Arts Project - Aruba TURING SCHEME
Arts Project - Aruba TURING SCHEME
Arts Project - Aruba TURING SCHEME
in Arts
the project
Tur Cos Ta Posibel will host woman in prison. Volunteer tasks of all the platforms of ArtisA. They
volunteers in local community arts includes teaching their artistic count on you to bring fresh ideas
activities. Here are two examples skills to Arte Sano’s target, with and together keep developing
of local community organisations one theme: Aruba. Aruba into a more Creative Island!
you could be involved with. ArtisA: Volunteers will have the Volunteers will be involved in all
Arte Sano provides vocational opportunity to support ArtisA in activities of both or one of these
training in the creative industries organizing workshops, events, organisations.
empowering vulnerable people of projects while helping to run the
Aruba: addicts, youth in prison, gallery and run the social media
For more information and testimonies
the hosting organisation visit Everything is Possible website or
scan this QRcode
The country
Climate: 28-30 degrees most of the year with
some big rainstorms in hurricane season (August
to October)
Capital: Oranjestad
Currency: Aruban Florins or US Dollars
Official language: Papiamento, Dutch,
Spanish, English
Time zone: -4 hours
The language
A few words in Papiamento:
contact: Godfrey Brown
Bon Dia Hello
Ayo Goodbye email :
Masha Danki Thank You very much … [email protected]
Hopi Bon Very good / Well done…
Dushi Sweet / Delicious Telephone: 0797 0101 576
Con ta bai? How are you?
Bon, danki Fine, thank you
Te majan See you tomorrow
Awa por fabor Water please…
Na bo ordo You’re welcome
Dushi Sweet / Delicious