Teacher Training Essay

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The landscape of the teaching profession is constantly changing overtime.

One example is
how student’s futures were skewed because of the introduction of the tripartite system in
1945. The system dictated which students qualified for a place at grammar school, assigning
students either to a: grammar, technical or secondary modern school based on their
performance in the 11+ exam. This was examined at the final year of each child’s primary
school education. The competition for grammar schools was so fierce, ‘parents spend as
much as £1,800 on private tuition to help their children.’ (BBC News, 2008) Students who
passed the 11+ exam were admitted into grammar schools, while the students who failed
went to secondary modern schools built to teach lower-ability students. These students
were perceived as ‘failures, with many children leaving school with no qualifications.’ (BBC
News, 2008)
Another factor of change, is how technology has dynamically advanced overtime, increasing
its impact within the classroom. One characteristic of the modern classroom which is
empowered by technology is collaboration. Students can work with each other and their
teachers outside of the classroom simply through a variety of platforms. For example,
Google Apps allows students and teachers to share documents online and edit them in real
time. Providing students, a collaborative platform, in which to brainstorm their ideas and
document their work.
Another factor is how the traditional student and teacher roles have altered overtime. The
student’s role in the modern age incorporates more active learning and engagement. Whilst
the teacher’s role has changed drastically. Rather than just relaying the information, whilst
the students absorb and regurgitate the information. The teacher has become a facilitator
for the students, encouraging active learning and using technology to enhance student’s
knowledge e.g. setting tasks for students to complete.
Another way teaching has changed over the years is the alteration in the punishments,
executed in the classroom. When corporal punishment was banned in 1987, the scrapping
of the cane had led to adverse effects including the deterioration of children’s behaviour at
school. This occurred because no substitute was enforced by government for schools to
reassert authority in the classroom. Therefore, there was the creation of novel punishments
i.e. verbal warnings, extra work and detentions.
Option Length Cost Salary Entry Qualification Intensity Advantages Disadvantages

Universit 1 Year £9,25 No Varies PGCE Lower - More time at university, increasing - Additional student loans.
y Led 0 2.2/2.1 studying, and reflecting on your - A salary may not be paid.
progress. Whilst spending time with - Moving placements hinders the
peers in analogous situation. graduate, to establish relationships
- Universities have more experience teachers and students.
training teachers and have contacts
across the area.

School 1 Year £9,25 No Varies QTS, Medium - Immediate engagement in school - Lack of support if things go wrong
Led 0 2.2/2.1 probably life.  only resign and leave the programm
(SCITT) PGCE - Provides more practical, hands-on - Don’t get a salary.
- Designed to ease trainees with a
lighter teaching load. 
- Time allocated for trainees to
observe other teachers or to team
School 1 Year Often Yes Varies QTS, High - Trainees employed as unqualified - Requires three years’ paid work
Direct Free 2.2/2.1 probably teachers, whilst being paid. experience in any occupation.
Salaried PGCE - Salaries starting from £15,000 - Faster and stressful since higher
increasing depending on experience expectations.
and subject. - Required to teach up to 80% of a
- By working throughout the normal timetable from day one. 
academic year, allows the trainee to
build lasting relationships with
students and colleagues.

