JakkaKarthikesign PDF
JakkaKarthikesign PDF
JakkaKarthikesign PDF
Ref. No. :-
Enriching India, one investor at a time
Mothers Name: SAROJADEVI Fathers Name PERAIAH Martial status Single ✔ Married
Permanent Address
Communication Address / Overseas Address* (Mandatory for NRI / Fill Applicant) (Please provide your complete address.)
Address 1 :
Signature Not Verified Signature Not Verified
# If in future, the clients wants to to trade on a ny new segment / new exchange, seperate authorization/letter should be given by the client to WIFS.
BANK DETAILS OF SOLE / FIRST HOLDER (Please attach bank statement not older than 3 months)
Please ensure the name in this application form and in your bank account are the same Cancelled Cheque Enclosed
*Can be used by bank DPs for debting of tra nsaction charges from BOs bank account with them.
1. I/We hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correc t to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and I/We undertake to inform
you of any changes therein, immediately. In case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I am /
we are aware that I/We may be held liable for it.
2. I/We confirm having read/been explained and understood the content s of the document on policy and procedures of the stock broker and the tariff sheet.
3. I/We further confirm having read and understood the contents of the ‘Ri ghts and Obligations’ document(s) and ‘Risk Disclosure Document’. I/We do hereby
agree to be bound by such provisions as outlined in these documents. I/We have also been informed that the standard set of documents has been displayed
for information on stock broker’s designated website, if any.
4. I/We declare that I/We am/are opening the trading and demat account for which I/We am/are signing the form and the required document which are in
English. I/We have understood the meaning in hindi of the same. I/We accept the terms&conditions of trading form. This is to confirm that I/We have obtained a
copy of KYC document, risk disclosure document, declaration, instruction, DP agreement etc. duly filled. I /We also confirm that all the requisite parts of the
agreement, KYC form etc. were duly filled & not applicable part has be en struck off. I/We confirm having noted that the broker is obliged to disclose to its
clients/constituent whether the broker is trading in his own account or not . Accordingly I/We have been informed that depending upon the market conditions,
the broker or its associated do invest/Trade in capital/derivative segment. Signature Not Verified
Signed by : Jakka Karthik
Reason : DematAccount
Place : Location : Chennai
Date : 2020-03-05 13:04:01 IST
Non-Delivery Transactions
: First Side Reverse Side
Delivery Transactions
: Normal Trade for Trade
NSE Trasaction charges, Stamp Duty, S. T. T. & Service Tax as applicable, will be extra.
✔ Basic Services Demat Account Regular Account
Demat charges Rs. 200 per request and Rs.3 per certificate + Taxes Rs.50 per request and Rs.3 per certificate + Taxes
Remat charges Rs.200 per request and Rs.3 per certificate + Taxes Rs.50 per request and Rs.3 per certificate + Taxes
Annual maintenance charges (0-50,000-0) (50,000-2,00,000- Rs.100) (2,00,000 above -Rs.200) + Taxes Rs.400 per year + Taxes
There will be charge of Rs.100 for dishonour of cheque.
The depository services are liable for discontinuation, if WIFS is unable to recover charges from the customer for any reason whatsoever. In such cases there will be a
charge of Rs.250 for resumption of services and the services will be resumed after the minimum of three working days from the date of receipt of request at Central
Processing Office, Mumbai.
For additional copy of Contract Notes or Statements, Rs.5 per page and courier charges will be charged to the client.
For physical contract Note, Rs.25 minimum for printing & delivery of contract Note. The charges will be waived if brokerage per segment for the day exceeds Rs.25
Any service that is not indicated above will be charged separately as per the rates applicable from time to time though not notified earlier.
