(Chem-17.1-1920 2nd Sem) Syllabus PDF
(Chem-17.1-1920 2nd Sem) Syllabus PDF
(Chem-17.1-1920 2nd Sem) Syllabus PDF
College of Science
University of the Phiippines, DIliman, Quezon City
B. Rationale
Chem 17.1 is the laboratory component of Chem 17. It is an existing course that is being reconfigured to reflect alignment
with outcome-based education for effective curriculum planning.
C. Course Outlines
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1.1 Program Objectives met by the course
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2. Course Contents
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3. Course Coverage
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Week Course Outcome Course Topic Essential or Key Questions Activity Assessment
1 ◼ Demonstrate proper and safe ◼ Chemical Safety ◼ What are the policies and regulations to ◼ Discussion ◼ Safety Test
laboratory practices and waste ◼ Waste Disposal be observed in order to work safely ◼ Prelab Report
disposal ◼ Principles of inside the laboratory? ◼ Practical Exam
◼ Apply key principles in writing Scientific Writing ◼ Why is science communication ◼ Formal Report
scientific paper important?
◼ What are the contents of scientific paper?
2 ◼ Assemble an improvised ◼ Calorimetry ◼ What are the conditions needed to ◼ E1: Calorimetry ◼ Worksheet
coffee-cup caloritmeter determine the change in enthalpy of ◼ Quizzes
◼ Calculate change in enthalpy different types of reactions using coffee- ◼ Midterm Problem
of: acid-base, dissolution, and cup calorimetry? Set
precipitation reactions using ◼ Midterm Exam
laws of thermodynamics
3-4 ◼ Demonstrate the proper skills in ◼ Chemical Kinetics ◼ How are solutions quantitatively prepared ◼ E2: Chemical Kinetics ◼ Worksheet
preparing solutions from stock from its solid, or stock stolution? ◼ Quizzes
solutions and solids ◼ What are the different methods in ◼ Midterm Problem
◼ Evaluate the kinetic data from a obtaining the rate of reaciton? Set
given chemical reaction ◼ How are orders of reactions obtained with ◼ Midterm Exam
◼ Investigate the effects of respect to concentration?
concentration, temperature, ◼ How do temperature and presence of
and catalyst to the rate of the catalyst quantitatively affect the rate of a
reaction reaction?
5-6 ◼ Predict the effect of ◼ Chemical ◼ How is Le Chatelier’s Principle is used in ◼ E3: Chemical Equilibrium ◼ Worksheet
concentration and temperature Equilibrium explaining or predicting chemical ◼ E4: Determination of Keq of ◼ Quizzes
on the position of chemical properties such as acidity/alkalinity, FeSCN2+ using UV-Vis ◼ Midterm Problem
equilibrium buffer action, and solubility? Spectrophotometry Set
◼ Demonstrate the proper skills in ◼ What are the conditions needed and/or ◼ Midterm Exam
using single-beam UV-Vis assumptions in calculating equilibrium
spectrophotometer constants?
◼ Apply Beer’s Law to determine ◼ What are the assumptions behind Beer’s
the concentration of the Law?
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◼ Calculate the equilibrium
constant of complex formation
from the spectrophotometric
7-8 ◼ Demonstrate proper skills in ◼ Acid-Base ◼ What are the assumptions for estimating ◼ E5: Determination of Ka of ◼ Worksheet
using pH meter Equilibrium the Ka of a weak acid or a weak base? Acetic Acid by pH ◼ Quizzes
◼ Calculate the dissociation ◼ What are the advantages of using a pH Measurements ◼ Midterm Problem
constant of a weak acid from meter? ◼ E6: Buffers Set
pH measurements ◼ What is the appropriate buffer system to ◼ Midterm Exam
◼ Apply the Henderson- prepare for a given pH?
