Re-Construction of Belabo Community Clinic at Amdia Union (Ward No03 Old) in Sadar Upazila Under Narsingdi District.
Re-Construction of Belabo Community Clinic at Amdia Union (Ward No03 Old) in Sadar Upazila Under Narsingdi District.
Re-Construction of Belabo Community Clinic at Amdia Union (Ward No03 Old) in Sadar Upazila Under Narsingdi District.
A.I.1 Foundation upto Plinth Level
1 Layout and marking for earthwork in excavation in foundation accepted by the Engineer. [Plinth area of the
Bldg shall be considered 1 for measurement].
x 28.75' x 25.25' = 725.94 Sft
Box to Box 1 x 15.67' x 1.25' = 19.59 "
Porch 1 x 9.25' x 4.58' = 42.37 "
Total = 787.89 Sft
= 73.22 Sqm
2 Earth work in foundation trenches
a. Upto 1.5 m depth
Foting-1 4 x 4.00' x 4.00' x 4.00' = 256.00 Cft
Foting-2 6 x 5.00' x 5.00' x 4.00' = 600.00 "
Foting-3 2 x 5.75' x 5.75' x 4.00' = 264.50 "
Foting-4 2 x 3.50' x 3.50' x 4.00' = 98.00 "
Step 1 x 12.42' x 0.83' x 1.50' = 15.46 "
Step 2 x 4.58' x 1.67' x 1.50' = 22.95 "
Total = 1256.91 Cft
= 35.60 Cum
3 Brick flat soling
a. In foundation
Foting-1 4 x 4.00' x 4.00' = 64.00 Sft
Foting-2 6 x 5.00' x 5.00' = 150.00 Sft
Foting-3 2 x 5.75' x 5.75' = 66.13 Sft
Foting-4 2 x 3.50' x 3.50' = 24.50 Sft
Step 1 x 12.42' x 0.83' = 10.31 Sft
do 2 x 4.58' x 1.67' = 15.30 Sft
Total = 330.23 Sft
= 30.69 Sqm
b. In floor
Birthing 1 x 12.08' x 8.92' = 107.75 Sft
Toilet 1 x 9.75' x 4.50' = 43.88 "
Store 1 x 5.08' x 8.08' = 41.05 "
Health 1 x 9.75' x 12.25' = 119.44 "
CBHC 1 x 9.75' x 9.58' = 93.41 "
Box area 2 x 3.33' x 1.25' = 8.33 "
Toilet 1 x 9.75' x 4.50' = 43.88 "
do 0 x 1.83' x 4.50' = 0.00 "
Waiting 1 x 17.50' x 6.67' = 116.73 "
Waiting (front stor 1 x 7.33' x 9.08' = 66.56 "
Porch 1 x 7.25' x 4.58' = 33.21 "
do 2 x 4.58' x 1.67' = 15.30 "
do 1 x 12.42' x 0.83' = 10.31 "
Total = 699.81 Sft
= 65.04 Sqm
4 Lean cement concrete work(1:3:6)
b. In floor
Same as area BF SL No. 1.03 b) = 699.81 Sft
699.81' x 0.25' = 174.95 Cft
= 4.95 Cum
5 Sand filling in plinth and in side foundation trench
a. With F.M. 0.80
Birthing 1 x 12.08' x 8.92' x 1.50' = 161.63 Cft
Toilet 1 x 9.75' x 4.50' x 1.50' = 65.81 "
Store 1 x 5.08' x 8.08' x 1.50' = 61.57 "
Health 1 x 9.75' x 12.25' x 1.50' = 179.16 "
CBHC 1 x 9.75' x 9.58' x 1.50' = 140.11 "
Box area 2 x 3.33' x 1.25' x 1.50' = 12.49 "
Toilet 1 x 8.33' x 4.50' x 1.50' = 56.23 "
do 1 x 1.83' x 4.50' x 1.50' = 12.35 "
Waiting 1 x 17.50' x 6.67' x 1.50' = 175.09 "
Waiting (front stor 1 x 7.33' x 9.08' x 1.50' = 99.83 "
Total = 964.27 Cft
= 27.31 Cum
6 Earth filling work in outer foundation trench
a. By cutted Earth (Back filling)
Same as area BF SL No. 1.02 a) = 35.60 Cum
Total = 35.60 Cum
=2/3 of Earth Excavation = 23.73 Cum
FGL to PL 2.00'
Col C-1 10 x 3.32' x 1.00' x 2.00' = 66.40 Sft
Col C-2 2 x 3.32' x 1.00' x 2.00' = 13.28 Sft
Col C-3 2 x 3.32' x 1.00' x 2.00' = 13.28 "
ST = 92.96 Sft
Total upto PL = 416.30 sqm
= 38.69 Sqm
10 60 grade deformed bar with minimum fy = 400
Up to plinth ultimate strength 482 Mpa
For Footing.
F1 12mm dia Long = 4.00 x 9.00 x 3.50 = 126.00 rft
F1 12mm dia Short = 4.00 x 9.00 x 3.50 = 126.00 rft
F2 12mm dia Long = 6.00 x 12.00 x 4.50 = 324.00 rft
F2 12mm dia Short = 6.00 x 12.00 x 4.50 = 324.00 rft
F3 12mm dia Long = 2.00 x 14.00 x 5.25 = 147.00 rft
F3 12mm dia Short = 2.00 x 14.00 x 5.25 = 147.00 rft
F4 12mm dia Long = 2.00 x 8.00 x 3.00 = 48.00 rft
F4 12mm dia Short = 2.00 x 8.00 x 3.00 = 48.00 rft
For Footing 1290.00 rft
12mm dia = 1,290.00 rft 350.03 kg
For Grade Beam
GB1 16mm dia = 3.00 x 4.00 x 30.00 = 360.00 rft
10mm dia = 3.00 x 59.00 x 4.08 = 722.16 rft
GB1 16mm dia = 1.00 x 4.00 x 10.25 = 41.00 rft
10mm dia = 1.00 x 20.00 x 4.00 = 80.00 rft
GB2 16mm dia = 2.00 x 6.00 x 26.50 = 318.00 rft
16mm dia = 2.00 x 6.00 x 2.00 = 24.00 rft
10mm dia = 2.00 x 50.00 x 4.08 = 408.00 rft
GB2 16mm dia = 2.00 x 6.00 x 32.33 = 387.96 rft
16mm dia = 2.00 x 6.00 x 2.00 = 24.00 rft
10mm dia = 2.00 x 50.00 x 4.08 = 408.00 rft
GB3 16mm dia = 3.00 x 4.00 x 12.00 = 144.00 rft
10mm dia = 3.00 x 23.00 x 4.08 = 281.52 rft
GB4 16mm dia = 1.00 x 4.00 x 6.92 = 27.68 rft
10mm dia = 1.00 x 13.00 x 3.25 = 42.25 rft
GB5 16mm dia = 1.00 x 5.00 x 14.75 = 73.75 rft
10mm dia = 1.00 x 35.00 x 4.08 = 142.80 rft
For GB
16mm dia 1,400.39 rft 673.85 kg
10mm dia 2,084.73 rft 394.84 kg
For Column 1068.69 kg
Up to EGL
C1 16mm dia = 10.00 x 4.00 x 5.00 = 200.00 rft
C1 10mm dia = 10.00 x 9.00 x 3.25 = 292.50 rft
C2 16mm dia = 2.00 x 6.00 x 5.00 = 60.00 rft
C2 10mm dia = 2.00 x 9.00 x 3.25 = 58.50 rft
C3 16mm dia Porch = 2.00 x 4.00 x 5.00 = 40.00 rft
C3 10mm dia Porch = 2.00 x 9.00 x 3.25 = 58.50 rft
For Column
16mm dia 300.00 rft 144.30 kg
10mm dia 409.50 rft 77.39 kg
221.69 kg
For Column
Up to PL
C1 16mm dia = 10.00 x 4.00 x 4.00 = 160.00 rft
C1 10mm dia = 10.00 x 12.00 x 3.25 = 390.00 rft
C2 16mm dia = 2.00 x 6.00 x 4.00 = 48.00 rft
C2 10mm dia = 2.00 x 12.00 x 3.25 = 78.00 rft
C3 16mm dia Porch = 2.00 x 4.00 x 4.00 = 32.00 rft
C3 10mm dia Porch = 2.00 x 12.00 x 3.25 = 78.00 rft
For Column
16mm dia 240.00 rft 115.44 kg
10mm dia 546.00 rft 102.64 kg
218.08 kg
Total For Column Up to PL = 439.77 kg
For Footing = 350.03 Kg
For Grade Beam 1068.69 Kg
For Column 439.77 Kg
MS Rod Up to PL 1858.49 Kg
A.I.2 Above Plinth Level
1 Reinforced cement concrete work (1:2:4) of specified compressive strength f'c 19 Mpa at 28 days with bricks
A. Inusing steelcolumn,
pedestal shutter,column,
best quality
wallof F.M. 2.2 and 50% local sand of F.M. 1.2 with
20mm down well
i. Ground graded picked jhama brick chips in/c breaking chips and screening through proper sleves,
Col placing
C-1 in position 10 the centering
x shuttering
0.83'byxM.S. sheet steelx forms etc.