Declaration for details given in Combined Registration Form, Additional Details for Securities Account and Additional Details for
Trading Account
The information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I undertake to immediately keep you informed in writing of any change therein. I also
declare and agree that if any of above statements are found to be incorrect or false or any information or any particulars have been supressed or omitted therefrom, the
Company / Firm / __________________________and I would be liable to be debarred from doing business both Derivatives and Cash segments. I also agree to furnish such
further information as the Member or the Exchange may require from me and agree that if I fail to give such information, the Member shall have right to cancel the above
mentioned Company / Firm / ______________________________’s registration and the Exchange shall have right to debar the above mentioned Company / Firm /
_______________________________ and me from doing business both in Derivates and Cash Segments. Signature Not Verified
Signed by : Jakka Karthik
Reason : DematAccount
I / We request you to open a Depository Account in my / our name as per the following details:
Guardian’s Name
Signature Not Verified
Signed by : Jakka Karthik
Reason : DematAccount
Location : Chennai
Date : 2020-03-05 13:04:01 IST
(If partner, Corporate or Other Signatory, SIGN IN BLACK INK ONLY
then sign with Company Seal)
City City
Country Country
Pin Code Pin Code
Tel No. Tel No.
Fax No. Fax No.
Currency Currency
RBI Reference No. RBI Reference Date
Name of the CC / CH
I/We have read the terms & conditions DP-BO agreement and agree to abide by and be bound by the same and by the Bye Laws as are in force from time to time. I / We
declare that the particulars given by me/us above are true and to the best of my/our knowledge as on the date of making this application. I/We agree and undertake to
intimate the DP any change(s) in the details / Particulars mentioned by me / us in this form. I/We further agree that any false / misleading information given by me / us or
suppression of any material information will render my account liable for termination and suitable action.
I/ We confirm that First Holder is the sole signatory or authorised to operate the Trading Account. I/ We, am/ are agreeable to enter into the Client Agreement for trading &
give the Power of Attorney to facilitate you to meet pay-in & margin obligation(s) & other dues pursuant to transactions done through Trading Account with Wealth India
Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. I/ We have read and understood Schedule of Charges on the website and agree that my Beneficiary Account is subject to the payment of
these charges. I/ We agree that the charges as stated herein may be modified/ revised and I/ We agree to pay the charges including any modification/revision thereto
from time to time.
I/We hereby agree to provide details to the Stock broker from time to time to comply with the guidelines of Prevention of Money Laundering Act. I/ We hereby authorise
Wealth India Financial Services Pvt. Ltd., to debit all the Demat Account related charges to my/ our ledger of Trading Account. I/ We confirm that I/ We have had no
insolvency initiated against me/us nor have I/ we ever been adjudicated insolvent.
I/ We authorise Wealth India Financial Services Pvt. Ltd., any other Group Company or their agents to make reference and enquiries relating to the information in this
application which may be considered necessary by them.
Photo of First Holder
h ph ph
ap ra ra
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ot o to o to
Signature Not Verified Ph Ph Ph
s s ss ss
o o o
cr cr cr
Signed by : Jakka Karthik
Location : Chennaia a a
Reason : DematAccount
n n n
Sig Sig Sig
Date : 2020-03-05 13:04:01 IST
In case of Minor,
provide guardian’s
Sole / 1st Holder No.12 2nd Holder 3rd Holder
No.8 Signature Not Verified
Signature Signed by : Jakka Karthik
Reason : DematAccount
Location : Chennai
Date : 2020-03-05 13:04:01 IST
Ref. No. :-
Enriching India, one investor at a time
I/We the sole holder / Joint holders / Guardian (in case of minor) hereby declare that:
✔ I/We do not wish to nominate any one for this demat account.
[Strike out what is not applicable.] [Signatures of all account holders should be obtained on this form].
I/We nominate the following person/s who is entitled to receive security balances lying in my/our account, particulars
whereof are given below, in the event of the death of the Sole holder or the death of all the Joint Holders.
BO Account Details
DP ID 1 2 0 7 8 3 0 0 Client ID
Name of the Sole / First Holder JAKKA KARTHIK
Name of Second Holder
Name of Third Holder
Telephone No.
Email ID
*Relationship with the BO:
Date of birth (mandatory if
Nominee is a minor)
Fax No.
