Choice Board March 16-20 2020

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Color in each you complete.

Student name: ______________________________ Teacher: ___________________________

Literacy Numeracy Motor Self-Care

For the first 5 days of TeleSchool, choose and complete one activity per content area each day.
Sing your favorite nursery rhyme Show your child a number 0-9 or 10- Help your family do a chore, such as
and tell who/what it is about. 20 on it. Have your child jump or clap Build with blocks, boxes, etc.
putting your plate in the
the number of the card. sink/dishwasher, picking up your
(Number cards attached.) toys, or wiping the table.

Predict how many hops it takes to get

Read a book with a family/friend. Eat your servings of fruits and
from one end of the hall/room to Play activities outside
another. Then, check the prediction vegetables.
by counting while you hop.

Draw a picture of someone in your Go on a shape hunt. Find items in Take a walk and find some signs of
family and tell a friend or family your home that are different shapes. Wash your hands before you eat
spring (flowers, petals, green leaves).
member about the picture. and after you use the bathroom
If it's raining look out the window to
find the items.
Color in each you complete. Student name: ______________________________ Teacher: ___________________________

Go on a color hunt with a family Count to 20 with a family member or Draw a picture using the lines/shapes Brush your teeth after each meal
member or friend. friend. you are practicing. (2-3 times a day).

Count the pillows in your home. Ask for/Indicate help when getting
Go on a letter hunt with a family dressed.
member or friend. Dance to 3 of your favorite songs.

I hereby certify that my child, ______________________________________, did complete their digital learning day activities selected from above.
Parent/Guardian Signature:_______________________________________________________
Number Cards

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