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Low vision devices.

Article  in  Nepalese journal of ophthalmology : a biannual peer-reviewed academic journal of the Nepal Ophthalmic Society : NEPJOPH · September 2010
DOI: 10.3126/nepjoph.v2i1.3710 · Source: PubMed

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4 authors, including:

Sudesh K Arya Sunandan Sood

Government Medical College & Hospital Government Medical College & Hospital


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Arya S K et al
Nep J Oph 2010;2(3):74-77
Low vision devices

Clinical Practice

Low vision devices

Arya S K, Kalia A, Pant K, Sood S

Department of Ophthalmology, Government Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh, India

A person with low vision has some useful sight. However, low vision usually interferes with the
performance of daily activities such as reading or driving. Because low vision cannot be improved
by mere traditional methods (i.e., the use of eyeglasses, contact lenses, etc), persons with low
vision often rely on the use of a number of different instruments, called low vision devices, and
tailored equipment for improved vision. Low vision devices are described in this article.

Introduction people over the age of 60 years worldwide, of which

Low vision is a condition that involves a minimal ability 355 million live in developing countries like India. WHO
to see (particularly central vision) which is usually 6/ estimates reveal that the prevalence of blindness in
18 or worse that is unresolved or uncorrected with people aged greater than 60 years in developing
traditional eyeglasses, contact lens, intraocular lens countries is 88 % compared to 11.2 % in the developed
implants or corrective surgery. Low vision is not the world.
same as blindness. Unlike a person who is blind, a
person with low vision has some useful sight. However, Although low vision can occur at any stage in life, it
low vision usually interferes with the performance of primarily affects the elderly. However, low vision is
daily activities such as reading or driving (Liz S, 2008). not a natural part of aging. Although most people
A person with low vision may not recognize images at experience some physiological changes with age
a distance or be able to differentiate colors of similar (presbyopia), these changes usually do not lead to low-
tones. vision. Most people develop low vision because of eye
diseases. The common causes of low vision and
According to WHO statistics (Resnokoff et al, 2004), blindness in the young are retinitis pigmentosa,
there are about 45 million blind and 135 million low- hereditary macular degeneration, cataract, optic atrophy
vision individuals, together comprising a total of 180 and glaucoma. Diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and age-
million visually- impaired people all over the world. A related macular degeneration account for 70 % of the
majority (90 %) of these individuals live in the least global burden of blindness in the elderly age group.
developed countries. Of the 180 million visually- Although, in most cases, persons with low vision have
impaired persons worldwide, 1.5 million are children disabled central vision (also called reading vision), there
(0-15 years) who are blind and approximately 5 million are other types of low vision which may include disabled
children have low vision. There are about 580 million or partial peripheral vision, disabled or partial color
vision, disabled or partial ability to adjust to different
light settings and disabled or partial ability to adjust to
Received: 07.07.2009 Accepted: 11.10.2009
Correspondence and reprint request to: Dr Sudesh K Arya, MD
different contrasts and glared vision. When vision
Professor and In-charge, Cornea services impairment is recognized early, treatment can be more
Department of Ophthalmology effective, enabling people to maintain as much
Government Medical College
Sector 32, Chandigarh-160030
independence as possible.
Telephone: 00-91-1722646352, 9646121656
Fax: 00-91-172-2609360
Email: [email protected]

