ�َد رَ� �سْـ�ت�َـــــا‬ ‫الله �ح ق ًَ�ــا‬
ِ ‫�َــرَ� ُس ا�ل��عل ِم ت َ�ـ ق ْـ�ــوَ ى‬2 1
For the peak of knowledge is truly fear of Allāh,
And not that it be said, “You’ve certainly gained standing.”
� ْ‫ق‬ � َ � ْ‫حـ َـس نُا� ل ٰ ِك ن‬ َ � ‫َ ف‬
‫ال� َس َاء ِة� �د َل ِب� �سْ�ت�َــــــا‬
‫ت�َـر ٰى ث�َوْ بَ� ِإ‬ � ْ � �‫ال‬
‫ َو ض� ِا� ي� ث�َوْ ِب�ك ِإ‬2 2
The fullest of your attire is the performance of good deeds, not
You be seen having worn the raiment of misdeeds.
ْ � ْ �‫ف� خ� ٌ ن� ُ أَ نْ � َوْ ق‬ �‫� �خ‬ َ ْ � َ‫�ذ‬
َ ‫�َـ�َــــ ي�ْر م�ْه �� ل �َـد ج‬ ‫ ِإ� ا م ا َلـ ْـم ي�ُ�ــ ��ف�ــدك ا�لــ��عـ ْـلـ ُـم َــ ي� ًْرا‬2 3

If knowledge doesn’t provide you with goodness,

It would have been better had you not known.
َ َ ُ َ َ� َ � َ � � َ‫ْ أ‬
‫ل ي�� ت�ْ�َك م ا َع ِل �مْ�ت�َـــــا‬ ‫ف�ل ي�� ت�ْ�َك ث� َّم‬ ‫ َِ�إو ن� �ل قْ�َاك ف� �َه ُْمك ِ�ف ي� �م �َه ٍَاو‬2 4

If your understanding casts you into abysses,

Would it be, O would it be, that you hadn’t understood.

ّ ‫ال� ْل ��بــ ي�ر‬ ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
On Leading a Purposeful Life ‫� ىلاعت هللا همحر‬ ‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ� ِإ ِ ِي‬
ِ �

َ َ‫َ ت� � ُ ف � ن �ذ‬ ً ْ‫ َس ج� �تَ� نْ�� م� ن‬2 5

‫ُو� ِإ� ا ك ِب�رْ �ت�َــــا‬
ِ �ُ�‫َص�غ�ُر ِ� ي� ا�لع ي‬
ْ �‫و‬ ‫� ���ثـ �ـم ِارا ��لع � جَ� ِْ�ز � ج� �َهْلا‬ ‫ِي‬
You will reap ignorance from the fruits of failure
And shrink in [people’s] eyes when you grow old,
ْ ْ ‫َ ت� � ُ نْ � َ ق‬ َ ْ َ ‫َ ف � ق� ُ نْ � ْ تَ أ‬
‫َ��لـم ت� َو�د ف��ُ���قد�ت�َـــــا‬
‫ُو�َـــــد ِإ�� ع‬
‫و� ج‬ �‫� وَ��ن ت� بَ� ق ٍا‬ ‫���هل‬
َ ‫و�ت�ُ�ْ�َد ِإ�� ج‬2 6
And you’ll be absent—if ignorant—though you remain,
And you’ll be present—if knowledgeable—though you’re
ْ َ � ّ‫�ذَ � ق‬ َ َ َ َ ُ ْ‫َ تَ�ذ‬
‫َـــــــ�ًــا � ���بــهَـــــا ي��َــوْ مًـــــا ع ِمل�ت�َـــــا‬
‫ِإ� ا ح‬ �‫ك ُر �قوْ ل ِ ت� ي� لك ب�� �َعْد ��حــ ي� ٍن‬ �‫و‬2 7

You will remember my pronouncement after some time

If you truly apply it one day.
ْ‫� ق‬ َ َ‫َ ْ ت‬ َ ْ‫نْ أَ � َ َ�ذ‬
‫َـام �د َج� �م �َعْ�ت�َـــــا‬
ٍ ‫و م�ل� ِإ�لى ح�ُـط‬ ْ � �‫� � � ْهـ �ـمل ت�ْ� �َهَا َ نو� ب�� ت� ن‬
‫�ُصــح�ًا‬ ‫ َِ�إو‬2 8

If [instead] you neglect it and cast advice aside

And incline towards fragments that you’ve gathered,
َ ْ ُ َ � � َ� ُّ � َ �
‫وَم ا �ت�ُـ�غ ِ نْ� ي� ال�نَّـــــد �ام ةَـ� ِإ� ن� ن� ِدم �ت�َـــــا‬ ‫لَس�َوْ ف� ت َ�ـ �ـعَ�ض م� نْ� ن َ�ــد ٍم َعل �يَ� �ْهَـــا‬2 9

Then you will bite on them regretfully,

Though regret cannot benefit you even if you regret.
ْ� ْ‫ق �� ْ َ َ ق‬ َ َ َ‫�ذَ أَ � َ ْ ت‬
‫� ِد ْارت� فَ� �َعُوا َعل ي��ْك َو�د �س فَ�ُل�ت�َــــــا‬ ‫� ص �ح �بْ�َك ِ�ف ي� َس�م ٍاء‬‫ ِإ� ا � ب�ْصر‬3 0

When you see your companions in a lofty place,7

Having risen above you while you have sunk,

7 Literally, “in a sky.”

ّ ‫ال� ْل ��بــ ي�ر‬ ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
The Poem of al-Ilbīrī ‫� ىلاعت هللا همحر‬ ‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ� ِإ ِ ِي‬
ِ �

َ� ُ ُْ ْ � َ َ � � ْ َ � �‫ف‬
‫ف� �ما ِب�ال�ب�ُط ِء ت�د ِرك م ا طَل ب��ْ�ت�َـــــــا‬ ‫ َ�ــرا��� جع � َْهــا َودع ع نَ�ْك ا�له�ُــوَ يْ� ن� ٰى‬3 1
Then examine it8 and abandon leisureliness,
For what you seek is not achieved by being slow.
َّ ُ � �� ْ َ ْ � َ
‫المَـــــــال ِإ�لا م ا َع ِل �مْ�ت�َــــــا‬ ‫ف� َل يْ� َس‬ ‫ َولا ت َ�ـ �ـحْ���فل ���بـ �ـمالِك َوال ُه �عَـ ن�ـ�ْـ ُـه‬3 2
Don’t celebrate your wealth; rather, distract yourself from it,
For your wealth is nothing but what you’ve learned.
َّ‫َ َ أَ ت‬ ُ ْ � � ّ‫ َ �و َل ْ� َس ��لــ��َا��هل �ف� ن‬3 3
‫ا�ل��عر قِا� ل ُه �ت�َـــ��ى‬ ‫َولَوْ م لك‬ ‫ـاس م�غ ٍ نْ�ى‬
ِ ‫ال�َـ‬ ‫ج ٍ ِي‬ ‫ي‬
No person can help a fool,
Even if ruling over Iraq presents itself to him.9
� ْ َ � ‫َ� ُ �� َ ْ َ ف م‬
‫َ يُو�ك ت�ْ� ُبَ� �ع ن�َ�ْك ي��َوْم ا ِإ� ن� ك ت�َ� �َم�ت�َــــــا‬ ٍ �‫ َس ي� ن� �ْ� قط�ع نَ�ْك ِعل ُمك ِ� ي‬3 4

