Chapter - 1 Earth Materials
Chapter - 1 Earth Materials
Chapter - 1 Earth Materials
Engineering (CEng2132)
Fundamental concepts and
geotechnical view of Earth materials
1.1 Introduction
What is geology?
Geo -Earth and logy - study or reasoning. So, Geology is " the study
of the whole Earth ". The earth can also be studied by Astronomy,
Meteorology, Oceanography etc.
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Branch of geology
1. Pure Geology
2 . Applied Geology
Applies the principles of pure geology and other sciences to
understand the nature of the earth.
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Some of the most common and important applied fields:
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Origin of the Earth and solar system
Questions remained unanswered about the universe:
A. The Catastrophic Theories: states that the sun and the planets have a
bi-parental (two different) origin.
Planets were not formed at the same time as the sun but from the
material that was torn away from the sun. e.g. collision theory.
B. The Gradualistic Theories: States that the formation planets & sun
at the same time, e.g of such theories Nebular Hypothesis.
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Composition and internal structure of the Earth
Internal layering based on Chemical Composition
1. Crust it is the outermost layer
I. Continental crust:
- is thicker: reaches up to 70 km
- average density of 2.7g/cm3
-made up of light weight materials (silicate rocks)
II. Oceanic crust
- is thinner, about 8 km thick
- is dark, dense volcanic rock (basalt)
- younger and relatively un deformed
- average density is 3.0 g/cm3
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2. Mantle
• making up 82% of the volume and 68% of the mass of the
• it is largely composed of magnesium and iron silicates
• it extends from 50km to 2900 km in to the inner Earth
• its density ranges from 3.4 to 5.5g/cm3
3. Core
• extending from 2900km up to the center, 6400km (diameter)
• mostly made of iron with some nickel
• average density is 10.79 g/cm3
• constitute 16% by volume and 32% by mass of the Earth
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Internal Layering based on Physical Properties
1. Lithosphere
• solid, strong and rigid outer part of the Earth
• crust and the upper most part of the mantle. It extends 100 km
from the surface
2. Asthenosphere
zone where T & P are just right balance part of the material
melts. zone of easily deformed mantle
3. Mesosphere:
stronger and much rigid than the asthenosphere b/c the high P at
this depth offsets the effect of high T.
4. Core
• Outer Core (which exists at a depth beginning at 2900km
is molten)
• Inner Core (from about 5200 to 6400 km, is solid)
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The deepest part of the earth that directly accessed so far is 13 km.
Q) If Data were collected from drilled bore holes (only less than 13
km deep), How do geologists determine the earth internal layers
composition? ANS) using indirect evidences.
1. Density Evidence:
The average density of the earth is determined to be 5.52 g/cc,
while surficial rocks have an average density of 2.7 g/cc, which is
less than half the value for the entire earth . This indicates that the
interior of the earth should be composed of materials, which are
heavier than the surficial materials. Based on this simple evidence,
the earth was modeled to be composed of three layers of different
• From the surface to about 40 km depth with an average density of
2.7 g/cc; from 40 km to about 3000 km depth with an average
density of 6 to 7 g/cc; and from 3000km to the center, with an
average density of 9 to 10 g/cc.
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If these different densities are
manipulated, the average density of
the earth will fall at 5.52 g/cc which
is the density already determined
– 2. Meteoritic Evidence:
– Comparison with meteorites
Meteorites are wandering
fragments of planetary matter that
are representatives of the
asteroids. The Asteroids are
similar in nature to the in
planetary group to which the
Earth belongs. The meteorites are
of three types representing three
different layers of the aborted or
disintegrated planet. Meteorite from Marse
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These three types of meteorites are:
• Stony Meteorites-which are composed of silicates
similar to the rocks on the surface of the earth and are
inferred to represent the surface of the asteroids.
• Iron Meteorites- which are composed of iron-nickel
alloys and are different from any type of material on the
earth’s surface and are assumed to represent the interior
of the asteroids.
• Stony-Iron meteorites - which are composed of both
silicates and iron nickel alloys representing the
intermediate part of the asteroids. The presence of these
three different types of meteorites indicates that the
inner planets are made of different layers of materials.
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3. Volcanic Evidence
materials known as xenoliths
that directly come from the depth
(100 km) of the earth enclosed
with in magmas, which are not
contaminated by surfacial rocks.
