Waves July 2010 Final Uk
Waves July 2010 Final Uk
Waves July 2010 Final Uk
Editorial Page 2
The Importance of Vetting Page 4
The Baton Page 6
An inexplicable Incident Page 8
From Euro to US Dollars Page 9
Optimization of Crewing Page 1
Chartering Teams
New set-up Page 1
Fleet List Page 1
News about Names Page 1
Lars Vang Christensen
Publisher: herning shipping a.s. Editors: Lars Vang Christensen
Theresavej 1 Kurt H. Jørgensen
DK-7400 Herning Karen Christoffersen
Ph.: +45 9626 6666 Graphic design: Spectrum reklame:marketing
Fax: +45 9626 6699 Print: Strandbygaard Grafisk A/S
[email protected]
were pleased to note that our long and loyal contract product and chemical tanker segments. Thus, herning
customers met the agreed quantities, and likewise in a shipping will be able to maintain our strong position
time of recession we are pleased to note new contracts in the market and that with our dedication to pursue
in our portfolio. and be loyal to our business model, we shall also have
employees who perform professionally with a strong
Our newbuilding program has continued – although focus on our competitiveness and with commitment
with rescheduled deliveries. Thus, m/t Alice Theresa to our high adherence to the standards of safety. Our
is scheduled to be delivered end-July and the next customers will continue to demand quality vessels and
one in that series during the first six months of 2011. quality operation and herning shipping will be there to
In addition to that another two vessels have been serve the high standards they expect.
ordered. This we have looked upon in combination
with the fact that we have also delivered back and Uncertainty about many countries and their financial
phased out vessels in 2009. Hence, old tonnages were strengths has spread to a nervous and volatile
sold and new tonnages were delivered, resulting in exchange market. Also herning shipping is concerned
an average fleet age of 3.5 years which is one of the about the situation and the fact that Europe’s economy
youngest fleets when compared with similar fleets and seems to be very fragile. We will obviously follow the
owners operating within Short Sea Markets. situation closely and see what impact the nervousness
and reservations will have on our markets. We hope
The global economy is showing the first positive signs, that Europe will understand to act promptly and not
and some segments are again experiencing increasing just let bureaucracy prevail, as it is considered of
freight rates. The bulk and now also the container outmost importance that collective and progressive
markets are recovering. These two segments have actions be taken.
had tonnage laid-up which is now being put back in
operation. In comparison, the tanker and chemical It is our expectation that a combination of improved
markets were hit by the crisis some 6 to 8 months earnings for our operated fleet and financial
later. In addition hereto a large number of vessels advantages gained lately in respect to an increasing
within our niche are of older age and no longer US dollar exchange rate versus the Euro will generate
complying with international legislation or meeting considerably improved results for 2010 compared to
their customers’ increasing demand for young tonnage that of 2009.
of high operational and environmental standards. Such
vessels and their operators will probably have to be I would like to take this opportunity to thank all herning
phased out in favor of the market and quality ship shipping staff for a job well done during the first half
owners. of year 2010.
The Staff, the Board of Directors and the Management of
herning shpping wish to congratulate mrs. Vitta Lysgaard
on her 80th birthday on 19th July 2010.
Nautical Manager
Michael K. Sandberg
Making a good and professional first impression is A less positive report is not only
important. While guidelines and tools available to the affecting the individual vessel but
Inspector ensure that he verifies all essential parts likewise the entire operated fleet. If
of the vessel, his first impression of the vessel, her several vessels are providing fair to
Captain and her crew will also have an impact on the poor quality inspection reports, it will
inspection report. And if the Inspector is pleased with be fairly easy for the Oil Companies
what he sees in terms of professionalism, cooperation to conclude that there is a general
among the crew members, documentation, good house safety risk involved in using vessels
keeping, safety management etc., he will provide a from this particular operator. Likely,
good report. such conclusion would soon result
in the entire fleet being put on
On the other hand, if he observes that documentation Technical Hold until such time as
is lacking, that the crew does not cooperate, that the quality of the inspection reports
house keeping is poor and that the Safety Management will have improved significantly. This
System is generally found not to be implemented will obviously be catastrophic for the
individual operator, as it will not only be restricted for the further organic growth of the Company is not
by one Oil Company but also by other customers available. For this particular reason herning shipping
which might be reluctant in using the vessels, when does not accept mistakes and poor performance which
they learn that this particular fleet has been put on could have been avoided.
Technical Hold by a fellow oil company.