Your knowledge will speak on your behalf before a group,

And will be recorded against you one day if you conceal it.
ْ ‫�ذَ � � � َ ق‬ � ‫�يك �تَ ش��ْ���يــ� ُ�يد‬
َ �‫َم �ُ�غ‬
‫ال� �َه ِْل ن� فَ� َْسك �د �هَدَم �ت�َــــــا‬
‫ِإ� ا ِب� ج‬ �‫الم �ب� َِا�ن ي‬ ��‫و ا ي� ْ ��ن‬3 5

Erecting buildings will not avail you

If you destroy yourself through ignorance.

8 i.e. your ego; that is, do some soul searching.

9 At the time the poem was written, the Abbasid Caliphate was the world’s
superpower. Thus, Baghdad was the world’s most powerful city. The author
is indicating that nothing can help a fool even if ruling over the world’s
most powerful region presents itself to him subserviently.

ّ ‫ال� ْل ��بــ ي�ر‬ ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
On Leading a Purposeful Life ‫� ىلاعت هللا همحر‬ ‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ� ِإ ِ ِي‬
ِ �

َْ � َ � ً ْ َ‫� ْ تَ � َ ق‬
‫ل �َع �َم ُرك ِ�ف ي� ا ق�ل�َ���ض� َّ�يـ ِة� م ا َعدل�ت�َــــــا‬ ‫المال ف�وْ � ا�ل��علم � ج� �َهْلا‬ �‫�ج�َعَل‬3 6
You’ve ignorantly put wealth before knowledge.
On your life, you haven’t been just in this matter.
ْ‫ق أ‬ َ‫� ت� � � ُ �ذ‬ ٌ
‫�ُـه ِإ� ا ﴿�طــه﴾ �رَ��ت�َــــــا‬ �‫ْ� ب��َوْ ن‬ َ‫�لو‬ ّ �‫َ بَ � ن� � � ن‬
‫سَـ�َـعْـلَـم‬ ‫و� ي ْ�ــ�َهُما ِب�� َِص ا ح ِي‬3 7
Even though, according to the text of Revelation, there is a gulf
between the two10
Which you will know when you read Ṭā-Hā.11
� ْ‫ْ َ ق‬
‫� �� لـوَ َاء ِعل ِمك �د َر ف� �َعْ�ت�َــــــا‬َ‫َل أَ��نْ ت‬ � � َ
‫ل ِئ� نْ� َر ف َ�ـ َـع ا�ل�غ ِ نَ� ُّى ��لــوَ َاء � َمـ ٍـال‬3 8
If a rich man raises the banner of wealth,
It is you who has raised the banner of knowledge.
� ْ‫ق‬ � َ َ ْ َ‫َ أ‬ َ � َٰ َ �‫نْ َ � �ل�غ‬
‫ل��ن ت� َعل ٰى الكَوَ اكِ ِب� �د َ�ج ل �َسْ�ت�َــــا‬ ‫الحَ�ش ا ي� َ�ــا‬ ‫ َِ�إو � �ج ل ََس ا ِ نَ� ُّى على‬3 9
If a rich man sits on cushions,
It is you who has sat on the stars.

�‫ال� ق�َـ�ْوَ ى ر ب‬
‫َ��ك�ْ�ت�َــــــا‬ ّ‫� م ن��َا��هـ َ�ج ت‬َ‫َل أَ��نْ ت‬ ‫� َركِ َب� ِال �ي َ��ج� َاد مس�َوَّم ٍت‬
�‫ا‬ ْ‫ َ�إو ن‬4 0
If he rides branded steeds,
It is you who has ridden the paths to piety.
� � َ ْ � � � َ َ‫� َّ أ‬
‫ف�ك َْم ِب�ك ٍر م� نَ� ال��حكم فا� ت��َ�ض�َ�ض ْ�ت�َــــــا‬ �‫ َو�م �َه �ْما فا� ت��َ�ض � بَ�ك َارا�ل�غ َوَ ِا�ن ي‬4 1
However many beautiful virgins he’s deflowered,
How many virgin aphorisms have you deflowered?12
10 i.e. wealth and knowledge.
11 A reference to Quran (20:14), “…My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.”
12 i.e. How many gems of wisdom have you been the first to discover?

ّ ‫ال� ْل ��بــ ي�ر‬ ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
The Poem of al-Ilbīrī ‫� ىلاعت هللا همحر‬ ‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ� ِإ ِ ِي‬
ِ �

� ْ‫َ ق‬
‫� َ بَّر�ك �د �ع ََر ف��ت�َـــــا‬َ‫إ��ذَ ا م ا أَ��نْ ت‬ �
ْ ‫ال� ق�ْــ ت� َـ�ـ ُـار �ي‬
‫�ش�َ�ـ ئـ��ًا‬
َ ْ�
‫ َو َل ي� َس ي� َ�ــ�ض�ُـ ُّـرك ِإ‬4 2
Poverty cannot harm you in the least
If you have come to know your Lord.
� � َ‫أ‬ � � َ‫�ذ‬ َ َ َ َ‫� �ذ‬

‫َـــــــاء طَـاعَــ���تـهِ � ن� خَـ�ْـ�ت�َــــــا‬
ِ ‫ِإ� ا ���ب���ف� ن‬ َ ‫ ف َ�ـ �ـما ا �ع ِــ ن� ْ�ــد ُه لك م� نْ� � ج‬4 3
‫�ــ�م � ٍ�يل‬

[If only you knew] what delight is in store for you with Him,
When you reside in the courtyard of His obedience.
‫� � ْ �خ‬ َ ْ‫ْ أَ ض‬ � ْ ��
‫ف� ِإ� ن� � �ع َْر� ت� �ع ن�َ� ُْه ف� قَ�َد ِس ْر�ت�َـــــا‬ �‫ـول ��لـ نـ� ��ُصْح �قوْ ِل ي‬
ِ ‫ ف َ�ـ قـ�َا ِب�ل ِب�ا ق�ل�َــ�ب�ُـ‬4 4
So reciprocate my correct advice with acceptance,
For if you avoid it, you will have lost.
َ‫َــــر ت‬ � َ‫ت‬ ً ً �
‫ال�ل�ٰ َـه ِب�هِ َر�� ��بـحْ�ت�َــــــا‬
‫� ِإ‬ ْ �‫ا‬ ‫َو� ج‬ ‫� َر �اع �يَ� ت�ْ� َُه ق�َـــــــوْ لا َو���فـــــــ �ـعْلا‬ْ‫ َ�إو ن‬4 5
But if you act upon it in word and deed
And do business with God on its basis, you will profit.
‫ق‬ َ‫ق� ً ت‬ َ َ ْ ُّ ‫ف� � ْ َ تْ َ�ذ‬
‫��ح� �بْـ� ةَ� َ �و ُس ُّر َو��ت�َـــــــا‬ ‫�تَس� ُو�ؤُ ك‬ ‫� �ه ِ ِه ا�لــد ن� ي��َا ���بـ شـ� ي ْ� ٍء‬ ‫� َل ي�س‬4 6

