The Subtypes at Work, Part One

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The Subtypes at Work, Part One

By Mario Sikora

“We are survival machines—robot vehicles blindly we must do in order to survive and possibly pass along
programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known our genes, and almost every action we take can be
as genes. This is a truth which fills me with traced back to an attempt to satisfy one of these three
astonishment.” fundamental drives. The way we prioritize needs forms
Richard Dawkins, “The Selfish Gene” the core of our individual value systems and the
constellation of behaviors we use to satisfy our values.
Sandy had just been through an extensive That is, our hardwired, unconscious focus on a
workshop on the subtypes. particular set of survival needs influences the things
“So what did you learn?” I asked. that are important to us, the things we think about, and
“I learned that if you preferred to eat alone in the things we do to get what we need.
a restaurant you are a self-preservation subtype; if you
liked to eat with a large group, you are a social; and if Enneagram Theory and the Instincts
you preferred to eat with one or two close friends you Within the various teachings of the
are a ‘one-to-one’ subtype.” Enneagram of Personality, it is generally
“Oh, …” was the best I could do for a acknowledged that there are three versions of each
response. personality type. These versions are differentiated into
three sets of habitual (and probably hardwired) patterns
Despite the growing amount of literature of attention. The first is a focus on matters of “self-
published on the instinctual subtypes, there seems to be preservation,” the second is a focus on matters of
a surprising lack of clarity about the topic in some “social” interaction; and the third is a focus on matters
Enneagram circles. This article is an attempt to clearly of, depending on the author, “intimacy,” “one-to-one”
explain the subtypes and show the practical value of or “sexual” connection. The different “versions” of
understanding them, especially as it applies to our each personality type are referred to as “instinctual
working relationships. The article will appear in two subtypes” (or “instinctual variants” by Riso and
parts. This first part explains the subtypes and how we Hudson) because the behaviors related to each focus
can identify our subtype those of others. Part One will are thought to be “instinctual.”
also look at the predictable patterns of the “stacking” of Generally, the subtypes can be defined as
our subtypes (which is instinct is primary, which is follows: The “self-preservation” subtype is focused on
secondary, etc.) and the relationship between subtypes, matters of survival, comfort, health, security, and the
the types, and the “wings.” The second part of the accumulation of resources; the “social” subtype is
article will appear next month and address how the focused on relationships to and interactions among the
subtypes affect our work lives—our subtype related group; the sexual subtype is focused on matters of
strengths and weaknesses, and how the subtypes affect intimacy and bonding with significant others (or, as
our performance effectiveness and our interpersonal some would have it, significant possessions, hobbies,
relationships. or activities).
For some reason, one of these instinctual
Think back to the last animal documentary drives is dominant in us and our needs and values tend
you watched on the Nature Channel or PBS. Chances to constellate around it.
are, whether the subject was a mollusk or a monkey, a People who share a particular personality type
penguin or a peacock, the documentary covered three will show distinct differences based on their subtype.
fundamental areas: the animal’s nesting habits, its For example, a Social Three will be much more status
cultural patterns (i.e., how it formed consistent and and image conscious than a Self-Pres Three, who will
ongoing groupings), and its mating habits. If it was a be more overtly focused on production than image.
comprehensive program, it followed that pattern Understanding one’s subtype helps in two
because that pretty much completes all there is to know fundamental ways:
about any given animal. 1) It aids in self-awareness because it helps
Humans are no different: beyond the way we point to patterns of habitual behavior that can be
nest, group, and mate there is not much that we problematic, and
concern ourselves with (as long as we consider nesting 2) Understanding the subtypes can help with
to include self-nourishment). These are the three things typing. For example, understanding the subtypes will