Hasselbach equation in ◼ How does the pH change of a buffer
calculating the amount of acid system upon the addition of strong acid
and base component of a given or base?
buffer for a given pH
◼ Demonstrate the proper skills in
preparing buffer solutions
◼ Apply the Henderson-
Hasselbach equation in
calculating the resulting pH
when small amounts of strong
acid and strong base are added
to a buffer solution
10- ◼ Demonstrate proper skills in ◼ Solubility ◼ How do temperature, concentration of ◼ E7: Determination of Ksp of ◼ Worksheet
11 acid-base titration Equilibrium species (including pH), common and/or Ca(OH)2 ◼ Quizzes
◼ Calculate the solubility product ◼ Selective diverse ions, and dielectric constant, ◼ E8: Selective Precipitation of ◼ Final Problem Set
constant of a sparingly soluble Precipitation of affect the position of the equilibrium? Anions ◼ Final Exam
salt from titration data Anions ◼ How are anions separated on the basis of ◼ Formal Report
chemical reactivity?
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◼ Determine whether the ◼ What are the techniques that can be used
dissolution process of would be to separate anions of interest?
endothermic or exothermic
based on the van’t Hoff plot
◼ Calculate the change in
enthalpy and entropy for the
dissolution process
◼ Examine the effects of common
ion, diverse ion, and change in
dielectric constant on solubility
◼ Selectively separate anions
based on solubility and
◼ Demonstrate proper skills in
using centrifuge
12- ◼ Rationalise the effects of ◼ Coordination ◼ How do coordination compounds produce ◼ E9: Coordination Chemistry ◼ Worksheet
13 change in ligands and Chemistry distinct colors? ◼ E10: Synthesis of ◼ Quizzes
geometry to the properties of ◼ How do changes in ligands and geometry Thermochromic Material ◼ Final Problem Set
coordination compounds affect the color of coordination ◼ Final Exam
◼ Synthesize a coordination compounds?
compound with thermochromic
14- ◼ Assemble electrochemical cell ◼ Electrochemistry ◼ How is cell potential determined at ◼ E11: Electrochemistry ◼ Worksheet
15 setup standard or non-standard conditions? ◼ Quizzes
◼ Compare the theoretical cell ◼ Final Problem Set
potential to the measured ◼ Final Exam
◼ Infer about the stability of
certain species using potential
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4. Course Requirements and Grading System
A. Prelab Notebook
Each student is required to have a lab notebook: 8.5” x 11” glue-bound (NOT ring-bound), 50-60 leaves notebook,
covered with plastic. Prelab reports should be written only on the right-hand pages of the notebook. Left-hand pages may
be used to record observations, preliminary data and other necessary notes. Tearing any page of the lab notebook is NOT
allowed. Lab notebooks shall be submitted at the end of the semester.
The first page/s should be allotted for Table of Contents, following the format below.
Table of Contents
Expt. No. Expt. Title Date Page No. Instructor’s Score
Performed Signature
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The prelab reports should follow the format below.
Page Number:
Name: Date Performed:
Schematic Diagram
Materials/Apparatus/Chemicals (MSDS)
Procedure (must be condensed; in flowchart form)
Waste disposal
Calculations (for experiments where solution preparation is required)
C. Formal Report
Each student is required to submit a Formal Report (FR) for this course. Prior to actual FR submission, there will be
Mock FR where student shall submit an FR for feedback purposes. This shall be graded as Worksheet (WS). The instructor
shall give the guidelines in writing FR prior to submission.
D. Journal Report
At the end of the research activity, the students will be able to present to the class various scientific journals with
objectives related to the covered experiments in Chem 17.1. The research activity will be done in groups. The final output
from the students is a 30-min presentation of their journal review. The instructor shall give the guidelines prior to
E. Course Policies
1. Students who have incomplete prescribed personnel equipment (lab gown, goggles, closed shoes, long pants) and/or
prelabs will NOT be allowed to perform the experiment. Such students will get zero for the LTE but will still be allowed to
submit the deliverables for that particular experiment.
2. Late students will be given a deduction in LTE. Coming in the room 15 minutes after the experiment or discussion has
started is considered late.
3. Students who come in 1 hour after the experiment or discussion has started are considered absent.
4. Reports submitted after the postlab discussion will be given a score of zero. In case of absence, only excused
absences will be given a grade if the student submits the missed report upon returning to class.
5. Make-up experiments and quizzes will NOT be given to students who missed them. Regardless whether the absence is
excused or not, lab performance for missed experiments will automatically merit a zero score.
6. Missing an exam (written or practical) would automatically result to a score of zero with no valid excuse. However make-
up exam will be given in case of a valid reason such as family emergency, varsity games, academic conferences.