The core business strategy of herning shipping
While the vetting system generally prevents the use is firm and irrevocable: Herning Shipping aspires to
of shortcuts in obtaining an acceptable result from be the preferred carrier of choice by trend setting
an inspection, it does indeed reward the operators customer (Class A1) and to be the top-performing
who have well managed vessels, who support their company in the market by maintaining a fleet of
organisations ashore and who are willing to invest fully certified vessels that meet the highest market
resources in top performance. The reward manifests standards. High quality inspection reports (Class A1)
itself in the number of well paid cargoes and will form the platform for a successful strategy.
subsequently also in the reputation of the operator in
the market. As previously mentioned, herning shipping has
invested significant resources in recruiting high
When the financial markets collapsed quality crews for our vessels, and once a new staff
some 2 years ago, a segregation race member has been employed, expectations from both
started among several Oil Companies the Company as well as from the other colleagues are
to identify the operators who – for that he/she will perform his/hers assigned duties with
whatever reason – are utilizing the due diligence and with pride. The world will never be
weaknesses of the vetting system perfect and a colleague as well ashore as onshore may
and who are in general operating their make mistakes. In either case our Safety Management
vessels below industry standards. System will have procedures in place for additional
In a market with surplus tonnage training and improved communication to ensure
and varying operational standards, optimum performance by each individual employee.
the Oil Companies are therefore
keenly seeking to identify first The vetting system is here to stay, and irrespective
class operators. Oil Companies are of its weaknesses, herning shipping will continuously
therefore not only looking separately endeavour to meet the highest industry standards and
at each individual vessel but also at thus deliver first class inspection reports for all vessels
the general picture of the managed of our Fleet. Let us all see the positive aspects in
fleet of a particular operator. having a golden opportunity to demonstrate to the Oil
Company Inspectors that herning shipping provides
Herning shipping has invested first class operational standards onshore and ashore.
significant resources into crews, The only way we can achieve this objective is
training and vessel equipment with through combined efforts by our crews and onshore
the clear aspiration to provide first organisation within an environment where each
class transport services to all our individual can rely unconditionally upon colleagues
customers, and in this context the performing their job tasks in the exact same manner
investment will only give returns as the individual performs his/hers and that is with
provided that the crews, vessels pride and self-discipline and not least also by means of
as well as the onshore based good seamanship.
organisation in their combined
efforts are successful in meeting “You Never Get a Second Chance
the highest industry standards. In not meeting the to Make a Good First Impression.”
highest industry standards in full, our core business
strategy would have failed, and as such the foundation
All-round Assistant
The Baton Margit Søgaard
mrs. Vitta Lysgaard and I have had about art and of her, giving her an opportunity to make new choices.
architecture. Mrs. Vitta Lysgaard indeed has an
extensive knowledge of art and architecture, and she - I will spend much more time in my summer house
has definitely put her personal mark on the decoration in the Northern part of Jutland and probably also in
of the head office and its interior. the badminton club where I am helping out raising
money for special activities for the young people. I will
It was an exiting world and it gave me much pleasure continue to play badminton to keep fit for fight. I am
being a part of a house where art and architecture are also a member of a group of card playing people. We
in focus. Herning shipping is indeed a special place to are planning to go to Prague together this summer.
work also in that respect.
- Playing golf will also be part of my future activities.
Trip to Turkey In fact I already started in April.
- The trip to Turkey in 2001 counts as one of the most - My family will definitely be on top of my priority list,
unforgettable experiences. I was invited to attend the and I will spend more time with my three children and
namegiving of m/t Maria Theresa and m/t Elsemarie my six grand children, including number 7 who will
Theresa, and we had a fantastic trip to Istanbul. We soon be born. And I love to watch a good musical or
visited a shipyard, stayed at a luxury hotel by the to read a good book. I am sure that time will not be a
harbor of Istanbul and the Strait of Bosporus. In fact problem for me. I admit that it will be a strange feeling
there was a unique atmosphere about the whole trip, when the alarm clock is no longer set at 5 o’clock in
and this event was definitely the most memorable the morning. But I am surely looking forward to be
experience I have had in my time with the Company. able to sleep a bit longer for the first time in many
- Obviously, there have been other good experiences
and events, such as the Company jubilee. I will also With these words, Margit Søgaard ends her farewell
remember the good working environment and the interview with Waves. She wishes all the best for
good atmosphere among the staff at the office and the herning shipping and her colleagues onshore and
support and consideration from the colleagues and the ashore. She passes on the Baton to one of the Captains
management. of the herning shipping Fleet.
A new Chapter
Technical Manager
Tom Bach Mortensen
An inexplicable Incident
The Incident was the first of its Kind in our acted differently, and we
Company’s long history - the Vessel and her Crew are very pleased to note
passed the Test. that our procedures
were complied with and worked as intended.
