Hoganas PDF
Hoganas PDF
Hoganas PDF
Thermal surfacing is a cost effective method to achieve Thermal surfacing techniques are today standard practice
high performance characteristics on exposed metallic for many applications in a wide range of industries:
surfaces. • Agriculture
A metal object can be surface coated on the exposed • Automotive
area to achieve high wear and corrosion resistance. • Chemical
Thermal surfacing can also be used to repair damaged • Energy production
parts. Complete part replacement is then unnecessary • Glass mould
and this refurbishment effectively extends the operating • Heavy motorised equipment
life. • Marine
• Paper
• Petrochemical
• Plastic extrusion
• Repair and replacement
• Steel manufacture
The common denominator for all of these applications plans use the ISO 14001 environmental management
is the need to achieve wear, corrosion, heat, abrasion or standard as a tool within the Höganäs production
impact resistance. This combination of properties needs facilities. Rational and fully recycable packaging minimises
a balanced metal powder formulation as it is application transportation costs and environmental impact.
Our atomised powders are particularly suited to the Quality
needs of thermal surfacing techniques such as powder Höganäs quality assurance program fulfils the
welding, flame spraying, plasma spraying, HVOF (High requirements of ISO 9001 and TS 16949. This ensures
Velocity Oxy-Fuel), PTA (Plasma Transferred Arc), laser our customers have a consistent product quality over
cladding and cold spraying. time. Actively achieving ever tighter control of process
parameters by using Statistical Process Control (SPC).
Extending the application range Customer benefits of SPC on applications:
Höganäs is an independent powder manufacturer • Consistent powder quality minimises customer
providing a full range of surface coating products. A equipment adjustment time
comprehensive choice of high quality nickel, cobalt • Consistency between lots transforms equipment
and iron based powder solutions enhances the adjustment time to production time
potential for thermal surfacing industry applications.
• Every lot produced is test coated with appropriate
Continuous development aims at extending properties
equipment before release
and application techniques to drive new solutions and
expand the application range.
Comprehensive technical support
Partners enjoy full support from our laboratory facilities.
Unique advantages of Höganäs powder
Customer service investigations are well served by our
Spherical satellite free particles are a unique
application equipment laboratory with thermal spray,
characteristic from Höganäs for all powder solutions
powder welding, PTA and laser cladding. The scientific
on offer to the thermal surfacing industry. This provides
data required is generated in our metallographic
the key to optimum solutions when morphology is
laboratories. Competent personnel execute and interpret
combined with the correct alloy system and particle size
results in order to generate solutions for specific
customer problems.
Customer benefits:
• Excellent powder feed flow
Knowledge and partnership
• Less moisture sensitivity
Our metal powder developments aim to actively stimulate
• Higher deposition rate
growth in the thermal surfacing industry. Knowledge is the
• Lower porosity
corner stone of success and the metallurgical expertise
• Lower gas consumption (as exemplified on page 4)
of Höganäs is central to our powder development.
The focus for metal powder success is the extensive
Environmental commitment
production resources that anticipate and respond to
We believe that environmental commitment is as
market needs. Our established reputation as a reliable
important as product operating capability. Höganäs’
supplier of thermal surfacing powders is a strong
products provide energy and environmentally efficient
foundation for partnership.
solutions for our customers. Our production processes
are characterised by their efficient use of energy natural
resources and by minimum generation of waste.
Environmental and energy-related objectives and action
Advanced products
Höganäs is a dedicated supplier of powder with our application laboratory, to ensure the best results
manufacturing excellence. The atomisation processes for you. An extensive range of powders is available,
employed at our facilities produce powders that pass fractioned according to a wide range of particle size
stringent controls at each step of the process. intervals, as recommended by various spray equipment
The final confirmation of quality is spray-deposition in manufacturers.
Surface coating
Horizontal atomisation
The requirements of your application will determine the type of powder to be used, and the process required.
Metal powders for thermal surfacing
The preferred line of defense against Efficiently applied high wear resistant Boiler tubes district heating station Extremely hard wolfram carbide
corrosion, wear and fast thermal surface on bottle plungers and neck can withstand temperature cycling, surfacing keeps cutter blades sharp
cycling in moulds, neck rings and rings. corrosive environments and in the paper industry.
plates for the glass bottle-making fluctuating particulate levels.
Reduce wear and corrosion on Protect ball valves in the petrochemical HVOF spraying of rollers for printing. Steel rollers gain durability, accuracy
valves. industry against corrosion and and efficiency in production.
mechanical wear.