Teach 2 Years Free Yes 2.1 + Leadership High - Opportunity to do a Master’s - Required to have a 2.1 degree or
First relevant Qualification qualification, at a reduced cost. above.
(Inner degree/A PGDE - Full time paid position, for a
City Levels minimum of two years.
Focus) - Intensive teacher training, leading
to a Postgraduate Diploma, worth
120 credits.
- Integrates teacher training and
leadership development.
Overall, I believe that the University Led approach, is the most appropriate for my future
career development. This is because the route being low intensity, would allow me to reflect
on my progress throughout the course and be able to compare teaching styles with other
students. Thus, gaining my confidence instead of going straight into the classroom with no
For my micro teach I executed a presentation, focused on the basic definitions and diagrams
of the Economics’ concept, opportunity cost. Subsequently to reinforce this information I
showed a video which demonstrated how the concept of opportunity cost is displayed in the
film Monsters Inc. Then to conclude my micro teach, I got the group involved in a game of
Kahoot using their mobile devices. Using the quiz, allowed me to recognise where there was
a gap in the students’ knowledge. Once the results of the quiz came through at the end of
each question. If the vast majority of the students got a question incorrect, I explained the
rationale behind the answer.
The feedback from my micro teach (Appendix E,) showed that the highest I scored was a 5/5
for my use of visuals. The visuals I used included: a presentation, video and a Kahoot which
were helpful for students to understand concepts and provided differentiation.
However, the lowest score I achieved was for my clarity of explanations, which was scored a
3. From the feedback sheets it was clear, that the group found some of the concepts difficult
to grasp and didn’t comprehend the technical terminology. However, according to the
feedback, when I conveyed the information I appeared confident and knew the subject
matter. By considering this feedback I will incorporate more group activities and use less
specialist terminology in future micro teaches. Thus, allowing the group to help each other
incorporate the content. ‘Students who believe learning is fixed tend to give up in the face
of difficult, but those who believe it can be increased by learning tend to increase their
efforts in the face of a challenge.’ (Teaching Today, 2014) Therefore, I will encourage the
students to be more active learners than passive. Thus, by setting the group activities such
as work sheets, I will able to test their attitudes to learning and team work.
When considering my teaching style, I tried incorporating various pedagogies to satisfy
student needs. By ‘offering students both variety and choice. The human brain is a multi-
processor. It learns in many ways,’ (Super Teaching, 2009.) Thus, it was crucial to address
various learning styles, when considering my micro teach and providing students a range of
visuals and interactive learning activities to enhance their knowledge.
Intensifying this is the conventional constructivist and behaviourist pedagogy of theories of
learning, the ‘homogeneity of learners.’ (HE Academy, 2014) As student cohorts have
become more diverse and more challenging for teachers. These cohorts are now
characterised into 3 different learning types referred as VAK: visual, auditory and
kinaesthetic learners. However, overtime it has been adapted, for example VARK was
created by Neil Fleming, who added an extra type of learner, read/write. Therefore, in
future micro teaches I need to incorporate these characteristics and keep changing my
learning styles to meet the adaptation of VAK, to enhance multi-sensory learning
encouraging: active learning, independence, cooperation and adapting to each person’s
pace of development.
To meet the ever-changing needs for these diverse groups, pedagogy devised by Honey and
Mumford (1992) show if learners are aware of their ‘learning preferences, then their
learning improves.’ Therefore, all learners should work on their weak styles to improve their
overall learning since only ‘2 per cent of people are ‘fully equipped’, being able to make
effective use of any style.’ Thus, incorporating this concept into future micro teaches I will
integrate activities for all types of learners. To encourage students to develop thorough
understanding of using all 3 preferences, because ‘using all the learning styles gives multiple
representation,’ (Teaching Today, 2017.) Therefore, the choice of different learning styles
will cater for: all the students’ needs, to stimulate motivation and enhance the learning
My Professional Development

SWOT Analysis

My Strengths (S) My Weaknesses (W)

- One characteristic is my organisational skills. I am always efficient - My nonverbal communication skills, such as poor posture will
when organising paper work and keep on track of due dates. Thus, hinder me when in the classroom environment. This is because it
this will be beneficial for a teaching career when organising paper conveys a lack of confidence, which will make students doubt my
work including: assessments, seating plans etc. creditability. Thus, this will encourage trouble makers to make
– Another characteristic is that I work well in a team, as seen in my disruptions in the classroom since authority maybe challenged.
previous retail work experience. This will be beneficial in the - Another characteristic is my poor creativity. I find it difficult to think
of different ways to use resources. This will cause problems when it
classroom when working with teaching assistants to implement
comes to lesson planning, setting and creating various activities to
strategies. By working closely with teaching assistants this will
suit different students’ needs. Although there are various resources
reinforce the students’ knowledge by providing one to one support available e.g. iPad, crayons etc I will find it difficult applying them
for students who are struggling, able to team teach by delegating effectively to the classroom environment.
some teaching to the teaching assistant and working with the
teacher assistant to identify groups of students that need
My Opportunities (O) My Threats (T)
- One opportunity is gaining teaching experience through a Premier - One threat is attempting to achieve a teaching placement, within a
Pathways placement. This will allow me to gain teaching experience competing market. This is because I will be competing against
and confidence in the teaching profession. By achieving this I will students with greater confidence and who have more relevant
have a competitive edge against other competing applicants for experience. By losing out on the opportunity for a placement, this
teaching jobs I apply for. Also, the school may offer me a job after will make it difficult for me to get onto PGCE courses after my
my placement. degree. This is because most universities will require 10 days’ work
- Being part of the Economics society committee, we are encouraged experience in schools, which may hinder my application.
by the University to go to secondary schools and teach them the
basic of Economics. Thus, this will provide me with various
experience including: working with children, helping the community
and confidence teaching to large student cohorts.
My Personal Development Plan (PDP)

Development Goals How will I achieve this (the steps you will take) Success Criteria (how will I know By when (completion Learning or Support needed
when I have achieved this) date) (what you will do about
To achieve experience/ Research into the various teaching I will have a various range of March 2018, Will need support from
placement in the teaching placements online. Will adapt my CV so it’s placement offers and because after this the employability team to
sector. To start in September up to date and will use the employment potentially a secured date, I will be have a chance of getting
2018. support provided by the University to check placement. starting exams. a placement.
my CV. Lastly, I will apply for placements
and hopefully be invited for an interview; or
to an assessment centre. 