The physical damages to the vessel are evidence enough
that there was an incident. A noise was heard, and the - According to the independent expert it seems most
vessel shuddered, as if a deflagration had occurred, or probable that an electrostatic discharge inside the tank
as if the vessel was hit by something. It was unreal. cause the deflagration. A way to minimize the risk of
However, the deformed steel does not lie, and 30 tons another incident like this is to apply inert gas to the
of steel had to be replaced before the vessel could be cargo prior to the loading operation which is not a
back into service again. requirement today, says Tom Bach Mortensen. He is
pleased to inform that herning shipping has introduced
- It was not quite clear what had happened, and how improved procedures and implemented the use of inert
it happened. We therefore instructed an independent gas (nitrogen) as well as reduced loading rates.
expert to look into the matter, and he has now come to
a probable conclusion for our guidance. We are pleased In reflecting on the incident, Tom Bach Mortensen
to note that the report concludes that neither the vessel focuses on the following positive factors.
nor her crew can in any possible way be blamed of the
incident. - We are pleased to note that the vessel acted as
expected. The vessel construction is robust and proved
The incident occurred during a loading operation to minimize the impact of the pressure. The equipment
onboard m/t Caroline Theresa on 25th March 2010 was not affected, and at no time were there any spills
whilst she was alongside Puerto Cabello in Venezuela in the sea or onboard and thus no risk of pollution at
loading cargos of methanol and toluene which is a usual all. The vessels had some damages, but they were not
procedure. As mentioned previously a noise was heard as serious as could be expected and did not affect the
indicating perhaps a small deflagration or an overfilling vessel’s seaworthiness. After discharging of the cargo
of the tank. to another vessel, m/t Caroline Theresa went to a
shipyard in Turkey for repairs.
According to the inspection report, carried out by the
independent expert on behalf of herning shipping and We got a full scale test of the vessel and her crew, and
the insurance company, no evidence of malfunction as the safety of the crew was at no time at risk, one
was observed. In subsequent tests the alarms, the high could say that both the vessel and the crew passed with
level alarms, the monitoring systems, and the exhaust flying colors, says Tom Bach Mortensen.
valves etc. were proven flawless. Further, the report
concluded that the loading process was supervised
according to procedures, and that the tanks were about
90 per cent full at the time of the deflagration.
30 tons of steel
were replaced
Svend Erik Nielsen
Some ten years ago herning shipping decided to switch Svend Erik Nielsen further tells that herning shipping
from Danish Kroner to Euro, and in the exact same way and its entities in Europe and Asia on shore and ashore
the Company has now decided to switch over to US are working via the same IT and communication system
Dollars for daily work routines and financial reporting and that this also goes for the Company’s accounting
as per this financial year. and financial routines. And that is the reason why we
implement US Dollars as our daily working currency
- By definition shipping is an international industry, for our entire group. In addition hereto it will make it
and although Denmark in the national referendum did possible for us to simplify and optimize routines and
not approve to participate in the Euro cooperation, the ensure further administrative advantages and to have
Danish trades and industries were not stopped from the same frame of references no matter if you are
working with the Euro. At that time herning shipping dealing with an individual order or with the monthly
had entities in three European countries, and in vessel accounts.
consequence thereof it was natural and practical for the
group to work in one single currency. And we chose the - Clearly, you will make some extra calculations in
Euro, tells CFO Svend Erik Nielsen about the motives the beginning, just like ten years ago when we had
for switching from one currency over to another ten a small currency conversion table in front of us. Just
years ago. like when a Danish company chooses English as its
corporate language. You get used to it, and indeed, it
- In fact our decision today is based on the exact is an advantage to speak the same language and to
same reasons as back then. In the meantime, herning work on the basis of the same set of references, says
shipping has further developed. The activities of our Svend Erik Nielsen and he continues: - Previously, the
Singapore entity have grown, and already from the choice of currency was a sensitive matter, however this
start our working currency here was the US Dollar. is no longer so and particularly not within the shipping
The Euro and US Dollar currencies have played an industry. Making the most suitable choice is more
equally important role for herning shipping, however important. And so is the choice of implementing US
the participation of the US Dollars in our daily work Dollars.
is increasing considerably, and it will be the dominant
currency by the end of this financial year. Thus, we have Recently, herning shipping succeeded in benefiting
decided to implement US Dollars for the entire group, from the rising US Dollar exchange rate versus the
continues Svend Erik Nielsen. falling Euro, and thus in gaining a considerable profit in
converting Euro ship loans into US Dollars.