Email ID
*Relationship of the
Guardian with the Nominee
*Percentage of
allocation of securities
*Residual securities
[please tick the respective
nominee, (any one) if tick
not marked default will be
Note: Residual securities: incase of multiple nominees, please choose any one nominee who will be credited with residual securities remaining
after distribution of securities as per percentage of allocation. If you fail to choose one such nominee, then the first nominee will be marked as
nominee entitled for residual shares, if any.
This nomination shall supersede any prior nomination made by me / us and also any testamentary document executed by me / us.
Signature Not Verified
Signature of Witness
Ref. No. :-
Enriching India, one investor at a time
Nomination Form accepted and registered wide Registration No. ______________________________ dated ______________.
Acknowledgement Receipt
Received nomination from :
DP ID Client ID
Nomination in favor of
No Nomination Does not wish to nominate
Registration No. Registered on D D M M Y Y Y Y
To all to whom these presents shall come I/we
individual/partnership firm/corporate, being Indian inhabitant send greetings.
Now know we all and these presents witness that I/we, the above named do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint WIFS
Wealth India Financial Services Pvt Ltd. An Indian company registered under The Companies Act, 1956 acting through its
Directors and/or Officers authorised for the purpose, as our true and lawful attorney(s) (herein after referred to as "the attorney(s)")
for me/us and on my/our behalf and in my/our name, to do the following acts, deeds and things and exercise the following
powers and authorities;
1. To do all such thing and give all such instructions as mentioned below concerning the said account as I/we myself/ourselves
could give if I/we was/were personally present.
2. To treat the balance in my BO account as margin against my transactions in capital and derivative segment and to
pledge/ unpledge the same with the WIFS or NSE or BSE or clearing member as margin deposit.
3. To instruct the DP to debit securities including Mutual Fund Units to the said BO account and/ or transfer securities from the said
account to to the following accounts BSE Pool A/c : 1207830000131582, BSE Principal A/c : 1207830000131597, BSE Early pay-in
A/c:1100001000023730, NSE Pool A/c: IN300095 11651256 and CMBP ID:IN665213 to the extent of shares sold by me/us for pay-
in obligations towards any stock exchange.
4. To instruct the DP to debit /credit securities including units of Mutual funds, to the said account, which have been wrongly
credited or debited in my BO account.
5. To transfer charges levied in my BO account to my trading ledger account of NSE & BSE.
6. To apply for other capital market products like Mutual Funds, IPO, rights, offer for sale in Buyback etc, pursuant to
oral/written/electronic instructions given by me.
7. To apply for other Debt market products like Bonds, NCD and also corporate Fixed deposits etc, pursuant to
oral/written/electronic instructions given by me.
8. And for all or any of the purpose aforesaid, to appoint from time to time a substitute or substitutes and revoke such substitution.
The appointment of any such substitute shall not affect or prejudice the rights or powers of the Attorney to act hereunder and
the Attorney may continue to do so notwithstanding such appointments.
And I hereby agree and confirm that the powers and authorities conferred by this power of attorney shall continue until I/we
inform to the contrary, in writing & duly acknowledged by DP at 3rd Floor, Uttam Building, No. 38 and 39, Whites Road, Royapettah,
Chennai - 600014, Tamil Nadu. The said revocation will take effect after the completion of outstanding obligations
2nd Holder
3rd Holder
Witness 1
Witness 2
I/We have been / shall be dealing through you as my/our broker on the Capital Market and/ or Futures & Options
Segments/Currency Derivative Segments. As my/our broker i.e. agent I / we direct and authorize you to carry out
trading / dealings on my/our behalf as per instructions given below.
I am/ We are aware that you and I/we have the option to deliver securities/ make payments of funds to each other for settlement
of dealings as per the schedule in force at the relevant time pursuant to directives / regulations/ circulars, issued by exchange.
Regulatory authorities. However, I/we find it difficult to carry out repeated pay-in of funds and securities. Further, I/we also desire to
use my/our securities and monies as margin / collateral without which we cannot deal / trade.
