Clinical Teaching 2
Clinical Teaching 2
Clinical Teaching 2
The teaching of nursing students in the hospital or c) Accessibility or safety of the sites
clinical setting is designed to provide them with the d) Drawing up a contact between the school and the
opportunities to have actual contact and interaction with agency.
the patients or clients and to apply what they have learned
in the classroom, community and nursing skills laboratory
with its stimulated environment to real life settings. Final preparation for the clinical instruction which involves
the following:
1. Student Orientation
2. Student Assessment
3. Daily Activities
1. The clinical setting offers the students the opportunity
to apply what they have learned in the classroom. a. Making the student assignments
Individual assignments - one student is assigned to
2. Skills learned in the nursing arts laboratory are one or more patient.
perfected in the clinical area. Dual assignments - a student is assigned to one or
more clients along with another student or staff
3. The skills of observation, problem solving and decision member.
- making are refined and honed in clinical settings. Alternative assignment - in the hospital setting, the
student is assigned as a “helper” who works with
4. The student is aided by the clinical instructor on how to several other students in their individual
organize all the data that they are able to compile, as well assignments with patient.
Preceptorship - usually involves graduating
as the intellectual and psychomotor skills they must
students and new graduates who are having
perform. clinical or functional specialty.
b. Posting these assignments in a predetermined
5. Cultural competence, which is the ability to interact location for staff and students.
meaningfully, properly, comfortably and effectively with c. Helping students to learn
culturally diverse patients.
6. Student nurses learn the skills of socialization, which SESSION
behaviors and values are acceptable and accountability
for one’s actions is demanded and expected. 1. Preconferences – preparation for clinical experience
III. PREPARATION FOR CLINICAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Formative evaluation - ongoing feedback given to
the learner during the learning experience.
a) Choosing clinical and community sites which allows
Examples: Post conference, anecdotal notes or
maximum learning experience and accessibility to
clinical progress notes.
patient’s charts or records for preclinical planning
2. Summative evaluation - given at the end of the
learning experience. Graded evaluation which will
determine whether the learner can move up to the
next level of experience.
6. Professional behavior
Discharge planning prepares the client to move from one
level of care to another within or outside the current
healthcare facility. It is planning the continuity of care to
ensure that the patient and the family’s needs are
consistently met as the patient is transferred from the
acute care setting to home care.