R 0A51 ARM-Rallye 0916 01

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BMW Motorrad

The Ultimate
bmw‑motorrad.com Riding Machine

Supplementary rider's manual

R 1200 GS Rallye
Vehicle data/dealership details

Vehicle data Dealership details

Model Person to contact in Service department

Vehicle Identification Number Ms/Mr

Colour code Phone number

Date of first registration

Registration number Dealership address/phone number (com-

pany stamp)
Welcome to BMW Proof of maintenance work com-
pleted is a prerequisite for treat-
We are delighted that you ing claims as goodwill.
have opted for the Rallye style Make sure you also pass on
variant for your R 1200 GS by the rider's manual of your BMW
BMW Motorrad and welcome should you decide to sell it one
you to the circle of BMW riders. day. It represents a vital element
Familiarise yourself with your new of your vehicle.
vehicle so that you can use it
safely and confidently in all traffic Suggestions and criticism
situations. If you have any questions sur-
rounding your vehicle, do not
View this equipment range hesitate to contact your author-
Read this rider's manual before ised BMW Motorrad Retailer at
you start your new BMW. This any time.
document includes important in-
formation on how to operate your We hope you enjoy your BMW
vehicle and fully benefit from the and wish you a safe and pleasant
technical advantages of your journey.
BMW featuring the Rallye style
variant. BMW Motorrad.
In addition, you will find inform-
ation on servicing and care that
will help with safety in use and
on the road, and will ensure that 01 40 8 389 371
your vehicle keeps its value.
Table of Contents
6 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Front footrests, ad-
1 General instructions . . . . 3 General instructions . . . . . . . . . 30 justable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Service toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Footbrake lever,
Abbreviations and Rear-wheel stand . . . . . . . . . . . 30 adjustable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Sports silencer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Rims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Off-road tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Maintenance work after off- Preparation for navigation
Actuality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 road riding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2 General views . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7 Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Case system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Overall view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 General instructions . . . . . . . . . 38 8 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . 47
3 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Accessories for Rallye style Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Rallye style variant . . . . . . . . . . 12 variant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Chassis and suspension. . . . . 48
Rallye style variant accessor- Wheels and tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 ies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Rallye motorcycle seat . . . . . . 14 LED flashing turn indicat-
Windscreen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 9 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
ors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Sport suspension . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Headlight guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5 Off-road use . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Handlebar levers, milled . . . . . 42
Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Hand protectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Riding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Crash bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Enduro engine guard . . . . . . . . 43
Cylinder-head cover
guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
General instructions
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Abbreviations and symbols . . . . . . . . . . 4
Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

General instructions
Actuality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Overview WARNING Medium-risk Reference to a page with
1 An important aspect of this
hazard. Non-avoidance can more detailed informa-
lead to fatal or severe injury. tion.
4 Rider's Manual is that it can
be used for quick and easy DANGER High-risk haz-
Indicates the end of a
reference. Consulting the ard. Non-avoidance leads
passage relating to spe-
extensive index at the end of this to fatal or severe injury.
cific accessories or items
Rider's Manual is the fastest way ATTENTION Special of equipment.
General instructions

to find information on a particular notes and precautionary

topic or item. To first read an measures. Non-compliance can Tightening torque.
overview of your motorcycle, lead to damage to the vehicle or
please go to Chapter 2. accessory and, consequently, to
When the time comes to sell voiding of the warranty. Technical data.
your BMW, please remember
NOTICE Specific instruc-
to hand over this Rider's Manual;
tions on how to operate, NV National-market version.
it is an important part of the mo-
control, adjust or look after items
of equipment on the vehicle. OE Optional extras.
z Abbreviations and Indicates the end of an The vehicles are as-
item of information. sembled complete with
symbols all the BMW Motorrad
CAUTION Low-risk hazard. Instruction. optional extras originally
Non-avoidance can lead to ordered.
slight or moderate injury. Result of an activity.
OA Optional accessories. Equipment tolerance requirements of the
You can obtain
When you purchased your BMW
Deutsches Institut für Normung 1
BMW Motorrad e.V. (DIN). Versions for individual
motorcycle, you chose a model 5
optional accessories countries may differ.
with individual equipment. This
through your authorised
Rider's Manual describes the
BMW Motorrad dealer; Actuality
optional extras (OE) offered by
optional accessories The high safety and quality level
BMW and selected optional ac-
have to be retrofitted to of BMW motorcycles is ensured