Therefore I /we hereby direct and authorise you to maintain running account(s) for me/us and from time to time debit these
securities and funds from running accounts and make pay-in of securities and funds to exchanges/ clearing corporations/other
receiving party(ies) to settle my/our trades/ dealings. Similarly, where I/we have to receive securities/ funds in settlement of
trades/ dealings please keep the securities and monies with you and make credit entries for the same in running accounts of
securities and funds maintained by you. Further, subject to your discretion and valuation please treat my/our securities and funds
lying to my/our credit in running accounts as margin/ collateral for my/our dealings/ trading. In the event I/we have outstanding
obligations on the settlement date, you may retain the requisite securities/funds towards such obligations and may also retain the
funds expected to be required to meet margin obligations for next 5 trading days, calculated in the manner specified by the
I/we hereby further direct and authorise you to retain net amount up to Rs.10,000/- (net amount across segment and across stock
exchanges) as prescribed by the exchange while settling the account on monthly/quarterly (as the case may be) basis in
additions to funds being withheld as permitted by SEBI circular MIRSD/SE/Cir-19/2009 in case I/we have traded even once during
the last one month/quarter as the case may be. While settling the account please send a 'statement of accounts' containing an
extract from ledger for funds and an extract from the register of securities displaying all receipts/deliveries of funds/securities.
Please explain in the statement(s) being sent the retention of funds/securities and the details of the pledge, if any.
I / We agree that I/We shall bring any discrepancy arising from the statement of a/c on settlement preferably within 7 working
days from the date of receipt of funds/securities or statement as the case may be to the notice of Trading Member so as to allow
the Trading Member to take remedial steps, if any are warranted.
Please do not carry out above stated settlement of running account in the event I/we avail margin trading facility. Further, do not
carry out settlement of running account referred to above for funds given by me/us towards collaterals/margin in the form of
bank guarantee
(BG)/Fixed Deposit receipts (FDR).
Please further note that I am entitled to revoke the Running Account Authorisation at any time.
My/Our preference for actual settlement of funds and securities is at least :
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Client Code: W I A 7 9 8 8 1
Signature Not Verified
Signature: No.11 Signed by : Jakka Karthik
Reason : DematAccount
Location : Chennai
Date : 2020-03-05 13:04:01 IST
Annexure 2.1
Additional KYC Form for Opening a Demat Account
For Individuals
Wealth India Financial Services Pvt. Ltd, 3rd Floor, Uttam Building, No. Participant
38 and 39, WhitesName/Address
Road, Royapettah, Chennai - 600014, Tamil Nadu
I/We request you to open a demat account in my/ our name as per following details:-
Holders Details
Sole / First PAN A P G P J 0 7 9 5 N
Second Holder’s PAN
Name UID
Third Holder’s PAN
Name UID
Name * ____________________________________________________________________________________
*In case of Firms, Association of Persons (AOP), Partnership Firm, Unregistered Trust, etc., although the account is
opened in the name of the natural persons, the name of the Firm, Association of Persons (AOP), Partnership Firm,
Unregistered Trust, etc., should be mentioned above.
I/ We wish to receive dividend / interest directly in to my bank account as given below through
ECS (If not marked, the default option would be ‘Yes’) ✔
Yes No
[ECS is mandatory for locations notified by SEBI from time to time ]
Bank Details [Dividend Bank Details]
Bank Code (9 digit MICR code) 5 2 3 0 0 2 5 4 3
IFS Code (11 character) S B I N 0 0 0 1 1 7 3
Account number 6 2 3 2 4 3 6 2 1 0 1
Account type ✔ Saving
Current Others (specify) ______________________
Branch Name
City State Country PIN code
1. The service will be provided to the BO at his / her request and at the discretion of the depository. The service will be available to those accountholders
who have provided their mobile numbers to the depository through their DP. The services may be discontinued for a specific period / indefinite period,
with or without issuing any prior notice for the purpose of security reasons or system maintenance or for such other reasons as may be warranted. The
depository may also discontinue the service at any time without giving prior notice for any reason whatsoever.
