Crab Farming

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Reg. No. G-2/RNP/GOA/32/2015-2017 RNI No.


Panaji, 9th June, 2016 (Jyaistha 19, 1938) SERIES I No. 10


Department Notification Subject Pages

1. Animal Husbandry & Not.- 14-55/AHVS/16-17/ Amended Pashupalan Scheme. 417

Veterinary Services /1041
Dir. & ex officio Jt. Secy.
2. Civil Supplies & Consumer Not.- DCS/S/SKO-DBTK/ Re-registration of non LPG Card Holders for 426
Affairs /2016-17/182 supply of subsidized Kerosene under
Dir. & ex officio Jt. Secy. (DBTK) Scheme.
3. Fisheries Not.- FSH/PLG/SCH-CRAB Financial Assistance for setting up of Crab 428
Dir. & ex officio Jt. Secy. FARMING/2016-17 Farming unit in Goa.
4. Home Not.- 21/2/2013-HD(G)/1928 Amendment to the Notification. 429
Under Secretary
5. Science, Technology & Not.- 1/24/2010/STE-DIR/ Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016. 431
Environment /151
Dir. & ex officio Jt. Secy.
6. Transport Not.- D.Tpt/EST/2434/2016/ The Goa Motor Vehicles Tax (Amendment) 459
Dir. & ex officio Jt. Secy. /1872 Rules, 2016.

GOVERNMENT OF GOA Introduction.— The Livestock Economy

penetrates sections of rural society both
Department of Animal Husbandry & vertically and laterally, supposedly more
Veterinary Services equitably than land holdings.
Considerably there have been dramatic
Notification favorable changes in livestock population
14-55/AHVS/16-17/1041 and composition over the past five decades,
but overall impact on poor has not been
Read: Notification No. 14-55/AHVS/2015-16/ much.
/1183, dated 29-05-2015. Goa has its own Breeding Policy and
Government is pleased to notify amended accordingly animals are to be bred using Jersey
scheme to the Notification read above semen. However, the local cattle owners find
relating to “Pashupalan Scheme” in the Official it very difficult to stall-feed their unproductive
Gazette, Series I No. 11 dated 11th June, 2015 indigenous cattle. This leads to the animals
vide Order No. 14-55/AHVS/2015-16/1183 roaming in the streets looking for grazing
dated 29-05-2015 as follows:— patches or feeding from the dustbins as

Suggestions are welcomed on e-mail: dir–[email protected]
SERIES I No. 10 9TH JUNE, 2016

Department of Fisheries To conduct eco friendly farming of

mangrove crabs.
Directorate of Fisheries
___ To provide training on mangrove crab
To generate employment in rural and
FSH/PLG/SCH-CRAB FARMING/2016-17 urban households through crab culture
Sub.: “Financial Assistance for setting up of
Crab Farming unit in Goa”. To provide technical support required for
the production of crab culture.
The Government of Goa is hereby pleased
to introduce the scheme “Financial Assistance To provide financial assistance for the
for setting up of Crab Farming unit in Goa”. setting up of a Crab Culture unit.
1. Short title and commencement.— (a) This 4. Scope of the scheme.— To promote crab
scheme may be called as “Financial Assistance
culture technique in Goa, Department of
for setting up of Crab Farming unit in Goa”.
Fisheries, Government of Goa has come up
with an initiative to encourage crab
(b) It shall come into force from the date of
publication in the Official Gazette. in mangroves thereby providing financial
assistance by way of subsidy to the
2. Introduction.— Goa has vast potential for farmers.
fisheries. A huge variety of fish and other
seafood products are available in the coastal (a) Financial assistance for setting up of
waters of Goa. Goan cuisine is popular for its the Crab Culture unit.
rich variety of sea food delicacies that includes
Lobsters, Crabs, Prawns and various kinds of (b) Financial assistance for purchase of
fishes. Crab is one of the most favourite seafood seed and feed.
dishes in Goa. Considering the high scope and
demand for the locally found crab Government 5. Eligibility.— (1) Fish farmer/individual/
of Goa, Directorate of Fisheries have taken an /Registered Self help group/Societies,
initiative to induce the entrepreneurs to interested in the setting up of the Crab
cultivate the locally found crab (namely Scylla Farming unit in the State of Goa can avail the
Seratta, commonly known as Mud Crab) in the benefit under this scheme.
marshy land of Goa, thereby providing them
financial assistance by way of subsidy. (2) Fish farmer/individual should be resident
of Goa for last fifteen years.
Mud crabs grow to a very large size of about
22 cm in carapace and about 2 kg in weight. (3) Applicant should undergo training
Crab seed are available in the nature of all programme on Crab Farming organized by
sizes. There should be availability of abundant the Fisheries Department/MPEDA/ICAR/other
and good quality water. Mud crabs are found institutes.
to be adaptable to medium to high salinity
conditions. 6. Terms of sanction.— For availing financial
assistance, the beneficiaries should produce
3. Objective of the scheme:—
the following documents along with the
To create awareness about the scope of application form following the guidelines
crab culture farming in Goa. thereby laid.