0.83' making
9.67' = shuttering
tight, placing of reinforcement in position, concrete mixing with mixer machine, compacting by vibrator
Col C-2 2 x 0.83' x 0.83' x 9.67' = 13.37 Cft
machine and curing at least for 28 days etc. all complete as per direction of the engineer-in-charge (rate is
Col C-3
excluding 2
the cost of reinforcement x its fabrication,
and 0.83' xplacing and0.83'binding).
x 7.00' = 9.68 "
Total = 89.91 Cft
= 2.55 Cum
A. Supplying, fitting and fixing unglazed homogeneous floor tiles (size 400 mm x 400 mm local made)
Ground Floor
Birthing 1 x 12.08' x 8.92' = 107.75 Sft
Birthing shelf 1 x 6.00' x 2.00' = 12.00 Sft
Store 1 x 5.08' x 8.08' = 41.05 Sft
Health &FP 1 x 9.75' x 12.25' = 119.44 Sft
CBHC 1 x 9.75' x 9.58' = 93.41 Sft
Box area 2 x 2.50' x 1.67' = 8.35 Sft
Toilet front 1 x 3.33' x 4.50' = 14.99 Sft
Waiting 1 x 17.50' x 6.67' = 116.73 Sft
Waiting 1 x 7.42' x 9.08' = 67.37 Sft
Porch 1 x 9.25' x 5.00' = 46.25 Sft
Skirting 1 x 16.08' x 0.50' = 8.04 Sft
Total = 635.37 Sft
= 59.05 Sqm
B. Supplying, fitting and fixing unglazed homogeneous floor tiles (size 300 mm x 300 mm local made)
Ground Floor
Toilet 1 x 9.75' x 4.50' = 43.88 Sft
Toilet 1 x 6.00' x 4.50' = 27.00 Sft
Trade Long 2 x 12.58' x 0.83' = 20.88 Sft
Riser 3 x 12.58' x 0.50' = 18.87 Sft
Trade Short 4 x 5.00' x 0.83' = 16.60 Sft
Riser 4 x 5.00' x 0.50' = 10.00 Sft
Door sill 3 x 2.50' x 0.42' = 3.15 Sft
3 x 2.50' x 0.25' = 1.88 Sft
Total = 142.25 Sft
= 13.22 Sqm
c. Supplying, fitting and fixing white glazed wall tiles (size 250 mm x 330 mm local made)
Birthing 2 x 12.08' x 9.63' = 232.66 Sft
do 2 x 8.92' x 9.63' = 171.80 "
Toilet 2 x 9.75' x 5.00' = 97.50 "
do 2 x 4.50' x 5.00' = 45.00 "
Store 2 x 5.08' x 5.00' = 50.80 "
do 2 x 8.08' x 5.00' = 80.80 "
Health &FP 2 x 9.75' x 5.00' = 97.50 "
do 2 x 12.25' x 5.00' = 122.50 "
CBHC 2 x 9.75' x 5.00' = 97.50 "
do 2 x 9.58' x 5.00' = 95.80 "
Box area 2 x 1.67' x 5.00' = 16.70 "
Toilet 2 x 6.00' x 5.00' = 60.00 "
do 2 x 4.50' x 5.00' = 45.00 "
Toilet front 2 x 3.33' x 5.00' = 33.30 "
do 2 x 4.50' x 5.00' = 45.00 "
Waiting 2 x 17.50' x 5.00' = 175.00 "
do 2 x 6.67' x 5.00' = 66.70 "
Waiting 2 x 9.08' x 5.00' = 90.80 "
Column Jam 4 x 0.58' x 5.00' = 11.60 "
do 2 x 0.58' x 9.67' = 11.22 "
D40 Jam 4 x 0.29' x 17.33' = 20.10 "
D30 Jam 3 x 0.29' x 16.50' = 14.36 "
W40 Jam 7 x 0.29' x 8.33' = 16.91 "
HW50 Jam 2 x 0.29' x 8.17' = 4.74 "
HW40 Jam 1 x 0.29' x 7.33' = 2.13 "
HW30 Jam 2 x 0.29' x 6.50' = 3.77 "
Column 2 x 3.14' x 7.00' = 43.96 "
Dado 2 x 28.58' x 2.50' = 142.90 "
do 2 x 30.25' x 2.50' = 151.25 "
Deduction "
D40 -1 x 3.33' x 7.00' = -23.31 "
D40(Both Side) -7 x 3.33' x 5.00' = -116.55 "
D/30(Both Side) -6 x 2.50' x 5.00' = -75.00 "
W/40 -7 x 3.33' x 2.50' = -58.28 "
HW/50 -2 x 4.17' x 2.00' = -16.68 "
mini window -2 x 1.17' x 2.50' = -5.85 "
Total = 1751.62 Sft
= 162.79 Sqm
d. Supplying, carrying, placing, providing (418 x 330 x 17) mm size of red colour concrete roof tiles on
pre-fixed and
Inclind slab onpre-fabricated
por 2 trussx and fixing eachxtile to the5.33'
7.63' roof members of truss accepted
= by theSft
Engineer Total = 81.34 Sft
= 7.56 Sqm
e. Providing brick works for 200 x 100 mm facing in superstructure with 200 x 100 x 50 mm machine
made klinker hard pressed
beam surface 2 facingx bricks of approved
28.75' x quality in cement sand (F.M. 1.2)
1.67' = mortar (1:4),Sft
including racking
beam surface out joints,
2 cutting
x the bricks to
25.25' x required size wherever
1.67' necessary including
= 84.34class
high "
recessed pointing,
Shelf out side cleaning
2 and soaking
x the bricks
6.50' x at least for
9.00'24 hours before use=and washing
117.00and "
screening of sand, necessary scaffolding, curing at least for 7 days for all floors up to 4th floor including
door side pilar 2 x 3.33' x 9.00' = 59.94 "
cost of water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.(100 x 200
mm face should be placed for facing).(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)In ground floorTotal = 357.30 Sft
= 33.21 Sqm
7 Wooden single leaf door shutter work with 38mm thick in solid wood door with Gamari wood
D40 4 x 3.33' x 7.00' = 93.24 Sft
D30 3 x 2.50' x 7.00' = 52.50 "
CAD Door 2 x 2.00' x 2.00' = 8.00 "
Total = 153.74 Sft
= 14.29 Sqm
8 a. S.F.F. of M.S. window grill with 20mmx5mm F.I. Bar as per design & drawing.
