Pathology Question Bank
Pathology Question Bank
Pathology Question Bank
11. In the peptidoglycon of the bacterial cell wall the two sugar molecules are connected by
a) Peptide Cross links b) Glycosidic bond c) H-bond
16. Remote sensing for detecting and controlling disease severity is used in the following altitudes
a) 2 b) 3 c) 5
18. Measuring the size of the minute objects (spores) in a microscope is known as
a) Pathometry b) Micrometry c) Turbidometry
19. The two flask techniques used in the extraction of nematodes is based on the principle of
a) Counter flow of water b) Sedimentation c) Centrifugal force
26. Significant contribution on the epidemiology of disease cycle of stem rust of Wheat was made by
a) Mehta. K.C b) Mundkur. B.B c) Payak.M.M
a) 250 b) 82 c) 5 d) 130
31. Fungus with dichotomously branched sporangiophores at acute angles with curved pointed tips on
which sporangia are borne belong to
a) Perenospora b) Pesedoperenospora c) Bremia
32. Cleistothecium containing several asci bearing definite rigid appendages with coiled tips is
characteristic of genus
a) Uncinula b) Erysiphe c) Sphaerotheca
36. Phytoplasmas contain
a) RNA only b) DNA only c) RNA+ DNA
40. Agrocin-84 is a
a) Antibiotic b) Bacteriocin c) Phenolic compound
54. A biocontrol agent used to control root knot nematode
a) Pasteuria penetrans b) Pseudomonas fluorescence
61. Nematodes as plant parasites was reported for the first time by
a) N.A.Cobb b) Needham c) Kuhn d) Schmidt
62. Host plant on which Wheat rust fungus produces telial stage is known as
a) Alternate host b) Primary host c) Collateral host
65. Who advanced the Gene for gene concept of disease and resistance and susceptibility?
a) Biffen and Orton b) Flor c) Vander plank d) Gaumann
66. Fungi causing Downy mildew diseases are differentiated on the basis of
a) Sporangiophore character and germination of sporangia b) Teliospore characters
68. The famous Irish famine of 1842 was caused due to the outbreak of
a) Helminthosporiose of rice b) Stem rust of Wheat
71. Ragi variety resistant to neck blast
a) GPU-28 b) Indaf-9 c) Indaf-5
75. A typical long cycled rust fungus produces during its life cycle
a) 5 spore forms b) 2 spore forms c) 4 spore forms d) 3 spore forms
76. Puccinia graminis tritici produces the following spore from on Barberry vulgaris
a) Pycnia + Aecia b) Only aecia c) Only pycnia
77. The main source of inoculum for Xanthomonas citri pv.citri causing citrus canker
a) Bacteria present in soil in infected plant parts b) Bacteria carried through seeds
83. Seed treatment fungicide for the control Downy mildew disease of Sunflower
a) Apron 35 SD b) Sulphur wettable powder c) Thiram
84. Tomato leaf curl can be controlled by spraying
a) Mancozeb b) Triazophos (Hostathion) c) Ridomil MZ d) Tricyclazole
88. Bacteriophage is
a) Naked single stranded RNA particle b) A Virus infecting bacteria
c) A virus infecting eukaryotic cell d) Animal virus
90. Bacteriophages are used for forecasting the incidence of
a) Tungro disease of Rice b) Bacterial blight of Paddy c) Blast of Paddy
100. Covering tomato nursery with nylon net is followed for the control of
a) Bacterial wilt of tomato b) Tomato leaf curl c) Tomato root knot
107. Pasteuria penetrans is used as a biocontrol agent against
a) Bacterial wilt of tomato b) Root knot of tomato c) Panama disease of Banana
126. The teliospores of Sphacelotheca sorghi causing grain smut of sorghum can remain viable for
a) 2 year b) 4 years c) 13 years d) < 1 year
127. Fungi with coenocytic hyaline mycelium producing sporangiophores similar to vegetative hyphae or
if different than o f indefinite growth belong to family
a) Pythiaceae b) Perenosporaceae c) Albuginaceae
128. The total number of amino acids in the protein subunits of TMV consists of
a) 260 amino acids b) 258 amino acids c) 158 amino acids d) 126 amino acids
129. The total mass of nucleoprotein of different virus particles vary from
a) 1-3 million Da b) 4.6-73 million Da c) 3.5-6.7 million Da
132. The total amount of DNA in the chromosomes of a bacterium viz Escherichia coli is about
a) 9800 kb b) 4700 kb c) 100 d) 1500
a) 8 nm b) 20 nm c) 5 nm d) 2 nm
134. N-Acetyglucosaminoacid and N-acetyl muramic acid in the peptidoglycon unit is linked by
a) β 1, 4- glycosidic bond b) Interpeptide linkage c) Phosphate bond
135. Approximate threshold density of Globodera rostochinensis for causing damage to potato crop
a) 31 cysts/100 g of soil b) 4-10 eggs/g of soil c) 10 cysts /100g of soil
