Henry Murray
Henry Murray
Henry Murray
(1893 – 1988)
Henry was born in New York on May 23, 1893.
And during the Final stage, Senescence, a. Simple Claustral Complex – revolves
the capacity to form new compositions and around the wish to reinstate the
recompositions decreases, while the atrophy conditions similar to those prevailing
of existing forms and functions increases before birth.
within the period.
b. Fear of insupport complex – centers
around the anxiety of insupport and
When the effects of infatile experiences upon helplessness.
later behavior are clear and expensive, the
individual is said to have a complex. Murray c. Aggression Complex – is anxiously
defines and provides rough specification for directed against suffocation and
the measurement of five complexes: confinement.
Clausral 2. Oral Complexes
Oral Represent derivatuves of early feeding
Anal experiences. Murray proposed three sub –
Urethra complexes, all of which invlove the mouth
Castration but each with a distinct activity.
B. Overt and Convert needs. Also known as
mabifest needs and latent needs. Overt needs When a need is aroused, th individual is in a
are typically expressed in motor behavior, state of tension. Satisfaction of the need
results in reduction of tension. A tension – 11. Harmavoidance – to avoid pain, physical
free situation is a source of distress. injury, illness and even death.
12. Infavoidacme – to avoid humiliation and
Thema is a molar and interactive 13. Nurturance – to give sympathy and
behavioral unit. It involves the interaction gratify the needs of helpless object.
between the investigating situation and the 14. Order – to put things in order or organize.
need that is operating. With this concept, the 15. Play – to act for fun and enjoy.
theorist can present the situation that 16. Rejection – to separate oneself or exclude.
instigates or leads to the operation of 17. Sentience – to seek and enjoy sensuous
particular needs, as well as the outcome or impressions
results of the operation of the needs. 18. Sex – to form an erotic relationship
19. Succoranc – to always have a supporter
Proceedings – period of time required for 20. Understanding – to ask or answer general
completion of an important pattern of questions, to analyze experience.
behavior (SLIDE 10)
Serial – succession of proceedings related to Henry Murray’s Strengths
the same function or purpose.
Needs – explain the motivation and 1. Murray’s Therory and his research have
direction of behavior. It is physiological, played a crucial role in promoting a more
based on hypothetical constructs. serious interest in psychoanalytic theory
among academic psychologists.
2. His theory simultaneously emphazises the
(SLIDE 9) importance of the organism’s part and the
20 NEEDS OF POPLE: present context within which behavior
1. Abasement – to submit passively to takes place.
external forces, self depreciation, low 3. He conducted intensive study of small
self – regard. numbers of normal people.
2. Achievement – to accomplish something
3. Affiliation – to draw near and enjoyable Henry Murray’s Weaknesses
cooperate or reciprocate with an allied
other. 1. Some critics think his theory is so broad it
4. Aggression – to overcome opposition loses the power or vigor attaced to a more
forcefully, to fight. limited and specialized point of view.
5. Autonomy – to get free, shake off restraint, 2. Murray’s patience and skill as a taxonomist
break out of confinement and strive for
independence. led him to create so many file distinctions
6. Counteraction – to overcome weakness and and detailed classifications that made his
repress fear. studies in behavior unnecessarily complex.
7. Defendant – to defend the self against 3.Murray’s writing and his research are not
assault, to explain fashionable in the current psychological
8. Deference – to admire and support a world.
superior, to praise, honor, and serve gladly
9. Dominance - -to control one’s human
environment, to lead and direct.
10. Exhibition – to make an impression