Seminar Report
Seminar Report
Seminar Report
Aravind Menon
Roll No : 310028
to my satisfaction and submitted the same during the academic year 2017-
2018 towards the partial fulfillment of degree of Bachelor of Engineering
in Petrochemical Engineering of Pune University under the Department of
Petrochemical Engineering , Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune.
I take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for the cooperation given
by Prof. atta B. Dandge, HOD (Department of Petrochemical Engineering) and need
a special mention for all the motivation and support.
For all efforts behind the Seminar report, I would also like to express my sincere
appreciation to staff of department of Petrochemical Engineering, Maharashtra Insti-
tute of Technology ,Pune for their extended help and suggestions at every stage.
Aravind Menon
(Exam Seat No:T150027128)
1.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 General Catalyst Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
6 Conclusion 27
List of Figures
2.1 Crystal structures of TiO2 (a) anatase, (b) rutile, and (c) brookite. . 10
4.1 The global water budget, showing the breakdown of the worlds fresh-
Environmental catalysis also encompasses the application of catalysis for new eco-
compatible refinery, chemical or non-chemical catalytic processes, catalytic technolo-
gies for minimization of waste, and new catalytic routes to valuable products without
the formation of undesirable pollutants. Energy-efficient catalytic technologies and
processes (catalytic combustion, catalysis in fuel cells, catalytic devices for using re-
newable energy sources like solar energy or biomass), catalysis in the reduction of the
environmental impact of transport (not only use of catalysts in emissions control, but
also inside the engine to improve combustion, on the radiator to abate ozone, etc.),
and catalysis use in refineries to produce new fuels (produce ultra-low sulfur fuels,
reformulate fuel, upgrading heavy or not used fractions to produce clean fuels, etc.)
Seminar Environmental Catalysis
also fall within the definition of environmental catalysts. Other areas are the use
of catalysts for user-friendly technologies (e.g., to develop intelligent or self-cleaning
materials) and the reduction of indoor pollution (conversion of ozone, formaldehyde
and other organic indoor pollutants, but also photocatalytic antibacterial air purifi-
cation), and catalytic technologies for the decontamination of polluted sites (soil and
water remediation, including areas contaminated by military actions).
order to determine future directions of research and identify the most critical issues
to address, but also the need for fundamental and applied research.
1.1 Scope
Catalysis has been traditionally associated with chemical and refinery production.
Catalytic converters for treatment of car emissions constituted the first massive use of
catalysis outside chemical and refinery production, greatly contributing in the spread
of knowledge on the benefits of catalysis for improving the quality of the environment
and life. In recent years, catalytic environmental technologies have been rapidly ex-
panded to several new areas offering new opportunities: (i) for a range of industrial
sectors traditionally far from the use of catalysis and (ii) in user-friendly devices to
improve the quality of life and the indoor environment. The plenary lecture of the
workshop given by P. Landri and M. Berndt (Engelhard) focused on the market needs
and trends for non-standard environmental catalysis and on the fundamental scien-
tific and technical questions opened by these kinds of applications. Non-standard
applications are a fast increasing market with respect to the consolidated traditional
areas (automotive emissionscars, motorcycles, buses, trucks and service vehicles and
industrial stationary emissionsco-generation and gas turbine-based power generation
facilities, biomass fired boilers, process industries, soil remediation applications). Non-
standard applications often require a more flexible and customized approach, and low
per unit costs. Interesting examples are: (i) thin-walled stainless steel plates coated
with a catalytic layer to be applied as hydrogen recombiners (to avoid the possibility
that large amounts hydrogen be released as fall-out inside the reactor containment,
with explosion risks; the same technology can be applied to rechargeable batteries,
toothbrushes and other household products, and to safety devices in chemical reac-
tors); (ii) ceramic honeycomb or metal ring-nets coated with catalysts to be applied in
self-cleaning household ovens (to eliminate grease drops, CO and noxious fumes dur-
ing pyrolytic processes; a similar technology can be applied to rapid cook residential
ovens, restaurant chain driven charbroilers, air quality improvement in other commer-
cial applicationsbakery, fishery, etc.), and (iii) ozone smog reducers (radiators coated
with catalysts to convert ozone to O2; the same or similar technology is applied to
filters or forced-air systems, air conditioning ducts of an aircraft, specific equipment
to be added to air conditioning condensers and heat pumps, ozone converters in jet
aircrafts, in office equipment, etc.).