146. Turnip shaped single celled pedicellate teliospore borne singly is a characteristic of genus
a) Puccinia b) Uromyces c) Hemilia
147. Bakane disease of rice caused due to the production of any one of the following by the fungal
a) Gibberellins b) Cytokinins c) Toxins d) Auxins
148. Plant disease which affect the absorption and accumulation of water and minerals
a) Root rot b) Wilts c) Damping off
149. The incubation period for stem rust of wheat in South India is
a) one month b) 27 days c) 12-15 days
152. The immersion oil used in the compound microscope has a refractive index of
a) 1.515 b) 1.60 c) 1.40
153. Most viruses move longer distances through the plants in the
a) Xylem b) Plasmodesmata c) Phloem
155. The number of days required for most of the viruses to move out of inoculated leaf is
a) 2 to 5 days b) 1 month c) 45 days
161. The no. of spores produced by Puccinia graminis tritici during its life cycle is
a) 5 b) 3 c) 2
164. NEPO viruses are transmitted by nematode genera
a) Meloidogyne b) Radopholus c) Xiphinema
c) Erwinia caratovora
168. A fungal antagonist used in the biological control of soil borne fungal diseases
a) Trichoderma spp b) Fusarium solani c) Bacillus subtilis
177. A systemic fungicide used for the control of Powdery mildew diseases
a) Wettable Sulphur b) Tridemorph (Calixin) c) Tricyclazole (beam) d) Fosetyl-Al
184. Stem rust of wheat caused by Puccinia graminis tritici has been successfully cultured on medium by
a) Waksman b) Williams c) Coleman d) Cobb
188. Certain bacteria to gain entry into host tissues to dissolve cell wall of the plant it produce
a) Pectolytic enzyme b) Gibberellic acid c) Phytotoxin
190. Rhizoctonia solani a root rot causing pathogen comes under order
a) Monilia b) Sphaeropsidales c) Mycelia sterilia
191. In case of Uncinula nicator ascocarp consists of more number of asci appendages type is
a) Coiled type b) Myceloid type c) Dichotomously branched type
192. In 1927 discovered the functions of Spermatia and their role in dikaryotization by
a) Craigie b) Bawden c) Thirumalachar
193. One of the important cultural method suggested for eradication of Fusarium oxysporum fsp. cubense
from soil is
a) Summer ploughing b) Flooding the soil c) FYM application
198. A major threat for pomegranate cultivation in recent days is bacterial blight and it is caused by
a) Xanthomonas campestris pv.campestirs b) Ralstonia solanacearum
200. Citrus tristeza could be effectively managed by
a) Grafting b) Spraying insecticides c) Cross protection
204. Turnip shaped single celled pedicellate teliospore borne singly is characteristic of
a) Puccinia b) Hemelia c) Melampsora
205. Viroid- a new infectious agent causing potato spindle tuber disease was first reported by
a) Doi et al b) Diener c) Stanley d) Kassanis
c) Post emergence damping off of seedlings d) Pre emergence damping off of seedlings
213. A computer software system developed for field sampling of diseased specimens
a) Tom cast b) Field Runner c) Area gram d) Blitecast
214. A computerized disease forecasting system for the occurrence of late blight of potato
a) Blitecast b) Disease.Pro. c) Tom cast
229. Teliospore is a
a) Sexual b) Asexual c) Vegetative
233. The most common method used for the extraction of nematode from soil is
a) Blender and sieving method b) Baermann’s funnel method
235. Tomato leaf curl disease is transmitted by
a) Thrips b) Whitefly c) Aphids d) leaf hoppers
237. A rust fungus that completes its entire lifecycle on single host is called as
a) Heteroecious b) Autoecious c) Brachy type d) Endo type
244. Cleistothecium is a
a) Sexual fruiting body b) Perithecium with an opening
257. The genus of powdery mildew pathogen that produces both external and internal mycelium is
a) Leveillula b) Microsphaera c) Podosphaera d) Phyllactinia
260. The primary source of infection for black rot of cabbage is
a) Seed b) Air c) Soil d) Water
c) Pest and disease act 1914 d) Destructive insect and disease act 1914
267. The first person to transmit virus infection from infected to healthy plant is
a) Mayer b) Iwanowski c) Beijerinck d) E.F.Smith
270. Bordeaux mixture 0.5% is prepared by mixing copper sulphate and lime water in the proportion
a) 1.5:1.5:50 b) 0.5:0.5:50 c) 1:1:50 d) 0.25:0.25: 50
274. Which of the following statement is not correct in respect of Sphacelotheca sorghi
a) Entire head is smutted b) Spores are viable for more than ten years
c) Spores are externally seed borne d) Most destructive of all the smuts recorded on Sorghum
