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SpectreRF Workshop
Power Amplifier Design Using SpectreRF

MMSIM 10.1

August 2010

August 2010 Product Version 10.1

PA Design Using SpectreRF


Power Amplifier Design Using SpectreRF....................................................................... 3

Purpose ....................................................................................................................... 3
Audience ..................................................................................................................... 3
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction to Power Amplifiers .................................................................................... 3
The Design Example ....................................................................................................... 4
Three Testbenches for PA Measurements .................................................................... 4
Example Measurements Using SpectreRF ....................................................................... 6
Lab 1: Power Related Measurement (Swept hb)........................................................... 6
Lab 2: Linearity Measurement (Swept hb with hbac) ................................................. 19
Lab 3: Stability and S-Parameter Measurements (PSS and PSP) ................................ 30
Lab 4: Large Signal S-Parameter Measurement (LSSP Wizard) ................................. 44
Lab 5: Load-Pull Measurements (Swept hb) .............................................................. 52
Lab 6: Envelope Analysis (ENVLP and ACPR Wizard) ............................................ 73
Using the ACPR Wizard .................................................................................... 92
Lab 7: Envelope Analysis (fast-mode) ....................................................................... 98
Lab 8 EVM functions for OFDM signals ................................................................. 105
Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 114
Reference .................................................................................................................... 114

August 2010 2 Product Version 10.1

PA Design Using SpectreRF

Power Amplifier Design Using SpectreRF

This workshop describes how to use SpectreRF, which includes the new hb analysis, in
the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment to measure parameters that are important in
design verification of Power Amplifiers (PAs).

The hb analysis is one new GUI for the harmonic balance analysis, and has the similar
features with the harmonic balance engine in PSS and QPSS analyses.

Note: The procedures described in this workshop have been kept broad and generic. Your
specific design might require procedures that are slightly different from those described here.

Users of SpectreRF in the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment.

This workshop describes a basic set of the most useful measurements for PAs.

Introduction to Power Amplifiers

Power amplifiers are a part of the transmitter front-end used to amplify the transmitted
signal so the signal can be received and decoded within a fixed geographical area. The
main PA performance parameter is the output power level the PA can achieve, depending
on the targeted application, linearity, and efficiency.

Power amplifiers can be categorized several ways depending on whether they are
broadband or narrowband, and whether they are intended for linear operation (Class A, B,
AB and C) or constant-envelope operation (Class D, E and F). This workshop focuses on
the design of narrowband and linear PAs.

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PA Design Using SpectreRF

The Design Example

The PA measurements described in this workshop are calculated using SpectreRF in the
Virtuoso Analog Design Environment. The design example used to conduct the
measurements described in this workshop is the two-stage power amplifier, EF_PA_istg
and EF_PA_ostg, shown below:

The supply voltage is 5 V. There is a simple output matching network in the sub circuit
EF_PA_ostg. The power amplifier is designed to be driven by CDMA I/Q channel
baseband signals, modulated using QPSK schemes with a carrier frequency of 1 GHz.

Typical PA performance metrics are listed in the following table:

Measurement Acceptable Value

Output Power +20 to +30 dBm
Efficiency 30% to 60%
Supply Voltage 2.8 to 5.8 V
Gain 20 to 30 dB
Harmonic Output (2f, 3f ,4f) -30 to -50 dBc
Stability Factor >1

Three Testbenches for PA Measurements

Testbench One

The first testbench drives the PA by sinusoidal sources. In this workshop, you use this
testbench to make general measurements, including:

■ Power related measurements (input power, output power, supply voltage, supply
current, power gain, and power dissipation)

August 2010 4 Product Version 10.1

PA Design Using SpectreRF
■ Efficiency measurements (drain efficiency and power added efficiency)
■ Linearity measurements (1 dB compression point, IIP3, and OIP3)
■ Noise measurements (NF or F)
■ Stability measurements (K-factors, B1f, and S-parameter)
■ Large signal S-Parameter measurements

You use a Periodic Steady State (PSS) or hb analysis followed by a Periodic Small Signal
(PAC/PSP/PNOISE, or hbac/hbnoise) analyses to make these measurements. (For details,
see Labs 1 to 4 on pages 6-44).

Testbench Two

The second testbench drives the PA by a sinusoidal source with a port adapter added at
the output power amplifier. You use this testbench to generate

■ Load-pull contours
■ Reflection contours

You use the swept hb analysis combined with the parametric analysis tools to measure
load pull. (For details, see Lab 5 on page 52).

Testbench Three

The third testbench drives the PA by modulation signals. You use this testbench to

■ ACPR plots
■ Input and output trajectory plots

You use the Envelope (envlp) analysis to make these measurements. (For details, see
Lab 6 on page 73).

August 2010 5 Product Version 10.1

PA Design Using SpectreRF

Example Measurements Using SpectreRF

To achieve optimal circuit performance, you should measure and evaluate several PA
characteristics or parameters under varying conditions. The most important trade-off in
PA design is between efficiency and linearity.

Begin the examination of the flow by bringing up the Cadence Design Framework II
environment to look at a full view of the reference design:

Action P-1: cd to ./rfworkshop directory.

Action P-2: Run tool virtuoso&.

Action P-3: In the CIW window, choose Tools — Library Manager….

Lab 1: Power Related Measurement (Swept hb)

Power related measurements include input power, output power, supply voltage, supply
current, power gain, and power dissipation. To make these measurements, you use a
swept PSS analysis to sweep the input power level.

Action 1-1: Open the schematic view of the design EF_example_simple in the library

Action 1-2: Select the PORT1 source. Choose Edit — Properties — Objects and
ensure that the port properties are set as described below:

Parameter Value
Resistance 50 ohm
Port Number 1
DC voltage (blank)

August 2010 6 Product Version 10.1

PA Design Using SpectreRF

Source type sine

Frequency name 1 RF
Frequency 1 fin
Amplitude 1 (dBm) pin

Action 1-3: Select the PORT2 source. Choose Edit — Properties — Objects and
ensure that the port properties are set as described below:

Parameter Value
Resistance 50 ohm
Port Number 2
DC voltage (blank)
Source type dc

Action 1-4: Check and save the schematic.