The cited examples show some interesting concepts which are worth emphasizing:
Structured catalysts
Structured catalysts, in the form of ceramic or metallic monoliths (often with a cus-
tomized design) are necessary in these non-standard applications. This is related to
the necessity for a low pressure drop and rapid heating, but also for the need of having
a catalytic device which can be easily substituted. The necessity of having sometimes
special forms as well as increasing gassolid contact, even though maintaining a low
pressure drop, stimulates research on alternative structured supports. Glass fiber
panels [5] can be an interesting example in this direction. They are characterized
by better efficiencies of gassolid contact with respect to ceramic monoliths, low void
fraction of the catalyst, and high flexibility to be adapted to different geometries. Ac-
tive catalytic component dispersion and thermal stability, however, must be improved
H2O deactivation. Supported noble metal catalysts and in particular supported gold
nanoparticles on transition metal oxides show interesting performances as discussed
in the contributions of Grisel and Nieuwenhuys (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
and Avgouropoulos et al. (ICE/HT and University of Patras, Greece).
Other Applications
Figure 1.3: Schematic drawing of porous structure showing diffusion reaction leading to
formation of Product.
damental starting points act as guides in predicting reactions mechanisms and locating
active sites [2,7,8]. The next step is attempting to understand what is occurring under
real reaction conditions. In situ [9] characterization of catalysts under actual working
conditions is the ideal next step for studying the reactions, if that route is available.
The goal of SCR is then to reduce these NOx species back to molecular nitro-
gen.Although the catalytic decomposition of NO is thermodynamically favored, the
activation for decomposition is very high (364 kJ/mol), requiring a catalyst to lower
this barrier [12,14]. However, the catalyst must be accompanied by a reducing agent,
Seminar Environmental Catalysis
such as NH3 (hydrocarbons are also used, but are not as effective)otherwise the reac-
tion proceeds too slowly. The overall SCR reaction is thus represented by the following
This reaction implies complete conversion to N2 which is, in general attainable with
the best catalysts, depending on their selectivity as well as the amount of NH3 added
to the reaction [15]. The ratio of NH3/NO impacts the degree to which NOx is
converted [15]. If NH3 is added in excess, this could lead to the possibility for un-
desirable NH3 slip. This requires the addition of yet another catalyst, one for the
selective catalytic oxidation (SCO) of ammonia, to oxidize any excess ammonia to
N2 prior to release into the atmosphere. In the SCR reaction, by-product formation,
such as N2O, occurs on less selective catalyst when NH3 is converted through alter-
nate reaction pathways, i.e., through oxidation by oxygen as opposed to NO. It is, of
course, important that the conversion to N2 be faster than any side reactions.
The main difference between the anatase and rutile phases is that the TiO2 6 octa-
hedral subunits are positioned differently. For anatase, they are connected by their
vertexes and for rutile by their edges. But the most important difference between the
rutile and anatase phases is the surface area. Anatase has a much larger surface area,
which is very important in catalysis in general, and specifically for SCR.
Figure 2.1: Crystal structures of TiO2 (a) anatase, (b) rutile, and (c) brookite.
3.1 Introduction
Industrial chemical processes from the beginning have moved towards a more efficient
use of resources and an improvement of selectivity, because both aspects correspond
to an improvement in process economics. Catalysis was a fundamental component
of this innovation and therefore almost all new developments in catalytic industrial
processes fall within the area of interest of environmental catalysis. Some relevant
examples are reported in Table 3.1.
Eco-efficient processes in clean and unconventional media are one of the main areas
of possible industrial innovation for environmental catalysis and sustainable (green)
chemistry. Sanders et al. (University of Karlsruhe, Germany) reported on the behav-
ior of sulfated zirconia (SZ) catalysts in the isomerization of butane in supercritical
conditions. The behavior of SZ catalysts in n-butane isomerization is well known, but
industrial application is hindered by fast deactivation due to cooking. Instead, using
the catalyst under supercritical conditions (butane itself is the supercritical medium)
makes it possible to maintain stable activity for a long time, due to the improved sol-
ubility power of the supercritical fluid for the coke precursor. Process simplification
is a challenge for all industrial syntheses, because it allows lowering of energy use,
reduction of waste, and improvement of safety and process economics. Phenol is a
large volume chemical because of its applications in various polymer syntheses. The
conventional and commercial route is a three step process via cumene and cumene
Seminar Environmental Catalysis
Figure 3.1: Examples of Environmental Catalytic Processes and the Catalysts Used
catalysts (Table 3.1) or H2O2 in the liquid phase using Ti- or Fe-zeolites (Kustov et
al., Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russia). Another example of possible
process simplification and improvement of eco-compatibility in an industrial synthe-
sis of a large volume chemical is the gas phase selective oxidation of isobutene to
methacrylic acid (Cavani et al., University of Bologna, Italy). However, the largest
potential for rapid industrial application of novel eco-compatible catalytic synthesis is
in the area of fine or specialty chemicals, because large-scale production also requires
large investments. Various possibilities of using catalytic synthesis in fine chemical
production were reported by Barrault et al. (LACCO, Poitiers, France). Tichit et al.