W/40 7 x 3.33' x 4.50' = 104.90 Sft
W/14 2 x 1.17' x 4.50' = 10.53 "
HW/50 2 x 4.17' x 2.00' = 16.68 "
HW/40 1 x 3.33' x 2.00' = 6.66 "
HW/30 2 x 2.50' x 2.00' = 10.00 "
Total = 148.77 Sft
= 13.83 Sqm
9 Plastering work
a. 12mm to 20mm thick cement sand plaster in skirting & dado with NCF (1:4) all floor
Long 2 x 28.75' x 2.50' = 143.75 Sft
short 2 x 25.75' x 2.50' = 128.75 "
Porch 2 x 6.75' x 2.50' = 33.75 "
Box 2 x 1.25' x 2.50' = 6.25 "
Total = 312.50 Sft
= 29.04 Sqm
b. On masonry surface 10mm to 20mm thick in proportion (1:6)
i. In Ground Floor
Out side
Long way 2 x 28.75' x 9.67' = 556.03 Sft
Short way 2 x 25.25' x 9.67' = 488.34 "
beam surface -2 x 28.75' x 1.67' = -96.03 "
beam surface -2 x 25.25' x 1.67' = -84.34 "
Shelf out side -2 x 6.50' x 9.00' = -117.00 "
door side pilar -2 x 3.33' x 9.00' = -59.94 "
Deduction "
D40 -1 x 3.33' x 7.00' = -23.31 "
W/40 -7 x 3.33' x 4.50' = -104.90 "
W/14 -2 x 1.17' x 4.50' = -10.53 "
HW/50 -2 x 4.17' x 2.00' = -16.68 "
HW/40 -1 x 3.33' x 2.00' = -6.66 "
HW/30 -2 x 2.50' x 2.00' = -10.00 "
Total = 514.99 sft
= 47.86 Sqm
In side
Birthing 2 x 12.08' x 0.33' = 7.97 Sft
do 2 x 8.92' x 0.33' = 5.89 "
Toilet 2 x 9.75' x 4.67' = 91.07 "
do 2 x 4.50' x 4.67' = 42.03 "
Store 2 x 5.08' x 4.67' = 47.45 "
do 2 x 8.08' x 4.67' = 75.47 "
Health &FP 2 x 9.75' x 4.67' = 91.07 "
do 2 x 12.25' x 4.67' = 114.42 "
CBHC 2 x 9.75' x 4.67' = 91.07 "
do 2 x 9.58' x 4.67' = 89.48 "
Box area 2 x 1.67' x 4.67' = 15.60 "
Toilet 2 x 6.00' x 4.67' = 56.04 "
do 2 x 4.50' x 4.67' = 42.03 "
Toilet front 2 x 3.33' x 4.67' = 31.10 "
do 2 x 4.50' x 4.67' = 42.03 "
Waiting 2 x 17.50' x 4.67' = 163.45 "
do 2 x 6.67' x 4.67' = 62.30 "
Waiting 2 x 9.08' x 4.67' = 84.81 "
Column Jam 4 x 0.58' x 4.67' = 10.83 "
do 2 x 0.58' x 4.67' = 5.42 "
D40 Jam 4 x 0.29' x 7.33' = 8.50 "
D30 Jam 3 x 0.29' x 6.50' = 5.66 "
W40 Jam 7 x 0.29' x 7.33' = 14.88 "
HW50 Jam 2 x 0.29' x 8.17' = 4.74 "
HW40 Jam 1 x 0.29' x 7.33' = 2.13 "
HW30 Jam 3 x 0.29' x 6.50' = 5.66 "
Deduction "
Both Side D40 -8 x 3.33' x 2.00' = -53.28 "
Both Side D/30 -6 x 2.50' x 2.00' = -30.00 "
W/40 -7 x 3.33' x 2.00' = -46.62 "
W/20 -2 x 1.67' x 2.00' = -6.68 "
HW/50 -2 x 4.17' x 2.00' = -16.68 "
HW/40 -1 x 3.33' x 2.00' = -6.66 "
HW/30 -2 x 2.50' x 2.00' = -10.00 "
Total = 1041.14 Sft
= 96.76 Sqm
= 144.62 Sqm
c. On R.C.C. surface 6mm & above thick in (1:4)
i. In Ground Floor
Birthing 1 x 12.08' x 8.92' = 107.75 Sft
Birthing shelf 1 x 6.00' x 2.00' = 12.00 "
Toilet 1 x 9.75' x 4.50' = 43.88 "
Store 1 x 5.08' x 8.08' = 41.05 "
Store shelf 2 x 11.50' x 1.67' = 38.41 "
Health &FP 1 x 9.75' x 12.25' = 119.44 "
CBHC 1 x 9.75' x 9.58' = 93.41 "
Box area 2 x 2.50' x 1.67' = 8.35 "
Toilet 1 x 6.00' x 4.50' = 27.00 "
Toilet front 1 x 3.33' x 4.50' = 14.99 "
Waiting 1 x 17.50' x 6.67' = 116.73 "
Waiting 1 x 7.42' x 9.08' = 67.37 "
Porch 2 x 7.63' x 6.83' = 104.23 "
Drop for porch=1/ 1 x 7.25' x 1.58' = 11.46 "
PB1(Porch) 2 x 7.25' x 2.50' = 36.25 "
PB2(Porch) 2 x 4.58' x 2.50' = 22.90 "
Total = 865.19 Sft
= 80.41 Sqm
Out side
Cornice with face 2 x 32.08' x 1.83' = 117.41 Sft
Cornice with face 2 x 28.83' x 1.83' = 105.52 "
W/40 7 x 5.33' x 1.50' = 55.97 "
Face 7 x 8.33 x 0.25 = 14.58 "
HW/50 2 x 5.17 0.25 = 2.59 "
Face 2 x 8.17 0.25 = 4.09 "
HW40 1 x 5.33' x 1.75' = 9.33 "
Face 1 x 8.33 x 0.25 = 2.08 "
HW/30 5 x 4.50' x 1.50' = 33.75 "
Face 5 x 7.50 x 0.25 = 9.38 "
Drop for porch=1/ 2 x 7.25' x 0.33' = 4.79 "
Porch face 2 x 5.33' x 0.33' = 3.52 "
Total = 362.98 Sft
= 33.73 Sqm
For ground floor = 114.14 Sqm
10 Providing drip course/nosing / throating with cement mortar (1:2)
Cornice 2 x 32.08' = 64.16 Rft
Cornice 2 x 28.83' = 57.66 "
W/40 7 x 8.33 = 58.31 "
HW/50 2 x 8.17 = 16.34
HW40 1 x 8.33 = 8.33 "
HW/30 2 x 7.50 = 15.00 "
Total = 219.80 Rft
= 67.01 Rm
11 Weather coat
out side surface
Same as qty BF qty Sl No.9(b) masonry surface Ground floor = 47.86 Sqm
Same as qty BF qty Sl No.9(c) On RCC surface Ground floor = 33.73 "
Total = 81.59 Sqm
12 Plastic emulsion paint
of In approved
side surfacebest
Sameandas qtycolour
BF qty Sl No.9(b) masonry surface Ground floor = 96.76 Sqm
delivered from
Same as qty BF qty Sl No.9(c) On RCC surface Ground floor = 80.41 "
authorized local agent
of the manufacturer in Total = 177.17 Sqm
13 Painting
a sealed work on
timberD40 to wall
applying surface
and 4 x 3.33' x 7.00' = 93.24 Sft
ceiling enamel
D30in two coats 3 x 2.50' x 7.00' = 52.50 "
over a oncoat doors
of brand &
Total = 145.74 Sft
specified primer or = 13.54 Sqm
sealer elapsing Painting 2.50 times = 33.86 Sqm
specified time for
drying or recoating
14 Supplying
including F/F
cleaningof 1 x 5.00 = 5.00 Nos
19mm x 300mm
drying, making free brass Total = 5.00 Nos
hasp bolt grease, wax,
from dirt,
removing all chalked
and scaled materials,
fungus, mending good
the surface defects,
sand papering the
15 S/F/F of 62mm size 1 x 5.00 = 5.00 Nos
pad lock Total = 5.00 Nos
16 Providing apron with
50mm thickway
Long cement 2 x 32.24' x 1.83' = 118.00 Sft
Short way with
(1:2:4) 2 x 25.08' x 1.83' = 91.79 "
N.C.F. over one layer Total = 209.79 Sft
of brick flat soling.
= 19.50 Sqm
17 Supplying, fitting and fixing of Aluminium sliding window as per the U.S. Architectural Aluminium
a. Silver colour Association (AAMA) standard specification having 1.2 mm thick outer bottom (size 75.50
mm, W/40
32mm), 1.2 mm thick outer 7 top (size
x 75.503.33'mm, 16.80
x mm), 1.2 mm thick shutter top
4.50' = (size 104.90
33 Sft
W/14 22 mm), 1.2 mm 2thick shutter
x bottom (size
1.17' x 60mm, 24.40
4.50' mm), 1.2 mm thick outer
= side (size "
75.50 mm,19.90 mm), 1.2 mm thick sliding fixed side (size 31 mm, 26 mm),1.2 mm thick shutter lock (size
mm 26.20 mm) and 1.2 2 mm thick x inter lock
(sizex 34.40 mm,
32.10 mm) sections all = aluminium16.68 "
HW/40 1 x 3.33' x 2.00' =
members (total weight kg/sqm) will be anodized to aluminium bronze/silver colour with a coat not less 6.66than
15 micron in thickness and density of 4 mg per square cm etc. including all accessories like sliding door "key
HW/30 2 x 2.50' x 2.00' = 10.00
lock, sliding door wheel, sliding door mohiar, sliding door neoprene, bolts and nuts Total =
including 148.77 sft
keeping provision for fitting 5 mm thick glass including labour charge for fitting of accessories, = making
13.83 Sqm
18 grooves
Supplying,and mending
fitting good in
and fixing damages,
Aluminium carriage, and electricity
door frames, windows,complete inand
partitions all respect
curtain as per
wall drawing and
distortion free
a. 5 of mm by theclear
thick Engineer.
glassand shade including cost of fitting fixing all necessary accessories etc. complete in
all respect
W/40 as per drawing and 7 accepted x by the3.33'
x 4.50' = 104.90 Sft
W/14 2 x 1.14' x 4.50' = 10.26 "
HW/50 2 x 4.17' x 2.00' = 16.68 "
HW/40 1 x 3.33' x 2.00' = 6.66 "
HW/30 2 x 2.50' x 2.00' = 10.00 "
Total = 148.50 Sft
= 13.80 Sqm
b. Ambushed/frostedglass
HW/30 2 x 2.50' x 2.00' = 10.00 Sft
Total = 10.00 Sft
= 0.93 Sqm
1 Supply installation work of sanitary equipment including cutting hole/grove in floor or wall, mending good the
damages using cement
a. Supplying, fitting concrete (`1:2:4) & cement sand mortar (1:4) as & where necessary, supply of all
auxiliary materials,
and fixing scaffolding, cleaning the surface during for 14 days if needed etc. complete as per
drawing and direction 1 x 1.00 = 1.00 No
European type of the Engineer-in-Charge.