Action 1-5: In the Virtuoso Schematic Editing window, choose Launch — ADE L.

Action 1-6: (Optional) Choose Session — Load State in the Virtuoso Analog Design
Environment window, select Cellview in Load State Option and load
state “Lab1_Power_hb”, then skip to Action 1-12.

Action 1-7: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose Analyses —

Action 1-8: In the Choosing Analyses window, select hb in the Analysis

field of the window. Set up the form as follows:

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Note: The hb analysis is one new GUI for the harmonic balance analysis, and has the
similar features with the harmonic balance engine in PSS and QPSS analyses.

For the hams/maxharms parameter, 5-8 is enough usually. More harms/maxharms will be
used for the strong non-linear signal.

By default, the tstab method is used for Harmonic Balance Homotopy Method.

Action 1-9: Make sure that Enabled is selected. Click OK in the Choosing Analyses

Action 1-10: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose Outputs —
To be Saved — Select on Schematic.

Action 1-11: In the schematic, select the positive terminals of PORT2, and PORT1.
Press the ESC key to end the selection process.

The Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window looks like this:

Action 1-12: Choose Simulation — Netlist and Run to start the simulation or click the
netlist and Run icon in the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment
window. After the simulation finishes, use the next actions to plot the
simulation results.

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PA Design Using SpectreRF
Action 1-13: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose Results —
Direct Plot — Main Form.

The Direct Plot form appears.

Action 1-14: In the Direct Plot Form window, choose hb as the Analysis type. Choose
Power in the Function field. Choose 1G in the Output Harmonic list

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Action 1-15: Select Port2 on the schematic.

The waveform window shows the output power versus input power.

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PA Design Using SpectreRF

For the design example given, when the input power level is -5 dBm, the output power
level is close to 20 dBm. Thus, -5 dBm is assumed to be the normal operating condition.
All subsequent plots are based on this assumption.

Action 1-16: In the Direct Plot form, change the Plotting Mode to Replace and set up
the form as follows:

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PA Design Using SpectreRF

Action 1-17: Click Port2 to show the output Power Spectrum.

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Action 1-18: In the Direct Plot form, click Power Gain in the Function field and set up
the form as follows:

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Action 1-19: In the schematic, click the positive and negative terminals of Port2, and
then click the positive and negative terminals of VCC.

The following plot shows the drain efficiency of the PA.

Action 1-20: In the waveform window, click the Add Sub window icon.

Action 1-21: In the Direct Plot form, set the Plotting Mode to New SubWin. Select
Power Added Eff. in the Function field. Select the Output Harmonic as

To use the Power Added Efficiency (PAE) function, you only need to select the output
terminal, input terminal, and DC terminal in turn. The result is a plot of the power added
efficiency versus the input power level.

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PA Design Using SpectreRF

Action 1-22: In the schematic, select the positive terminals of PORT2, PORT1 and
VCC in turn.

The waveform window updates.

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PA Design Using SpectreRF

Notice that for a PA with high gain, the PAE is nearly equal to the drain efficiency. You
find that the efficiency of the PA around the nominal operating condition is only about

Action 1-23: Close the waveform window, the Direct Plot form, and the Virtuoso
Analog Design Environment window.

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PA Design Using SpectreRF
Lab 2: Linearity Measurement (Swept hb with hbac)
The 1 dB compression point is defined as the input signal level that causes the small
signal gain to drop by 1 dB. The suggested approach to measuring the 1 dB compression
point is to set up a swept PSS analysis that sweeps the input power level.

When the circuit is driven by two RF tones ( f in and f in 2 ), the third order intercept point
is the intercept point of the first order fundamental power term ( f in , f in 2 ) and the third
order inter-modulation power term ( 2 × f in − f in 2 , 2 × f in 2 − f in ), expressed in decibel

There are at least four ways to measure IIP3 and OIP3 using SpectreRF:

1. PSS/hb analysis with two large tones

2. QPSS/hb analysis with one large tone and one moderate tone

3. Swept PSS/hb and PAC/hbac analyses

4. Rapid IP3 using AC or PAC/hbac analysis

The recommended approach is method 4, rapid IP3 using AC or PAC/hbac analysis,

because it is faster and more accurate than the other approaches.

Action 2-1: If it is not already open, open the schematic view of the design
EF_example_simple in the library RFworkshop.

Action 2-2: Select the PORT1 source. Choose Edit — Properties — Objects and
ensure that the port properties are set as described below:

Parameter Value
Resistance 50 ohm
Port Number 1
DC voltage (blank)
Source type sine
Frequency name 1 RF
Frequency 1 fin
Amplitude 1 (dBm) pin
PAC magnitude (dBm) pin

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Action 2-3: Check and save the schematic.

Action 2-4: From the EF_example_simple schematic, choose Launch — ADE L to

start the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment.

Action 2-5: (Optional) Choose Session — Load State, select Cellview in Load State
Option and load state “Lab2_IP3_hbac,” and skip to Action 2-12.

Action 2-6: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose Analyses —

Action 2-7: In the Choosing Analyses window, select hb in the Analysis field of the

Action 2-8: Set up a swept hb analysis as follows:

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Note: Some specific points are added to get smooth curve and more accurate P1dB result.
During sweep analysis, the default value of restart will be no, which means only the first
pss simulation will run tstab to get initial condition. For the other pss run, the initial
condition will be the previous pss result and tstab will not be run. In the complicated PA
design, the simulation will be very difficult to converge at high input power.

In this case, the user can try the following methods:

1. Use more harms in the simulation, or use oversample factor.
2. If it is single point simulation, hbhomotopy=source can be used when input power
level is high.
3. In a sweep analysis, If any specific power level failed to converge, one or two
specific points can be added before this power level to help convergence.

