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Syllabus for Master of Business Administration, 3rd Semester With effective

Functional Area Specialization: Human Resource Management from academic
Name: Change Management and Organization Development (CMOD) year 2018-19
Subject Code: 4539231

1. Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcome Component Learning Outcome
Business Environment and Domain  Demonstrate an understanding of how organizations
Knowledge (BEDK) can be made more effective and dynamic by
improving their human resource/ Business Process
and structure; for their survival as well as adaptation
in future dynamic situation.
Critical thinking, Business  Ability to examine the dynamic situation of business
Analysis, Problem Solving and environment, analyze the situation and formulate the
Innovative Solutions (CBPI) appropriate solution suiting specific situation.
Global Exposure and Cross-  Examine the effect of global business environment on
Cultural Understanding (GECCU) business and develop cross cultural understanding to
deal with issues of diversity and globalization.
Social Responsiveness and Ethics  Demonstrate sincerity towards being socially
(SRE) inclusive and considerate towards ethics while
managing change and development.
Effective Communication (EC)  Ability to effectively appraise all stakeholders of the
need for change and develop communication skills to
make change acceptable to all.
Leadership and Teamwork (LT)  Distinguish the varied roles to be executed by
different people for effecting change.
 Develop and lead teams for successful OD

2. Course Duration: The course duration is of 40 sessions of 60 minutes each.

3. Course Contents:
70 Marks
Module No. of
Contents (External
No: Sessions
Organizational Change:
 Introduction, Importance & imperative of change
 Forces of change, types of change
 Types of planned and unplanned change, Models of

Organizational renewal:
 The challenge of change
 Change and its impact
I 10 18
 Operational effect, psychological effect, social effect;
people reactions to change.
 Changing the organizational culture

Resistance to change:
 Lifecycle to resistance to change
 Resistance model of change
 Driving forces and restraining forces blocking change
 Overcoming and minimizing resistance to change.

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Syllabus for Master of Business Administration, 3rd Semester With effective
Functional Area Specialization: Human Resource Management from academic
Name: Change Management and Organization Development (CMOD) year 2018-19
Subject Code: 4539231

Organizational development:
 Introduction, concept, characteristics, Need, Evolution of
OD, OD Assumptions & Values.
 OD Models
 5 stage model of OD
 Action Research model of OD & its features
 Appreciative Inquiry model

OD practitioners:
 Role and style of OD practitioners
 Formation of Practitioner and client relationship
II 10 18
 Relationship modes, issues in relationship

 Process, models and skills required
 Methods of obtaining diagnosis information

Process Intervention Skills:

 Process interventions
 Group process
 Types of process interventions
 Results of process interventions
OD Interventions:
 Definitions,
 Strategies for OD Intervention:
 Basic Strategies to change
 Integration of change strategies
 Stream analysis
 Selecting OD interventions
 Major OD intervention techniques.

OD personal & Interpersonal Interventions:

 Empowering the individuals and employees
 Laboratory learning
 Interpersonal styles
III 10 17
 Career Life Planning Interventions

Team development Interventions:

 Organizing around teams
 Need for team development
 Team development process
 Outdoor experiential laboratory training
 Role negotiation, role analysis

Intergroup Development & work team development

 Changing relationships
 Collaboration and conflict

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Syllabus for Master of Business Administration, 3rd Semester With effective
Functional Area Specialization: Human Resource Management from academic
Name: Change Management and Organization Development (CMOD) year 2018-19
Subject Code: 4539231

 Intergroup problems
 Managing conflicts of various levels
 Continuous improvement process
 Job design
 TQM –eight pillars of TQM and Self- Managed Work
High Performing Teams and Learning Organizations:
 System-wide interventions
 Survey Research and feedback
 Learning organizations
 Reengineering
 System-4 management
 High performing systems
 Grid-OD program
 Third wave Organizations OD.

Organizational Transformation and Strategic

IV 10 17
 Strategy and transformation
 Organizational transformation
 Role of culture
 Strategic change management
 Changing the culture
 Power, politics and ethics in OD

OD for Future:
 Organizations for the future
 Monitoring and stabilizing action programs
 Emerging issues and values
 Future trends in OD
Students need to study change which occurred in
organization external/internal and suggest an OD (30 marks
V ---
intervention adopted by organization to survive or excel. CEC)
Students can also identify the reasons for change, the way
change was managed.

4. Pedagogy:
 ICT enabled Classroom teaching
 Case study
 Practical / live assignment
 Interactive class room discussions

5. Evaluation:
Students shall be evaluated on the following components:
A Internal Evaluation (Internal Assessment- 50 Marks)
 Continuous Evaluation Component 30 marks

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Syllabus for Master of Business Administration, 3rd Semester With effective
Functional Area Specialization: Human Resource Management from academic
Name: Change Management and Organization Development (CMOD) year 2018-19
Subject Code: 4539231

 Class Presence & Participation 10 marks

 Quiz 10 marks
B Mid-Semester examination (Internal Assessment-30 Marks)
C End –Semester Examination (External Assessment-70 Marks)

6. Reference Books:
No. Author Name of the Book Publisher Year of
Publication /
1 An experiential Approach to 2010 / 8th
Donald R. Brown Pearson
Organization Development
2 Kavita Singh Organization Change & development 2010 / 2nd
Organization Development:
Wendell French,
3 Behavioral Science Interventions for Pearson 2017 / 6th
Cecil Bell
Thomas G.
Organization Development and
4 Christopher G. Cengage 2014 / 10th

Tupper Cawsy,
Organizational Change: An Action –
5 Gene Deszca, Sage 2011 / 2nd
Oriented Toolkit
Cynthia A. Inglos
Organization Structure and Design:
6 P. G. Aquinas Excel 2008
Applications and Challenges
Joan V. Gallos, Organization Development: Jossye –
7 2006 / 1st
Edgar H. Schein AJossey-Bass reader Bass
Organization Design and
8 Bhupen Srivastava Development: Concepts and Biztantra 2007
Managing Change: A Critical Kogan
9 Mark Hughes 2010 / 2nd
Perspective Page
Robert Organization Development: Ideas
10 Routledge 2017 / 1st
Golembievsky and Issues
Patrick Dawson, Managing Change,
11 Costas Creativity and Sage 2017 / 3rd
Andriopoulos Innovation
Note: Wherever the standard books are not available for the topic appropriate print and online
resources, journals and books published by different authors may be prescribed.

7. List of Journals / Periodicals / Magazines / Newspapers / Web resources, etc.

1. Journal of Organizational Change Management

2. The Journal Of applied Behavioural Science
3. Journal of Change Management
4. Harvard Business Review

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