16 Most Important Guitar Chords

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The 16 Most Important Guitar Chords

The essential chords that people need to know like the back of their hands.

by Josh Espinosa

While learning guitar chords is essential for beginners, because
there are so many, it also helps to know which chords to learn
first, and how many total to focus on in practice.

So, here it is: if you learn just four chords, you can probably play
hundreds of songs. Eight? A few thousand.

The little secret about all your favorite songs is that they can
typically be played from a pool of about 16 chords, using 3-5 at
a time. Plus, if you couple these chords with a capo, you easily
have all the tools necessary to play just about any song in
every key. This is the foundation every guitar player must have.

how to use this guide
Here are a few tips that can help you make the most out of this guide.

Making Song Chords Easier

Learn the Chords in this Guide in the Following Order
A lot of songs utilize slight variations of
• Learn these concurrently first: G, C, D, Em these chords for a variety of reasons.
• Then learn: Am
It’s perfectly fine to make chords easier
• Start fiddling with F, and concurrently learn A, E, Dm
on yourself to play. If you see D/F#,
• As they come up in songs: B7, G7, E7, A7, Bm, D7 Asus, Gadd9, Em7 or C7, you can just as
• Last: F#m well play D, A, G, Em and C respectively
and typically, no one will ever notice.

A Word About the F Chord Don’t do this with the ‘b’ or ‘#’ sign
The F chord is by far the most difficult chord for beginners to learn, and it’s every guitar player’s rite of though. That means flat or sharp and is
passage. It’s so common that it’s completely unavoidable, so it’s best just to accept the challenge a whole different chord.
and tackle it head on. Don’t avoid practicing it.
Of course, you could always learn those
The F chord takes a little palm leverage, hand strength and practice. Once you can play it, you’ll be chords, but usually it’s not that critical,
surprised how many songs you can play with just the key of C and the key of G. especially if you’re just playing for fun.

The Key of E
While songs in the key of E are very common, the guitar chords can be relatively difficult to play.
Here are a couple of the best solutions for playing in E:

• If it’s a blues song, use E or E7, A or A7 and B7. There isn’t usually a minor chord in blues.
• For any other style of music, either use D chords with a capo on the second fret or C chords with a
capo on the fourth fret.

Using the Practice Progressions

The practice progressions will help you get used to landing chords from a variety of different places.
One of the best ways to improve going from one chord to the next is to place a chord, play one
downstroke and then move on to the next chord. Try to place the chord and play the downstroke
simultaneously. When you reach the end, repeat.

how to read a chord chart
The first step in playing guitar chords is knowing how to set your fingers. A chord chart shows you which fingers go on which
strings and on which fret to press in order to play a chord. Study this chart religiously.

Fret #3 Exclude Open String Note
Fret #1 ‘X’ means do not play this string as part
(the next fret will
Chord Name (this fret is closest of the chord. When you are strumming,
be #4 and then Fret #2 to the nut) be mindful to skip these strings.
#5 and so on)

Representation String
(the thickest strings Names/Notes
are at the top) (the sound you hear
when you play the
string by itself)

The numbered circles

represent your fingers.
1 = Index
2 = Middle Include Open String Note
‘O’ means that even though a finger doesn’t go
3 = Ring on the string, you still play it as part of the chord.
4 = Pinkie The ‘O’ is often implied. If you don’t see an ‘X’ or a
finger placement on a string, consider it an open string
5 = Thumb that should be played as part of the chord.

chords from the key of ‘g’





D Em G-C-D-C-G



chords from the key of ‘c’





G Am Am-G-F-C



chords from the key of ‘d’





A Bm D-G-A-G-D



chords from the key of ‘a’





E F#m A-D-E-D-E-A



other common chords

E7 A7 B7

D7 Dm G7

next steps
Of course, learning chords is only the first part of learning guitar.
You also need to gain a rock-solid strum and learn how to use a capo.

But once you learn all those things, you don’t really need to learn
anything else unless you want to. If you just get really good at
strumming your 16 chords and using a capo, you are well on your way
to enjoying a lifetime of playing music on the guitar.

If you want to know how to get there, click here to check out our PDF
guide, How to Play Guitar: Complete Instructions for Beginners.

Approachable Music develops resources designed to bring
more clarity to music education. Music has a terrible reputation
for being difficult to learn, but really, the knowledge part is fairly
straightforward. Being disciplined enough to practice is the
hard part, and that’s something 100% controlled by the
individual. Essentially, we believe that if you want to practice
music, knowledge shouldn’t stand in your way.

For questions about guitar lessons in Minneapolis, St. Paul or

the greater Twin Cities region, other inquiries, contact us at:
[email protected]

Find us on Facebook or Instagram: @approachablemusic

approachablemusic.com © 2020 by The Approachable Music Project. All rights reserved.

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