eFPS eBIR Presentation
eFPS eBIR Presentation
eFPS eBIR Presentation
1 1600 Monthly Remittance Return of Value - Added Tax and Other Percentage Monthly
Taxes Withheld
2 1600WP Remittance Return of Percentage Tax on Winnings and Prizes Withheld by Monthly
Race Track Operators
3 1601C Monthly Remittance Return of income Taxes Withheld on Compensation Monthly
6 1602 Monthly Remittance Return of Final Income Taxes Withheld On Interest Monthly
Paid on Deposits and Yield on Deposit Substitutes/Trust/Etc.
12 1701Q Quarterly Income Tax Return for Self-Employed Individuals, Estates and Quarterly
13 1702 Annual Income Tax Return for Corporation and Partnerships Annually
• 1702-RT (Regular)
• 1702-MX (Mixed)
• 1702-EX (Exempt)
14 1702Q Quarterly income Tax Return for Corporations and Partnerships Quarterly
15 1704 Improperly Accumulated Earnings Tax Return for Corporations Annually
21 2200AN Excise Tax Return for Automobiles and Non-Essential Goods Upon
Tax Returns Available for e-Filing
eFiling ePayment
pay through the
Enrollment Accomplish and internet banking
submit tax facilities of Authorized
returns online Agent Banks (AABs)
Electronic BIR Forms
What is eBIRFORMS?
• Provides taxpayers with an alternative mode of preparing and
filing tax returns that is easier and more convenient. The use
of eBIRForms by taxpayers will improve the BIR's tax return
data capture and storage thereby enhancing efficiency and
accuracy in the filing of tax returns.
Memory Settings:
• 2GB RAM (recommended)
Operating System:
• Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Download the eBIRForms package from any
of the following website:
• www.bir.gov.ph
• www.knowyourtaxes.ph
• www.dof.gov.ph
• Dropbox
Pay through
mobile phone
via GCash
Submit tax returns
Who are those mandated to
use eFPS and eBIRFORMS?
eBIRForms Mandated to File and Pay eFPS Mandated to file and pay
Accredited Tax Agents / Tax Practitioners and All its Client Tax Account Management Program (TAMP Taxpayers)
Taxpayers (RR No. 10-2014)
(RR No. 6-2014)
Accredited Printers and Supplemental Receipts/Invoices Accredited Importers and Prospective Importers required
(RR No. 6-2014) to Secure BIR ICC and BIR BCC (RR No. 10-2014)
Government Owned or Controlled Corporations Enterprises enjoying Fiscal Incentives (PEZA, BOI, Various
(RR No. 6-2014) Zone Authorities, Etc.) (RR No. 1-2010)
Note: Applicable only for Annual Income Tax Returns and Excise Tax Returns
The system will submit the accomplished tax
return form to BIR. AN EMAIL WILL ALSO BE
• For mobile payment taxpayers may use
GCash or
Then, click
Provide the correct answer to
the challenge question
Forgot Password
To immediately proceed
to paying the tax dues
after successful
submission of the Tax
Return Form, click on
“Proceed to Payment”
BIR Form No. 1601-C which BIR Form No. 0605 which is
is being used for the being used for the payment
remittance of withholding of annual registration fee,
taxes from employees. assessment from audit, etc.
In all Tax form screens,
the “Guidelines and
Instructions” link is
Clicking the “Guidelines and
Instructions” link will display
the Guidelines and Instructions
of the current form on screen
In all Tax form
screens, the “Help”
link is also present
Clicking on the “Help” link will
display the Help file on how to
fill up the form on screen
Tax Return Inquiry
Tax Return Inquiry
Access and login to eFPS, to go to eFPS User Menu Screen
The “Tax Return Search Result” screen appears for the chosen form, if you have
filed more than once for the period you have chosen. If search result yields only one
(1) record, the details of the single tax return record is displayed immediately.
Click on the
Number of the
return you have
chosen to view
the details
If you did not file any returns for the chosen
period, a message box will appear to say “No
Records Found”, and the Tax Return Search
screen once again appears
Tax Return Inquiry
for this form.
Tax Return Inquiry
If a number is generated,
signifies that the payment
is posted in TP ledger.
Status of end-to-end
Click on “Proceed to
Payment” button to perform e-
Enter the
amount you are
Then click
ePayment via Fund Transfer
A message box will
appear on screen once
you clicked the
“Submit” button.
Click OK to proceed to
the choosen AAB.
ePayment via Fund Transfer
eFPS will display a confirmation screen stating that your payment has been
successfully received and confirmed to eFPS the receipt of the payment instruction.
Note that the screen includes important information such as…