Copyright 2005. Mario Sikora. All rights reserved. 1

make it less likely that a Sexual Six is mistyped as an their relatives and comforting possessions. They often
Eight or a Self-Preservation Four is mistyped as a have a persnickety attitude toward food, textures, and
Three. the creature comforts, and they are often highly attuned
to matters of health. Regarding money, they want
Okay, this sounds simple enough—why do we enough to ensure comfort, but are rarely willing to take
need another article on the subtypes? the risks associated with accumulating great wealth.
Over the past year or so I have spent more There is also common agreement on the term
time than previously with other Enneagram aficionados “social” for the next instinct, though this instinct is
and I keep running into people who have studied the often misunderstood. This instinct is not about
subtypes extensively but have either misidentified gregariousness, it is a drive to orient oneself toward the
their own subtype or misidentified the subtypes of their group; i.e., it helps one answer the questions, “Where
students. This confusion is most often related to the and how do I fit into my society?” and “How do I
sexual subtype—half the people I meet think they are a compare to others?” It is often taught that someone
sexual subtype, and about half of them are wrong. who is a social subtype likes to be around and interact
This confusion seems to stem from a lack of with large groups of people, but this is only partially
clarity around the terminology used to explain the true. A social subtype wants to know where they fit in
subtypes and an understanding of how they relate to the hierarchy of the group, and in order to know this
personality type. Confusion between the self- they have to keep tabs on what the group is up to,
preservation subtype and the sexual subtype, oddly which requires contact and observation. A social
enough, seems to be the biggest source of confusion. subtype likes the idea of people and often wants to be
Perhaps this article will make the distinctions a little around them, but doesn’t necessarily want to interact
clearer. with them.
Like the first, this instinct aids in survival of
In some circles, there is debate over whether the individual in a number of ways. First, it is the lone
the appropriate term is “instinctual subtype” or antelope that gets eaten by the lion, and being part of a
“instinctual variant.” There are valid arguments on group has many safety advantages. Second, we learn
both sides of this topic, none of which seem to have from the group—we learn where the food and water are
much relevance beyond semantic preference. I and we learn techniques for survival. Social bonding
frequently use “subtypes,” “variations,” “versions,” also ensures that we will be supported by the group
and other words depending on mood, context, and when it is needed, such as in times of sickness, old age,
simple whimsy when I teach this topic to my clients, or calamity.
and it has not clouded the learning. A distinct and observable pattern of the social
There is common agreement on the term “self- subtype is comparison and contrasting of themselves
preservation” for the first subtype and it seems to be with others. This persistent question of “how do I stack
pretty accurate. In a sense, the purpose of all of our up?” is critical for self-orientation. Social subtypes talk
genetically based instincts is preservation of the gene, about people—what other people do, who they do it
and this instinct is focused on fundamental survival and with, and why they do what they do. In a sense, the
well-being of the host—that is, the individual. social subtype is the most judgmental of the subtypes
Fundamentally, this instinct relates to nesting and self- in that they have strong opinions about the ways that
maintenance. It is also about conservation; others should behave in relationship to the group, and
conservation of the self, conservation of one’s energy, they are generally the most concerned with or dogmatic
and conservation of resources. about “social issues”: politics, activism, etc.
Therefore, one who is a self-preservation In terms of language and terminology, the
subtype will talk about food, their health, financial “sexual” subtype can be problematic. Americans, in
security (though not necessarily about vast particular, have a contradictory relationship with
accumulation of wealth, despite what some have sexuality, swaying between puritanical repression and
written), and their immediate physical comfort. They overt sexuality, often in the same person. Many are
will nest—preferring to be home in the well-defined uncomfortable talking about sex and sexuality, but
and established comfort of their private domain than to everyone wants to be perceived as sexy.
be in a place where they can’t control their Discussion of sex is even more problematic
environment. This subtype tends to be the most for those of us who use the Enneagram in
introverted of the three because their focus organizations. Discussing sex is inappropriate in the
automatically goes to their own well-being (i.e., business world and consultants are wise to avoid the
inward) rather than to what others are doing. topic if they are teaching the Enneagram to a business
Home and family are critically important the group.
self-preservations and they like to be surrounded by