For this world is nothing—

It abuses you for a long time and pleases you for a time.
ُ ْ َ ْ َ َ‫� � َ أ‬ َّ �‫َ�غَ � � �ذَ ف‬
َ‫ك ْر ت‬
‫ك فَ� �ي َْ����ئك � ْو كح�ُل ِمك ِإ� ن� َحل �مْ�ت�َــــــا‬ ‫� ���فـــ� ��يهَـــا‬ � ‫و ا� يَــــ�ت�ُــهَـــا ِإ� ا‬4 7
Ultimately, if you think about it,
It is like your afternoon shadow or like a dream you’ve seen.

ّ ‫ال� ْل ��بــ ي�ر‬ ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
On Leading a Purposeful Life ‫� ىلاعت هللا همحر‬ ‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ� ِإ ِ ِي‬
ِ �

ُ َ
‫� م ا �ف���يهِ س ن����ج�ْ�ت�َــــــا‬ُّ‫ف�� �ك �يَ� فَْ� ت�ِح ب‬ �ٌّ‫� � � َ��بهــا أوَ��نْ تَ� �ل � ََهــا ُمِح ب‬َ‫س� نْ� ت‬ ُ
‫ ِج‬4 8
You’re imprisoned in it, yet you love it,
But how can you love that in which you’re imprisoned?

� ‫س ت��َ� �َط �ْع َُم م� ن�� َْك م ا م� ن�� �ْهَا �ط‬ ‫ق‬ ّ َ ُ � َ
‫َ��عم�ت�َـــــــا‬ �‫ْ��عمك ا�لط �َع ََام َو �ع نَْ� � ِ �ري ٍب‬ ‫و�ت�ُط‬4 9

It gives you food, and soon

Whatever you ate while with it, it will now take from you and
� ‫�خ‬ َ � َ‫َ ت� � َ ٰ نْ � ْ ت‬
‫كْس ٰى ِإ� نْ� م لا�ِبس� �َهَـا ل �َعْ�ت�َــــــا‬
َ �ُ‫َوت‬ ‫� ل �َهَا ِث� ي��َا�ب�ًــا‬ ‫و�َــعْرى ِإ�� لَ ِب�س‬5 0

If you dress up for it, you’ll be naked.

If you remove its garments, you’ll be dressed.
ْ � َ َ َّ َ‫أ‬ ّ َ‫ك َّل ي��َوْ م َد ف�� ن‬
ُ ُ � � ‫َ ت� ش‬
‫كَ� ن�ك لا � َت�ُـر ُاد ِب� �مَا �ش َــ��هــد�ت�َــــــا‬ ‫� ��خ ٍل‬ ٍ ‫و َ�ــ�ْهَد‬5 1
Every day, you witness the burial of a friend.
It’s as though you aren’t intended by what you’ve seen.13
َّ ‫ف‬ �‫ت‬
‫��لــ� �َـعْــ بُ�رَ �هَـا َ���� جـــــــد ���لما‬ �ْ‫ َ �ول َْم ت� خْ� �ل قَْ� ِل ت�� �َع ُْم َر � َهــا َول ٰ ِك ن‬5 2

You weren’t created to tend it, but rather

To pass through it, so take seriously what you were created
� َ ‫أ‬ َ ْ َ‫أ‬ ْ‫ت‬ ْ
‫َو �ح َِّص نْ� �َم َر ِد�ي ���نك م ا �اس ت�ْ�َط �َعْ�ت�َـــــا‬ ‫ َِ�إو ن� �ُهـ ِـدم � ف� ِ�ز ْد �هَــا ��ن ت� � َهــدْم ا‬5 3

If it’s demolished, increase its demolition

And fortify your religion to the best of your ability.
13 i.e. You do not take heed upon seeing your friends buried, as if there is
no message in it for you to remind you of your impending death.

ّ ‫ال� ْل ��بــ ي�ر‬ ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
The Poem of al-Ilbīrī ‫� ىلاعت هللا همحر‬ ‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ� ِإ ِ ِي‬
ِ �

َ � ُ‫�ذَ أَ ْ َ أ‬ َ‫� َعلَ ٰ م ا ف�� ت‬ْ َ‫َ تَ � �ز‬

‫ِإ� ا م ا ��ن ت� ِ�ف ي� ��خ َْـراك �ف�زْ �ت�َــــــا‬ ‫ا� م� ن�� �ْهَــا‬ ‫ َولا � ْح ن ى‬5 4
Don’t worry about what you’ve missed of it
As long as you’ve succeeded in your hereafter.

�‫م� نَ� ا ف��ل�َا�ن� إ��ذَ ا ب‬

‫ال� َِا�ق ي� ُح ِ مر �ت�َـــــا‬ ‫� ��ف�ــ� � َ�يهــا‬َ‫ ف�� � َل ْ� َس ب� ن��َا���فع م ا ِن� ْل ت‬5 5
ِ ‫ِ ي‬ ٍ ِ ‫ي‬
So whatever you’ve acquired in it of transient things
Is of no benefit if you are denied what is permanent.
� َ‫�ض‬ َ‫َ ت‬ َ َّ � �‫ف‬ ْ َ‫َ ت‬
‫ف� ِإ� ن�ك س�َوْ ف� � ب�� ِْك ي� ِإ� نْ� ��حكْ�ت�َـــــا‬ َ ‫ َولا ��ضْحَ ك م َع ا�لـ‬5 6
‫ـسُّ�ـ � َـهـ ِـاء َلـ � ْـهـ ًـوا‬

And don’t entertain yourself by laughing with fools,

For you will surely weep if you laugh.
ْ ُ َ‫َ َ تَ ْ أَ ف� َ ٰ أ‬ َ ْ َ‫أ‬ ُّ ‫ َو �ك �يَ� فَْ� َل َك‬5 7
‫ى � ْم �غ ِلل�ت�َــــــا‬ ‫ولا �د ِر ي� ��ت�ُ�ْد‬ �ٌْ‫الس ُر ُور وَ��ن ت� َر �ه ن‬
How can joy be yours when you’re a hostage
And don’t know if you’ll be redeemed or shackled?
َ‫ؤَ �ذَ أ‬ ْ
ْ �َ‫وأ‬
‫َ�خ��لص ِ�ف ي� السّ ُ� ِال ِإ� ا َس�ل�ت�َــــــا‬
َ‫تّ ق‬
‫ال�ـ �فـو���يــ� ��ف�ــ� ��يهَا‬
َ ‫ َو َسل م� نْ� َ ِبّر�ك‬5 8