General instructions
cessories (OA). This explains why
the vehicle. by continuous development
the manual may also contain
equipment specifications which work on design, equipment
ABS Anti-lock brake system.
you have not ordered. Please and accessories. Because of
ASC Automatic Stability Con- note, too, that your motorcycle this, your motorcycle may differ
trol. might not be exactly as illus- from the information supplied
trated in this manual on account in the Rider's Manual. Nor
D- Electronic chassis and of country-specific differences. can BMW Motorrad entirely
ESA suspension adjustment. If your motorcycle contains rule out errors and omissions.
equipment that has not been Consequently no claims can be
DWA Anti-theft alarm (Dieb- described, its description can be derived from the information, z
stahlwarnanlage). found in a separate manual. graphics or descriptions.

EWS Electronic immobiliser. Technical data

RDC Tyre pressure monitor- All dimensions, weights and
ing. power ratings stated in the
Rider's Manual are quoted to the
standards and comply with the

General instructions
General views
Overall view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

General views

General views
Overall view
1 Rallye motorcycle seat 2
(low) ( 14) 9
2 Protective caps ( 18)
3 Cross-spoked wheels
( 32)
4 Enduro footrest

General views
5 Frame guard ( 15)
6 Stainless steel radiator
7 Radiator guard ( 25)
8 Sports windshield ( 16)


General views
Rallye style variant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Rallye style variant rough terrain ahead and free-
3 The Rallye style variant
dom of movement when riding
while standing up.
12 underlines the sporty character
Radiator cowls made of dur-
of the R 1200 GS. Colour design
able stainless steel.
in Lupin Blue Metallic, clear-
coated labels on the sides of the Radiator protective grilles,
fuel tank in BMW Motorsport protect from stone chipping
when riding closely behind

colours and most of all the

powder-coated Cordoba Blue vehicles ahead.
frame already visually describe Enduro footrests, wide ver-
the sportiest standard GS of all sion for stability.
times. Cross-spoked wheels, op-
The equipment of the tionally with off-road tyres.
z Enclosed frame guard,
R 1200 GS Rallye has been
consistently geared towards an protects the frame from wear
increased off-road performance. caused by heavy-duty contact
with boots.
The Rallye style variant Enclosed protective caps
consists of: for the sporty, slim rear when
Rallye motorcycle seat, per- the luggage carrier has been
fectly ergonomically shaped for removed.
maximum freedom of move-
ment and good levels of com-
fort, also with a passenger.
Low-cut sports windshield
for an unrestricted view of
Rallye motorcycle seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Windscreen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Sport suspension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Rallye motorcycle seat Note height adjustment
4 Remove the Rallye WARNING
14 motorcycle seat
Incorrectly installed motor-
cycle seat
Risk of coming off, component

Make sure the motorcycle seat

has been securely mounted
during installation. The rear height adjustment 1
Observe the correct height ad- must always be adjusted to the
z justment setting low position (L identification).

Unlock the seat lock 1 clock-

wise using the ignition key and
keep hold of the ignition key.
Lift the motorcycle seat 2 at
the rear and let go of the igni-
tion key.
Remove the motorcycle seat
and put it to one side on a
clean surface with the uphol-
stery facing down. The front height adjustment 1
must always be adjusted to the
high position (H identification).
Installing the Rallye Installing the frame guard
motorcycle seat Requirement 4
The frame guard was not in- 15
stalled upon vehicle handover.

The bonding areas must be dry
and free from dust as well as

Position the frame guard 2
and press it on at the bond-
Insert the Rallye motorcycle ing areas. z
seat 1 into the fixtures 2 on Install the rubber bands 1. Po-
the left and right and sub- sition the sealing area on the
sequently press the rear of the inside of the frame to prevent
seat forwards and downwards the rubber bands from being
until the lock audibly engages. opened by coming into contact
with boots.
NOTICE Install the frame guard on the
Pull off the protective films opposite side in the same way.
See the rider's manual of the from the foam strips 1 on the
vehicle for instructions on how inside.
to remove and install the seats
with Comfort package optional
Windscreen Sport suspension
4 Adjusting windscreen with sport suspension OE
16 Thanks to optimised suspension
geometry the sports suspension
generates more agility, improved
handling and leeway when riding
off road. Harder springs, longer