Copyright 2005. Mario Sikora. All rights reserved. 2

Some who teach the subtypes try to get around through their appearance, their charm, and their
this discomfort by labeling this subtype as the possessions.
“intimacy” or “one-to-one” subtype, and this is where
the problem begins (though I use the word “intimacy” Type and Subtype
in training programs). This instinct is not about So what is the relationship between
platonic bonding with another; this instinct is about personality type and instinctual subtype?
attracting and mating with another. Merriam-Webster defines “personality” as
If we think back to our nature documentary, “the totality of an individual's behavioral and emotional
the peacock was not displaying his feathers so he could characteristics.” (I would add something about
bond platonically with another peacock or so he could cognitive patterns to this definition.) There are many
be deeply absorbed in his preferred hobby (as some interpretations and opinions on what is at the root of
Enneagram teachers would have it)—he was trying to personality as delineated by Enneagram theory—holy
attract and seduce a peahen so he could have sex with ideas, vices, fixations, original wounds, etc. In our
her. This is what a human who is a sexual subtype is book, “From Awareness to Action: The Enneagram,
instinctively focused on: attracting and seducing a Emotional Intelligence and Change,” Bob Tallon and I
potential sexual partner. (Unfortunately, the indelicacy lay out the “Enneagram of Strategies.” We propose that
of that sentence makes it no less true.) the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral characteristics
Behaviors consistently seen in this subtype are that comprise a particular Ennea-type are rooted in a
typical “alpha” male or female behaviors and tend to preferred strategy for interacting with the world, or
revolve around personal display and control of the what each type is “striving to be” (see Table One).
resources evolutionarily attractive to the opposite sex. For example, the characteristics found in Type
They focus more on their looks and appearance than Two are rooted in “striving to be connected” and all of
the other subtypes, they wear more jewelry, and, their intra- and interpersonal characteristics are in some
generally, they talk about sex more than the other way related to this preferred strategy for being in the
subtypes. They are typically more extraverted and world. In short, our personality type is a collection of
charming than the other subtypes, qualities consistent tactics consistent with a strategy for how we go about
with their habitual focus on getting the attention of a getting our needs met.
potential mate. Our “instinctual subtype,” on the other hand,
Beyond the physical appearance and charm of identifies which of these three instinctive drives is
the subtype, there is a tendency to attract attention to dominant in us. This instinctive drive is the root of our
by talking about themselves, boasting of their fundamental needs and values; it is the “goal” you are
accomplishments or simply turning the conversation trying to achieve. If you are a self-preservation
back to themselves in an attempt to be noticed. (In subtype, for example, your “goals”—the fundamental
addition to spreading his wings, the peacock lets out a needs and the things you deem important—will be
loud call to turn the peahen’s attention his way.) related to nesting and nurturing.
Therefore, our instincts determine what we
Tell-Tale Behaviors want; our strategy is the “theme” of how we go about
The things we focus on and the things we talk getting what we want; and our “personality type” is a
about betray our subtype. When we are not consciously classification of the habitual cognitive, behavioral and
thinking about something specific, we are probably emotional tactics we rely on to carry out our preferred
thinking about the needs stemming from our dominant strategy.
instinct. (Of course, this raises a question: Should we
Therefore, someone with a self-preservation actually be calling the instinctual subtype our “type”
subtype will talk about their homes, their health, and and our Ennea-type our “subtype?”)
their physical and financial security. They will Let’s look at how this interaction plays out
constantly monitor their environment and focus on with Ennea-type Eight.
shaping it in ways that will increase their physical Ennea-type Eight primarily relies on the
comfort. strategy of “striving to be powerful” as their means of
The social subtype will talk about other interacting with their world. “Power” is the capacity to
people—who is doing what with whom and why. They act or produce an effect. Eights accumulate this
will compare and contrast people, passing judgment on capacity and put it to use at almost any opportunity.
others behaviors and choices. There is an element of dominance and control to this
The sexual subtype will talk about strategy, and Eights implicitly or explicitly dominate
themselves—their accomplishments, their and control their worlds, especially those parts of their
relationships, and their activities; they will also talk world related to their dominant instinctive drive.
about sex. They will draw attention to themselves