(Laboratoire de Matriaux Catalytiques des Montpellier, France) showed the possibil-
ity of one pot synthesis of dihydrocinnamaldehyde from benzaldehyde and propanal
on Pd supported on a hydrotalcite catalyst. The process represents a substantial im-
provement over the three step conventional process which produces high amounts of
effluents and salts. Kholdeeva et al. (Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Russia; Silesian
University of Technology, Poland) showed a new environmentally friendly method for
the production of 2,3,4-trimethylbenzoquinone using Ti-containing mesoporous ma-
terials and H2O2 which avoids the formation of toxic and corrosive wastes. Other
examples of one pot syntheses were given by Hlderich [4]. Hydrotalcite-based cata-
lysts were also used as solid base catalysts in the alkylation of m-cresol with methanol
(Cavani et al., University of Bologna and EniTecnologie, Italy) in order to develop
cleaner processes alternative to homogeneous process. Lee et al. (Pohang University
of Science and Technology, Korea) discussed the catalytic steps in the green synthesis
for depolymerization instead of acid catalysts for cracking) is also necessary. There
are other important areas for application of catalytic technologies for solid waste con-
version, such as (i) in the treatment of sludge (generally industrial sludge, but also
for safe disposal of active sludge, a problem of increasing importance in Europe be-
cause the EU Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive has considerably limited the
possibility of landfill disposal), (ii) the recycle of solid waste from chemical and re-
finery productions and (iii) in the treatment of fugitive emissions produced in solid
waste treatments. Very few data are present in the literature on these questions,
but their relevance will increase in the future. Catalytic technologies in emissions
cleanup (NOx or SOx elimination from mobile or fixed sources, VOC control) is one
of the traditional areas of use of environmental catalysts, and considerable research
is still being carried out on this topic. The main area of interest in recent years,
well represented at the workshop, includes the development and testing of catalysts
for (i) NOx removal in lean burn or diesel engine emissions, (ii) catalytic combustion
and (iii) VOC removal. The research attention was mainly focused on the study of
the reaction mechanisms and the identification of the nature of the active sites. Also
understanding the unsteady-state behavior has become increasingly important, due
to the key role of this aspect in understanding the behavior of oxygen-storage com-
ponents in three-way catalysts (TWCs) and the behavior of NOx storage-reduction
(NOxSR) catalysts, the most promising solution to solve the issue of NOx removal in
light-duty diesel engine emissions. Different from conventional steady-state catalysts,
these catalysts work continuously under periodic changes in feed composition from
lean conditions (where NOx is stored on the catalyst in the form of a nitrate) and
rich conditions (where the stored NOx species are reduced to N2 by the H2, CO and
hydrocarbons present in the emissions). The interesting concept on NOxSR catalysts
is the possibility of using a catalytic material with the double function of acting as a
sorption material and a catalyst with periodic switching between the two functions.
Another example of this concept is shown by the use of zeolite-based catalysts for
VOC removal in rotating equipment. When the VOC concentration is low and the
temperature of the emissions is also low (a typical example is the gas emissions from
painting processes), the heating of large volumes of emissions to the temperature re-
quired for catalytic activity is expensive (if the VOC concentration is low, the heat
of combustion cannot maintain the process autothermically). A solution is the use of
a rotating monolith coated with zeolite-based catalysts which act as a sorbent when
the monolith is in contact with the gas stream and as a catalyst in the other part of
the monolith where the regeneration occurs. This is another example of the innova-
tive and multifunctional possibilities of catalytic materials explored by environmental
catalysis. Another example of this concept, but applied to the removal of pollutants
in water (abatement of chloroorganics by adsorption on a bed of Pd/active carbon
and in situ periodic regeneration by a reducing treatment) was given in the key note
lecture of Y.M. Sheintuch (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel).