Arya S K et al
Nep J Oph 2010;2(3):74-77
Low vision devices

Because low vision cannot be improved by mere

traditional methods (i.e., the use of eye glasses, contact
lenses, etc), persons with low vision often rely on the
use of a number of different instruments, called low
vision devices, and tailored equipment for improved
vision. Low vision devices, categorized as either optical
or non-optical, help to improve visual ability for millions
Fig 3 Spectacle Magnifier Fig 4 Spectacle magnifier
of people everyday. Half eyed with Base in child size
Optical devices
Simply stated, optical low-vision devices involve the
use of one of many types of lenses to improve vision
e.g. magnifying devices (i.e., magnifying eye glasses,
hand magnifiers, magnifying lamps, telescopic viewing
devices, etc.), closed circuit television, or CCTV
(involves enlarged images, exaggerated contrasts and
adjustable magnification).
Fig 5 Spectacle mounted fig 6 Spectacle mounted
Optical devices for distance vision tasks: Telescopic Lenses for Near Telescopic Lenses for
telescopes Distance
Distance-vision telescopes are the only optical devices
that assist low-vision patients with distance tasks when Magnifiers
conventional glasses are unsuccessful. Telescopes These could be either hand-held or stand magnifiers
improve the resolution of objects by enlarging the image, and are designed to help low-vision patients with short-
thus bringing the object closer, i.e. angular term spotting tasks like reading a newspaper or a book,
magnification. Telescopic lenses are not preferred due checking the mail, phone numbers and addresses.
to cosmetic reasons and because of restricted field of Hand-held magnifiers range from +10 to +24 D. These
view. are cheap and readily available, portable and foldable.
The disadvantages are a reduced field of view, the need
Spectacle magnifiers
to be held with the hands and a less acceptability than
These are monocular or binocular convex reading
glasses. Stand magnifiers are convex lenses with a fixed
lenses mounted in a standard full diameter or half eye
focus stand. They are good for reading purposes
frame. The convex lens functions to enlarge the images
especially in old patients with tremors. But they are
on to the retina. The powers range up to + 24 D. They
inconvenient to carry around and have a limited field
are used for long term reading, writing, needlework,
of view.
etc. The disadvantage is a requirement of close working
distance which may obstruct the illumination and make
writing difficult if the lens is stronger than + 10 D.

Fig 7 MonocularTelescopic Fig 8 Foldable(Pocket)

lenses for Distance Hand held Magnifier

Fig 1 Spectacle magnifier Fig 2 Magnified View of

adult size fig 1

Arya S K et al
Nep J Oph 2010;2(3):74-77
Low vision devices

Fig 9 Foldable(Pocket) Fig 10 Foldable(Pocket)

Hand held Magnifier Hand held Magnifier Fig 16 Check Guide Fig 17 Bold Line Paper

Fig 18 Colour identifier

Fig 11 Hand held Fig 12 Hand held

magnifier magnifier

Writing guide
This is very useful for writing on any paper.

Fig 13 Stand Magnifier Fig 14 Stand Magnifier

Glare control devices

Glare is distracting scattered light which can be
controlled with devices such as absorptive lenses, tints
and ultraviolet and antireflective coatings. Fig 19 Writing Guide Fig 21 Reading Guide

Fig 15 Tinted Lenses for

Glare Control
Signature guide
This is a rectangular black card with a rectangular cut-
out in the middle of the card. This can be a very useful
tool for signing on any paper.
Non-optical low-vision devices
They help bring images closer to the eyes and may
include the use of larger print items (i.e., magazines,
newspapers, books, calendars, address books,
cookbooks, dictionaries, games, playing cards, sheet Fig 22 Signature
music, street signs, etc.), larger and illuminated watches Guide
and clocks, writing guides and instruments that provide
voice instruction (i.e., computers) and instruments that
provide voice information (i.e., clocks, timers,
calculators, scales, key chains, etc).

Arya S K et al
Nep J Oph 2010;2(3):74-77
Low vision devices

Notex Conclusion
Currency note is placed behind the notex which has With the availability of a wide range of low-vision
seven serrated edges on one side. The first cut indicates devices, people with low vision also can enjoy a near
Rs 500, second Rs 100, third Rs 50, fourth Rs 10, fifth normal life with active vision.
Rs 5, sixth Rs 2 and the seventh Re 1.
Liz S (2008). Low vision and rehabilitation for older
people: integrating services into the health care
Fig 20 Notex system. J Comm Eye Health 21: 28-30.
Resnikoff S, Pascolini D, Etya’ale D et al (2004). Global
data on visual impairment in the year 2002. Bulletin
of the World Health Organization; 82: 844-51.

Source of support: nil. Conflict of interest: none


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