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AI Week 1

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Week 1 introduction

Welcome to AI for everyone. AI is changing the way we work and live and this nontechnical
course will teach you how to navigate the rise of AI. Whether you want to know what's behind
the buzzwords or whether you want to perhaps use AI yourself either in a personal context or in
a corporation or other organization, this course will teach you how. If you want to understand
how AI is affecting society, and how you can navigate that, you also learn that from this course.
In this first week, we'll start by cutting through the hype and giving you a realistic view of what AI
really is. Let's get started. You've probably seen news articles about how much value AI is
creating. According to a study by McKinsey Global Institute, AI is estimated to create an
additional 13 trillion US dollars of value annually by the year 2030. Even though AI is already
creating tremendous amounts of value into software industry, a lot of the value to be created in
a future lies outside the software industry. In sectors such as retail, travel, transportation,
automotive, materials, manufacturing and so on. I should have a hard time thinking of an
industry that I don't think AI will have a huge impact on in the next several years. My friends and
I used a challenge each other to name and industry where we don't think AI will have a huge
impact. My best example was the hairdressing industry because we know how to use AI
robotics to automate hairdressing. But, I once said this on stage and one of my friends who is a
robotics professor was in the audience that day, and she actually stood up and she looked at
me in the eye and she said, "You know Andrew, most people's hairstyles, I couldn't get a robot
to cut their hair that way." But she looked at me and said, "Your hairstyle Andrew, that a robot
can do." There is a lot of excitement but also a lot of unnecessary hype about AI. One of the
reasons for this is because AI is actually two separate ideas. Almost all the progress we are
seeing in the AI today is artificial narrow intelligence. These are AIs that do one thing such as a
smart speaker or a self-driving car or AI to do web search or AI applications in farming or in a
factory. These types of AI are one trick ponies but when you find the appropriate trick, this can
be incredibly valuable. Unfortunately, AI also refers to a second concept of AGI or artificial
general intelligence. That is the goal to build AI. They can do anything a human can do or
maybe even be superintelligence and do even more things than any human can. I'm seeing tons
of progress in ANI, artificial narrow intelligence and almost no progress to what AGI or artificial
general intelligence. Both of these are worthy goals and unfortunately the rapid progress in ANI
which is incredibly valuable, that has caused people to conclude that there's a lot of progress in
AI, which is true. But that has caused people to falsely think that there might be a lot of progress
in AGI as well which is leading to some irrational fears about evil clever robots coming over to
take over humanity anytime now. I think AGI is an exciting goal for researchers to work on, but
it'll take most for technological breakthroughs before we get there and it may be decades or
hundreds of years or even thousands of years away. Given how far away AGI is, I think there is
no need to unduly worry about it. In this week, you will learn what ANI can do and how to apply
them to your problems. Later in this, course you'll also see some case studies of how ANI, this
one trick ponies can be used to build really valuable applications such as smart speakers and
self-driving cars. In this week, you will learn why this AI. You may have heard of machine
learning and the next video will teach you what is machine learning. You also learn what is data
and what types of data are valuable but also what does the data are not valuable. You learn
what it is that makes a company an AI company or an AI first company so that perhaps you can
start thinking if there are ways to improve your company or other organizations ability to use AI
and importantly, you also learned this week what machine learning can and cannot do. In our
society, newspapers as well as research papers tend to talk only about the success stories of
machine learning and AI and we hardly ever see any failure stories because they just aren't as
interesting to report on. But for you to have a realistic view of what AI and what machine
learning can or cannot do, I think is important that you see examples of both so that you can
make more accurate judgements about what you may and maybe should not try to use these
technologies for. Finally, a lot of the recent rise of, machine learning has been driven through
the rise of Deep Learning. Sometimes also called Neural Networks. In the final two optional
videos of this week, you can also see an intuitive explanation of deep learning so that you will
better understand what they can do particularly for a set of narrow ANI tasks. So, that's what
you learn this week and by the end of this week, you have a sense of AI technologies and what
they can and cannot do. In the second week, you'll learn how these AI technologies can be used
to build valuable projects. You learn what it feels like to build an AI project as what as what you
should do to make sure you select projects that are technically feasible as well as valuable to
you or your business or other organization. After learning what it takes to build AI projects, in the
third week you'll learn how to build AI in your company. In particular, if you want to take a few
steps toward making your company good at AI, you see the AI transformation playbook and
learn how to build AI teams and also built complex AI products. Finally, AI is having a huge
impact on society. In a fourth and final week, you'll learn about how AI systems can be bias and
how to diminish or eliminate such biases. You also learn how AI is affecting developing
economies and how AI is affecting jobs and be better able to navigate this rise of AI for yourself
and for your organization. By the end of this four recourse, you'll be more knowledgeable and
better qualified than even the CEOs of most large companies in terms of your understanding of
AI technology as well as your ability to help yourself or your company or other organization
navigate the rise of AI as I hope that after this course, you'll be in a position to provide
leadership to others as well as they navigate these issues. Now, one of the major technologies
driving the recent rise of AI is Machine Learning. But what is Machine Learning? Let's take a
look in the next video.