glazed Total = 1.00 No
b commode
Special Coloured "S" Bangladesh pattern, 570mmx445mmx290mm long pan with foot-rest or approved
best quality340 x
465 x
415 mm in size, 1 x 1.00 = 1.00 No
approximately 14 Total = 1.00 No
kg by weight,
plastic seat cover
c and
Plastic low-down including all fittings and accessories.
the base with 1 x 1.00 = 1.00 Nos
cement concrete Total = 1.00 Nos
and with wire
mesh or rods, if
d White glazed in vitreous
all hand wash basin including brackets & waste pipe Size 580mmx445mmx235mm
of including
approved colour/white and best quality 1 x 2.00 = 2.00 Nos
making holes
wherever Total = 2.00 Nos
2 Supply required and work of sanitary equipment including cutting hole/grove in floor or wall, mending good the
a mending
Single usinggood
bowl cement
stainlessconcrete (`1:2:4)
steel sink & cement
with sink sand
tray size mortar
450 mm x(1:4) as & where
1050mm necessary,
or approved supply of all
best quality
with all fittings.and
auxiliary damages
materials, scaffolding, cleaning the surface during for 14 days if needed etc. complete as per
drawing andfixing
direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. 1 x 1.00 = 1.00 No
finishing etc. Total = 1.00 No
3 Supply complete
& fittingwith all following sanitary fixtures and parts of the equipment including supply of all materials
of the
scaffolding fittings as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
etc. complete
a. and
type 100 mm CP shower rose
approved and 1 x 1.00 = 1.00 No
accepted by the
Total = 1.00 No
b. Super quality Towel Rail 20mm dia 600 mm long C.P.
1 x 3.00 = 3.00 Nos
Total = 3.00 Nos
c. Soap tray C.P
1 x 3.00 = 3.00 Nos
Total = 3.00 Nos
e. Glass Shelf 125mm x 600mm with C.P. holder and guard rail
1 x 2.00 = 2.00 Nos
Total = 2.00 Nos
5 Supply & fitting pipe line work with 100mm dia uPVC soil, waste and ventilation pipe etc. all complete.
Vertical pile 2 x 20.00' = 40.00 Rft
Pit to pit 2 x 20.00' = 40.00 Rft
Pit to pit 2 x 15.00' = 30.00 "
Toilet to Pit 2 x 8.00 = 16.00 "
ST to SW 1 x 10.00 = 10.00 "
Total = 136.00 Rft
= 41.46 Rm
6 Pipe line work with u-PVC pressure pipe for water supply having specific gravity 1.35-1.45
a. 25mm dia with wall thickness 3.4mm-4.0mm
On Roof 1 x 25.00' = 25.00 Rft
Pump to Tank 1 x 25.00' = 25.00 "
Drop 2 x 8.00 = 16.00 "
Total = 66.00 Rft
= 20.12 Rm
b. 19mm dia with wall thickness 2.9mm-3.4mm
In Toilet 2 x 15.00' = 30.00 Rft
Total = 30.00 Rft
= 9.15 Rm
c. 12mm dia with wall thickness 2.8mm-3.3mm
In Toilet 2 x 10.00' = 20.00 Rft
Total = 20.00 Rft
= 6.10 Rm
7 Concealing works of G.I./PVC Pipe
Same as qty Sl No. 6 (a) = 9.15 Rm
Same as qty Sl No. 6 (b) = 6.10 "
Total = 15.24 Rm
8 Construction of septic tank of different sizes with walls of brick work in cement mortar (1:6) having a
a. For of minimum
10 users 125 mm R.C.C cast against 1the walls x as per approved
1.00 type plan over=a brick flat1.00 No
soling and 150 mm thick reinforced cement concrete flooring (1:2:4) with 125 mm thick walls in
partition and 12 mm thick cement plaster (1:4) with N.C.F. to insides of walls onTotal floor and = all around1.00 No
outside walls of
9 Construction bysoak
18" height
well ofatdifferent
top including
sizes supplying
(small sizes) fitting and
with fixing
250 mm of thicktwosolid
R.C.C. Tees
brick workandand 250
a. honey
For 10450comb mmbrick
users dia water
work with sealed heavymortar
cement type1C.I. manhole
(1:6) as cover
x per design 1.00with
R.C.C. (1:2:4) well = curb with 1.00 No
1% reinforcementand 100
up tomm thethick
depth R.C.C
as per (1:2:4)
drawing top with
slab,450 including
mm dia centering,
water sealed shuttering,
heavy fabricating,
type. C.I.
manholeand curing
cover withetc. complete
locking up to required
arrangement, depth
filling the well including
up to thenecessary
required depth earthTotal
work in=excavation
with graded khoa1.00 No
and sand
10 Construction bailing
including out water
of masonry and fabricating
inspection side filling250
pit with including
M.S. mmRod, the
thick cost work
brick ofcuring
all in
cement operations (1:4)and
mortar earth
a. Clear charges.
in excavation,
earthx work,
450 450etc.
side all
mm complete
and andand
depth as
450 per
toout type
600 planincluding
mm, approved
averagesoling, and
cost of
525 accepted
mm allfor
thick by150
materials the
single Engineer.
etc. all dia
mm (Rate
R.C.C. as
pipes a
is including
per drawing,
making invertcost of reinforcement
channel approved
and 12 mm andand its(1:2)
thick fabrication,
by binding
plaster and
the Engineer.
cement with placing)
neat finishing etc. all complete up to
a depth of 700 mm approved and accepted by the Engineer. 1 x 2.00 = 2.00 Nos
Total = 2.00 Nos
11 S/F/F of food grade plastic overhead water reservoir (Gazi/Padma/Boss water tank) including all
necessary fittings
a. 1000 litter capacity
1 x 1.00 = 1.00 No
Total = 1.00 No
12 Supplying and sinking 40 mm dia water grade uPVC tube well pipe having wall thickness 2.5 mm to
(a) mm including
(i) Upto 60m trial boring and with all necessary fittings as required etc. all complete and accepted
by the Engineer.
1 x 196.80' = 196.80 Rft
Total = 196.80 Rft
= 60.00 Rm
(ii) Above 60m
1 x 100.00' = 100.00 Rft
Total = 100.00 Rft
= 30.49 Rm
(b) 40mm dia uPVC strainer 3m long
1 x 3.00 = 3.00 Nos
Total = 3.00 Nos
13 40 mm dia G.I.
pipe 1 x 6.00' = 6.00 Rft
Total = 6.00 Rft
= 1.83 Rm
14 S/F/F of tube-well head 6 Nos.
1 x 1.00 = 1.00 No
Total = 1.00 No
15 S/F/F of Gasket, washer & Check Valve
1 x 1.00 = 1.00 Set
Total = 1.00 Set
16 Construction of 1.40m x 1.00m size platform
1 x 1.00 = 1.00 No
Total = 1.00 No
Item no.3.01
PVC Concealed Conduit Wiring With 1C-2x1.5 sqm BYA Cable
(i) Point wiring
a) Light Point
Barthing Room = 1.00 x 3.00 = 3.00 Nos
Health & FP = 1.00 x 3.00 = 3.00 "
CBHC = 1.00 x 3.00 = 3.00 "
Toilet = 2.00 x 1.00 = 2.00 "
Toilet fond Passage = 1.00 x 1.00 = 1.00 "
Celing light = 1.00 x 2.00 = 2.00 "
Store = 1.00 x 1.00 = 1.00 "
Wating = 1.00 x 1.00 = 1.00 "
Security = 1.00 x 2.00 = 2.00 "
Total. = 18.00 Nos
b) Fan Point
Barthing Room = 1.00 x 1.00 = 1.00 Nos
Health & FP = 1.00 x 1.00 = 1.00 "
CBHC = 1.00 x 1.00 = 1.00 "
Wating = 1.00 x 1.00 = 1.00 "
Total. = 4.00 Nos
C) 2-pin 5 amp socket point
Store = 1.00 x 1.00 = 1.00 Nos
Health & FP = 1.00 x 1.00 = 1.00 "
Bath Room = 1.00 x 1.00 = 1.00 "
CBHC = 1.00 x 1.00 = 1.00 "
Wating = 1.00 x 1.00 = 1.00 "
Total. = 5.00 Nos
D) Call bell point with bell push
Wating = 1.00 x 1.00 = 1.00 "
Total. = 1.00 Nos
(ii) Conduit wiring
Conduit wiring (cables manufactured by…)
SB1 -T1 = 1.00 x 10.00 = 15.00 Rft
SB1 -L1 = 1.00 x 12.00 = 12.00 "
SB1 -F1 = 1.00 x 10.00 = 14.00 "
SB2 -T1 = 1.00 x 11.00 = 15.00 "
SB2-L2 = 2.00 x 11.00 = 22.00 "
SB2 -F2 = 1.00 x 12.00 = 12.00 "
SB3 -T3 = 4.00 x 10.00 = 40.00 "
SB3 -L3 = 1.00 x 10.00 = 18.00 "
SB3 -F3 = 1.00 x 10.00 = 14.00 "
SB4 -T4 = 1.00 x 10.00 = 18.00 "
SB4 -L4 = 2.00 x 10.00 = 20.00 "
SB4 -F4 = 1.00 x 12.00 = 14.50 "
Security = 1.00 x 12.00 = 12.00 "
Bell Push = 1.00 x 12.36 = 12.36 "
Total = 238.86 Rft
= 72.82 Rm
b) BYM cable with 4 sq mm BYA ECC
D.B. to S.B1 = 15.00 Rft
S.B1 to S.B2 = 14.00 "
D.B. to S.B3 = 12.00 "
DB to S.B4 = 16.00 " S.B5 = 10.00 "
DB to P1 = 0.00 "
DB to P2 = 0.00 "
Total = 67.00 Rft
= 20.42 Rm.
