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C Language Tutorials In Hindi

 1. Why Learn C Programming Language? : C Tutorial In Hindi #1

 2. What Is Coding & C Programming Language? : C Tutorial In Hindi #2
 3. Install & Configure VS Code With C Compiler: C Tutorial In Hindi #3
 4. Basic Structure of C Program in Hindi: C Tutorial In Hindi #4
 5. Basic Syntax Of A C Program: C Tutorial In Hindi #5
 6. Variables & Data Types In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #6
 7. Operators In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #7
 8. C Programming Exercise 1 - Multiplication Tables: C Tutorial In Hindi #8
 9. C Format Specifiers and Escape Sequences With Examples : C Tutorial In Hindi
 10. If Else Control Statements In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #10
 11. Switch Case Control Statements In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #11
 12. Loops In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #12
 13. Do While Loop In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #13
 14. While Loop In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #14
 15. For Loop In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #15
 16. Break and Continue Statements In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #16
 17. Goto Statement In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #17
 18. Typecasting In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #18
 19. Functions In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #19
 20. C Exercise 1: Multiplication Table Solution + Shoutouts: C Tutorial In Hindi #20
 21. Recursive Functions: Recursion In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #21
 22. C Exercise 2: Units and Conversions: C Tutorial In Hindi #22
 23. Arrays In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #23
 24. Exercise 2: Solution + Shoutouts: C Tutorial In Hindi #24
 25. Exercise 3 On Recursions: C Tutorial In Hindi #25
 26. Pointers In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #26
 27. Arrays And Pointer Arithmetic In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #27
 28. Exercise 3 On Recursions: Solution + Shoutouts: C Tutorial In Hindi #28
 29. Is Recursion Always Good? : C Tutorial In Hindi #29
 30. Exercise 4: Printing Star Patterns In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #30
 31. Call by Value & Call By Reference In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #31
 32. Passing Arrays As Function Arguments: C Tutorial In Hindi #32
 33. Star Pattern In C - Exercise 4 Solution: C Tutorial In Hindi #33
 34. Strings In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #34
 35. String Functions In C & string.h Library: C Tutorial In Hindi #35
 36. Array Reversal In C - Exercise 5: C Tutorial In Hindi #36
 37. Structures In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #37
 38. Typedef In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #38
 39. Unions In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #39
 40. C Language Array Reversal Exercise 5: Solution: C Tutorial In Hindi #40
 41. C Language HTML Parser Exercise 6: C Tutorial In Hindi #41
 42. Static Variables In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #42
 43. C Tutorial Exercise 6: Solutions and Shout outs: C Tutorial In Hindi #43
 44. C Language Travel Agency Manager Exercise 7: C Tutorial In Hindi #44
 45. Memory Layout of C Programs - Dynamic Memory Allocation : C Tutorial In Hindi
 46. C Language Travel Agency Manager Exercise 7 Solution: C Tutorial In Hindi #46
 47. Dynamic Memory Allocation Malloc Calloc Realloc & Free(): C Tutorial In Hindi
 48. C Language Employee Manager Exercise 8: C Tutorial In Hindi #48
 49. Storage Classes In C Auto, Extern Static & Register Storage Classes: C Tutorial
In Hindi #49
 50. Employee Manager In C - Exercise 8 Solution: C Tutorial In Hindi #50
 51. Coding Rock, Paper, Scissors In C Exercise 9: C Tutorial In Hindi #51
 52. Void Pointer In C Language: C Tutorial In Hindi #52
 53. NULL Pointer In C Language: C Tutorial In Hindi #53
 54. Dangling Pointer In C Language: C Tutorial In Hindi #54
 55. Wild Pointer In C Language: C Tutorial In Hindi #55
 56. Rock, Paper & Scissors In C Language - Exercise 9 Solution: C Tutorial In Hindi
 57. Matrix Multiplication In C Language - Exercise 10 Solution: C Tutorial In Hindi
 58. C Pre-processor Introduction & Working: C Tutorial In Hindi #58
 59. #define and #include Preprocessor Directives: C Tutorial In Hindi #59
 60. Predefined Macros & Other Pre-processor Directives: C Tutorial In Hindi #60
 61. Matrix Multiplication in C - Exercise 10 Solution: C Tutorial In Hindi #61
 62. File I/O In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #62
 63. Check Palindrome In C Language - Exercise 11: C Tutorial In Hindi #63
 64. Functions For File I/O In C Language: C Tutorial In Hindi #64
 65. Palindrome Number Program in C Language: C Tutorial In Hindi #65
 66. Automated Receipt Generator In C - Exercise 12: C Tutorial In Hindi #66
 67. File modes, fgets, fputs, fgetc, fputc & more on C file handling: C Tutorial In Hindi
 68. Command Line Arguments In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #68
 69. Automated Bill Generator In C (Solution) - Exercise 12: C Tutorial In Hindi #69
 70. Command Line Calculator In C - Exercise 13: C Tutorial In Hindi #70
 71. [Solved] Command Line Calculator In C Ex.13 : C Tutorial In Hindi #71
 72. Function Pointers In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #72
 73. Callback Functions Using Function Pointers In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #73
 74. Exercise 13 Area of the Circle Using Function Pointers: C Tutorial In Hindi #74
 75. Memory Leak In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #75
 76. Area of Circle In C Exercise 14 Solution: C Tutorial In Hindi #76
Variables & Data Types In C: C Tutorial In Hindi #6

 Description
 Code
In this tutorial we’ll discuss about Variables and Data Types:

Variable -:
·      A variable is a name or an identifier which is given to any storage
area or memory location.

Actually, Variable doesn’t hold a value but it’s the name given to any
memory address in RAM. It means variable is the way to access that
memory address of Ram so that we can store or manipulate data in
that memory address or memory block.

·      It’s a name of memory location.

Declaring a variable -:

·      Variables are declared by writing :

Typeofvariable name;

·      For E.g. : char abc; , int num1; , float add; etc.

Initializing a Variable -:

·      Initializing means entering data in that variable i.e. storing some

value in that variable.

·      Variable can be initialized and declared as :

Typeofvariable name = value;

·      For E.g. : int num1 = 52; , char demo = ‘A’; ,

float add=56.28; etc.

Rules for defining a variable in C :-

·      Variable name can contain alphabets, digits, and underscore (_).

For E.g. : int demo_xyz;

·     Variable name can start with an alphabet and underscore only.

For E.g. : int _demo; , int de_mo;

·      It can’t start with a digit.

·      No whitespace and reserved keywords are allowed to use as a

variable name.

·      Valid Variable Names :

int demo; , float demo123; , char _demo123; etc.

·      Invalid Variable Names :

$demo; , int 123demo; , char float;

Data Types -:
·      Data type is the type of data that variable holds.

·      These are used for assigning a type to a variable.

 The words which are both data type and keyword in C Language are known
as Primitive Data Type.

Such as int, char, float, double and void.

·     Basic Data Type: These are the fundamental data type of C


E.g. : int, char, float, double.

·      Derived Data Type: These are the data types which are made
with the help of Basic Data Types.

E.g. : array, pointer, structure, union.

·      Enumeration Data Type : enum.

·      Void Data Type : It is the data type which denotes the value
empty i.e. Void data type means “no data type”.

·      Data Type Size varies from architecture to architecture. It means

32bit architecture system can have some other size for any specific
data type then 64bit architecture system.

Here, is the list of size of all data types:

It is not necessary to define any variable with signed keyword
because all the variables by default are declared by signed
keyword only.

·     To Check Size of any data type in your architecture or

So, that’s all in this tutorial. We’ll discuss about Operators in next tutorial.

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