2. machine learning

The rise of AI has been largely driven by one tool in AI called machine learning. In this video,
you'll learn what is machine learning, so that by the end, you hope we will start thinking how
machine learning might be applied to your company or to your industry. The most commonly
used type of machine learning is a type of AI that learns A to B, or input to output mappings.
This is called supervised learning. Let's see some examples. If the input A is an email and the
output B one is email spam or not, zero one. Then this is the core piece of AI used to build a
spam filter. Or if the input is an audio clip, and the AI's job is to output the text transcript, then
this is speech recognition. More examples, if you want to input English and have it output a
different language, Chinese, Spanish, something else, then this is machine translation. Or the
most lucrative form of supervised learning, of this type of machine learning maybe be online
advertising, where all the large online ad platforms have a piece of AI that inputs some
information about an ad, and some information about you, and tries to figure out, will you click
on this ad or not? By showing you the ads you're most likely to click on, this turns out to be very
lucrative. Maybe not the most inspiring application, but certainly having a huge economic impact
today. Or if you want to build a self-driving car, one of the key pieces of AI is in the AI that takes
as input an image, and some information from their radar, or from other sensors, and output the
position of other cars, so your self-driving car can avoid the other cars. Or in manufacturing. I've
actually done a lot of work in manufacturing where you take as input a picture of something
you've just manufactured, such as a picture of a cell phone coming off the assembly line. This is
a picture of a phone, not a picture taken by a phone, and you want to output, is there a scratch,
or is there a dent, or some other defects on this thing you've just manufactured? And this is
visual inspection which is helping manufacturers to reduce or prevent defects in the things that
they're making. This set of AI called supervised learning, just learns input to output, or A to B
mappings. On one hand, input to output, A to B it seems quite limiting. But when you find a right
application scenario, this can be incredibly valuable. Now, the idea of supervised learning has
been around for many decades. But it's really taken off in the last few years. Why is this? Well,
my friends asked me, "Hey Andrew, why is supervised learning taking off now?" There's a
picture I draw for them. I want to show you this picture now, and you may be able to draw this
picture for others that ask you the same question as well. Let's say on the horizontal axis you
plot the amount of data you have for a task. So, for speech recognition, this might be the
amount of audio data and transcripts you have. In lot of industries, the amount of data you have
access to has really grown over the last couple of decades. Thanks to the rise of the Internet,
the rise of computers. A lot of what used to be say pieces of paper, are now instead recorded on
a digital computer. So, we've just been getting more and more data. Now, let's say on the
vertical axis you plot the performance of an AI system. It turns out that if you use a traditional AI
system, then the performance would grow like this, that as you feed in more data is
performance gets a bit better. But beyond a certain point it did not get that much better. So it's
as if your speech recognition system did not get that much more accurate, or your online
advertising system didn't get that much more accurate that's showing the most relevant ads,
even as you show the more data. AI has really taken off recently due to the rise of neural
networks and deep learning. I'll define these terms more precise in later video, so don't worry
too much about what it means for now. But with modern AI, with neural networks and deep
learning, what we saw was that, if you train a small neural network, then the performance looks
like this, where as you feed them more data, performance keeps getting better for much longer.
If you train a even slightly larger neural network, say medium-sized neural net, then the
performance may look like that. If you train a very large neural network, then the performance
just keeps on getting better and better. For applications like speech recognition, online
advertising, building self-driving car, where having a high-performance, highly accurate, say
speech recognition system is important, enable these AI systems get much better, and make
speech recognition products much more acceptable to users, much more valuable to companies
and to users. Now, a few couple of implications of this figure. If you want the best possible
levels of performance, your performance to be up here, to hit this level of performance, then you
need two things: One is, it really helps to have a lot of data. So that's why sometimes you hear
about big data. Having more data almost always helps. The second thing is, you want to be able
to train a very large neural network. So, the rise of fast computers, including Moore's law, but
also the rise of specialized processors such as graphics processing units or GPUs, which you'll
hear more about in a later video, has enabled many companies, not just a giant tech
companies, but many many other companies to be able to train large neural nets on a large
enough amount of data in order to get very good performance and drive business value. The
most important idea in AI has been machine learning, has basically supervised learning, which
means A to B, or input to output mappings. What enables it to work really well is data. In the
next video, let's take a look at what is the data and what data you might already have? And how
to think about feeding this into AI systems. Let's go on to the next video


AI For Everyone
Week 1
What is data?