Item no.3.02
a) Switch/Socket out let
CBHC = 1.00 x 1.00 = 1.00 "
Health & FP = 1.00 x 1.00 = 1.00 "
Store = 1.00 x 1.00 = 1.00 "
Wating = 1.00 x 1.00 = 1.00 "
Barthing = 1.00 x 1.00 = 1.00 "
Total. = 5.00 Nos
Item no.3.03
a) Distribution Board/Sub-distribution Board
Clinic = x 1.50 x 1.00 = 1.50 Sft.
Total = 1.50 Sft.
= 0.13 Sqm
Item no.3.04
i) MCB /MCCB(SP) :
a ) 6 Amp. SP MCB to 30 Amp SP MCB
4 Supplying & fixing Examination Table : Model No. M-MBM-135-01 : L=5'-6", W=1'-0", H=2'-8", Angle
box=1.5'x1.5", 1"x1", thick=1.5mm, Mig welded1high quality
x finishig,
1.002.5" high quality mattress
= with1.00 No
comfortable rexin cover, wooden top thickness=1") Mysha or equivalent brand accepted/approved by
the Engineer. Total = 1.00 No
5 Supplying & fixing Insertion Table : Model No. M-MBM-135-02 : L=5'-6", W=1'-0", H=2'-8", Angle
box=1.5"x1.5" thickness=1.5mm, Mig welded hight1 quality
x finishing,,
1.00 1" high quality rubber
= fome with
1.00 No
comfortable rexin cover, wooden top thickness=1.25") Mysha or equivalent brand accepted/approved
by the Engineer. Total = 1.00 No
6 Supplying & fixing Steel Almira : Model No. M-OSC-139-03 : L=2'-9", W=1'-6", H=6'-0", 18 Gause
steel sheet, Mig welded high quality finishing)1Myshaxor equivalent
2.00 brand accepted/approved
= by the
2.00 Nos
Total = 2.00 Nos
7 Supplying & fixing What-Not Rack : Model No. M-IR-144-03 : L=3'-7", W=1'-3", H=2'-6", Angle
box=3/4"x3/4", thickness=1.5mm, 20 gause steel
1 sheet,
x Mig welded
2.00 high quality finishing)
= Mysha or
2.00 Nos
equivalent brand accepted/approved by the Engineer.
Total = 2.00 Nos
8 Supplying & fixing Tool : Model No. M-TM-01 : L=1'-2", W=1'-2", H=1'-6", Angle box=1"x1", 3/4"x3/4",
thickness=1.5mm, Mig welded hight quality finishing,
1 wooden
x top thickness=1") Mysha or
1.00 = equivalent
1.00 No
brand accepted/approved by the Engineer.
Total = 1.00 No
9 Supplying & fixing Black Board : Model No. M-BBM-01 : L=4'-0", H=2'-6", Angle box=1"x1",
thickness=1.5mm, Mig welded high quality finishing,
1 wooden
x top1.00
thickness=3/4") Mysha=or equivalent
1.00 No
brand accepted/approved by the Engineer.
Total = 1.00 No
Re-Construction of Belabo Community Clinic at Amdia union (Ward No:03 Old) in Sadar
Upazila under Narsingdi District.
Page 23
Item Item Unit Price
Group Short Description of works Unit Quantity Amount in Taka
No Code BDT
E.a ) Av 62.50 mm thick screeding (1:1.5:3) on Cum 5.400 5,000.000 27000.000
26 Do NA roof for water proofing with cement, best quality
coarse sand (50% quantity of Sylhet sand or
coarse sand of equivalent F.M. 2.2 and 50% best
27 G.Sunshade,
l sand of FM 1.2) drop and wall,
12 mm railing down shelves, cornice,
well graded Cum 1.11 7,944.001 8,817.84
Do NA louver,fins,parapet
stone chips, laying the etc.a.Concrete
concrete in i.Ground alternate Floor
panels, compacting and finishing the top with
neat cement and curing atprop
b.Formwork/shuttering, least 7and days necessary
by Sqm 14.02 438.001 6,140.77
28 Do NA covering
supports the with polyhene
including curing etc. sheet in all floors
i.Ground Floor
including cost of water, electricity and other
29 Supplying,
charges etc.fabrication
all complete andand fixing to details
accepted byastheper Kg 3298.48 70.000 230,893.60
Engineer. : Ribbed
( Excludingor deformed
the costbar of for
Brick work in cement super structureconcrete 250mm Produced andwall
thick Cum 0.55 6,443.001 3,543.65
a.In(1:6)in proportion
accordancefor withnon BDS ISo 6935-2:2006
exposed brick wall.
30 Do NA
or standard
Floorsubsequently released from BSTI)
including straightening and cleaning rust, if any,
31 125mm
bending thick brick work
and binding in (1:4)
in position witha.Non-exposed
supply of Sqm 127.02 1,200.000 152,424.00
brick work i.Ground
G.I. wires, splices orFloor laps so ever etc. complete
in all respects
TILES WORKS anda.Supplying,
accepted by the Engineer.
fitting and fixing Sqm 59.05 2,000.000 118,100.00
32 Do NA a.Grade
unglazed400 ( RB 400 / 400
homogeneous floor Wtiles
: complying
(size 400 BDSmm
mm local made) ribbed or deformed bar
produced and marked accoriding to bangladesh
33 b.Supplying,
standard , withfitting
mimimum and fixingyieldunglazed
strength ,Fy(ReH) Sqm 13.22 1,526.001 20,173.73
Do NA homogeneous
= 400 MPA butfloor fy not tiles (size 300418MPA
exceeding mm x 300 andmm
what made)
ever is the yield strength within allowable
limit as per BNBC sec ACI 318-11 sec
c.Supplying, fitting and fixing white glazed wall Sqm 162.79 1,526.001 248,417.70
34 Do NA, the ratoi ultimate tensile strength Fu to
tiles (size 250 mm x330 mm local made)
yield strength fy, shat be at least 1.25 and
35 minimum elongation
d.Supplying, carrying,after fracture
placing, and minimum
providing (100 sqm 7.56 3,000.000 22,680.00
Do NA total xelongation
mm 200 mm oratequivlent)
maximumsize force ofisred16%colour
8% respectively
concrete roof tiles : i.In
on all Floor and pre-fabricated
truss and fixing each tile to the roof members of
truss accepted brick byworks for 200 x 100 mm facing
the Engineer sqm 33.21 2,000.000 66,420.00
36 Do NA in superstructure with 200 x 100 x 50 mm
machine made klinker hard pressed facing bricks
of approved quality in cement sand (F.M. 1.2)
37 Providing
mortar (1:4), 38mm
includingx 38mm x 6mm
racking outM.S Angle
joints, for
cutting rm 36.23 600.000 21,738.00
Do NA Door chowkat
the bricks to required size wherever necessary
Door shutter highwork
class recessed
with 38mm thick pointing, cleaning
in solid wood Sqm 14.29 6,390.001 91,301.00
38 Do NA and soaking the bricks
door with kathal/Gamari wood at least for 24 hours
before use and washing and screening of sand,
39 necessary
a.Supplying, scaffolding,
fitting and curing at least grills
fixing window for 7 of
daysany Sqm 13.83 1,610.001 22,266.31
Do NA for all floors
design madeup ofto mild4thsteel
floor section
including cost of20 x 3
mm) with electricity
outer frame and other
of approx charges 25 xetc. all F.I.