2. The service is currently available to the BOs who are residing in India.
3. The alerts will be provided to the BOs only if they remain within the range of the service provider’s service area or within the range forming part of the
roaming network of the service provider.
4. In case of joint accounts and non-individual accounts the service will be available, only to one mobile number i.e. to the mobile number as submitted at
the time of registration / modification.
5. The BO is responsible for promptly intimating to the depository in the prescribed manner any change in mobile number, or loss of handset, on which the
BO wants to receive the alerts from the depository. In case of change in mobile number not intimated to the depository, the SMS alerts will continue to
be sent to the last registered mobile phone number. The BO agrees to indemnify the depository for any loss or damage suffered by it on account of SMS
alerts sent on such mobile number.
Receiving Alerts:
1. The depository shall send the alerts to the mobile phone number provided by the BO while registering for the service or to any such number replaced
and informed by the BO from time to time. Upon such registration / change, the depository shall make every effort to update the change in mobile
number within a reasonable period of time. The depository shall not be responsible for any event of delay or loss of message in this regard.
2. The BO acknowledges that the alerts will be received only if the mobile phone is in ‘ON’ and in a mode to receive the SMS. If the mobile phone is in ‘Off’’
mode i.e. unable to receive the alerts then the BO may not get / get after delay any alerts sent during such period.
3. The BO also acknowledges that the readability, accuracy and timeliness of providing the service depend on many factors including the infrastructure,
connectivity of the service provider. The depository shall not be responsible for any non-delivery, delayed delivery or distortion of the alert in any way
4. The BO further acknowledges that the service provided to him is an additional facility provided for his convenience and is susceptible to error, omission
and/ or inaccuracy. In case the BO observes any error in the information provided in the alert, the BO shall inform the depository and/ or the DP
immediately in writing and the depository will make best possible efforts to rectify the error as early as possible. The BO shall not hold the depository
liable for any loss, damages, etc. that may be incurred/ suffered by the BO on account of opting to avail SMS alerts facility.
5. The BO authorizes the depository to send any message such as promotional, greeting or any other message that the depository may consider
appropriate, to the BO. The BO agrees to an ongoing confirmation for use of name, email address and mobile number for marketing offers between
CDSL and any other entity.
6. The BO agrees to inform the depository and DP in writing of any unauthorized debit to his BO account/ unauthorized transfer of
securities from his BO account, immediately, which may come to his knowledge on receiving SMS alerts. The BO may send an email
to CDSL at complaints@cdslindia.com. The BO is advised not to inform the service provider about any such unauthorized debit to/
transfer of securities from his BO account by sending a SMS back to the service provider as there is no reverse communication
between the service provider and the depository.
7. The information sent as an alert on the mobile phone number shall be deemed to have been received by the BO and the depository shall not be under
any obligation to confirm the authenticity of the person(s) receiving the alert.
8. The depository will make best efforts to provide the service. The BO cannot hold the depository liable for non-availability of the service in any manner
9. If the BO finds that the information such as mobile number etc., has been changed with out proper authorization, the BO should immediately inform the
DP in writing.
Depository reserves the right to charge such fees from time to time as it deems fit for providing this service to the BO.
The depository shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the BO’s personal information is kept confidential. The depository does not warranty the confidentiality
or security of the SMS alerts transmitted through a service provider. Further, the depository makes no warranty or representation of any kind in relation to the
system and the network or their function or their performance or for any loss or damage whenever and howsoever suffered or incurred by the BO or by any person
resulting from or in connection with availing of SMS alerts facility. The Depository gives no warranty with respect to the quality of the service provided by the
service provider. The Depository will not be liable for any unauthorized use or access to the information and/ or SMS alert sent on the mobile phone number of the
BO or for fraudulent, duplicate or erroneous use/ misuse of such information by any third person.