You may have heard that data is really important for building AI systems. But, what is data
really? Let's take a look. Let's look at an example of a table of data which we also call a dataset.
If you're trying to figure out how to price houses that you're trying to buy or sell, you might collect
a dataset like this, and this can be just a spreadsheet, like a MS excel spreadsheet of data
where one column is the size of the house, say in square feet or square meters, and the second
column is the price of the house. So, if you're trying to build a AI system or Machine Learning
system to help you set prices for houses or figure out if a house is priced appropriately, you
might decide that the size of the house is A and the price of the house is B, and have an AI
system learn this input to output or A to B mapping. Now, rather than just pricing a house based
on their size, you might say, "Well, let's also collect data on the number of bedrooms of this
house." In that case, A can be both of these first two columns, and B can be just the price of the
house. So, given that table of data, given the dataset, it's actually up to you, up to your business
use case to decide what is A and what is B. Data is often unique to your business, and this is an
example of a dataset that a rural state agency might have that they tried to help price houses.
It's up to you to decide what is A and what is B, and how to choose these definitions of A and B
to make it valuable for your business. As another example, if you have a certain budget and you
want to decide what is the size of house you can afford, then you might decide that the input A
is how much does someone spend and B is just the size of the house in square feet, and that
would be a totally different choice of A and B that tells you, given a certain budget, what's the
size of the house you should be maybe looking at. Here's another example of a dataset. Let's
say that you want to build a AI system to recognize cats in pictures. I'm not sure why you might
want to do that, but maybe the fun mobile app, and you want to tag all the pictures of cats. So,
you might collect a dataset where the input A is a set of different images and the output B are
labels that says, "First picture is a cat, that's not a cat. That's a cat, that's not a cat" and have an
AI input a picture A and output B is it the cats or not so you can tag all the cat pictures on your
photo feed or your mobile app. In Machine Learning tradition, there's actually a lot of cats in
Machine Learning. I think some of this started when I was leaving the Google Brain team and
we published the results with somewhat infamous Google cat, where an AI system learn to
detect cats from watching YouTube videos. But since then, there's been a tradition of using cats
as a running example when talking about Machine Learning with apologies to all the dog lovers
out there. I love dogs too. So, data is important. But how do you get data? How do you acquire
data? Well, one way to get data is manual labeling. For example, you might collect a set of
pictures like these over here, and then you might either yourself or have someone else go
through these pictures and label each of them. So, the first one is a cat, second one is not a cat,
third one is a cat, fourth one is not a cat. By manually labeling each of these images, you now
have a dataset for building a cat detector. To do that, you actually need more than four pictures.
You might need hundreds of thousands of pictures but manual labeling is a tried and true way of
getting a dataset where you have both A and B. Another way to get a dataset is from observing
user behaviors or other types of behaviors. So, for example, let's say you run a website that
sells things online. So, an e-commerce or an electronic commerce website where you offer
things to users at different prices, and you can just observe if they buy your product or not. So,
just through the act of either buying or not buying your product, you may be able to collected a
data set like this, where you can store the user ID, the time the user visited your website, the
price you offer the product to the users as well as whether or not they purchased it. So, just by
using your website, users can generate this data from you. This was an example of observing
user behaviors. We can also observe behaviors of other things such as machines. If you run a
large machine in a factory and you want to predict if a machine is about to fail or have a fault,
then just by observing the behavior of a machine, you can then record a dataset like this.
There's a machine ID, there's a temperature of the machine, there's a pressure within the
machine, and then did the machine fail or not. If your application is prevent the maintenance,
say you want to figure out if a machine is about to fail, then you could for example, choose this
as the input A and choose that as the output B to try to figure out if a machine is about to fail in
which case you might do preventative maintenance on the machine. The third and very common
way of acquiring data is to download it from a website or to get it from a partner. Thanks to the
open internet, there's just so many, there's as that you can download for free, ranging from
computer vision or image datasets, to self-driving car datasets, to speech recognition datasets,
to medical imaging data sets to many many more. So, if your application needs a type of data,
you just download off the web keeping in mind licensing and copyright, then that could be a
great way to get started on the application. Finally, if you're working with a partner, say you're
working with a factory, then they may already have collected a big dataset, machines, and
temperatures, and pressure into the machines fail not that they could give to you. Data is
important, but there's also little bit over-hyped and sometimes misused. Let me just describe to
you two of the most common misuses or the bad ways of thinking about data. When I speak of
seals of large companies, a few of them have even said to me, "Hey Andrew, give me three
years to build up my IT team, we're collecting so much data. Then after three years, I'll have this
perfect dataset, and then we'll do AI then." It turns out that's a really bad strategy. Instead, what
I recommend to every company, is once you've started collecting some data, go ahead and start
showing it or feeding it to an AI team. Because often, the AI team can give feedback to your IT
team on what types of data to collect and what types of IT infrastructure to keep on building. For
example, maybe an AI team can look at your factory data and say, "Hey. You know what? If you
can collect data from this big manufacturing machine, not just once every ten minutes, but
instead once every one minute, then we could do a much better job building a preventative
maintenance systems for you." So, there's often this interplay of this back and forth between IT
and AI teams, and my advise is usually try to get feedback from AI earlier, because it can help
you guide the development of your IT infrastructure. Second, misuse of data. Unfortunately, I've
seen some CEOs read about the importance of the trend in use, and then say, "Hey, I have so
much data. Surely, an AI team can make it valuable." Unfortunately, this doesn't always work
out. More data is usually better than less data, but I wouldn't take it for granted that just because
you have many terabytes or gigabytes of data, that an AI team can actually make that valuable.
So, my advice is don't throw data in a AI team and assume it will be valuable. In fact, in one
extreme case, I saw one company go and acquire a whole string of other companies in
medicine, on the thesis, on the hypothesis that their data would be very valuable. Now, a couple
years later, as far as I know the engineers have not yet figured out how to take all this data and
actually create value out of it. So, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. But, they will
not over-invest in just acquiring data for the sake of data until unless you're also getting an AI
team to take a look at it. Because, they can help guide you to think through what is the data that
is actually the most valuable. Finally, data is messy. You may have heard the phrase garbage in
garbage out, and if you have bad data, then the AI will learn inaccurate things. Here are some
examples of data problems. Let's say you have this data sets of size of houses, number of
bedrooms, and the price. You can have incorrect labels or just incorrect data. For example, this
house is probably not going to sell for $0.1 just for one dollar. Or, data can also have missing
values such as we have here a whole bunch of unknown values. So, your AI team will need to
figure out how to clean up the data or how to deal with these incorrect labels and all missing
values. There are also multiple types of data. For example, sometimes you hear about images,
audio, and text. These are types of data that humans find it very easy to interpret. There's a
term for this. This is called unstructured data, and there's a certain types of AI techniques that
could work with images to recognize cats or audios to recognize speech or texts, or understand
that email is spam. Then, there are also datasets like the one on the right. This is an example of
structured data. That basically means data that lives in a giant spreadsheet, and the techniques
for dealing with unstructured data are little bit different than the techniques for dealing with
structured data. But AI techniques can work very well for both of these types of data,
unstructured data and structured data. In this video, you learned what is data and you also saw
how not to misuse data, for example by over-investing in an IT infrastructure in the hope that it
will be useful for AI in the future, but we're actually checking that they're really will be useful for
the AI applications you want to build. Finally, you saw data is messy. But a good AI team would
be the help you deal with all of these problems. Now, AI has a complicated terminology when
people throw around terms like AI, Machine Learning, Data Science. What I want to do in the
next video is share with you what these terms actually mean, so that you'd be able to confidently
and accurately talk about these concepts with others. Let's go on to the next video.


