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SPARC - Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation Risk Tool

for estimating risk of stroke and benefits & risks of antithrombotic therapy in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation

Developed by Peter Loewen, ACPR, Pharm.D., FCSHP [email protected]

(mailto:[email protected])
version 9, May 2019
DISCLAIMER: this tool may be used unaltered for learning purposes and the author assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any
decisions or harms to anyone resulting from its use. The author makes no representations, conditions or warranties, either express or
implied, regarding this tool.

Date: Tuesday, March 03, 2020 0

In your patient with atrial fibrillation, which of the following stroke or bleeding risk factors are present?

Stroke Risk (CHA2DS2-VASc)  Reset 00

Age <65 65-74 75+ 0 0

TIA or stroke CHF/LV dysfunction

(at any time in the past) (diagnosed at any time in the past)
Prior MI, peripheral artery disease, or Hypertension
aortic plaque (controlled or uncontrolled)
Diabetes Type I or II
Female 0
(controlled or uncontrolled)
CHA2DS2-VASc SCORE (0-9): 0
Major Bleeding Risk (HAS-BLED)
Abnormal renal function History of labile INR
(dialysis, SCr>200 mcmol/L, or transplant) (time in therapeutic range <60%) 00
Hypertension Current use of alcohol
(SBP>160mmHg) (>8 drinks per week) 00
Abnormal liver function
Currently taking antiplatelet drug or NSAID
(cirrhosis or liver enzymes >3x ULN) 00
History of major bleeding
(any cause) 0

Which therapy options to HIDE?

Aspirin Dabigatran

Aspirin+Clopidogrel Rivaroxaban Hide stroke/bleed chart

Warfarin Apixaban Hide net clin benefit chart



annual risk of major bleeding (intracranial
annual risk of bleeding, bleeding requiring hospitalization,
stroke/embolism HgB decrease of > 20 g/L, or need for
Net clinical benefit transfusion secondary to bleeding)

N/A NO THERAPY 0.7% 0.3%

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