276. The sclerotial bodies of Claviceps microcephala upon germination produce the following spores and
fruiting bodies
a) Conidia in pycnidium b) Ascospores in apothecia
279. Which of the following statement with reference to Phytophthora spp. is incorrect?
a) P.palmivora causes bud rot in coconut
b) P.capsici causes fruit rot in areca
c) P.arecae causes nut rot in areca
d) P.palmivora causes leaf fall and fruit rot in mandarin
280. Elsinoe ampelina causes anthracnose in
a) Citrus b) Mango c) Strawberry d) Grapes
282. Which is the most effective chemical to control downy mildew in maize?
a) Mancozeb b) Ridomil MZ c) Aliette d) Akomin
292. Frog eye spot of tobacco is a serious disease caused by
a) Cercospora moricola b) C.nigricans c) C.lycopersicum d) C.nicotianae
294. Citrus canker caused by Xanthomonas citri has been suggested to be originated from
a) China and Pakistan b) Japan and China c) Java and India d) America and Guatemala
299. Of the 25 virus disease recorded in India on Potato, the most destructive one is
a) Leaf roll b) Rugose mosaic c) PV-X d) PV-Y
300. Yellow mosaic of Bhendi and mosaic disease of Cassava are transmitted by
a) Aphis craccivora b) Bemisia tabaci c) Myzus persicae d) Toxoptera aurantii
303. The primary source of inoculum for stem and fruit canker of tomato is
a) Soil borne only b) Seed borne only c) Soil and seed borne d) Air borne
306. Sandal spike was first reported from India in the year
a) 1890 b) 1889 c) 1880 d) 1898
307. Meloidogyne sp is
a) Migratory endoparasite b) Endoparasite
310. Little leaf of Brinjal is caused by
a) Phytoplasma b) Virus c) Viroid d) Bacteria
311. A fungus causing wart of potato is
a) A saprophyte b) A facultative parasite c) A facultative saprophyte d) An obligate
327. A button like structure which penetrate the host and draws nutrients
a) Rhizoid b) Appressorium c) Rhizomorph d) Haustoria
328. A plant viral disease of seed borne nature
a) Potato virus b) Cassava virus c) Common bean mosaic virus
335. An endophytic powdery mildew genus having the cleistothecial characters like indefinite myceloid
a) Microsphaera b) Sphaerotheca c) Phyllactinia d) Leveillula
342. Cross protection can be achieved by inoculating the plants first with
a) Attenuated strain b) Mild strain of same virus
346. Dikaryotic mycelium is a distinct feature of fungi belonging to
a) Ascomycotina b) Diplomastigomycotina c) Deuteromycotina d) Basidiomycotina
353. Practical and feasible method in managing soil borne diseases is through
a) Chemotherapy b) Crop rotation c) Biological control d) Use of disease resistant varieties
357. A culturable cell wall less fastidious prokaryote causing plant diseases is
a) Richetssia like organisms b) Phytoplasma c) Spiroplasma d) Bacteria like organism
363. L.C.Coleman was a general pathologist during 1914 but worked and suggested control measures for
a) Koleroga of Areca b) Tur wilt c) Late blight of potato d) Blister blight of Cocoa