- Singapore is the platform for a considerable part of
H.S.E.Q. Manager (DPA)
Tim Engell Pedersen
Optimization of Crewing
During recent years all expense related crewing efficient and fastest way and without delays due to
processes, such as vessel provisions and crew travels, e.g. different time zones. Optimum flexibility and
have been subject to analysis, and subsequent changes fastest possible handling of changes are aspects of the
in regard to procedures, routines and functions have process, as crewing is characterized by many changes
been implemented to ensure costs optimization. and short deadlines.
These cost optimizing steps in combination with In planning the optimization process we have taken
considerably increasing international crewing activities considerable inspiration from the principles of the Lean
as a result of herning shipping’s further expansion model and in particular from the principles which aim
have generated synergies in a number of fields. Also at ensuring shortest possible process time/ way and
the implementation of MLC 2006 has required changes added value for each specific function.
/ restructuring of work processes, in particular caused
by increasing demand for documentation which is one Other principles from the Lean model, such as current
of the corner stones of the MLC 2006. evaluations and process enhancements have already
been integrated as a result of our ISO 9001:2008
As a part of herning shipping’s overall optimization approval.
process the crewing function has undergone a
thorough analysis with a view to optimize and simplify Apart from processing a detailed list of all functions and
procedures. Furthermore, all minor and major tasks the following restructuring the process has included
and responsibilities of crewing have been listed in an evaluation of resources, including IT, training and
details to give us with the best possible picture of the identical work structure for our to offices, in order to
crewing function as a whole. achieve best possible continuity.
Thus, as a consequence of the optimization process The restructure of our crewing function became
some specific functions have been transferred from our effective as per April 2010. Follow-up procedures are
Danish crewing office to our Singapore crewing office now in force to ensure enhancements, if necessary.
or vise versa. In general functions are performed by The main objective of the entire process is to ensure
the office best suited for that specific function, taking optimum efficiency, implement fast changes and
also in consideration time zones, authorities, business to be able to comply with new rules and guidelines
relations, collaborators and residence of the seafarers. among other things in relation to MLC 2006. In this
way, herning shipping’s crewing function will be able
The crewing structure ensures that a function is to handle the increasing activities in general and a
handled by as people as possible and thus in the most trading area with more and more international focus.
Jesper Nielsen
Small Clean (CPP + Chem) Team 0-9000 dwt
Tel. direct: +45 96266640
Jesper Nielsen is Chartering Manager of the Small
Mob: +45 29698430
Tank Section focusing on 0-9000 dwt. Jesper will be
assisted by Jonas B. Skammelsen. Jonas B. Skammelsen
Tel. direct: +45 96266662
Mob: +45 29698431
Lars-Henrik Johansen
Dirty (DPP) Team
Tel. direct: +45 96266657
Lars-Henrik Johansen is Chartering Manager of Dirty
Mob: +45 29698403
Tank Section. Lars Henrik Johansen will be assisted by
Lars Mikkelsen. Lars Mikkelsen
Tel. direct: +45 96266658
Mob: +45 29698401
Fleet List
m/t Anette Theresa m/t Hada m/t Mar Cristina m/t Sofie Theresa
m/t Annelise Theresa m/t Haldoz m/t Maria Theresa m/t Susanne Theresa
m/t Birthe Theresa m/t Hanne Theresa m/t Marim m/t Tina Theresa
m/t Bitten Theresa m/t Ida Theresa m/t MRC Emirhan m/t Trine Theresa
m/t Burak Bey m/t Irene Theresa m/t MRC Semiramis m/t Troma
m/t Caroline Theresa m/t Jette Theresa m/t Nordic Glory m/t Vasi
m/t Cecilie Theresa m/t Karina Theresa m/t Nordic Victory m/t Vitta Theresa
m/t Charlotte Theresa m/t Lisa m/t Rikke Theresa
m/t Dagmar Theresa m/t Lycian m/t Ruth Theresa NEWBUILDINGS
m/t Ditte Theresa m/t Lydian m/t Sara Theresa m/t Alice Theresa
m/t Else Marie Theresa m/t Malou Theresa m/t Serra Theresa m/t Ina Theresa
Til l
News about Names grat
Anniversaries: Flemming Møller Pedersen celebrated his 25-year anniversary on 01.03.10
Torben Maigaard celebrated his 10-year anniversary on 01.01.10
Torben Meyer celebrated his 10-year anniversary on 18.01.10
Janni Bodholt Troelsen celebrated her 10-year anniversary on 01.02.10
Kirsten Høgsbjerg Jensen celebrated her 10-year anniversary on 01.04.10
Blue Careers
Congratulations to Kasper Lunding of herning shipping
who graduated at the official graduation ceremony at the
Danish Shipowner’ Association on 11th June 2010.