AI For Everyone
Week 1
The terminology of AI

You might have heard terminology from AI, such as machine learning or data science or neural
networks or deep learning. What do these terms mean? In this video, you'll see what is this
terminology of the most important concepts of AI, so that you will speak with others about it and
start thinking how these things could apply in your business. Let's get started. Let's say you
have a housing dataset like this with the size of the house, number of bedrooms, number of
bathrooms, whether the house is newly renovated as was the price. If you want to build a mobile
app to help people price houses, so this would be the input A, and this would be the output B.
Then, this would be a machine-learning system, and particular would be one of those machine
learning systems that learns inputs to outputs, or A to B mappings. So, machine learning often
results in a running AI system. So, it's a piece of software that anytime of day, anytime of night
you can automatically input A these properties of house and output B. So, if you have an AI
system running, serving dozens or hundreds of thousands of millions of users, that's usually a
machine-learning system. In contrast, here's something else you might want to do, which is to
have a team analyze your dataset in order to gain insights. So, a team might come up with a
conclusion like, "Hey, did you know if you have two houses of a similar size, they've a similar
square footage, if the house has three bedrooms, then they cost a lot more than the house of
two bedrooms, even if the square for this is the same." Or, "Did you know that newly renovated
homes have a 15% premium, and this can help you make decisions such as, given a similar
square footage, do you want to build a two bedroom or three bedroom size in order to maximize
value? " Or, "Is it worth an investment to renovate a home in the hope that the renovation
increases the price you can sell a house for?" So, these would be examples of data science
projects, where the output of a data science project is a set of insights that can help you make
business decisions, such as what type of house to build or whether to invest in renovation. The
boundaries between these two terms, machine learning and data science are actually little bit
buzzy, and these terms are not used consistently even in industry today. But what I'm giving
here is maybe the most commonly used definitions of these terms, but you will not find universal
adherence to these definitions. To formalize these two notions a bit more, machine learning is
the field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.
This is a definition by Arthur Samuel many decades ago. Arthur Samuel was one of the
pioneers of machine learning, who was famous for building a checkers playing program. They
could play checkers, even better than he himself, the inventor could play the game. So, a
machine learning project will often results in a piece of software that runs, that outputs B given
A. In contrast, data science is the size of extracting knowledge and insights from data. So, the
output of a data science project is often a slide deck, the PowerPoint presentation that
summarizes conclusions for executives to take business actions or that summarizes conclusions
for a product team to decide how to improve a website. Let me give an example of machine
learning versus data science in the online advertising industry. Today, to launch our platforms,
all have a piece of AI that quickly tells them what's the ad you are most likely to click on. So,
that's a machine learning system. This turns out to be incredibly lucrative AI system to inputs
enrich about you and about the ad and outputs where you click on this or not. These systems
are running 24-7. These are machine learning systems that drive our gravity for these
companies, such as a piece of software that runs. In contrast, I have also done data science
projects in the online advertising industry. If analyzing data tells you, for example, that the travel
industry is not buying a lot of ads, but if you send more salespeople to sell ads to travel
companies, you could convince them to use more advertising, then that would be an example of
a data science project and the data science conclusion the results and the executives deciding
to ask a sales team to spend more time reaching out to the travel industry. So, even in one
company, you may have different machine learning and data science projects, both of which
can be incredibly valuable. You have also heard of deep learning. So, what is deep learning?
Let's say you want to predict housing prices, you want to price houses. So, you will have an
input that tells you the size of the house, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms and
whether it's newly renovated. One of the most effective ways to price houses, given this input A
would be to feed it to this thing here in order to have it output the price. This big thing in the
middle is called a neural network, and sometimes we also called an artificial neural network.
That's to distinguish it from the neural network that is in your brain. So, the human brain is made
up of neurons. So, when we say artificial neural network, that's just to emphasize that this is not
the biological brain, but this is a piece of software. What a neural network does, or an artificial
neural network does is takes this input A, which is all of these four things, and then output B,
which is the estimated price of the house. Now, in a later optional video this week, I'll show you
more, what this artificial neural network really is. But all of human cognition is made up of
neurons in your brain passing electrical impulses, passing little messages each other. When we
draw a picture of an artificial neural network, there's a very loose analogy to the brain. These
little circles are called artificial neurons, or just neurons for short. That also passes neurons to
each other. This big artificial neural network is just a big mathematical equation that tells it given
the inputs A, how do you compute the price B. In case it seems like there a lot of details here,
don't worry about it. We'll talk more about these details later. But the key takeaways are that a
neural network is a very effective technique for learning A to B or input-output mappings. Today,
the terms neural network and deep learning are used almost interchangeably, they mean
essentially the same thing. Many decades ago, this type of software was called a neural
network. But in recent years, we found that deep learning was just a much better sounding
brand, and so that for better or worse is a term that's been taken off recently. So, what do neural
networks or artificial neural networks have to do with the brain? It turns out almost nothing.
Neural networks were originally inspired by the brain, but the details of how they work are
almost completely unrelated to how biological brains work. So, I choose very courses today
about making any analogies between artificial neural networks and the biological brain, even
though there was some loose inspiration there. So, AI has many different tools. In this video,
you learned about what are machine learning and data science, and also what is deep learning,
and what's a neural network. You might also hear in the media other buzzwords like
unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, graphical models, planning, knowledge graph,
and so on. You don't need to know what all of these other terms mean, but these are just other
tools to getting AI systems to make computers act intelligently. I'll try to give you a sense of what
some of these terms mean in later videos as well. But the most important tools that I hope you
know about are machine learning and data science as well as deep learning and neural
networks, which are a very powerful way to do machine learning, and sometimes data science.
If we were to draw a Venn diagram showing how all these concepts put together, this is what it
may look like. AI is this huge set of tools for making computers behave intelligently. Off AI, the
biggest subset is prairie tools from machine learning, but AI does have other tools than machine
learning, such as some of these buzzwords, are listed at the bottom. The part of machine
learning that's most important these days is neural networks or deep learning, which is a very
powerful set of tools for carrying out supervised learning or A to B mappings as well as some
other things. But there are also other machine learning tools that are not just deep learning
tools. So, how does data science fit into this picture? There is inconsistency in how the
terminology is used. Some people will tell you data science is a subset of AI. Some people will
tell you AI is a subset of data science. So, it depends on who you ask. But I would say that data
science is maybe a cross-cutting subset of all of these tools that uses many tools from AI
machine learning and deep learning, but has some other separate tools as well that solves a
very set of important problems in driving business insights. In this video, you saw what is
machine learning, what is data science, and what is deep learning and neural networks. I hope
this gives you a sense of the most common and important terminology using AI, and you can
start thinking about how these things might apply to your company. Now, what does it mean for
a company to be good at AI? Let's talk about that in the next video.


AI For Everyone
Week 1
What makes an AI company?