366. Downy mildew causing pathogens, powdery mildew causing pathogens and rust causing pathogens
a) Obligate parasites b) Facultative saprophytes
c) Obligate saprophytes d) Facultative parasites
368. Teliospores are single celled, papillate and stalked, the genus identified as
a) Puccinia b) Phragmidium c) Uromyces d) Hemilia
369. One of the chemical weapons secreted by the pathogen in production of disease in plants
a) Pathogen related proteins b) Phytotoxins c) Phytoalexins
372. When plant showed the partial resistance against all the races of pathogen then it is a type of:
a) Horizontal resistance b) Vertical resistance
c) Induced resistance d) Non-host resistance
381. Genus Alternaria belongs to family
a) Luberculariaceae b) Moniliaceae c) Dematiaceae
385. The most widely used granulated formulations have granule size of
a) 0.1 to 1 mm b) 0.2 to 1 mm c) 0.3 to 1 mm d) 0.4 to 1 mm
386. The additive chemicals which possess surface modifying properties are called as
a) Wetting agents b) Spreaders c) Penetrants d) Surfactants
389. Phytoalexin inducers viz ferric chloride, nickel nitrate etc., offer protection against
a) Blast b) Rice tungro c) Brown leaf spot d) Bacterial leaf blight
391. The causal agent of foot rot or Bakane disease of rice produces
a) Gibberellic acid b) Fusaric acid c) Both d) None
397. Sudden and complete wilting in cotton is due to
a) Root rot by Rhizoctonia solani b) Root rot by Rhizoctonia bataticola
411. Gram +ve plant pathogen
a) Streptomyces b) Clavibacter c) Erwinia d) None
421. Veinal clearing and veinal chlorosis of leaf is the chief symptom of the disease
a) Leaf curl of chilli b) Tomato leaf curl
426. Rice Tungro virus has two kinds of particles which are
a) Bacilliform and spherical/isometric b) Both bacilliform
443. B.B.Mundkur wrote
a) Fungi and Disease in Plants b) Fungi and Plant diseases
449. Once the pathogen has established in an area, steps taken to remove or destroy is known as
a) Exclusion b) Eradication c) Protection d) Prevention
459. Transduction is a process of multiplication in
a) Fungi b) Bacteria c) Bacteriophages d) Nematode
461. The organisms in the order Peronosporales cause the disease known as
a) Rust b) Smut c) Downy mildew d) Powdery mildew
464. In India Destructive insect and pest act was promulgated in the year
a) 1912 b) 1914 c) 1922 d) 1947
466. Fungi which can grow only on living host plant are called
a) Obligate saprophytes b) Obligate parasites
c) Facultative parasites d) Saprophytes
476. Who gave the term pasteurization?
a) De bary b) Louis Pasteur c) Robert Koch d) Leeuwenhoek
c) The joint association of the two organisms on a carbohydrate resulting in the production of gas
that is not formed by either organism cultivated separately
479. Which are the cellulose attacking fungi at the time of decomposition of organic compound?
a) Trichoderma, Aspergillus b) Ganoderma, Psalliotta
482. Consider the following process on host plant occurring during pathogenesis
1) Landing of inoculum 2) Penetration 3) Germination
488. When bacterial cells are subjected to unfavourable conditions they form
a) Oospores b) Zoospores c) Endospores d) Cyst
490. Mycoplasma disease of plant was first reported by
a) Butler b) Brefeld c) De Bary d) Doi et al and Ishiie et al
497. In which rust pustules are arranged in end to end manner and forming stripe
a) Yellow rust b) Orange rust c) Black rust d) White rust
510. Albugo is a
a) Obligate parasite b) Facultative parasite c) Saprophyte d) Predator
516. Solar energy treatment for the control of loose smut of Wheat was given by
a) Shrivdle b) Luthra and Sattar c) Mitra d) Butler
c) a and b
525. Black tip of mango is caused by
a) Pythium b) Born deficiency c) Phytophthora d) Zinc deficiency
529. Leveillula is a
a) Ectoparasite b) Endoparasite c) a and b d) None of the above
541. The microorganism used in brewing industry is
a) Aspergillus b) Yeast c) Rhizobium d) Virus
544. A virus particle with both nucleic acid and protein coat is known as
a) Virion b) Viroid c) Capsid d) All the above
559. Didelphic means nematodes with
a) One ovary b) Two ovaries c) One testis d) Two testis
560. Heterodera belongs to super family
a) Atylenchoidea b) Neotylenchoidea c) Tylenchoidea d) Heteroderoidea
561. Trichodorus belongs to family
a) Trichodoridae b) Heteroderidae c) Naccobbidae d) Longidoridae
578. Choose the correct statement
a) Zoospores of chytridiomycetes and hyphochytridiomycetes are uniflagellate but tinsel type in
former and whiplash type in later
b) Both the above mentioned classes have tinsel type flagellum
579. Seed potato is not transported from Darjeeling area to other parts of the country because of
a) Domestic quarantine b) High transport cost involved
585. Sexual spores in oomycetes are known as oospores while asexual spores as
a) Zoospores b) Ascospores c) Basidiospores
588. Obligate organisms are those organisms which can obtain food from:
a) Only living protoplasm
b) Only dead organic material
c) From living as well as dead organic material depending upon the need.
589. Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes are known as
a) Higher fungi b) Lower fungi c) Imperfect fungi
592. White rust of crucifers caused by Albugo candida belongs to class
a) Basidiomycetes b) Ascomycetes c) Oomycetes d) None of the above
603. Emisan is a
a) Copper fungicide b) Organomercurial
605. Karathane is a
a) Fungicide b) Insecticide c) Nematicide d) Bactericide
606. When a disease is more or less constantly present from year to year in a moderate to severe form, in
a particular country or part of the earth then it is known as
a) Epiphytic b) Sporadic c) Pandemic d) Endemic
608. First bacterial disease known as fire blight of pears was reported for the first time
a) Brefeld b) Cobb c) F.C.Bawden d) Needham
609. The father of modern Plant Pathology is considered to be
a) E.J.Butler b) J.F.Dastur c) G.S.Kulkarni d) B.B.Mundkur
612. Dying of plant organs, especially stems or branches from tip to backward is known as
a) Sun scald b) Die-back c) Witling d) Necrosis
613. Bacteria having one flagellum at each end of the cell are known as
a) Atrichous b) Lophotrichous c) Amphitrichous d) Monotrichous
614. Hyphal structures sent in to the host cell by different fungi to absorb the nutrients are known as
a) Appressoria b) Haustoria c) Sclerotia d) Rhizobia
615. The most destructive phase of the bacterial blight disease of rice is known as
a) Kresek b) Necrosis c) Blight d) Die-back
617. The tundu disease of wheat is usually associated with a nematode known as
a) Anguina tritici b) Meloidogyne incognita
619. Plasmodiophora brassicae causal agent of club root of crucifers was first fully described by
a) Iwanowski b) Woronin c) K.C.Mehta d) Curtis
620. Raising the pH of the field soil to 7 or above by adding lime (Calcium carbonate) gives good control
a) Wart diseases of potato b) Late blight of potato
621. Late blight of potato was introduced in India for the first time in
a) Shimla hills b) Darjeeling c) Nilgiri hills d) None of the above
623. Seedling blight of castor caused by Phytophthora parasitica was first recorded and studied by
a) Mathur b) Dastur c) Mundkur d) K.C.Mehta
626. Green ear disease of bajra is also known as
a) Bunchy top b) Witches broom c) Downy mildew d) None of the above
630. Which pathogen caused heavy losses to wine industry in France due to its epidemic in 1875?
a) Phytophthora infestans b) Helminthosporium oryzae
c) Plasmopora viticola d) Uncinula nicator
631. Resting structures of Protomyces macrosporus causing stem gall of coriander are
a) Oospores b) Ascospores c) Chlamydospores d) None of the above
638. Cleistothecia are the primary survival structures of Erysiphe graminis which survive in the
a) Seed b) Soil c) Both a and b d) None of the above
642. Ring spot disease of sugarcane is caused by
a) Ascochyta sp. b) Colletotrichum falcatum
c) Clavibacter xyli d) Leptosphaeria sacchari
643. The most common stage of the fungus causing stem rot of paddy is
a) Ascigerous b) Myceloid c) Sclerotial d) Conidial
644. The sclerotia of ergot disease yield an alkaloid ‘Ergotin’ which when assimilated in the blood of man
or cattle affects the
a) Muscular system b) Respiratory system
c) Nervous system d) None of the above
645. The asci of Claviceps fusiformis are cylindrical each of which contains 8 ascospores which are
a) Filiform and hyaline b) Round c) Oval d) Square
646. The sphacelia stage of Claviceps purpurea is also known as honey dew stage which is full of
a) Conidia b) Ascospores c) Asci d) Perithecia
649. Apple scab disease which earlier was confined to Kashmir in India spread to Himachal Pradesh after
a) 1943 b) 1965 c) 1973 d) 1985
655. Solar energy treatment of wheat seed is recommended for the control of
a) Loose smut b) Karnal bunt c) Hill bunt d) Black rust
658. Smut of bajra is caused by
a) Tolyposporium penicillariae b) Ustilago tritici
660. Karnal bunt of wheat was reported for the first time in 1931 by
a) Mundkur b) Bedi c) Prasad d) Mitra
663. In which country was flag smut of wheat was observed for the first time
a) India b) USA c) Australia d) South Africa
665. Which of the following rusts is the earliest to appear on wheat in India?
a) Black rust b) Yellow rust c) Brown rust d) None of the above
668. Which of the combined seed treatments provide an effective control of stripe disease of barley?
a) Vitavax + Thiram b) Bavistin + Thiram
669. Causal agent of leaf spot disease of rice caused by Helminthosporium oryzae is also known as
a) Drechslera tetramera b) Drechslera oryzae
670. Kitazin and Hinosan are the fungicides which are used for the control of
a) Paddy blast b) Early blight of potato c) Cereal rusts d) Brown spot of rice
673. The fruiting bodies produced by the fungus Ascochyta rabiei are known as
a) Perithecia b) Pycnidia c) Acervuli d) Apothecia
676. The activity of Rhizoctonia solani causing stem canker and black scurf of potato can be suppressed
by a biocontrol agent
a) Gliocladium b) Aspergillus c) Trichoderma d) Entomophthora
678. Molya disease of barley, in India, was first reported from Rajasthan by Prasad et al in the year
a) 1959 b) 1969 c) 1979 d) 1989
680. Which of the following viruses transmitted through all the modes of the transmission viz. through
sap, grafting, tubers and aphids
a) Vein-banding severe mosaic of potato b) Potato leaf roll
681.Yellow mosaic of legumes is caused by Mung bean yellow mosaic virus which belongs to