SERIES I No. 10 9TH JUNE, 2016
(i) Proof of Identity for— Individuals/Fish 10. Interpretation of the provision of the
Farmers — copy Voter Id/Passport/Aadhar scheme.— If any question arises regarding
Card along with fifteen years valid Residential interpretation in the scheme of any clause,
Certificate, for Self Help Group/Societies word, expression or entire scheme, then the
—registration document. decision about the interpretation shall lie with
the Government.
(ii) NOC from local Village Panchayat/
/Municipality. This issues with the concurrence of the
Finance Department vide their U. O. No. Fin
(iii) Proof of availability of finance.
(Exp.)/1400023579 dated 16-05-2016.
(iv) Project/feasibility report.
By order and in the name of the Governor
(v) Training completion certificate on Crab of Goa.
Farming carried by Directorate of Fisheries/
/MPEDA/ICAR/any other institute. Dr. Smt. Shamila Monteiro, Director & ex
officio Joint Secretary (Fisheries).
7. Pattern of assistance.— (a) Financial
assistance for setting up of the Crab Culture Panaji, 27th May, 2016.
unit: The maximum amount of financial
——— ———
assistance eligible for setting up of Crab
Culture unit is 25% of the actual cost limited to
Department of Home
Rs. 1,50,000/-, per ha. Farmer will be eligible
upto 2 ha. Home—General Division
(b) Financial assistance for purchase of seed ___
and feed: The maximum amount of financial Notification
assistance eligible for purchase of seed
and feed is 50% of the actual cost limited to 21/2/2013-HD(G)/1928
Rs. 75,000/- per ha., limited to 2 ha. area.
Ref: (1) Notification No. 2/20/92-HD(G), dated
On approval of the project proposal by the 9-11-1995, published in Official Gazette,
Directorate of Fisheries 60% of the actual Series I No. 34, dated 23-11-1995.
financial assistance on setting up of Crab
(2) Notification No. 2/20/92-HD(G), dated
Culture unit will be provided to the beneficiary
16-10-1996, published in Official Gazette,
and balance of 40% will be given on registration
Series I No. 33, dated 14-11-1996.
of the unit.
(3) Notification No. 2/20/92-HD(G), dated
8. Terms and Conditions.— (1) The beneficiary 29-4-1997, published in Official Gazette,
shall permit the Government Official or their Series I No. 14, dated 3-7-1997.
duly authorised representative to inspect the (4) Notification No. 2/20/92-HD(G), dated
unit as and when required. 27-8-1997, published in Official Gazette,
Series I No. 25, dated 18-9-1997.
(2) Renewal of the registration of the unit to
be done every 3 years. (5) Notification No. 2/20/92-HD(G), dated
30-11-1999, published in Official Gazette,
(3) There should not be any activity which Series I No. 37, dated 9-12-1999.
may cause environmental hazard in regards to
(6) Notification No. 2/20/92-HD(G), dated
the mangroves.
20-12-1999, published in Official Gazette,
9. Relaxation of the provision of the scheme.— Series I No. 42, dated 13-01-2000.
The Government is empowered to relax (7) Notification No. 2/20/92-HD(G), dated
all or any of the clauses provided in this 2-5-2000, published in Official Gazette,
scheme, if found deemed fit for reasons to be Extraordinary (No. 3), Series I No. 4,
recorded. dated 2-5-2000.


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