Ask for success from your Lord in it [all],

And be sincere in asking when you ask.
َّ‫م ت‬ ّ‫� �مَا نَ� َاد ُاه �ذُ و ن‬ َ َ‫َ نَ �ذَ َ � ْ ت‬
‫ُو� �بْ نُ� � ٰى‬
‫ال� ِن‬ ‫ِب‬ ‫� ل ُه �اعْــ���تـ َـر ف�ًا�ــا‬ ‫س َ�ــد‬
‫و� ِاد ِإ� ا ج‬5 9
Call out to Him in confession when you prostrate
With that which Ḏū l-nūn bin mattā14 called out.
14 Ḏū l-nūn ( ‫النــون‬ ُّ ‫ ) ُذو‬is the Prophet Yūnus (Jonah) ( ‫)عليــه الســام‬. In other
words, call upon Allāh with the words ‫ـت ِمـ َـن‬ ُ ‫إنــي ُك ْنـ‬
ِّ ‫ح َان َك‬ َ ‫َل ٰإلـ َـه َّإل َأ ْنـ‬
َ ‫ـت ُسـ ْـب‬
َّ “…There is no God but You. Glory be to You! Lo! I have been a
‫الظ ِال ِميــن‬
wrong-doer.” (Quran, 21:87)

ّ ‫ال� ْل ��بــ ي�ر‬ ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
On Leading a Purposeful Life ‫� ىلاعت هللا همحر‬ ‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ� ِإ ِ ِي‬
ِ �

‫ق‬ َ َ � � َ
‫�س �يَـ� فَ� ت�ْ� َُح بَ� بَا� ُه لك ِإ� نْ� � َر �عْ�ت�َــــــا‬ ‫ َولا�زِ ْم �ب�َــــا�ب�َـــ ُـه ق�َــــ ْـر �عًـــــا �عَـــــس� َــــ ُـاه‬6 0
And keep knocking on His door, that perhaps
He might open His door for you if you knock.
ْ‫أ‬ َ‫أَ � ث �ذ ْ ُ ف أ‬
َ َ‫ّـــماء ��ذَ ا �ذ‬
‫ك ْر�ت�َــــــا‬ َ �‫ِل ت� ُ��ذْ َك َر�ف‬
‫الس � ِ ِإ‬ ‫وَ�ك ِْ�رْ ِ ك َره ِ� ي� ال�ر ِ� دَ��ب�ًــا‬6 1
‫ض‬ ْ
And tirelessly make much mention of Him on earth
That you might be mentioned in Heaven when you make
mention [of Him].
� ْ‫ق‬ � ّ� � � َ
‫َو ف�كـ ْـر ك َْم �صَــــ���غ ي� ٍر �د َد ف� ن��ْ�ت�َـــــا‬ ٌ ‫ـصـ �ب َـ�ــا �ف���يــهِ اِ � ْمــ ��ت�ـ �ـهَــ‬
‫ـال‬ ّ�� ‫ َولا ت�َـــ�ق�ُـ ِـل ا�لـ‬6 2

Don’t say, “Youth provides respite,”

But think of how many children you’ve buried.
�� ْ‫َ � � َ ق‬ َ َ ‫َ ق ْ َ نَ ِ ُ َ أ َ نْ تَ أ‬
‫ِب� ن� ��ُصْ��حـك لَوْ � ���بع قَـ�ْ ِلك �د ن� ظَ� َْر�ت�َــــــا‬ ‫� � ْولى‬ ��‫ص�ح ل‬ ‫و�ل ِل� ي�ا � ي‬6 3
And tell me,15 “O you who advises me, you are more in need
“Of your advice if you’d just use your mind to reflect.
� � ْ‫َ ق‬ � ّ‫َ ت‬ � � ّ‫َ َ ٰ ت‬ �
‫ال� فَ� ِْر�� ِيط َد �ه َْرك �د ق�َط �َعْ�ت�َـــــا‬�‫ِبو‬ ‫ال�ـ ف ْـ�ـ ِ �ـر ي�ـ ِـط لَوْ م�ًــا‬
َ ‫�ت�ُـ قـ�َــط��ّــع ِ ن�ُ� ي� على‬6 4

“You rebukingly rip me apart for being neglectful,

“While you’ve spent your life in neglect.

‫وَم ا ج� �تَ� ِْر ي� ِب� ب��َالِك ��حـ ي� نَ� �ش ِ �خ ْ�ت�َــــا‬ � ��‫ َو�ف� ��ص�غ� َر� تُ��خ� َّو فُ� ن‬6 5
‫الم ن��َا ي� َ�ــا‬
‫ِ ِي‬ ‫ِ ي‬ ‫ِ ي‬
“You’re making me scared of fate in my youth,
“And of what goes through your mind in old age.

15 In verses 63–87, the author is telling Abū Bakr how to respond to his ad-
vice and turn it against the author.

ّ ‫ال� ْل ��بــ ي�ر‬ ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
The Poem of al-Ilbīrī ‫� ىلاعت هللا همحر‬ ‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ� ِإ ِ ِي‬
ِ �

�� � ْ‫� َ َ َ َ َ ق‬ ً َ‫أ‬ َ‫ َوك ن��ُ� ت‬6 6

‫ف� �ما لك ب�� �َعْد �ش يْ����بك �د ن�َـك ثَ�ْـ�ت�َـــــا‬ ‫ْ� م َع ا�لص �ب��ّ�َا � �هْدَى َس ِب���يلا‬
“You were better guided in youth;
“Why have you become undone after going grey?
‫� ق‬ � ْ‫َ ق‬
‫ك �ما �د �خ�ُ�ض ت�ْـ� َُه �حَــ� ٰتَّى �غ َِر��ت�َــــــا‬
� � َ‫ب‬
‫� �ح َْر ال�خ َطَا ي� َ�ــا‬ ْ‫ َو �هَا أَ� نَ�ا �ل َْم أ�َ�خ�ُ�ض‬6 7

“And here I am not having plunged into the sea of sins

“As you had plunged in it until you drowned.
َ َ‫أ َ نْ ت‬ � ُ‫أ‬ َ
ْ‫ َ �و َلـ ْـم أ� شْ� َر ب‬6 8
‫� ش� ِربْ� ت�� �َـهَـا َح� ٰتَّى س�َ ِك ْر�ت�َـــــا‬ ��َ‫و‬ ‫� ح�ُــ �ـمَـ ّي َـ�ــا � ِّم َد ف�ْـ ٍـر‬