a) Potex group b) Potyvirus group c) Carla virus group d) Geminivirus group
682. Bunchy top of banana which had been considered a virus disease (Banana virus 1.) according to the
recent opinion is now known to be caused by
a) Fungus b) Bacterium c) Mycoplasma like organism
683. Mycoplasma like organisms as plant pathogens were proposed for the first time in 1967 by
a) Doi et al b) Bawden c) Smith d) Ivanowski
c) Smoke and sulphur dioxide emitted from the brick kilos d) None of the above
685. The book entitled “Fungicides in Plant disease control” has been written by
a) R.S.Singh b) B.B.Mundkur c) Y.L.Nene and P.N.Thapliyal
686. Floral parts are converted into greenish leaf like structure in monocots is called
a) Phyllody b) Green ear c) Greening d) Sterility
692. The vegetative structure of the fungus which helps in the absorption of nutrients
a) Appresoria b) Haustoria c) Conidia
708. The disease can be classified based on
a) Host plants affected and causal organism involved
b) Plant parts affected
c) Symptoms produced on the host plants
d) All of the above
709. Wart disease of potato caused by Synchytrium endobioticum
a) Endemic disease b) Epidemic disease c) Pandemic disease d) Sporadic disease
712. A thick strand of somatic hyphae resembling a rod top is generally termed as
a) Sclerotium b) Stroma c) Rhizomorph d) Haustorium
713. A mat of hyphae giving rise to short conidiophores closely packed together is termed as
a) Aecium b) Acervulus c) Synemma d) Pycnidium
714. Green ear is a proliferation of flower parts into greenish leaf like structure generally noticed in
a) Ragi and Bajra b) Rose and Chrysanthemum c) Red gram and Safflower
717. Most of the virus diseases are more virulent when the temperature is in between
a) 5 to 15 0C b) 20 to 25 0C c) 15 to 20 0C d) 0 to 10 0C
720. Fire blight on apple and pear by Erwinia bacterium was first reported by
a) Burill b) Smith c) Hiruta d) Williams
721. The chain of events involved in disease development, including the stages of the pathogen and effect
of disease on the host-this phenomenon is generally termed as
a) Life cycle b) Disease cycle c) Infection cycle d) None of the above
722. A compound which prevents fungal growth without killing fungus is termed as
a) Fungicide b) Fungistatic c) Fumigant d) None of the above
725. Zero stage of fruiting body in basidiomycetes in
a) Aecium b) Basidium c) Uredium d) None of above
726. Sterile threads arises at the base of the perithecium, upward direction between asci
a) Periphysis b) Paraphysis c) Periphysoid d) None of the above
739. The dormant spore which is vegetative spore but not asexual spore is
a) Sclerotia b) Chlamydospore c) Mycelium d) All the above
743. Complete root phanerogamic parasite
a) Orobanche b) Striga c) Mistletoes d) Cuscuta spp
753. The mycorrhizal fungi producing spores singly in soil or on sporocarp containing zygospores,
chlamydospore or sporangia belongs to class
a) Mucorales b) Endogonales c) Saproleginales d) Peronosporales
754. The imperfect fungi wherein sexual reproduction and structures lacking/unknown comes under
a) Ascomycotina b) Zygomycotina c) Deuteromycotina d) Mastigomycotina
757. The wood decaying and root rot fungi grouped under class
a) Hymenomycetes b) Agnomycetes c) Hemibasidiomycetes
761. Elongated shape plant virus contain
a) Higher percentage of nucleic acid b) Lower percentage of nucleic acid
768. The insects which feed on infected plants for several minutes / hours to few days before they
accumulate the enough virus for transmission. These type of viruses are
a) Non persistent b) Semi persistent c) Persistent d) None of the above
769. The stylet borne viruses persist in the vector for only few minutes to hours are known as
a) Non persistent b) Semi persistent c) Persistent d) None of the above
770. Viruses which persist in vectors for few days are known as
a) Semi persistent b) Persistent c) Non persistent d) None of the above
772. Leaf hopper and plant hopper transmitted virus causes disturbances in plants that arise primarily in
the region of
a) Phloem b) Xylem c) Both a and b d) None of the above
778. The genomic content of Fiji virus is
a) ss RNA b) ds RNA c) ss DNA d) ds DNA
780. Use of mild strain for protection of plants against to severe strain of same virus is called
a) Crop rotation b) Roughing c) Cross protection d) None of the above
790. The measure of overall stability of the complex between antibodies and antigens is called
a) Avidity b) Affinity c) Titer d) None of the above
792. The relative measure of the concentration of specific antibody in an antiserum is called as
a) Avidity b) Affinity c) Titer d) None of the above
794. The density gradient centrifugation as a method for purifying virus was first developed by
a) Adam and Clark, 1977 b) Brakke, 1951 c) Hull, 1995 d) Stanley, 1936
796. The genome size of potyvirus is
a) 2 kb b) 3 kb c) 8.5-10 kb d) 15-20 kb
799. Papaya ring spot virus transmitted by several aphid spp in the
a) Persistent manner b) Semi persistent c) Non persistent d) All the above
807. The parenchyma close to the veins in green and rest of the lamina surface shows chlorosis is called
a) Vein banding b) Vein clearing c) Viriscence d) Fern leaf
808. Small out growth from the lower surface of leaf is called as
a) Enations b) Tumours c) Both a and b d) None of the above
c) Pumpkin yellow vein mosaic virus d) Banana bunchy top virus
818. In 1845, the late blight of potato destroyed the potato crop of Ireland was caused by
a) Phytophthora infestans b) Alternaria solani
819. In 1943, Bengal had faced a serious famine which cause a great loss in rice yield caused by
a) Helminthosporium oryzae b) Pyricularia oryzae
b) Epidemic - The diseases which appear very virulently among the people
e) Pandemic – disease not prevalent through the country, continent or the world
823. Who described the first plant nematode disease, the seed gall caused by Anguina tritici in 1743 A.D?
a) Berkeley b) Kuhn c) Needham d) N.A.Cobb
824. For the first time who reported that a plant disease (Fire blight of pear) was caused by bacterium
(Erwinia amylovora) in 1882
a) Robert Koch b) E.F.Smith c) Beijerinck d) T.J.Burill
825. The first Indian scientist who collected and identified fungi in India
a) E.J.Butler b) K.R.Kirtikar c) J.F.Dastur d) K.C.Mehta
829. A bacteria which have a large number of flagella all over the cell is categorized in
a) Atrichous b) Amphitrichous c) Lophotrichous d) Peritrichous
832. J.C.Luthra and his associates developed the solar heat treatment of wheat seeds for the control of
a) Black rust b) Loose smut c) Seed gall d) Brown rust
833. Citrus canker (Lesions) which originated from China is caused by pathogen
a) Xanthomonas campestris pv citri b) Albugo candida
837. Select the disease (s) caused by Mycoplasma like organisms (MLO)
a) Brinjal little leaf b) Rice yellow dwarf
838. Select the organism which cannot synthesize protein by own enzymes
a) Bacteria b) Mycoplasma c) RLO d) Virus
839. Bacterial leaf blight of rice caused by Xanthomonas campestirs pv oryzae is commonly controlled by
seed treatment and foliar spray of the chemical in India
a) Streptocycline b) Agrimycin c) Aretan d) RH-893
840. Tundu disease (Yellow ear rot) of Wheat caused by Clavibacter tritici is usually associated with
a) Heterodera avenae b) Anguina tritici c) Melodogyne incognita d) Pratylenchus sp