Powder welding rates are from 2–8 kg/hour, and surfacing thickness from
employs a standard oxy-acetylene torch, with the powder 0.1–2.5 mm.
fed into the flame from an attached hopper. Typically used
for glass moulds, smaller parts and repairs. Particularly HVOF (High-Velocity Oxy-Fuel) spraying
suitable for the repair of cast iron and machined parts. combines velocities up to 700 m/s with moderate
Powder welding gives a smooth, dense coating with temperatures. This process provides a very dense
diffusion bond to the base material. Deposition rates coating (> 97%). Deposition rates are up to 9 kg/hour,
are from 0.5–2.5 kg/hour, and surfacing thickness from and surfacing thickness from 0.05–2.5 mm.
0.2–12 mm.
PTA (Plasma Transferred Arc) welding
Flame spraying is a process which can be highly automated. It utilises a
where powder is fed into a fixed oxy-acetylene or combined arc/plasma stream to form a limited melt on
oxy-hydrogen flame, and projected towards the base the work piece surface. A low base metal dilution with
material. The semi-molten material forms a mechanical a small heat affected zone and a dense uniform coating
bond which, when fused to the work piece, creates a is achieved. A wide range of user-specific consumables
metallurgical bond. Flame spraying is ideal for coating are possible. This process has found extensive use in
cylindrical parts. High-hardness alloys and tungsten high-volume automated applications such as the thermal
carbide mixtures can be used with advantage. Deposition surfacing of exhaust valves. Deposition rates up to 12 kg/
rates are from 1–9 kg/hour, and surfacing thickness from hour are possible, and surfacing thickness from 1– 6 mm.
0.1–3 mm.
Laser cladding
Plasma spraying focuses and controls heat and weld depth, offering a
employs a technique essentially similar to flame spraying. clean metallic bond with minimal dilution, a small heat
It differs in that the flame comprises an electrically excited affected zone and fine grain structure. Deposition rates
plasma of high velocity and temperature (≈15,000°K). are up to 8 kg/hour, and surfacing thickness from
This permits a denser coating (95-98%). Deposition 0.5 to more than 4 mm.
Powder welding grades
1021-10 20-106 0.03 2.0 0.65 0.3 3.0 Bal. – P=2.0 21* 250** Improved fluidity, lower melting point.
1623-05 10-53 0.04 2.5 1.6 0.4 – Bal. – – 23* 270** Easy to machine. Can be filed by hand.
Powder welding - particle size effect on weld shape Effect of B+Si on fluidity and hardness
Average particle
size μm % B+Si HRC
60 High
6 1050
5 1040
20 20
10 Low
Flame spraying grades
1250-00 36 -106 0.45 3.9 2.3 2.9 11.0 Bal. – – 51** 570** Bearings, diesel engine valves, rocker arms,
valve seats, rolls for rolling mills, pump shafts,
1350-00 45 -125 pump sleeves, seal rings, piston rods, steam
valves, screw conveyors, moulds for bricks and
1355-20 45 -125 0.55 4.0 3.4 2.7 16.0 Bal. 3.0 Cu=3.0 57** 700**
ceramics, mixer blades, chip knives, etc.
1260-00 36 -106 0.75 4.3 3.1 3.7 14.8 Bal. – – 61** 790**
Further improvements can be achieved by mixing
1360-00 45 -125 with tungsten carbides.
1360-20 45 -125 0.90 4.3 3.3 4.2 16.3 Bal. – – 62** 820** See also carbide powder grades.
72-M-40 45 -125 0.35 3.1 1.7 3.2 9.9 Bal. – – 37 Used extensively in oil and gas applications,
72-W-40 36 -106 polished rods, polished rod liners, plungers,
45 -125 couplings and wash pipes.
74-M-60 0.58 4.1 2.9 4.4 13.6 Bal. – – 58
74-W-60 36 -106
76-M-50 45 -125 0.55 3.7 2.4 4.1 13.3 Bal. – – 50
76-W-50 36 -106
76-M-50-S 45 -125 0.37 3.9 2.2 4.2 12.9 Bal. – – 45
76-W-50-S 36 -106
75-M-62 45 -125 0.71 4.5 3.2 4.5 14.0 Bal. – – 63
80-M-60 45 -125 0.60 4.2 2.9 4.6 14.0 Bal. 2.5 Cu=2.4 58 Applications with higher corrosion resistance
80-W-60 36 -106 demands.