spring struts and an extended

spring travel enable improved off-
road performance.
Additional spring travel
20 mm
Adjusting the windscreen
while riding. NOTICE
Risk of falling
Do not attempt to adjust the The sports suspension's range
windscreen unless the motor- of adjustment corresponds to
cycle is at a standstill. that of the standard chassis and
suspension. Refer to the rider's
Turn knob 1 clockwise to lower
manual of the vehicle.
the windscreen.
Turn knob 1 counter-clockwise
to raise the windscreen.
Off-road use
Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Riding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Off-road use
Conversion Installing the luggage Removing the rear
5 Removing the luggage carrier covers footrest brackets
18 carrier NOTICE
NOTICE Always install the rear footrests
and grab handles for two-up
Always install the rear footrests
and grab handles for two-up
Off-road use


Installing the rear-wheel stand

z ( 30).
Position the luggage carrier
covers 2.
Install screws 1.
Grab handle bore trim on Installing the rear-wheel stand
rear frame ( 30).
Installing the rear-wheel stand
Remove the screws 1 and
( 30). 8 Nm remove the left-hand rear
Remove the screws 1 and de-
footrest bracket 2.
tach the luggage carrier 2.
It is necessary to remove the
rear silencer before removing
the right-hand rear footrest
Removing the rear silencer Removing the luggage Installing luggage carrier
( 20). carrier covers 5

Off-road use
Installing the rear-wheel stand
Installing the rear-wheel stand ( 30).
Remove the screws 1 and
( 30). Clean the threads. z
remove the right-hand rear
Remove screws 1. Position the luggage carrier 1.
footrest bracket 2.
Remove the luggage carrier Install new microencapsu-
Installing the rear silencer
covers 2. lated screws 1.
( 21).
Luggage carrier on rear

Thread-locking compound:
19 Nm
Installing the rear footrest It is necessary to remove the
5 brackets silencer before installing the
Footrest bracket to rear
right-hand rear footrest bracket.
20 Removing the rear silencer 38 Nm
( 20).
Installing the rear silencer
( 21).

Removing the rear

Off-road use


Installing the rear-wheel stand

z ( 30).
Clean the threads.
Position the left-hand rear Clean the threads.
footrest bracket 2 and install it
Position the right-hand rear
using new microencapsu-
footrest bracket 2 and install
lated screws 1.
it using new microencapsu-
lated screws 1. Installing the rear-wheel stand
Footrest bracket to rear
( 30).
Footrest bracket to rear Remove screws 1.
Thread-locking compound: frame Remove the silencer cover 2.
Thread-locking compound:
38 Nm Micro-encapsulated
Remove the rear silencer 3
including chafing protection
washer 4 and clamp 5.
Copper paste
Installing the rear silencer
Install the screw 3 including
washer 4 and chafing protec-
tion washer 5.

Off-road use
Silencer to rear frame
Loosen the nut 1 and slide the
clamp 2 towards the rear. 19 Nm

Installing the rear-wheel stand
( 30).
Thinly lubricate the inside of
the clamp 1 and slide it onto
the rear silencer.
Thinly coat the inner diameter
of the rear silencer 2 and slide
Remove the screw 1 and the it on up to the limit position.
Position the clamp 1 with the
washer 2.
recess in the lug arrow.
Tighten nut 2.
Riding Maximum speed with
5 Clamp to silencer and
exhaust manifold Riding with off-road tyres knobbly tyres or winter
22 tyres
The R 1200 GS can be equipped
22 Nm
with off-road tyres for off-road
Maximum speed of the mo-
torcycle is higher than the
Off-road use

permissible maximum rated

It is possible to adapt the tyre speed of the tyres
pressure accordingly when rid- Risk of accident due to tyre dam-
ing with off-road tyres in rough age at high speed
terrain. Comply with the tyre-specific
z We recommend you switch off
speed restrictions.

