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Textbook: Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, 4th Edition

CHE 404
Chemical Reaction Engineering

Chapter 8
Nonisothermal Reactor Design

PART 1. Steady-State Energy Balance and Adiabatic PFR Applications

 Energy Balance
 User Friendly Energy Balance Equations
 Adiabatic Operation
 Adiabatic Equilibrium Conversion and Reactor Sizing

PART 2. Flow Reactors with Heat Exchange

 Steady-State Tubular Reactor with Heat Exchange
 Balance on the Heat Transfer Fluid
 Algorithm for PFR/PBR Design with Heat Effects
 CSTR with Heat Effects
 Multiple Steady State (MSS)
 Non-isothermal Multiple Chemical Reactions

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

8.4.2 Balance on the Heat Transfer Fluid

Case A. Co-current Flow

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8




Case B. Counter-current Flow

At the entrance V = 0, X = 0, Ta = Ta2

At the exit V = Vf, Ta = Ta0

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

Procedure to Solve for the Exit Conditions
for PFRs with Counter-Current Heat Exchange

Trial-and-error method

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

Algorithm for PFR/PBR Design with Heat Effects

A+B 2C
A. Conversion as the
reaction variable

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8


A+B 2C
B. Molar Flow Rates as
the reaction variable

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8


CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8


8.6 CSTR with Heat Effects

Generalized Energy Balance


Energy Balance on Heat Exchanger Fluid

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8


Heat capacity of heat exchanger fluid

Taylor series
(e-x = 1 - x  +  ·∙  ·∙  ·∙)
For large values of the exchanger fluid flow rate,

whereTa1  Ta2  Ta

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8


Relationship between conversion and temperature in a CSTR

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

Algorithm for Adiabatic CSTR Design

Case A (8-56) (8-55) Case B

Specify X Specify T
Find V and T Find X and V

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8


Case C (8-55) CSTR Steady State

Specify V when XEB = XMB
Find X and T


CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

Ex 8-8. Production of PG in an Adiabatic CSTR

1. PO 1st, H2O 0th order
2. k = 16.96x1012 exp(-32400/RT)
3. CpA = 35 Btu/lbmol °F
4. CpB = 18 Btu/lbmol °F
5. CpC = 46 Btu/lbmol °F
6. CpM = 19.5 Btu/lbmol °F
7. vAO = 46.62 ft3/h
8. vM0 = 46.62 ft3/h
9. vB0 = 233.1 ft3/h
10. FA0 = 43.0 lbmol/h

1. Mole Balance and Design Equation 4. Combining and Solving

2. Rate Law 3. Stoichiometry

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

5. Energy Balance

6. Calculations
(a) Evaluate the mole balance terms

(b) Evaluate the energy balance terms

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8


(613 °R=153 °F, 0.83)

Because the temperature must remain below

125 °F (585 °R),
we cannot use the 300-gal reactor as it is now.

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

Multiple Steady States (MSS)

If the volumetric flow rate v0 is increased,

(τ decreased) just a little,

XEB(T) remains unchanged,

But XMB(T) moves to the right (solid line).

This shift results in the XEB(T) and XMB(T)

intersecting three times, indicating three possible
conditions at which the reactor can operate.

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8


Heat-Generated Term

Heat-Removed Term
(by flow and heat exchange)

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

Heat-Removed Term, R(T)

Heat-Removed Term

Vary Entering Temperature Vary Non-adiabatic Parameter κ

As the entering temperature T0 is increased, As one increases κ, the slope increases

the line has the same slope but shifts to the right. and the intercept moves to the left.

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

Heat of Generation, G(T)

Low T : G(T )  HRx AeE / RT

High T : G(T )  HRx
 
0 

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

Finding Multiple Steady States

Vary Entering Temperature The points of intersection of R(T) and GtT)

give us the temperature which the reactor can
operate at steady state.

We begin to feed our reactor at T01. If we construct

our G(T) and R(T) curves, there will be only one
point of intersection, point 1. From this point of in
section. one can find the steady-state temperature
in the reactor, TS1, by following a vertical line down
to the T-axis.

If one were now to increase the entering

temperature to T02, the G(T) curve would remain
unchanged, but the R(T) curve would move to the
right (line b), and will now intersect the G(T) at
point 2 and be tangent at point 3. Consequently, we
see that there are two steady-state temperatures,
TS2 and TS3, that can be realized in the CSTR for
entering temperature T02.

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

Ignition–Extinction Curve

T05 : Ignition Temperature

T02 : Extinction Temperature

CHM 3078 Catalytic Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

Stability on Multiple Steady State Temperatures



Point 8 (TS8):
Unstable steady state

Point 7(TS7), Point 9(TS9):

Locally stable, but not necessarily globally stable

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

Runaway Reactions in a CSTR
Lower  S.  S.  →  Upper  S.  S.  if  T  >  ignition  temperature
 At upper S. S.: T is sufficiently high that it is undesirable or even dangerous to operate

 Ignition temperature = at the point of tangency of R(T) and G(T) curve

At the tangency point,




CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

Runaway Reactions in a CSTR
For a 1st order reaction,

 (8-70)

From (8-65)  (8-70)

Above Trc, transition to the upper S. S. (runaway) will occur.

For many industrial reactions,
- E/RT = 16~24, T=300~500K
- Trc = 15~30oC c.f.)

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

Nonisothermal Multiple Chemical Reactions

8.8.1 Energy Balance for Multiple Reactions in PFR

For a single reaction,

For q multiple reactions

(m species, q rxns)


CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

Nonisothermal Multiple Chemical Reactions

8.8.2 Energy Balance for Multiple Reactions in CSTR

Steady-state energy balance for a single reaction

CSTR energy balance for q multiple reactions and m species

CSTR energy balance for two parallel reactions

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

Ex 8-11. Series Reactions in a CSTR

k1 k2 Information
A B C 1. Elementary reaction
2. CSTR V = 10 dm3
3. vAO = 1000 dm3/min, CA0 = 0.3 mol/dm3
4. CpA = CpB = CpC = 200 J/mol K
5. k1 = 3.3 min-1 at 300 K, k2 = 4.58 min-1 at 500 K
6. E1 = 9900 cal/mol, E2 = 27,000 cal/mol
7. ΔHRx1A = -55,000 J/mol A, ΔHRx2B = -71,500 J/mol B
8. UA = 40,000 J/min K, Ta = 57 °C

1.A. Mole Balance on Species A 1.B. Mole Balance on Species B

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

2. Rate Laws

3. Energy Balances
Eq (8-82)

Derive it!

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8


CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

Safety – Accidents in scaling-up exothermic chemical rxns

CHE 404 Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 8

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