Edpb 506 Intergrated Unit Project Rubric
Edpb 506 Intergrated Unit Project Rubric
Edpb 506 Intergrated Unit Project Rubric
Mathematical No examples present At least 1 example of At least 1 clear More than 1 clear
Connection of how fractions are how fractions are example of how example of how
connected to a real connected to the real fractions are fractions are
life application are life application are connected to the real connected to the real
present but not present but not life application. life application.
explained or explained or
connected clearly. connected clearly.
Mathematical No attempt was made Attempts were made Used one of either Used more than 1 of
Support to use either addition, to use either addition, addition, subtraction, either addition,
subtraction, subtraction, multiplication,division subtraction,
multiplication,division multiplication,division or order of multiplication,division
or order of operations or order of operations operations in your or order of operations
but is used but is used example correctly; in your example
incorrectly; did not incorrectly; attempted clearly showed the correctly; clearly
attempt to show the to show the work of work to one math showed the work to
work of one math one math problem problem; math was solve more than one
problem; did not but was done solved correctly. math problem; math
attempt to solve a incorrectly; was was solved correctly.
math problem at all. solved incorrectly.