82-M-60 45 -125 0.58 4.3 3.0 4.7 15.4 Bal. 3.2 Cu=2.0 59
* Indicative value Recommended use
** Measured value
36 - 106
Terodyn 2000 35 48
45 - 106 125 3
Castodyn 36 - 106
4 0.7
8000 45 - 106 0 2 2-01
36 - 106
Colmonoy J 2.0 50 1.0 30 1.7 55
45 - 106
36 - 106 μm
Uni Spray Jet 4 0.5 0 0.5
45 - 106
71 1
63 6-05
53 6 6-02
45 6-01
Flame spraying is a two-step process which results in a dense coating and a metallurgical
bond. The process can employ high-hardness alloys, and even mixtures containing tungsten
carbide. The technique can be easily automated and adapted to the spraying of cylindrical Powder welding Flame spraying HVOF spraying
parts. PTA welding Laser cladding
Plasma and HVOF spraying grades
Nickel- Particle C% Si % B% Fe % Cr % Ni % Mo % Others % Hardness Recommended use/Features/Comments
base size µm
625 20-53 ≤ 0.03 0.4 – 0.75 21.5 Bal. 9.0 Nb=3.6 200** IN 625 1)
C276-m 20-53 0.12 0.5 – 3.0 15.5 Bal. 16.0 W=4.5 260** C 276 1)
1616-02 20-53 0.20 1.0 – 0.5 20.0 Bal. – Mn=0.75 280* Bond coat for ceramic coatings.
1660-02 20-53 0.75 4.3 3.1 3.7 14.8 Bal. – – 780* Alloys for coating steam or gas turbine blades
or other applications requiring extremely dense
plasma coatings.
1660-22 20-53 0.90 4.3 3.3 4.2 16.3 Bal. – – 820** The layer can be rendered completely dense
by heat.
3650-02 20-53 1.75 1.3 Bal. 28.0 16.0 4.5 0.8 – 500**
* Indicative value Recommended use
** Measured value Features
PTA and Laser cladding grades
625 53-150 ≤0.03 0.40 – 1.4 21.5 Bal. 9.0 Nb=3.8 200** IN 625 1)
2540-00 53-150 1.7 1.2 1.2 25.7 22.8 Bal. – 12.5 42** Stellite F 2)
2741-00 63-212 1.4 1.1 1.0 28.5 1.5 Bal. – 8.0 44** Stellite 12 2)
HB400 53-150 ≤ 0.05 2.8 0.5 9.7 0.5 Bal. 29.5 – 53** Triballoy 400 2)
M2 53-150 1.0 0.3 Bal. 4.0 – 5.0 0.3 V=2.0 63** Abrasive-wear resistant.
All grades can be ordered with sieve 53–150 µm, 63-212 µm and 45-125 µm. Recommended use
* Indicative value Comments
** Measured value for PTA, higher with laser
Dilution %
6 kg/hour, 4 l/min.
Plasma Transferred Arc
(PTA) surfacing is ideal for 20
high unit volume automated 10 kg/hour, 4 l/min.
applications, such as thermal
surfacing of exhaust valves.
Low base metal dilution and Typical
a wide range of consumables 10
are two of several advantages 5-15% 6 kg/hour, 1 l/min.
that the technique can offer. 5
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Main Arc Current (A)
Carbide powder grades
Sweden Höganäs AB
Phone +46 42 33 80 00
Metal powder technology has the power to open up a world France Höganäs France S.A.S.
of possibilities. The inherent properties of metal powders provide Limas
Phone +33 474 02 97 50
unique possibilities to tailor solutions to match your requirements. france@hoganas.com
This is what we call Power of Powder, a concept to constantly Germany Höganäs GmbH
widen and grow the range of metal powder applications. Düsseldorf
Phone +49 211 99 17 80
With its leading position in metal powder technology, Höganäs germany@hoganas.com
is perfectly placed to help you explore those possibilities as your
India Höganäs India Pvt Ltd
application project partner. Pune
Phone +91 20 66 03 01 71
Power of Powder is being applied far beyond its traditional role
in the production of components for vehicles. Iron powder
Italy Höganäs Italia S.r.l.
is used in food fortification to combat anaemia. Nickel powders Rapallo (Genoa)
are vital ingredients in valve coatings to enhance wear resistance. Phone +39 0185 23 00 33
Specially formulated iron-based powders offer new solutions
for high-temperature brazing. Soft Magnetic Composites with Japan Höganäs Japan K.K.
3D magnetic properties are opening the way for innovative Phone +81 3 3582 8280
electric motors. In fact, metal powder technology generates
virtually endless possibilities. Rep. of Korea Höganäs Korea Ltd
To find out how you can apply the Power of Powder, please Phone +82 2 511 43 44
contact your nearest Höganäs office. korea@hoganas.com