6 mm)
bar and accepted
fabricating, welding, by cost theofEngineer.(100
electricity, x
200 mm face
workshop work.
charges, a.12mm be placed
carriage, to fixing
20mm thick
for facing).
with pre-cement Sqm 29.04 200.000 5,808.00
40 Do NA sand
placed plaster in inskirting
clamps walls or &ground
dado member,
RCC with
floorNCFall (1:4) all
necessary tools and plants etc complete for all
41 floors and accepted
b.On masonry surface by the 10mm Engineer.
to 20mm (Totalthick in Sqm 144.62 228.001 32,973.50
Do NA weight
proportionper (1:6)
sqm should
i.In Ground be approxFloor 11.0 kg. and
add or deduct @ Tk. 140 for each kg. excess or
c.On R.C.C. surface 6mm & above thick in (1:4)
less respectively) Sqm 33.73 225.001 7,589.28
42 Do NA i.In Ground Floor
43 Providing drip course/nosing / throating with Rm 67.01 50.000 3,350.61
Do NA cement mortar (1:2)
Weather coat 3 coats (On exterior surface Sqm 81.59 80.000 6,527.20
applying as per manufacturer instructions 3 coat
44 Do NA of weather coat of approved quality and colour
delivered from authorized local agent of the
manufacturer in a sealed container complete in
45 Plastic emulsion
all respect paint and
in all floors of approved
acceptedbest quality
by the Sqm 177.17 70.000 12,401.90
Do NA and colour delivered from authorized local agent
of the manufacturer in a sealed container,
applying to wall and ceiling in two coats over a
Painting work on timber surface synthetic enamel Sqm 33.86 189.001 6,399.86
46 Do NA coat of brand specified primer or sealer elapsing
paint on doors & window
specified time for drying or recoating including
47 Do NA Supplyingdrying,
cleaning F.F ofmaking
19mm xfree300mm
from brass hasp bolt
dirt, grease, Each 5.00 525.001 2,625.01
wax, removing all chalked and scaled materials,
48 Do NA S.F.F of 62mm size pad lock Each 5.00 822.001 4,110.01
fungus, mending good the surface defects, sand
49 papering the
Providing surface
apron and necessary
with 50mm scaffolding,
thick cement Sqm 19.50 500.000 9,750.00
Do NA spreading(1:2:4)
concrete by brush/
N.C.F. overetc.
oneall complete
layer of
in all floors
brick accepted by the Engineer
flat soling.
Page 24
Item Item Unit Price
Group Short Description of works Unit Quantity Amount in Taka
No Code BDT
S.F.F. of aluminium sliding window having Sqm 13.83 4,000.000 55,320.00
50 Do NA 1.5mm thick outer bottom (size 75.50mm,
32mm), 1.5mm thick outer top (size 75.5mm,
16.80mm), 1.5mm thick shutter top (size 33mm,
51 S.F.F.
26.80mm,in aluminium
22mm), 1.5mmdoor frames
thick shutter bottom Sqm 13.80 1,352.001 18,657.61
(size 60mm, 24.40mm) distortion
etc. allfree foreign (Bronge
complete made
Do NA 5mm thick glass of approved quality andwt.
colour), Size: 1500mmx1400mm, (Total min.
including cost of fitting,
9.081kg) a.Bronze fixing all necessary
accessories etc. complete in all respect as per
52 Do NA b.Ambushed/frosted
drawing and directionglass of the Engineer-in-Charge Sqm 0.93 1,120.001 1,041.60
53 Do NA a.ClearPlate
Name glassof Required Size (Sign Board) all L.S 1.00 1,500.001 1,500.00
54 Do NA complete
Room Name as per drawing
Plate and direction
all complete of the
as per drawing L.S 1.00 1,000.001 1,000.00
and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
55 Do NA Special Word for Health and Family Planning L.S 1.00 2,400.001 2,400.00
Message Total Above PL (A.I.2) Tk. 1,460,243.37
Supply installation work of sanitary equipment Each 1.00 1,000.000 1,000.00
including cutting hole/grove in floor or wall,
mending good the damages using cement
A.II concrete (`1:2:4) & cement sand mortar (1:4) as
SANITARY & where necessary, supply of all auxiliary
56 AND NA materials, scaffolding, cleaning the surface
PLUMBING during for 14 days if needed etc. complete as per
WORKS drawing and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
a.Supplying, fitting and fixing European type
glazed porcelain commode "S" type 465 x 340 x
415 mm in size, approximately 14 kg by weight,
plastic seat cover and preparing the base with
57 b.Special
cement concreteColoured
and with Bangladesh
wire mesh or rods,pattern,
if Each 1.00 2,272.001 2,272.00
570mmx445mmx290mm long pan
necessary, in all floors including with holes
making foot-rest
or approved
c.Plastic best quality
low-down andincluding
mending good the
all fittings and Each 1.00 1,400.000 1,400.00
58 Do NA damages and fitting, fixing finishing etc. complete
with all necessary fittings and connection
59 d.White
approved glazed vitreous
and accepted by thehand wash basin
Engineer. Each 2.00 2,687.001 5,374.00
including brackets & waste pipe Size
Supply installation work of sanitaryof approved
equipment Each 1.00 4,144.001 4,144.00
colour/white and best quality
including cutting hole/grove in floor or wall,
mending good the damages using cement
concrete (`1:2:4) & cement sand mortar (1:4) as
60 Do NA
& where necessary, supply of all auxiliary
materials, scaffolding, cleaning the surface
during for 14 days if needed etc. complete as per
drawing and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
61 a.Single
Supply & bowlfittingstainless steel sink
of the following with fixtures
sanitary sink tray Each 1.00 1,396.001 1,396.00
and parts of the equipment including supplyquality
450 mm x 1050mm or approved best of all
Do NA with all fittings.
materials scaffolding etc. complete as per
direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. a.Fixed type
100 mm CP shower rose
62 Do NA b.Super quality Towel Rail 20mm dia 600 mm Each 3.00 711.001 2,133.00
long C.P.
63 Do NA c.Soap tray C.P Each 3.00 242.001 726.00
64 Do NA d.Glass Mirror 450mm x 350mm in size and 5mm Each 2.00 886.001 1,772.00
65 Do NA e.Glass Shelf 125mm x 600mm with C.P. holder Each 2.00 989.001 1,978.00
and guard rail
66 Do NA f.100 mm dia uPVC "P" or "S" trap cleanout Each 3.00 611.001 1,833.00
67 Do NA g.Stainless steel floor grating 125mm dia Each 4.00 257.001 1,028.00
68 Do NA h.12mm dia bib cock (C.P) concealed Each 3.00 1,014.001 3,042.00
69 Do NA i.12mm dia CP Stop Cock for concealed Each 2.00 853.001 1,706.00
70 Do NA (Medium quality)
j.Pillar Cock (C.P.) 12mm dia Each 3.00 1,231.001 3,693.00
71 Do NA k.Goose neck vent pipe 12mm dia G.I.Pipe Each 1.00 316.001
72 Do NA m.Angle stop cock (CP) Each 3.00 853.001 2,559.00
73 Do NA Pipe fixture works a.S.F.F. of best quality 25mm Each 1.00 567.360 567.36
74 Do NA dia brass of
b.S.F.F. gate valve
best quality 25 mm dia 20mm dia Each 1.00 568.001 568.00
75 Do NA brass float valve
Supply & fitting pipe line work with 100mm dia Rm 41.46 100.000 4,146.34
uPVC soil, work
Pipe line waste with
and ventilation pipe etc.pipe
u-PVC pressure all for Rm 20.12 100.000 2,012.20
76 Do NA complete.
water supply having specific gravity 1.35-1.45
a.25mm dia with wall thickness 3.4mm-4.0mm
Page 25
Item Item Unit Price
Group Short Description of works Unit Quantity Amount in Taka
No Code BDT
77 Do NA b.19mm dia with wall thickness 2.9mm-3.4mm Rm 9.15 140.001 1,280.50
78 Do NA c.12mm dia with wall thickness 2.8mm-3.3mm Rm 6.10 102.001 621.96
79 Do NA Concealing works of G.I./PVC Pipe Rm 15.24 103.001 1,570.14
80 Do NA Construction of septic tank of different sizes with Each 1.00 80,000.000 80,000.00
81 Do NA walls of brick of
Construction work soak in well
cement mortar (1:6)
of different sizeshaving(small Each 1.00 60,000.000 60,000.00
a liningwithof minimum 125 mm solidR.C.C brick cast against
82 Do NA sizes)
the walls
ascomb of mm
per approved
thick inspection
type plan
pit withand
over mortar 250
a brick
250 Each 2.00 3,530.001 7,060.00
mm honey
thick brick work brick in work
cement with cement
mortar (1:4)
83 Do flat
(1:6) soling
as per and
food 150
design over mmplasticthick
R.C.C. reinforced
overhead (1:2:4) watercement
welland curb Each 1.00 10,912.001 10,912.00
reservoir necessary
(Gazi/Padma/Boss earthwith
(1:2:4) work, 125side
water mm filling
tank) thick walls
one 1% reinforcement
layer allbrick flat soling, up to the
mm depth
thick as per
(1:3:6) Total Sanitary and Plumbing (A.II) Tk. 204,794.50
in partition
drawing with and 450 12mm
necessary mm thick
water a.1000
sealed plaster
heavy (1:4)
capacity concrete
N.C.F. for
to insides making invert
of walls on floor and all 12 : Point
channel WIRINGand 18.00 885.001 15,930.02
A-III type.
mm C.I. (1:2)
Specification. manhole cement
The cover
work with
shall locking
with neat
be carried finishing
out as
arrangement,outside walls
filling theby 18" height at top
84 etc.