Action 2-9: Make sure Enabled is selected, and click Apply in the Choosing Analyses

Action 2-10: In the Choosing Analyses window, select hbac in the Analysis field. Set
up the form as follows:

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Action 2-11: Make sure Enabled is selected, and click OK in the Choosing Analyses

The Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window looks like this:

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Action 2-12: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose

Simulation — Netlist and Run or click the Netlist and Run icon to start
the simulation.

When the simulation ends, use the following actions to plot the P1dB and IP3 curves.

Action 2-13: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose Results —
Direct Plot — Main Form.

Action 2-14: In the Direct Plot Form, select hb and set up the form like this:

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Action 2-15: Click PORT2 to plot the 1 dB compression point.

The output referred 1dB compression point, which is 19.92dBm in this case, is more
meaningful for PA design.

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Action 2-16: In the Direct Plot Form, set Plotting Mode to Replace. Select hbac and
set up the form like this:

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Action 2-17: Click PORT2 to plot the Output Referred IP3.

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Action 2-18: Close the waveform window. Click Cancel in the Direct Plot form. Close
the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window.

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PA Design Using SpectreRF
Lab 3: Stability and S-Parameter Measurements (PSS and PSP)
As pointed out by Gonzalez in [4], stability is guaranteed for the following conditions

Kf >1, ∆ <1

2 2
Kf > 1, B1 f = 1 + S11 − S 22 − ∆2 >0

To analyze stability for a PA, set up PSS and PSP analyses. The PSP analysis is a
periodic small-signal analysis, so the S-parameter and VSWR results it generates apply
only to the small signal. In some PA data sheets, the S-parameter and VSWR values
specified are large signal characteristics. SpectreRF currently supports large signal SP
(LSSP) analysis as demonstrated in Lab 4.

Action 3-1: If it is not already open, open the schematic view of the design
EF_example_simple in the library RFworkshop

Action 3-2: Select the PORT1 source. Choose Edit — Properties — Objects and
ensure that the port properties are set as described below:

Parameter Value
Resistance 50 ohm
Port Number 1
DC voltage (blank)
Source type sine
Frequency name 1 RF
Frequency 1 fin
Amplitude 1 (dBm) pin

Action 3-3: From the EF_example_simple schematic, choose Launch — ADE L to

start the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment.

Action 3-4: (Optional) Choose Session — Load State, select Cellview in Load State
Option and load state “Lab3_Stability_HBPSP,” and skip to Action 3-

Action 3-5: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose Analyses —

Action 3-6: In the Choosing Analyses window, select pss in the Analysis field of the
window and set up the form as follows:

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Action 3-7: Make sure Enabled is selected, and click Apply in the Choosing Analyses

Action 3-8: In the Choosing Analyses window, select psp in the Analysis field of the
window and set up the form as follows:

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Action 3-9: Make sure Enabled is selected, and click OK in the Choosing Analyses

The Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window looks like this:

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Action 3-10: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose

Simulation — Netlist and Run or click the Netlist and Run icon to start
the simulation.

Action 3-11: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose Results —
Direct Plot — Main Form.

Action 3-12: In the Direct Plot Form, select psp and click Kf in the Function field. The
form looks like this:

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Action 3-13: Click Plot.

The following plot appears.

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Action 3-14: In the Direct Plot Form, set Plotting Mode to Replace. In the Analysis
field, select psp, and click B1f in the Function field.

The form looks like this:

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Action 3-15: Click Plot.

The following plot appears.

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Action 3-16: Close the waveform window.

Action 3-17: In the Direct Plot Form, set Plotting Mode to Append. In the Analysis
field, select psp. In the Function field, select SP. In the Plot Type field,
select Rectangular. In the Modifier field, select dB20.

The form looks like this:

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Action 3-18: Click S11, S12, S21, and S22.

Action 3-19: In the waveform window, click Strip Chart Mode.

Action 3-19: Close the waveform window.

Action 3-20: In the Direct Plot Form window, set Plotting Mode to Append. In the
Analysis field, select psp. In the Function field, select SP. In the Plot
Type field, select Z-Smith.

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Action 3-21: Click S11. A waveform window appears.

Action 3-22: In the waveform window, click New Subwindow.

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Action 3-23: In the Direct Plot form, click S22.

S11 and S22 are plotted in the form of Smith Charts.

Action 3-24: Close the waveform window.

Action 3-25: In the Direct Plot Form, in the Function field, choose VSWR (Voltage
standing-wave ratio). In the Modifier field, select dB20. Click VSWR1,
then VSWR2.

You get the following waveforms:

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Action 3-26: Close the waveform window. Click Cancel in the Direct Plot form. Close
the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window.

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Lab 4: Large Signal S-Parameter Measurement (LSSP Wizard)
The small-signal S-parameter characterization of an RF circuit is well established.
However, for circuits with either large nonlinearity or frequency translations, small-signal
S-parameters are not sufficient for design purposes. This is especially true for designs
such as those that use power amplifiers and mixers.

As a natural extension of small-signal S-parameters, large-signal S-parameters can be

defined as the ratio of reflected (or transmitted) waves to incident waves. Because small-
signal S-parameters are based on the simulation of a linearized circuit, small-signal S-
parameters are independent of input power.

Large-signal S-parameters are based on large-signal steady state simulation techniques

such as the SpectreRF PSS analysis with its shooting Newton method or harmonic
balance simulators. Large-signal S-parameters are sensitive to input power levels.

Action 4-1: If it is not already open, open the schematic view of the design
EF_example_LSSP in the library RFworkshop.

Action 4-2: Select the PORT1 source. Choose Edit — Properties — Objects and
ensure that the port properties are set as described below:

Parameter Value
Resistance 50 ohm
Port Number 1
DC voltage (blank)
Source type sine
Frequency name 1 RF
Frequency 1 fin
Amplitude 1 (dBm) pin

Action 4-3: Select the PORT2 source. Choose Edit — Properties — Objects and
ensure that the port properties are set as described below:

Parameter Value
Resistance 50 ohm
Port Number 2
DC voltage (blank)
Source type sine

August 2010 44 Product Version 10.1

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Frequency name 1 RFout
Frequency 1 fout
Amplitude 1 (dBm) pout

Make sure you are using PORT. SpectreRF currently only supports PORT
for LSSP simulation.