“Nor have I drunk of the inebriation of the putrid wench,16

“While you drank from it until you became intoxicated.
ْ � َ َْ
‫� �حَـلل ت� �ف���يهِ َو نا� �ْه �َمل�ت�َـــــا‬َ‫أوََ��نْ ت‬ � ْ ُ � َ‫َ � ْ أ‬
‫حــلل ���بـــــوَ ٍاد ���فــــ��يــهِ �ظ�ُـــلْــ ٌـم‬ْ � ‫ولَــــم‬6 9

“Nor have I set up in a valley where there is wrongdoing,

“While you set up there and were neglected.
� ْ َ ْ‫أَ ْ َ أ‬ � � ْ‫� أَ � َ أ‬
‫وَ��ن ت� �نَ�شَ� ت� �ف���يهِ وَم ا نا� ت�� فَـ� �َعْ�ت�َـــــــا‬ ‫ َولَـــ ْـم � ن�ْـــ�ش � ���بـــ �ـعَـــ �ـصْــ ٍـر ��ف�ــ��يــهِ ن�َــ فـ�ْـــ ٌـع‬7 0
“Nor did I grow up in an era where there was benefit,
“While you grew up in it but didn’t benefit.
َ َ َ ‫� أَ َ ق‬ َ َ‫َ ق ْ َ َ بْ تَ أ‬
‫َول َْم � َرك ا� ت��َد�يْ ت� � ���بـم نْ� ص �ب��ح�ْ�ت�َــــــا‬ ‫� � ْعلام ا �ك ب�� ًَارا‬ �‫و�د صاح‬7 1

“And you kept the company of major authorities,

“But I don’t see that you’ve emulated those whose company
you kept.

16 An epithet for the world, i.e. I have not been stupefied and intoxicated
by the world’s pleasures.

ّ ‫ال� ْل ��بــ ي�ر‬ ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
On Leading a Purposeful Life ‫� ىلاعت هللا همحر‬ ‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ� ِإ ِ ِي‬
ِ �

ْ � َ � ُ‫ت� ُ � َ ت‬ َ َ �
‫َون� ّبَـ� �َـهَك الم�شِ ي� ُب� ف� �ما نا� ت�� �بَـ� �َهْ�ت�َـــــا‬ ‫َا� ف�ل ْم � �ب���ج� ُْه‬
‫ َون َ�ــاداك ال��ك� ب‬7 2
“The Book17 called out to you, but you didn’t respond,
“And grey hair alerted you, but you took no heed.
َّ‫أَ ق� � ُ ن� ُ � ٌ ق� ْ � � ت‬ ّ‫ َ �و َ�ـ ق� ْـ�ــ� ُب�ُح �ا ف��ل� تََ� ���فـ �ـع ُْل ت‬7 3
‫��مـ�ْـه �ش �يَـ� خْ� �َـــــد ت� فَ�َ� ٰى‬ ‫وَ�� بْـ�َح‬ �‫ال�َـ َـص ِبا� ي‬ ‫ِب ى‬ ‫ي‬
“It is repulsive when a young man behaves like a boy,
“And even more repulsive when an old man pretends he’s
�� � � ََ � ّ � ّ‫ت‬ ُّ‫أَ ْ َ أَ ق‬
‫�ُـس ي� ُء ل �َما ن�َط قَ�ْ�ت�َـــــا‬
ِ ‫َولَـوْ س�َك ت� ا�لـم‬ �‫ال�ـ فـ�ْــ���نــ��يـ ِـد م� ِ ن� ي‬
َ �‫وَ��ن ت� � �حَ� ِب‬7 4

“You are worthier of practicing [your advice] than I,

“But if wrongdoers were silent, you wouldn’t have spoken.
َ َ‫� � ف� َ أ َ �ذ‬ ْ‫� � َ ُ َ � �ذ‬
‫ْ� � �َ�ج د ُرم نْ� م �مْ�ت�َـــــا‬
‫���بـع يَ� ٍبْ� �َــه ي‬ َ � َ‫ َون� فَ� َْسك �ذ َّم لا ت َ�ــ �ُمـ ْـم ��سو‬7 5

“So criticize yourself—and don’t criticize anything else

“Due to a fault—for it is the most fitting thing you’ve criticized.
َ‫�ذَ ْ َ � أَ ق ْ َ َ ق ْ أ‬ �‫َ �خ‬ ّ ‫ف� � َوْ بَ َ ت‬
‫ِل ن����بك ل َْــم ��ل لك �د � م� ن��ْ�ت�َـــــا‬ ‫� ا�لـ ِـدم ا �ع �يَ� ن�ْ�َاك َــــوْ ف�ً�ــا‬ِ ‫�ل �ك‬7 6
“For if your eyes cried blood out of fear
“Of your sins, I wouldn’t tell you that you’re now safe.
� َ‫� ْ تَ َ َ أ‬ ُ‫أ‬ ٌ َ‫ا� أوََ��نْ ت‬ ‫َم نْ َ َ أ‬
‫� م� ْر تَ� ف� �ما ئا�� �م َْر ت� َولا �ط �َعْ�ت�َـــــــا‬ ‫� �عَــ �ب ْـ�ــد‬ ‫ال�َم ِن‬ �‫و � لك ِب‬7 7

“And who can offer you security when you’re a slave

“Who’s been commanded but hasn’t executed or obeyed?

17 i.e. the Quran.

ّ ‫ال� ْل ��بــ ي�ر‬ ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
The Poem of al-Ilbīrī ‫� ىلاعت هللا همحر‬ ‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ� ِإ ِ ِي‬
ِ �

ْ َ‫� � َ أَ نْ فَّ �ذ‬ َ ْ‫� َ تَ خ‬ � ُّ‫�ذ‬ َ ْ �‫� ق‬

‫�تَ���خ� ِإ� ا ُو�زِ ن��ت�َــــــا‬ �� ‫��لـ�َهْــ ِلك‬
‫ج‬ ‫ ث�َ�ُل ت� م� نَ� ال ن� ِب‬7 8
‫ُو� َول َْس ت� �� ش�ى‬
“Sins weigh you down, but you don’t fear—
“Due to your ignorance—that you’ll come out light when
َ �� َ‫ت‬
‫َ �و ْر �ح َُـم ُه َون� فَـ� َْسك م ا ر َِح �مْ�ت�َـــــا‬ � ‫ َ �وتُ ش��ْ� قُ��ف� لِ ْلم�ُ�صــ ّر َعل َٰى‬7 9
ِ ‫الم � َعـ‬
�‫ـاص ي‬ ِِ
“You feel sorry for determined sinners,
“And show them mercy while you show yourself no mercy.
� َ ْ َ ْ‫� � � ُ َ � َو‬ � َ � �‫َ � � َ�خ‬
‫َ� �َــعْ�ت�َــــــا‬
‫َصل ت� ل �َما ر � ج‬‫لَعَمرك ل و‬ ‫رَ� �ج�َع تْ� ا ق�ل� �َه قْ� ََرى و َط �بَ� تْ� �ع شَ�ْوَ ا‬8 0

“You’ve returned backwards and blundered about.