NA per
including to awell
all direction/approval/acceptance
complete up fitting depth up of to 700
the required
ofmm of the
ELECTRIC depth withsupplying
Engineer. graded
and accepted
(a)Light by
and the
fixing including
Fan a.Clear
supplying Tees and and providing
fabricating 450
M.S. mm dia water
sealed x 450
heavy mmtype
CONCEALED and C.I. depth 450
manhole CONDUITtoRod,
cover mm,with WIRING
curing including
(Cables 525 mm
manufactured necessary
for singleby earth
150 mm
Paradise/BRBwork diainR.C.C. orthick
85 Do locking/unlocking
NA excavation,
b.Fan Point side arrangement
filling and bailing and out100 mm
water Point 4.00 885.001 3,540.00
other and 400
R.C.C (1:2:4) mm PVC
having pipe valid test certificate
86 Do NA including
from cost top
5amp of
all including
point etc.centering,
accredited all complete
with control
laboratory as Point 5.00 154.001 770.01
per drawing, fabricating,
design casting and
approved and accepted
87 Do switch
NA the
complete on
accepted/approved pointtoa.For board.
with10 by
push including engineer.) : i) Point 1.00 858.001 858.00
Concealed conduit wiring for following point
(ii) Conduit earth
wiring work in excavation
Conduit wiring(Cables and shoring, Rm. 72.82 100.000 7,282.00
88 Do NA looping
bailing outat water
the switch and board
side filling with earth terminal
including the
including circuit bywiring
with IC-2x2.5 or any other PVC
cost of all materials,
company(s) having operations
valid test with and incidental
certificate from
89 (b)
insulated and BYM
sheathed cable
stranded 4sq
cable mm BYA & Rm.
(BYM) 20.42 100.000 2,042.00
Do NA charges.
pipe of
as per type
inner dia is
approved and PVC insulated
accepted by green/white
the Engineer. coloured
20mm having minimum by the wall engineer.).
thickness :(a) IC-
cost BYM
cable with
and mm
i.Providing its 1.5mm.
of reputed
& fixing Each
BYA 5.00 887.001 4,435.01
90 Do NA manufacturer
250 volt,
and of
mm a.For dia
& 1.5
10 users amps.
wall through PVC
complete pipe minimum
with 18 SWG inner GPdia 20
mm switch socket thickness
outlet (concealed type)
91 pull having
box with
Distribution minimum 3mm wall thick ebonite 1.5mm.
Board/Sub-distribution sheet cover,
manufactured and tested in accordance with Sqm. 0.13 16,904.001 2,197.52
Do ceiling rose,
NA Board/Meter/Machine fixing materials
Box a.Supplying etc.(with and 5 fixing
of Almirahpiano type 18 switch
SWG & metal
including board every required
of depth
standards.mounted on required size 18 SWG
228mm(9”)duly ) as required
painted withincluding
gray mending
hammer paint the
galvanized plain
MCB/MCCB sheet board
(i) Providing & fixing of 76.2
on ashall mm.
prepared (3")
on out side good.All
and enamel electrical
paint contacts
in inside surfaces be of Each 6.00 915.001 5,490.01
board Socket
250 volt Outlets
grade offollowing
MK/MEM/ single HAGER/ pole
having built in connected
push type through
locking connector
arrangement or
Legrand/ Schneider/ABB
miniature or(SPMCBS)
equivalent having brand
92 Do soldering metal
NA including ( circuit
no bridges Breaker
twisting of shall
suitable be size allowed)for fixing and
minimum breaking by the Engineer.
of shall
all electrical be capacity
control devices 6-KA
manufactured complete with
andwith thermal
suitable anchoring and
to instantaneous
arrangement inelectromagnetic
and circuitand
keeping release
provision as per forprovision.
cable inlets SPMCBS
and exits of
as Amp. SP
required SMITH
(only MCB / MEM
front a.Light
surface / SIEMENS/Schneider
of the board willFan Each 1.00 1,275.001 1,275.00
be equivalent for
considered brand accepted/approved
measurement).Do –do- the by the
Light Fittings (Approved best quality) (i) Fixtures : 1. Each 7.00 1,050.001 7,350.01
Engineer.side ofa.6
front Fittings theAmp. boards SP MCBbe(i)
should tocovered
30 Amp. withSP
94 Do NA Light (Approved best quality Fixtures :'1.
Fency sizeWall
Single & thick Bracket fiber glass
Light Gloriawithcat. rubber
No. GWB-
95 Do NA 1501-2297
gaskets. FR or Light
2.Bath-Room similar type of light fitting from
: Providing & fixing of Each 2.00 930.001 1,860.00
Crescent, Shwash or equivalent product of any reputed
96 Do bathroom
NA brand. light as described
3.Ceiling light (Crescent cat. No. CPM-23 or Each in PWD rate 2.00 1,140.301 2,280.60
schedule 2018( Item No :6A.4.(i).
97 Do NA Gloria
4.Security cat.No.Light GCCF-692(Crescent Cat. or No. any CBH-20 equivalent or Each 2.00 1,334.001 2,668.00
Gloria cat.No. GWT-711 or equivalent one)
98 Do NA 5.Fluorescent Light (1x40W) (Crescent Cat. No. Each 5.00 688.001 3,440.01
99 Do CTLS-7x1x40 watt or Gloria
NA (ii) Bulbs / Tube : 1.Energy Saving Lamp 23watt Each Cat. No. GTF- 11.00 296.001 3,256.01
751x1x40 Typewatt or equivalentGrameen one)
100 Do NA (Pin
2.Energy Energypac,
Saving Lamp 11watt (Pin ShaktiType or Each 2.00 260.001 520.00
Equivalent product or any Shakti brand ) or Equivalent
101 Do NA Energypac,
3.Fluorescent Grameen Lamp (40 W) Each 5.00 121.001 605.01
product or any brand )
Supplying & fixing AC capacitor type ceiling fan Each 4.00 4,045.001 16,180.00
102 Do NA of following specifications and sizes complete
with minimum 305 mm. (1 ft) long down rod,
blades, capacitor canopy, etc. connecting PVC
103 Do NA Fan
wire Hookcompletea) 5/8" as (15.8mm)
required .Rated M.S. Rod Fan Clamp
voltage : 220 Each 4.00 157.001 628.00
104 Do U type
NA volts,
CallingRatedbell : i.Ding
frequency Dong: 50 Hz, Rated speed : Each 1.00 486.001 486.00
105 Do NA 300
Bus Bar rpm a.100A
± 10 %, Service
Rating 2 nos Value of Bar : Minimum 2.80 Set 1.00 1,884.001 1,884.00
m3/ min/watt, Temperatur Rise : Maximum 70ºC,
B. Class of Insulation : Class-E a).1422.4 mm. Total
(56") Internal Electrical Works (A.III) Tk. 84,977.21
Sweep SiteSECDevelopment. Gold /BRB Site Development
Lovely /Superstar with Cum. 107.62 252.579 27,182.55
CIVIL Imported
peimium Earth /Jamuna SuperDeluxe or equivalent
106 WORKS: NA brand accepted/approved by the Engineer. Input
(Site Power : Max 80 watt
t&Road) Earth work in box cutting upto 450 mm depth Sqm 13.94 50.001 697.01
107 Do NA
108 Do NA Sand filling in foundation trenches F.M. 0.80 Cum 4.07 635.001 2,584.45
110 Do NA Brick work in Guide Wall (1:6) Cum 1.41 3,000.000 4,230.00
Page 26
Item Item Unit Price
Group Short Description of works Unit Quantity Amount in Taka
No Code BDT
SFF of 60 grade deformed rod as per design Kg 20.85 50.000 1,042.68
111 Do NA ( 8mm dia rod @ 10" C/C both ways )
100mm Deep 50.00 500.000 25,000.00
Boring : Execution of tubewell boring work of
112 Set Tube well NA Rm.
100mm dia. From 0.0m to 50m = 50 m
with G.I./uPVC
100mm Deep 5.00 500.000 2,500.00
113 Set Tube well NA From 50m to 100m = 50m Rm.
with G.I./uPVC
100mm Deep 3.00 100.000 300.00
200mm dia water grade uPVC housing pipe
114 Set Tube well NA Rm.
having wall thickness 6.6mm to 7.8mm to 9.0mm
with G.I./uPVC
100mm Deep SFF of 100mm dia water grade uPVC blind 3.00 100.000 300.00
115 Set Tube well NA pipe/sand trap having wall thickness 4.5mm to Rm.
with G.I./uPVC 5.2mm
100mm Deep 40.00 100.000 4,000.00
SFF of 100mm dia water grade uPVC blank pipe
116 Set Tube well NA Rm.
having wall thickness 4.5mm to 5.2mm
with G.I./uPVC
100mm Deep SFF of 100mm dia strainer of any slot as per 12.00 100.000 1,200.00
117 Set Tube well NA design made with water grade uPVC pipe having Rm
with G.I./uPVC wall thickness 4.5mm to 5.2mm
100mm Deep 1.00 1,581.001 1,581.00
Supplying fitting fixing 200mm dia 6mm thickness
118 Set Tube well NA Each
M.S. Cap for housing pipe covering.