Action 4-4: Check and save the schematic.

Action 4-5: From the EF_example_LSSP schematic, choose Launch — ADE L to

start the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment.

Action 4-6: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose Tools —

Action 4-7: In the Large Signal S-Parameter Wizard window, select Port1 in the
Define Input/Output field.

Action 4-8: Change Type to Input.

Action 4-9: Select Port2 and change type to Output.

Action 4-10: In the Large Signal S-Parameter Wizard window, choose Amplitude in
Sweep field.

Action 4-11: Set up the form as follows:

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Action 4-12: In the Large Signal S-Parameter Wizard window, click OK to close the

The Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window looks like this:

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Action 4-13: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose

Simulation — Netlist and Run or click the Netlist and Run icon to start
the simulation.

After the simulation ends, the waveform window appears.

Action 4-14: In the waveform window, place a marker in curve mag(S21) at Pin=-5
dBm by choosing Marker — Place — Trace marker. It shows that
S21=23.29dB at Pin=-5 dBm.

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Action 4-15: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose Variable —
Edit. The Editing Design Variable window appears.

Action 4-16: In the Editing Design Variable window, click pin -10, change its value
to -5. Click Change.

Action 4-17: In the Editing Design Variable window, click pout 10, change its value to
18.29. Click Change.

The PA output is -5+23.29=18.29 dBm when pin=5dBm.

Action 4-18: Click OK in the Editing Design Variable window.

Action 4-19: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose Tools — RF
— LSSP ...

Action 4-20: Set up the Large Signal S-Parameter Wizard form as follows:

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Action 4-21: In the Large Signal S-Parameter Wizard window, click OK to close the

The Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window looks like this:

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Action 4-22: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose

Simulation — Netlist and Run or click the Netlist and Run icon to start
the simulation.

After the simulation ends, the waveform window appears.

Note: If it does not happen by default, you might want to change the graph to strip mode
to get individual graphs in each sub window.

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Action 4-23: Close the waveform window. Click Cancel in the Direct Plot form. Close
the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window. Close the
EF_example_LSSP schematic.

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Lab 5: Load-Pull Measurements (Swept hb)
A load pull analysis is a systematic way to measure large signal impedance matching. In
a load pull analysis, the output reflection coefficients are swept; SpectreRF measures the
output power and plots it as a function of the complex load seen by the transmitter.
Because the complex load requires two axes, the results are plotted as constant power
contours on a Smith chart. The contours show how the output power increases as the load
impedance reaches its optimum value, Zopt.

Keep in mind that you are sweeping output reflection coefficients by changing a linear
load. The large signal output reflection coefficients computed in this manner equal the
small-signal, or incrementally computed, load reflection coefficients. However, for input
reflection coefficients, this is no longer true. You are actually computing the large signal
reflection coefficients at the fundamental frequency.

You might not always be able to achieve the optimal output power due to other design
goals, such as stability concerns. Those goals are generally posed as constraints in the
reflection coefficients. SpectreRF allows you to overlay the reflection coefficients on top
of the constant power contours to facilitate your design choices.

However, a constant power contour does not equal a constant power gain contour. You
should plot the input power contours both to verify that the input impedance of the PA
does not change significantly as the load impedance changes and to ensure that you have
achieved a reasonable power gain.

Action 5-1: Open the schematic view of the design EF_example_loadpull in the
library RFworkshop.

The following figure shows the modified EF_example_simple schematic for load pull

The input port in the above testbench has the following parameters:

Parameter Value

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Resistance 50 ohm
Port Number 1
DC voltage (blank)
Source type sine
Frequency name 1 RF
Frequency 1 fin
Amplitude 1 (dBm) pin

The output port is set up with the following parameter values:

Parameter Value
Resistance 50 ohm
Port Number 2
DC voltage (blank)
Source type dc

Action 5-2: From the EF_example-loadpull schematic, choose Launch — ADE L to

start the Virtuoso Analog Design.

Action 5-3: (Optional) Choose Session — Load State, select Cellview in Load State
Option and load state “Lab5_LoadPull_hb” then skip to Action 5-10.

Action 5-4: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose Analyses —

Action 5-5: In the Choosing Analyses window, select hb in the Analysis field of the

Action 5-6: From MMSIM10.1, a new compact load-pull analysis option is

introduced,Port Adaptor in the testbench is not needed. In hb, this new
load-pull option is setup instead of sweep, simplifying the simulation
setup greatly. In the load-pull form, click Select for Load Instance form,
click the PORT2 on the schematic, click Variable for rho(Z) form, and set
up the form like this.

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Click Variable for phi(Z) form, and set up the form like this.

Fill 50 in the Z0 form.

Now the setup form should look like this.

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(Optional): If you are using old version IC, in order to do load pull analysis, an instance
of a PortAdaptor is needed to connect to the load. The testbench should look like this:

The PortAdaptor is set to have the following properties:

Frequency 1G
Phase of Gamma theta
Mag of Gamma mag
r0 (this value must be equal
Reference Resistance
to the load)

In the hb form, set up two the form for sweep 1 and 2 as follows:

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Action 5-7: Make sure Enabled is selected, and click OK in the Choosing Analyses

Action 5-8: In the Virtuosos Analog Design Environment window, choose Outputs —
To be Saved — Select on Schematic.

Action 5-9: In the schematic, select the input terminals of PORT1 and PORT2. Press
the ESC key to end the selection process.

The Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window looks like this:

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Action 5-10: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose

Simulation — Netlist and Run or click the Netlist and Run icon to start
the simulation.

Action 5-11: After the simulation runs, in the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment
window, choose Results — Direct Plot — Main Form.

Action 5-12: In the Direct Plot Form, select hb, and choose the Power Contours
function. Make sure Select is toggled to Single Power/Refl Terminal,
select fundamental (harmonic 1) as the output harmonic. The form looks
like this:

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Action 5-13: In the schematic window, select the PORT2 plus terminal. If you want,
click Close contours. The plot shows the contours of constant output

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From the above plot, the maximum power of 0.72mW is located at the center of the
smallest constant power contour.