Position the cover 2 and install RDC when you have changed Always bear the maximum per-
the screws 1. the tyre pressure to prevent in- missible speed of the tyres in
correct on-board computer noti- mind when riding a motorcycle
Cover on silencer/ex- fications. fitted with knobbly tyres or winter
haust manifold tyres.
Affix a label stating the maximum
Tightening sequence: 1. ex- permissible speed to the instru-
haust manifold, 2. silencer ment panel in the rider's field of
(top), 3. silencer (bottom) vision.
5 Nm
Deactivate the RDC for
off-roading 5
with riding modes Pro OE 23
The motorcycle should be driven
with reduced tyre pressure when
off road.

Off-road use
Repeatedly press button 1 Press button 1 briefly to go to
Either the ENDURO or ENDURO briefly until the top display the next menu item RDC.
PRO riding mode has been set line 2 shows SETUP ENTER. In the top display line 2, RDC
in order to be able to switch the Press and hold button 1 to is displayed.
RPA off. start the SETUP menu. The bottom display line 3 z
Switch on the ignition. shows the preset value.
Press button 4 briefly in order
to change the set value.
The following settings are pos-
sible RDC Enduro:
ON: The RDC warning symbol in
the display does not show. Only
a tyre pressure that is outside the
permitted tolerance is displayed.
OFF: The RDC warning Brakes Spring preload and shock-
5 symbol is shown in the
absorber settings
display and the tyre pressure
24 outside of the permitted toler- WARNING
Riding on unsurfaced roads
ance is shown.
or dirty road surfaces. Changed values for spring
After off-roading Delayed braking effect due to preload and spring-strut
dirty brake discs and brake pads. damping for riding off-road.
BMW Motorrad recommends
Off-road use

checking the following after riding Apply the brakes in good time Impaired handling characteristics
the motorcycle off-road: until the brakes have been on surfaced roads.
cleaned. If you have been off-roading,
Tyre pressure be sure to correct spring pre-
ATTENTION load and spring-strut damping
WARNING characteristics before you re-
z Riding on unsurfaced or dirty turn to surfaced roads.
Lowering the tyre pressure roads
for off-roading during opera- Increased brake pad wear Rims
tion on road. Check the thickness of the BMW Motorrad recommends
Risk of accident due to impaired brake pads more frequently checking the rims for damage
handling characteristics. and replace the brake pads in after off-roading.
Always check that the tyre good time. Checking the wheel rims ( 32)
pressures are correct.
Checking the tyre pressure Air filter element
( 31)
Dirty air filter element
Engine damage Remove the parts described in
If you ride in dusty terrain the following to simplify cleaning 5
check the air filter element for your R 1200 GS featuring the
clogging at shorter intervals; 25
Rallye style variant after having
clean or replace as necessary. used it off road.
Checking and if necessary, re-
Removing the radiator
newing the air cleaner ( 34).
protective grille

Off-road use
Operation in very dusty condi-
tions (desert, steppes, or the like)
necessitates the use of air filter Press together the retaining
elements specially designed for hook 1.
conditions of this nature.

Cleaning z
Cleaning after having
been off road

NOTICE Installing the rear-wheel stand

( 30).
Refer to the rider's manual of Remove screws 1.
the vehicle for general notes on
cleaning. Remove the radiator protective
grille 1 towards the bottom.
Installing the radiator Remove the screws 1 and re-
5 protective grille move the engine guard 2.

26 Installing the engine

Off-road use

Install screws 1.
Install screw 2.
Installing the rear-wheel stand
Removing engine guard
z ( 30).
Insert the radiator protective
grille 1 with the retaining lug 2 Installing the rear-wheel stand
and the retaining hook 3 in the ( 30).
fixtures on the radiator 4. Make sure the flat nuts 1 have
been positioned correctly.
Position the engine guard 2.
Install screws 3.
Engine guard to bracket
Installing the rear-wheel stand
( 30). 8 Nm
Remove windscreen Fit windscreen

Off-road use
Remove screws 1.
Installing the rear-wheel stand Loosen the windshield 2 to- Installing the rear-wheel stand
( 30). wards the bottom and re- ( 30).
Turn the adjuster knob 1 anti- move it. Place windscreen 1 in position. z
clockwise and adjust the wind- Install screws 2.
shield to maximum height.
Windscreen to wind-
screen adjuster

4 Nm

Off-road use
General instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Service toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Rear-wheel stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Rims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Maintenance work after off-road rid-
ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