An interesting example in this direction was given by Van den Brink and Verhaak
(ECN, The Netherlands) who presented the problematics of developing catalysts for
the combined removal of N2O and NOx in the nitric acid industry. Fe-ZSM-5 catalysts
are effective in this reaction when propane is added to the feed as a reductant, while
methane in not very effective. Combination of Fe-ZSM-5 and a DeNOx catalyst (based
on Co-ZSM-5) in a single reactor gives more than 80NOx from the tail gases of nitric
acid plants at 300 C. Higher pressures are beneficial for N2O and especially NOx
Another contribution on the question of N2O reduction was given by Goncalves
and Figueiredo (University of Porto, Portugal). Various contributions on the question
of methane combustion were given at the workshop, but generally the central question
for application in the reduction of methane greenhouse gas emissions (e.g., low tem-
perature activity with traces of methane) was not addressed. Various contributions
focused on the use of non-traditional materials for methane oxidation, such as per-
ovskites. Ciambelli et al. (Universities of Salerno, Naples and Rome; Italy) reported
the behavior of LaAlFe perovskites for methane combustion. Perovskite-based mono-
lithic reactors for the combustion of methane can also be developed (Cimino et al.,
University of Naples and Instituto Ricerche sulla Combustione CNR, Italy). These
materials have been proven to be resistant in the presence of H2S and SO2 (Auer et
al., University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) or sulfur compounds present in natural
gas (Russo et al., Polytechnic of Turin, Italy) and were shown to be applicable for
the treatment of fugitive emissions from the iron and steel making industry (Alifanti
et al., University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium). The area of catalytic technologies
for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is thus an area of growing importance,
but still the need for research on one hand and the possibilities offered by catalysts
on the other, must be better focused.
4.1 Introduction
Although water is abundant on Earth, with a volume of about 1400 million km3, only
a small fraction is fresh water, and of this, less than 1Unfortunately, water pollution
remains a pervasive threat. Inorganic materials enter the aquifers and the rivers in
the form of fertilizer run-off from fields, leachate from mines, and as a consequence
of acid rain. Perhaps even bigger is the threat to the water quality posed by organic
chemicals. Large amounts of synthetic organic pollutants, including industrial chem-
icals, dyes, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products, are continuously
released and enter into natural water [1]. There is increasingly stringent control on
the quality of water. Control of water pollution includes preventing the source of
pollution, controlling and reducing the discharge of hazardous substances, nutrients,
and other pollutants into the aquatic system [2]. Hazardous pollutants can cause
immense harm due to their toxicity even at low concentrations. The carcinogenic,
mutagenic, and teratogenic properties of pollutants and their persistence in the en-
vironment are still targets of much needed research. Some elements such as copper,
zinc, manganese, boron, phosphorus, and selenium are essential for supporting aquatic
functions at low concentrations, but they pose problems when their concentration ex-
ceeds certain levels. Industries such as the food and beverage industry, chemical,
petrochemical, pharmaceutical, and refining industries, pulp and paper industry, and
the electronics industry [3] all contribute to the problem.
Seminar Environmental Catalysis
Figure 4.1: The global water budget, showing the breakdown of the worlds freshwater
supply. Data from Shiklomanov, 1993.
technologies used for waste stream treatment and recycling include reverse osmosis
(RO), microfiltration (MF), and ultrafiltration (UF) [4] Advanced oxidation processes
(AOPs) for the oxidation of organic pollutants are also employed with the use of
ozone, hydrogen peroxide, and UV radiation. Defined as near ambient temperature
and pressure water treatment processes which involve the generation of a very pow-
erful oxidizing agent such as hydroxyl radical (OH) in solution in sufficient quantity
to effective water purification [9], AOPs are applied for situations where conventional
oxidation techniques are insufficient because of the frequently slow process kinetics.
These processes can deal with refractory contaminants that withstand conventional
chemical oxidation in aqueous medium or are only partially oxidized to form stable
products that have themselves greater toxicity than the starting pollutants. AOPs
have been used in the water remediation of a wide range of pollutants, including phar-
maceutical drugs , antibiotics , aromatic compounds , ionic liquids [7], dyestuffs [6],
synthetic endocrine disruptors (bisphenols, alkylphenols, phthalates) [20], and so on.