You might want to maximize load power subject to a constraint on the magnitude of the
amplifier’s input reflection coefficient. Such a constraint can prevent unstable
interactions with the preceding stage.

You can overlay the output power contours with contours of constant input reflection
coefficient magnitude. The optimal load corresponds to the reflection coefficient that lies
on the largest power load-pull contour and also lies on a constant input reflection
coefficient contour that is within the constraint. Here, largest power means the contour
corresponding to the largest amount of power delivered to the load.

August 2010 60 Product Version 10.1

PA Design Using SpectreRF

Action 5-14: In the hb Direct Plot form, choose the Reflection Contours function, then
toggle Select to Separate Refl and RefRefl Terminals. Select the input
port (PORT1) of the PA first, and then select the output port (PORT2).
This plots the constant input reflection contours in the Smith chart of the
output reflection coefficients.

The Direct Plot form looks like this:

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The following plot shows the constant input reflection coefficient contours overlaying the
output power contour:

Action 5-15: Change the Plotting Mode to Replace, choose the Power Contours
function, and select the terminal of the input port to plot the input power
contour. If the contour shows that the input power does not vary
significantly over the output reflection coefficient sweep, then the constant
power contour is very close to the constant gain contour.

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Action 5-16: Close the waveform window. Click Cancel in the Direct Plot form.

To draw the load pull contour for the compression points, three variables; power, phase
and magnitude need to be swept. The power sweep is necessary to obtain the
compression points for the specified phase and magnitude.

Action 5-17: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose Analyses —
Choose …

Action 5-18: In the Choosing Analyses window, select hb in the Analysis field of the
window. Set up the form for sweep 1 as follows:

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(Optional): If you are using old version IC, you can set up sweeps as below:

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Action 5-19: Click OK in the Choosing Analyses form.

The Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window looks like this:

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PA Design Using SpectreRF
Action 5-20: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose
Simulation — Netlist and Run or click the Netlist and Run icon to start
the simulation.

Action 5-21: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose Results —
Direct Plot — Main Form.

Action 5-22: Select Compression Point for Function. Select Points for Plot. Select 1
for Gain Compression (dB). Select 1 for 1st Order Harmonic. Select
Loadpull Contour.

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Action 5-23: In the schematic window, click the PORTT2 port.

Action 5-24: (Optional): If you are using old version IC, setup the direct plot form like

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PA Design Using SpectreRF
In the schematic window, click the PORTT2 port.

In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose Tools — Calculator …,

select the load pull function. Copy the following expression to the Signal form.

compressionVRI((v("/RFOUT" ?result "hb_fd") - 0.0) '1 ?rport

resultParam("PORT2:r" ?result "hb_fd") ?gcomp 1)

In the Calculator window, click OK and plot the load pull contour for the compression

Action 5-25: In the Graph Window, choose Graph — Display Type — Impedance

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Close the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window.

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Lab 6: Envelope Analysis (ENVLP and ACPR Wizard)
The envlp analysis, designed to generate an efficient and accurate prediction of the
envelope transient response of circuits to different modulation schemes, is used to
measure inter-channel interference. The circuits are generally driven by carrier-
modulated signal, with carrier frequency orders of magnitude larger than the modulating
signal. A classical transient approach is too expensive, and neither PSS nor QPSS work
because the modulation signal is neither periodic nor quasi-periodic.

Envelope analysis reduces simulation time without compromising accuracy, exploiting

the behavior of circuits to a fixed high frequency clock. In particular, the envelope of the
high-frequency clock can be followed by accurately computing the circuit behavior over
occasional cycles. This accurately captures the fast transient behavior. The slow varying
modulation cycle is accurately followed by a piecewise polynomial.

To do envlp analysis, you can use either the shooting engine or the harmonic balance
engine. This lab shows you how to use the Virtuoso® Spectre® RF Envelope with the
harmonic balance engine to design and analyze transmitters.

Action 6-1: Open the schematic view of the design EF_example_envlp_acpr in the
library Rfworkshop.

The power amplifier is driven by modulation signals. CDMA I/Q baseband chip streams
are fed into an ideal QPSK modulator.

Action 6-2: View the object properties of I36. ACPR_source, which is available in
rflib starting from IC5141ISR141 and IC613ISR17, re-designed from
IC614ISR8, is a behavioral modulator that allows users to specify I/Q
PWL files, carrier frequency, input power level in one single instance,

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thus greatly simplify the ACPR simulation setup. To eliminate the noise
introduced by the round-off error in I/Q PWL files, normalized raised
cosine (nrc) filter is used to filter the PWL data. The filter's bandwidth
is same as the channel bandwidth (1.2288M) and roll-off factor is chosen
to be 0.23.

You can also get an equivalent input by setting up a port because it can output carrier-
modulated signal for I/Q paths, configure the port as follow:

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Action 6-3: Check and save the schematic.

Action 6-4: From the schematic window, choose Launch — ADE L to start the
Virtuoso Analog Design Environment.

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Action 6-5: (Optional) Choose Session — Load State, select Cellview in Load State
Option and load state “Lab6_ENVLP_hb,” then skip to Action 6-11.

Action 6-6: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, click the Choose
Analyses icon.

Action 6-7: In the Choosing Analyses form, select the envlp analysis and choose the
harmonic balance engine. Set Stop Time to 1.667m, Fund Frequency to
1G, and Number of harmonics to 3.

3 harmonics are enough in this case. If the circuit is strongly nonlinear, more harmonics
are needed. In cases where the circuit has a square carrier, nine harmonics are sufficient.
But for some cases, twenty or more harmonics may be required.