General instructions Service toolkit Rear-wheel stand
6 The "Maintenance" chapter de- with service tool kit OA Installing the rear-wheel
30 scribes straightforward proced- stand
ures for checking and replacing Place the motorcycle on its
certain wear parts. stand on firm, even ground.
Special tightening torques are lis- Use the rear-wheel stand with
ted as applicable. The tightening rear axle adapter. The rear-

torques for the threaded fasten- wheel stand and its accessor-
ers on your vehicle are listed in ies are available from your au-
the section entitled "Technical thorised BMW Motorrad Re-
data". tailer.
Further information on mainten-
BMW Motorrad has assembled
ance and repair work is available
z a service toolkit that is ideal for
from your BMW Motorrad author-
carrying out extended service
ised dealer in the form of a DVD.
work (e.g. removing and installing
Some of the work requires spe- wheels) on this motorcycle. You
cial tools and a thorough know- can obtain the tools set from
ledge of the technology involved. your authorised BMW Motorrad
If you are in doubt, consult a dealer.
specialist workshop, preferably
your authorised BMW Motorrad
dealer. Use screws 1 to set the rear-
wheel stand to the desired
Remove retaining disc 2. To Tyres
do so, press release button 3.
Checking tyre pressure 6
Incorrect tyre pressure
Impaired handling characteristics
of the motorcycle, shorter useful

tyre life
Always check that the tyre
ATTENTION pressures are correct.
Vehicle topples to side when
Slide the rear-wheel stand into WARNING
being lifted on to stand
the rear axle from the left. z
Risk of damage to parts if vehicle Tendency of valve inserts in-
Connect the lock washer from
topples stalled vertically top open
the right. For this purpose,
Secure the vehicle to prevent it by themselves at high riding
press the release button.
toppling, preferably with the as- speeds.
sistance of a second person. Sudden loss of tyre pressure.
Hold the motorcycle upright Install valve caps fitted with
and at the same time press the rubber sealing rings and tighten
handle of the stand back until firmly.
both rollers of the stand are on Place the motorcycle on its
the ground. stand on firm, even ground.
Then press the handle down to
the ground.
Check tyre pressures against Place the motorcycle on its Rims
6 the data below. stand on firm, even ground.
Checking rims
Measure the tyre tread depth
32 Tyre pressure, front Place the motorcycle on its
in the main tread grooves with
wear marks. stand on firm, even ground.
Visually inspect the rims for
2.5 bar (tyre cold)
NOTICE defects.
Tyre pressure, rear Have damaged rims inspected

Wear indicators are built into the

by a specialist workshop
main profile grooves on each
and replaced if necessary,
2.9 bar (tyre cold) tyre. The tyre is worn out when
preferably by an authorised
the tyre tread has worn down
If tyre pressure is too low: BMW Motorrad dealer.
to the level of the marks. The
Correct tyre pressure. locations of the marks are indic- Checking spokes
z ated on the edge of the tyre, e.g.
Checking tyre tread depth Place the motorcycle on its
by the letters TI, TWI or by an stand on firm, even ground.
WARNING arrow.
Use a screwdriver handle or
If the tyre tread is worn to min- similar object to brush over the
Riding with badly worn tyres imum: spokes and pay attention to
Risk of accident due to impaired Replace tyre or tyres, as applic- the sequence of sounds.
handling able. If the sequence of sounds is ir-
If applicable, have the tyres regular:
changed in good time before Have the spokes checked
they wear to the minimum by a specialist workshop,
tread depth permitted by law. preferably by an authorised
BMW Motorrad Retailer.
Maintenance work after Checking the gearshift Check the side stand's
off-road riding lever's ease of movement ease of movement 6
Place the motorcycle on its Installing the rear-wheel stand 33
Checking the footbrake
stand on firm, even ground. ( 30).
lever's ease of movement Check the side stand's ability
Place the motorcycle on its to move by folding it in and
stand on firm, even ground. out.

If the side stand is stiff:
Have the side stand checked
by a specialist workshop,
preferably by an authorised
BMW Motorrad Retailer.