“On your life, had you arrived, you wouldn’t have returned.
� َ ً َ � َ َ َ ْ َ‫َ � َوْ َ ف� � تَ َ بَّ َ ُ نَ �ذ‬
‫َـا� ِإ��ذ ا �هَلكْ�ت�َـــــا‬ ِ ‫َ نو�ا�ق�ش ك‬
‫الحس ب‬ �‫و� �ن ٍب‬ ‫ول وا� ي ْ�� ر�ك د‬8 1
“Even if you appear sinless before your Lord,
“But He interrogates you while holding you accountable, you’ll
have perished.
ْ َ �‫� ت�� ق�َــ‬
‫ُــوم ِب� �مَا �ح �َــمل�ت�َــــــا‬ ْ‫�عَس� ٌر أَ� ن‬ �ْ‫ك �ف� َع َمل َول ٰ ِك ن‬َ ْ �‫َ � ْ � ظ‬
‫و َلــم ي� َْ�ـ ِـلم‬8 2
‫ِ ي‬ ٍ ‫ِي‬
“He did not oppress you regarding [your] actions, but
“It is difficult to live up to what you have borne.
َّ‫أَ � � ْ تَ � � َ �ف َ ت‬ ً � � َ ْ ْ� �
‫الم ن�َا�زِ ل ���يهِ �ش � ٰى‬ �‫وَ� ب�ْـصَـر‬ ‫ َو َلــوْ ق َ�ــد ��ج ئ� ت� ي� َ�ــوْ َما ف َ�ل�ــصْ ِل ف�َــ ْـردا‬8 3

“If you arrive on the Day of Assembly alone

“And therein witness the varying stations,

ّ ‫ال� ْل ��بــ ي�ر‬ ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
On Leading a Purposeful Life ‫� ىلاعت هللا همحر‬ ‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ� ِإ ِ ِي‬
ِ �

َ‫َ ق ْ أ‬ َ
‫َعل ٰى ما ِ�ف ي� �ح �يَــ� ِتَا�ك �د �� �ض�َعْ�ت�َـــــا‬
� َ َ ّ‫ن‬
‫ال�َدام ة� ��ف�ــ��يــهِ ل �َهْـ ف�ًـ�ــا‬ �َ‫ َل أَ� �ع ظ�ْ� �َم ت‬8 4

“You’ll certainly be filled with remorse due to grief

“Over the opportunities you wasted in your life.
� ْ ‫َّ ق‬ ْ‫ف�� �َـهَلَّا م� ن‬ ّ� َ‫�ت�َــــ���فـــ ُّـر م� ن‬8 5
‫� � ج� �َــه نَـ� َم �د ف� ََـر ْر�ت�َــــــا‬ � �
ِ‫ا�لهَـــ���ج��يـ ِـر َو� تَـــ تـ�َـــ���قــ��يــه‬
“You flee from the midday heat of summer and protect yourself
from it.
“Won’t you then flee from Hell?
ُ َ � َ‫َ �ولَـوْ ك ن��ُ� ت‬ َ‫ُ أَ � َ�ذ‬ َ �
‫الح َِد ي�د � ���بهَـا لَ�ذ بْ��ت�َـــــا‬ �ْ ‫ َو َلـ ْـس ت� �ت�ُــ��طــ� ق�ي� � � ْهــوَ ن�َـ � َـهــا ع ا�ب�ًــا‬8 6

“You cannot bear the least of its torment.

“Were you iron in it, you would have melted.
ْ � َ َ َ � ٌّ َ‫أ‬ � ُ ََ
َّ‫كــ�ذ بْ� ف� إ� ن‬
‫َو َل يْ� َس ك �ما َح ِس بْ� ت� َولا �ظ ن�َ� نَ��ت�َـــــا‬ ‫� ال� �مْـ َـر ���جـــد‬ ِ ِ ْ �‫ولا ت‬8 7
“And don’t deny it, for the matter is truly serious,
“And it’s not as you’ve calculated or presumed.”
� � َ‫أ‬
‫وَ�ك�ثَرَ ُه وَم �ع ظْـ� �َـم َُـه �سَـــــــ�تَرْ �ت�َــــــا‬ � َّ ‫ أَ(� بَ�ا بَ� ْكر) َك ش� َ � َ أَ ق‬8 8
�‫�ـ فـ� تْ� ��ل ع �يَ� ِبْ� ي‬ ٍ
Abū Bakr, you’ve exposed the least of my faults,
And you’ve concealed the majority and bulk of them.
‫َّ َ � ْ َ ق‬ �‫ف‬
‫َـــــا��ع� �ْهَــا ف� ِإ� ن�ك ق�َـد َصد��ت�َـــــا‬

�‫َو ض‬ � �َ‫ ف�� ق�َ� ُْل م ا �شِ ئْ� تَ� �ف َّ� م� ن‬8 9
�‫الم�خ�َا�زِ ي‬ ‫ِ ي‬
So say whatever you want about me in terms of infamies,
And multiply them, for truly, you will have spoken truthfully.

ّ ‫ال� ْل ��بــ ي�ر‬ ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
The Poem of al-Ilbīrī ‫� ىلاعت هللا همحر‬ ‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ� ِإ ِ ِي‬
ِ �

َ ْ � َ َّ َ‫أ‬ ْ � ‫ف‬ َ‫ت‬

‫ِب� �� َبــا�� ن�طــ� ِ تَــ�� كَ� ن�ك ق�َـد م د �ح�ت�َــــــا‬ �‫ َو �م �َه �ْما �� �بع�ْ� ِ ن� ي� � ف��ل� َْر ِط ِعل ِم ي‬9 0
Whatever fault you find in me, then due to my deep
Of my internal state, it’s as though you’ve praised [me].
� َ‫نْ َ ن‬ ُ �ٌ � � َ‫� � ب‬ َ َ‫ف� َ ت‬
‫ا� �م قَ�ْ�ت�َــــــا‬ ‫ُور ث� ِإ‬
‫ال��س‬ ِ �‫��ظــ�م ي‬
‫عَـ� ي‬ َ ‫� ف�َه ي‬
‫ْ� َع ٌار‬ ‫�لا � ْر ض� المعَا ِ�ي‬9 1
Do not be pleased with faults, for they are a great
Shame that bring a person abomination.
� � َ‫َ تُ � ُ ُ م َ ن‬ � �‫َ ت‬
‫ا� ا ف�ل�َــوْ قِ� ت� �َـحْـ�ت�َــــــا‬ ‫و� ب� ِْـدله ك‬ ‫� ِب�ا�لوَ���جــ��يــهِ م� نَ� ال� ِ يثُّرّ َ�ــا‬‫و َ�ـ ْـهـ ِـو ي‬9 2
They bring down a man of distinction from the Pleiades18
And replace his lofty place with lowliness—
ْ ْ َ‫َو ج� �تَ� �ْع َُل َك ا ق��ل� �َري ب‬ َ ُ � ُ‫َ � ّ َ ت‬
‫� َِ�إو ن� ب��َـع�ُـد�ت�َــــــا‬ ِ
َّ ‫ك‬
�‫الد َر ِار ي‬ ‫كما ا�لطَاعا� �ت�ُـ بـ� ِْدل‬9 3

