Form 2.0 General Portfolio of ETEEAP Student Form
Form 2.0 General Portfolio of ETEEAP Student Form
Form 2.0 General Portfolio of ETEEAP Student Form
0- PDS
Program Applied:
I. Personal Information
A. Applicant’s Name:
Last Name:
First Name:
Middle Name:
B. Permanent Home Address:
Zip Code:
Contact Number(s):
C. Birth Date: D. Place of Birth: E. Age:
D. Civil Status:
H. Gender: G. Nationality: Filipino / Others:
I. Citizenship: FILIPINO (as basic requirement)
J. Religion: J. Languages/ Dialects Spoken:
Form No. 2.0- PDS
Title of event Event venue Event date Sponsoring Title of Certificate Role/
Organization/ Obtained Participation in the
Association event
Form No. 2.0- PDS
C. Informal Education:
A. Employment History and Work Experiences
a. Previous employment and work experiences: Provide a brief information that may be helpful in your application and maybe
given credits, and are related to the program applied.
I. First previous employment:
Name of Company:
Employment Status:
Inclusive period of employment (From/To):
Name of Immediate Supervisor:
Contact No. of Supervisor:
Provide brief job description of Specific Duties and Responsibilities (Write as many):
II. Second previous employment:
Name of Company:
Employment Status:
Form No. 2.0- PDS
a. Self-employment: In case of self-employment, describe the work and your experiences that you think are related to the
program applied.
b. Provide at least three persons who can attest and testify your self-employment for verification.
Name: _______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ Contact
No.___________________________________ Relation to the Applicant: _______________________
Name: _______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ Contact
No.___________________________________ Relation to the Applicant: _______________________
Name: _______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ Contact
No.___________________________________ Relation to the Applicant: _______________________
D. Volunteer Activities
Form No. 2.0- PDS
a. List down and describe volunteer activities done and participated in that you think provided learning, skills, and competencies which are related to the
program applied, like consultancy, counseling program, coaching, organizing, leadership, OJTs, apprenticeships, and the like.
Title of Honors, Awards, Citations Conferring Academic Institution Address of Conferring Academic Institution Date Awarded
Form No. 2.0- PDS
Title of Honors, Awards, Citations Conferring Organization/ Address of Conferring Organization/Association Date Awarded
received Association
Form No. 2.0- PDS
B. Work related qualities, values, and competencies. Please provide your personal view of your three (3) best performances, or
accomplishments which are not appropriately recognized by organizations or institutions. This may help guide the Assessors in
knowing your qualities, values, and competencies.
C. Special skills and talents. These are abilities which you consider as unique and excellent because it aided you in the performance of
your work or which you think are highly related to the program you applied for.
Title of Certification of Publication Certifying Publishers Title/Name of Book or E-Book Date of Certification
Form No. 2.0- PDS
Name of Business and certificate of registration Certifying Agency/Body Date of Certification Registration
a. Hobbies and leisure that are contributing to the improvement of your skills, attitudes, qualities, and abilities which provide
learning opportunities.
3. How much time would you devote for the completion of the program if accepted?
Form No. 2.0- PDS
4. Identify who sponsors or funds your ETEEAP course if accepted.
Self Scholarship/Grant Current Employer Family member(s) Others ___________
5. What is your projected time to finish the ETEEAP degree?
1 Semester 1 Year 18 Months 2 Years More than 2 Years
End of Application
Form No. 2.0- PDS
I swear that all information and claims declared in this personal data sheet are done by me personally, knowingly, and intelligently, without coercion and
intention to deceive the Liceo de Cagayan University and the ETEEAP, together with its staff, pool of experts, and the Government of the Republic of the
Philippines, specifically the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and fully aware of the repercussions for violating this oath.
Done in Liceo de Cagayan University, R.N. Pelaez Blvd, Cagayan de Oro City, this _______ day of ____________, _____________.
I am authorizing LDCU ETEEAP to inquire into the veracity of my claims in this personal data sheet. I am allowing also any person, institution, office, and
school mentioned directly and indirectly in this application form to release any information/records that LDCU ETEEAP may inquire and request in relation to this
application. The LDCU ETEEAP may use such information in the processing of this application.
Signature over printed name of Applicant
Community Tax Certificate
Number: _________________________
Date Issued: ______________________
Place of Issue: _____________________
Received by:
Signature over printed name of Office-in-Charge