Checking the side-stand z

Check the gearshift lever switch function
mount 1 and deflection Switch off the engine and fold
points 2 for ease of movement. out the side stand.
Check the gearshift lever In the event of stiff movement: Operate and hold the clutch,
mount 1 and deflection point 2 Have the gearshift lever switch on the ignition and start
for ease of movement. checked by a specialist the engine.
In the event of stiff movement: workshop, preferably an The engine starts.
Have the footbrake lever authorised BMW Motorrad Engage first gear.
checked by a specialist Retailer. The engine stops.
workshop, preferably by an
authorised BMW Motorrad
If the engine fails to stop: preferably by an authorised
6 Have the side-stand switch BMW Motorrad Retailer.
checked by a specialist work-
34 Checking the air filter
shop, preferably by an author-
ised BMW Motorrad Retailer. element, replacing it if
Checking the gaiter
Place the motorcycle on its

stand on firm, even ground.

Remove screws 1.
Loosen the cover 2 on both

Installing the rear-wheel stand

( 30).
Remove the Rallye motorcycle
seat ( 14).
Check the gaiter 1 is posi-
Remove screws 1 and 2.
tioned correctly and has not
Remove the centre trim panel.
developed cracks.
If the gaiter has come loose or Remove screws 1.
there are cracks: Remove the air filter cover 2.
Have the gaiter checked
by a specialist workshop,

Remove the frame 3. Fit the air filter cover 2. Attach the centre trim panel 1.
Removing the air filter ele- Install screws 1. Press the right and left
ment 4. clamps 3 and 5 into the
fixtures 4 and 6 while watching
for the retaining lugs 2. z

Position the cover 2 on both

Clean and (if necessary) renew sides.
the air filter element 4. Install screws 1.
Insert the air filter element 4 Install screws 1 and 2.
and frame 3.
Installing the Rallye motorcycle
6 seat ( 15).



General instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Preparation for navigation
system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 37
Accessories for Rallye style vari-
ant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Case system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Rallye style variant accessories . . . . . 41

LED flashing turn indicators . . . . . . . . . 42
Headlight guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Handlebar levers, milled . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Hand protectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 z
Crash bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Enduro engine guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Cylinder-head cover guard . . . . . . . . . . 44
Front footrests, adjustable . . . . . . . . . . 44
Footbrake lever, adjustable . . . . . . . . . 44
Sports silencer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Off-road tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
General instructions cessory products to establish
7 that they are safe, functional and NOTICE
CAUTION suitable. Consequently, BMW Always install the rear footrests
38 accepts product liability. BMW and grab handles for two-up
Use of other-make products accepts no liability whatsoever for mode.
Safety risk parts and accessories that it has
BMW Motorrad cannot exam- not approved. Accessories for Rallye
ine or test each product of out- Whenever you are planning

side origin to ensure that it can modifications, comply with all style variant
be used on or in connection the legal requirements. Make For the Rallye style variant
with BMW vehicles without sure that the vehicle does not BMW Motorrad offers additional
constituting a safety hazard. infringe the national road-vehicle optional accessories which allow
Country-specific official author- construction and use regulations the R 1200 GS to be customised
z isation does not suffice as as- applicable in your country. even more towards the driver's
surance. Tests conducted by Your BMW Motorrad dealer can personal tastes and the vehicle's
these instances cannot make offer expert advice on the choice usage profile.
provision for all operating con- of genuine BMW parts, accessor- Please contact your authorised
ditions experienced by BMW ies and other products. BMW Motorrad Retailer to pur-
vehicles and, consequently, To find out more about chase and install these optional
they are not sufficient in some accessories go to: accessories as well as obtain ad-
circumstances. bmw-motorrad.com/ ditional information.
Use only parts and accessor- accessories
ies approved by BMW for your
BMW has conducted extens-
ive testing of the parts and ac-


Rallye style variant
accessories 7
1 LED flashing turn indicat- 41
ors ( 42)
2 Sport suspension ( 16)
3 Handlebar levers, milled
( 42)

4 Hand protectors ( 43)
5 Preparation for navigation
system ( 45)
6 Headlight guard ( 42)
7 Enduro engine guard
( 43) z
8 Crash bars ( 43)
9 Cylinder-head cover guard
( 44)
10 Front footrests, adjustable
( 44)
Footbrake lever, adjustable
( 44)
11 Off-road tyres ( 45)
12 Sports silencer ( 45)
LED flashing turn Headlight guard Handlebar levers,
7 indicators milled