To achieve at least a 2:2 in To complete deadlines on time and up to a When I get my results on June 2018, when I will need support from
Economics’, to meet good standard. By seeing lecturers in their Solar and calculate the results are verified. the lecturers. Whilst also
Warwick’s Teacher Training office hours, to get help when I am overall average of my module resources such as Sigma
requirements. struggling with a subject area. Lastly, I will grades. to gain extra tuition, to
use resources provided by the University, identify where to
such as Sigma for help with Maths. improve my Maths.

Improve my confidence, Doing presentations in front of my friends I will get feedback from my March 2018 so that Will need support from
body language and then evaluating what I need to improve. friends each day and see how I can be prepared friends.
communication. I’ve improved. for placement
interviews etc.
Bolton, P. (2017). Grammar School Statistics. Number 1398. [online] House Of Commons
Library, pp.3,4,5,6. Available at:
[Accessed 10 Dec. 2017].
News.bbc.co.uk. (2017). BBC News - Could you pass the 11-plus?. [online] Available at:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/7773974.stm [Accessed 11 Dec. 2017].
Shepherd, J. (2017). Pupil behaviour worse since abolition of caning, warn teachers. [online]
The Guardian. Available at:
behaviour-worse [Accessed 11 Dec. 2017].
The Higher Education Academy. (n.d.). Pedagogic theory. [online] Available at:
https://www.heacademy.ac.uk/system/files/resources/pedagogic_theory_0.pdf [Accessed
11 Dec. 2017].
Jensen, E. (2009) Super Teaching. 4th edn. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press
Strengths And Weaknesses Of Tripartite System (2017) available from
system/> [11 December 2017]
Five Reasons For The UK's Worst-Ever Teacher Shortage (2017) available from
<http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/patrick-hayes/teacher-shortage_b_9319692.html> [11
December 2017]
Ban On The Cane 'Left Schools Unable To Impose Discipline And Led To Deterioration In
Children's Behaviour' (2017) available from <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-
2125336/Ban-cane-schools-led-discipline-childrens-behaviour.html> [11 December 2017]
Petty, G. (2014) Teaching Today A Practical Guide. 5th edn. OUP Oxford
Classroom Management: How To Successfully Use A Token Economy To Manage
Behaviors(2017) available from <http://www.universalclass.com/articles/special-
education/using-a-token-economy-to-manage-behaviors.htm> [10 December 2017]
Introduction To VARK | VARK (n.d.) available from <http://vark-learn.com/introduction-to-
vark/> [4 January 2018]
Fleming, N. (1995) I'm Different; Not Dumb Modes Of Presentation (V.A.R.K.) In The Tertiary
Classroom [online] available from <http://vark-learn.com/wp-
content/uploads/2014/08/different_not_dumb.pdf> [5 January 2018]
Fleming, N. D. (2006). V.A.R.K Visual, Aural/Auditory, Read/Write, Kinesthetic. New Zealand:
Bonwell Green Mountain Falls.
Appendix A: Micro Teach Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan: The Economics Concept Of Opportunity Cost
Target Audience: College Students, Year 12
Learning Objectives

 To look at the numerous ways opportunity cost can be defined and to be able to
give examples.
 To understand how opportunity cost can be illustrated in a Production Possibility
Frontier diagram.
 Able to demonstrate a shift in the Production Possibility Frontier diagram and the
rational behind this.
Basic Learning Outcomes

 To be able to explain the concepts of scarcity and opportunity cost.

 To be able to understand and explain the 4 factors of production and how each
factor is used.
 To be able to draw the Production Possibility Frontier.
 To be able to give examples of opportunity cost.
Additional Learning Outcomes (For Those Who Are Fast Learners)

 To be able to explain shifts in the Production Possibility Frontier.

 To be able to define and explain specialist Economic terms such as allocative
efficiency and
 To be able to show the impact of Economic Growth on the Production Possibility

Timing Task
4 Minutes Reading the lesson objectives and
delivering the content to the group.

3 Minutes To reinforce the material, putting on a

video to illustrate the application of the
concept in real world situations.

2 Minutes Hosting a Kahoot quiz, to test the groups

understanding of the material.

1 Minute Asking the group if they have any

questions about the material.

Appendix B: Presentation Presented In Micro Teach

Activity 1

 Listening and retaining the material. Thus, being able to replicate it if necessary.
Slide 1

Slide 2
Slide 3

Slide 4
Slide 5

Slide 6
Slide 7

Appendix C: Video Showed In Micro Teach

Activity 2

 Watching a YouTube video, based on the application of the concept opportunity

cost, in Monsters Inc.
 Link to the video. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tW4G5IPpzFY)
Appendix D: Kahoot Quiz Based On The Theory Taught
Activity 3

 Hosted a Kahoot game for the students to join.

 Gave the students a prolonged period of time, so I could explain the rationale
behind each answer and ask if there were any questions.
Question 1

Question 2
Question 3

Question 4
Question 5

Question 6
Appendix E: Completed Feedback Forms From The Students

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