841. Sandal spike disease of sandal (Santalum album) is caused by
a) Bacteria b) Fungi c) MLO d) Virus
842. The adjacent cells of the same fungal hypha brought into communication with each other by means
of loops is known as
a) Transduction b) Transformation c) Clamp connection d) Conjugation
844. How many ascospores are enclosed in the mother cell, the ascus in ascomycetes?
a) 4 b) 6 c) 8 d) 10
845. The ascus is a sexual fruit of ascomycetes having a globose shape but no ostiole (opening) known as
a) Cleistothecia b) Perithecia c) Apothecia d) All of these
847. The black wart disease of potato specially confined to Darjeeling hills is caused by the pathogen
a) Synchytrium endobioticum b) Plasmodiophora brassicae
849. The perfect stage of Colletotrichum falcatum (causes red rot of sugarcane) is
a) Glomerella tucumanensis b) Glomerella cingulata
854. Plasmodiophora brassicae causes the club root disease of crucifers can be controlled by
a) Raising pH of soil b) Decreasing pH of soil c) Both a and b d) None of these
856. The spores which are produced typically by the binucleate mycelium and mainly function as
repeating spores for the spread of rust disease in wheat is called
a) Aeciospores b) Basidiospores c) Urediospores d) Teleutospores
858. The disease damping off seedlings during nursery stage is caused by the pathogen
a) Physoderma maydis b) Pythium aphanidermatum
859. The optimum temperature for the attack of foot rot of papaya (Pythium aphanidermatum) is
a) 22 0C b) 28 0C c) 32 0C d) 36 0C
862. The gummosis disease of citrus which is caused by Phytophthora palmivora is identified by
a) Death of shoot tip b) Root knot c) Chlorosis d) Oozing of gum
863. Albugo candida causes white blisters or white rust of crucifers is a /an
a) Obligate parasite b) Obligate saprophyte
865. The green ear or downy mildew disease of pearl millet was first time reported in India by
a) K.C.Mehta b) E.J.Butler c) B.B.Mundkur d) R.Prasad
868. The symptoms of powdery mildew of pea (caused by Erysiphe polygoni) first appears on
a) Stem b) Roots c) Leaves d) Flowers
872. Select the disease in which small droplets of pinks or light honey coloured fluid (The honey dew
stage) exudes from the spikelets
a) Citrus canker b) Green ear disease of bajra
874. The most striking symptom of false smut of rice (Claviceps oryzae-sativae) is/are
a) Transformation of individual kernels into large, velvety, green balls
b) Sometimes the size of kernel are more than twice the diameter of normal grain
d) All of these
878. The plants produce a whip like black shoot, often very long and much curved on itself in smut of
sugarcane is caused by pathogen
a) Ustilago nuda b) Ustilago tritici c) Ustilago scitaminea d) Ustilago hordei
882. The common bunt, stinking smut or hill bunt of wheat is caused by the pathogen
a) Tilletia tritici b) Tilletia foetida c) Both a and b d) Neovossia indica
886. The causal organism of bunt of rice is
a) Urocystis tritici b) Tilletia foetida c) Aeciospores d) Basidiospores
887. The effective control of flag smut of wheat (Urocystis tritici) can be done by adopting of
a) Use of resistant varieties b) Seed treatment c) Crop rotation d) All of these
888. Which type of spores of Puccinia graminis tritici infect the barberry plant
a) Teliospores b) Urediospores c) Aeciospores d) Basidiospores
891. In India the leaf rust of coffee was first time recorded in
a) 1856 b) 1870 c) 1880 d) 1943
893. The rust of linseed and flax can be completely controlled by spray of
a) Borax b) Dithane M-45 c) Vitavax d) Agrosan
895. For the effective control of early blight of potato, which fungicide is most suitable?
a) Zineb b) Dithane M-45 c) Blitox-50 d) Difolatan
899. The fungus of Drechslera oryzae produces toxins which are highly toxic to rice seedlings, name of
such toxin is
a) ABA b) Trimethyl amine c) Isobutylene d) Cochliobolus
903. Wilt of pigeon pea is caused by
a) Fusarium udum b) Gibberella indica
904. For the effective control of wilt, pigeon pea should be intercropped with
a) Maize b) Pearl millet c) Sorghum d) Mung
905. The most important symptom of wilt of cotton (caused by Fusarium oxysporum fsp vasinfectum) is
