GROUP 5 Written Report Final
GROUP 5 Written Report Final
GROUP 5 Written Report Final
II. Author
III. Trivia
a. It is Rufino Blanco ’s finest short story
Vocabulary Words
1. Pampas - Fertile South American lowlands.
2. Creole - is a person of mixed African and European race, who lives in the West Indies and speaks a
creole language.
3. Mulatto - a person of mixed white and black ancestry, especially a person with one white and one
black parent.
4. Peon - generally referred to someone working in an unfree labor system.
5. Savannah - a grassy plain in tropical and subtropical regions, with few trees.
6. Machete - a broad, heavy knife used as an implement or weapon, originating in Central America
and the Caribbean.
7. Vaquero - a cowboy; a cattle driver.
8. Rodeo - an exhibition or contest in which cowboys show their skill at riding broncos, roping calves,
wrestling steers, etc.
9. Ammunition - a supply or quantity of bullets and shells.
10. Perplexed - completely baffled; very puzzled
IV. Creole Democracy by Rufino Blanco Fombona
V. Characters
a. The Peons (The Voters}
b. Old Ramon
c. Gen. Paez
d. Gen Crespo
e. Young Plainsman
f. Old Man
VI. Setting
The hamlet of Camoruco
VII. Plot
In a village there were two factions competing for votes.
The two parties started to gather their voters who were ignorant of what is happening around
them and what is going to happen after the election.
As the day begin to end, the two parties were having a party. There was singing and drinking from
one of the parties and from the circle which the singing came from, a man approached them asking
if he should spy on the enemy faction.
His fellow faction members agreed that he should spy on the enemy team. As he was traveling to
the enemy faction's place, a man appeared before him from the enemy faction. After a short
quarrel, the man from the enemy faction was killed.
The man returned to his faction and told the leaders what happened. The leaders told the man to
hide in the mountains. The man went to the mountains and he was later found by a search party. In
the court hearing, the man pleaded that he killed the man from the enemy faction because he was
attacked by the man
VIII. Conflict
Man vs. Man
IX. Theme
“Of the people, by the people, for the people.”
X. Quiz
1. Who is the author of the story?
2. It is said to be the author’s finest short story.
3. What is the setting of the story?
4. How many parties are competing in the Election?
5. Were the voters ready for a democratic change?
6. He committed a crime by killing the old man.
7. Where did the leaders told the man to hide?
8. What Is the theme of the story?
9. Why did the voters think of an election in terms of war?
10. Usually carried the peasant weapon or machete.
Topic 1 : Analyzing the Elements of a Story
Elements of a Story:
Characters Plot
Setting Theme
- are the participants in the story. A “person”, “animal”, even a “thing” or “imaginary creature” in
a story.
- When and where the story takes place.
- is the chain of events that make up the story, play or narrative poem. It is centered around a
conflict that must be resolved by the end of the story.
- Is the meaning of the story, the central message. Usually expressed as a generalization or a
general statement about people or life.
Topic 2 : Characterization
Topic 3 : Setting
Setting refers to the time and place in the story. In early stories, there was no definite
localization or setting. These are the stories that begin with “Once upon a time”. The author tells
you what happens rather than makes you see what happens.