Action 6-8: Set the Time Step Control field to Fixed and set Step Period to

The Step Period parameter is equal to the sample interval of the baseband data (I/Q data
in instance I36). If you check the PWL files cdma_2ms_idata and cdma_2ms_qdata, the
sample interval of these data is 0.203451us, i.e. the sample frequency is 4.9152MHz. To
achieve better accuracy and better simulation speed, the Step Period parameter should be
set to the sample interval of these data. Because the sample period is 0.203451us, the
spectrum bandwidth is -4.9152M/2 to 4.9152M/2, and the toal number of samples is
1.667m/ 0.203451us=8193.

Action 6-9: Set the Accuracy Defaults (errpreset) field to moderate.

Action 6-10: Click OK in the Envelope Options form and then click OK in the
Choosing Analyses form.

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The Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window looks like this:

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Action 6-11: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose

Simulation — Netlist and Run or click the Netlist and Run icon to start
the simulation.

Notice the output log file when the simulation ends. The speed-up factor in this case is

Action 6-12: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose Results —
Direct Plot — Main Form.

Action 6-13: Select Voltage for Function. Select time for Sweep.

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Action 6-14: In the schematic window, click the RFOUT net.

The voltage waveform appears in the waveform window.

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Action 6-15: In the waveform window, double click the X-axis and set the Min and Max
values to 116u and 126u, respectively. Click OK.

The waveform window appears as follows.

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PA Design Using SpectreRF

The plot displays a number of vertical lines with a wavy line running through them. The
vertical lines are the points at which detailed calculations are performed and the wavy
line connects these points. The simulation runs much faster than a Virtuoso Spectre
Transient Analysis simulation (as envelope skips carrier cycles whenever possible) and
still satisfy numerical tolerances.

Action 6-16: To get a closer look, zoom in on any one of the vertical lines.

You can see the detailed simulation for one complete cycle.

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The modulation riding on the RF carrier is the baseband signal - the information to be
transmitted. The baseband signal determines the amplitude and phase of the RF carrier,
and can be extracted at any point in the design. It is important to determine how the
transmitter might alter the baseband signal.

Action 6-17: In the Direct Plot form, set these options:

a. Select Replace for Plotting Mode.
b. Select Voltage for Function.
c. Select harmonic time for Sweep.
d. Select Real for Modifier.
e. Select 1 for Harmonic Number.

Action 6-18: In the schematic, click the adder output.

A plot for the real portion appears in the Waveform window.

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Action 6-19: In the Direct Plot form, select Append for Plotting Mode and Imaginary
for Modifier.

Action 6-20: In the schematic, click the adder output.

A plot for the imaginary portion is added to the waveform window.

Action 6-21: In the waveform window, click the Strip Chart Mode icon .

Action 6-22: Set the X Axis to 45u to 57u so that you can see both the real and
imaginary parts clearly.

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The baseband waveforms recovered from the modulated RF carrier (as displayed in the
figures above) do not directly reveal much about how the transmitter affects them. The
steps below indicate how to display the associated trajectory, which is the plot of one
waveform against the other. The trajectory reveals much more about the kind of
distortion introduced by the transmitter. The steps below first display the input baseband
trajectory and then the output baseband trajectory. A comparison of the two trajectories
reveals whether the power amplifiers in this example are really distorting the signal.

Action 6-23: In the waveform window, double click the X Axis and set the Range to

Action 6-24: In the Plot vs. field (at the bottom of the form), select h = 1; v /RFIN ;
envlp re(V), and click OK.

The plot below appears in the waveform window. This is the input baseband trajectory,
undistorted by the power amplifiers.

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Action 6-25: Close the Waveform window, then repeat the steps that you used to
display the plot for /RFIN, but substitute the /RFOUT net for /RFIN.

The plot you create in the waveform window looks like this.

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The entire trajectory is scaled linearly and rotated. The output baseband signal is the
input baseband signal, multiplied by a complex constant. The input and output
waveforms look different because of the rotation, not because of non-linear distortion. A
common non-linear distortion, such as saturation, makes the outer edges of the trajectory
lie on a circle.

The adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) is a common index of how much power a
transmitter emits outside its allotted frequency band. To measure ACPR, first obtain the
power spectral density of the transmitted signal. This section describes how to plot the
transmitted power spectral density.

To simulate ACPR measurement, we drive the transmitter with realistic baseband signals.
In most cases, the baseband signals pass through a digital filter before driving a
transmitter. The digital filter compresses the spectrum outside the channel
bandwidth. However the distortion in the transmitter may cause the spectrum re-growth
at the adjacent channels.

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Action 6-26: In the Direct Plot form, set these options:

a. Select Replace for Plotting Mode.
b. Select ACPR for Function.
c. Select 1 for Harmonic Number.
d. Select IS-95 for Method.
e. Select 0 for From.
f. Select 2.03451e-7 for Strobe Period.
g. Select 1024 for Window Size.
h. Select 8 for Repetitions.

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The ACPR GUI is for the following post-processing function,

db10((psdbb(real(harmonic(v("/RFOUT" ?result 'envlp_fd) 1))
imag(harmonic(v("/RFOUT" ?result 'envlp_fd) 1)) START_TIME STOP_TIME
TOTAL_POINTS ?windowSize NFFT ?windowName "Cosine4" ?detrending "none")))
The psdbb( ) function calculates the baseband PSD of the "RFOUT" node. The time
domain waveform is taken from time START_TIME to time STOP_TIME with total
sample points TOTAL_POINTS. NFFT is window size and it should be a power of 2.
FFT is repeated N times and the PSD is the average value of these results, where N is the
integer part of TOTAL_POINTS/NFFT.

The sample period Ts is (STOP_TIME - START_TIME) / TOTAL_POINTS and the

frequency resolution Fres is 1 / (NFFT*Ts). The psdbb function strobes the waveform on
the net RFOUT with strobe period of T_strobe.

To miminize the aliasing error, it should be consistent with the step-period specified in
envlp analysis form and the data rate in I and Q PWL files.

In this lab, the data rate of input baseband signal is 2.03451e-7. Thus the step-period
in envelope analysis is set to be 2.03451e-7, and the strobe-period (T_strobe) in ACPR
post-processing is also 2.03451e-7.