Protects the headlight lens

Attractive flashing turn indicators against stone chipping when Milled clutch and brake levers
z on stalks with state-of-the-art, riding off road. made of a high-strength alu-
non-wearing LED technology. Snap-lock system for straight- minium alloy, with anodised grey
forward, speedy installation and finish to protect from corrosion.
NOTICE removal. Individually adjustable distance
The LED flashing turn indicators between the hand lever and the
described here must not be in- handlebar grip.
stalled in the US and Canada. Use the headlight guard only
when off-roading. Riding on
public roads with the headlight
guard fitted to the motorcycle is
Hand protectors Crash bars Enduro engine guard

Protection for the rider's hands Effectively protecting cylinders Protects the bottom of the en-
and the controls against wind and heads from damage in minor gine against flying stones and
and adverse weather, and a de- mishaps. contact with the ground. z
flector for bushes, twigs and fly- Less risk of rider suffering burns Considerably wider and longer
ing stones encountered when (from the exhaust headers) if the than the standard engine guard.
off-roading. motorcycle is dropped.
Cylinder-head cover Front footrests, Footbrake lever,
7 guard adjustable adjustable


Comprehensively protects High-quality, forged footrests, Brake-lever pedal now wider and
z the cylinder head cover from anodised gold finish, three height height-adjustable at the hinge
scratches and stone chipping. settings. mechanism.
Outer plastic contact guard, re- Spring-loaded footplate for com- The footbrake is easier to use
placeable. fortable spring shock absorption and control when the rider is
during seated riding. When the standing on the pegs.
rider stands on the footrests
the extra weight presses the
footplate down flush with the
footrest. The serrated outside
contour exposed in this way of-
fers a better stance and there-
fore more control over the motor-
Sports silencer Off-road tyres Preparation for
navigation system 7

Slip-on silencer for throaty sound In conjunction with Enduro Pro
and sporty looks. ride mode, the off-road tyres Consisting of a navigation system
Completely made of titanium, keep you powering ahead in off bracket, Advanced Mount Cradle z
end cap and heat shield made of road terrain. featuring lock barrel and Multi-
CFRP. Controller to operate the
Increased torque in the bottom BMW Motorrad Navigator using
and mid-range engine speed the handlebars.
Case system


Optionally available case hold-

ers allow the installation of dur-
z able, off-road-capable aluminium
cases. These can be locked, are
watertight as well as dustproof
and also visually underscore the
suitability of the R 1200 GS for
use as an enduro.
Technical data
Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Chassis and suspension . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Wheels and tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Technical data
8 Frame type Tubular steel frame with supporting drive unit,
48 steel pipe rear frames
Type plate location Frame, front left at steering head
Position of the Vehicle Identification Number Frame, front right, on steering head
Technical data

Chassis and suspension

Front wheel
Type of front suspension BMW Telelever, with anti-dive top fork bridge,
leading link pivot-mounted on engine and tele-
scopic forks, central spring strut supported by
z leading link and frame
Design of front wheel suspension Central shock absorber with helical spring
with Dynamic ESA OE Central shock absorber complete with torsion
spring and header tank, electrically adjustable de-
compression and compression-stage damping
Spring travel, front 190 mm, at wheel
with style 1 OE 210 mm, at wheel
with sport suspension OE
with lowered suspension OE 158 mm, at wheel
Rear wheel
Type of rear suspension Cast aluminium single swinging arm featuring
BMW Motorrad Paralever 49
Type of rear suspension Central spring strut with coil spring, adjustable
rebound stage damping and spring preload
with Dynamic ESA OE Central spring strut with coil spring and

Technical data
reservoir, electrically adjustable rebound-.stage
and compression-stage damping, electrically
adjustable spring preload
Spring travel at rear wheel 200 mm
with style 1 OE 220 mm
with sport suspension OE
with lowered suspension OE 170 mm z
Wheels and tyres
8 Recommended tyre combinations An overview of currently approved tyres is avail-
50 able from your authorised BMW Motorrad Retailer
or on the Internet at bmw-motorrad.com.
Speed category, front/rear tyres V, required at least: 240 km/h
Front wheel
Technical data