Just as good deeds give you bright stars in exchange

And cause you to be close even though you are far,
ُ‫رَّ �ف � َ ْ ث‬ َ‫� � ق‬ ً � � ْ‫َ تَ نْ�شُ ُ � ن� َ ف ُّ ن‬
‫� ك ن��ُ�ْ�ت�َــــــا‬ �‫ف� ت��َلْـ� ٰى ال ِب� ���يهَا ح ي‬ ‫�ــ�م ��يلا‬
َ ‫و�� ر عَ�ْك ِ� ي� الد� ي�َا ج‬9 4
And diffuse beauty about you in this world
Such that you find goodness in it wherever you are.
� ْ‫� َ ق‬ َ‫ت‬ َ َ‫ت‬
‫الح �َـمد مِ ّمَا �د �غ ََـر �سْ�ت�َــــــا‬ �‫َو ج� ْ� ِ ن� ي‬ ‫ َو� �م شِْ� ي� ِ�ف ي� م ن� َ�ــا ِك� ���بهَــا ك ِ �ر ي�ـ ًـما‬9 5

You will walk in its tracts honorably,

And reap praise from that which you’ve planted.

18 The Pleiades is an open star cluster in the constellation of Taurus, known

as ṯurayyā in Arabic.

ّ ‫ال� ْل ��بــ ي�ر‬ ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
On Leading a Purposeful Life ‫� ىلاعت هللا همحر‬ ‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ� ِإ ِ ِي‬
ِ �

ْ‫َ َ نَّ تَ � َ م�ذْ � � أ‬ � ْ ‫آ نَ � � ف‬ َ‫ أوََ��نْ ت‬9 6

‫� ث�َوْ بَ�ك ن� شَـ�َــ��ت�َــــــا‬ ‫َولا د� ْس‬ ‫� ال�� ل َْم ت�ُ�ــع َْر� ���بعَــ� ٍب‬

And at present, you are not known to have any faults,

Nor have you putrefied your garment since you’ve come into
‫َ �خ‬ َ‫َولَا أَ� ْو� �ض�َع ت‬
‫ْ� �ف���يهِ َولا بَ� ب��ْ�ت�َـــــا‬
ُ ‫َ َ َ � ق� تَ ف م � َ ن‬
‫ا� �ز ٍور‬
ِ ‫ولا سا ب َ�ــ�ْ� ِ� ي� ي�ْد‬9 7
Nor have you raced in a track of falsehood
Whether quickly or merely trotting.
‫اص ِإ� ا �نَ�شِ بْ��ت�َـــــا‬
َ �‫َم ْ َ َ ْ�خ‬
ِ‫� �ف���يه‬َ‫ ف� إ� نْ� � َلـ ْـم تَ� ن�� أَْ� �ع ن�َ� ُْه �نَ�ش بْ� ت‬9 8
ِ ‫و ن� لك ِب�ال َـل‬ ِ ِ
If you don’t distance yourself from it, you’ll get stuck in it,
And who can liberate you once you’ve gotten stuck?
� َ َ‫أَ َّ َ ق َ �ذ‬ َّ‫ت‬ َ � � � ‫َ نَّ م‬
‫كَ� ن�ك � ب��ْل لِك م ا ط �َه َْـر�ت�َــــــا‬ ‫ َود� َس ا ت� ََطـ ّـه ََر م� ن�ْك َح�ى‬9 9
And it will soil whatever of you has been cleaned until
It will be as though you’ve never been pure previously.
ُ‫� َ َ َ � َ ُ ق ْ أ‬ َ‫ث‬ َ ْ َ‫َ أَ �ذ‬
‫َوك �يَ� فْ� لك ا ف�ل�َكاك َو�د � ِس ْر�ت�َــــــا‬ �‫ َو ِص ْر ت� � ِس ي�رَ ن����بك ِ�ف ي� َو� ق ٍا‬1 00
And you’ll have become the prisoner of your guilt in shackles,
And how can you be released when you’ve been imprisoned?
َ‫َ � تَ خْ شَ ٰ �ل�ضَّ َ َ َ َّ بَ � ت‬ َ ‫ْ َ �خ‬ َ‫َ�خ� ْ أ‬
‫الس� ن�ْ� ٰى‬ ‫كما ���ى ا را���غـم و‬ ‫و فَ�� بْ� ن�� ََاء��ج ن� ِسك َوا ش� م� ن�� �ْه ُْم‬1 01

Fear your peers and dread them

Just as you dread lions and leopards.

ّ ‫ال� ْل ��بــ ي�ر‬ ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
The Poem of al-Ilbīrī ‫� ىلاعت هللا همحر‬ ‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ� ِإ ِ ِي‬
ِ �

� �ُ‫َـ(السَّــا�ر ّ�) إ��ذَ ا ل‬ � ُ َ‫�ذ‬ � َ‫َ�ز‬ � �‫َ�خ‬

‫�مـسْ�ت�َــــــا‬ ِ ‫م ِ ِي‬ ‫َوك نْ� ك‬ ‫و َـــا��لـــطْــ �ـهُــ ْـم و ا���يـــلْــ �ـهُــ ْـم ��حـ ــ ًارا‬1 02

Associate with them and part ways out of cautiousness,

And when touched, be like as-Sāmirī.19
ْ � ْ َ َ‫َ ت‬ َ َّ � َ ْ �‫نْ � � َ َ � ق‬
‫ل �َعَلك س�َوْ ف� � ْسل ُم ِإ� ن� ف� �َعَل�ت�َـــــا‬ ‫���هلُوا َعل ي��ْك ف�َــ�ُل َسلام ا‬
َ ‫ َِ�إو � ج‬1 03
If they act foolishly toward you, say [words of] peace,
That perhaps you might be safe and sound if you do.