Once the ACPR strobe period T_strobe is determined, other parameters in psdbb ( )
function can be deduced. Suppose we take NFFT=1024, which means the frequency
resolution is 4800Hz (Fres= 1 / (NFFT* T_strobe)). NFFT can be changed according to
the Fres of interest. If FFT is repeated 8 times, the TOTAL_POINTS should be
1024*8=8192. Note that in real simulation, TOTAL_POINTS can be slightly different.

The simulation time should be 1.666667m (TOTAL_POINTS* T_strobe). We should

choose the stop time larger than 1.666667m. In this example, we choose 1.667m.

Action 6-27: In the schematic window, click the RFOUT net.

The ACPR waveform appears in the waveform window.

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Note: The PSD plot is the normalized result for ACPR. If you use IC 5.1.41 USR6, the
normalized PSD is plotted, while the un-normalized PSD is plotted when using IC 5.1.41
USR5 or before.

The lower ACPR is -88.6971dB, and the upper ACPR is -88.9014as shown in the plot

Action 6-28: In the Direct Plot Form, click Main Channel Power, setup the form as

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Action 6-29: In the schematic window, click the RFOUT net.

The Main Channel Power waveform appears in the waveform window.

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Action 6-30: Close the waveform window.

Using the ACPR Wizard

In this quick exercise, you rerun the previous ACPR demonstration using the Spectre RF
ACPR Wizard.

Action 6-31: Open the ACPR Wizard in one of two ways.

• In the Simulation window, choose Tools - RF – ACPR …
• In the envlp Choosing Analyses form, press Start ACPR Wizard.
In either case, the ACPR Wizard displays.

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Action 6-32: Click on Update From Hierarchy to get Clock Name from the testbench.
Set the following:

Channel Definitions IS-95
Symbol Start (Sec) 0
Strobe Period 2.03451e-7
Window Size 1024
Repetitions 8

The Strobe Period parameter is related to the sample rate of the baseband data (I/Q data
in PORT0 or PORT1). If you check the PWL files cdma_2ms_idata and
cdma_2ms_qdata, the sample interval of these data is 0.203451us, i.e. the sample
frequency is 4.9152MHz. To obtain the real values on these sample points, the Strobe
Period parameter should be set to the sample interval of these data.

The number of repetitions is set to 8, which gives a reasonable simulation time and
accuracy. Increasing the number of repetitions provides better accuracy at the cost of a
longer simulation time.

The main part of ACPR Wizard form looks like this:

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Action 6-33: In the ACPR Wizard form, click Apply.

This action loads the output section of the ADE window with your selected values.

The ADE window now looks like this:

Action 6-34: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose

Simulation — Netlist and Run or click the Netlist and Run icon to start
the simulation.

The waveform window automatically opens after simulation and you can read ACPR
number in the Output session in the Analog Design Environment.

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Now the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window looks like this:

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Action 6-35: Close the waveform window. Click Cancel on the Direct Plot form. Close
the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window.

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Lab 7: Envelope Analysis (fast-mode)
Starting from MMSIM10.1, a new envlp analysis mode is added, which is the fast envlp
analysis. It can complete the simulation in minutes, does not depend on designers’
specified stop time and has a great speed-up compared with regular envelope analysis.
Meanwhile, fast envlp analysis realizes good compromise between computational
efficiency and accuracy; the circuit is automatically calibrated and replaced by the
accelerated mathematical representation without user intervention.

This lab shows you how to use the Virtuoso® Spectre® RF fast envelope with the
harmonic balance engine to design and analyze transmitters.

Action 7-1: Open the schematic view of the design EF_example_envlp_acpr in the
library Rfworkshop.

Action 7-2: View the object properties of I36. ACPR_source, which is available in
rfLib starting from IC5141ISR141 and IC613ISR17, re-designed from
IC614ISR8, is a behavioral modulator that allows users to specify I/Q
PWL files which are necessary in order to do fast envlp analysis, carrier
frequency, input power level in one single instance, greatly simplify the
ACPR simulation setup.

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Action 7-3: Check and save the schematic.

Action 7-4: From the schematic window, choose Launch — ADE L to start the
Virtuoso Analog Design Environment.

Action 7-5: (Optional) Choose Session — Load State, select Cellview in Load State
Option and load state “Lab7_ENVLP_fastmode_hb,” then skip to
Action 7-11.

Action 7-6: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, click the Choose
Analyses icon.

Action 7-7: In the Choosing Analyses form, select the envlp analysis and choose the
harmonic balance engine. Set Stop Time to 1.667m, Fund Frequency to
1G, note fast envlp requires a larger number of harms than regular envlp
does because it uses hb, and must have enough harms for nonlinear circuit,
in this lab, set Number of harmonics to 7.

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Action 7-8: Set the Accuracy Defaults (errpreset) field to moderate.

Action 7-9: Select fast envlp levels in the fast envlp mode field, the parameters are
explained below:
Off: fast envlp is off, use regular envelope analysis (default).
level1: fast envelope analysis in level 1 (short memory).
level2: fast envelope analysis in level 2 (more accurate) .
Modulation source I: The name of I source, which corresponds to the
real part of base-band signal. Only PWL type is supported.
Modulation source Q: The name of Q source, which corresponds to the
image part of base-band signal. Only PWL type is supported.
output: nodes to be saved in fast-mode envelope analysis. Multiple nodes
can be selected.

Level 2 may be needed in the simulation where more accurate results are
required. Then Modulation bandwidth must be specified, by experience
this can be set as twice times of the main channel bandwidth, in this lab
we use level 1.

Action 7-10: In the Modulation source I, click select button and then click I36 on the
schematic, /I36/PORT0 is added automatically, note /I36/PORT1 is added
for Modulation source Q as well. In the output nodes, click select button
and then click on the output net and ACPR source output net on the
schematic, /RFOUT and /RFIN appear in the form.

Now the envlp setting should look like this:

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Click OK in the Choosing Analyses form.

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Action 7-11: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose
Simulation — Netlist and Run or click the Netlist and Run icon to start
the simulation.

Note the simulation finished very fast.