What makes a company good at AI? Perhaps even more importantly, what will it take for your
company to become great at using AI? I had previously led the Google brain team, and Baidu's
AI group, which I respectively helped Google and Baidu become great AI companies. So, what
can you do for your company? This is the lesson I had learned to washing the rise of the
Internet that I think will be relevant to how all of us navigate the rise of AI. Let's take a look. A
lesson we learned from the rise of the Internet was that, if you take your favorite shopping mall.
So, my wife and I sometimes shop at Stanford shopping center and you build a website for the
Shopping mall. Maybe sell things on the website, that by itself does not turn the shopping mall
into an internet company. In fact, a few years ago I was speaking with the CEO of a large retail
company who said to me, "Hey Andrew, I have a website, I sell things in the website." Amazon
has a website, Amazon sells things on website is the same thing. But of course it wasn't, in the
shopping mall with a website isn't the same thing as a first-class internet company. So, what is it
that defines an internet company if it isn't just whether or not you sell things on the website? I
think an Internet company is a company that does the thing that internet let you do really well.
For example, we engage and pervasive AB testing. Meaning we routinely threw up two different
versions of website and see which one works better because we can. So, we learn much faster.
Whereas in a traditional shopping mall, very difficult to have two shopping malls in two parallel
universes and you can only maybe change things around every quarter or every six months.
Internet company is since a very short iteration times. You can ship a new product every week
or maybe even every day because you can whereas a shopping mall can be redesigned and we
are protected only every several months. Internet companies also tend to push decision-making
down from the CEO to the engineers and to other specialized rules such that the product
managers. This is in contrast to a traditional shopping mall. We can maybe have the CEO just
decide all the key decisions and then just everyone does what the CEO says. It turns out that
traditional model doesn't work in the internet era because only the engineers and other
specialized roles like product managers know enough about the technology and the product and
the users to make great decisions. So, these are some of the things that internet companies do
in order to make sure they do the things that the internet doesn't do really well. This is a lesson
we learned from the internet era. How about the AI era? I think that today, you can take any
company and have it use a few neural networks or few deep learning algorithms. That by itself
does not turn the accompany into an AI company. Instead, what makes a great AI company,
sometimes an AI first company is, are you doing the things that AI lets you do really well? For
example, AI companies are very good at strategic data acquisition. This is why many of the
large consumer tech companies may have three products that do not monetize and it allows
them to acquire data that they can monetize elsewhere. Serve less strategy teams where we
would deliberately launch products that do not make any money just for the sake of data
acquisition. Thinking through how to get data is a key part of the great AI companies. AI
companies sends a unified data warehouses. If you have 50 different databases or 50 different
data warehouses under the control of 50 different Vice-Presidents, then there will be impossible
for an engineer to get the data into one place so that they can connect the dots and spot the
patterns. So, many great AI companies have preemptively invested in bringing the data together
into single data warehouse to increase the odds that the teams can connect the dots. Subject of
course to privacy guarantees and also to data regulations such as GDPR in Europe. AI
companies are very good at spotting automation opportunities. We're very good at saying, Oh!
Let's insert the supervised learning algorithm and have an ATP mapping here so that we don't
have to have people do these tasks instead we can automate It. AI companies also have many
new roles such as the MLE or Machine Learning Engineer and new ways of dividing up tasks
among different members of a team. So, for a company to become good at AI means,
architecting for company to do the things that AI makes it possible to do really well. Now, for a
company that become good at AI does require a process. In fact, 10 years ago, Google and
Baidu as well as companies like Facebook and Microsoft that I was not a part of, we're not great
AI companies the way they are today. So, how can a company become good at AI? It turns out
that becoming good at AI is not a mysterious magical process. Instead there is a systematic
process through which many companies, almost any big company can become good at AI. This
is the five-step AI transformation playbook that I recommend to companies that want to become
effective at using AI. I'll give a brief overview of the playbook here and they're going to detail in a
later week. Step one is to execute pilot projects to gain momentum. So, just to a few small
projects to get a better sense of what AI can or cannot do and get a better sense of what doing
an AI project feels like. This you could do in house or you can also do with an outsource team.
But eventually, you then need to do step two which is the building in house AI team and provide
broad AI training, not just to the engineers but also to the managers, division leaders and
executives and how they think about AI. After doing this or as you're doing this, you have a
better sense of what AI is and then is important for many companies to develop an AI strategy.
Finally, to align internal and external communications so that all your stakeholders from
employees, customers and investors are aligns with how your company is navigating the rise of
AI. AI has created tremendous value in the software industry and will continue to do so. It will
also create tremendous value outside the software industry. If you can help your company
become good at AI, I hope you can play a leading role in creating a lot of this value. It is video
you saw what is it that makes a company a good AI company and also briefly the AI
transformation playbook which I'll go into much greater detail on in a later week as a road-map
for helping companies become great at AI. If you're interested, there is also published online an
AI transformation playbook that goes into these five steps in greater detail for you see more of
these in the later weeks as well. Now, one of the challenges of doing AI projects such as the
pilot projects in step one is understanding what AI can and cannot do. In the next video, I want
to show you and give you some examples of what AI can and cannot do, to help you better
select projects AI that there may be effective for your company. That's gone to the next video.