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4. Earthquake (Seismic Waves) Evidence:
Earthquake waves commonly called seismic waves pass through the
earth’s interior and then emerge at the surface where they can be
recorded by wave sensitive devices called Seismographs at seismograph
The seismic waves do not travel at a uniform velocity through the earth’s
interior. Rather the velocity of the waves (which is directly related with
the density of the materials, being high in solids and low in fluids)
increases with depth and shows particularly sharp changes at depths 40
km and 2900 km. these seismic discontinuities (called Mohorovicic and
Gutenberg Discontinuities respectively) indicate fundamental changes in
the property of the materials, and they show that the earth’s interior is
made up of three layers differing in density and their overall nature
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Ethiopian Seismic Station Networks (ESSN)
Fig.2 Seismic wave’s velocity versus depth of the earth.
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• 1- Lithosphere
• 2- Asthenosphere (the
Low-Velocity Zone)
• 3- Upper Mantle
• 4- Velocity Curve of S-
• 5- Velocity Curve of P-
• 6- Density of the
mantle (5.5 gm./cm3)
• 7- S-waves cannot
penetrate liquid outer
• 8- Density of the Outer
Core (10 - 12 gm./cm3)
• 9- Density of the Inner
Core (12 - 13 gm./cm3)
• 10- Solid Inner Core.
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What is Engineering Geology?
• Engineering geology is a branch of geology that applies
geological principles of rocks, soils and water to the appropriate
design and
construction of a wide variety of engineering structures.
Importance of Engineering Geologist (Geological
Engineer) to Civil Engineers
What are Earth Materials?
Engineering consideration of different rocks
The three types of rocks;
a. Igneous
b. Sedimentary
c. Metamorphic;
General: Rock Cycle
II. Sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks are grouped into Two broad categories;
1. Clastic sedimentary rock - are those that are composed of fragments of
other rocks (igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary).
2. Chemical and Biochemical sedimentary rocks- originate by
precipitation of minerals from water through various chemical or
biochemical processes.
Limestone - which are composed of carbonates secreted from animals
and plants, and accumulated from calcareous skeleton.
Chert - accumulation of plant remains
Engineering Considerations of Sedimentary Rocks
1. The use of siliceous rich sedimentary rocks like opal, chert,
greywacke etc as aggregates with Portland cement concrete cause
Alkali Silica Reaction problem.
2. Fine-grained sedimentary rocks like limestone and dolomite are
the best for being used as aggregates; but siltstone, shale,
conglomerate, and quartz sandstone are not acceptable
5. Any Civil Engineering structures to be constructed on
carbonate rocks needs a very careful study as they can have
sinkholes, karstic features and different solution structures
6. When conglomerates are found in dam abutments &
foundation, they need special treatment to increase their
strength and reduce permeability.
7. Sedimentary rocks containing anhydrite/ gypsum are
troublesome to Engineering Structures such as dams, high
ways, tunnels etc.
8. Primary & secondary structures reduce rock-mass strength
and may contribute to slope instability.
III. Metamorphic rocks
Are the result of transformation of rocks by metamorphism ( due to
increment of Pressure and Temperature) processes that mostly occur
beneath the earth's surface.
Metamorphism causes textural, structural, and mineralogical
changes in the original rock and modify physical properties of rocks.
The modifications may improve some engineering properties, while
other changes may result in reduction in strength, slope stability, and
abrasion resistance.
Metamorphic rocks grouped based on the presence or absence of
Foliated (E.g. Slate, schist, phyllite, gneiss)
Non-foliated (E.g. Marble, quartzite)
Engineering Considerations of Metamorphic Rocks
1. Metamorphic rocks also have the Alkali-silica reaction
problem when used as aggregates with Portland cement. The
metamorphic rocks with this problem are argillite, phyllite,
impure quartzite, and granite gneiss;
2. Coarse-grained gneiss can be abraded severely when used as
3. For metamorphic rocks the stability of rock mass greatly
affected by the foliation orientation;
4. Marble as a metamorphic rock from carbonate sedimentary
rocks can cause similar problems, e.g., leakage of reservoirs,
sinkhole collapse, solution cavities, and channels.
6. The stability of rock slopes is affected by the attitude of
foliation with respect to rock slope direction.
1.2.2 Engineering Soils
Engineers define soil as any natural material that lacks strength.
Dry soils do not consist water, and all the void spaces are filled
with air.
Saturated soils do not consist air, and the void spaces are filled
with water.
Very often, in Geotechnical investigation works (E.g. Earth works)
and laboratory tests, it is necessary to compute the mass (or weight) &
volume of these three phases
Field method;
Ground water velocity method ,
Pressure (Packer) Test
Pumping Tests (drawdown and recovery test)
Slug Tests
Methods for determining permeability of water bearing materials
Slug Tests