1k A Day
1k A Day
1k A Day
From what I know this method has been completely private between at least like 10
people in the CS:GO Cheating community, and since I don't care much about this
method I am releasing it.
Step 1. You're going to need to buy a CS:GO hosting service and start a server.
This is required, however the server will only be needed for one day and you will
never have to worry about it again.
Step 4. Once the plugin is installed and you see an ad when you load into your
server you should be able to get the link the ad is running through.
(I havent needed to get my ad link in over 6 months or something, so I dont exactly
remember where it is, but you need to find it.)
Step 5. Now, if you do not already have Auto Hotkey installed, you need to install
it now. It will be used for automating clicking when you AFK your computer.
(Here is some code for an AHK script that will auto click on your ad link 60 times,
wait 30 seconds so the ad finishes playing, and then close all the ads and restart
the process.)
default keybinds: F10 to start the script, F7 to pause, F8 to close.
AutoClick :https://pastebin.com/YP9G9biP
Step 6. Open a game that does not take much processing power, Press Shift+Tab to
open the steam panel, goto your friends and find someone who hasnt been online in a
long time and send them a message that is your ad link. When you send the message,
if you click the link it should open your ad page and run a video/banner ad. Resize
the window the ad plays in so it does not overlap the link you sent to your friend,
and then simply open the AHK script I posted above, hover over the link, then press
F10. it should start spam opening and closing the ads which is perfect.
From here you just afk this whenever you sleep, or go to school, or any time you
arent on your computer. my friend went as far as buying a sitty laptop to afk this
on 24/7. He even afk'd it on his main pc when he wasnt using that so you really can
afk this on as many PC's as you want.
I wouldn't suggest going over $1,000 a month. Sometimes when you make too much
money a month MOTDGD will check your account and ban you for this.