de 1108851150
de 1108851150
de 1108851150
Search Result ( 1 - 50 )
Documents found: 59
Search criteria Search scope:
Stage code: 60.60 Current stage only
Date stage reached: Last year
Committee: TC 22
Road vehicles -- Multi-core connecting cables -- Part 1: Test methods and requirements
for basic performance sheathed cables (available in English only)
Road vehicles -- Elastomeric boots for cylinders for drum type hydraulic brake wheel
cylinders using a non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid (Service temperature 120
degrees C max.)
Road vehicles -- Elastomeric boots for drum-type, hydraulic brake wheel cylinders using a
non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid (service temperature 100 degrees C max.)
Internal combustion engines -- Spin-on filters for lubricating oil -- Dimensions (available
in English only)
Road vehicles -- Sheath-type glow-plugs with conical seating and their cylinder head
housing -- Part 4: M8 x 1 glow-plugs
Road vehicles -- Hydraulic braking systems, including those with electronic control
functions, for motor vehicles -- Test procedures (available in English only) 13.01.2006
Search Result ( 1 - 50 ) Seite 2 von 4
Road vehicles -- Unscreened high-voltage ignition cable assemblies -- Test methods and
general requirements (available in English only)
Road vehicles -- Vehicle test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband
radiated electromagnetic energy -- Part 1: General principles and terminology
Road vehicles -- Vehicle test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband
radiated electromagnetic energy -- Part 2: Off-vehicle radiation sources
Road vehicles -- Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband
radiated electromagnetic energy -- Part 1: General principles and terminology
Road vehicles -- Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband
radiated electromagnetic energy -- Part 4: Bulk current injection (BCI)
Motorcycles -- Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash
protective devices fitted to motorcycles -- Part 1: Definitions, symbols and general
considerations (available in English only)
Motorcycles -- Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash
protective devices fitted to motorcycles -- Part 2: Definition of impact conditions in 13.01.2006
Search Result ( 1 - 50 ) Seite 3 von 4
Motorcycles -- Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash
protective devices fitted to motorcycles -- Part 3: Motorcyclist anthropometric impact
dummy (available in English only)
Motorcycles -- Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash
protective devices fitted to motorcycles -- Part 4: Variables to be measured,
instrumentation and measurement procedures (available in English only)
Motorcycles -- Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash
protective devices fitted to motorcycles -- Part 5: Injury indices and risk/benefit analysis
(available in English only)
Motorcycles -- Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash
protective devices fitted to motorcycles -- Part 6: Full-scale impact-test procedures
(available in English only)
Motorcycles -- Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash
protective devices fitted to motorcycles -- Part 7: Standardized procedures for performing
computer simulations of motorcycle impact tests (available in English only)
Motorcycles -- Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash
protective devices fitted to motorcycles -- Part 8: Documentation and reports (available in
English only)
Road vehicles -- Wheels and rims -- Use, general maintenance and safety requirements
and out-of-service conditions
Road vehicles -- Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-
related diagnostics -- Part 4: External test equipment (available in English only)
Road vehicles -- Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-
related diagnostics -- Part 6: Diagnostic trouble code definitions (available in English only)
Road vehicles -- Wheels -- Nut seat strength tests (available in English only)
Road vehicles -- Design and performance specifications for the WorldSID 50th percentile
male side-impact dummy -- Part 1: Terminology and rationale (available in English only)
Road vehicles -- Design and performance specifications for the WorldSID 50th percentile
male side-impact dummy -- Part 2: Mechanical subsystems (available in English only) 13.01.2006
Search Result ( 1 - 50 ) Seite 4 von 4
Road vehicles -- Design and performance specifications for the WorldSID 50th percentile
male side-impact dummy -- Part 3: Electronic subsystems (available in English only)
Road vehicles -- Design and performance specifications for the WorldSID 50th percentile
male side impact dummy -- Part 4: User's manual (available in English only)
Road vehicles -- Ergonomic requirements for the driver's workplace in line-service buses -
- Part 1: General description, basic requirements (available in English only)
Road vehicles -- Ergonomic requirements for the driver's workplace in line-service buses -
- Part 2: Visibility (available in English only)
Road vehicles -- Ergonomic requirements for the driver's workplace in line-service buses -
- Part 3: Information devices and controls (available in English only)
Road vehicles -- Ergonomic requirements for the driver's workplace in line-service buses -
- Part 4: Cabin environment (available in English only)
Road vehicles -- M12 x 1,25 spark-plugs with flat seating and 14 mm hexagon and their
cylinder head housing (available in English only)
1|2 13.01.2006
Search Result ( 51 - 61 ) Seite 1 von 2
Search Result ( 51 - 61 )
Documents found: 61
Search criteria Search scope:
Stage code: 60.60
Date stage reached: Last year
Committee: TC 22
Road vehicles -- Open interface for embedded automotive applications -- Part 1: General
structure and terms, definitions and abbreviated terms (available in English only)
Road vehicles -- Sled test procedure for evaluating occupant head and neck interactions
with seat/head restraint designs in low-speed rear-end impact
Diesel engines -- NOx reduction agent AUS 32 -- Part 1: Quality requirements (available
in English only)
Diesel engines -- NOx reduction agent AUS 32 -- Part 2: Test methods (available in
English only) 13.01.2006
Search Result ( 51 - 61 ) Seite 2 von 2
Road vehicles -- M12 x 1,25 spark-plugs with flat seating and 14 mm bi-hexagon and
their cylinder head housing (available in English only)
1|2 13.01.2006