نسخة من 224.2R-92 Cracking of Concrete Members in Direct Tension
نسخة من 224.2R-92 Cracking of Concrete Members in Direct Tension
نسخة من 224.2R-92 Cracking of Concrete Members in Direct Tension
ACI 224.2R-92
(Reapproved 2004)
William L. Clark, Jr.*
f t'
struction to insure proper control of cracking that may n = the ratio of modulus of elasticity of the steel
occur. to that of concrete
A separate report by ACI Committee 224 (ACI 224R) p = reinforcing ratio = ASIA,
covers control of cracking in concrete members in gen-
eral, but contains only a brief reference to tension After cracking, if the applied force remains un-
cracking. This report deals specifically with cracking in changed, the steel stress at a crack is
members subjected to direct tension.
Chapter 2 reviews the primary causes of direct tension
cracking, applied loads, and restraint of volume change. fs= f =($ - 1 +rJ)fi (2.2)
Chapter 3 discusses crack mechanisms in tension mem-
bers and presents methods for predicting crack spacing For n = 10, fi’ = 500 psi (3.45 MPa). Table 2.1 gives
and width. The effect of cracking on axial stiffness is the steel stress after cracking for a range of steel ratios
discussed in Chapter 4. As cracks develop, a progressive p, assuming that the yield strength of the steel& has not
reduction in axial stiffness takes place. Methods for been exceeded.
estimating the reduced stiffness in the post-cracking
range are presented for both one-dimensional members Table 2.1-Steel stress after cracking for various steel
and more complex systems. Chapter 5 reviews measures ratios
that should be taken in both design and construction to
control cracking in direct tension members. 1
- - l + n
Ll D ksi (MPa)
Type of test
I strength,
within batches,
Splitting test 405 (2.8) 20 (0.14) 5
Direct tensile test 275 (1.9) 19 (0.13)
Modulus of rupture 605 (4.2) 36 (0.25) :
Compression cube test 5980 (42) 207 (1.45) 3 1/2
Strength ratio
Compressive Direct tensile Direct tensile
strength Modulus of rupture* strength to strength to
of cylinders, to compressive compressive modulus of
psi (MPa) strength strength rupture*
1000 (6.9) 0.23 0.11 0.48
2000 (13.8) 0.19 0.10 0.53
3000 (20.7) 0.16 0.09 0.57
4000 (27.6) 0.15 0.09 0.59
5000 (34.5) 0.14 0.08 0.59
6000 (41.4) 0.13 0.08 0.60
7000 (48.2) 0.12 0.07 0.61
8000 (55.1) 0.12 0.07 0.62
9000 (62.0) 0.11 0.07 0.63
*Determined under third-point loading.
For low steel ratios, depending on the grade of steel, restraint. This point is demonstrated in Tam and Scan-
yielding occurs immediately after cracking if the force in lon’s numerical analysis of time-dependent restraint force
the member remains the same. The force in the cracked due to drying shrinkage.3
member at steel yield is A&
steel ratios may not develop if the cracking is due to ACI 209R suggests the following expressions to esti-
Copyright American Concrete Institute
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mate tensile strength as a function of compressive same stress level. Clark and Spiers14 estimated that the
strength first major crack forms at about 90 percent of the aver-
age concrete tensile strength and the last major crack at
modulus of rupture: f, = gr [w, (fc’])]“’ (3.1) about 110 percent of the average tensile strength. Soma-
yaji and Shah15 used a bilinear stress-strain diagram for
direct tensile strength: fi’ = gt [wc Oc,‘)]” (3.2) concrete in tension to model the formation of cracks
along the member at increasing load levels. They as-
where sumed that the tensile strength beyond first cracking was
= unit weight of concrete (lb/ft3) a function of the strain gradient in the concrete along the
;:: = compressive strength of concrete (psi) length of the bar.
gr = 0.60 to 1.00 (0.012 to 0.021 for wc in Induced tensile stresses caused by restrained concrete
kg/m3 and& in MPa) shrinkage affect the amount of cracking that is visible at
gt = 0.33 (0.0069) a given tensile force. This has been made apparent by
tensile tests conducted to compare the performance of
Both the flexure and splitting tests result in a sudden Type I cement and Type K shrinkage-compensating)
failure of the test specimen, indicating the brittle nature cement in concrete specimens.16 Specimens placed under
of plain concrete in tension. However, if the deformation the same conditions of environment and loading had
of the specimen is controlled in a test, a significant markedly different cracking behavior.