The depository may amend the terms and conditions at any time with or without giving any prior notice to the BOs. Any such amendments shall be binding on the
BOs who are already registered as user of this service.
I/We wish to avail the SMS Alerts facility provided by the depository on my/our mobile number provided in the registration form subject to the terms and conditions
mentioned below. I/ We consent to CDSL providing to the service provider such information pertaining to account/transactions in my/our
account as is necessary for the purposes of generating SMS Alerts by service provider, to be sent to the said mobile number.
I/We have read and understood the terms and conditions mentioned above and agree to abide by them and any amendments thereto made by the depository from
time to time. I/ we further undertake to pay fee/ charges as may be levied by the depository from time to time.
I / We further understand that the SMS alerts would be sent for a maximum four ISINs at a time. If more than four debits take place, the BOs would be required to
take up the matter with their DP.
I/We am/ are aware that mere acceptance of the registration form does not imply in any way that the request has been accepted by the depository for providing
the service.
I/We provide the following information for the purpose of REGISTRATION / MODIFICATION (Please cancel out what is not applicable).
BOID 1 2 0 7 8 3 0 0
(Please write your 8 digit DPID) (Please write your 8 digit Client ID)
Sole / First Holder’s Name : ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
The mobile number is registered in the name of: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Email ID: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Please write only ONE valid email ID on which communication; if any, is to be sent)
Signature Not Verified
Date D
0 D
5 M
0 M
3 Y2 Y0 Y2 Y
DP ID 1 2 0 7 8 3 0 0 Client ID
First Holder Name
Second Holder Name
Third Holder Name
Depository Participant Name
I / We require you to issue Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS) booklet to me / us immediately on opening my / our CDSL
account though I / we have issued a Power of Attorney (POA) / executed PMS agreement in favour of / with
_______________________________(name of the attorney / Clearing Member / PMS manager) for executing delivery
instructions for setting stock exchange trades [settlement related transactions] effected through such Clearing Member /
by PMS manager.
Yours faithfully
First/Sole Holder Second Joint Holder Third Joint Holder
Signature Not Verified
Signatures No.14 Signed by : Jakka Karthik
Reason : DematAccount
Location : Chennai
Date : 2020-03-05 13:04:01 IST
I / We do not require the Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS) for the time being, since I / We have issued a POA / executed
PMS agreement in favour of / with _______________________________________ (name of the attorney / Clearing
Member / PMS manager) for executing delivery instructions for setting stock exchange trades [settlement related
transactions] effected through such Clearing Member / by PMS manager. However, the Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS)
booklet should be issued to me / us immediately on my / our request at any later date.
Yours faithfully
First/Sole Holder Second Joint Holder Third Joint Holder
Signatures No.14
Acknowledgement Receipt
DP ID 1 2 0 7 8 3 0 0 Client ID
Name of the Sole / First Holder
Name of Second joint Holder
Name of Third joint Holder
Date: __________________
Wealth India Financial Services Pvt. Ltd., (WIFS)
No.38 and 39, 3rd Floor, Uttam Building,
Whites Road, Royapettah,
Chennai – 600014.
Ph: 044 – 43443104
Sub: Self Declaration with reference to Name in PAN and other documents
Dear Sir/Madam,
I wish to open an equity-account with WIFS and for the same purpose, have signed and delivered an
account opening form to WIFS. In case of any mismatch between my name appearing on my PAN card
(copy of which is given to WIFS along with account opening form) and the name given in bank proof (for
which I have given relevant documents), I undertake to state that I, ________________________________
and ____________________________ (Name appearing on PAN card) am/are one & the same person and
that I request WIFS to open my equity account in the name appearing as per my submitted PAN.
I will be solely responsible for any consequences arising out of the difference in my name.
Signature Not Verified
Signed by : Jakka Karthik
Reason : DematAccount
Location : Chennai
Date : 2020-03-05 13:04:01 IST
(Client Signature)
Client Name : ___________________________________________________________