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7. PLAGIARISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Anyone caught will be subjected to disciplinary action.
5. References
▪ Petrucci, R., Herring, F., Madura, J., Bissonnette, C. General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications, 10th
ed.; Pearson: Toronto, Canada, 2001.
▪ Skoog, D.A.; West, D.M.; Holler, F.J.; Crouch, S.R. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 8th ed.; Brooks/Cole:
USA, 2004.
▪ Atkins, P., Overton, T., Rourke, J., Weller, M., Armstrong, F. Shriver and Atkins’ Inorganic Chemistry, 5th ed.; W.
H. Freeman and Co.: USA, 2010.
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Appendix: Schedule of Activities
Date Day Activity Deliverable
14/15 T/W ▪ Orientation and Class Policies
▪ Discuss: Chemical Safety and Waste Disposal
▪ Review: Chem 16 Concepts
▪ Locker Check-out
▪ Safety Test
16/17 Th/F ▪ E1: Calorimetry 2 blue books
Styrofoam ball and
rubber corks with
21/22 T/W ▪ Postlab: E1 Calorimetry E1 Worksheet
▪ Discuss: Principles of Scientific Writing
23/24 Th/F ▪ E2: Chemical Kinetics (Day 1)
28/29 T/W ▪ E2: Chemical Kinetics (Day 2)
30/31 Th/F ▪ E3: Chemical Equilibrium
4/5 T/W ▪ Postlab: E2 Chemical Kinetics E2 Mock FR
▪ E4: Determination of Keq of FeSCN2+ using UV-Vis Spectrophotometry
(Day 1)
6/7 Th/F ▪ E4: Determination of Keq of FeSCN2+ using UV-Vis Spectrophotometry
(Day 2)
11/12 T/W ▪ Postlab: E3 Chemical Equilibrium E3 Worksheet
▪ Postlab: E4 Determination of Keq E4 Worksheet
13/14 Th/F ▪ Discuss: Acids, Bases, and Buffers
18/19 T/W ▪ E5: Determination of Ka of Acetic Acid using pH Measurements
▪ E6: Buffers
▪ Distribute Midterm Problem Set
20/21 Th/F ▪ Postlab: E5 Determination of Ka E5 Worksheet
▪ Postlab: E6 Buffers E6 Worksheet
25/26 T/W ▪ No Classes (People Power)
27/28 Th/F ▪ Review: Midterm Exam Midterm Problem Set
▪ Feedback: Mock FR
3/4 T/W ▪ E7: Determination of Ksp of Ca(OH)2
5/6 Th/F ▪ FR Writing Consultation
10/11 T/W ▪ Postlab: E7 Determination of Ksp E7 FR
12/13 Th/F ▪ E8: Selective Precipitation of Anions
17/18 T/W ▪ Postlab: E8 Selective Precipitation of Anions E8 Worksheet
19/20 Th/F ▪ E9: Coordination Chemistry
24/25 T/W ▪ Postlab: E9 Coordination Chemistry E9 Worksheet
26/27 Th/F ▪ E10: Synthesis of Thermochromic Material
31 T ▪ Postlab: E10 Synthesis of Thermochromic Material E10 Worksheet
1 W ▪ Postlab: E10 Synthesis of Thermochromic Material E10 Worksheet
2/3 Th/F ▪ No classes (ACLE Tentative schedule)
7/8 T/W ▪ No Classes (Holy Week)
9/10 Th/F ▪ No Classes (Holy Week)
14/15 T/W ▪ Discuss: Electrochemistry, Potential Diagrams
16/17 Th/F ▪ E11: Electrochemistry
21/22 T/W ▪ Postlab: E11 Electrochemistry E11 Worksheet
▪ Discuss: Journal Report
▪ Distribute Final Problem Set
23/24 Th/F ▪ Practical Exam
28/29 T/W ▪ Review Final Exam Final Problem Set
30 Th ▪ No Classes (Labor Day)
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1 F ▪ No Classes (Labor Day)
4 M ▪ Final Exam
5/6 T/W ▪ Journal Consultation
7/8 Th/F ▪ Journal Report
▪ Locker Check-in
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