Copyright 2005. Mario Sikora. All rights reserved. 3

The Self-Preservation Eight uses the strategy camera, or “writes” another book he is spreading his
of “striving to be powerful” to meet his nesting and feathers for all of the peahens to see.
nurturing needs. They aggressively protect their “turf”
and can become combative when people mess with Dominant and Secondary Instincts
their possessions. They are very focused on family and We possess all three instincts to a greater or
take pride in providing for those close to them. They lesser degree, and our innate prioritization of them can
place very high expectations of loyalty on friends and be viewed as a stack.
coworkers and are particularly unforgiving of betrayal. One instinct is dominant, and it is the area
They work hard and accumulate resources, but like all where we most often habitually place our attention.
self-preservations they are generally conservative This area seems to be the source of our greatest gifts;
regarding the accumulation (and expenditure) or since we place so much energy there we get good at the
resources. They save rather than gamble, and are skills required for success in that area. Self-
generally content with knowing that they have enough preservation subtypes tend to be knowledgeable or
of what they need. Of course, Eights being Eights, skilled around food, managing money, decorating their
“enough” is probably more than it would be for most of homes, etc. Social subtypes understand people and
the other types. group dynamics, feeling comfortable and at ease with
The Social Eight uses “striving to be different types of people. Sexual subtypes are usually
powerful” to orient themselves to the group. They are charming, attractive, and assertive and often become
the classic leaders of the Enneagram; they orient successful in the world.
themselves to the group by dominating it. This This area of dominant focus can also be the
dominance, again, can be either implicit or explicit. A source of our greatest dysfunction. When we feel
Social Eight will allow someone else to lead the group, threatened, we tend to greatly overdo our strategy in
as long as she feels that the leader is competent. Even that area—the sexual subtype becomes promiscuous or
when she is not the official leader, however, the Social demanding of attention, the social subtype becomes
Eight will see herself as the de facto leader. As soon as critical and controlling of the group, the self-
weakness or incompetence is observed, the Social preservation subtype becomes fearful and obsessed
Eight will step in and take over—she simply can’t help with lack of resources or well-being.
herself. If dominance of the group is not possible and Another instinct plays a secondary role in our
competence is not being demonstrated by the official psyche. We spend energy on it, but to a lesser degree
leader, the Social Eight will leave and form her own than the first. Under great stress, this instinct may
group. Social Eights also compare and contrast prove to be even more problematic than the first
themselves to others in terms of power; habitually because it is important to us but we don’t spend enough
identifying ways in which they can (even if only to time on it to become skillful. Thus, a secondary sexual
themselves) demonstrate dominance over others by instinct will cause insecurity over attractiveness and
being stronger, smarter, better connected, more desirability mixed with a desire to prove it; the
determined, etc., than those they have to interact with. secondary social instinct causes and insecurity about
Sexual Eights are the alpha males and females role and interpersonal acceptability mixed with a desire
of the Enneagram. They are the most forceful presence to gain it; and the secondary self-preservation instinct
in any room and demand that all eyes be turned to will cause insecurity about resources and health mixed
them. They are louder and more self-assertive than with the desire to achieve them.
others, demonstrating their virility or desirability at any The third instinct seems to be an area of little
opportunity. They aggressively accumulate and control concern. There tends to be minimal attention to and a
resources, but in a very different way than the SP lack of problematic insecurity in this area. We must be
Eight. They control resources not so they will be secure careful that our lack of attention to this does not cause
for a rainy day, but so that the desired other will notice an oversight that can affect our daily lives, however. If
and desire them in return. As Tony Montana says in the your tertiary instinct is for self-preservation, you must
movie “Scarface”: “In America, Manny, first you get be careful to take care of you health and save for a
the money. When you get the money, you get the rainy day; if it’s social, you must be careful to develop
power. When you get the power, you get the girl.” effective interpersonal skills and sensitivity; if it’s
As an example of the confusion between the sexual, you must be careful to groom and remain
self-preservation and sexual subtypes in general, it is desirable to your significant other.
often taught that Donald Trump is a Self-Preservation It seems that the “stacking” of our instincts is
Eight because he is “so focused on money.” He is predictable. A primary sexual instinct will be
not—he is a Sexual Eight. Each time he plasters accompanied by a secondary self-preservation instinct,
“Trump” on the top of a building, gets in front of a TV a primary social with a secondary sexual, and a
primary self-preservation with a secondary social.

