John Deere Powersource - Tier 4 Engines On Godwin Pumps PDF

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Article republished with permission from John Deere Power Systems, copyright
2015. Article originally appeared in Spring, 2015 of Industrial PowerSource, a
publication of John Deere Power Systems. For more information or to read
A publication of John Deere Power Systems the entire magazine, visit our website

The PowerTech EWX 4.5L engine meets Final Tier 4/Stage IV emissions using a wastegated turbocharger
designed to develop more airflow at lower engine speeds, as well as a diesel oxidation catalyst and diesel
particulate filter (shown here).

Xylem greets 2015 with a fleet of Godwin pumps
that meet Final Tier 4/Stage IV standards

ust as a plant’s xylem draws water from its roots to grow, Xylem Inc. is in the business of moving water using industry-leading technologies

J that are helping make our world a greener place. A global manufacturer of pumps, Xylem Inc. is taking an environmental lead in the clean
air effort by offering the Godwin range of diesel-driven portable pumps with John Deere Final Tier 4 engines.

The Godwin NC150 Dri-Prime pump now

meets Final Tier 4/Stage IV emissions with a
55-kW (74-hp) PowerTech EWX 4.5L engine.
The portable pump is suitable for both
sewage and clean water applications.

More than a clean-water pump
Godwin Dri-Prime pumps have the ability to self-prime completely from dry with long suction lines, making
them ideal for a variety of dewatering and pumping applications. Built simple and rugged, Godwin pumps
have the solids-handling capability to continuously pump sewage and debris-laden wastewater.

and flow. “It’s really about matching pump A legacy continued

performance to the requirements of the
application. In a lot of applications, the Mike Delzingaro, vice president and director of
performance requirements of our pumps can sales, says he expects the PowerTech EWX 4.5L
change from hour to hour, depending on the engine to deliver the same solid performance
conditions,” explains Ramos. “The ECU gives as its predecessors. “We’ve started with the
us the opportunity to vary pump speed in 4039D, migrated to the 4045D, and finished
response to these changes, which improves with the 4045T over the past 20 years. We
fuel economy.” know it will be reliable, efficient, and the
technology is proven. John Deere offers a
Xylem also recently broad range of engines, and the John Deere
introduced Field Smart support network is second to none. That’s why
Mike Ramos, director of operations
Technology (FST) that we’ve bought thousands of their engines over
and engineering for Xylem’s Godwin
works in conjunction the past two decades.”
brand, says he’s been working closely
with the PrimeGuard
with John Deere engine distributor Bell
Controller. FST allows According to Delzingaro, all future sales of
Power Systems to develop Final Tier 4
customers to constantly the Godwin Dri-Prime model CD150M 6-inch
pumping units. Two years ago, Xylem
monitor and control pumps will include John Deere Final Tier 4/
developed a Godwin HL225M pump with
equipment remotely Stage IV engines. Xylem will strategically place
a PowerTech PSS 9.0L engine. During the
to ensure optimum the new pumping units into the company’s
last quarter of 2014, the company began
performance. rental fleet in order to serve large metropolitan
offering the PowerTech EWX 4.5L engine
cities like Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia
on several models of Dri-Prime pumps, Using cellular combined with redundant that require Final Tier 4/Stage IV engines.
including Godwin’s flagship model, the satellite technology, off-site operators can
6-inch CD150M. Other pumps powered by monitor the amount of soot accumulation “We’ve adopted the technology, we’ve
this engine include the NC150 non-clogging in Final Tier 4 engine systems, as well as been using it, and we’ve embraced it,” says
sewage pump, the HL80M high-head pump, fluid pressures, temperatures, and fuel Delzingaro. “Reducing emissions is more
and the hydraulic-submersible Heidra range. consumption. sustainable for our future, and for our kids.
That’s the most important thing.”
Ramos says the transition to Final Tier 4
required teamwork between Bell Power Engine distributor: Bell Power Systems in
Built with smarts Systems and Godwin suppliers. “Bell Power Essex, Connecticut.
Electronically governed, the PowerTech EWX Systems supplied 3-D drawings of the engine
4.5L replaces the mechanical PowerTech M for the incorporation into our package. They
4.5L Interim Tier 4 engine, which previously worked with our suppliers to make sure that
powered these pumps. Ramos explains that those pieces all fit together and worked
while the move to Final Tier 4 increased the together,” says Ramos.
overall size and price of the pumping unit,
During extensive testing at the company’s
there are advantages. He says today’s clean-
test facility, the CD150M was placed under
air engine technologies led to advances in
various load conditions. “Bell Power helped
engine electronics, which have improved the
us fine-tune the ECU setting to ensure that
communication of its pumping units.
we were getting the required horsepower
Godwin pairs the Final Tier 4 engines with a out of the engine,” says Ramos. “As a result,
PrimeGuard controller, a fully programmable the engine is very responsive to changes
microprocessor-engine-control system that in load and speed. It also did well on the
offers auto-throttling of the engine rpm regeneration and performed as expected,
in response to changing pressure, level, even under very lightly loaded conditions.”

Godwin pairs the Final Tier 4 engines with a PrimeGuard controller, a fully programmable, microprocessor-engine-control system that offers auto-throttling of the engine rpm in response to changing pressure, level, and flow.


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