Reading 1. 1º Eso PDF
Reading 1. 1º Eso PDF
Reading 1. 1º Eso PDF
London is the capital of Britain and it’s the multicultural centre of Europe. People in London come from
all over the world. There are 7.3 million inhabitants and they speak over 300 languages. Ishani, Yan and
Qiu live in London. Hello! My name’s Ishani and I’m British Asian. I was born in Britain, but my
grandparents are from Pakistan. My dad’s parents live in London with me, my mum and dad and my two
brothers. My grandparents’ first language is Hindi but for me it’s English. My grandpa can’t speak English,
just a little. We speak Hindi with him. Hi! I’m Yan and this is my sister Qiu. We belong to a multicultural
family in London. Our dad’s Chinese and our mum’s Spanish, but we were born in Britain. There are a lot
of children in Britain today that are mixed-raced. My brother and I are trilingual. We speak English,
Spanish and Chinese. In London there’s a big Chinese community. We love the Chinese New Year
1. Read the text. Where are Ishani, Yan and Qiu from?
3. Read the text again and say if the sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Then, justify your answer
copying the evidence from the text.