Copyright 2005. Mario Sikora. All rights reserved. 4

The question is: Why, and how can we use heard far too many debates about who has what wing
this knowledge? As to why, it seems too important to in Enneagram circles and watched too many people
be a random evolutionary byproduct so it must serve a struggle to decide their wing. They also don’t seem to
purpose. Perhaps it is because nature needs some sort add information that can be used for action. They don’t
of predictability in its “randomness.” Perhaps it is seem to answer any practical questions that can’t be
because the secondary instinct supports the primary answered by more critical components of the
instinct in a particularly adaptive way. Enneagram model and the subtypes. They add a level
For example, a secondary social instinct of complexity that may be valuable for description but
supports a primary self-preservation instinct because can be distracting for work on self. The Enneagram is
understanding group dynamics aids in the already complex enough and the wings don’t, to my
accumulation of necessary resources. A secondary self- mind, add value that outweighs the added complexity.
preservation instinct supports the sexual instinct (I can feel many readers taking umbrage with this;
because a healthy person is more desirable than an please remember that it is a personal bias. If you find
unhealthy person. A secondary sexual instinct supports the wings to be of value, flap away.)
the social instinct because desirability increases one’s That said, there seems to be a consistency
standing within the group. Of course, these could also between subtype and type/wing relationship. For
be post facto rationalizations and I leave this to smarter example, Sexual Fives identify themselves as having a
people to figure out. Four Wing while Social Fives identify as themselves as
Whether or not the stack is predictable is having a Six Wing. Table Two identifies the
relevant, however, because it can accelerate self- Type/Wing/Subtype patterns I’ve identified so far.
understanding and aid in relationships. I offer this observation up to the readership of
The way it accelerates self-understanding is the Monthly to debate and either confirm or refute, and
obvious. The way it aids in relationships will be to offer any observations on why these relationships
discussed in the second half of this article. For now, may exist.
suffice it to say that we connect with others around To be continued… The second part of this
shared values and interests. Our instinctive drives article will address the subtypes and the affect they
influence our values and interests. This predictability have on our work lives.
of stacking ensures that we will share at least one
instinctive drive with everyone else. Understanding the Mario Sikora is president of Enneagram
stacking will help us accelerate the finding of common Consulting & Training Company and ATA Consulting.
ground with others. He is co-author of “From Awareness to Action: The
Enneagram, Emotional Intelligence and Change”
The Instincts and Wings (University of Scranton Press). He has coached over
While there does not seem to be a noticeable 200 executives of Fortune 500 companies and
preponderance of any given subtype within any type government organizations and delivered enneagram-
(or vice versa), there does seem to be a consistency based leadership development programs to
between subtype and wing. organizations including Motorola, Johnson & Johnson,
A caveat: I do not place a lot of value on the and Rohm & Haas. He can be reached at
various wing theories and I do not teach them to my [email protected].
clients. They seem to be confusing to people; I’ve

Copyright 2005. Mario Sikora. All rights reserved. 5

Table One: The Enneagram of Strategies (Copyright Mario Sikora and Robert Tallon)

Striving to be Perfect—The desire to be flawless,

Strategy at
good, and to feel that everything is right with you and
Point One
the world.
Striving to be Connected—The desire to be
Strategy at
appreciated and to be deeply united with others and
Point Two
with your own feelings.
Striving to be Outstanding—The desire to stand out
Strategy at
as an exemplary member of the group and to be seen
Point Three
as valuable, successful, and accomplished.
Striving to be Unique—The desire to be different,
Strategy at
autonomous, creative, and to be understood and
Point Four
appreciated for your special qualities.
Striving to be Detached—The desire to be
Strategy at
autonomous, independent, and able to find serenity
Point Five
with your own thoughts.
Striving to be Secure—The desire to be safe and a
Strategy at
part of a group, cause, or philosophy; to trust others
Point Six
and your own judgment.
Strategy at Striving to be Excited—The desire to be stimulated,
Point Seven happy, enthusiastic, and to have fun.
Striving to be Powerful—The desire to be strong, to
Strategy at
take action, and to be able to express your will,
Point Eight
power, and vitality.
Striving to be Peaceful—The desire to be at peace
Strategy at
with the world, other people, and your own thoughts;
Point Nine
to be calm and relaxed.

TABLE TWO: The Type/Wing/Subtype Relationships

* Indicates an area of confusion. The individual may resonate with both or neither wing, the wing may vary
depending on gender, or it may change depending on circumstances.

Subtype/Type = Type/Wing Subtype/Type = Type/Wing Subtype/Type = Type/Wing

Self-Pres/1 = 1/9 Self-Pres/4 = 4/3 Self-Pres/7 = 7/6
Social/1 = 1/2 Social/4 = * Social/7 = *
Sexual/1 = * Sexual/4 = 4/5 Sexual/7 = 7/8
Self-Pres/2 = 2/1 Self-Pres/5 = * Self-Pres/8 = 8/9
Social/2 = 2/3 Social/5 = 5/6 Social/8 = *
Sexual/2 = * Sexual/5 = 5/4 Sexual/8 = 8/7
Self-Pres/3 = * Self-Pres/6 = 6/5 Self-Pres/9 = 9/1
Social/3 = 3/2 Social/6 = 6/7 Social/9 = *
Sexual/3 = 3/4 Sexual/6 = * Sexual/9 = 9/8

Copyright 2005. Mario Sikora. All rights reserved. 6

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