Organic compounds are adsorbed onto the carbon and the amount adsorbed depends
on the physical and chemical properties of the activated carbon such as surface area
and pore size, functional groups present at the surface. For example, adsorption of
phenols on activated carbons has been widely investigated [21]. The chemical nature
of the surface of activated carbon as well as its porous nature determines its adsorption
properties . The former is rated to be more important than porosity for liquid phase
adsorption. The surface of oxidized carbon contains mainly carboxyl and hydroxyl
groups which increase its affinity for water over that for phenol. Regeneration of
the spent adsorbent material can be a costly and intensive process . This has led to
an interest in developing alternative adsorbents for the removal of organic pollutants
from aqueous waste streams.
4.2 Applications
Remediation of groundwater contaminated by agricultural practices (nitrate and pes-
ticides, in particular), leakage of non-biodegradable compounds from underground
fuel tanks and pipelines, and accidental spills and leaking of cleaning solvents and
degreasers is becoming a major problem worldwide. Europes Environment: The re-
cent reports of the European Environment Agency (EEA) Dobris Assessment and
Sustainable use of Europes water? highlighted the question that water pollution and
deterioration of aquatic habitats are severely hampering the use of water for human
consumption and wildlife. Inadequate amounts or poor water quality create a conflict
between human demand for water and wider ecological needs.
It is estimated that the market for such technologies will double in the next 510
years, but that at the same time current available technologies are often inadequate to
meet both economic and ecological demands. Therefore, there are both ecological and
economic incentives to develop new technologies for water treatment and remediation.
Catalysis may play a critical role in the development of these novel technologies, but
this issue poses at the same time new challenges for catalysis. In water remediation,
the challenge is that the catalysts must be able to efficiently operate on-site, which
poses considerable constraints due to the fact that the technology must be compact
(to be moved from site to site) and easily manageable. Two major aspects of water
remediation technologies were discussed at the workshop: (i) elimination of nitrate
and pesticides from water contaminated by agricultural practices, and (ii) conversion
of MTBE in contaminated underground water. However, various additional contri-
butions were presented on the topics of (i) advanced catalytic wet oxidation tech-
nologies (of both organics and inorganics, such as ammonia), (ii) catalytic technolo-
gies of wastewater treatment by hydrotreating (including the key note lecture by M.
Synthetic zeolites have a much higher sorption capacity than the natural variants.
Their properties can be varied from hydrophilic to hydrophobic, and the pore size can
also be accurately controlled. These zeolites have a large commercial market in laun-
dry detergents, where they sequester polyvalent cations that otherwise contribute to
the water hardness, substituting the polyphosphates that had been used previously
with detrimental environmental effects. Synthetic zeolites are also widely used in
catalysis. However, catalysts are considered specialty chemicals, and the prize per kg
is far above that for a commodity, so that wide use as adsorbent in water treatment
applications will not be economically feasible. Zeolite-based catalysts may however
find applications in processes designed to treat highly contaminated industrial efflu-
ents before they are discharged into biological treatment plants. Photocatalysts for
wastewater treatment face different constraints from photocatalysts for water split-
ting or other energy conversion processes. Whereas in the latter case, the solar energy
drives an otherwise endothermic reaction, the photocatalyst for water treatment is
speeding up processes that are in principle thermodynamically downhill, e.g., the
complete combustion of an organic material with dissolved oxygen. The band gap
can therefore be relatively narrow, and 12 eV would be sufficient.
the action of complexing agents such as the naturally occurring humic acids. The
number of studies that address these problems is still very limited. The material
should have the mechanical strength and the chemical properties to allow for regener-
ation, either by ion exchange, elution with a different solvent, or by thermal processes.
The perhaps biggest problem is the technical layout of a photo-catalytic reactor. The
cheapest source of radiation is solar light. Light can penetrate deeply into clear water,
but will be scattered and absorbed if the water is turbid. The catalytic reaction takes
place only at the surface between of the catalyst particles. Since the catalyst particles
absorb radiation effectively, the particle size is restricted to a few micrometers. Re-
lease of the photocatalyst as a fine powder may however lead to problems in catalyst
recovery. Immobilization of the active material on bigger carriers is advisable. This
will lead to transport limitations, a frequently overlooked problem which is however
outside the scope of the present review.
There are potentially many photocatalytic materials besides TiO2 that offer bet-
ter band structures. Cerium oxide, tungsten oxide, iron oxide, and many bismuth-
containing compounds absorb in the visible-light region and their photocatalytic ac-
tivity for a number of dye or single organic molecule has been tested. Since the low
quantum efficiency due to recombination of the photo-generated charge carriers has
been identified as the most urgent problem, much of the work reported so far has
concentrated on the synthesis of novel structures for efficient light harvesting and
charge separation. The synthesis, while based on a rational design approach, often
uses expensive reagents. These materials have generally been applied to only a few
selected test molecules. Notably, the majority of studies investigate the photobleach-
ing of dye molecules. There are few studies on mineralization efficiency, and even
fewer on the photocatalytic activity in multi-contaminant systems representative of
wastewater compositions. Much remains to be done to correlate the structure with
photoactivity and quantum yields.
