Crab Farming
Crab Farming
Crab Farming
Department Notification Subject Pages
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SERIES I No. 10 9TH JUNE, 2016
SERIES I No. 10 9TH JUNE, 2016
(i) Proof of Identity for— Individuals/Fish 10. Interpretation of the provision of the
Farmers — copy Voter Id/Passport/Aadhar scheme.— If any question arises regarding
Card along with fifteen years valid Residential interpretation in the scheme of any clause,
Certificate, for Self Help Group/Societies word, expression or entire scheme, then the
—registration document. decision about the interpretation shall lie with
the Government.
(ii) NOC from local Village Panchayat/
/Municipality. This issues with the concurrence of the
Finance Department vide their U. O. No. Fin
(iii) Proof of availability of finance.
(Exp.)/1400023579 dated 16-05-2016.
(iv) Project/feasibility report.
By order and in the name of the Governor
(v) Training completion certificate on Crab of Goa.
Farming carried by Directorate of Fisheries/
/MPEDA/ICAR/any other institute. Dr. Smt. Shamila Monteiro, Director & ex
officio Joint Secretary (Fisheries).
7. Pattern of assistance.— (a) Financial
assistance for setting up of the Crab Culture Panaji, 27th May, 2016.
unit: The maximum amount of financial
——— ———
assistance eligible for setting up of Crab
Culture unit is 25% of the actual cost limited to
Department of Home
Rs. 1,50,000/-, per ha. Farmer will be eligible
upto 2 ha. Home—General Division
(b) Financial assistance for purchase of seed ___
and feed: The maximum amount of financial Notification
assistance eligible for purchase of seed
and feed is 50% of the actual cost limited to 21/2/2013-HD(G)/1928
Rs. 75,000/- per ha., limited to 2 ha. area.
Ref: (1) Notification No. 2/20/92-HD(G), dated
On approval of the project proposal by the 9-11-1995, published in Official Gazette,
Directorate of Fisheries 60% of the actual Series I No. 34, dated 23-11-1995.
financial assistance on setting up of Crab
(2) Notification No. 2/20/92-HD(G), dated
Culture unit will be provided to the beneficiary
16-10-1996, published in Official Gazette,
and balance of 40% will be given on registration
Series I No. 33, dated 14-11-1996.
of the unit.
(3) Notification No. 2/20/92-HD(G), dated
8. Terms and Conditions.— (1) The beneficiary 29-4-1997, published in Official Gazette,
shall permit the Government Official or their Series I No. 14, dated 3-7-1997.
duly authorised representative to inspect the (4) Notification No. 2/20/92-HD(G), dated
unit as and when required. 27-8-1997, published in Official Gazette,
Series I No. 25, dated 18-9-1997.
(2) Renewal of the registration of the unit to
be done every 3 years. (5) Notification No. 2/20/92-HD(G), dated
30-11-1999, published in Official Gazette,
(3) There should not be any activity which Series I No. 37, dated 9-12-1999.
may cause environmental hazard in regards to
(6) Notification No. 2/20/92-HD(G), dated
the mangroves.
20-12-1999, published in Official Gazette,
9. Relaxation of the provision of the scheme.— Series I No. 42, dated 13-01-2000.
The Government is empowered to relax (7) Notification No. 2/20/92-HD(G), dated
all or any of the clauses provided in this 2-5-2000, published in Official Gazette,
scheme, if found deemed fit for reasons to be Extraordinary (No. 3), Series I No. 4,
recorded. dated 2-5-2000.