AI For Everyone
Week 1
What machine learning can and cannot do

In this video and the next video, I hope to help you develop intuition about what AI can and
cannot do. In practice, before I commit to a specific AI project, I'll usually have either myself or
engineers do technical diligence on the project to make sure that it is feasible. This means:
looking at the data, look at the input, and output A and B, and just thinking through if this is
something AI can really do. What I've seen unfortunately is that some CEOs can have an
inflated expectation of AI and can ask engineers to do things that today's AI just cannot do. One
of the challenges is that the media, as well as the academic literature, tends to only report on
positive results or success stories using AI, and we see a string of success stories and no failure
stories, people sometimes think AI can do everything. Unfortunately, that's just not true. So,
what I want to do in this and in the next video, is to show you a few examples of what today's AI
technology can do, but also what it cannot do, and I hope that this will help you, hone your
intuition about what might be more or less promising projects to select for your company.
Previously, you saw this list of AI applications from spam filtering to speech recognition, to
machine translation, and so on. One imperfect rule of thumb you can use to decide what
supervised learning may or may not be able to do is that, pretty much anything you could do
with a second of thought, we can probably now or soon automate using supervised learning,
using this input-output mapping. So for example, in order to determine the position of other cars,
that's something that you can do with less than a second. In order to tell if a phone is scratched,
you can look at it and you can tell in less than a second. In order to understand or at least
transcribe what was said, it doesn't take that many seconds of thought. While this is an
imperfect rule of thumb, it maybe gives you a way to quickly think of some examples of tasks
that AI systems can do. Whereas in contrast, something that AI today cannot do would be: to
analyze a market and write a 50 page report, a human cannot write a 50 page mark of analysis
report in a second, and it's very difficult, at least I don't know. I don't think any team in the world
today knows how to get an AI system to do market research and run an extended market report
either. I've found out one of the best ways to hone intuition is to look at concrete examples. So,
let's take a look at a specific example, relating to customer support automation. Let's see a
random website that sells things, so an e-commerce company, and you have a customer
support division that gets an email like this, "The toy arrived two days late, so I wasn't able to
give it to my niece for her birthday. Can I return it?" If what you want is an AI system that looks
at this and decides this is a refund request, so let me route it to my refund department, then I
will say, you have a good chance of building an AI system to do that. The AI system would take
as input, the customer text, what the customer emails you, and it would output, is this a refund
requests or is this a shipping problem, or is it the other request, in order to route this email to the
most appropriate parts of your customer support center. So, the input A is the text and the
output B is one of these three outcomes, is it a refund or a shipping problem, or shipping query,
or is it a different requests. So, this is something that AI today can do. Here's something that AI
today cannot do which is if you want the AI to input an email and automatically generate, it
responds like, "Oh, sorry to hear that. I hope you're niece had a good birthday. Yes, we can help
with, and so on." So, for an AI to output a complicated piece of text like this today is very difficult
by today's standards of AI and in fact to even empathize about the birthday of your niece, that is
very difficult to do for every single possible type of email you might receive. Now, what would
happen if you were to use a machine learning tool like a deep learning algorithm to try to do this
anyway. So, let's say you tried to get an AI system to input the user's email, and output a two to
the three paragraph, empathetic and appropriate response. Let's say that you have a
modest-sized dataset like a 1,000 examples of user emails and appropriate responses. It turns
out if you run an AI system on this type of data, on a small dataset like 1,000 examples, this
may be the performance you get, which is if a user emails, "My box was damaged," they'll say,
"Thank you for your email," and it says, "Where do I write a review?", "Thank you email."
"What's the return policy?", "Thank you for your email." But the problem with building this type of
AI is that with just a 1,000 examples, there's just not enough data for an AI system to learn how
to write to the three paragraph, appropriate and empathetic responses. So, you may end up just
generating the same very simple response like, "Thank you for your email," no matter what the
customer is sending you. Another thing that could go wrong, another way for an AI system to fail
is if it generates gibberish such as: "When is my box arriving," and it says, "Thank, yes, now
your," gibberish. This is a hard enough problem that even with 10,000 or a 100,000 email
examples, I don't know if that would be enough data for an AI system to do this well. The rules
for what AI can and cannot do are not hardened first and I usually end up having to ask
engineering teams to sometimes spend a few weeks doing deep technical diligence to decide
for myself if a project is feasible. But to hone your intuitions to help you quickly filter feasible or
not feasible projects, here are a couple of other rules of thumb about what makes a machine
learning problem easier or more likely to be feasible. One, learning a simple concept is more
likely to be feasible. Well, what does a simple concept mean? There's no formal definition of that
but it is something that takes you less than a second of mental thought or a very small number
of seconds of mental thought to come up with a conclusion then that would lean to whether it
being a simple concept. So, you're looking outside the window of a self-driving car to spot the
other cars that would be a relatively simple concept. Whereas how to write an empathetic
response, so a complicated user complaints, that would be less of a simple concept. Second, a
machine learning problem is more likely to be feasible if you have lots of data available. Here,
our data means both the input A and the output B, that you want the AI system to have in your A
to B, input to output mapping. So for example, in the customer support application, the input A
would be examples of emails from customers and B could be labeling each of these customer
emails as to whether it's a refund requests or a shipping query, or some other problem, one of
three outcomes. Then if you have thousands of emails with both A and B, then the odds of you
building a machine learning system to do that would be pretty good. AI is the new electricity and
it's transforming every industry, but it's also not magic and it can't do everything under the sun. I
hope that this video started to help you hone your intuitions about what it can and cannot do,
and increase the odds of your selecting feasible and valuable projects for maybe your teams to
try working on. In order to help you continue developing your intuition, I would like to show you
more examples of what AI can and cannot do. Let's go into the next video.