�ِ ُ �
‫صم�ت�َــــــا‬ ْ َّ ْ ُ �َ َّ �‫وَم نْ� َل َك ب‬1 04
‫السلَام ِة� �ف� �زَم ٍن‬
‫�ي ن�َــال ا�لع�ُص َم ِإ�لا ِإ� ن ع‬ �‫ا‬ ‫ِي‬ ِ
And who can guarantee you safety in any era,
Preserving you unless you seek preservation?
ْ ُ َّ َ ْ �‫تُ ق‬ ْ‫َ تَ ْ ث‬
‫� ِإ�لا ِإ� نْ� ك���بل�ت�َــــــا‬‫ي��ُ�م ��ي� ا�ل�َل ب‬ ‫ َولا �ل ب��َ� ���بـ َـح ٍي ّ� ��ف ِــ��يــهِ � �ي ْض�َ�ـ ٌـم‬1 05
Do not stay in an area where there is injustice
Which kills the heart, unless you’ve been chained [in it].
‫َ قْ َ ق‬ ْ ْ‫َ ق‬ ٌ � � َ ُ �‫ف� �ل�غ‬ �‫َ�غ‬
‫َو ش� ّ ِر� ِإ� ن� ِب� ِر� ي����قك �د ش� ِر��ت�َـــــا‬ �‫� ل ُه ن� فَ� قَا‬‫و َِّر بْ� �ا ِ �َري ب‬1 06
Go west, for strangers are in demand!
Go east if your splendour rises there!20

19 A reference to Quran (20:97), where as-Sāmirī is ordered to say “Do not

touch me.” Some translators have rendered as-Sāmirī as “The Samaritan,”
but it’s not clear if such a translation is correct.
20 The Arabic expression ḡarrib wa šarriq ( ‫) َغ ِّــر ْب َو َش ِّــر ْق‬, literally “go west
and east,” means “travel the world.” However, the author is also making
a couple of puns, as the word ḡarb (west) is related to ḡharīb (stranger)
and the word šarq (east) is related to šurūq (sunrise).

ّ ‫ال� ْل ��بــ ي�ر‬ ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
On Leading a Purposeful Life ‫� ىلاعت هللا همحر‬ ‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ� ِإ ِ ِي‬
ِ �

ْ َ‫أَ �ذ‬
‫� � ���بـهَـا ال� م� ي� ُر ِإ� ا �زَ��هد�ت�َـــــا‬َ‫َل أَ��نْ ت‬ ً ْ ُّ ‫ف� � ْ َ �زُّ � ُ ف‬
‫الد ن� ي��َــا �خ�ُــم�ُــولا‬ �‫� َل ي�س ال ْهــد ِ� ي‬1 07

Renouncing the world is not lassitude.

You’re most certainly its commander when you renounce it.
� ْ‫ُ � وًّ َ فْ ت �خ� ً ن� تَ أَ ن‬ َ‫أ‬
ُ‫ال���ر تَ� �ك ن‬
�‫ُو� ��ف�ــ��يــهَــا‬ َ‫� َوْ ف� وْ ق‬
‫سمُــ ا وا ِ�� َـــــــارا ك�ُ�ْ� ���َــــــا‬ ‫ َول �َـــ � م ِي‬1 08
If there was anyone in it above the commander
In eminence and pride, it would be you.
ْ � � َ َّ َ ٰ َ َ ‫َ�خ‬ � � ْ‫ن‬
‫السل ِام ف� قَ�َد َس ِل �مْ�ت�َــــــا‬ ‫ِإ�لى د ِار‬ ‫� ف� َّر ق�ْـ ت�ـ�َـ �ـهَــا و ر �َ�ج ت� م� ن��ْـ � َـهــا‬ ‫ َِ�إو‬1 09
If you depart from it and leave it
For the Abode of Peace, then you’ll have found safety.
َ‫� َ � � َ ق ْ أ‬ �� � �ْ‫و ن‬1 10
‫ال ف� ن�� فَ� َْسك �د � �ه ن�َ�ْ�ت�َـــــــا‬
ٍ ‫ِب� ِإ��ج ل‬ ‫كــرَّم ت� َ�ـ �ـهَــا َون�َـ ظ َـ�ـ ْـر تَ� م� ن��ْـ � َـهــا‬ ‫َِ�إ‬
But if you honour it and look at it
Reverently, you will have debased yourself.
ْ� ُ َ � َ‫تَ َ � أ‬ � � ّ‫ْ� َل َك ن‬
‫�ح �يَـــ�َا�ك ف�َه يَْ� � ف� ضْ�ل م ا ام ت�� ثَ�َل�ت�َـــــا‬ ‫ال� ََص ِيا� َح ف َ�ــام ت� َ�ـ �ـ��ثل � َْهــا‬ ُ‫ َج� �م �َع ت‬1 11

I’ve gathered up words of advice, so adhere to them

Throughout your life—they’re the best things to take as a
ْ � َ‫� � ة ق ْ أ‬
‫َالَ� �د �طَل�ت�َــــــا‬ ‫أَ َّ َ ف‬ ُ ْ �‫� ت‬ ُ‫ َو � َطــوَّ لْ ت‬1 12
ِ ‫ل� ن�ك ِ� ي� ال� بَـــط‬ ِ‫َا� وَ�زِ د ت� �ف���يه‬
َ‫ا�ل��ع� ب‬

I’ve rebuked you at length and have overdone it

Because you’ve been idle for too long.

ّ ‫ال� ْل ��بــ ي�ر‬ ُ‫ت� ئ ّ ة‬
The Poem of al-Ilbīrī ‫� ىلاعت هللا همحر‬ ‫َـــــــا�� يَـــــــ� ِإ ِ ِي‬
ِ �

ْ َ َ َ ْ‫َ�خ�ذ‬ � ْ‫� َ أْ�خ�ذ‬

‫و ���بوَ � ّي�ص� ِ تَ� ي� لك ِإ� نْ� رَ�ش د�ت�َــــــا‬ �‫ ف�لا ت�َ� ِب� ت� َ�ـ قـ� ِْص ي� ِر ي� َو �س �َه ِْو ي‬1 13

So don’t take hold of my shortcomings and forgetfulness,

But take hold of my counsel to you if you are well guided.
ً‫َ َ ن� تْ ق � َ �ذَ ئ� ة‬ ً � َ‫� ْ أ‬
‫َـــــ� وَ��س�تَّــــــا‬
�‫وكا�َـ� � ب�ْل ا م�ا‬ ‫ َو ق�َـــد � ْر َد ف�ْــ ت�ـ�ُــ �ـهَــــا ���تـ �ـسْــع�ًا ��حــس� َـ نـا�ا‬1 14

I’ve followed it up with nine beautiful [verses],

As it was previously 106 [verses].
َ َ‫الكريْ� �م ةَ� م ا �ذ‬
‫ك ْر�ت�َــــــا‬ ِ ِ
َ �
ِ‫وَ�� تع� َْـرت�ِه‬ ُّ ‫َصلَّ ٰى َعلَ ٰى تَ� � َمام‬
�‫الر ِس ِل َ بر�ّ ي‬ َ ‫و‬1 15
ِ ِ
Whelm blessings upon the Perfection of Messengers, my Lord
And upon his noble family as long as You make mention.


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