Now you can repeat actions from Action 6-17 to Action 6-25 to plot net voltages etc.,
however, we only show ACPR function for fast envlp analysis below. For conception of
ACPR, refer to page86.

Action 7-22: In the Direct Plot form, set these options:

a. Select Replace for Plotting Mode.
b. Select ACPR for Function.
c. Select 1 for Harmonic Number.
d. Select IS-95 for Method.
e. Select 0 for From.
f. Select 2.03451e-7 for Strobe Period.
g. Select 1024 for Window Size.
h. Select 8 for Repetitions.

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Action 7-23: In the schematic window, click the RFOUT net.

The ACPR waveform appears in the waveform window.

Note: The PSD plot is the normalized result for ACPR. If you use IC 5.1.41 USR6, the
normalized PSD is plotted, while the un-normalized PSD is plotted when using IC 5.1.41
USR5 or before.

The lower ACPR is -87.3384dB, and the upper ACPR is -87.5928dB.

Action 7-24: Close the waveform window. Click Cancel on the Direct Plot form. Close
the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window.

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Lab 8 EVM functions for OFDM signals
The error vector is defined as a vector in the I-Q plane between the ideal constellation
locations and the signal points sent by a transmitter or received by a receiver. If the
transmitter or the receiver is ideal, all the signal points are at the ideal locations in the
constellation and the error vector is 0. However, due to the non-idealities such as carrier
leakage, phase noise of the system, the actual constellation points deviate from the ideal
locations. EVM(Error Vector Magnitude) is a measure used to quantify such non-
idealities by averaging the power of the error vector and normalizing to the signal power.

The following actions show you how to use the fast envelope to plot EVM functions.

Action 8-1: Open the schematic view of the design EF_example_envlp_EVM in the
library Rfworkshop.

Action 8-2: View the object properties of I7. rfVsource ,which is a behavior modulator
that allows users to specify OFDM signal standards, carrier frequency,
input power in one instance, greatly simplify the EVM simulation setup.

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PA Design Using SpectreRF

Action 8-3: Check and save the schematic.

Action 8-4: From the schematic window, choose Launch — ADE L to start the
Virtuoso Analog Design Environment.

Action 8-5: (Optional) Choose Session — Load State, select Cellview in Load State
Option and load state “Lab8_ENVLP_EVM_hb,” then skip to Action 8-

Action 8-6: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, click the Choose
Analyses icon.

August 2010 106 Product Version 10.1

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The following table is reference of how to configure the envlp settings:

From the table, we can choose stop time of envlp analysis and step period according to
various signal standards, other parameters are used for post-processing later.

Action 8-7: In the Choosing Analyses form, select the envlp analysis and choose the
harmonic balance engine. Set Stop Time to 200u, note this should be less
than DataLength item in the table, otherwise the simulation results would
be incorrect. Set Fund Frequency to 2.4G. Note fast envlp requires a
larger number of harms because it uses hb, and must have enough harms
for nonlinear circuit, in this lab, set Number of harmonics to 7.

Action 8-8: Set the Time Step Control field to Fixed, since we are using 802_11n_
20M_Green, from the table, set Step Period to 8.33333333e-9.

Action 8-9: Set the Accuracy Defaults (errpreset) field to moderate.

Action 8-10: In the fast envlp mode field, select level1, the meanings of the parameters
are explained in Action7-9.

Action 8-11: In the Modulation source I field, click select button and then click I7 on
the schematic, /I7/V0 is added automatically, note /I7/V1 is added for
Modulation source Q as well. In the output nodes, click select button and
then click on the output net and rfVsource source output net on the
schematic, /RFOUT and /RFIN appear in the form.

Now the envlp setting should look like this:

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Click OK in the Choosing Analyses form.

Action 8-12: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose

Simulation — Netlist and Run or click the Netlist and Run icon to start
the simulation.

Action 8-13: In the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment window, choose Results —
Direct Plot — Main Form.

Action 8-14: Select EVM for Function, harmonic time for sweep, Percent for
modifier, in the Error Vector Magnitude Parameters field, select
OFDM for Modulation, in the Signal Standard list, select
802_11n_20M_Green, fill other fields according to the table in Action8-

Now the direct plot form should look like this:

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Action 8-15: Click net RFIN on the schematic, the input EVM plots appears.

Action 8-16: In the direct plot form, set New Win for Plotting Mode, click net RFOUT
on the schematic, the output EVM plots appears.

August 2010 111 Product Version 10.1

PA Design Using SpectreRF

From the results, we can see the EVM increases after the signal transmitted by the

To learn how EVM varies with input power, we can sweep input power using parametric

Action 8-17: In the ADE window, select Tools-Parametric Analysis. Configure plo as
the sweep variable, sweep from -30dBm to -10dBm, total steps is three,
the parametric analysis window looks like:

August 2010 112 Product Version 10.1

PA Design Using SpectreRF

Action 8-18: Click Analysis-Start All to start the simulation.

Action 8-19: In the direct plot form, set New Win for Plotting Mode, click net RFOUT
on the schematic, the output EVM versus input power plot appears.

From the result, we can see the EVM increases with the input power.

Action 8-20: Close the waveform window, the Direct Plot form, and Virtuoso Analog
Design Environment window.

August 2010 113 Product Version 10.1

PA Design Using SpectreRF

This workshop describes how to use SpectreRF for RF power amplifier designs. The

• Presents the typical PA design parameters and describes how to build testbenches
and perform measurements within the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment.
• Covers in detail how to set up SpectreRF analyses and perform measurements
related to PA design.
• Displays and interprets the simulation results.

[1] B. Razavi, RF Microelectronics, Prentice Hall, 1998.

[2] T. Lee, The Design of CMOS Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits, Cambridge
University Press, 1998.

[3] Ken Kundert, “Predicting the Phase Noise and Jitter of PLL-Based Frequency
Synthesizers”, The Designer’s Guide, www.designers-guide.com, 2005

[4] M. Hella, RF CMOS Power Amplifiers: Theory, Design and Implementation,

Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.

August 2010 114 Product Version 10.1

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