AI For Everyone
Week 1
More examples of what machine learning can and cannot do

One of the challenges of becoming good at recognizing what AI can and cannot do is that it
does take seeing a few examples of concrete successes and failures of AI. If you work on an
average of say, one new AI project a year, then to see three examples would take you three
years of work experience and that's just a long time. What I hope to do, both in the previous
video and in this video is to quickly show you a few examples of AI successes and failures, or
what it can and cannot do so that in a much shorter time, you can see multiple concrete
examples to help hone your intuition and select valuable projects. So, let's take a look at a few
more examples. Let's say you're building a self-driving car, here's something that AI can do
pretty well, which is to take a picture of what's in front of your car and maybe just using a
camera, maybe using other senses as well such as radar or lidar. Then to figure out, what is the
position, or where are the other cars. So, this would be an AI where the input A, is a picture of
what's in front of your car, or maybe both a picture as well as radar and other sensor readings.
The output B is, where are the other cars? Today, the self-driving car industry has figured out
how to collect enough data and has pretty good algorithms for doing this reasonably well. So,
that's what the AI today can do. Here's an example of something that today's AI cannot do, or at
least would be very difficult using today's AI, which is to input a picture and output the intention
of whatever the human is trying to gesture at your car. So, here's a construction worker holding
out a hand to ask your car to stop. Here's a hitchhiker trying to wave a car over. Here is a
bicyclist raising the left-hand to indicate that they want to turn left. So, if you were to try to build
a system to learn the A to B mapping, where the input A is a short video of our human gesturing
at your car, and the output B is, what's the intention or what does this person want, that today is
very difficult to do. Part of the problem is that the number of ways people gesture at you is very,
very large. Imagine all the hand gestures someone could conceivably use asking you to slow
down or go, or stop. The number of ways that people could gesture at you is just very, very
large. So, it's difficult to collect enough data from enough thousands or tens of thousands of
different people gesturing at you, and all of these different ways to capture the richness of
human gestures. So, learning from a video to what this person wants, it's actually a somewhat
complicated concept. In fact, even people have a hard time figuring out sometimes what
someone waving at your car wants. Then second, because this is a safety critical application,
you would want an AI that is extremely accurate in terms of figuring out, does a construction
worker want you to stop, or does he or she wants you to go? And that makes it harder for an AI
system as well. So, today if you collect just say, 10,000 pictures of other cars, many teams
would build an AI system that at least has a basic capability at detecting other cars. In contrast,
even if you collect pictures or videos of 10,000 people, it's quite hard to track down 10,000
people waving at your car. Even with that data set, I think it's quite hard today to build an AI
system to recognize humans intentions from their gestures at the very high level of accuracy
needed in order to drive safely around these people. So, that's why today, many self-driving car
teams have some components for detecting other cars, and they do rely on that technology to
drive safely. But very few self-driving car teams are trying to count on the AI system to
recognize a huge diversity of human gestures and counting just on that to drive safely around
people. Let's look at one more example. Say you want to build an AI system to look at X-ray
images and diagnose pneumonia. So, all of these are chest X-rays. So, the input A could be the
X-ray image and the output B can be the diagnosis. Does this patient have pneumonia or not?
So, that's something that AI can do. Something that AI cannot do would be to diagnose
pneumonia from 10 images of a medical textbook chapter explaining pneumonia. A human can
look at a small set of images, maybe just a few dozen images, and reads a few paragraphs from
medical textbook and start to get a sense. But actually don't know, given a medical textbook,
what is A and what is B? Or how to really pose this as an AI problems like know how to write a
piece of software to solve, if all you have is just 10 images and a few paragraphs of text that
explain what pneumonia in a chest X-ray looks like. Whereas a young medical doctor might
learn quite well reading a medical textbook at just looking at maybe dozens of images. In
contrast, an AI system isn't really able to do that today. To summarize, here are some of the
strengths and weaknesses of machine learning. Machine learning tends to work well when
you're trying to learn a simple concept, such as something that you could do with less than a
second of mental thought, and when there's lots of data available. Machine learning tends to
work poorly when you're trying to learn a complex concept from small amounts of data. A
second underappreciated weakness of AI is that it tends to do poorly when it's asked to perform
on new types of data that's different than the data it has seen in your data set. Let me explain
with an example. Say you built a supervised learning system that uses A to B to learn to
diagnose pneumonia from images like these. These are well pretty high quality chest X-ray
images. But now, let's say you take this AI system and apply it at a different hospital or different
medical center, where maybe the X-ray technician somehow strangely had the patients always
lie at an angle or sometimes there are these defects. Not sure if you can see the lost structures
in the image. These low other objects lying on top of the patients. If the AI system has learned
from data like that on your left, maybe taken from a high-quality medical center, and you take
this AI system and apply it to a different medical center that generates images like those on the
right, then it's performance will be quite poor as well. A good AI team would be able to
ameliorate, or to reduce some of these problems, but doing this is not that easy. This is one of
the things that AI is actually much weaker than humans. If a human has learned from images on
the left, they're much more likely to be able to adapt to images like those on the right as they
figure out that the patient is just lying on an angle. But then AI system can be much less robust
than human doctors in generalizing or figuring out what to do with new types of data like these. I
hope these examples are helping you hone your intuitions about what AI can and cannot do. In
case the boundary between what it can or cannot do still seems fuzzy to you, don't worry. It is
completely normal, completely okay. In fact even today, I still can't look at a project and
immediately tell is something that's feasible or not. I often still need weeks or small numbers of
weeks of technical diligence before forming strong conviction about whether something is
feasible or not. But I hope that these examples can at least help you start imagining some things
in your company that might be feasible and might be worth exploring more. The next two videos
after this are optional and are a non-technical description of what are neural networks and what
is deep learning. Please feel free to watch those. Then next week, we'll go much more deeply
into the process of what building an AI project would look like. I look forward to seeing you next


AI For Everyone
Week 1
Non-technical explanation of deep learning (Part 1, optional)

The terms deep learning and neural network are used almost interchangeably in AI. And even
though they're great for machine learning, there's also been a bit of hype and bit of mystique
about them. This video will demystify deep learning, so that you have a sense of what deep
learning and neural networks really are. Let's use an example from demand prediction. Let's say
you run a website that sells t-shirts. And you want to know, based on how you price the t-shirts,
how many units you expect to sell, how many t-shirts you expect to sell. You might then create a
dataset like this, where the higher the price of the t-shirt, the lower the demand. So you might fit
a straight line to this data, showing that as the price goes up, the demand goes down. Now
demand can never go below zero, so maybe you say that the demand will flatten out at zero,
and beyond a certain point you expect pretty much no one to buy any t-shirts. It turns out this
blue line is maybe the simplest possible neural network. You have as input the price, A, and you
want it to output the estimated demand, B. So the way you would draw this as a neural network
is that the price will be input to this little round thing there, and this little round thing outputs the
estimated demand. In the terminology of AI, this little round thing here is called a neuron, or
sometimes it's called an artificial neuron, and all it does is compute this blue curve that I've
drawn here on the left.
This is maybe the simplest possible neural network with a single artificial neuron, that just inputs
the price and outputs the estimated demand.
If you think of this orange circle, this artificial neuron as a little Lego brick, all that a neural
network is, if you take a lot of these Lego bricks and stack them on top of each other until you
get a big power, a big network of these neurons. Let's look at a more complex example.
Suppose that instead of knowing only the price of the t-shirts, you also have the shipping costs
that the customers will have to pay to get the t-shirts. May be you spend more or less on
marketing in a given week, and you can also make the t-shirt out of a thick, heavy, expensive
cotton or a much cheaper, more lightweight material. These are some of the factors that you
think will affect the demand for your t-shirts. Let's see what a more complex neural network
might look like. You know that your consumers care a lot about affordability. So let's say you
have one neuron, and let me draw this one in blue, whose job it is to estimate the affordability of
the t-shirts. And so affordability is mainly a function of the price of the shirts and of the shipping
cost. A second thing though affecting demand for your t-shirts is awareness. How much are
consumers aware that you're selling this t-shirt? So the main thing that affects awareness, is
going to be your marketing. So let me draw here a second artificial neuron that inputs your
marketing budget, how much you spend on marketing, and outputs how aware are consumers
of your t-shirt. Finally, the perceived quality of your product will also affect demand, and
perceived quality would be affected by marketing. The marketing tries to convince people this is
a high quality t-shirt, and sometimes the price of something also affects perceived quality. So
I'm going to draw here a third artificial neuron that inputs price, marketing and material, and tries
to estimate the perceived quality of your t-shirts. Finally, now that the earlier neurons, these
three blue neurons, have figured out how affordable, how much consumer awareness and
what's the perceived quality, you can then have one more neuron over here that takes as input
these three factors and outputs the estimated demand. So this is a neural network, and its job is
to learn to map from these four inputs, that's the input A, to the output B, to demand. So it learns
this input output or A to B mapping. This is a fairly small neural network with just four artificial
neurons. In practice, neural networks used today are much larger, with easily thousands, tens of
thousands or even much larger than that numbers of neurons.
Now, there's just one final detail of this description that I want to clean up, which is that in the
way I've described the neural network, it was as if you had to figure out that the key factors are
affordability, awareness and perceived quality. One of the wonderful things about using neural
networks is that to train a neural network, in other words, to build a machine learning system
using neural network, all you have to do is give it the input A and the output B. And it figures out
all of the things in the middle by itself. So to build a neural network, what you would do is feed it
lots of data, or the input A, and have a neural network that just looks like this, with a few blue
neurons feeding to a yellow open neuron. And then you have to give it data with the demand B
as well. And it's the software's job to figure out what these blue neurons should be computing,
so that it can completely automatically learn the most accurate possible function mapping from
the input A to the output B. And it turns out that if you give this enough data and train a neural
network that is big enough, this can do an incredible good job mapping from inputs A to outputs
B. So that's a neural network, is a group of artificial neurons each of which computes a relatively
simple function. But when you stack enough of them together like Lego bricks, they can
compute incredibly complicated functions that give you very accurate mappings from the input A
to the output B. Now, in this video you saw an example of neural networks applied to demand
prediction. Let's go on to the next video to see a more complex example of neural networks
applied to face recognition.