with G.I./uPVC
100mm Deep 1.00 198.001 198.00
119 Set Tube well NA Supplying fitting fixing 100mm dia uPVC Cap Each
with G.I./uPVC
100mm Deep 15.00 100.000 1,500.00
Supplying centralizer made with 12 mm dia M.S.
120 Set Tube well NA Each
rod of approved design.
with G.I./uPVC
100mm Deep 60.00 50.000 3,000.00
Complete installation of 100mm dia uPVC tube-
Set Tube well well fixtures such as expanded top pipes,
with G.I./uPVC reducer, tube-well pipes, strainer, blind pipe, pipe
Pipe cap etc. fitting and fixing with best quality PVC
121 NA solution, iron screws and uPVC tape and placing Rm
in position with proper size M.S. centralizer @ 3
meter c/c. in strainer portion including blind pipe
etc. all complete as per direction of the Engineer-
100mm Deep Making a sanitary seal up to a minimum depth of 1.60 3,000.000 4,800.00
Set Tube well 6 meter from G.L or as specified including the
with G.I./uPVC Providing of following capacity multistage
supply of approved quality of cement sand and
122 Pipe NA Submersible Cum
khoa (12mm water pump motor
down graded) set(1:1.5:3)
in ratio mabyfactyred
accirdubg to DIN/NEMA/IEC/BS/VDE/JIS & ISO
per standard specification and accepted by the
9001 standerd comprising of 2900 RPM 3-phase,
submersible motor having insulation class F &
100mm Deep protection IP68 (minimum) suitable for operation 1.00 5,000.000 5,000.00
Set Tube well at 400 /230 + 5% volt, 50 Hz. AC supply with
18.29 meter (60') column pipe (AP1-5L grade B)
123 with G.I./uPVC NA Set
Pipe with flange, gasket, non return valve, pressure
gauge, 40 meter (131'-0") long required marine
cable in a single length etc. complete in all
100mm Deep respect manufactured by CE certified/UL isted 40.00 100.000 4,000.00
Set Tube well countries
25 mm diaasG.I.
wall thickness 4.05 by mm,
124 with G.I./uPVC NA the Engineer.Motor:
outside diameter min133.4
HP: mm,
Section x Delivery:
weight 2.97 kg/m, Rm.
Pipe 25mm/25mm,
can withstand Discharge: 50-450
min 50 kg/cm2 liter/min,
hydraulic Head :
121-48 meter, Column pipe: 25mm dia.
Total for External Civil work : B.I (B.1a+B.1b) Tk. 97,195.69
B.II Cable for service connection i.for Service Rm. 15.00 200.000 3,000.00
External connection NYY Cable with 10
125 NA sq mm BYA cable through pvc pipe of minimum
Works inner dia 25 mm having shell thickness 1.5 mm.
126 Do NA Earthing : Earthing (& Pole Grounding) the Set 1.00 3,000.000 3,000.00
Providing &installation
fixing 230V.with 40mm.(1.5")
50Hz. depth
single phase, 10 – of
40 Set 1.00 3,000.000 3,000.00
127 Do NA bottum of main
Amps electric electrode
energy at 6858mm
meter (KWH meter) .(22.5 ft)
steel body
dia G.I.
with glassPipe
coverasonearth electrode/required
prepared size
board (Bemco/ Citizen/
Earth Rod &HOSAF/
Electro/HAY/ requiredJamuna/
quantities of earth
Meghna/ lead
Prime/ SOLAR)
according meter orElectricity
to regional any other brand
Page by
PDB/DPDC / REB or simiar
such as PDB,REB) organization).
including necessary
connecting copper sockets, bolts, nuts, etc.
complete for maintaining earth resistance within
1 ohm approved by the engr. in charge. a.Depth
Item Item Unit Price
Group Short Description of works Unit Quantity Amount in Taka
No Code BDT
128 Do NA REB Security Deposit Kw 2.00 3,000.000 6,000.00
Total for External Electrical works (B.II) Tk. 15,000.00
129 C. Supplying & fixing Table : Model No. M-OTM- Each 3.00 4,000.000 12,000.00
FURNITUR NA 128-25 (Size : L=4'-6", W=2'-6", H=2'-6", post=
E WORKS 2"x2", Horizonta=1"x2, wooden top thickness=1",
3 Nos. drawer) Mysha or equivalent brand
130 Supplying & fixing wooden
accepted/approved chair (with arm) :
by the Engineer. Each 3.00 3,000.000 9,000.00
Do NA Model No. M-VCR-133-23 (Size : Post=1.5"x2",
wooden top=L=1-'10", W=1'-8", H=3'-0", top
thickness=1") Mysha or equivalent brand
131 Supplying & fixing Arm
accepted/approved lessEngineer.
by the wooden Chair : Each 12.00 2,000.000 24,000.00
Do NA Model No. M-VCR-133-24 (Size : Post=1.5"x2",
wooden top=L=1-'7", W=1'-6.5", H=2'-8", top
thickness=1") Mysha or equivalent brand
132 Supplying & fixing Examination
accepted/approved Table : Model
by the Engineer. Each 1.00 5,000.000 5,000.00
Do NA No. M-MBM-135-01 : L=5'-6", W=1'-0", H=2'-8",
Angle box=1.5'x1.5", 1"x1", thick=1.5mm, Mig
welded high quality finishig, 2.5" high quality
133 Supplying & fixing
mattress with Insertionrexin
comfortable Table : Model
cover, No. M- Each
wooden 1.00 8,000.000 8,000.00
Do NA MBM-135-02 : L=5'-6",
top thickness=1") Mysha W=1'-0", H=2'-8",
or equivalent Angle
by the Engineer. Mig welded
hight quality finishing,, 1" high quality rubber
134 Supplying & fixing Steelrexin
fome with comfortable Almira : Model
cover, woodenNo. M-
top Each 2.00 3,000.000 6,000.00
Do NA OSC-139-03 : L=2'-9",
thickness=1.25") MyshaW=1'-6", H=6'-0",
or equivalent 18
Gause steel sheet, Mig
accepted/approved welded
by the high quality
finishing) Mysha or equivalent brand
135 Supplying & fixing What-Not
accepted/approved Rack : Model No. M- Each
by the Engineer. 2.00 2,000.000 4,000.00
Do NA IR-144-03 : L=3'-7", W=1'-3", H=2'-6", Angle
box=3/4"x3/4", thickness=1.5mm, 20 gause steel
sheet, Mig welded high quality finishing) Mysha
136 Supplying & fixing
or equivalent brandTool : Model No. M-TM-01
accepted/approved by the: Each 1.00 2,000.080 2,000.08
Do NA L=1'-2",
Engineer. W=1'-2", H=1'-6", Angle box=1"x1",
3/4"x3/4", thickness=1.5mm, Mig welded hight
quality finishing, wooden top thickness=1")
137 Supplying & fixing Black
Mysha or equivalent brand Board : Model No. M-
accepted/approved Each 1.00 2,000.000 2,000.00
Do NA BBM-01 : L=4'-0", H=2'-6", Angle box=1"x1",
by the Engineer.
thickness=1.5mm, Mig welded high quality
finishing, wooden top thickness=3/4") Mysha or
equivalent brand accepted/approved by the Total for Furniture ( C) Tk. 72,000.08
Page 28
Re-Construction of Belabo Community Clinic at Amdia union (Ward No:03 Old) in Sadar
Upazila under Narsingdi District.
A. BUILDING WORKS Amount in Taka
A.I.1 Up to Plinth level Tk. 555,868.86
Estimate For
Name of work : Re-Construction of Belabo Community Clinic at Amdia union (Ward No:03
Old) in Sadar Upazila under Narsingdi District.