Front wheel type Cross-spoked wheel

Front wheel rim size 3.00" x 19"
Tyre designation, front 120/70 R 19
Load index, front tyre min. 60
Permissible front-wheel imbalance max 5 g
Rear wheel
Rear-wheel type Cross-spoked wheel
Rear wheel rim size 4.50" x 17"
Tyre designation, rear 170/60 R 17
Load index, rear tyre min. 72
Permissible rear-wheel imbalance max 45 g
Tyre pressures
Tyre pressure, front 2.5 bar, tyre cold
Tyre pressure, rear 2.9 bar, tyre cold

Length of motorcycle 2207 mm, via spray guard

Technical data
Height of motorcycle 1430...1490 mm, via windscreen at DIN unladen
with style 1 OE 1312...1372 mm, via windscreen at DIN unladen
with style 1 OE 1332...1392 mm, via windscreen at DIN unladen
with sport suspension OE weight z
with style 1 OE 1450...1510 mm, via windscreen at DIN unladen
with sport suspension OE weight
with passenger package OE
with lowered suspension OE 1405...1465 mm, via windscreen, lower position at
DIN unladen weight
Width of motorcycle 952 mm, with mirrors
Front-seat height 850...870 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with comfort seat OE 825...845 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with comfort seat, high OE 850...870 mm, without rider at unladen weight
8 with low rider's seat OE
with style 1 OE
820...840 mm, without rider at unladen weight
860 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with style 1 OE 880 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with motorcycle seat, extra high OE
with style 1 OE 850...870 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with passenger package OE
Technical data

with style 1 OE 880 mm, without rider at unladen weight

with sport suspension OE
with style 1 OE 900 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with sport suspension OE
with motorcycle seat, extra high OE
with style 1 OE 870...890 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with sport suspension OE
with passenger package OE
with lowered suspension OE 800...820 mm, without rider at unladen weight
Rider's inside-leg arc, heel to heel 1870...1910 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with comfort seat OE 1880...1900 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with comfort seat, high OE 1920...1940 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with low rider's seat OE 1820...1860 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with style 1 OE 1880 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with style 1 OE
with motorcycle seat, extra high OE
1920 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with style 1 OE 1870...1910 mm, without rider at unladen weight 53
with passenger package OE
with style 1 OE 1920 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with sport suspension OE

Technical data
with style 1 OE 1960 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with sport suspension OE
with motorcycle seat, extra high OE
with style 1 OE 1910...1950 mm, without rider at unladen weight
with sport suspension OE
with passenger package OE
with lowered suspension OE 1790...1830 mm, without rider at unladen weight z
A G Running gear
9 Abbreviations and symbols, 4 Gaiter
Check, 34
Technical data, 48
Accessories, 38
54 Actuality, 5 S
L Shift lever
Air filter Luggage carrier
Checking (renewing) the Check, 33
install, 19 Side stand
insert, 34
remove, 18 Checking the switch, 33

D Luggage carrier protective caps Test, 33

Dimensions install, 18
z Technical data, 51 remove, 19 T
Technical data
E M Chassis and suspension, 48
Engine guard Maintenance Dimensions, 51
install, 26 After off-road riding, 33 Frame, 48
remove, 26 General instructions, 30 Standards, 5
Equipment, 5 Wheels and tyres, 50
Radiator guard Tyres
install, 26 Checking inflation pressure, 31
Footbrake lever
Check, 33 remove, 25 Checking tread depth, 31, 32
Frame Rallye motorcycle seat Pressures, 51
Technical data, 48 Height adjustment, 14 Technical data, 50
Frame guard install, 15 Top speed, 22
install, 15 remove, 14
Rear-wheel stand
Installing, 30
Checking rims, 32
Checking spokes, 32 55
Technical data, 50
Adjusting, 16


Details described or illustrated Original rider’s manual, printed in
in this booklet may differ from Germany.
the vehicle's actual specification
as purchased, the accessories
fitted or the national-market spe-
cification. No claims will be en-
tertained as a result of such dis-
Dimensions, weights, fuel con-
sumption and performance data
are quoted to the customary tol-
The right to modify designs,
equipment and accessories is
Errors and omissions excepted.

© 2016 Bayerische Motoren

Werke Aktiengesellschaft
80788 Munich, Germany
Not to be reproduced by any
means whatsoever, wholly or
in part, without the written per-
mission of BMW Motorrad, After
You can find further information on all aspects of your vehicle at:

BMW recommends

Order No.: 01 40 8 389 371 *01408389371*

09.2016, 1st edition, 01


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