AI For Everyone
Week 1
Non-technical explanation of deep learning (Part 2, optional)

In the last video, you saw how a neural network can be applied to demand prediction, but how
can the new network look at the picture and figure out what's in the picture? Or listen to an
audio clip and understand what is said in an audio clip? Let's take a look at a more complex
example of applying a neural network to face recognition. Say you want to build a system to
recognize people from pictures, how can a piece of software look at this picture and figure out
the identity of the person in it? Let's zoom in to a little square like that to better understand how
a computer sees pictures. Where you and I see a human eye, a computer instead sees that,
and sees this grid of pixel brightness values that tells it, for each of the pixels in the image, how
bright is that pixel. If it were a black and white or grayscale image, then each pixel would
correspond to a single number telling you how bright is that pixel. If it's a color image, then each
pixel will actually have three numbers, corresponding to how bright are the red, green, and blue
elements of that pixel. So, the neural networks job is to take as input a lot of numbers like these
and tell you the name of the person in the picture. In the last video, you saw how a neural
network can take as input four numbers corresponding to the price, shipping costs, amounts of
marketing, and cloth material of a T-shirt and output demand. In this example, the neural
network just has to input a lot more numbers corresponding to all of the pixel brightness values
of this picture. If the resolution of this picture is 1000 pixels by 1000 pixels, then that's a million
pixels. So, if it were a black and white or grayscale image, this neural network was take as input
a million numbers corresponding to the brightness of all one million pixels in this image or if was
a color image it would take as input three million numbers corresponding to the red, green, and
blue values of each of these one million pixels in this image. Similar to before, you will have
many many of these artificial neurons computing various values, and it's not your job to figure
out what these neurons should compute. The neural network will figured out by itself. Typically,
when you give it an image, the neurons in the earlier parts of the neural network will learn to
detect edges in pictures and then lobe and later learn to detect parts of objects. So, they learn
to detect eyes and noses and the shape of cheeks and the shape of mouths, and then the later
neurons, further to the right, will learn to detect different shapes of faces and it will finally, put all
this together to output the identity of the person in the image. Again, part of the magic of neural
networks is that you don't really need to worry about what it is doing in the middle. All you need
to do is give it a lot of data of pictures like this, A, as well as the correct identity B and the
learning algorithm will figure out by itself what each of these neurons in the middle should be
computing. Congratulations on finishing all the videos for this week. You now know how
machine learning and data science work. I look forward to seeing you in next week's videos, as
well where you'll learn how to build your own machine learning or data science project. See you
next week.

Week 1 Quiz
Quiz, 10 questions

1 point
1. Question 1
Which of these terms best describes the type of AI used in today’s email spam filters, speech
recognition, and other specific applications?

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

1 point
2. Question 2
What do you call the commonly used AI technology for learning input (A) to output (B)

Reinforcement learning

Artificial General Intelligence

Supervised learning

Unsupervised learning

3. Question 3
You want to use supervised learning to build a speech recognition system. The figure above
suggests that in order for a neural network (deep learning) to achieve the best performance, you
would ideally use: (Select all that apply)

A large dataset (of audio files and the corresponding text transcript)

A small dataset (of audio files and the corresponding text transcript)

A large neural network

A small neural network

4. Question 4
The only way to acquire data for a supervised learning algorithm is to manually label it. I.e.,
given the input A, to ask a human to provide B.


5. Question 5
Which of these statements regarding data acquisition do you agree with?

It doesn’t matter how data is acquired. The more data, the better.

Some types of data are more valuable than others; working with an AI team can help you figure
out what data to acquire.
It doesn’t help to give data to an AI team, because they can always produce whatever they need
by themselves.

Only structured data is valuable; AI cannot process unstructured data.

6. Question 6
You run a company that manufactures scooters. Which of the following are examples of
unstructured data? (Select all that apply.)

Audio files of the engine sound of your scooters

The number of scooters sold per week over the past year

The maximum speed of each of your scooters

Pictures of your scooters

7. Question 7
Suppose you run a website that sells cat food. Which of these might be a good result from a
Data Science project? (Select all that apply.)

A neural network that closely mimics how cats’ brains work.

A large dataset of images labeled as “Cat” and “Not Cat”

Insights into how to market cat food more effectively, depending on the breed of cat.

A slide deck presenting a plan on how to modify pricing in order to improve sales.

8. Question 8
Based on the terminology defined in Video 4, which of the following statements do you agree
with? (Select all that apply.)

AI is a type of deep learning. (I.e., all AI algorithms are deep learning algorithms.)

The terms “Deep learning” and “neural network” are used almost interchangeably.

Deep learning is a type of machine learning. (I.e., all deep learning algorithms are machine
learning algorithms.)

The terms “Machine learning” and “data science” are used almost interchangeably.

9. Question 9
Which of these do AI companies do well?

Strategic data acquisition

Invest in unified data warehouses

Spot automation opportunities

All of the above

10. Question 10
Say you want to input a picture of a person’s face (A), and output whether or not they are
smiling (B). Because this is a task that most humans can do in less than 1 second, supervised
learning can probably learn this A-to-B mapping.


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