descending branch of the tensile stress-strain diagram can When specimens made with Type I cement had fully
be developed beyond the strain corresponding to maxi- developed external cracks, the specimens made with Type
mum tensile stress. Evans and Marathe7 illustrated this K cement exhibited fewer and narrower external cracks.
behavior on specimens loaded in direct tension in a test- The Type K specimens exhibited first cracking at a higher
ing machine modified to control deformation. Fig. 3.1 load than the Type I specimens, and in some tests no
shows tensile stress-strain curves that include unloading visible cracking was evident in Type K specimens.
beyond the maximum tensile stress. More recent work by The compressive stress induced in the concrete by the
Petersson8 shows that the descending branch of the curve restrained expansion of the Type K cement was appar-
is controlled primarily by localized deformatiou across ently responsible for increasing the loads both at first
individual cracks, indicating that there are large dif- cracking and at which cracking was fully developed. Thus,
ferences between the average strain (Fig. 3.1) and local efforts to compensate for concrete shrinkage also appear
strains. to help reduce cracking.
reinforcing bars.10-12 ” The difference in crack width be- (4)_ 1:1:2 0.45
(5)_1::4 0.60
65 days
270 "
tween the concrete surface and the reinforcing bar is (6)_1:3:6 0.90 70 "
Copyright ofConcrete
American a tension
Institute member, cracks do not all form at the (includes unloading portion)
Provided by IHS under license with ACI Licensee=University of Texas Revised Sub Account/5620001114, User=wserrt, fghu
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/26/2015 01:24:23 MST
due to progressive cracking is referred to as strain Other methods for determining E, are reviewed by
softening. Moosecker and Grasser.21
The stiffening effect of the concrete between cracks An alternative approach is to write the effective stiff-
can be illustrated by considering the relationship between ness (EA)c in terms of the modulus of elasticity of the
the load and the average strain in both the uncracked concrete and an effective (reduced) area of concrete, i.e.
and cracked states. A tensile load versus strain curve is
shown in Fig. 4.1. In the range P = 0 to P = P c r , the P=E/I,c, (4.12)
member is uncracked, and the response follows the line
OA. The load-strain relationship [Eq. (4.1)] is given by
This approach is analogous to the effective moment of
inertia concept for the evaluation of deflections de-
P = EP, (I - p + np) E = (EA),,e (4.5) veloped by Branson and incorporated in AC1 318.
Using the same form of the equation as used for the
If the contribution to stiffness provided by the con-
effective moment of inertia, the effective cross-sectional
crete is ignored, the response follows the line OB, and
area for a member can be written as
the load-strain relationship is given by
--- CEB
- - - - - - Effective Area, A ,
- - - Steel Alone
Lood P
Fig. 4.2-Tensile load versus strain diagrams based on CEB and effective cross-sectional area expressions
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Alabama Highway Department, Montgomery, Aug. 1963, Sept. 1973), Commission of the European Communities,
94 pp. Luxembourg, V. 3, Paper H l/l, 20 pp. Also, Nuclear
23. Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete, Engineering and Design (Amsterdam), V. 28, 1974.
American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 1982, 31. Gilbert, R. Ian, and Warner, Robert F., ‘‘Tension
545 pp. Stiffening in Reinforced Concrete Slabs,” Proceedings,
24. Ngo, D., and Scordelis, A.C., “Finite Element ASCE, V. 104, ST12, Dec. 1978, pp. 1885-1900.
Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams,” ACI JOURNAL., 32. Bazant, Zdenek, and Cedolin, Luigi, “Blunt Crack
Proceedings V. 64, No. 3, Mar. 1967, pp. 152-163. Band Propagation in Finite Element Analysis,”
25. Nilson, Arthur H., “Nonlinear Analysis of Proceedings, ASCE, V. 105, EM2, Apr. 1979, pp. 297-315.
Reinforced Concrete by the Finite Element Method,” 33. Tuthill, Lewis H., “Tunnel Lining With Pumped
ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 65, No. 9, Sept. 1968, pp. Concrete,” ACI JOURNAL., Proceedings V. 68, No. 4, Apr.
757-766. 1971, pp. 252-262.
26. Gerstle, Walter; Ingraffea, Anthony R.; and 34. Concrete Manual, 8th Edition, U.S. Bureau of
Gergely, Peter, ‘‘Tension Stiffening: A Fracture Reclamation, Denver, 1975, 627 pp.
Mechanics Approach,” Proceedings, International Con-