Environmental Catalysis as a
Driver for Innovation
5.1 Introduction
The extension of the use of catalysis outside the traditional fields together with the
basic problem that often in the environmental technologies it is not possible to choose
the optimal reaction conditions which are determined by energy and feed constraints
and/or conditions defined by upstream units, implies that a very innovative effort is
necessary to develop new catalytic materials, devices and solutions [8]. It is evident
that the entire field of heterogeneous catalysis as well as other industrial sectors will
benefit from this research effort, and not only the specific area of environmental catal-
For example, the ordinary conditions for use of heterogeneous catalysts in chemical
syntheses are in the 200500 C temperature range, while environmental catalysts must
operate sometimes at lower temperatures (room or lower temperatures, e.g., in the
mentioned low temperature CO oxidation catalysts, in water purification technologies,
or in some nitrogen 8 G. Centi et al. / Catalysis Today 75 (2002) 315 oxides or VOC
abatement systems, being too expensive the heating of large volumes of effluents) or
at extremely high temperatures, 900 C or above (e.g., in catalytic combustion for
gas turbines). Very high temperatures require developing catalytic materials having
exceptional characteristics of stability and durability at high reaction temperatures.
Various contributions in the workshop addressed this question, such as those of (i)
Carroni et al. (ALSTOM Power, Switzerland) on the development of novel support
materials for catalytic combustion in power generation, (ii) Groppi et al. (Polytechnic
Milan, Italy) on understanding the reversible transformation of palladium in Pd-based
catalysts for gas turbine combustors and (iii) Isupova et al. (Boreskov Institute of
Seminar Environmental Catalysis
Low temperature activity implies the development of novel, very active catalytic
components or alternatively new ways to activate reactants or supply the energy re-
quired for the reaction. Some interesting advances in this direction were presented dur-
ing the workshop. Miessner et al. (Institut fr Umwelttechnologien in Berlin-Adlershof
and Siemens AG, Germany) reported the application of non-thermal plasma (NTP)
to assist catalytic cleaning of gas flows containing low concentrations of contaminants.
NTP can be produced by a dielectric discharge reactor generating chemically active
species, such as excited oxygen and nitrogen molecules, atoms and radicals like OH
and HO2 . Plasma assisted catalytic removal of NOx may occur at temperatures lower
than 100 C, an important achievement for developing low temperature (¡150 C) cat-
alysts for NOx reduction in diesel engine exhaust emissions, although the application
to mobile emissions (especially light-duty diesel engine cars) requires the resolution
of various technical problems.
al., Sgo del Estero of Santa F, Argentina). Christensen and Rak (Dinex Filters Tech-
nology and ECN, The Netherlands) presented a novel concept of an electrochemical
reactor consisting of a highly porous, oxygen ion conducting electrolyte (ceriagadoline
mixture) covered by a catalytically active, electron conductive perovskite (lanthanium
strontium manganese perovskite) based electrode. The porous reactor structure acts
as a mechanical filter, trapping the soot particles from the exhaust gas. By polarizing
the reactor with an external power supply, the combustion process of the collected soot
particles can be forced to take place at low temperature, where the lower temperature
limit (250 C) is defined by the ionic conductivity of the electrolyte material.
The scientific and market interest for environmental catalysis has significantly ex-
panded in the last 2 decades, due to both the continuously increasingly more strin-
gent regulations on the quality of emissions and the environment, and the increasing
awareness of the central role that these catalysts play in the development of technolo-
gies to improve the quality of life and the environment. Certain New advances seen
over the last decade mentioned in this report are:
The areas of interest of environmental catalysis have rapidly expanded, but at the
same time new challenges for catalysis given by these new applications have stimulated
research to find new innovative solutions and technologies which will benefit all areas
of catalysis as well other industries.
[4] P.-A. Deyris, C. Grison, ”Nature, Ecology and Chemistry: an unsual combina-
tion for a new green catalysis” in Ecocatalysis, Current Opinion in Green and
Sustainable Chemistry (2018).
[6] Futing Li, Youxin Li, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical in Journal of
Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 420 (2016) 254263