BIM Level 2 Checklist - Scottish Futures Trust PDF

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The key takeaways are that Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a multi-stage process for managing a construction project using digital information. It involves establishing information requirements, reviewing supply chain responses, undertaking regular reviews, and transferring information to an Asset Information Model.

The stages of the Building Information Modelling process outlined are: Stage 01 Brief, Stage 02 Concept, Stage 03 Definition, Stage 04 Design, Stage 05 Build & Commission, Stage 06 Handover & Close Out, Stage 07 Operation & In Use.

Some of the key checks at each stage include: reviewing data exchanges and validation against requirements, ensuring roles and responsibilities are defined, reviewing security strategies, and undertaking regular model review meetings.


Building Information Modelling

Scottish Futures Trust

Stage 01
Undertake BIM Opportunity Grading Assessment and ROI review

Determine the Information Management and CDE Strategy

Determine the project BIM / AIM / GIS Strategy

Create the project Life Cycle Process Mapping

Determine the Soft Landings Approach

Establish the project business case, including the required performance targets of the proposed asset/ facility

Define high level performance outcomes and measures of success, utilising P.O.E data benchmarks
from existing building/ infrastructure assets

Identify all stakeholders requirements for functionality, operational and facilities management of the project asset (AIR)

Conduct stakeholder engagement, assimilate lessons learnt from existing AIM’s, asset stock and industry case studies

Appoint an owners representative to establish, oversee and manage the soft landings process for delivery of the AIM

Determine the requirements, training, systems and process for project and asset information delivery

Establish exchange points at project work stages for information/ data delivery (KPI’s, asset data, PLQ validation)

Identify performance metrics, benchmarks and methodology for asset performance measurement
during the operational phase

Assess requirements for project information transfer into the AIM and integration into any EDMS/ CAFM system

Establish initial target costs for both capital and revenue/ operational expenditures

Prepare capital and operational cost estimates including a methodology for whole lifecycle cost assessment

Strategy to Determine the Built Asset Security

Assess extent of security-minded approach required

Assess security risk to the built asset, in whole or in part ( assess value, impact of loss, threats, vulnerabilities)

Decide on appropriate and proportionate mitigation measures commensurate with risk appetite

Formally record the organisations security strategy and management plan for the built asset

Implement appropriate and proportionate policies, processes and procedures

Determine the asset security requirements and develop a strategy to ensure capacity for ongoing evaluation
during operational phases

Evaluate the requirement to appoint a build asset security manager at the project outset
Building Information Modelling
Scottish Futures Trust

Stage 02
Create the Client Information Model

Establish governance processes to effectively manage information, referencing Asset Management Strategies
and Plans

Establish Organisational Information Requirements to meet the needs of an asset management system or
organisational functions

Envision ‘triggers’ regarding information management to inform the Asset Information Requirements

Define asset management activities to be carried out

Define the specific Asset Information Requirements to satisfy the Organisational Information Requirements

Define data structure and classification of information to be included inside of the AIM

Define the information exchange points to transfer information to and from the Asset Information Model

Define mechanisms to create, verify/validate, store, share, archive, analyse and report on the information contained
within the AIM

Define the interfaces for exchange of data and information between the AIM and other organisational information

Define the mechanisms for maintaining the quality and integrity of the data/information contained in the AIM
through use of a CDE

Ensure the roles and responsibilities for information management have been considered and defined

Processes and Procedures for information management have been considered and specified

Risks relating to information management have been considered

Information exchange with other stakeholders has been considered

Building Information Modelling
Scottish Futures Trust

Stage 02
Create the Employers Information Requirements

Define the client/employer key strategic decision points

Define the ‘Plain Language Questions’ required to be answered using the information exchanged at the key
decision points

Assign role of Project Delivery Manager to manage the authoring of the Employer Information Requirements

Ensure that the Employer Information Requirements are included in project contracts to avoid duplication of
responsibilities, contents should be inclusive of Information Management, Commercial Management and
Competence Assessment

Appoint a party to undertake the role of Information manager as per Construction Industry Council - Information
Management Guidance

Ensure that bidders submit details of their approach to project information management in a pre-contract BEP
to support answering the Plain Language Questions

Ensure bidders have the capability, competence and experience to deliver the project through review of the
Project Implementation Plan (PIP) received as part of the pre-contract BEP

Outline the specific ownership and operational purposes of the proposed facility within the EIR

Collate a register of required facility assets (spatially and physical) for inclusion within the EIR

Within the EIR specify COBie as the required information devliery format from the lead consultant and/or the
lead contractor

Outline the security requirements for any sensitive or confidential information within the EIR, including security
strategy, policy, process and procedures

Determine the timing and content of interim and final handover information requirements from the supply chain

Specify the project information deliverables at each work stage for monitoring, assessment, performance,
validation and project lifecycle decision making

Estabilish a suitable CDE for storage, maintenance and archiving of facility information, asset portfolio and
operational applications.

Ensure internal procedureal and quality systems are established for the receiving and auditing of the supply
chain information transfers

Develop a Project Technology & Systems Integration plan

Ensure that BIM is included as part of the Tender Clauses referencing BIM Protocol when being utilised

Test Supply Chains BIM Capability & Capacity

Building Information Modelling
Scottish Futures Trust

Stage 03
Review Supply Chain response to BEP

Implement BIM Protocol where appropriate

PIM: Review data Exchanges and validation against PLQs

Ensure that the MIDP has been produced by the PDM and a project induction meeting has been undertaken

Ensure that Project Delivery team roles and responsibilities have been embedded into contracts and appointments

Ensure information management roles are defined and confirmed

Check or appoint a representative to check information received complies with the EIR and authorise information to
pass through the shared area of the project common data environment to the published documentation area

Ensure that processes are in place for sign-off information and request publication.

Review security strategy regularly, and in response to incidents and breaches significant internal or external changes

Undertake regular model review meetings

Building Information Modelling
Scottish Futures Trust

Stage 04
PIM: Review Data Exchanges and validation against PLQs

Review security strategy regularly, and in response to incidents and breaches significant internal or external changes

Undertake regular model review meetings

Building Information Modelling
Scottish Futures Trust

Stage 05
Build & Commission:
PIM: Review Data Exchanges and validation against PLQs

Review security strategy regularly, and in response to incidents and breaches significant internal or external changes

Undertake regular model review meetings

Building Information Modelling
Scottish Futures Trust

Stage 06
Handover & Close Out:
Data Transfer to Asset Information Model
Building Information Modelling
Scottish Futures Trust

Stage 07
Operation & In Use:
Update Asset Information Model

Post Occupancy Evaluation

Feedback lessons learned

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