a) Necrosis b) Yellowing of tissues
906. Wilt disease of sugarcane was first time reported in India from
a) Punjab b) Tamil Nadu c) Bihar d) Uttar Pradesh
909. The attack of sheath blight of rice (caused by Rhizoctonia solani) is more during
a) Germination b) Active tillering stage c) Flowering d) All of these
913. Which genus of nematodes has the special types of nurse cell systems which serve as source of
continuous supply of nutrients to the nematodes?
a) Meloidogyne b) Heterodera c) Globodera d) All of these
914. In the attack of which class of nematodes, presence of white to brown cysts projecting on the root
surface is a characteristic symptom
a) Longidorus b) Globodera c) Meloidogyne d) Trichodorus
915. Select the nematode(s) which act as vectors of plant viruses
920. Bacterial cell division mainly by
a) Binary division b) Fragment c) Budding d) None of these
927. In north India and central India, the black rust inoculum cause from
a) South b) Hilly area c) From USA d) From Netherlands
938. Downy mildew of pea caused by
a) Perenospora pisi b) Albugo candida c) Erysiphe polygoni d) None of these
942. Which of the following bacteria generally used in genetic engineering for transfer of character from
one organism to another
a) Bacillus thuringinesis b) Pseudomonas syringe
c) Rhizobium meliloti d) Agrobacterium tumefaciens
943. Micrografting is used to produce plants free from
a) Virus b) RLO’s c) MLO’s d) Bacteria
952. The major storage fungi that affects the food grain is
a) Rhizobium b) Mucor c) Cercospora d) Aspergillus
953. Yellow leaf mosaic of bhendi crop spreads by
a) Jassids b) Borers c) Jassid and borers d) Whiteflies
954. Heterodera avenae is
a) Root knot nematode b) Cyst nematode c) Lesion nematode d) Lance nematode
956. Which one of the following microbial agents is being commercially exploited as biocontrol agent?
a) Bacillus subtilis b) Penicillium notatum
967. The leaves of Pongamia labra and Azadirachta indica reduces the population of
a) Root-knot nematode b) Cyst nematode
968. Margosa is a highly effective product in reducing root-knot nematode population belongs to
a) Acacia arabica b) Azadirachta indica
969. The nematode Heterodera avenae is confined to the graminae family except one single legume
a) Pisum sativum b) Cajanus cajan c) Vigna mungo d) Senebiera pinnatifolia
970. Viruses contain
a) RNA b) DNA c) Both RNA and DNA d) Either RNA or DNA, never both
971. The viruses which are usually helped or accompanied by smaller spherical particles of another
serologically unrelated virus is known as
a) Satellite virus b) Gemini viruses c) Viroid d) Capsid
981. Select the correct pair from the following matched items:
a) Holo stem parasite- Cuscuta reflexa b) Stem semi parasite
983. Burgundy mixture contains sodium carbonate in place of CaCo3 as in Bordeaux mixture
a) 1885 b) 1887 c) 1890 d) 1947
984. Damping off and leaf blights are very effectively checked by
a) Bordeaux mixture b) Burgundy mixture c) Thiram d) Copper oxychloride
985. The organo-mercurials fungicides used for dry seed treatment usually contain mercury
a) 0.5% b) 1.0 % c) 2.0 % d) 4.0%
987. Von Schleming and Kulka first time demonstrated the systemic activity of fungicides in
a) 1956 b) 1966 c) 1972 d) 1976
988. Select the fungicides:
a) Pyrimidines b) Triazoles c) Metalaxyl d) All of these
989. Which systemic fungicide was first time discovered by Von Schleming and Kulka?
a) Oxathiin b) Pyrimidines c) Benzimidazoles d) Quinones
996. The science which deals with cause of the plant diseases and nature of the causal agent
a) Fertilization b) Etiology c) Aetiology d) Both (b) and (c)
997. The sexual, thick walled and resting spores of the rust fungi is known as
a) Basidiospores b) Urediospores c) Teliospores d) Aeciospores
998. Who discovered the downy mildew for the first time in India?
a) E.J.Butler b) J.F.Dastur c) B.B.Mundkur d) K.R.Kirtikar
194. a 219. a 244. d 269. a 294. c 319. a 344. b 369. b
404. a 429. b 454. c 479. a 504. a 529. b 554. a 579. a
788. a 813. d 838. d 863. a 888. d 913. d 938. a 963. c
985. b
986. d
987. b
988. d
989. a
990. b
991. d
992. b
993. d
994. a
995. b
996. d
997. c
998. a
999. a
1000. d